The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 24, 1907, Image 3

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Headquarters FOR EVERYTHING IN THE JEWELRY Line. You will tinJ my Block always up to flie full stciidaril in qunntity. quality ami STYLE. New Honda c-'iutimially beinc added. 1 keep a viailaut watch for the latest fads and fashions, and nnthinc in that line will be overlooked. A large and varied stock of Watches and Clocks At specially reduced prices. DON’T FORGET THAT. A new and complete line of BRACELETS, COMBS, SASH PINS AND BUCKLES. Everything for the table in staples an 1 novelties, including a most complete as sortment of Hawkes’ Cut Glass, Sterling Silver, As well as best plate. 1 am now better prepared to cive special attention to all kinds of REPAIRING in my W. W. TURNER, Jeweler. FAItMKKK’ UNION DAY AT THE COUNTY FA I It. The mass meeting Monday of Farm ers’ Union men .at the £ourt Houbo gave Its endorsement, and encourage ment to this county enterprise by naming the opening day, Tuesday,Oct. 29th, as ‘ Farmers’ Union Day” at our County Fair. The farmers will be here In large numbers, and as lion. A. S. Clay, Georgia's distinguished representative In the United States Senate, will de liver hts first speech to a Polk county audience on Tuesday, the 29th, the suggestion has been made that a reg ular basket dinner he had on the grounds. There will ho some fine races and many exciting contests on that day. And those who paid their entranco Into the Fair would not have to purchase another ticket for the af ternoon. While casting about in search of a wedding present, don't fail to see W. W. TURNER'S large and varied stock of Cut Glass, Silver ware, Hand-painted China, Moor ish and Nubian Busts, Figures, Vases, etc. Their beauty and va riety will certainly aid you in making your selection. W. W. TURNER, jeweler. Capt. J. A. Peek was In Rome yes terday. Col. G. R. Hutchens was lu At'ant a Tuesday. Mr. A. tv. Dtrkheck spent Tuesday in Atlanta. An Interesting Exhibit of the Smartest Fall Fashions for Men and Young Men d* d dt are now on display. You and your friends are offered an opportunity of viewing the largest and most magnificent display we have ever made ^ Fashionable Clothes Which have just cotne in from the makers who enjoy a national reputation as manufacturers of strictly high-class clothing. '1 he materials, in patterns that are novel and color effects that will delight you, are exclusive weaves of the best mills of Europe and Aim rica. We vouch for the absolute style-correctness of every Suit as well as the excellence ot WASTING STRENGTH N Women who suffer from unnecessary, disagreeable, painful, weakening, female complaints, will find that Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all their ills. It acts directly upon all the delicate, inflamed tissues, purifying the blood, throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular, scanty, profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse, etc. Also relieves headache, backache, dizziness, cramps, dragging pains, nervousness, irritability, etc. If you need advice, write us a letter, telling us all your symptoms. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope). Address: Ladies’ Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IN $1.00 BOTTLES “I WROTE YOU for advice, and by following It and taking Cardui, my Female Trouble* wera cureJ.”—Mr*. R. S. Wallace. Lavaca, Ala. J12 WINE OF CARDUI IM) YOU WANT TO BUILD OB BUY A HOMEI If an, we can offer you a 6 per cent line of money, principal nud interest payable monthly In other words, what you pny or your houae in 7 er R years. In paying rent at the en«t of 7 yeara you would have a large pile of rent receipta. On our plan you would have your hone paid lor having paid all your notea. WHICH DO YOU PRKHKR? City or farm loana. at 6. 