The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 24, 1907, Image 7

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Y To Cotton Planters. The Cedartown Cotton & Export Co. Begs to inform you that their Electric Gin, with Air Blast Attachments, Is now ready to serve you. We have in stalled the Air Blast system because we be lieve it will give you a cleaner sample and longer staple than the old system, and thus bring you a higher price for your cotton. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. R. D. TRAMMELL, MANUFACTURER OK Farm and Spring Wagons. Nc.v in Commodious New Quarters, Cor. Warehouse and Woodlawn Sts. Horse = Shoeing, Carriage Painting, Rubber Tires. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. | TAX COLLECTOR'S ROUNDS. I Will be at the following named places at the dates Indicated for the purpose of collecting State and County Taxes for the year 1907. I will also have with me on the rounds the Registration Books, which will be open for thefteglstratlon of voters. Bace Rockmnrt Arajon Ituncomhe Browning’s Antlo-h Fistic reek Jgffrtown Lake Creek Hampton's Esom Hill Blooming U rove.. Young's .... Lovvorn’s Mill Etna Walthall . Seney Brooks X Roads Taylorsville Richard Davis Oremont Bailey Store Berry’s (Isbell's Store) lnt Bound 2d Round 3d Round Oct 1st. N »v. 2d and lflth Dec. 2d and 14th. “ 2d. ” 4th •• 3d. ” 3d. a. m. “ 5th, a. m. “ 4th, p. m. “ 4th, am. ** Will, h. in. “ 6tli, a. m. “ 4 th, p.m. “ 15tb, a. in. “ 5th, p. m. “ 7th, a.m. “ 7th, a. m. *• 8th, a. m. “ 8th, “ Ht4i and 9tli “ 7, 16 to 20th. “ 11th, a. m. “ 9th, a. m. “ 10th,a m. “ 12th, a. m. “ 10th, p.m “ 11th, ** 13th, a. m. " 11th, a.m. “ 11th,p.m. “ 13th, p. m. " 12th, r. m. “ 12th, a .m. “ 14th, p. m. “ 13th, r. m. 11th, p. m. 12th, p. m. 14th, a. jn. 18th, a. m. 18th, p. m. 19th, a. m. 19th. p. m. “ 4tli, a. m. “ 10th, a. m. “ 13th,noon 12 to 1 “ 11th, p. m. W. A. CAI.HOUN. T. C.. Polk County, Ga. Mica Axle > Grease Helps the Wagon up the CUI < The loa 1 seems lighter—Wagon aid team wear longer—You ni..I.e nore money, and have more limo to make money, when wheels arc ca Axle Grease -The longest wearing and most atisfactory lubricant in the world. STANDARD OIL CO. |and Health REVIVO j RESTORES VITALITY A* “Made a Well Man of Me.” 3V1VO RBMBDT area fine result* In 30 days. It acu irfully and quickly. Cures when others fall, iff men can reffaln their lost manhood, and Imen may recover their youthful vigor by : KEVIVO. It quickly and quietly re- s Nervousness. Lost Vitality, Sexual _-ine«8 such as Lost Power, Falling Memory. Wtlng Diseases, and effects of self-abuse or i8S and Indiscretion, which unfits one fer y. business or marriage. It not anly cures f Starting at the seat of disease, but is a great re tonic and blood builder, bringing t the pink glow to pale cheeks and re- ring the fire of youth. It wards off ap- kching disease. Insist on having KEVIVO, "ther. It can be oarrled in vest pocket. By l. 91.00 per package, or six for 9&«00. We B free advice and counsel to all who wish it, h guarantee. Circulars free. Address ftAL MEDICINE CO.. Marine Bldg.. Chicago, 19 RIPE BROS., DEALERS IX First=Class Wines |Whisky ^ Beer. I Give us a trial order. atisfaction guaran teed. RICE BROS., 414 E. Montgomery Ave., CHATTANOOGA. TENN. Tay up your subscription. The Georgia Loan and Trust Co. will negotiate loans, well se• cured by improved real estate, at SIX PER CENT INTEREST on reasonable commission sums of $250 or more. Good 'ipplications wanted. W. C. BUNN, Correspondent for Polk Co MONEY TO LOAN. We are prepared to lend money to farmers at 8 per cent Interest, strictly re-payable In annual Installments, and no commission chargtd for making Bame. All persons desiring to borrow mon ey secured by first mortgage lien on proved farm lands in Polk county will improved farm lands In Polk County will be promptly served and save money by consulting us.* FIELDER & FIELDER, Cedartown, Ga. Sheriff Sales for Nov., 1907. Will be sold before the court house door in Cedartown in said county on the first Tuesday in November, 1907, within the legal hours of aale to th highest bidder for cash the followng described property, to-wit:-— One house and lot just outside the city limits of Cedartown, Ga., in Polk county, now occupied by Mrs. H. M. Carter. Said house and lot being on the north side of Prior Station public road and a short distance west of Ce dartown Cotton Company’s public gin nery; said lot fronts south on West avenue or Prior Station public road 26 feet, and runs back north of uni form width a distance of 130 feet, and is known as lot No. 9 of Block 82 of Cedartown Land Improvement Com pany survey made by S. S. Evans, map of which is recorded in the record of deeds of said county. Said property levied on as the property of Mrs. H. M. Carter to satisfy an execution Is sued from the superior court of said county in favor of W. K. Holmes a- gainst said Mrs. H. M. Carter; said property being in the possession of Mrs. H. M. Carter. This 4th day of October, 1907. J. E. DEMPSEY, Sheriff. J. F. CARMICHAEL, Dept. Sbff. TO POLK COUNTY PEOPLE. Mr. William J. Harris Addresses a Personal Card to III# Fellow- CltlietH. Ten years ago Hon. A. S. *Clay was elected U. S. Senator. He had only one position—that of Private Secretary—with which to regard his thousands of friends who hud Btood b him. There were a hundred or more splendid young men who ap plied for this position, many of them no doubt more worthy than myself, but he appointed me his Private Sec tary. During the ten years I have been with him my Polk county friends, who were interested in get ting rural routes by their doors, seeds, documents, etc., have made hundreds •cqursts of me, and Senator Clay has gladly done everything he could for the people of Polk and our state. Senator Clay Is a member of the ublic Buildings Committee of the Sen te, ns well as of every other com mittee that brings money to Georgia fro’m the Federal Government, and he has introduced a Mil in the Senate providing for a handsome public build Ing for Cedartown. which is sure to adorn our prosperous city. o public man in the United States has worked harder for IiIh peo ple, and every speech he has made and every vote he has cast has been In the interest of the great musses. He has been kind enough to he very helpful in the organization of some enterprises 1 am establishing here in Polk that will directly or In directly be beneficial to every citi zen of the county. I shall greatly appreciate It If all my friends In Polk will come out to hear him speak and shake his hand next Tuesday at the Fair grounds. Yours very truly, WILLIAM J. HARRIS. ’07 FARMERS. We have on hand, just one car of WHEAT FERTILIZER, which Is all that we will order out this season. If you are Interested call and leave jour orders at once. A. W. STUBBS & CO. October 24th, Dear Friend: Prunes, when you stew them are mighty nice thing to begin break fast with. Don’t you think so? There is lots of dif ference in the kinds of prunes you get, though. If you want to get real nice prunes you must go to a grocery that carries good prunes and other fruits. New crop Prunes are nice and healthy too. They make a good eco nomical breakfast fruit, because you can get a whole pound for 12^c. Your friend, JACOB. P. S. All kinds of dried fruits, the best to be had, also seeded raisins, currants,cit ron, figs and dates, nuts, etc., for fruit cake, and if you want your fruit cake to be the best in town, buy now, at Ed. A. Lowry Phones 43 and 74. PASTOR IN ST AI LED. KEY. W. >V. POWELL FORMALLY INSTALLED SUNDAY An Pastor of the Presbyterian Uluinli Impressive Services Held. Rev. W. W. Powell. of Kentucky, e new pnstor of the Cedartown Pres byterian church, was formally Install ed In his pastorate last Sunday morn ing In the presence of a large con gregation. The commission recently appointed by the Cherokee Presbytery performed Its duties In an impressive manner. “V. W. H Darnall, D. I)., of Cal houn, presided at the session. He ched an excellent sermon,and pro pounded the constitutional quest Ions to the new puBtor. The charge to the pastor was delivered by Rev. 11. B. Searight, of Acworth, and the charge to the people by Rev. W. A. Cleve land, of Cartersvllle. The delivery of these charges was a most impres sive feature of the services. bv. W.A. Cleveland f.lled the pul pit most acceptably at the evening service. Excellent music formed an important part of both the morning and evening services. POLK COUNTY BAPTISTS Enjoy a Great Assoclatlonal Meeting in Rockmnrt. The Polk County Baptist Associa tion held one of the largest ami most nthuslastlc gatherings In its history, beginning last Friday evening and ontlnulng through Sunday. The serinouH and the discussions of live topics were all full of Interest, and every session was profitable to the largo numbers in attendance. The good people of Rockmnrt entertained their guests with the utmost hospital ity. welcoming them in their homes, and serving big basket dinners each day on