The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 31, 1907, Image 3

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Headquarters FOR EVERYTHING IN THE JEWELRY Line. You will And my stock always up to the roll standard in quantity, quality and STYLE. New goods continually being added. I keep a vigilant watch for the latest fads and fashions, and nothing in that line will be overlooked. A large and varied stock of Watches and Clocks At specially reduced prices. DON'T FORGET THAT, A new and complete line of BRACELETS, COMBS, SASH PINS AND BUCKLES. Everything for the table in staples ao l novelties, including a most complete as 8ortment,of Hawkes’ Cut Class, Sterling Silver, As well as best plate, l am now better prepared to give special attention to all kinds'of REPAIRING in my line. W. W. TURNER. Jeweler. Growing Girls- Growing girls need care, advice and medicine, especially on reaching the age of puberty. A mother’s tender care and words of caution will often accomplish wonders. As for’ medicine, a gentle, safe and reliable strengthening tonic is Wine of Cardui, It will prevent and relieve pain, regulate the functions, clear the complexion and strengthen the constitution. It is a valuable medicine for growing girls. It has tided thousands over a critical period, and saved them from years of suffering. It can never do harm and is sure to do good. A relief or cure for all female disorders in girls and women. At every druggist’s in #1.00 bottles. Try it. WINE OF CARDUI R. D. TRAMMELL, MANUFACTURER OF Farm and Spring Wagons. Now in Commodious New Quarters, Cor. Warehouse and Woodlawn Sts. Horse-Shoeing, Carriage Painting, Rubber Tires. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. [Think of Farming Lands Selling for om FIVE to TWENTY - FIVE DOL- VRS PER ACRE. Producing Crops forth from Fifty to TWO HUNDRED 3LLARS PER ACRE. That's on SUNSET ROUTE In Texas. [Unparalleled Opportunities for the arnier. the Manufacturer and Capl- llist. |Write and tell me what you want. E. C. ROBINSON, P. O. Box 826, ^Birmingham, Alabama. Iiirral Ollier. HOUSTON, TEXAS. j >m$H0BEr™>TAR • children/ aafe, *ura» Jfo opiate* )LEYSIfONEMAR Puree Coldci Prevent* Pneumonia ay up your subscription. Sheriff Sales for Nov., 1907. Will be sold before the court house door In Cedartown in said county on the first Tuesday in November, 1907, within the legal hours of aile to th highest bidder for cash the followng described property, to-w!t: — One house and lot just outside the city limits of Cedartown, Ga., In Polk county, now occupied by Mrs. H. M. Carter. Said house and lot being on the north side of Prior Station public road and a short distance west of Ce dartown Cotton Company's public gin nery; said lot fronts south on West avenue or Prior Station public road 26 feet, and runs back north of uni form width a distance of 130 feet, and la known as lot No. 9 of Block 82 of Cedartown Land Improvement Com pany survey made by S. S. Evans, map of which is recorded in the record of deeds of said county. Said property levied on as the property of Mrs. H. M. Carter to satisfy an execution Is sued from the superior court of said county In favor of W. K. Holm's a- gainst said Mrs. II. M. Carter; said property being in the possession of Mrs. H. M. Carter. This 4th day of October, 1907. J. E. DEMPSEY, Sheriff. J. F. CARMICHAEL. Dept. Shfl. FOLEYSKlDNEYCORE lilskos Kidneys and Bladder Right Foleys honey^tar etops the cough and heals lungs SMITH—LEARY. A Beauiifol Home Wedding Yester day Evening. At 0.30 o’clock lnfet evening was solemnized the marriage cf two of Cednrtown’s prominent young people, Mr. William Merlwethtr Leary lead- lug to Hymen's altar Ml s Cal.e. the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ■C. WSuiitb. The ceremony occurred at the elegant home of the bride’s par ents, and was witnessed by a large party of guests. The 4 Hpmious rooms presented a scene of rare beauty with,their ar tist ie decorations, the hall and par lors being beautiful with yellow chry santhemums fcrnR. The happy cou ple plighted their troth beneath a love ly canopy iu the hall, from the sides of which depended ribbons to which were nt’.nched bouquets for the brides maids. Mi h Florence Chapman sang a beau tiful Bolo.and at 6.30 o'clock t he strains of the wedding march were heard, ren dered by Mrs. B. F. Sims, and the charming levy of ribbon-bearers ap peared from the alcove—Misses Aili- gene Driver of Birmingham,Daisy Har ris of Carrollton, Kate Haminond of Cnrtersville, Pauline Chapman. Gus- sle Houseal, Clara Whitaker, Belle Barr, Noll Watts and Shirley Sims. They .were attired in white net gowns, with yellow gloves, and carried bou quets of white carnations and maiden hair ferns. The matrons of honor—Mesdames S. P. Holloway and 8. H. Smith—were gowntd in whin* mtssallne silk and curried yellow chrysanthemum!. Following her matrons down the] stairway cume the fair bride, on the arm of her brother, Mr. S. 11. Smith. j . . She looked especial’y beautiful, dad ii\! critical inspection, at your earliest convenience, white chiffon trimmed with oriental ! An Interesting Exhibit of the Smartest Fall Fashions for Men and Young Men ^ *£ are now on display. You and your friends are offered an opportunity of viewing the largest and most magnificent display we have ever made of m Fashionable Clothes Tbc FECHHEIMERIISHELCQ. TOIFT Which have just come in from the makers who enjoy a national reputation as manufacturers of strictly high-class clothing. ] he materials, in patterns that are novel and color effects that will delight you, are. exclusive weaves of the best mills of Europe and Aire rica We vouch for the absolute style correctness of every Suit as well