The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, August 22, 1901, Image 7

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Every woman loves to think of the time when a soft little bodv. ail her own, will nestle in her bosom, fully satisfying the yearning which lies in the heart of every good woman. But yet there is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture in her mind which fills her with terror. The dread of childbirth takes away much of the Joy of motherhood. And yet it need not be so. For sometime there has been upon the market, well-known and recommended by physicians, a liniment called Momer’s mend which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature intended it. It Is a strengthening, penetrating liniment, which the skin readily absorbs. It gives the muscles elasticity and vigor, prevents sore breasts, morning sick ness and the loss of the girlish figure. An intelligent mother in Butler, Pa., says: “ Were I to need Mother’s Friend again. I would obtain 0 bottle* it I had to pay $5 per bottle for it.” Get Mother’s Friend at the drug •tore. 91 per bottle. THE BfUDflELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Write for ovr free Uhiitratctl book, '* Before Baby is Horn.” I WANT to make, for you, a dozen FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. AND I WANT Your orders for excellent Cray on Portraits,size, 16x20 inches at $1.30. (These are the kind the agent sell at $1.98.) I Make Frames, All Sizes and Price. Barber, Photographer. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. carries Pullman Sleeping Cur Chatta nooga to Macon. No. 14 1h solid Vcstlhulod train Chattanooga to Jacksonville carrying Baggage Car. Day Coaches and elegant Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car. through without change; also Sleeper Atlanta to Brunswick. No. 16 carries Pullman Sloeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. STATION*. |»Wft B *.'»••. n *N. Til ;»No. 7 5.30am 5 15 pm 7.55am 7.28am 7.25pm 10.20am 8.28nm| H.37jmi ll.Mnm Lv Atlanta... ll.oopm Ar Rome 2.08am Ar Dalton I 8.5mm Ar Chattanga..{ 5 45am Lv Chattanga.. 1 5 50am Ar Burgin 1.48pm Ar Lexington 2.40pm Ar Louisville •.'.... .... Ar • •iiK-innuti 5.m i Ego Ar Nashville..,I■ 7.50pm! 7.80ptnj” 1.25pm | 1.1 1.25pm 1.15um I 1155pm! 0.4011111 No. 13 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati. No. ,15 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta j Cincinnati am' ' ‘ No. V carries J to Chattanooga STATIONS. fcv C’hattanooga.. Ar Knoxville l.41pm ll.45am 6.00pm 1. lopm . I 7.35p Ar Raleigh. ... Ar Norfolk.. Ar Wa hlngton Ar New York.. 5.50am Ild5am 12.43pm No. 12 curries Pullman Drawing Room Sleep ing car- Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville. ami Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond 0.U) a.m. also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk. No. 36 is solid train Chnttanooga to Salis bury. with Pullman Sleeplug Car Chattanooga Ar Morristown 2.36pm 3.15am Ar Bristol 5.45pm 7.u0am Ar Washington j 6.52a Ar New York I 'I2.43p Lv Rome 3.45pin ‘J. 20uin Ar Anniston I ! 7.40pm 1L35am Ar Birmingham lu.odpm utoopm Ar .—.:i 1.5onm 4.30pm Ar Vicksburg ■ i New Tno83 Pullman >iec‘p -r Birmingham to Mobile. . lAr < lAr Attalla- lv 6.20am tlly. +Daily excey GANNON. 3dv,p. A; o.m..Washington. D.C. . '1URK. A. P. T. M . Washington. D C. HARDWICK. G.P A., Washington. D. C BENSCOTER. A.o.P A..Chattanooga.Tena BILLUPS, T. P, A., Chattanooga. Teaa. Goins to Texas, Arkansas, Oklaho ma or Indian Territory ? The Iron Mountain Route via Mem phis is the direct #nd most comfortable way to go. Writetf^undersigned for maps, pamphlets, ioB^^etion, etc. “No trouble to answer X. wBehlander, T. P. i I* 80 * R’y. Chattanooga, Tenn. FISH SCALES, The i>eople of this community have ; no just complaint to make. The wheat and oat crops were good. We have as good a cotton crop as has been here for many years. The corn crop is also good. We have had plenty of rain through July and August, We have had good revival meetings. The Methodist peo ple ran a meeting the first week in Au gust, and closed Friday night. The Baptist began Saturday aud continued till the continuous rain of Thursday night and Friday prevented the people from attending. The ordinance of baptism will be attended at the Septem ber meeting. We trust that much good has been accomplished at both of the churches. Large congregations at tended each service, and there were several additions to the oburoh. The music was fine, and too much praise cannot be given to Miss Ida Matthews for her faithful service as organist at the Baptist church. Mrs. J. M. McKinney is spending some time in Haralson oounty. Miss Ora Simpson spent last week here, the guest of Miss Monta McKin ney. Mr. J. A. Dean has returned home after several days with friends here. Mrs. Lizzie Jaokson, of Piedmont, Ala., is visiting friends and relatives here. Rev. J. A. Atkins, of Cobb county, attended the Baptist meeting here last week. J. C. Atwood and family have been recent visitors among friends here. Mrs. James Akins and ohildren re turned to their home near Kymulga, Ala., last Friday, after spending soveral days here. Dr. Hillyer, of Atlanta, preached an eloquent sermon last Saturday at the Baptist churoh here. Rev. M. F. Waddell and family are attending this week at Union Hill church in Haralson county. W. F. Stringer,of the firm of Stringer Manufacturing Co., was off to tho Hill City Monday. Omikrox. Astounded the Editor. Editors. A. Brown,of Bennettaville, S. C., w as once immensely surprised. ’Through long suffering from Dyspep sia,” he writes, “my wife was greatly run down. She had no strength or vigor and suffered great distress from her stomach, but she tried Electric- Bitters which helped her at once, and after using four bottles, she is entirely well, can eat anything. It’s a grand tonic, anil its gentle laxative qualities are splendid for torpid liver.” For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stom ach anch Liver troubles it’s a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50o at E.Brad ford. ^ Host-r-“Bo sorry you have to bo go ing.” Quest—-“Indeed, I am, too. By the way, Pm not sure about my train. It’s uino-somothing, but-r—” Host’s Eldest— “It’s 9.82. Pa said ho hoped you’d take that one.” Plump cheeks Hushed with the soft glow of health, and a pure complexion make all women beautiful, llerbine imparts strength and vitality to the system, and the rosy hue of henlth to the cheeks. Price 50 cents. Russell Drug Co. “Harriet, let’s give each other a dime every time we grumble about the heat.” “No, Harry; you give me a dime every time you say you never grumble about tho heat.” 1*. T. Thomas, Summerville, Ain.: “l was suffering from dyspepsia when I commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia (’ure. I took several bottles and can digest anything.” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation contain ing all the natural digestive lluids. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, re storing their natural condition. E. Bradford. “Bliggius is one of those people who think they know it all.” “Nevermind,” answered Mr. Sirius Barker. “Pride goes before a fall. He has a daughter who will soon be through school. He will sit and listen to her graduation essay and feel like an ignoramus.” Constipation,impaired digestion and a torpid liver, are the most common ailments that are responsible for that t ired, listless, fagged-out feeling that makes the summer a dreaded period to so many people. llerbine will cure constipation, it improves the digestion and arouses the liver to normal activ ity. Price o() cents. Russell Drug Co. “And did you find the Chinose a brave nation?” we asked of the re turned soldier. “Indeed,” he replied,! easting a sidelong glance at tho wagon- fnl of loot which was being unloaded, “they were foemen worthy of our steal.” “l)e»i Mixed Pills.” Wallace & Coleman, Solgohachie, Ark, write: In regard to Ramon’s Liver Pills we bought of you. will say that we have never yet handled a pill that gave better satisfaction. When our colored customers forget the name of what they want they call for “Dem Mixed Pills.” E. Bradford. DOES POLK WANT IT? Hon. J. B. Ayers, Polk’s clever Representative in the Georgia Legislature, lias received n letter from Mrs. J. Lindsey Johnson, president of the Georgia Federa tion of Women’s Clubs, which he hands The Standard for pub lication. We commend it to the attention of our readers, and would suggest that Polk make an effort to secure the Model School for this section. The letter is as follows:— Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 