7 and 8 per cent according to conditions For further informatiou, call on or address J. MALLORY HURT, Coilnrtown, (in. MONEY to LOAN We have clients who can loan you all tlie money you winb to borrow on acceptable real estate security. I<oan* of $1,000 or over at 6 per cent, loss than $1,000 at 7 per cent interest, lie sure yon see us. MI NDY & MI NDY, - '.irr..potiileiil« fur Polk < nnrtj . OKI*A RTOWX. OA Think of farming Lands Selling for from FIVE to TWENTY - FIVE DOL LARS PER ACRE. Producing Crops Worth from Fifty to TWO HUNDRED AOLLAR3 PER ACRE. That's on tlk' SUNSET ROUTE In Texas. Unpauiielcd Opportunities for the Farmer, he Manufacturer and Capi talist. Write anottil me what you want. E. C.ROBINSON, p. Oflox 826, Birmingham, Alabama. General Office, TEXAS. (TTY TAX NOTICE. T. » hooks for the collectloucf City Taxes for the year 1907 open at the Clerk’s office Oct. 1st, and close Nov. 25th, 1107, J. C. WALKER, City Clerk. Application Tor Dismission. Georgia, Polk County: Whereas, D. H. Hubbard, adminis trator of J. B. Robards, represents to the court In his petition duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered J. B. Robards' estate: this is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, If any they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Nov., 1907. A. D. HOGG, Ordinary. Application for Dismission. Georgia, Polk County: Whereas, Felix Corput, adminis trator of Daniel Diamond, represents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administer'd Daniel Diamond’s estate; this Is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, If any they can, why said admlnistr itor should not be discharged from his adminis tration and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in Nov., 1907. A. D. HOGG, Ordinary. One of the railroad? doing business here has footed up its records for the month of September In th^years 1906 and 1907. and the figures show that in 190j Cedartown, handled 36,- 198,351 pounds of freight for which it received $15,436.52. In 1907 there was handled here 44.068.917 pound?, receiving $12S57.73. The road claims that on account of lower rates and the increase in the expense of doing business, It handled 7,890,166 pounds more in 1907, for which it received $2,578.79 less than in 1906. Mr. P. A. Hunt spent the fir3t of the week in the east end of the county, making his regular enumera tion of cotton hales ginned to date. City Clerk J. C. Walker spent Tues day In Atlanta. Mr. Frank Hightower spoilt Saturday in Birmingham. Mr. C. M. Colbert spent yesterday at the Fair In Atlanta. Mr. and Mn?. T. H. Shcllman are taking lu the Fair 1n Atlanta. Mrs. Chas. I). Wood, of Romo, Is the guest of Mrs. Wm. Bradford. Judge Joel Branham, of Rome, was hero Tuesday at the City Court. Mr. and Mrs. V,. A. Young are visit ing relatives In Jacksonville, Ala. FOR KALE Indian motorcycle it a bargain, good as new. Apply to Howard S. Whitely. M*. Arthur Colquitt lias bought from. Maj. J. A. Blance twenty acres or lui.ii north of town. The twelve-year-old son of Mr. Geo. Allen shot himself lu the foot with a parlor rifle Saturday night. Miss Alligene Driver,of Birmignhain, is visiting Miss Caliie Smith, and will attend the Smlth-Leary wedding. Editor S. W Murray and son, Mr. H. H., of Newnan, were here yester day en route to Wheeler Springs. Mr. W. Scofield, of Savannah, Is spending a few days in the city with Ills father-in-law, Mr. C. F. Miller. Mrs. W. T. Revill, who has been visiting her brother, Dr. L. S. Lod- better, returned Tuesday to Greenville. The Georgia Fire Insurance Co. has $10,000 to loan on real estate In Polk county. Call at offiee in Peek building. Mr. C. H. Colton, of Johnson City, Tenn., Is opening a new fruit and con fectionery storo In the Chamberlain building. Mrs. (’has. Puugh, who has been visiting Mrs. W. W. Crawford, re turned last week to her home at F’rChester, Pa. Mr. Wm. Robinson. oT Chattanooga, is visiting his brothers-in-law,Messrs. Gus and Felton Moore, who have been sick several days. Mrs. Mary A. Whitley has purchas ed a lot on Thompson street through the Phil pot real estate agency, on which she will build a home. Tee-hce! If you wdnt to he gen uinely tickled over your coffee, buy the famous Cliaso & Sanborn’s Seal Brand at Lowry’s. It’s the best. Dr. W. A. Ilolbeck has returm d from his visit In Texas, and after spending this week in Atlanta, will he In his office here next Monday. Good Lot for Sale—60x172 