The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, September 05, 1901, Image 8

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Constipation & Biliousness Sick-headache, Pains in the back, Sallow complexion, Loss of appetite and Exhaustion. Their in only one cure, which is HPWJ® eTornc Pellets One Pink Pill touches the liver and removes tne oile.' One Tonic Pellet nightly, acts aa a gentle laxative in keeping the bowels open, restores the digestive organs, tones up the nervous system and makes new rim blood. Complete treatment, two medicines, one price, 25c. Treatise and sample free at any store KIOWN atro CO.. Haw York For Mle by E. Bradford. Healthy Mothers thy, their duties are »o exacting. The anxiety of pregnancy, the shock of childbirth, and the care of young children, are revere trials on any woman. But with Wine of Cardui within her grasp, every mother—every woman in the land —can pay. the debt of personal health she owes her loved ones. Do you want robust health with all its privileges and Jeasures? Wine of Cardui will give it d you. imramui strengthens the female organs and Invlg. orates weakened functions. For every female III or weakness It lb the best medicine made. Ask your druggist for $1.00 bottle Wine of Cardui, andtake no substitute under any circumstances. 55*# other chiU , the house. Two week* alter 1 walked end picked Krswberriea. When my aa born I suffered with labor paiaa 2d hours, and had to raise him oo • bottle bccauaa I had no mifc. Alter uaina the Wine durtn* pregnancy this time. I gave birth last month to a baby girl, and wm in labor only two hours, with but little pain, and 1 hare plenty ol milk. For tliiaareat improve' man! in my haakh I thank God and win* of Cardui." addrsaa. *>▼*>« symptoms.' Chattanooga, Tcnn. SHE’S AN HEIRESS NOW. Rlsh Eaellsb Aonl Lesyrs Ella Mac Fcnsslasa a Pori an*. MftM of all work, helper In a bakery, clerk In a departmeiit afore, nurse In a hospital for tlie liaxuue, heir to $100,000 —thla 1h the recoil! up to date of Ella Mae Penning, 11) yeara old. 8he was born In Philadelphia and ed ucated at the girls' high achool. After her father'a death ahe became her mother'a chief hel|H>r in the hand to inoutli struggle for existence. Then ahe went out hh n maid. Then she ELLA MAI2 FKN.MNO. wrote a story on the emancipation of colored woman, and It was published i a magazine. After this she had other experiences and then bacaiue a probationer at an asylum. A few weeks ago she learned from a London solicitor that she was nn heir ess. The solicitor hnd come nil the way across the sea to see Ella. Ills name Riley. Ho told the probationer that her Aunt Mary hnd died In Bournemouth, England and that when Ella was 21, on Qct. 25, 1003, n bouse on the Strand, one at Charing Cross and one fnclng Trafalgar square would ho hers. Ella, talking of her good fortune, said: "I will not study to be a nurse. Ill leave Philadelphia In June and study to perfect myself In my writings. I have always felt Inclined toward a literary life. But such a life Is a lux ury, and I couldn't afford It. Now well, now It's different." Corn-buskers’ sprained wrists, barbed-wire nuts and sprains, or nuts from any other cause, are quickly healed when Ballard’s Snow Liniment Is promptly applied. Price 25 and 50 cents. Russell Drug Co. THROUGH SLEEPER To San Francisco Via tlia Missouri Pacific Railway. No ohange to Kansas aud Nebraska points—Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Den ver, Leadville, Qlenwood Springs and Junction, Colorado, Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah, and San Franoisoo. Two trains eaob day, leaving St.Louis 9.00 a. m. and 10.10 p. in. The only line without ohaugo of cars to San Francisco, California. Information gladly furnished on ap plication to I. E. Rkhlandek, Trav. Pass. Agent. 16 East Oth St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Whrn the Rent In Arratmt. When the heat Is greater out of doors than indoors, it is a mistake to think that opeu windows will cool a room. Instead, In the early morn lug. after the room Is dusted aud put In order, the Windows should be shut and the shades drawn down and kept so until the sun has gone. When the sun shines on the window most of the day. it should be protected by an nwniug of some sun resisting color that will keep out all stray suubeams. An awning, even with the shades lifted, will keep a room comparatively dark and cool. When It Is necessary to keep a sick room cool, nn excellent plan is to open the door and almost shut' it us fast as possible for about 20 or 30 times lu si cession; nothing changes the air In room so quickly or so well. Then w cloths should lx? hung before the open windows or anywhere where a draft of air may pass through them. Plent of cracked Ice is uecessnry In hot weather within reach of the patient, and in the room quite a good sized block of it lu a deep pan will help keep the temperature down.—Helen Tripp in American Quceu. How many servants have tho Wrig- loyaV” “Two; a deaf cook and a dumb waiter. ” ________ Free Blood Cure. We recommend Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) for all blood troubles, such as ulcers, eating sores, scrofula, eozema, itohing humors, pimples, boils, oarbun- oles, blood poison, aching bones, fester- iug sores, cancer, catarrh, rheumatism. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood or skin diseases, especially ad vised for old, deep-seated oases. It onres when all else fails. Heals every ■ore or pimple, stops all aches and pains by giving a healthy blood supply. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Thou sands cured. At drug stores, $1 per large bottle. Our readers will receive a trial treatment free by writing Dr. Oil- lam, 213 Mitohell Ht., Atlanta, Qa. Describe trouble and free medical ad- vioe given. Medicine sent at once, prepaid. ______ The more a man is envied the less real happiness he has. Ladiea Can Wear Shoes one Hire smaller after using Allen’s Foot-Knse a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and Humous. It's the greatest com tort of the age. Cures and prevents swollen Widralng Her laflaraee. A recommendation was offered at a recent weekly meeting of the London oounty council that a communication he aent to the local government board stating that the council would be will ing to pay half the salary of every wo man sanltury Inspector who. In addi tion to her regular duties, would utilize the opportunities which might arise to elucidate the best methods of prepar ing food and luciilcute habits of clean liness. The recommendation was adopt ed, among those who urged lta».nc- ceptance being Lord Meath and Mr. Veruey. Work of this kind has al ready been experimentally carried on In some of the greut provincial towns, where aucceas followed every effort, and the Impression prevails that this widening of such Influences will prove helpful in the overcrowded homes of the poor whom these Inspectors reach. GRAND ARMY OF REPUBLIC. For occasion of the National Encamp ment, Grand Army of the Bepnblio, Cleveland, O., Hept. 10th to 14tb, the Southern Railway and the Alabama Great Southern Railroad will make very low rates from all points on their lines. Tickets will be sold Sept. 7th to 11th inolnsive, with Anal limit Sept. 15th. By depositing tiokets with Joinf Agent at Cleveland on or before 12o’olook, coon, of Sept. 15th, and payment of a fee of 50 oents, an extension of Anal limit up to and inolnding Got. 8th, may be secured. For further information call on any agent or Passenger Representative of the Southern Railway or Alabama Great Southern Railroad. “Man wants but little here below,” remarked the landlady. “And here is the plaoe to get it,” continned the facetious boarder. George W. Lane, I’ewamo, Mich., writes: “Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I ever used. For years 1 suffered from dyspepsia, at times compelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. I nm completely cured^by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In recommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid.” E. Bradford. " “Blackwood has bitten the (lust,” said Koediok. “Well, lie always did want the earth,” commented Fosdick. Many physicians are now prescrib ing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly, having found it is the best prescrip tion they can write because it is the one preparation which contains the elements necessary to digest not only some kinds of food but all kinds, and it therefore cures indigestion and dys pepsia no matter what its cause. E. Bradford. “No,” said Mr. Holtite, “I don’t ob ject to tho time a man takes for a reas onable vacation.” “To what ’is it that you object then?” “The long rest he invariably needs after he gets back." Gentlemen;—My wife was aillicted with Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. After trying other remedies j purchased a bottle of Dr. CaldweM’8 Syrup Pepsin for her and she is rap idly improving. I canuot be without this valuable medicine. Resp. yoqrs, S. Elliott, Elk City, Kansas, Dec. 13,1900. Sold bj all druggists. “What is the greatest co-educational institution in the world?” asked the professor. With one voice the young people answered: “The seashore sum mer resort.” _ If you are troubled with inodorous breath, heat burn, flatulency, headache, acidity, pains after eating, loss of ap petite, persistent melancholy, or low spirits, you ueed a tonic; a few doses of Herbine will give you the recupera tive force to remove these disorders. Price 50 cents. Russell Drug Co. It may appear strange, but a broad minded man is not the one who has the big-head. We Want to See You! We can tell what makes your eyes blur and your head swim. You are bilious and Dr.Calii well's Syrup Pepsin will cure you or the manufacturers will refund you the purchase price. Sold by all druggists. Fannin* of the Athletic Girl. The athletic girl, it is predicted, is to be supplanted In popularity this sum mer by the girl of the olden type, who knew nothing of outdoor sports except a mild game of croquet be Included In the list and, furthermore, did not care to know. It Is hinted that the men have lost Interest to some extent In the self possessed. Independent young wo man who can row a boat—and soil one, too—play tennis, throw a lIHl! straight, make century bicycle runs, tramp for hours without getting fatigued, swim long distances, etc., and that a reaction has sot in in favor of the ql<l fashioned type of girl, content to occupy her sum mer days with purely feminine tasks Instead of Imitating her sport loving brother. Golf has not apparently come under the ban of alleged masculine dis pleasure to quite the same extent as other forms of sport, but the golf girl's skirt lias been lengthened until it just escapes touching the ground, for fash ion's experts declare that it is not cor rect to wear skirts that are overshort even on the links. Whether or not these predictions prove true and the pendulum really does swing back to its former position remains to bo seen. xi , ,, Meanwhile the shops are making a You will find it just as useful in summer brave showing of golfing outfits and as in winter, and if you are thriving upon other sporting paraphernalia for worn- It don’t stop because the weather is warm. , on, and outfitting costumes have not al- soc. and $>, ail druggists. together ceased to attract attention.— SCOTT & bowse, Chemists, New York. | Dorothy Quincy in Brooklyn Citizen. Notice of County Tax Rate for the Year IfNIl. State of Georgia, Polk County. It is hereby ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Iioads and Revenues that the following be and is hereby de clared the Tax Rate for the year 1901, and the Tax Collector is hereby ordered to levy the taxes accordingly:— For Connty purposes, $2.50 on each 111,000.00 worth of property. For Jury purposes, fl.10 on each • 1,000.00 worth of property. For Bridge purposes, 40 oents on each ♦1,000,00 worth of property. For Pauper purposes, 06 cents on each ♦1,000.00 worth of property. Total Levy for all purges ♦4.00 on each •1,000.00 worth of property. The State Rate is f5.44, makiog a total of ♦lO.lOon each fl,000.00 worth of property. Done by order of the Board, this the 2d day of Sept., 1001. D. M. Russell, Chairman Board Com. Roads and Revenues. A Graeronn Backer. Sarah Bernhardt Is the silent partner of her niece and another young French woman in a projected millinery shop for Ix>ndon. The famous actress lent these two young women a good many thousand francs a couple of years since, when they opeued a shop lu Paris, where they recently became bankrupt She did not scold them, however, for their bad lack, but, with a tender smile, exclaimed: “You are both pretty and winning little Parisi ans, and you have become bankrupt in the laud of millions. Bravo, my dears. I am sure I never could have done that. Now, shall we try our luck in London?” And she threw a bundle of bank notes Into her niece's lap. CASTORIA | XVigdable Prcparationlcr As similating ihcFoodandRcgula- img the Stomachs and Dowels of temBBBaa Promotes DigcsIion.ChcorfuL nessandRes! Contains neither Opium.Morphme nor Mineral Not Narcotic. The Vokbc In Bridal Gifts. I/art nouveau Jewelry is having n distinct vogue for bridal gifts. There Is a really sumptuous array of orna ments in gold, enamel and precious stones designed In accordance with this new school of art exploited at the Pur ls exposition to choose from, every thing from lovely lorgnettes embellish ed lu rich but refined colorings with bi zarre Egyptian tnotNs to pendants In strikingly original designs, some of tho most captivating of which are studies of flowers against pastoral landscapes treated with the sentiment and grace an artist gives to them when he trans lates their beauties with brush upon canvas. Keep Your Face Clean, your complexion clear, your breath sweet, your head level. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin will do this. It cures Constipation, Sick Headache and Indi gestion and is a perfect laxative. Sold by all druggists. /»tfOU JASAML TL PITCHER sfaiar.W - aBSELw,. A perfect Remedy forConslip* Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .(Convulsions.Feverish ness ami Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature cf new'YORK. exact copy or wrapper. For Infants and Children. 1 1 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA A_BOON m J£ m JUANKlNDI D" TABLER’S BUCKEYE PILE discovery or the age. feet, blisters, callous and sore spots. Foot-Kase is a certain cure lor sweat Aching feel. At oil druggists und shoe stores, twenty-five cents. Trial packages free by mail. Address Alien S. Olmsted, I.e Roy, N. Y. ' Bunny—“De world owes every man a living.” O’Day—“Yes; but it coats more ter oollect it dan wot it’s worth.” Little May was showing the pictures in the album to the visitor, and, on opening the page containing tho por trait of her father’s first wife, she said : “That’s my eldest mother.” Take life as it comes, and make the most of all circumstances, but for a bad cough or cold, take Ballard’s Hore- hound Syrup, the best known remedy for quick relief and sure cure'. Price, 25 and 50 cents. Russell Drug Co. The faster a fellow runs the harder he’ll fall if he stumbles. CASTORIA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 5 2 00 ® *5 £ H m z ° - i m<n ° ° no ro 3 2 ID H Pi ft H rtl-V? CURE A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, sv Mail, 76 cents; Bottles, so Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, • • 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. FOR SALE BY RUSSELL DRUG CO. [VV^orms! ^''white^T'cream VERMIFUGE! Most tn Quantity. — Befit in Quality. i For 20 Yoars Has Led all Worm Remedies. t SOLD BY AXiL DTiUGrOXaTB. JAMES F. BALLARD, St. Louis. FOR SALE BY RUSSELL DRUG CO. THE NEWS is what you want, and you get it in The Standard. Ad Persons have been Known to sin a pound n day by taking r ounce cf SCOTT’S EMUL- SIGN. 1! is strange, but it often happens. omehow the ounce produces the pound; it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop- c.r:y, so that the patient is able to digest ar.d absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, ar.d that is the way the gab is made. A certain amount of flesh i: necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking peon’s f malsion LION COFFEE A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALLI Watch cur next advertisement. T HE lion does picket duty for you and prevents adulteration and impurity from entering Into your pack age of LION COFFEE When you buy an unbroken package of LION COFFEE you havo coffee that is absolutely pure, strong and invigor ating. A single pound makes 40 cups. No other coffee will go so far. You will never know what it is like till you try it. LION COFFEE is not.a glazed compound, but a pure coffee and noth ing but coffee. \ In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive , No hou -ckeepcr, < n f “t, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness comfort and convenience, and which they mav have b simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO.