The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, August 22, 1901, Image 5

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Men’s Summer Outfits -A.T Money-Saving Prices, Negligee Shirts, Shirt Waists, Underwear, Straw Hats, Neckwear, Flannel Suits, Fancy Hosiery. “^^^We will fix you up to KEEP COnFORTABLE during these blis tering days! W. K. HOLMES, Clothier and Furnisher. SALE OF REALTY* UNDER POWER OF ATTORNEY. Georgia, Polk County. By virtue of authority given the nn* dersigned in a certain deed signed and delivered by J. B. Roberts, dated the 14th day of Jan., 1901, and recorded in the Clerk’s office of Polk county, Ga., in book “D” of mortgages, folio 382,on the 16th day of Feb. 1901, there will be sold before the Court House door in Cedartown, Ga., between the usual hours of sale governing Sheriff's office, * to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in Sept., 1901. the follow ing described property to-wit:—An un divided one-eighth (A) interest in and to the livery stable and lot on east side Main street in Cedartown, Ga., now used as a livery stable. Said lot fronts 60 feet, more or less, on Main street and runs back 180 feet, more or less, and formerly known as the II. T. Harri son Livery Stable property. Also, that tract or parcel of laud lying in East- view, Cedartown, Ga., and described as beginning at the intersection of Turner avenue and Davenport street, running south along Turner uvenue 150 feet, thence east 165 feet, thence north 150 feet, thence west 165 feet along Daven port street to point of beginning. Said lotfionts west on Turuer avenue 150 . feet and fronts north on Davenport rf street 165 feet; together with the im provements thereon. Said sale will be conducted by the undersigned and deed # will be executed in the name of J. R. f Roberts and possession will be given as provided in the above described con veyance and authority vested in the undersigned. 1 he proceeds of salo to be applied, 1st, To the payment of a note which is past due and unpaid and which said deed was given to secure. The balance, if any, after the payment of expenses of this sale, to be paid over to J. R. Roberts. ThiB the 6th day of August, 1901. Thomas M. Hiohtoweii. ^ Application fop Discharge From * Guard iun ship. L. Hines. This is there- Gkokgia roi.K Cor Mrs. \. L. Hines, lias applied to me guardianship of W. fore to notify all pei objections, if any they have, oil or before the lirst Monday in October next, else she will he discharged from her guardianship as applied for. This July 1.1901 A. P. Hooo, Ordinary. 7-4 3tuos Application for Dismission. Geoiu i t This is therefore to cite all pc kindred and creditors, to allow cause, ir tliev can. whv said Administrator should noi discharged from his administration, and Application for I’e the estate of C. W. Harris, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of C. \V. Harris to he and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should nyt begrant- \ ed to H. E. Voting and J. I. Harris on C. W. Harris’ estate. Witnsss my hand and official signaturi Btb day of August, 1901. THE CEDARTOWN STANDARD TIIBMT, ABfiOST 12. 1101. tills . I>. Hooo, Orinary. - ''Vs “NAME ON EVERY PIECE.” LOWNEY’S Chocolate Bonbons. you SALE BY J-. O. CRABB. The STANDARD'S Clubbing List will s tnoney on any paper or magazine you w New goods a t the Art Store. Miss Eva Reitzei visited at Tay lorsville Sunday. Mies Ellen Tate visited relatives in Rome over Sunday. Mr. Jas. A. Dodds is spending the week at Lithia Springs. Miss Ella West is visiting relatives in Rockmart this week. Col. W. W. Mundy returned Fri day from a visit in Dallas. Mr. Joe I.. Whitesides, of Stiles- boro, was in the city Tuesday. Cedartown buggies, made at home. Come to see them. M. H. Cotton. - Miss Lizzie Blythe is spending the week with friends at Rockmart. Mrs. L. 1). Felton, ot Rome, is vis iting the family ol Mrs.R.A.Adams. Miss MalHne Bradford returned Tuesday from a visit in Cave Spring. Born, last Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rudisill at Lime Branch, a girl. Miss Della Harris is the guest of her friend, Miss Belle Nash, in At lanta. Rev. G. W. Groce left Monday for a few days sojourn at Wheeler’s Spring. Mrs. U. T. Sewell returned Satur day from a week’s sojourn at Lithia Spiings. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Fearing, of Tecumsuh, Ala., were in the city Saturday. Miss Blanche Smilli, of Powder Springs, is visitiug Mrs. J.C. DuBose and Miss Ola Wright. Mason’s fruit jars arc the best. You can get them for only* 95 cents a dozen at DuBose A Williams. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Lockhart, of Athens, are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Arabella Lockhart. Col. W. W. Mundy and Mr. W.N Wood spent the first of the week at Edwardsvi!le,Ala.,on legal business. For all kinds of monuments, gravestones and marble fixtures, call on D. A. Hubbard, Cedartown. Mrs. Emmie Ballew, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.J. A. Wynn, returned home to Atlanta last Saturday. Rings for gentlemen, rings for la dies, rings for children, over three hundred in stock; sure to please you. J. L. Turner, Jeweler. Miss Gussie Houseal, of Cedar town, one of the most popular young ladies of North Georgia, is visitiDg Miss Ruby Camp.—Atlanta Journal. Mrs. J. K. Chapman and little daughter, Sophie, arrived home Sat urday from an extended visit among relatives at Opelika and Oak Bowery, Ala. Lost—A brass-tipped night-latch key, Sunday, on Wissahickon avenue, Rockmart orPhilpot streets. