The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, September 05, 1901, Image 3

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NEW STORE, DEV GOODS! ■OUR FALL STOCK OFni DRY GOODS and SHOES Is arriving daily, and will be complete in a few days. The prices will be lower than you have found in Cedartown, or will find elsewhere this Season. Come to see us. We will make it pay you. Watch this space and don’t forget to call when in town. m r v _ _. _ _ __ _ V. L. McCLUNEY. Collins & Son's old Stand, Main St. The END is NEAR! We are Closing Out All Summer Goods at KNOCK-OOT PRICES! Negligee Shirts!► ^Summer Underwear! >o NECKWEAR! « Straw Hats at Your Own Prices! We are receiving our New Fall Goods. Call and inspect them. LACY & CO J.L. TURNER, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler. I GARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, Spectacles, Etc. The very best selections from leading manufacturers, bought with the greatest pos sible care, and will be sold at prices that can not be duplicated when quality is considered Repairing a Specialty. ^ All work entrusted to me will have prompt and careful attention. Charges al ways reasonable. Come to see me. J. L. TURNER, J eweler. IN OLD POSTOFFICE BUILDING. Foundry Castings OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, MADE ONIA' FROM CHARCOAL IRON. Machine Work and Repairs OF ALL KINDS. LUMBER SURFACING, RIPPING, ETC. ALL WORK PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT REASONABLE RATES. ALABAMA & GEORGIA IRON GO., Cedartown, Gra. HO (Kit AM NA’H.y llockmart is well repreRented at court in Cedartown this week. The district meeting of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society at the Methodist church last week wuh au oc casion of considerable interest. Hock- mart cared for the delegates most hospitably. Mrs. Frank Jones visited relatives in Home last week. Piedmont Institute opened |Tuosday for the new school year, with a "ood attendance and bright prospects. Prof. Venable, the new president, bas made a most favorable impression hero. Mr. F. H. Pollock has resigned his position with the E. A: W. to accept one with the Southern Hail way at Dalton. Mr. Mack McGinnis has been spend ing several days in 8outh Georgia. Mr. Henley WhitehoAd, of Macon, has been spending a few days with home folks here. Miss Pearl Goodwin, who has been tbe guest for some time of her sister, Mrs. Marion Hundall, has returned to her home in Cartersville. Miss Beulah Connally was the guest last week of Miss Davitte, at Davitte’s station. Miss Gertrude Craton, of Byrd’s, has been spending a few days hero as the guest of Miss Ellie Barber. 'Fabler’s Buckeye File Ointment is not a panacea, but is recommended for blind, bleeding or protruding piles, and it will cure the most obstinate cases. Price 50 cents in bottle. Tubes, 75 cents. Russell Drug Co. Business and politics both give their best to hustlere. One way to make a slow horse fast is to stop his feed. A man must have some sense to know whether he has any or not. Selfishness is the father of misery and jealonsy is tbe mother-in-law. Tbe tombstone never says mean things about the man that’s down. When a business is run down it’s only natural that it should be wound up. Polk County Sheriff Sales lor October, 1901. State of Georgia, County of Polk. Will be Hold before the Court House door, in the city of Cedartown, Polk county, (la., within the legal hours of sale on tbe first Tuesday in Oct., 1901, to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described prooertv to-wit:—• A locomobile, in tbe possession of T. H. Booz. levied on and to be sold as the property of Lowe, by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa issued from Polk Superior Court in favorof tbe Georgia «t Alabama Mining Co., for use of officers of court, vs. J. M. Cooper and Lowe A Flower. Also at the same time and place will be sold tbe following property, to-wit: be sold tbe following property, to-wit: That certain city lot In Cedartown, Polk county, Oh., and described as beginning atapoiut on tbe north side of Ware street (now called South Prior street) Just fifty feet from the south east corner of lot No. 10 as shown by survey of H. N. VanDevander recordeu in Clerk's office, in Book M, Folio 895, thence run ning west 50 feet, thence northwardly 180 ^eet, thence east 50 feet, thence south l:>0 feet to point of beginning; said lot liounded on the west by property of Mrs. A. C. Prior, and on the east by W. W. Prior residence lots, and is the lot awarded W. W. Prior in the recent partition of Prior lands. levied upon an»l to be sold as the property ol W. W. Prior under and by virtue of a Justice Court execution issued from tbe 1075th Dlst., G. M., in favor ol J. II. Dodds against said Prior. Written notice given defendant. This September 4, 1901. John Hutchings,Sheriff*. J. F. ('AitMfCH.Kh and J. K. Dk.mphry, Deputy Sheri Us. The Georgia Loan and Trust Co. will negotiate loans, well