The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, September 12, 1901, Image 2

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YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH 0S»«- CHINA CABINETS, BOOK CASES, HALL RACKS, SIDEBOARDS, CHIFFONIERS, CpNTER TABLES, PARLOR FURNITURE, COUCHES and LOUNGES, SAFES,nATTINGS, CARPETS, RUGS, LACE ^ BOBINET CURTAINS. LIGHT and DARK MAPLE ROCKERS AS ILLUSTRATED BELOW, $1.69. Other Rockers Solid Oak Diner as illustrated above, 73c. Solid Oak Bedroom Suits, Bevel (3-lass, Sale Price, $13.99. V 89 Other Styles at prices in proportion. Bedsteads, full size, $1.99. Iron Bedsteads, big enough for two, $2.49. Oak Chairs, Sale price, 34c each. Prices. Oak Rocker as illustrated above. 99c. Solid Oak Extension Tables, $3.99. Bureaus, big drive. $4.49. Bed Springs, $1.29 and upwards. Mattresses, full size, $1.49 and, upwards. Cooking Stoves, Southern-made, $4.99. Linen Window Shades, 3x7 ft. Complete, 24c. McDONALD-BRETT FURNITURE CO., Oed.a.rto'Txm, Q-a~ THE CBUAHTOWN STANDARD PuhllMlmd Every Thursday In the Year 1 "• I Kl.Units. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year |L00 Official Organ of Cedartown and Polk County. Advkktiwinh Baths will be furnlHhod on application. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1901. WOU fill LIKE TO HO A It ’EM. A in oh Quito, how we wish You'd lake to speculating, For thus wo think wo hoo a way Your nulsanoe for abating* We’d like to hoo you shuttle oil Your hated Insect coll, And so we wish that you would take “A plunge in Standard Oil." —Tim TIio Si-hley court of inquiry moots in Washington today. May the truth triumph and Sohloy’s murislinging dotraotora bo bruuglit to shttme THE PRESIDENT SHOT! An Anarchist Assassin Aims Two Bullets at the Vitals ■ / OF THE NATION’S BELOVED CHIEF EXECUTIVE. Bright Hopes are Entertained for the Recovery of the Distinguished Sufferer. The ontiro civilized world was inexpressibly shocked last Fri day by the message which winged its way over the globe that Presi dent McKinley had been shot down by an anarchist, while at tending the I’an-Americnn Ex- position at Bullalo. Every section of our common country was thrilled with the same feeling <Tf sorrow and dis may, and a universal prayer went up to the Most High that the life of the President might be spared. President McKinley bad just delivered an address full of wis dom and patriotism, and was standing on the rostrum at the The returns of real estate from T( . 111|lU . llf Mugil . ) m i diM!i Browning’s district, as shown on , | lirlllIll reception. In the long the Tax Receiver's books, show j Hno (l( . th()S(I ||n)tio “ s t „. sllilkl , that th- Ian. 1 in that diatncl is | i 1H|M | s witll was valued by its owners at about *1 one who , u . h ed with his ' ll ' 1 . _____ left hand extended and with his Cedartown is paving as high a-1 right hand wrapped in a Rnndker- HA cents for eottoii this week,the j chief. The Presiilent extended price ranging nil the way from N bis hand with a smile, when the to St cents according to the I villainous assassin shot him from grade. Farmers will get the very the lolds ot the handkerchief. highest ma rket price town for their cotton. in Cedar Congress should pass.two very wholesome laws at it- next ses sion—one making an attempt on the life of the Chief Executive punishable as high treason, and the other to prevent known an archists from coining to this country. In the meantime, the legislature of every state should pass laws making il mighty un comfortable for those anarchists already here. The lirst of the bullets struck the President on the breast-bone and glanced olf, making only a skin wound. The second shot, however, passed directly through bis stomach and lodged in the muscles of bis back. lire be could tire a third shut, the Secret Service men and an Atlanta negro named .lim Parkier threw themselves upon the assassin and overpowerd him. The greatest excitement prevailed, and the otlieers smuggled their prisoner through the dense crowd. A- soon as the crowd awoke to real ization of what had been done, a movement was made to lynch him. but the ollicers had suc ceeded iu getting him to a place of safety. The assassin’s name is Leon Czolgosz, alius Fred Nienian. lie is a Russian Pole by parent age, and was born near Cleve land. O. His name siguilies “something creeping,” “a snake,” and he is certainly well named. Czolgosz is a disciple of Emma Goldman, the “anar chist queen,” whose utterances lie says inspired him to commit the dastardly crime. It is grat ifying to know that she is now under arrest in Chicago, and it is Imped that all connected in any way with the crime will lie cap tured and brought to justice. While the President’s wound is a tuost serious one, bis pliysi- ians now believe the critical period is passed and that the dis tinguished patient will recover. The nation lias watched the bul letins from his bedside with absorbing interest, and in the earnest prayer for bis recovery there lias been “No North, no South, no East, no West,” but a truly united country knowing neither sectional nor party lines in this regard. The country Inis never had a President more personally popu lar in all sections than .Mr. Mc Kinley, nor one whose death would be more sincerely de plored and mourned. lie is the third President to become a tar get for the assassin’s bullet, and it is greatly to be hoped that lie will not share the fate of Lincoln and Garfield in thdir tragic end. The latest news from the Pres ident’s bedside as we go to press is that his condition is improving as rapidly as his most sanguine well-wisher could hope for under the circumstances, and we sincerely hope lie will continue to improve and that hi- recovery- will lg’ early and complete. The Democratic Executive Committee of Floyd county has named September ITtli as the day for holding a white Demo cratic primary for nominating a successor to Mr. Y. T. Sanford as Tax Collector of Floyd. Mr. John M. Vandiver is said to he a sure winner in the coming elec tion. No county tax will be levied in Terrell county this year. The revenue from the dispensary es tablished in that county is pay ing such a large amount into the county treasury that no money is needed for operating expenses of the comity or to pay olf the yearly installments on its public debt. Great is Maryland’s degrada tion since lapsing under repub lican rule. Wellington, the re publican Senator from that state, publicly declares himself indif ferent to the fate of President McKinley. The suggestion that ! lie be expelled from bis liigholliee meets with general favor throughout the country. All farmers of Georgia are ad vised by the State Department of Agriculture to proceed to save all material on their lands that can be stored away and used as hay or in other forms as food for stock during the coming winter. Information has reached the de partment that the bay crop as well as the corn crop in the West ern states is almost a total loss. Pay up your subacriptiot POLK S VETERANS MET FOB ELECTION OF OFFI CE 148 YESTERDAY Ami Passed Ringing Resolutions on the Attempted Assassination of the President. The Confederate veterans of Folk met yesterday at 12.45. i>. m. at the Court House, in pur-1 aunnee to the call of President j l). M, Russell, who presided at : the meeting. Editor.!. T. Gil>-1 son was chosen as secretary. l)r. D. M. Russell was re elected president, on motion of Maj. .J. A. HI a nee. Col. J. <>. Waddell and Dr. .1. L. Branch were elected vice presidents, and ’Squired. A. Wilson secretary. The following veterans were selected to attend the State Re union in Macon about the 24th of next month : ‘Squired. A. Wil son, Maj. .1. A. Blance, Dr. L. S. Ledbetter, Dr. d. L. Branch, Mr, D. A. Whitehead, Dr. T. F. Burbank, Dr. D. M. Russell, Mr. G. W. Peek, Capt. W. F. llall and Mr. W. 11. Davis. The following were chosen as Sons of Veterans: Editor d. T. Gibson, ’Squire N. V. Parris and Rev. G. B. Roman. On motion of Hon. dno. O. Waddell, all the Confederate Veterans of the county, whether belonging to this camp or not, were requested to attend the re union at Macon. On motion of Maj..!. A. Blance, Adjutant.!. A. Wilson was in structed to get up a complete roll of all the veterans in the county. The following paper, otiered by Dr. Russell, was unanimously adopted, the Grand Jury of the county now in session most heart ily concurring: Whereas, An attempt lias been made by a dastardly assassin to take the life of the President of the United States; Therefore, Resolved 1st, That we the (Confederate Veterans of Polk county this day assembled, do most sincerely deplore this outrageous attempt upon the life of one whom we have learned to esteem and honor because of his wise and impartial administration of governmental affairs, one who knows no North, no South, no Hast, no West, but whose great, loving heart, takes in all the people of this great Nation. Resolved 2d, That we regard Mr. McKinley as the greatest living Ameri can, a President without a peer, a statesman without an equal, a patriot who has no superior. Resolved 3d, That we are rejoiced that the latest dispatches show im provement in his condition, and we pray (»*>d that He will spare the life of this great and good man that this lov ing, tender and devoted husband, may be saved to his country and to his family. jfc Resolved 4th, That we request the Congress of the United .States to enact such legislation as will punish with speedy death the murderous assassin who attempts to take the life of a President of this great nation. We also favor such legislation as will banish from America all anarchists and nihilists, and forbid under severe penalties the immigration of all for eigners unless they are known to be good, orderly, reputable citizens. “America for Americans’’ is our battle cry. Resolved, 5th, That language fails us to express our indignation at the utterances of Senator Wellington, if he be correctly reported; and we unite with the Atlanta Journal in demand ing his prompt expulsion from the United States Senate. No man enter taining such anarchistic sentiments should he permitted to hold any office of honor or trust in this government. On motion, Capt. W. F. Hall, Dr. D. M. Russell ami Editor J. T. Gibson were appointed a com mittee* to prepare Dr. Russell’s paper in proper typewritten form and transmit same to Mr. Mc Kinley's private secretary. Another meeting of the veter ans was, on motion of Col. Wad dell, called for 12.45 o’clock, Wednesday, the 25th inst. AN EXULTATION. [Dedicated to the Increase ot $500,000.00 in the Polk County Tax Returns.] Behold the county tax returns ! Read, mark and learn as well. Let every one whom it concerns Know what the figures tell. Let every other county know That this is no slow Polk,* That we have just begun to grow — We’re pushing, growing folk. Keep our great county to the lore, She’s not meant lor the rear. I Let’s add a hall a million more j Beiore another year!