The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 31, 1907, Image 8

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Made The Deaf Hear in One Minute. Remarkable Demonstration Given by Chicago’s Strange Philanthropist Before Immense Throng. Removes Immense Parasite From System ol Well- Known Man With a Few Doses of Pecular Medi cine-Refuses Pay lor Services. >, and after using It for a few this awful thing passed from my Chicago. Special. Excitement over the marvelous cures of L. T. Cooper continues unabated. One of the largest crowds that has yet called upon the noted philanthrop ist visited him yesterday, and a re markable demonstration of Ills power was giveu before the entire audience. Selecting an elderly gentleman, whom he noticed carrying an ear trumpet, Cooper motioned for him to come for ward. He poured a few drops of pe culiar liquid Into the mnn’s ears,and then rubbed them softly for a mo ment. Stepping quickly backward to a distance of sixty feet, he asked In an ordinary conversational tone, "Can you hear me?" A look of surprise day Bystem. 1 feel much better already, and I want to say right here that 1 thank Mr. Cooper a hundred times for what hts medicine has done for I would not take $5,000 and have that thing hack hi my ayatem again A Htory with a touch of pathos was related by a gentleman conver sant with the facts that Illustrates the kindly nature of the philanthrop ist, and explains to a great degree his wonderful hold upon the people, A delicate woman whoso face bore traces of care and suffering, and whose frail body was distorted by the ravages of disease, calli d at the Pub- aud delight spread over the man * face He Drug Store and asked for as he answered, "Yes, I hear you per fectly." The gentleman was Mr. John Auft- nlng, 37 Hoston avenue. Mr. Auft- nlng stated that ho had been deaf for many years. He said: "For nearly nineteen years I heard nothing. I had a terrible, rumbling noise constantly In my head that wns almost maddening. It appeared at n- tiout the time I lost my sense of heal ing, and no matter what treatment or remedies 1 tried, I could find no re lief. Once In a long while 1 could Just barely distinguish a noise, but In all those long years I was unable to bear a human voice. 1 had given bp hope and hail about resigned my self to a life of silence when 1 read of the Cooper preparations. “Thirty days ago 1 began the Coop- Cooper, but lie wns out and the little woman turned away, resignedly, hut sadly disappointed. To her tt was another stroke of nils, fortune, and she turned her weary steps toward tile little home, where a sick husband was awaiting her return, Hut her disappointment was of short duration, for Cooper was Just then coming up the street, Noting the careworn look and halting step, be name quickly forward and assisted her carefully over the crossing. By a few kindly, well-dlrectt d questions, he learned that she had been to call up on Mr. Cooper to secure medicine for I her slek husband, who had boon 111 for a long time, unable to provide ev en the barest necessities for Ills lit tle family. The poor woman was greatly as tonished wliun she found that she was ** i real theiil, ami my condition was miUng to m* Ceopw himself. slated her bhr.U lo the drug store, almost ttnmedlMoly Improved. 1 lie- gun trt have confidence and took the reined leu faithfully. Now, thahUfc to the Cooper medicines alone, I tan hear as well ns 1 evei v did In my life. My family, and eVery one that knowp me, will testify to the wonderful cure in my case. 1 shall always be grate ful to Mr. Cooper for what he has done for me, and I want other people who are deaf to know that there Is yet hope for them.” Many of those who called had come to thank Mr. Cooper for what he hud done for them,they having previously written him a statement of their con dition and having followed hia in structions, had returned to tell him of their euros. A gentleman by the name of Emil Winkler exhibited a glass Jar, con taining a parasite eighty feet long, which he claimed had passed from his system atfer taking seven doses of Cooper’s medicine. The parasite was alive and squirming, and Mr. Winkler was anxious to know what it was. When Cooper informed him the cause of his ill health had been re moved, .he was greatly relieved, and was profuse In his thanks to the phil anthropist. Thousands of people viewed the parasite, and expressed surprise that such a thing could exist In the human system. Mr. Winkler is a well-known elec trician, living at 182 East Ohio street. In speaking of his experience, he said: "For five years 1 have been more or less complaining. I have had se vere headaches and any food that 1 ailppllc.l her not only with the re quired medicines, but also with a gen erous handful of silver, and sent, her home with a light heart and smiles shining through tears. That night big basket of groceries was loft at the little home, and It was not hard to guesH who was the donor Another feature of Cooper’s visit to BYRDS BUDGET. It Is no longer plain Tom Davis anil Miss Maggie Holcomb. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis Is the style of the new firm. Sunday morh- Ing at the home of the bride's par ents, near Silver Creek, the golden knot was beautifully and Impressively tied making them man and wife. Mr. J>i,rls Is u very worthy and excel ling young man. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Davis, and the bride is a charm ing am) popular young lady who en joys the confidence and esteem of all who know hey. The young collide ure receiving the hearty congratulation* of their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Callahan spent Sunday very pleasantly with Mr. anil Mrs. J. M. Pullen, of Flint Hill. Mr. John Pilgrim, one of our most substantial citizens, we are glad to learn lias recently bought the foliif- lett farm, near Cedartown. Mr. W. .1. Haney, another one of our good citizen, has rented part of the Hatch farm, near Dime Branch, and Mr. Jphnson Hatch has purchased part of the same farm. Miss Mary Moors, of Leesburg, Ala., an accomplished and popular young lady who is a student of l’iedntont In stitute at Rockmnrt, accompanied Miss Beatrice Callahan home Sunday, and returned Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fricks and their little daughter, of Shaw, are visiting [ relatives here. Prof. \t'lll Lee sings us he never For old people who suffer from rheumatism.shff joints, gouf.lumbago neuralgia,sciatica and paralysis , SlodcKs Liivinveivt V gives quick relief. . If penetrates through the nerves and tissues,relieves the inflammation and congestion,quickens the blood and gives a pleasant tingling sensation of comfort and warmth. very little rubbinq. At all dealers PRICE 25* 50* & $1.00 Dr Earl S.SIoan, Boston Mass. i- ->—w- —y "..tWlB'Ht'. LIVE OAK ITEMS. I TAX COLLECTOR’S ROUNDS. purpose i 1 Walthall I Heiiey Brooks X K<»td» Taylorsville Posoo. Ore moii t Ra»toy £)tore Horry’s (Isbell’s Store) , this city, and one that has attracted I sang before—the arrival of a little ^ WUillttIl I1CCUD JUOC a great deal of attention, is the many j daughter adds Inspiration and his fav-1 re j )a j r t j ie waa ^ e an( j sup cures of rheumatism that have been! orite song now is "Praise God from an( j body heat. The hah effected by the use of his remedies.! whom all blesBlngB flow.” Among the number who made state- j Mail Carrier Holmes, strange to say, nients on this subject was Louise complains of the days being long Herman, 945 North avenue, who said: I (when everybody knows that they are "I have for years been a sufferer short) but then he has to he gone from rheumatism and kidney com- all day from his darling little daugh- plalnt. At times l was unable to J ter just arrived. walk and my hack was very weak. My limbs were very sore and swol len and 1 was In a very nervous con dition. I could not sleep at night, al ways felt tired in the morning, and would often have severe headaches. My health had entirely broke down and had begun to feel as if life was not worth living. 1 had tried dif ferent medicines, but all to no avail. Nothing seemed to help me and 1 did i them for about two years and enjoy an excellent appetite, feels strong and sleeps well.” That’s the way Electric Elder J. I. Samford, the beloved pastor of New Home church, preached a very interesting and Impressive ser mon to a large congregation Sunday. W. M. C. Hlit l>t-nr Old M..iher. "My dear old mother, who Is now eighty three years old, thrives Electric Hitters.” writes W. B. Brun son, of Dublin, Ga. "She has taken well Hitters affect the aged, and the same Korced hoIusty never has any roots. not know what It was to hav or happy day. "One evening 1 was reading in the 1 happy results follow in all cases of fe- papers what great results Cooper s'male weakness and general debility. New Discovery and Quick Relief were j Uu'm. Guaranteed also Mr. G. A. Cribble gave an enter tainment Saturday night to the young people of this place, and It was en joyed very much. Mr. E. W. Yarbrough Is in your town this week on the Jury. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dean spent Sat urday and Sunday in Rockmart. Mrs. A. B. Yarbrough visited friends and relatives near Lake Creek Saturday and Sundry. Mr. Jim Cribble was war Rome last week visiting relatives. Mr. G. L. M. Yarbrough and hla daughter, Miss Clara, attended the Polk County Baptist As joclatlon In j Lovvorn’s Mil Rockmait. 1 El " n Mr. W. T. Simpkins is in Dalton for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Yarbrough, of , spent Saturday and Sunday j |)hv with their lather, Mr, F. H. Yar-l hroni.h. We are glad to say that we are j having a good prayer meeting at Live j Oak now. Mr. J. M, Landrum wag in Rock-. mart* Iasi wtwk. Mrs. J, E. Yarbrough spent a few days lajt weok wl'.th her mother. Mrs. I Brock, near Lake Creek. Mr. A. B. Yarbrough wps in Rome | last week. We are sorry pto say that Mrs. J.! M.Landrum is still very sick. Long Jim. | More T hnn Enough t* Too Much j To maintain health, a mature man ; or woman needs just enough food to j ply energy and body heat. The habitual con sumption of more food than Is nec essary for these purposes is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism and disorders of the kindeya. If troubled with indigestion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite con trol and take a few doses of Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be all right again. 'or sale by Russell Drug Co. With Birmingham gone dry, the rest of the country might as well fall Into line without a contest. For • tiapp* <1 ►•kin Chapped skin whether on the hands or face may he cured In one night by applying Chamberlain’s Salve. It is also unequalled for sore nipples, burns and scalds For sale by Russell Drug Co I will be at the following named places at the dates ind.cited for the of collecting State and County Taxes for the year 1907. 1 will also have with me on the rounds the Registration Books, the registration of voters. Place Rook mart Aragon Buncombe Browning’s.. A ntioeh Fish Creek . . Cedartown Lake Creek Hampton’s “ 10th.a Kanin Hill “ Hth.a.m. Blooming Grove... “ lltli.p m. Young’s “ 12th,a tn 1st Bo i ml Oct l«t. •• 2d. . “ 3d. a. in. . “ 4th, a.m. “ 4th, p.m. •• 7th, a m. . “ 8th, 9 r h.a. m. 2d Round Nov. 2d and 10th 4 th 5th, a. m. Hth, a. m. 15th, a. in. 7th. a. m. Hth and 9th 11th, a. ni. 12th, a. m. 13.h. a. in. 13th, p. in. 14th, p. m. 11th. p. ill. 12th. p ni. 14th, a. in. 18th, a. in. 18th, p. m. L9rh, a m. 19th. p. rn. ^hich will be open for 3d Round Deo. 2d and 14th. “ 3d. “ 4th, p. in. *' 5th. a. m. “ 5th, p. in. “ (1th. a. m. “ 7 16 to 20th. “ 9th, a in. “ 10th, p. m “ lltli, a in. “ 12th, a. m. “ 13th. a m. i3th,noon 12 to l 4th, a. ni. 10th, a. in. A. CALHOUN. T O. llih, Polk County, Ga. ADAMS & WHITAKER. Livery. Sale § Feed Stables New Brick Stable. North Main St. STYLISH TURN-OUTS, PROMPT ® POLITE SERVICE. Soecial Attention to Boardine Horses. Woodward Mantel^ lead all other* by virtue of quality—they are artistic as brains can make them, reasonable in price and made in every possible style. No modem Southern home is com plete without WOODWARD MANTELS. The tre mendous demand for them has made us the largest MANTEL MANUFACTURERS in the South. Our beautiful CATALOG "C" illustrated with many de signs. sent FREE ON REQUEST. WOODWARD MANTEL CO., 85 Whitehall St. ATLANTA. GA. WOODWARD MANTEL. CO ATLANTA, CB. ' ii mil w ii i mi accomplishing In Chicago and I made up my nilnd to give them a trial, and If they were what the papers wiid they were, why then 1 would surely receive Borne benefit. So l purchased some of the medi- would eat would nauseate me. I would, cine and after the first few days I have had dreams almost every night, j noticed that my sleep was more rcst- dl*«y spells would compel me to quit ful and that the pain in my limbs work. Black spots would appear he- was not so bad. 1 kept on using th.* fore my eyes when stooping over and medicine and after two weeks I had rising quickly. I would feel tired most nearly recovered my health. 1 can of the time, In fact, I have had no life never say enough about these medi- in mo to speak of for the last five cines, for I never expected to see a years. I tried various treatments, and well day again, and here 1 am en- one physician In St. Louis was recom- joying life with my friends, and all mended to me and 1 was under his due to the wonderful New Discovery, treatment some time, but ns usual 1 "I want to say that it is the great- obtained no relief. est remedy in the world, for it has "So many people asked me to try made me a well woman where all otli the Cooper preparations 1 decided to ers failed." A f • 3d cook never wants for ad mirers. «vord is easier said than A man who has a family of sev eral marriageable daughters has placed in each of their rooms the motto: "Learn to say Yes." A hasty unsaid. The lofty work often falls to the lowly In spirit. The best appreciation of any tru:h is its application The effect of malaria lasts a long time. j You catch cold easily or become run- ^ down because of the after effects of malaria. <( Strengthen yourself with Scoff's 3 Emulsion. S It builds new blood and tones up your nervous j system. ALL DRUGGISTS; BOc. AND $1.00. ^ for stomoch.liver and klduey troubles, by Bradford's Drug Store. 5( BERRY'S MEW'S. Mr. Jud Hackney and family return ed from a visit to the State Fair In Atlanta last Tuesday. Mr. Hackney had the misfortune to have pockets picked when he started home, and lost all the money he had with him. Marion Pettit and family Cedartown, spent Sunday with their parents. We were glad to see such a good attendance at Sunday School the last few Sundays. The singing ai Mr. Isbell's was well attended last Sunday night, and ail report a nice time. Miss Rene Mattox, of Esom Hill, is spending some time with her broth er, Mr. Robt. Mattox. Mr. and Mrs. Albea, of Etna, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Mr. John Barrett spent Sunday at Piedmont. Mrs.John Barrett and children spent Sunday with Mr. Tom Berry’s family. Our farmers are getting their crops gathered pretty fast. School Boy. Collar Label “Shield) IT’S A RISK To buy Clothing from a general ap pearance stand point, as all suits, even the poorest grades, look go d before they are worn. IT’S SAFE To buy clothing with the Shield label as shown above, attached to collar. The retail price is also at achf*d to coat sleeve, IT’S GUARPNTEED. For Sale by W. M. WADDELL, FISH, GA. Pll (Mil "While in the army in 1863 I a taken with chronic diarrhoea," says George M. Felton, of South Gilson, Pa. "I have since tried many rem edies hut without any permanent re lief until Mr. A. W. Miles, of this place, persuaded me to try Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, one bottle of which stopped it at once.” For sale by Russell Drug Co. Cures Bilious--ss. Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation, Pleasant to take Laxative Fruit Syrup For sale at Bradford's drug store. Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed