The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 24, 1907, Image 6

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New Goods! Fine Clothnig For Fall! Cents’ Furnishings in all the LATEST STYLES. They’re coming every day. You come, too! DAVIS BROS. PEEK BLOCK CEDARTOWN THE CEDARTOWM STANDARD TIIBMT, OCTOBER 24. 1107 Col. C. C. Bunn, Jr., Qttendod the meeting Monday iu Atlanta of tlio Htato Flrtmun's Association, and pre sided over the meeting. Ho modestly declined re-elect ton an president of that popular organisation, but contrib uted much to tlio succoss of that An- Koclnttnn, and finally accepted the vice presidency. Oct. 24th, 1907. Dear Friend: I don’t see how they make macaroni. I don’t see how they get the hole in it. The doc tor says this is a good thing because it won’t lump in your stomach. And my, how good macaroni is with a little cheese sprin kled over it, and they are cheap too. 10 and 15 cents a pound for macaroni, and 80 cents a pound for nice fresh cheese shipped direct from New York. Your friend, JACOB. P. S. You can always get fresh macaroni, spaghetti, cheese, American and imported, at EO. A. LOWRY, Phones 43 and 74. M. Dunn has bought from Davis a lot on Thompson I Prof. K. K. King, of Atlanta, spent Sunday here. Mr. W. B. Young, of Griffin, was hero over Sunday. Mr. and Mr». Holmes Smith spent Friday In Atlanta. Mr. W. B. Everett, of Rockmart was here Tuesday. Miss Leahnora Bradford Is spending some time iuAtlanta. Mr. M. C. Bobo was home over Sun day from South Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. 10. B. Russell spent the week-end In Atlantu. Mrs. Frank Bunn returned Mon day from a visit to Griffin. Mrs. II. F. Johnson, of Atlanta. Is the guest of Mrs. J. H.Williams. Mrs. J. A. Darrell is visiting her niece, Mrs. Moore. In Chattanooga. A few choice Ferns ami Begonias for sale. Apply to Mrs. M. J. Whltely. Mrs. A. L. Kennedy Is spending a few days with relatives at IOhoiii Hill. Rev. II. M. QuIUlan and sou. Henry, spent the first of the week in At lanta. Miss Maggie Eubanks, of Fish, Is the guest of Miss Sallle Sewell this week. Mr. A. J. K street. Messrs. W Latham. Jr., Friday. Capt. W. F. Hall has bought from .Mrs. S. A. Pitts her residence on Phil pot street. Miss Mary Harrison returned Tues day from an extended visit to rela tives In Birmingham. Call on Mar Van Roberts If you want your cleaning and pressing ne il ly and promptly done. Miss M. Kate Boos is visiting in Sondertville, the guest of her sister. Mrs. A. Willis Kinns. A good room for rent, with board, for two young men or a coupld with out children. Phone 177. Mr. Oliver Waddell. of Atlanta, spent Sunday with his parents. Col. and Mrs. J. O. Waddell. Extensive Improvements are being made on the residence of Mrs. W. F. Turner on Herbert street. Mrs. C. S. Lemon, who has been the guest of Mrs. U H. Smith, re turned home Monday to Acwortli. The automobile and motorcycle races at the Fair next Tuesday aud Wednesday will be thrilling events. Mrs. J. W. Baker, who has been the guest of Mrs. Geo. S Sftubbs. re turned Monday to her home In Kno\- Wood Felton, aud here HTOP AND THINK. Now Is your time to buy a home In Cedartown. All properties close In are advancing very rapidly. Ere long there will he nothing on the market. We have a good six room house on lones street one block Irom Main street; also one six room dwelling on Highland avenuo. The properties arc in good condition and can bo had at a bargain. Call at once. A. B. PH1LPOT & CO. Mrs. J. E. Good was in Rome Mon day. Mr. John Cornelius was In Atlanta Sunday. Mr. Isacc T. Mee spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr. I. W. M. FroHt was In Rome Monday. Mrs. A. W. Stubbs spent yesterday In Atlanta. Mr. J. A. Kirk, of Piedmont, Ala, wus here Monday. Mrs. G. A. Nunley, of Rockmart, si.ent