The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 24, 1907, Image 8

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Wealthy Philanthropist Heals Chicago’s Poor. City Is Excited Over the Remarkable Cures of a Myste rious Man Whose Eocentrlcites Are StartllnQ. •(rang. Stories Are Told ol Quiet Stronger Who Distribute. Crest Quan tities ol Food and Clothing and Cures Disease Without Pay. Chicago special. -The people of The physicians of the city are a- thla city are greatly excited over a | maxed at the work he Is doing and , ,, . , . Iirvh tried to shake the wonderful In- number of remarkable cures which I ^ ^ ^ ovcr ^ peop , e _ CV(!n have been effected by a wealthy go j ng BO f ar ^ to threaten prose- phllauthroplHt by the name of Coop- j ( , uti()n but ^ he does not accept any er. I money for his services and does not Ills headquarters at The Public Drug g j ve out any medicine himself, they 8tore la besieged with crowds of men bavc been powerless to interfere. and women eager to be cured of their Ills. Cooper Is a quiet gentlemanly per son, with the appearance or a student, rather than n business man. He Is apparently about thirty-one or two years of age. lie first came Into public notice by Ills philanthropic work among the poor. The large fortune he possesses has made it possible for him to distribute many wagon loads of food and clothing u- mong those In indigent circumstances since his arrival In Chicago. The first that was known of Coop er's power over disease was when Mr. John 8tauber, of 1007 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio, who was in this city on business, declared that Coop er, the philanthropist, was the same person who saved his life lost March, after he had bt*m given up to die by his physicians. Mr. Stauber stated that last March the doctors had told him he would not live until May, ns he was In a terrible condition; ev ery one said ho had consumption; he had a nasty cough, with troqueut Jieuiorrhages, dizzy spells, and was so weak that the least exertion or excitement would completely prostrate him; there wore severe pains in the stomach and hack, and his kidneys were in had oondit.on. ‘/Her my physicians gave me up," Mr. Stauber, "Mr. Cooper heard of my case and called to see me. Ho left a peculiar medicine which 1 began taking and 1 Immediately be gan to Improve. My cough stopped, my stomach no longer distressed me, and my kidneys were in perfect con dition. 1 gained seventeen pounds in Beven weeks, and today l am as well as I ever was in my life." A few days after this Mr. H. L. Sldwell, a Justice of the peace living at 3322 Deaborn street, reported that Cooper lmd cured him of a case of stomach trouble yvith a few doses of his peculiar medicine. Ills trouble had boon of long stand ing ami ho had tried many different doctors and medicines without relief. From the first dose of Cooper’s medt cine he began to improve, and is to day In apparently perfect health. This was followed by the still more remarkable cure of Mr. Thomas Web ster, employed at tin* Omaha Parking Company, a»d living nt. 5210 South Morgan street. Mr. Webst- r had suf fered foi* years with pain la his Stomagh .dizziness, palpitation of heart, backache, and all other troubles. Ho came to Cooper's headquarters uml displayed an enormous tapeworm, which lie said had passed from his system after ho had taken a few doses of the Cooper medicine. Mr. Webster said all his suffering hud left him as If by magic, and lie felt like a new being. The report of these remarkable cures flew through the city like wild fire, and the Public Drug Store,where] Cooper Is making his hondquarters, Is besieged by people suffering from ull manner of aliments. Qooper created considerable amuse ment at the expense of the doctors by asking them why they did not write their prescriptions In English so their patients would know what they were taking. Since the Interest has become widespread that Cooper cannot meet the people personally, he is receiving an enormous mail, and keeps a large forco of stenographers employed answering It. In the meantime stor- ios of marvelous cures continue to pour in. Mrs. G. Fry, living nt 182 Oak street, had suffered agony for months from rheumatism. In telling about her cose, she said: have had rheumatism for over nine years. It has been getting worBe every year until I have been almost a cripple from It for the past eighteen months. I have been un able to write for over three years, the knuckles of my hands were swollen I could not close my flngc nough to write. Every joint in my body was 111 the same shape, swollen and intensely painful. The suffering has been too great to describe. I hav seen a doctor every week for ten months and have tried in every way to get well. "Last week 1 came here and bought some of the Cooper medicines, told to come back In case I did not Improve. I have come buck anyway, just to express my thankfulness. "You see my hands. The swelling has ulmoRt gone. So has the pain, If you will lend me u pencil I will show you that 1 can write.” Mrs. Fry here took the pencil and used it readily. "I told a neighbor who has rheumatism, about it, and she Huld ‘maybe It Isn’t the medicine, maybe It’s something else.' 1 told her that until I knew what the something else was 1 should keep on taking the medicine and I advised her to do likewise." Cooper claims to have received the formulas of the medicines he Is us ing from an aged priest in a sleepy Spanish town in Old Mexico. The Mexicans believed that holy water or »ome supernatural element entered In to their composition. Cooper receives an enormous dull mall. Letter* are coming from ev rt ol the state, asking for ad The philanthropist reads every let tvr curt fuil}, and replies to each one advi. ing ;he remedy which is appli cable to each individual caae. While hit; remarkable cures are, the chief topic of conversation, many stories are heard on the streets and In business places of his goodness iu the poor. His gifts of food, moat> and clothing have relieved a great a- mount of distress, ilml have greatly endeared him to the people. lie is beginning to show the psvn strain he has beed under the pu two weeks, and it is undersioafl tn ho will remain hero only one mor BYRDS BUDGET. Rev. C. K. Henderson, of Cedar- town, to the delight of a large con gregation preached a very able and Impressive sermon at Collard Valley Baptist church Sunday. Miss Beatrice Callahan came over from Rock mart Friday and spent Sat urday and Sunday with home folks very pleasantly. Mrs. George Climer, of Rome, who has been spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gate- wood, returned home (Sunday. Rev. J. E. Smith and his excel lent wife, of Silver Creek, attended services at Collard Valley Sunday. His many friends will be glad to know that his health is improving. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Climber moved Saturday to Rome, where Mr. Climber will engage In business with W. H. Coker. singing at Mr. W. M. Cal lahan's Saturday night was greatly enjoyed by the young people. Misses Sallle and Lula FrickH ci down from Rome Friday to be with home folks Saturday nnd Sunday. The colored people of this section deserve great credit for the manner in which they entertained the dele gates to the Association, which con vened nt Seney last Friday, crowds were large, the behavior good, and the services were greatly enjoy ed. Rev. H. II. Popham attended the Polk County Baptist Association which convened at Rockraart Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Porter visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Boh Hogg, at Lake Creek, Sunday. W. M. C. MAKE IT YOURSELF. There 1b bo much Rheumatism here In our neighborhood now thnt the following advice by an eminent au thority, who writes for renders of n large Eastern daily paper, will highly appreciated by those who suf fer: Get from any good pharmacy on* half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion one ounce Compound Korgon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa rllla. Shake these well in a bottle nnd take in teaspoonful doses aft ach meal and nt bedtime; also drinb plenty of good water. Is claimed that there are few victims of this dren« and tortu disease who will fall to find ready relief In this simple home-made mix ture, and in most gases a permanent ure Is the result. This simple recipe Is said to strengthen nnd cleanse the elimlna tlve tissues of the Kidneys so thnt they can filter and strain from the blood nnd system the poisons, tfclds and waste matter, which cause no only Rheumatism, but numerous oth er diseases. Every man or woman bore who feels that their kidneys are not healthy nnd active, or who suf fers from any urinary trouble what ever, should not hesitate to make nj this mixture, as it Is certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery and suffering after Collar Label IT’S A RISK ! o buv < lothing- from pearam.r- pnint, even the p .rest tjraib be.htre they aie worn ITS SAFE To bin clothing with th>- S ie d label as :>howtt above, att .ched m collar. The retail price is a'so afach-d to edat'sleeve. IT’S GUARPNTEEI). Fo Sa'e by W. Si WaDDElL, FISH. GA. Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. For gale at Bradford’s drug store Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having Bright’s Disease or Diabetes BOCK MART NEWS. The friends of Mr. W. E. Cox are congratulating him on the arrival of a fine boy in his household last week. Mrs. John Rase, of Birmingham, spent Sunday here. Mr. W. M. Powell, of Cedar.own,, was here Sunday. Mr. D. C. Browning spent Saturda; in Atlanta. Mias Ruby Johnson was In Atlanta Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Edmondson, of Cedartown, were here Sunday. Mr. Jos. Mcllryde was home from Rome Sunday. Miss Rosa Brlnsfield was In A lantu last week. Mrs. N. H. McClain, of Atlanti iu< - been spending a few days wi.n her sister, Mrs.J, I). Milton. Mrs. Emmett Doyle went to Cu r- mlngsvlile, Tenn., last week to visit relatives. Mrs. E. C. Klngsbery was u visitor In Atlanta last week. vhlle. Our home druggists say they liber supply the Ingr dientu or he prescription ready to take if aiders ask them. One trial will convince you that -Slo&iMs Liniment will relieve soreness and stiffness quicker end easier than any oilier preparation sold for that purpose. It penetrates to me bone, quickens the bleed, drives away fatigue and gives tirength end elasticity to the rr.uc,cLs>. Thousands use Sloan's Liniment for rheumatism, neuralgia, toothoche sprains, contracted muscles, stiff joints, cuts, bruises, burrs, cramp or colic and insect stings PRICE £5$.EO$. tt i.C Dr. Earl S Sloan. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair tue wns.e and supply en<r,-y and oody neat The hal-i.ual ccm- aumptli n i f more food than la nec essary for t ies • purposes is the prime cau a o. ao.iu i urjjjleB rneumatlsm •and Uptu rn i: of the kindeys. Jf troubled w.tu indigestion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite con trol and take a few dost a of Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablet* and you will soon be all right again. For sn.e uy Russell Drug t o. will speak louder than words. H ip; f: $ % P|J L PtPv (J T'.;. .• , . , «?<* '- cv T ls to i f '■ ,.\V. Pv^t'v-.v * ' X* "W, Siclt j ' nml .‘oiW iicbh. ■; ly sugcrcoau : Take No toil i' c gotm nppctlte 1 a . j FOmSKlBNEYCOf® Makes Kidneys nnd Bladder Right Foleys soney^iah •lops the couiih and hoalo lundi j Before acting on vestlgate the motive free advice, in- behind It. ; wr c.WUrcrr/rc/c , JJo opiate* Coldas Lro«*orts Fn8ur.ioi.ii> Land Sale. Georgia, Polk County: I will sell before the C door in Cedar town Tn said the first Tuesday In Xovernb within the legal hours of sal highest bidder, terms made on the day of sale, the scribed property, to-wit Lots of land No. 307, 108 and the south side of lOti, on Hills Creek, known as the J. A. Thompson prop erty. Bounded on the north by Rob inson’s property, east and south by Mrs. Brown’s property, and west by P. Spinks. The property contains good dwelling and out-buildings. Sold as dowry of Mrs. L. C. Woozencraft. D. A. PORTER, Admr. New Erick Stable, North Mum STYLISH TURK-OUTS, PROMPT P POLITY CERVICE. l occiol Attention to Beardirfi Horses. Mantel^ lend all others by virtue of quality —they arc artistic as brains can make them, reasonable in price and made in every possible style. No modem Southern home in com plete without WOODWARD MANTELS. The tre mendous demand for them has made us the largest MANTEL MANUFACTURERS in the South. Our beautiful CATALOG "C” illustrated with many de signs. sent FREE ON REQUEST. WOODWARD MANTEL CO.. I B *(’*11183 you have contract d II colds and recovered from them w i i lout treatment of any kind do not i a moment imagine that colds are r 1 1 dangerous. Everyone knows tl Complies with all requirements of the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. 2041, tied at Washington. Scott'J Emulsion strengthens enfeebled nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and nerve force. It provides baby with the necessary fat and mineral food for healthy growth. ALL DRUGGISTS; SOo. AND $1.00, 9 of dry goods and groceries an l | to Rome last week, i Mr. Fred Landrum and IBs .s! ; ter, Mias Jennie, attended the closing s r- vlces of the Polk County Baptist As sociation in Rockmart Sunday. Messrs. Paul Sullivau and J. P. Camp were in Rockmart Sunday. Seney was full up and running ov er with colored people Sunday. The Kennesaw Baptist Association has | been in session here for the last two or three days and there was about two thousand colored people here Sun- day Chapped skin whether on the hands or face may be cured in one night by applying Chamberlain's Salve. it is also unequalled for sore nipples, burns and scalds. For sale by Russell Drug Co An old soldier writes about ARIOSA Coffee: “Your coffee is the best and richest coffee 1 ever drank since f left the service, from ’61 until 1 received your coffee yesterday." A soldier knows coffee by the taste, and the way it makes him feel, and would sooner go without his bread than without his coffee. Arbuckles' ARIOSA was the first roasted, packaged coffee, packaged for °f consumers, roasted and the pores of each berry scaled with a coating of fresh eggs and pure sugar, to hold the goodness in and make the coffee settle dear and quickly. Better than “fresh roast” Warming a little develops the flavor and makes the grinding easy. Our enoimous coffee business, exceeding the next four largest firms in the world together, reduce, our average cost per pound, and enables us to give you better coffee for your money than you can buy in any other way. There are more packages of ARIOSA sold in the United States than all the other Coffee packages combined. If your grocer will not supply, write to ARBUCKLE BROS.. N» Y«k Of