13, 1901. Dear Sir:—The FedefatioQ of Wo men’s Clubs in Georgia, answering the appeal of Mr. E. C. Branson, president of the State Normal Sohool, has decided to maintain a Model Sohool in one of the northern conties of Georgia. The county offering the best location, the best building and the most liberal support, will get the first of these sohools to be established. The county offering the next best inducement will get the second school, and so on until every oounty in the state has at least one Model School. The school oannot be opened until January, but responses and returns must be sent in at once, in order that arrangements oan be made for teaohers and supplies. Will you not show this letter and the paper sent to you to your Board mem bers, and in the meantime open up on tho subject in your county papers? We shall be glad to hear from you at once if yon decide to help on this noble undertaking. Yours truly, Mas. J. Lindsay Johnson, Pres. Ga. Federation Women’s Clubs. Flrat <o Wear a Gnlnahorniwlt. The great wheel shaped hat with plumes that during tho travels of the celebrated picture which has Just been recovered has been generally known ns a Gainsborough or a Duchess of Dev onshire was never associated In the Inst century either with the artist or the duchess. It was invented by Mile. Bertln, the celebrated niuntua maker to Marie Antoinette. The queen did not think It became her, but It took the fancy of the pretty and unfortunate Princess do Lnniballe, who mude the hat populnr, and It was known In Lon don and Paris as the Lnniballe. In The Ladles’ Magazine for 1785 there Is a description of tills hat. In which the author described it ns “wide brimmed and made of black velvet, surmounted with bunches of ostrich feathers. It Is much patronized by the Princess do Lamballc, tho Duchess do Polignao and Mine, de Vlgler Le brun.” Mine. Lebrun Is represented as wearing one of these lints in one of her most populnr portraits.—Pall Mall Ga zette. Comtilnlnu; Work. Mrs. Stanford, president of the Illi nois Federation of Women’s Clubs, in addressing a body of women said In reference to club work and the prepara tion of club papers: “Try working out the points for your manuscripts over your dishpans. Nice hot suds will fur nish a sweeter Inspiration than you can get from sitting at your front window or dreaming over your pianos. Dignify kitchen work by doing It yourself and teaching your daughters to do it. Study food as you study the Dutch masters or Italian art. I have a daughter in the high school. 1 shall take her out of school for a year aud send her to nn In stitution where she can learn cooking, dressmaking and millinery. Why shouldn’t a girl cut out her own shirt waist and trim her own hat? The rea son why,” continued Mrs. Stanford, "we find it difficult to retain girls In the kitchen Is because we do not place their work on the level It deserves.” CHEAP RATES TO ATLANTA VIA E. &. W. R. R. Tickets on sale Aag. 15, 16 and 17th, limited to Aug. 27; also on sale Sept. 1st and for morning train Sept. 2nd, limited to Sept. 3rd, at rate of one fare for round trip. Oooasious do not make a man; they only show what there is in him. For mosquito bites, bites or stings of insects, animals or reptiles, apply Ballard’s .Snow Liniment. It coun teracts the poison in the wound, sub dues the inflammation and heals the fiesh. Price 25 and 50 cents. Russell Drug Co. Little Boy—“Papa?" His Father— “Well, my son?” Little Boy—“Papa, what would yon do if some bad mau was to catnip me?” O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark.,says : I was troubled with constipation until 1 bought DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. Since then have been entirely cured of my old complaint. I recommend them. E. Bradford. “It seems strange that suoh an old man should be in love with me.” “Yes, doesn’t it? Usually they are after some young girl.” Being hated is often useful. Many a mau has failed in love, politios and busi ness because there was no one to abuse him at the right time. “Ah,” sighed the ambitious young poet, “I long to do some great service for American letters.” “Why not atop writing?” suggested Miss Kandor. The F. Hanson Supply Co,, SANITARY AND UP-TO-DATE PLUMBING,TINWORK gjj ROOFING OF ALL KINDS. Hot Air, Steam and Hot Water Heating. Estimates furnished on application. All work done under personal supervision of F. Hanson, and Guaranteed, 325 Broad St., 'Phone 32. ROME, GA. ECZEMA. That torturing and disfiguring disease has its cause in an impure condition of the blood. The Impure condition of the blood often arises from a diseased condi tion of the stomach and allied organs of digestion ana nutri tion. When diges tion is imperfect, the nutrition of the body is inadequate to its needs. The blood be comes thin, poisons accumulate in it, and these poisons often manifest themselves in some eruptive disease. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of di gestion and nutri tion. It eliminates poisonous substances from the blood,puri fying it and increas ing its quantity and richness. The M Dis covery ” cures per fectly disenses of the blood and other diseases which originate in a diseased condition of the stomach. The ” Discovery ” is absolutely a non alcoholic and non-narcotic medicine. There is nothing “just as good.” "For three years I have Buffered with that dreaded di-ease, eczema,” writes Mrs. J. Kocpp, * * to try Dr. hich I did, VANDIVER WHISKEY CO., JOHN M. VANDIVER. Mgr No. 18 Broad St. (BAHET'S OLO STABLE) ROME, GA. FINE WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, ETC. JUG ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. TE LIO PIT ON ENO.!J4. C. T. T777"arren, 319 Broad St., ROME, FINE LIQUORS and MOONSHINE CORN. 4 Bottles of Fine Rye for $2.40, Guaranteed to give Perfect Satisfaction and to be 12 Years Old. THE NEWS is what you want, and you get it in The Standard. HFor Fine Job Printing come to The Standard Office.^ of Herman. Pi ... "I Olden Medical Mm aud after I had tnk> permanently cured. It has beer stopped taking your told hottles I ul^itha* . I think yoi 1 hope others suffering as I did 1 be relieved of their suffering.’’ derful cure will tnke it Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are powerful aids to the cleansing of the clogged system. By all dealers iu medicine. “You said you were going to marry hu artist, and now you are engaged to a dentist.” “Well, isn’t he au artist? He draws from real life.” SHORTEST ROUTE and QUICKEST TIME Invite Me, Invito My Dour. Every fashionable woman has now a tiny toy dog, which she usually carries about everywhere with her under her arm. These small animals, says Lady Violet Grevlllo In London Graphic, have taken the place of the dwarfs, monkeys and spaniels of the fine Indies of past centuries. They cost n great deal of money and are generally very 111 tempered. One wonders what the In dies’ maids and footmen, whose busi ness It Is to look after these little dar lings when their owners cannot have them with them, think of the new croze. I know people who never visit In country houses where their dogs are not Invited. A FACT ABOUT THE “BLUES” What Is known as the “Blues’ Is seldom occasioned by actual exist ing external conditions, but in the great majority of cases by a disorder ed LIVER —. THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of Tutfs Pills They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE? ST. LOUIS AND THE WEST. PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. CHICAGO and the NORTHWEST. PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO CHICAGO ’ WITHOUT CHANGE. NEW TRAIN to LOUISVILLE and CINCINNATI PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI WITHOUT CHANGE. Cheap Rates to Arkansas and Texas ALL-RAIL ANT) STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW YORK AND THE EAST. TOURIST RATES TO ALL RESORTS. For Schedules, Rates, Maps or any Railroad information, call upon or write to I. W. THOMAS, Jr., H. F. SMITH, CHAS. E. HARMAN, General Manager, Traffic Manager, General Pass. Agent, Nashville, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Atlanta. 6« “Now, ma, you know I am anxious to make an impression on those New York people. Bring me the coal-oil can. I went to perfume my clothes.” “With coal oil! Mercy, child, what do you mean?” “Why, I want ’em to think we own an automobile.” For digestive weakness, nervous ness, pain in the side,flatulence, dizzi ness, wakefulness, headache and other annoying accompaniments of costive ness, llerbine is a prompt and un- equaied remedy. Price 50 cents. Rus sell Drug Co. TATI ON A PERFECT BLOOD PURIFIER.^ FOR SALU 1IY T. F. 1IUKHAN K.