Sunday here. Mr. J. T. Carter s, ent Saturday at the Fair In Atlanta. Mrs. Eunice Winston spent the week-end In Atlanta. Mrs. Estelle Hardwick went down yesterday to Atlanta. Phono 300 If you want cleaning and pressing promptly done. Mr. Joe L. Davis spent Sutiduy night and Monday in Atlanta. Misses Kate and Lucy Young spent the week-end iu Atlanta. Mrs. W. N. Hutchings went over yesterday to Cartersvllle. Mrs. Frank Barnes returned Mon day from a visit to Griffin. Miss Mary Jones has been home from Alabama for a few days. Mr. L. P. Henley was here from Gordon county the first of the week. Mesdanies E. D. Estes and J. T. Phillips were at Luke Creek Mon day. WHAT YOU WANT. Long Kid Gloves In Black, White airrt Tan. Every w here $8 60 and |4. Our price, $3 American Lady Corsets, In all flie regular and new shapes, from $| to $2.50 each. Hosiery. For Ladies, Misses nnd Children, in Cotton and Wool, from 10c to 50c. Special 35c, or 8 pair for $1 See them. Cloaks. A complete lineof Ladies.Misses and Childrens’ Cloaks just re ceived, in Plain and Fancy Col ors. $3.50 to $15. Silk Mufflers At prices to suit you. Laces and Embroideries Arriving constantly, in all qual ities and »idths. Dress Goods In all the new shades and weaves the most attractive line ever shown here, with linings and trimmings to match. Ask to see them. Shoes Queen Quality for Women. Barry Shoes For MEN. of Atlanta, is i. R. D. Tram-1 Mrs. J. W. Bagwell visiting her sister, Mr mell. Rev. J. E. Sammons, of Brunswick, was the gur <t Tuesday of Mr. J. A. Hamilton. Mr. S. J. Sheffield, of Atlanta.was the gueet Sunday of his brother, Mr Lester Sheffield. Mrs. TJL Boo* and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, spent Sunday night and Monday In Atlanta. Miss Susie Reeves, of Atlanta.spent Saturday and Sunday with her sis ter. Mrs. R. 1). Trammell. Col. C. B. Willingham, of Marietta, is here this week as official steno grapher for the county court. You want the best, of course! So always buy Chase & Sanborn's famous Seal Brand coffee at Lowry's: Miss Mattie Stubbs returned home Monday night from a visit in Atlanta to her sUter, Mrs. J. \V. Johnson. Mr. Frank Lowther is home front Gadsden, Ala., on a visit to his par ents. Mr. aud Mrs. B. F. Lowther. Mrs. H. M. Rountree, who hits been visiting her son, Dr. F. L. Rountree, returned home yesterday to Atlanta. Mrs. Ola Hudgins has bought through Philpot's real es ate ageucy three houses and lots on Estes street. Miss Nannie Hotels, of Rock wood. I Tenn., who has been visiting Mrs M. Burgdorf, returned home Thurs day. Mesdanies G. S. Borders, J. S. Col-1 llns and J. T. Phillips a tended the! Baptist Association in Ro mart la t Saturday. Mr. J. M. Howington. a prominent and clever c:tixen of Paulding county, I was here Monday at the big Farmers’: Colon rally. FOR SALE- One go;ui gentle hors**. 1 vacant lot on Thompson stiv t, $100; acres on Hogg’s Height s.$;:m H. J. DEMP.-EY. PHILLIPS DRY GOODS OL, Big Department Store. Phone 218. I Mr. M. C. Evans spent Saturday in Atlanta. i Mr. W. J. Vance was in Buchanan j 1 Monday. | Miss Ellen Heaton spent the first j of the week in Rockmart. i Mr. C. B. Wray returned last week j from a stay of several days In Aih- | I ena. I Mrs. Ed. Berry and daughter. Miss j | Lily, spent the first of the week in : Atlanta. Mrs. J. B. Jones, of Walthall, re turned Monday from a visit to Rock mart relatives. Dr. P. M. Rhodes, of Taylorsville. ‘‘ was among the prominent Farmers’ Uulou men here Monday. For sale or exchange—one-horse wagon, good 03 new. M. O. BARRETT. R. F. D. 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. West, of Lime Branch.are happy over the arrival of an eleven pound boy Sunday. Mr. W. M. York, of Cave Spring, was over Monday to attend the rally of the Farnurs’ Union at the Court House. Rt-v. and Mrs. W. J. Lovvorn went to Rockmart Friday evening to at tend the sesaious of the-Baptist As- vlllo. Tenn. Mr. J. 1\ Stone has Knight the prop erty of Mrs. H. VanDevander on Noy es street, through the agency of A. 1L Phil pot & Co. Mrs. U H. Poole and children leit Tuesday for a month’s visit to her parents. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. O. Eng land. in Conyers. Just received a large and pretty selection of Hawkes* Cut Glass, some new designs. To see is to admire. W. W. TURNER. Jeweler. Mr. O. Willingham has sold his home on Stubbs street to Mrs. H. XL Rountree of Atlanta, through the | which Phllpot Real Estate agency. n ice> residenc The Cotillion Club will give a big Misses Ma Cotillion next Monday night. Prof S. C., Wedempyer and his famous concert; ladega band front Atlanta will be present and j Mrs. 1 great pleasure is anticipated. ) their homes Tuesday Xlr. W. T. Cason has purchased the 1 Mesdanies John P. Giles cottage aud lot? lle'j. Dempsey j will use the cottage for a tenant house and will build >t suclatlon. Mr. J. A. Dodds. Jr., h ;s purchas ed a lot on Thompson s reel on which! B is always best to buy the best he will build a ma; little cotta e. the *hen it comes to buying coffee. Chase sale by the Phil pot real estate agency.! & Sanborn’s famous Seal Brand at The famous \V«lemeyer', Concert A ' Lowr - v ' s " ,u ‘* > ou 10 a , Hand, of Atlanta, one of the best in T ' the state, will furnish the music for Mr. J. S. Lee. of Republic. Ala., i the Fair next Tuesday and Wcduesda , has bought Mr. T. N. Duke’s farm; Mrs. W. F. Turner returned Mon- al Lime Branch, and is moving back ' day from an extended v sit to her to Polk—much to the gratification daughter, Mrs. J. L. Gross at Hons- of his ma “y friends, ton.Tex., and among rel.u.vtsat New- Messrs. R. E. Griffin. Graham Nor-! nan * j man and Claude Sheffield attended I Moorish and Nubian Figures. Bus's., the State Firemen's Association Mon-* Vases, etc., a good assortment, new. day in Atlanta as delegates from the pretty and cheap. Call early and g* t. Cedartown Fire Department, f.rst choice. W. \V. TURNER. Jew-| elir. ’ We are now nicely settled in our new home in the Hardwick-1 ellord Build ing, and leel that we have made a good move. You will now make a good move by coming to us to have your PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Ol course, we carry a full line of Patent Medicines, Paints, OiH, Toilet Articles, Etc.. Russell Drug Co. Store Phone 125 Res. Phone 143 HALL General Missis Helen Good and Evelyn | Fite, of Cedartown. are the pretty . R. H. Marchman has purebas- and attractive guests for the week- lrvmgh the agency of A B. Phil- end. of Mrs. Homer Arrington on a ’ot on Main street ou East Fourth Street —Rcme Tribune, will immediately build ai 20th. & BARR] Hardware. Mrs. W. .. Bunn entertained , . °! t,r , Fortnightly dub most enjovably ml Ju..a Cunningham of Tat- day xiemoon. Ala., who have be.m visiting XL Hightower, returned to Fri- meuibers, enjoyed her hospitality. The hostess | was assisted in entertaining by XIes- C. K. Henderson and H. I dances Estelle Hardwick. A. C. Cobh, left Monday to attend the J. H. Sanders and O.lie Casey. E>e- '■''■'“vention In Columbus, gan; rofrvshmenti were ser.ellaad the We Offer fair tTPPtmpnt •os » , »«°«.'-»rd.|The tot«*r will visit relatives la dlninc-l .nrlful «ith its treatment. The sale by 1’hilpot real estate asency. Thomasville before her return. 'ferns, roses and silver candlesticks , W. C. * ' w e wish our friends and the publi F generally to be apprised of the fact that w have gathered into our new and cominodj IVsides the Club ous quarters a complete and desirable line numt r of elderly ! idles the best goods to be bought. These we cf< ;er at prices entirely reasonable, as alwayl Drop in and tj convinced.