The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 20, 1900, Image 7

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in.. BOYI3. pT' i H1, 1 ,1 i T^yTpTTTTri jT|T 11,1 j ■ 1 1 j I i ^pTTTTT ! T^-rn T ^^~'T r ) OVER XJBlvIFSE'Sr’S STORE. EPWORTH LEAGUE. The Epwurth League held lls reg ular semi annual election of officers Friday evening, electing a good corps, ns follows:— President— L. G. Smith. 1st Vice Pres.—Miss Lenora Mel- son. 2nd Vice Pres.—Miss Fannie Lou Monro, 3d Vice Pres.—Miss Delia Russell. Secretary—M. J. Williams. Treasurer—E. W. Collins. Caledonia Lodge, No. 121, F. & A. M., will enjoy an oyster supper to* morrow evening, to which all Ma» sons in good and regular standing are cordially invited. The banquet will follow the annual election of officers. The lodge has prospered greatly the past two years with Mr. J..W. Judkins as Worshipful Master, and is a large, growing and influen tial organization. Now is the time when croup nntl lung troubles prove rapidly fntnl. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate results is One Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds, and all lung dis eases. It will prevent consumption. E. Bradford. THE LEGISLATURE ADJOURNED, The Georgia Legislature ad journed last Sunday morning about 5 o’clock, after a session of stormy scenes just at its close. The wrangle over the bill to erect a depot on the terminal of the state road in Atlanta, caused by a little handful of obstruc tionists, cahie near precipitating an extra session on. account of their determination to block any and all legislation, or have their way about things. A little coterie of about thirty members in the House prevented an overwhelm ing majority of about 126 from voting on the proposition to im prove the state’s property and stop its deterioration in value. A committee, however, was ap pointed at. the last moment to confer with the state road lessees before the next session of the Legislature. This General Assembly has gone on record as opposed to so much legislation, and will bo conspicuous for the number of bills it killed rather than what it In a drug store it isn’t always well for tko sliop-liftcr to tnko something for his health. In sluggish liver, Uerbine, by Its beneflbial action upon the biliary tracts, renders the bfle more fluid, and brings the liver into a sound, healthy condition, thereby banishing the sense of drowsiness, lothnrgy, and the gen eral fooling of apathy which arise from disorders of the liver. Price 60 cents. T. F. Burbank. Somo pcoplo aro known by tho com pany thoy koop, and others by tho poo- plo thoy shake. Jhe Cure that Cures Coughs, 1 Colds, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronohltls and Inclplont Consumption, 13 olio's TtaGERMAN REMEDY ' Cutesftwa* «A Wa ', VSoUVtjAV Attests. 258^50cts/ There wore 401 bills introduced in the House and 168 in the Sen ate. About half of these passed, and fully 00 per ceiit. of them were local bills. Of the bills which are held over until tlie next session" about half are also local bills. To size up the situation in a few words, the Legislature lias done little but pass local bills The absences nt this session on part of the members were very large, probably larger than over before. This fact kept the authors of many important measures from bringing up their bills. The important bills' defeated! wero the osteopathy hill, the dis pensary bill, the depot hill, the bill to elect ordinaries every two years, and the bill to hold bien nial sessions of the Legislature. Somo important bills which went over until the next session are file franchise bill, the bill to re quire all railroads of the state doing business in this state to be chartered under tho laws of the state, the Ellis bill, which author ized the holding of a constitu tional convention, the anti- barroom bill, by Mr. Wright, of Floyd, the hill by Mr. Mitchell, of Thomas, requiring uniform text books. . The most important bills passed were the tax bill, the appropria tion bill and the soldiers’ home bill. THE CHEROKEE CLUB WILL FORMALLY OPEN THEIR NEW PARLORS Next Thursday Evonliift—Annual Election of pillccrs. The elegant parlors of the Chero kee Club In tho new W. J. Harris building will bo formally oponed next Thursday evening, and the Club lias Issued Invitations to a largo number of friends to uttend. Tho Club members ami their families, of course, need no invitations, but all are expected to bo present. Tho occasion will be made thor oughly onjoyable, nnd the guests will bo glad of this opportunity to visit the elegant new apartments of the Club ns well us to onjoy its hos pitality. Tho following ladies have boen re quested to net ns Patronesses for tho occasion: Mrs. G. H. Wade, Mrs. E. B, Russell, Mrs.. W. C. Bunn, Mrs. J. K. Barton, Mrs. W. A. Chap man, Mrs. J. A. Liddell, Mrs. W. S. Coleman ami Mrs. C. Van Wood. Tho committee in charge of tho entertainment—Messrs. Win. Par ker, A. M. Lane nnd J. T. Wright— is sparing no pains to make it a sue cess, and it will be the chief social event of tho season. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The Club held its annual election of officers Monday evening, and will bo well served tho coming year by tho following excellent corps oi officials:— President—J. Wright Adamson Vice President—B. F. Sims. Secretary—A. M. Lane. Treasurer—J. T. Wright. Governing Committee—(with four liold-ovors)—E. Bradford, C. Van Wood, G. H. Wado nnd J. A. Wright. Tho Cherokee Club is in a very prosperous condition, and its mem bers nre justly proud of their elegant now home. While these parlors aro (or the pleasure and convenience of the individual members, the Chero kee Club has never hesitated to open its rooms to the public for the rccep tlon nnd entertainment of distin guished guests—in fact, their rooms are the only ones in the city ade quate lor such a purpose. Its mom bershlp Includes many of our leading and most public-spirited citizens and Cedartown can congratulate her self that she has such an excellent institution in so nourishing condi tion. E. Bradford guarantees ovory bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund tho monoy to anyone who iB not satisfied aftor using two-thirds of tho contents. ThiB is tho best romody in tlio world for la grippo, coughs, colds, oroup and whooping' cough, and is pleasant and safe to take. It pre vents any tendonoy of a cold to result in pneumonia. A wiso wife inoroases her hold on bor husband by holding her tongue occa sionally. _ There are few ailments so unooin- fortuble ns piles, blit they can easily be oared by using Tabler’e Buckeye Pile Ointment. Boiler follows Its use, and any one suffering from piles can not nflurdto neglect to give It a trial. Price, 60c in bdttles, tubes 75c. T. F. Burbank. In order to live long it is neocssary to live slowly. . Don’t use any of the counterfeits of DeVitt’s Witch Hazel Halve. Most,of them nre worthless or liable to cause injury. The original DeWItt’s Witch Hazel salve is a certain cure for plies, eczema, cuts, Bcnlds, burns, sores nnd skin diseases. E. Bradford. Ten Dimes Make One Dollar! SAVE THE DIMES That you are going to spend for.candy, fire-crackers or some other worth less trash, and go to McDonald furniture COMPANY. l^ou will be surprised to find how EASY it is to pay for a good Bedstead, a nice Center Table and a splendid Bureau. Just a FEW DIMES saved a Few Weeks will furnish your room handsomely. ‘ ' ~TT WILL PAY all housekeepers to call and examine our fine CHRISTMAS DISPLAY of Extension and Center Tables, Sideboards, Chiffoniers, Dining 0 Rocking Chairs, Folding Lounges, and all House-Furnishing Goods. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! CEDARTOWN, GA., Dec. 20th, 1900. ’JPlioiie 113, W. A. WEBB, Manufacturer of Harness, Cedartown, Ga. Gentlemen, Harness is a thing of importance. It it a mere chance between life and death to use old, rotten harness, and you can’t afford to throw your money away on them. I make my own Harness right here in my shop and sell them direct to tho consumer, thereby saving him 20 per cent on bii purchase. My goods are made from good, leather, and are well put up. I have harness in use that has been used nearly two years, and there is not a break or rip about them. I also make a very ^iimjlliiMFINE HARNESS TO ORDt3R.«illl|llii'“' Come and see me, and I will show you how I can save you money. HARNESS. Buggy Harness, Wrgon Hfit ness of all styles, made here in my shop from good leather and well built, ranging in price from $8, $10 and $12 up. Bargains at price offered. Don’t fail to see them. BRIDLES. Buggy Bridles, Team Bridles and Riding Bridles of all size 8 and styles. Good Bridle from 76c up according to kind wanted. I have good Bargains in them, and they surely please you. Horse Collars pjllliiiia and Pads. ■ I sell the famous Gee Haw Col lars. They are made from heavy duck stuffed with fine lint cotton. The best plow collar made. See them. Only 76c., any size. Harness Oil, Axle Oil, Axle Grease, Whips and Har ness Parts. I have a fine line of Harness Oil—I MEAN Harness Oil—at 80c to $1.60 per gallon. Also, pure Neats’ Foot Gil. I have a large trade in the city. Harness Repairing. My shop is fitted up especially for neat and prompt Harness Re pairing. If your harness needs repairing, send them to WEBB’S HARNESS SHOP, and have them put in first-class shape. It won’t cost much. You will'also find all kinds of Harness Parts for sale at my shop: Lines, cotton and leather, Hold-back Straps, Breeching, Backhand, Hames, and most any - thing else if you will call for it. W. .A.. WEBB. W.A.WEBB. 1 w. -A. WEBB. Mr. Will Kerr and Ml«s Lula Phillips, two of Collard Valley’s most 'estimable young people, were united’ in marriage last Thursday morning at the home of the bride’s mother. Mis Jere Phillips. The ceremony was performed by- Rev. T R. McCarty,ami the happy couple left at once (or in Rome. The Cedar Valley Farmers’ Club will hold Its regular monthly meet ing at the home of Mr D. A Whitehead in Coltard Valley on Saturday, Jan. 5th. Tlijs first meet ing of the Club In the new year and century will no doubt prove nn in teresting anil pleasant one to the members. g Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Nunn, who have been spending a few days w ith the former’s parents In this city, re turned to Dallas this morning where Mr. Nunn is pa-toi of the MethodlBt church. " The recent olootion in Browning’s district resulted in a tio for Justloe of the Peaoo botwoen Messrs. J. W. Kim ball and H. H. Tibbitts.and a now elec tion will bo held soon for that office. The bailiffs elooted wero Messrs. J. M. Brantley and Noble Brown. No Right To Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and tempor will always have IriondB, but one who would bo attrao- tivo must kcop her health. If she is weak, siokiy and run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will oauso pimples, hlotohes, skin ernptions and a wretched complex ion. Eleotrio Bitters is tho best raedi- oine in the world to regulate stomaob, liver and kidnoys and to purify tho blood. It gives strong nerveB, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rioh com plexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 60 oonts at E. Bradford’s Drag Store. Mr. J. S Collins, the popular Cedar town merohant, was in the olty Sunday. —Bookmart Slato. How’s This I We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Reward for uny _nse of Cntarrli that cannot be cured by Hall’s Cntnnh C- re. , P. J. Cheney & Co. props., Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last isycnrs, and believe him perfectly honorable in nil business tram,: ctions and fin- nnctally nftle to carry out any obligation mode by their firm. NVest&Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O., Waldino. & Kinnan tk Marvin, Wholesale Druggists Toledo. O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 7$c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Changing one’s mind is often a very olever triok. For broken limbs, chilblains,burns, scalds, bruised shins, sore throat, mid sores of every kind, apply Ballard’s Snow Liniment. It will give Immp diate relief and heal any wound, Price 25c and 50c. T, F. Burbank. Fussy—“How is it you oouldn’t koop tho seorot I told you?” Mrs. Fussy— “Why couldn’t you keop it youself?” Tim Best Planter. A pieoo of fiannol cUrapohed with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to tho nffeotod parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame biiok or pains in tho side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to bo moro than pleased with tho prompt relief wbioh it affords. Pain Balm also onros rheumatism, One application gives reliof. For Bale by E. Bradford, drug gist. ^ , Mrs. Wildway (vivaoiously)—“Tho late Mrs. Mellow was oremated, you know." Mrs. Staro (absont-mindedly) -"Obi nil, yes; what did she wear?” When you need n soothing, nnd heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve, n well known cure for piles nnd skin disenses. It heals sores without leaving n scar. Beware of counterfeits. E. Bradford. Teaohor—“And why Bhould wo en deavor ’to rise by our own efforts?" Johnnie Wise—” ’Cause thero’s no tollin' whon the alarm olook will go wrong.” Help is needed at once when a per son’s life Is In danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious lind should be stopped nt once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs anil oolds nnd the worst cases of oroup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and lung troubles. E. Bradford. Mistress—"Yon say you aro well ro- c immonded?” Maid—“Indeed, ma'am; I have thirty-nine exoellent references." Mistress—“And you have been in domestio service?" Maid—“Two years, ma’am.” Sho—"What is it you like so muob about football?" Ho—“Ob, tlio vigor ous oxoroiso and tlio fight for viotory.’e Sho—“Non'seneo; yon liko tho way wo girls praise you when it is all ovor.” Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. DeBuII’s iCOUGH SYRUP/ cures Hacking Conglis, Boro Lungs, Bronchitis, , Grippo, Pnoumonia and all Bovoro lung affections. Why then risk consump tion, a slow, euro death ? Tako warning! Act nt oncol Buy a bottlo of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup, a doctor’s prescription, used over 50 yoars. Price, only 25 conts. Insist on having it. Don’t bo Im posed upon. Rofuso tho dealor’s substitute; it is not as good as Dr. BuII’b. Salvation Oil cures Rheumatism Aches nnd Pains. ISAZScts. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when tlio kid neys aro out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the;passage, .It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and tho first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold by, druggists. In flfty- cent and one dollars cent and sizes. You may have a | sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet tell- Homo of swunp-noo*. Ing all about It, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. I WANT to make, for you, a dozen FINE PHOTOORAPHS. Yoqr orders for excellent Cray on Portraits, size, 10x20 inches $1.30. (These are the kind the agents sell at $1.08.) I Make Frames, All Sizes and Price. Barber, Photographer. mm i