The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 31, 1907, Image 5

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I ills coupon is Worth $1.70 to You n>® Stnitol Chemlotl LaboratoryCo. 4266 At-, Sc Lori., Me. B*4 SI.00, tof which m U BRADFORD'S. $1.00 bill «; 1UI Cut out this coupon in upper right hand comer and send to/ 'i lie banitol Chemical Laboratory Company, of St. Louis,/ v.ith a $1.00 bill and our name, and they will deliver you/ through us the complete assortment of ten full size/ I itages of Sanitol as illustrated. These are the most/ ? actotv toilet preparations in the world and the/ Kguiai total retail price of these articles is $2.70. Bradford’s Drag Store, l*lione 4. If you would become a student of human nature, begin by studying your own. The Modesty of Women Naturally makes them shrink from the Indelicate questions, the obnoxious ex aminations, and unpleasant local treat ments, which some physicians consider essential in the treatment of diseases of women. Yet. If help can be had, It Is better to submit to this ordeal than let the disease grow and spread. The trouble Is that so often tho woman undergoes all the annoyance and shame for nothing. ThotrtandsNjf women who have been cured Hv Dr. r^erce’s Favorite Prescrip tion wrluL In itaftreclatlon of the cure which dis(VdM&vS*^th the examinations and local troatment^There Is no other medicine so Mire_and safe., for tlr.lif.Aln women as vorlte Prescription." It cures debilitating drains. Irregularity and female weakness. It always helps. It almost always cures. It Is strictly non alcoholic, non - s ecret, all Its Ingredients being printed on Its bottlo-wrapper; con tains no deleterious or habit-forming drugs, and every native medicinal root entering into Its composition has tho full endorsement of those most eminent In the several schools of medical practice. Some of these numerous and strongest of pro fessional endorsements of Its ingredients, will be found In a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also in a booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. These professional en dorsements should have far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, or non-professional testimonials. The most Intelligent women now-a-days insist on knowing what they take as med icine Instead of opening their mouths l|ke a lot of young birds and gulping down whatever Is offered them. ■ Favorite Pre scription" Is Of KNOWS COMPOSITION. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser Is Bent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send to I)r. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 21 one-ccnt stamps for pa per-covered. or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All such communications aro held sacredly confidential. I)r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invigorate and regulate stomach, liver and bowela CHAPM4N PLUMBING CO J. R. CHAPMAN, Prop. FHE CEDARTOWN STANDARD THBBD1T. 0CT0BE8 31. 1107 next to Standard Bldg. JPlione 09, CEDARTOWN, Gr V. Sanitary Plumbing. Steam Fitting. First-Class Work at Reasonable Prices. Pay np your aabarrlption. Mr. W. S. Coleman spent Sunduy In Atlanta. Mr. T. J. Griffin was In Atlanta Thursday. Col. Barry Wright, of Rome, lwas here Saturday. Prof. R. W. Kdenfield, of Macon,was here Saturday. Mayor J. B. Lacy spent Friday af ternoon in Rome. Mrs. Emmie Ballew left Friday for a visit in Atlanta. Mr. L. C. Morgan left Saturday for a trip to Savannah. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bright spent the week-end In Atlanta. Hon. I. F. Mundy, of Rockmart, was in the city Thursday. Mr. M. O. Berry has been spending a few days in Columbus. Mrs. John Terhune left Thursday for a visit in Calhoun. Squire and Mrs. W. F. Freeman were in Atlanta Friday. Mrs. A. L. Kennedy visited rela tives In Atlanta over Sunday. Mrs. C. Phllpot, of Rome, spent Thursday and Friday In the city. County School Commissioner J. E. Lovvorn spent Friday in Atlanta. Misses Bessie Low*y and Jennie Griffin spent Thursday and Friday in Atlanta. Mesdames A. E. Young and E. D. Turner spent Thursday and Friday in the Gate City. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beaulineau are visiting their mother, Mrs. R. L. Sellers, at Emerson. Mrs. W. A. Chapman was the guest over Sunday of her sister, Mrs. T. R. Darlington, In Rome. Miss Sallie Black, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. Thos. Davis, returned Saturday to Rome. ! Mrs. J. W. Akers, of Atlanta, has | been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. |W. K. Holmes, the past week. | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stubbs left Sat- j urday for a visit to their mother, Mrs. V. G. Stewart, at Farkler, Ala. A few choice selections in Raven- wood hand-painted china, sets and odd pieces, all new and pretty. W. W. TURNER, Jeweler. Mrs. C. R. Fay, who has been the guest of her brothers, Messrs. H. N. and A. H. VanDevander,returned Fri day to Coal City, Ala. Mrs. J. H. Brett, of Statesboro, ar rived In the city Friday and will be the guest of Mrs. J. A. Liddell and her uncle, Dr. C. W. Peek. Mr. I. Coplan was in Rome Sunday. Mr. J. O. Crabb was in Rockmart Sunday. Mr. W. K. Holnus spent Friday In Atlanta. Mr. C. T. Allen was In Atlanta Thursday. Mr. Riley Freeman was In Atlanta Saturday. Miss Ola Hilbuni spent Thursday in Atlanta. Mr. 8. J. Kennedy was til Atlanta over 8unday. Mr. i). J. Lowry spent Thursday in the Gate City* Mr. J. F. Barrett spent Sunday at Piedmont, Ala. Mrs. John Powell returned from Rome Thursday. Dr. L. S. Ledbetter spent Thurs day In Atlauta. Mr. J. W. Boos was in Rome Sat urday afternoou. Dr. T. F. Burbank spent Friday night in Atlanta. Mr. C. M. Boynton was up from Car rollton InBt week. Mr. U. J. Swain spent Saturday af ternoon In Rome. * Mr. E. Bradford spent Thursday and Friday in Atlanta. Mr. W. E. Booz spent Saturday afternoon In Rome. Mrs. G. A. Nunley, of Rockmart, here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Pettltt were at Berry's over Sunday. Mrs. Kate Thompson left Thursday for a visit in Dallas. Postmaster J. 1. Full wood was In Taylorsville Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Word Is home from a visit In South Georgia. Col. L. J. Spinks, of Rockmart,spent Thursday in the city. Mr. G. G. Adams spent Saturday night at Piedmont, Ala. Mr. J. H. Williams and family spent last week In Atlanta. Born, last week to Mr. and Mrs. ThoH. Redding-—a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Artope were at Lindale the first of the week. WANTED—Wash woman at once. Apply at the Chinese Laundry. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Phllpot spent Thursday and Friday In Atlanta Mrs. Susie Jones and Miss Lily May Cook spent Sunday at Esom Hill Misses Lessle Smith and Sue Wit- son spent the week-end in Atlanta. Mrs, Thurmond Colbert, of Stiles- boro, visited relatives here last week Mrs. J. M. Stewart and Mr. C. I Lumpkin visited relatives In Rome Sunday. Mr. George Ayers was called to Fel ton Saturday by the Illness of his mother. Miss Loyce Prior was home the first of the week from Shorter College in Rome. Mr. G. P. Northcutt was called to Melton, Ala., Thursday by the Illness of a relative. Messrs. W. V. and C. R. Wray spent Saturday and Sunduy In At lanta and Athens. Mr. J. S. Elliott returned Saturday to Browning’s district, after spending a couple of weeks here. Mrs. Z. M. Grant, who has been visiting Mrs. J. E. Purks, returned Thursday to White Plains. Mr. und Mrs. J. F. Tamplin, of Rome, were the guests Sunday of Mr. qnd Mrs. G. R. Godson. Mrs. D. C. Wright, of Powder Springs, came up Sunday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. D. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kuster have moved to Birmingham, me forimr having accepted a position there. Miss Mary Jones spent the past f *w days at Borden Spring, Ala,, holding down the Seaboard Railway office. Mr. W. B. Anderson, of Eola, Tex., who has been visiting his nephew, Mr. R. J. Ray, returned home Thurs day. Mr. Jeff Pierce, of Concord, has purchased an Interest In the Cedar- town Ice Co., and has moved his fain- ilyhere. Messrs. G. B. Jenkins, John Lee, Jas. Brooks, Gordon Tuck, H. F. Tuck, C. A. Weaver and J. W. R. Golden spent Thursday and Friday In At lanta. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Page, who re cently moved from thl3 place to La- Grange, are the happy parents of a little daughter, who arrived on the 12th lust. This Is the time of the year to do your painting. Painting, papering and decoratlDg is John Casey’s business. He does nothing else. Leave word at Bradford's drug store; he'll get the message and will call on you. Mrs. E. B. Russell entertained three tables at bridge Wednesday afternoon of last week, In honor of Mrs. E.T. Miller, of Media, Pa., who received the guest’s prize—a cup and saucer. The first prize was a pair of brass candlesticks, and was won by Mrs. A. W. Birkbeck. The hostess was as sisted by Mrs. J. H. Banders and Miss Della Russell. A. C. COBB’S One of the best things about our business, to us, is the enthusiasm which our customers feel for us as a firm and for our goods; the confidence they have in us and in our methods; and the security they feel in the high quality of our merchandise. It’s worth a good deal more than money to us to have the cordial approbation of so many customers in all parts of the eountry; it’s a strength to us; it helps us to uphold and main tain the high standard of quality and of business dealing which we have set for ourselves. GREATEST LINE Ladies, Misses and Children’s Cloaks EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. JUST RECEIVED NEW LINE Ladies’ Tailor Hade Suits IN ALL THE NEW WEAVES AND CUTS. When we prescribe the CLOTHES for your boy to wear, we'analyze his case, and minister to his needs in the same careful way the physician does who prescribes for him when sick. Why shouldn’t we? Our reputation and good name are at stake. A. C. COBB p The man on the Comer in the White Building.