as the excellence ot‘ the fabrics, workmanship and fit. These we ofler you for selection, and cordially invite your ell caught arr.vlng a j i h and 111:oh of the I best I Quit- | fashioned empire, her with orange l lossoniR, and boquet of bride', valley. • The groom | entered with hii man, Mr. Geo. Ynnery, of Dinning ham, and the-ceremony was Imjire ively performed by Rev. It. M llan. After the wedding an elegant col lation was served In the diningroom, consist lug of a salad course, tees and coffee. The color scheme of the din ing room was green and white, the table having as Its centerpiece a'beau tiful ease of bride's roses amt aspar agus ferns. A large dove overhung the table, carrying In tt» beak the Strands’ of tulle entwined with smll- extemllng to the corners of the room. Myriads of candles and mir rors added to the beauty of the room. Mr. and Mrs. Leary left on the evening Seaboard train for a trip to New York and other eastern points. The groom is one of our esteemed young business men, and Is at the bond of the North Georgia Ole Com pany, and the bride Is one of Cedar- town's fairest and most attractive young Indies. Their man> friends Join in wishing them n pleasant wed ding trip and a happy Journey through life. While casting about in search of a wedding present, don't fail to see W. W. TURNER’S large and varied stock of Cut Glass, Silver ware, Hand-painted China, Moor ish and Nubian Busts, Figures, Vases, etc. Their beauty and va riety will certainly aid you in making your selection. W. W. TURNER, jeweler. AN ENJOYABLE KBCEPTIOX. Mrs. W. W. Munity Rave a delight ful reception Thursday afternoon at her beautiful home on College street, com plimentary to Misses Helen Good and Callie Smith, and Mrs. Felton Mundy of Rockmart. To the regret of all guests, the latter lady was prevent ed from being present by the serious Illness of her mother. • The hostess was assisted In receiv ing by the two fair honorees whose approaching weddings had been pre viously announced, and they received many happy felicitations on those auspicious events. Little Lois aT.d LeNorris Mundy received the guess at the door, and Mesdames A. C. Cobb and E. 8. Ault and Miss Nell Watts Invited them to the dining room. Mrs. M. (\ Bobo and Miss Mary Harris served sand wiches in the hall, while the delic ious fruit punch was ens d In the library by Mesdames O. Will ngham and Estelle Morris Herndon. The affair was thoroughly enjoy able, the hospitality of the hostess never appearing more cordial. STOP AM) THINK. Now is your time to buy a home In Cedartown. All properties cl >se in are advancing very rapidly. Ere long there will be nothing on the market. We have a good six room house on Jones street one block from Main street; also one six room dwelling on Highland avenue. The properties are in good condition and can be had at a bargain. Call at once. A. B. PHILPOT & CO. Suits and Overcoats $12.50 to $30 1 he new Ai tumn I lats and Smart Haberdashery also await your criticism W. K. HOLMES, Clothier a Furnisher. Mr. S. V. Richardson was In Rome Monday. Born, Monday to Mr. ami Mrs. Thos. Evans, a hoy. Our flattings Mr. Marion Bussy, of Rome, was here Tuesday. Mr. E. A. Morgan, of Rockmart, Are just the thing you should put on was here Tuesday. your floors, now that Summer has Mr. B. Richardson wns over from Tallapoosa yesterday. come. We have the latest patterns, Mr. Eugene Pittman has been home from Home this week. the most beautiful designs and the Mr. E. M. Bass, of Carrollton, has i been in the city this week. best goods on the market. Let us | Mr. J.S.Groon returned last week , from an extended stay In Atlanta. show you the weaves £quote you our ' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ramey, of Rome, have been here attending the Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Chldsey, of Rome, Low Prices. was among the County Fair visitors hero Tuesday. MIhh Elizabeth Barnes, of Chatta- But don’t forget that we can fit out nooga, is the guest of her brother, j Mr. Frank Barnes. vour home with evervthing you need Mr. Jos. Harris, of Floyd county, lias been shaking hands with Cedar- from a foot-mat to the kitchen range. town friends this week. Mr. A. D. Hull, of Rome, repre- Never mind about the prices of our sentipg the State Mutual Life Ins. Co., was in the city yesterday. household goods, we will treat you Mr. C. It. Fay, of Coal City, Ala., spent Tuesday night here en route right and please you besides. home from Williamsburg, Pa. Tomorrow is All Suints’ Day, and there will be services at 10 o’clock at St. Janies Episcopal church. Griffin & Davis, FOR SALE—One good gentle horse, 1 vacant lot on Thompson street, $100; 5 acres on Hogg’s Heights,$350. H. J. DEMPSEY. Phone 103. - - - Cedartown,|Ga. and Gertrude Wingard, three charm ing young ladies of Rockmart, spent yesterday at the Fair. IF YOU WANT A Tce-hee! If you wuut to be gen uinely tickled over your coffee, buy Doctor Right Quick, t..e famous Chase & Sanborn’s Heal Biand at Lowry’s. It’s the best. Juft phone No. 5Q, and we will deliver your mes- Dr. W. G. England, Past Master of Caledonia Lodge, has been attending sage promptly at any hour of the day or night. the annual session of the Masonic Grand Lodge in Macon this week. And Don’t Forget Since purchasing the residence of Mr. O. Willingham on Stubbs street, That we keep a lull line ol mi<l Mrs. H, M. Rountree, of Atlanta, has Patent Bledioines, and that we pay especial attention to filling prescriptions. bought from him the large lot ad- juduut. Col. J. L. Tison went to Macon Monday to attend the convention of the Grand Lodge of Masons. He went T. IF 1 . as a representative of Caledonia Lodge, No. 121. DRUOG-IST.