The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 24, 1907, Image 5

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This Coupon is Worth $1.70 to Yc’i n* Saaitol Chsttied Laboratory Co. ttU lnS4i Art., Be Ltaiit Mo. Aa4 |1 00. *M vfcUk hi4 m tS« >l ml 10 ft* a 11*4 pr*4a<n m t»4. Ur*u|k or 4r«ul« vbtw um Lindsey spent Sunday In for a $1.00 bill ■ah ouc this coupon in upper right hnnj corner and send 'i ue Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Company, oI St. Louia,y With a $1.00 Hi ar.cj no * name, and they will deliver thu. , u. ;:ic r.scrtmeot of ten fuil s p.-. kagea of Sanitol as illustrated. These are the most 1 <• • KiPet ffeparations in the world and tet,. a. ...u. ..tad p.i.e of these articles is 1(2.70. Bradford’s Drug Store, l'lion«» 4. If you don’t believe that men are I Just as curious as women lie u, one j of; your fingers and pour liniment over It. HR (IHDAHTOVH STANDARD »BC»*n*7. OCTGBEB 24 IIDT The Knockout Blow. The blow which knocked out Corbett lra> a revelation to the prize fighters, fton the earliest days of the ring the knock-out blow was alined for the Jaw, the temple or the Jugular vein. Stomach punches were thrown In to worry and weary the fighter, but If a scientific man bad told one of tho old fighters that the most vulnerable s|M»t was the region of the stomach, he’d have laughed at him for an Ignoramus. Dr. Pierce is bringing bo? 1 #. 10 public a parallel fact; that Is the most vulnerable organ out of\he pi\o ring as well as In It. We protect l>ur throats, feet and lungs, but ih<-Sfe«ffmihtrNMe are utterly IndlfTer- •HI to. until diseb^Xfinds the solar plexus and knocks usoutT Make your stomach dyapepsta. torpid liver, bad, thin and Im pure blood and other diseases of the or gan* of digestion and uutrillon. The "(ioltlen Medical Discovery • has a •pacific curaMve effect upon all mucous HTfaro and hence cures catarrh, no liter where located or what stage it ly have reached. In Nasal Catarrh It well to cleanse tho passages with Dr. [©> Catarrh Remedy fluid while using Discovery • as a constitutional rem- Why the "Golden Medical Dlscov- cures catarrhal diseases, as of the tmach, ltowels, bladder and other pelvic ns will bo plain to you If you will a booklet of extracts from the writ- of eminent medical authorltlea, en- iing Its ingredients and explaining dr curative properties. It Is mailed * on request. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, iffalo. N. Y. This booklet gives all tho iredients entering Into Dr. Pierce’s dlcines from which It will be seen that iy contain not a drop of alcohol, pure, K le-reflned glycerine being used Instead, r. Pierce’s gr**at thousand-page lllus- Irated Common Sense Medical Adviser Brill be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one* Bent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps, ■ddress Dr. ~‘ , Pierce as above. CHAPMAN PLUMBING CO J. R. CHAPMAN, Prop. Miss Nell Watts spent Monday In Rome. Mr. J. W. Harr spent Thursday In Atlanta. Mrs. H. W. Flournoy was In At lanta Frlda>. Mrs. W. W. Mundy spent Sunday In Hock mart. Miss Calllo Smith spent Friday In the Gate City. Attend the Fair next Tuesday and Wednesday-sure! Mr. D. L. Griffis spent Saturday at the Fair In Atlanta. Clarence Turner attendtd the' lanta. Mr. E. Atlanta. Col. J.M. Hunt was In Rockmart Saturday. Mr. M. G. Richardson was la Rock- mart Sunday. Spinks, of Rockmart. spent 8ur«’ay here. Mr. Homer Turner attended the Fair In Atlanta Saturday. Mr. W. C. V. Schllest'dt spent the w!*ek-end In Atlanta. Mr. W. R. Brock, of Felton, was In the city Thursday. Mr. W. A. Tedder, of Sliver Creek, aaa In the city Friday. Mr. P. L. Sims spent the latter part of the week In Carrollton. Mr. Howard Whitely attended the Fair In Atlanta last week. Mr. W\ J. Rnhurn has been visiting relatives In North Alabama. Mr. J. C. Trltt has been In At lanta and Marietta this week. Mrs. Lawrence Hunt went to Fish Sunday for a few days visit. Mr. J. E. Broadaway. of Silver Crevk, was In tho city Friday. Mr. N. I*. Griffin spent Friday and Saturday at the Fair In Atlanta. Mrs. R. L. Matthews went to At lanta Sunday for a month's visit. Mrs. H. W. Beall has been visit ing relatives In Buchanan this week. Mr. T. E. Bonner, of Carrollton, Is tho guest of IiIh son, Mr. R. E. Bon ner. Mr. W. B. McBryde was among the Cedartown visitors In Rockmart Sun day. Mr. J. T. Cambron and daughter. Miss Annie, spent Sunday In Rock mart. Col. J. A. Wright spent Saturday In Atlanta tohear Hon. Wm. Jennings Bryan. Mrs. E. L. Mann left Sunday for an extended visit in Columbus and Birmingham. Mrs. S. N. Clary and daughter, Mrs. S. N. Clary, Jr., spent Thursday af ternoon In Rome. Mrs. John Powell, of Cedartown, is vlHltlng Mrs. Donaldson, on Broad street.