The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, February 20, 1902, Image 7

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8 Tr TT 7 « « If a Woman «i [Continued from 4th page.] Till*' AllGUMKNT OF PAUL IN TI1K l.l'IMLK TO Til I*' HOMANS. €1 « h-r.p i u to put out a f ro sho doesn't p cn oil and wood. She throws M ^ r.r. knowing that watcrquonches i) fire. When a woman wants to get ft { well from a.ceases peculiar to her sex. S she jJ-ou'd not add fuel to the fire A already rning her life away. She it [» should not take worthless drugs and potions composed of harmful narcot- ics and opiates. They do not check u the disease they do not cure it—they SI simply aad fuel to the fire. i Bradfield’s Female (I Regulator should be taken by every woman or girl who has the slightest suspicion of any of the ail ments which uf- }| v," pi'r They will simply be wasting time until they take it. The Regulator is u purifying, strong t h c n i n k tonic, which gets at the rootsot the disease and cures the cause. It does not drug the pain, it eradicates it. It stops falling of the womb, leucorrhen, inflammation and periodical suffering. Ir regular. scanty or painful menstruation; and by doing “ **■'- ■*“* away the aches and away the aches and hich drain health and beauty, happiness and good temper from many a woman's fife It is the one remedy above all others ery woman should iuhholution notick. Notice is hereby given that I have purchase*! the interest of W. It. Pbilpot in the firm of Pliilpot & Gibson, and will hereafter conduct the business in my name. All accounts due the old firm since Jon. 1st, 1002, should be paid the undersigned. This Jan. 28, 1002. W. M. Gibson. “Josiab,” asked Mrs. Chngwater, “what is a bucket-shop?” “It’s a place, I suppose,” replied Mr. Chugwator, looking impatiently up from his nows- \ Coasting * 8 * u Ghriat. If my character paper, "where they empty the wator i were the result of my endeavor I might By r. K. IlwNDKitr. CllAl’TKIt III. God saves in terms of righteousness, lie could not save without suffering. God and Christ are one. In Christ God is reconciled. In the reconcilia tion there is favor, life, salvation. Atonement is used but once in the Old rsion.nmliu the New Revision it has been dropped. Reconciliation is the word. We receive the reconcilia tion. God shows his righteousness both in punishing and in showing mercy. Whether men believe or not God is righteous. Only those who be lieve are saved. Accept Christ, or perish. Verses *21-2(1 is a remarkable piece of systematized theology. Ye who de spise doctrine and decry theology, consider these verses. They are the Citadel of the Christian faith. Sinoe God has brought to light a righteousness whioh he has provided, a righteousness which takes its rise out of faith into faith, where is any room for boastiug? Has a man who reoeives a right, to boast ns ono who labors for what he gets? The Jew is under law; does not observe law save outwardly. How then can ho boast when his acts issue in no righteousness? Besides, boasting in the sphere of righteousness is excludod because the righteousness of the believer is attained by nothing that he lias done. What one does he cau lawfully boast of. But in the prov ince of faith, there can be no boasting, for faith is not something done. Faith is a receptivity. It is a disposition of the heart touohing a person. It is the cvidenco of thiygs not seen. One is de clared just in the exercises of faith, and not for what he has done. Faith is not a work. It is a quality of soul. Since faith shuts out doods as u source of jus tification, it shuts out boasting. Faith us a priuoiple of the spiritual uaturo excludes boasting. The Ground of our HOCK MAUI iV&’MrS. Mr. O. Ilohbs and family havo moved to Chattanooga- Col. L. J. Spinks attended court in Dallas last week. Mrs. Katie Davitto visited relatives at Aragon last w TUB CITY COURT. j Judge V. A. Irwin and Assist ant Solicitor General J. Walker have had three cases be fore them the past week, result ing; in three prompt convictions. Mr. It. It. Beasley was in Atlanta last i Hut for tin* I'shililiahnii'iit of tin out of stocks.” Digests ivhat j, This prepnra' Ion entsta digestan>- awl is food. Ji (iivrs ; i: ; !dd. u falls to cure. It. allows . tin- food vo.i'. .in.. Tim most -rnsiUve stomai'i'S oil! lake it By llsnso many tie, [gaud ol apeplica have liecn cwvrl lifter eM-vylliinu else failed. It is unequalled fi i nil stomach troubles. It cara’ft he!jp but rio you good Pr ;. .1 only liy E. O. IikWitt* fa, Chicago Tut; *^ times the 50c. size. E. BRADFORD. X BI T* »ndae ... Alter s barn improved ully. They nre a uruui help in the family " W 11.11 EI.M IN A NAtJKI.. 1137 iiitteiibouae St., Cincinnati. Ohio. Z:Wd<MIU2M) boast. But since it has been imparted to me iu Christ, 1 cannot boast, save in Gml, who gave me both faith, und life, and character us a result of theso. Bather that character which is both faith aud life. Alford says “that tho contrast is not here between the law and the gospel us two dispensations, but between tho law of works and tho law of faith, whether found under tho law, or under tho gospel.” Nor cuu tho Jew boast that God is the God of tho Jews only. The Jew claims salvation by law; Paul by faith. Ouo God cannot save by both methods. The doctrine of justification puts Jew and Gentile on tho sumo basis of salva tion. If not, the Jow is saved by one system aud the Gentile l>y another. We must say that the God of tho Jew iH the God of tho Gontile, unless wo are pre pared to say there aro two Gods. Bat no Jew believes that. God is ono and he enu have but ono way of saving i will declare righteous any uncircum- ! oised one on the same terms that he j will auy circumcised one. Faith is the one condition of righteousness to Jew | and Gentile alike. Iu every oaso of ; justification rigbteousuess is wholly ol * laith, from faith into faith. Is it to be inferred that because ouo is declared righteous apart from law, that law is vacated of its strength, stripped of its authority, set aside, aud made empty of effect? That cannot bo allowed. Justification does not set week and bought a car-load of mule Tho old planing mill was torn down last week, the maohiuery having been J ] H moved to Birmingham several months ago. Mr. Jus. York, of Oedartown, visited relatives here last week. Miss Witt Mosley has returned from her homo iu Newnan, where she was called to tho bedside of her siek mother. Judge Janes, of Oedartown, was in our town Monday morning. Miss Luoile Randall is the attractive guest of MisB Eugenia Moon, of Car* tersville, this week. Dr. li. E. Cason, of Oedartown, is here on professional business. Mrs. H. P. Embry spent last week in Oedartown. Mr. W. Ferguson, one of our promi nent business men, mado a business trip to Atlanta last week. The Euharlee House is to be im proved in the near future. Mr. Lee Allgood has been a weleomo visitor to home folks and friends the past week. Mr. VanDeventer, of Knoxville, waB here on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. Heslep Barber were iu Rome last Saturday. Mr. Barber is to move aud take charge of tho “Barber place.” Mr. Charley Whitehead, of Aragon, spent Sunday with his parents. There were several sleighs seen in our city Saturday morning. Mrs. Nancy Dodd, tho mother of Mrs. J. C. liaiford, died at the homo of her in Boa/., Ala., last week. Her re mains wore brought to Euharloo for interment. She was eighty-seven years old. Miss Annie Simpson visited friends in your city a few days last weok. Mr. Miller,tho Sheriff of Pikecouuty, was in Rookmart last Thursday. Mr. T. F. Edwards is in Atlanta and Marietta on business this weok. Col. W. W. Mundy and wife spent Saturday and Sunday near Rookmart, tho guests of the lattor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Gann. Mr. Gann is seriously ill. Mr. L. L. Carmichael was in Aragon on bnsiness Tuesday. Mrs. J. N. Hardage is visiting at her old homo in Dublin, after an absence of many years. Robert, tho infant, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Williamson, is slowly re covering, after quite a severo attack of pneumonia. Dr. R. N. Spinks, of Oedartown, was at Pineville on a two days hunt last week. Mr. Manners,of the Deoring Harvest ing Co., was delivering machinery iu town Tuesday. Miss Nell Cochran, of Poaco, was in tho city Tuesday. Mr. Walter Morris,son of Jab. Morris, who has been in tho army for seven years, arrived home Tuesday, to the de light of his many friends. Messrs. Hqgh Williamson and Mack McGinnis went ovrr to Taylorsville Wednesday to put up machinery for tho Deering Co. new City Court, of Polk County, these throe prisoners would have pt in jail at the county’s expense until the Grand Jury could have met. and acted. Two of the cases were those of negroes for larcony, Jesse Franks receiving a sentence of $25 or twelve months, and Will Feath- erston $25 or three months. Both lines Were paid. J. A. Jones (white) was found guilty of cheating aud swindling, and was yesterday sentenced by Judge Irwin to two months in the chaingang. Perfect, digestion Is the only founda tion for perfect health. The food we eat makes all the blood we have, which in turn feeds every nerve, muscle and tissue in the body, lierbine quickens the appetite, aids digestion, gives tone and vigor to nil the functions and en sures good health. Price, fiO cents Russell Drug Co. With her first engagement ring a girl imagines life for her has begun. When a man starts for a dontist’B office he usually strikes a tooth-hurty gait. White’s Cream Vermifuge not only effectually destroys worms, it, also in creases the appetite, aids assimilation and transforms a frail infant into om of robust health. Price, *25 cents. Rus sell Drug Oo. ^■Fresh Field and Carden Seeds. New Store! New Goods! DEUGS That are not a “drug on the market.” Get your Prescriptions Filled by Russell Drug Co., WHO ABE MANUFACTURERS OF ItuHHoirH IlondBolu- Powders. COR. MAIN AND HERBERT STH. J. L. TURNER, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler. I CARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, Spectacles, Etc. The very best selections from leading manufacturers, bought with the greatest pos sible care, and will be sold at prices that can not be duplicated when quality is considered Repairing a Specialty. — A11 work entrusted to me will have prompt and careful attention. Charges al ways reasonable. Come to see me, J. L.TTJRXTER, Jeweler. IN OLD POSTOFFICE BUILDING. R. A. ADAMS, Prest. R. O. PITTS, Cashier. COMMON SENi-OO Will convince n man nf Hie dif ference between a jjooil Whang- sewed, Solid Kip Collar and a cheap, “thrnwn-together” collar. 1 have a Special Bargain in a Collar that 1 want, you to investi gate. It is a good, genuine, Whang-sewed, Solid Kip Collar. It is broad-faced. The rim is sewed on with two rows of Whang —a UAND-SEWKl) COLLAR in every sense of the word. Come in and see for yourself. Price, only For saie at W.A. WEBB'S Harness Shop An ounce of prevention is world pound of cure, and h bottle of Ballard's J Horehound Syrup used in lime in I worth a stall' of physicians with a| drug store or I wo included. Pri/je, 25 j and 50 cents. Resell Drag Go. liFMINIHOKNCES. NO-TO-BAC PURINA KAY & BRO., DEALERS IN Fine Whiskies, Beer and Wines, Cash Orders Promptly Filled, * liome, Ga. aside law but shows its true meaning and force. It causes law to stand in its [ much interested in you true place. Christ did not come to abolish but to fulfill law. To carry farther in the same direction what law aimed at, but failed in. Justification shows how the end of law was attained by faith in a Person. The law aimed at a perfect character, a righteousness ac ceptable to God, bat failed to attain this through the weakness of the flesh. Faith in Christ fulfills law. The Gos pel upholds the principles of law. Righteonsce6s implies a standard of right. Faith-righteousness upholds all the precepts of law. Shows what is the | true meaning and spirit of law. If the Jow had known theology he had not boasted or claimed so mneh. If the Gentile of this day were know ing theology he would not be saying that the Gospel has abolished law. Law and Gospel aim at the same things. But where law fails the Gospel succeeds. Thank God for the Gospel. Nearly every person needs a tonic medicine at this time of year to brace up and invigorate'the nervous system, to cleanse the bowels, liver and kid neys. Herbine is the best and safest remedy to do this, as it will cure con stipation, regulate the liver and en rich the blood. Price, 50 cents. Rus- j sell Drug Co. A young man may be as bright as a i dollar,but some girls would rather have ! the dollar. When a man’s life is in danger and he lives to tell the tale, he generally tells it in after years on the. least provo cation. It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry. Ask to-day for Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures Chilblains, Swollen, Sweating, Sore, Aching, Damp feet. At all druggists and shoo stores, 25c. Editors Standard:—! ‘was very it of ( apt. s. A. Borders’ company. It brought hack some sad recollections. Among the list were several who were my neighbors. Then there were several more transferred to the 1st Georgia Cavalry: Dr. Jno. L. Branch, who was our honored surgeon after Dr. Witcher was killed; Marshal Johns and Joe McCormick, two noble boys, who were both killed July ‘20th, 1864, ( near At lanta, and Berry Atwood, the best sharp-shooter in Co., A. 1st. Ga. Berry Atwood seemed delighted to get on the picket line, where he could pick his man and take deliberate aim, aud woe to the fellow at whom he shot. He was about six feet tall and finely proportioned. On August 2d, 1864, our cavalry whipped and captured Gen. Stoneman’s command near Clinton* Jones county, Georgia. I called At wood in the heat of the battle to assist me in carrying FJeut. Jesse Crabb off the field. Lieut. Crabb was shot down on my left during the charge, in an old field. We carried Lieut. Crabb about 800 yards in our arms, and got into a gully four feet deep, and his suffering was so terrible that he could not bear for us to lift him out until we sent for a stretcher to place him upon. There were many noble fellows in Capt. Borders’ company who gave their lives to the cause we loved so dear. J. A. W. Mother Gray’s Sweet Powders for Children, Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in tho Children’s Home in New York, Cure Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over :>0,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all druggists, ‘25c. Sample FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y. OF OEDARTOWN. $38,500 $36,364 Capital Stock, Surplus 0 Undivided Profits, Designated Depository of the State, County and City. THE NEWS is what you want, and you get it in The Standard. Pay up your subscription to The Standard at once. PERFECT PASSENGER AND SUPERB SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE BETWEEN ALI. PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE Southeast Connect! ng at SAVANNAH with STEAMSHIP LINES PLYING BETWEEN Savannah and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Complete information, rates, schedules of trains and sailing dates of steamers cheerfully furnished by any agent of the company. THEO. D. KLINE, W. A. WINBURN, General 8up’t, Traffic Manager, J. C. HAILE, General Paet'r Agent, F. J. ROBIN80N, Ass't General PaM'r Agent, SAVANNAH, GA. Job Printing |#t=COME TO THE=^ Standard Office