feet, ly ing just west of my residence on Stubbs struet. Apply at once if you want a bargain. O. WILLINGHAM. Mr. Harry Baker, son of Mr. R. It. Baker, was badly cut last week in a tussle with a negro loot pad in Birmingham. His friends will be glad to learn that he is out of the hos pital. Master Junior Bunn touched a match to a cartridge Sunday which had been left by the Boldicrs who were camping at the Fair ground and received a very painful Injury to IPs hand. Master Jack, the bright little sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams, cel ebrated his birthday Tuesday, enter taining the members of his Sunday School class and the children of the Ladies of the Maccabees. The masqerade party at the Armory last Friday evening was quite a suc cess, and everybody had all the fun they were looking for. Mesdames W. A. Chapman and Emmie Ballow won the prizes for the cutest costumes. the labrics, workmanship and fit. These we ofler you for selection, and cordially invite your critical inspection, at your earliest convenience. Suits and Overcoats $12.5(1 to $30 The new At tumn Hats and Smart Haberdashery also await your criticism W. K. HOLMES, Clothier a Furnisher. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. My brother, Chester A. Knight, Is now connected with my Insurance and real estate agency. All business put in his hands will have prompt and careful attention. When your Insur ance expires again, remember us. FELTON B. KNIGHT. Col. W. K. Fielder spent Tuesday In Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. X. N. David Hpont the first of the week at the Fair In At lanta. Mr. J. Hud Phllpot attended the State Firemen’s meeting Monday In Atlanta. Messrs. Tone ami Perkins, of Chat tanooga, were guests over Sunday of Mr. Sam Wheeler. Miss Mary Bruce, of Cartorsvllle.was the guest the first of the week of Mrs. Sam Wheeler. Mrs. R. A. Dewar, who 1ms been visiting her father, Mr. C. R. Brumby, returned Tuesday to Andrews, N. C. Mr. J. S. Davltte, of Aragon, was one of the leading Farmers’ Union men at. the big rr.ily here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. a. Wright, of Esom Hill, spent Monday night here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy, en route home from Rome. Col. J L. TIboii returned yesterday from a ten days visit to his mother In Savannah. He was sick while there, hut his many friends are pleased to see him well again. The best way for the farmers to get 15 cents for cotton is to put their cotton in the warehouse and hold it. The speculators and gamblers cannot get it without paying for It. Dr. J. A. Liddell and Messrs. W. W. Crawford and J. E. Whitaker were In R*me yesterday to talk with the own ers of fast horses there about send ing them to the Fair uext week. Mrs. Homer Arrington entertained! Miss Helen Good, of Cedartown, and Mr. Paul Slaton, of Griffin, at tea Saturday evening, after which Mr. William Ledbetter entertained the party at ‘‘Red Feather." Miss Good’s marriage to Mr. Slaton, which will take place shortly, Is of great Inter est to Romans.—Rome Tribune. Mrs. Nettle M. Brown, of Colum bia, Tenn., with her daughter, Miss Mattie, and her son, Mr. E. W. Rob inson, arrived in the city last week and have moved into the elegant new residence on Phllpot street just built by her son, Mr. Frank N. Brown. They are cordially welcomed to Ce dartown. Our flattings Are just the thing you should put on your floors, now that Summer has come. We have the latest patterns, the most beautiful designs and the best goods on the market. Let us show you the weaves ^quote you our Low Prices. But don’t forget that we can fit out vour home with everything you need from a foot-mat to the kitchen range. Never mind about the prices of our household goods, we will treat you right and please you besides. Griffin & Davis, Phone 103. - Cedartown JG-a. IF YOU WANT A Doctor Hight Quick, Just phone No. 59, and we will deliver your mes sage promptly at any hour ol the day or night. And Don’t Forget . That we keep a full line ol and F*n.tent JVIetlioineH. and that we pay especial attention to filling prescriptions. T. IF 1 - BTJRBA1TK, ZDIR-TXa-a-IST.