se cured by improved real estate, at SIX PER CEXT INTEREST on reasonable commission in sums of $250 or more. Good applications wanted. W. C.BUNjY, Correspondent for Polk Co. ESOM HILL. Who is it that doesn't enjoy these beautiful Indian summer days? Just cool enough to give one vim, and wake them up to the duties of life. Miss Lula Caldwell left Monday for Fitzgerald, where she has gone to take a place in the pnblio schools at that place. She will be greatly missed by her many friends in Polk county. “Unole Jimmie" May was in our lit tle town Monday. Mr. John Jones, of Lime Branch, who has been visiting in Gadsden, Ala., passed through here last Sunday on his retnrn. Quito a number of the young people from here attended the services at Full- wood Springs lust Sunday afternoon and evening. Mr. J. S. Brewster and daughters, Misses Margaret and Lillian, spent Sun. day afternoon at Wheeler's Spring. Mrs. J. E. Pennington and daughter, Miss Pearle DuPree, spent Saturday and Sunday at Bluffton, Ala. The work on Mr. J. 8. Brewster’s house is being carried along nicely since the weather has cleared up. The addi tion will add much to the appearanco of the house as well as to our thriving little town. Mr. W. A. Jones, who is visiting in Home, Gadsden and other points, is ex pected home real soon. The many friends of Miss Lillian Brewster will bo glad to learn that she has almost reoovered from her reeent illness. Messrs. Smith and Wood, of Cedar- town, visited here one evening last week. Misses Pearlo Dupree and Margaret Brewster will leave Friday for Home, Crystal Springs and other points. Mrs. J. B. Stephens has been visiting her sister, Mrs. George Garner of near Blooming Grove, this week. The attendance at our prayer meeting at the M. E. Church last Sunday even ing was not so good. Let everyone oome next Sunday night and let’s make it a good prayer-meeting. BURBAUH’S A CURE GUARANTEED ft OR MONEY REFUNDED. MANUFACTURED AND HOLD BY T- IT- BTJE.BA1TK, :d:r,t7gh3-ist. Thousands suffer with torpid liver, producing great depression of spirits, indigestion, constipation, headache, etc. Ilerbine will stimulate tbe liver, keep the bowels regular, and restore a healthful buoyancy of spirits. Price 50 cents. Russell Drug Co. Through sleeping cars to Buffalo via Queen & Crescent route. Fast schedules, finest trains, to Cin cinnati and North. Queen A Crescent Route. A Good ThIn*. An innovation In the matter of wom en’s cJobs has been Introduced out west. Kanius, of course, mothered It. We always look at Kansas for tbe un usual. It Is a darning club. Euchre clubs, literary clubs and social dubs have been a-plenty. This Is strictly utilitarian. Men’s socks are a specialty lu this new organization, and it has been de nounced us an encouragement io bach- elordom. The officers of the club are the most expert menders, and they as sist the rest by showing how to mend tbe worst holes. “She who cunnot darn cannot Join" is the club’s official motto, but exceptious have been made In the Interest of uninstructed sisters, and the motto no longer has the force Jt had at first. Meetings are held fort nightly, and the club boasts of having darned 144 puirs of hosiery at a sitting. Members only are admitted to the afternoon sessions, but In the evenings admiring husbands are permitted to at tend and to watch their better halves at work.—Kansas City Times. Took No Clin nee*. M I’ll tell you how it Is. parson.“ said the board of trade clerk. “You’ve mar ried us, and you’ll admit that it is a good deal of a speculation. Now, I’ll pay you $12. the regular fee, now and call it square or I’ll wait GO days and pay you what experience teaches uie the Job Is reully worth to me, even If It’s $100.” The clergyman looked long and ear nestly at the energetic, determined young womnn and sighed. “Give mo the $2,” be said.—Chicago Post. J. R. BARBER, OFFIOE-r-Richanlson Bliljr, Herbert St., CEDARTOWN, GA. REAL ESTATE, City, Mineral, Timber, Farm Lands, FIRE INSURANCE, At Lowest R * tes LIFE INSURANCE, For All Classes, Conditions and Hazards. THE STUD, DULY *11 YEAR. A FULL LINE OF FINE SUITINGS JUST RECEIVED. Also, a Handsome Line of Fall and Winter Samples of LADIES’ TAILOR-MADE DRESSES MADE TO ORDER. CLEANING and PRESSING. BOYD, THE TAILOR. OVER DEMPSEY’S STORE. to Texk&p You have two trains?' _ a day to Texas, on? Cotton "Belt Route.' One leaves Memphis at 8.50 a. m., the’other at 8.30 p. m. Trains from principal points reach Memphis, morning ^ ..’and evening, in plenty of time to connecfcwith. || ' these trains. "■-■u: - Cotton Belt trains carry Pullman Sleepers at p night, Parlor Cafe Cars during the day and Free Chair Cars both day and night. Write and tell us where you are going and when you will leave, and we will tell you the exact cost of a ticket and send you a complete schedule for the trip. We will also send you an Interesting little . book, Trip to Texas." -J-J: If. 5VTT0N, I. P. 1, OialUiTOH Tan ^...reuWlijjf.'I.P. and T. H, SIMs, Mo. com®