the church grounds. Rev. J. T. Gibson was elected Mod erator, Mr. J. M. Lawson as Clerk, Mr. S. E. Smith as Treasurer, and Mr. Buell Stark us chairman of the Fin ance committee. Kesolntions of Seventh Grade, Pub- lie School. It has pleased our Heavenly Fath er to remove from among us a belov ed friend and classmate, Lewis Led better, who by his upright and manly spirit and exemplary conduct had on deared himself not only to Ills teach ers and classmates, but to all with whom he wus associated. Resolved, That, while we realize that his place ns one of us can never be filled, we bow with bumble sub mission to the will of “Him who doeth all things well," knowing that our loss is Lewis’ eternal gain. Resolved, That a page on the min utes of our Literary Society be ded icated to his memory, that these res olutions be published in The Cedar town Standard and The Superiorls, and a copy bo sent to the family. Mury Bradford, Clyde Dodds, Neff VanDevander, Committee. “SIS IN NEW YORK.” “Sis in New York" is coming next Mo..u.ty to Hie Lyceum. Sis and her Indiuiia neighbors have been so long before the public entertaining and de lighting those who have an ear for the quaint brand of comedy found Just the same nowhere else save Posey county, Hooppole township, Indiana, that they need no introduction. This season’s tdition of the fun and frol ic takes Sis and her ‘rural friends into New York, and she is certainly kept busy dodging tile autos and ca for she insists on walking in mid street for fear any of the big build ings should fall. FOR MAYOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for .Mayor, subject to the white primary, and ask the votes of my fellow citizens. R spectfully, R. O. PITTS. FOR ALDERMEN. I am a candidate for Alderman from the 2d Ward, subject to the White Primary, and wi 1 appreciate the sup port of my constituents. L.S. LEDBETTER. I wish to announce my candidacy for Alderman from the 5th Ward, subject to the White Primary, and ask the support of iny tionstituents. A. M. DUNN. PAYS PROMPTLY. Messrs. W. J. Harris & Co., Agents. Gentlemen;—- I have received check for $1,000 In full payment of accident policy which my husband, W. L. Hunt, carried with The Travelers Ins. Co. th rough your agency. I thank you for prompt set tlement of same. MRS. W. L. HUNT. THE J. W. Lee Co., NEW GOODS. ^"~Now is the time when every person is looking lorward for FALL necessities in wearing apparel, and as most peo. pie are anxious to know just where to obtain these necessi ties, we issue this special announcement We come with one ol the most complete stocks of Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing and Notions, Skirts, Ladies’ ^ Children’s Coats, Etc. Ever displayed in the city ol Cedartown, In T>i-etiis C^ootls, Novelties, Ete., we have the very cream of the Eastern markets, and are able to supply your demands with money-saving prices. = Dress Coods.= Wool Dress Goods seemingly are cheaper than last season, or else we bought them cheaper, and will sell them accordingly. All the latest novelties in DroHN Goods, Willts, Fancy Waimtings, Etc., of all kinds are on display in our mammoth store, and we will gladly show you through the stock any time free ol charge. Make our store headquarters. You will be gladly welcomed. Our SHOE stock speaks for itself. We have all the novelties in loot wear. The Guaranteed Kind. Remember the lamous brands—The White House Shoes for Men and Women, The Buster Brown Shoes lor Boys, for Girls. The 2d floor of our building is devoted to Mr. R. J. Poole, a Confederate vet eran of the 2d Georgia Regiment,wish es to sell the army overcoat which he received at Big Shanty on April 14th, 1861. He lives on the old Tread well place near Lake Creek. Mr. A. H. Berry, of Rome, famil iarly known here as "Bose,” was found murdered and robbed in his room at a Norfolk, Vn., hotel Monday. And just now is full of new cuts and styles for FALL. We are offering cut-prices on Men's and Boys’ Clothing, also Odd Bants. We are anxious to save you money on your Clothing purchases. Ask to see the values in this department. Ladies’ Skirts and Coats. We also have a separate department for Ladies’ Fur nishings. Skirts, Coats, Furs, Muffs, Etc. Our Ladies’ Coats stand superior in workmanship and style. All colors and kinds. Prices horn the lowest to the highest. We ask a share of your patronage. We assure you our prices are right and our merchandise the best quality. You must remember the place. J.W.LeeCo. LEADER OF LOW PRICES, CEDARTOWN. OA.