—Rome Herald, 19th. Rev. W. H. Barrett, of Cave Spring, was here Friday en route to the Bap tist Association In Rockmart. Miss Tinsley Winston, who has been the attractive guest of her mother, Mrs. Eunice Winston, returned Friday to West Point Judge F. A. Irwin spent Saturday In Atlanta to hear the speech of Hon. Wm.Jennings Bryan, of whom he Is a staunch admirer. Miss Wahneta Morris, who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Morris, returned Mon day to Cartersvllle. Misses Estelle Massey, Ola and Ethel Langford spent the latter part of the ween In Atlanta visiting rela tives and attending the Fair. WANTED—A small boy to work In the afternoons after school hours and on Saturdays. Apply at once at the Western Union Telegraph office. Messrs. G. F. Haney, W. A. and E. C. Hackney, Joe Palmer, Ixrn Wester and Warren Bailey, of Esom Hill, spent the week-end at the Fair In At DEAR MADAME:- Cold weather will soon be here, a fact that can’t fail to suggest the need for new BOYS’ CLOTHES. If you’ve fitted out the BOY at this store in former years, we need only remind you that we’ve again prepared for your visit. If you are not one of our customers, we wish to come out i boldly with the statement of our ability both to undersell a4 give better quality. In personal service, in preparedness to meet your needs, in the intrinsic value of our goods, in variety of style, we not only excel but positively lead all others to the degree that it becomes practically a duty to make your purchases here. I .T.ce next to Standard Bldg. Cif), I CKDA11TOWN, »A. lanitary Plumbing, Steam Fitting. irst-Class Work at Reasonable Prices. Pay up votir subscription. Fair In Atlantn Saturday Col. and Mrs. G. R. Hutchens spent the week-end in Atlanta. Mrs. Ivy F. Thompson spent the past few days In Atlanta. Mrs. Frank Hightower is visiting her parents at Talladega. Ala. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stone spent the week-end at the Fair in Atlanta. Mr. Cliff Collins, of Cedartown, spent Sunday here.—Acworth Post. Dr. R. R. Thompson spent the lat ter part of last week In Rockmart. Mrs. C. W. Richter, of Birmingham, Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Dunn. Mrs. G. W. Whitfield and daughter, Miss Mamie, spent Sunday with Hock- mart relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Holloway and Mrs. Rebecca Booth by spent Thursday and Friday In Atlanta. Mr. J. S. Young, of near Walthall, was called to Atlanta Friday by the illness of hls father-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard are happy over the arrival of a flno girl In their household last week. Miss Ruth Robinson, who wan the guest last week of Mrs. Ivy Thomp son, returned Friday to Atlanta. Mrs. Henry Baldwin left Sunday to s;>end some time with relatives at Columbia, 8. C., and Shelby,^N. Miss Mamie West,who has been vis iting her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Blance, re turned Friday to her home at Thoni- A few cholo selections in Raven- wood hand-painted china, sets and odd pieces, all new and pretty. W. TURNER. Jeweler. Mrs. J. W. Booz entertained Young Matrons' Club very pleasintly Thursday afternoon, serving elegant refreshments. The game of dominoes, *'12,” was played. Misses Almira Parker and Malllne Bradford, two of Cedartown’s most charming young ladles, are the week end guests of Mrs. Will Chldsoy.— Rome Herald, 20th. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Edge and Mr. Joe Hopper, of the Seventeenth dis trict, attended the Polk County Bap tist Association in Rockmart last week. A group of attractive Cedartown girls, including Misses Lucy Housnul, Mary Griggs, Luclle Fielder and An na Matshall were guests over Monday of Miss Jane A. Dean.—Rome Herald. Mr. O. E. Marshall has purchased a lot from Mr. C. W. Hollett on corner of Philpot and Rockmart streets, on which he will immediately build a nice seven-room two-story dwelling. Mr. J. G. Eubanks, the hustling State Business Agent of the Farmers’ Union, spent Sunday with home folks at Fish, and came over to attend the Union mass meeting here Monday morning. MaJ. J. A. Blance, Dr. D. M. Rus sell, Rev. P. M. Agan and Messrs. J. K.Howard,J. M. Prewett,Victor Ray, T. P. Lyon and others attended the Polk County Baptist Association in Rockmart. last week. This Is the time of the year to do your painting. Painting, papering and decorating Is John Casey’s business. Ho does nothing else. I^eave word at Bradford’s drug store; he’ll get the message and will call on you. $100—A nicely located and elevated town lot. One good single room build ing, handy to work at the Machine Shops Central Railroad. Must sell Inside of thirty days after the date of this paper, after which It will not be on market. For sale by A. Philpot & Co. Better figure on it, young man. 8. A. Trammell, sole owner. A. C. COBB The man on the Comer in the White Building. XTRAGOOD IS THE BEST BOYS’ BRAND-