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. Mr. E. Bradford arrived home Monday evening from a month’s stay at Mt. Airy,and it is gratifying to his many friends to know thut his health is much improved. Messrs. W. K. Fielder, W. G. England, J. E. Good.T. F. Burbank, J. T. Gibson and E. B. Russell at tended the funeral of Col. W. N. Strange at Rockmart last Monday. A CASE IN POINT. The Volunteers are coming to the front. We ure so thankful for gen erous friends. The world does get better. Since the last we are glad to report other contributions to West End Baptist church. M. B. Ware, $ 5,00. J. B. Lacy, 5.00. Ed Lowry, Shingles 10.00. T. M. Hightower, 5.00. Mrs. Lindsey, 6 00. Miss Portia Bunn 10.00. W. T. Gibson 10 00. Ladles’ Aid society 10.00. EXPENDED. For Brick $ 11.25. Nalls 8.10. Carpentry oT.ilO, Lumber 184.25. It is raining in our church. We need shingles and flooring. Friends, do help us. C. K. Henderson. DUTIES OF FIREMEN. Capt.L.H. Smith,of Fire Company No. 1, has made assignments to all positions ot the members of his com pany as follows:—J. K. Davis and W. W. Turner, 1st Nozzlemen; W. H. Trawick and M. J. Williams,2nd Nozzlemen; Ralph Akers and J. H. 8tewart,0d Nozzlemen;W.L.Knight, 1st Plugman; J. H. Sanders, 2nd Plugman; F. W. Wood, 1st Butman; J. C. Walker, Hoseman; H. W. Branch, Driver until we reach the Are then the Secretary will take charge of horse aDd wagon and take care of same; C. R. Pittman, 2nd Driver. STREET TAX NOTICE. The second half of street tax for 1001 is now due, and must be paid in cash or work at once. J. M. Jolly, Marshal. Mr. Luke McDonald, of Rome, spent Sunday night in the city. Mr. I ,ee M.Hansford,of Americus, has been in the city the past'week. Born, Sunday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Mack Parris of Collnrd Valley, a girl. Miss May Williamson, ot Hock- mart, is the guest of Mrs. R. N. Spinks. Misses-Luey and Kate Owens, of Thomaston, are the guests of their brother, Mr. It. T. Owen. Mrs. R. A. Adams spent last week in Rome, the guest of her sister-in- law, Mts. W. E. Whitehead. Place your accounts for collection with W. F. Freeman’s Collecting Agency. Office with W. F. Turner. Dr. C. C. Green, who has been the guest for some time of Mr. Geo. H. Wade, returned Monday to Atlanta. Ladies, you can get the Mason fruil jar—the best made—for only 95 cents a dozen (quart size) at DuBose & Williams. l)r. Steve Harris, a clever young Carrollton gentleman well known here, was united in marriage last Thursday with Miss Caroline Hay- good, of Atlanta. Just received some very pretty pieces in sterling silver, such ns spoons, ladles, forks, etc. Don’t fail to see them. J. 1, Turner, Jeweler. Mr. Win.Simpson,of this place,and Miss Samantha Wood, of Haralson county, were united in marriage Sunday by ’Squire J. li. Jones at his li ane at Lime Branch. Mrs. Frank Bunn, one of I he social favorites of Cedartown, who lias been spending the summer at Mt. Airy, is now the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Henry S. Wright. — Atlanta Journal, 17th. — Mr. Walter Butler returned Satur day from his six-weeks trip tliri util the West. He attended the great International Epworth League con vention in San Francisco, and visited many other western cities. Col. W. C. Bunn and Mr. W. J. Harris arrived home (lie first of the week from a*most enjoyable outing. They visited Prince Edwards Island, Nova Scotia, and were the recipients of many pleasant social attentions from our Government representa tives in the dominions of King Edward. They also visited New York, Philadephia, and the Pan- American Exposition at ' Buffalo, having a royal good time throughout their trip. The City School Board last Mon day filled the vacancy in the corps of teachers, caused by the resignation of Miss Lenora Melson, by the elec tion of Mr. I. S. Hopkins, Jr. This talented young gentleman is a son of Rev. I. S. Hopkins, D. I)., now of St. Louis, a noted divine Hnd educa tor, and is an “honor” graduate of Emory College at Oxlord. He is now teaching in the summer school at that institution, and his success is in keeping with the promise of his work in college. Proi. Hopkins will be a most desirable addition to the excellent teaching force of our city public schools. mmmmmmwmmmmwmmwmmmmmwmwwmwm Selling Out Summer Goods SO CHEAP That you would not want to buy them cheaper. ^ -A.1I our Summer Goods must be sold before the end ot the sea son, and to accomplish this we will sell them at considerably X-iess 1Ixstn. Cost! BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE BARGAINS: SLIPPERS. Trouville Ohollies, worth 5c., at 24c Golden Rod Lawns, worth 5c., at. . . ,21c Muslins, worth 10c., at 5c London Lappets, worth 124c., at 5c Foulards worth 15c., at 10c Foulards worth 25c., at 124c All (except Queen Quality) at Cost. One lot Ladies’ Slippers, worth up to $2.50, at 50c Big lot Children’s Slippers, all sizes, at 25c to 50c STRAW HATS. All 50-cent one at 25c All 75-eent ones at 510c All $1 ones at.. . 5()c All $1.50 ones at $1.00 1. milli: > raimuiuii) ALL AT AND BELOW FIRST COST! Bring the Cash and Get a Bargain. SCHEUER’S. DID YOU KNOW? | That COBB sells more Ladies and Children’s Fine Shoes than any % other house in the city! That COBB sells more Fine Shoes $ for Men and Boys than any other house in the city ! WHY? Because he has the exclusive agency for ZEIGLER’S For Ladies and Children, ==and== n W. L. DOUGLAS For Men and Boys. TRY THEM. We have our new Fall and Winter lines in now. -*A. C. COBB’S.#-