Newspaper Page Text
Line. Ynu will litnl my stock alwnys up to the full
staiidxrd in quantity, qunlity xml STYLE. New poods
continually beinp added. I keep a vipilant watch for
the latest fads and fashions, and nothinp in that line
will he overlooked. A larpe anti varied stock of
Watches and Clocks
At specially reduced prices. DON'T FORGET THAT.
A new and complete lino of BRACELETS, COMBS,
SASH PINS AND BUCKLES. E verything for the table
in staples an t novelties, including a most complete aB
sortment of
Hawkes’ Cut Class,
Sterling Silver,
As well as best plate. 1 am now better prepared to
uive special attention to all kinds of REPAIRING in my
W. W. TURNER, Jeweler.
"I wrote you for advice,’’writes Lelia Hagood,
of Sylvia, Tenn., ‘‘about my terrible backache and
monthly pains in my abdomen and shoulders. I
had suffered this way nine years and five doctors
had failed to relieve me. On your advice I aook
Wine of Cardui, which at once relieved my pains
and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that
Cardui saved my life.”
It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female
diseases, such as peri
odical pains, irregulari
ty, dragging down sen
sations, headache, diz
ziness, backache, etc.
it u« a letter describing all
.. mptoms, and wt will send you
Advke, In plain sealed envelope.
Address: Ladles 1 Advisory Depart men t,
The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta
nooga. Tenn.
At Every Drug Store In $1.00 bottles. Try It.
Farm and Spring Wagons.
No tv in Commodious New Quarters,
Cor. Warehouse and Woodlawn Sts.
Horse-Shoeing, Carriage Painting,
Rubber Tires.
Think of Farming Lands Selling for
LARS PER ACRE. Producing Crops
Worth Rom Fifty to TWO HBNDRED
In Texas.
Uniinralleled Opportunities for the
Farmer, the Manufacturer and Capl-
i 5 f) O : .
Write and tell me what ydu want..
P. O. Box 826,
Birmingham, Alabama.
Uenera! Office, IIOVSTON, TEXAS.
for childrent tafe.
Jfo oplatea
Cures Colds; Prevents Pneumon»»
Pay up your subscription.
Sheriff Sales for Dec., 1907.
Will be sold before the court house
door In Cedartown In laid county on
tl^e first uesduy in December, 1907
within the legal hours of sale to th
highest bidder for cash the followng
deecrtbedf property, to-w!t:—
Land lota Nos.674, 680, 647,618,942
983, 984, 660. 660, 490, 637, 539, 350,
658, 945, 640, 784. 267, each lot <;on
tains forty acres, more or less, and
all lying and being In the 21st die
trict and 3d section of oPlk county,
Georgia, levied on as the property
of, . pie defendant. R. H. Brewer,
arid’ pointed out and described in the
a certain mortgage fi. fa. of R,
Ragan against said Brewqr.
Also, at the sam4 time and v p1ac
will • be ^nld tfre f dUMvisig; dpscribe
property to : wit;—Six tales of co
ton marked as follows: G, 46,weight
560 pounds; G, 47, weight 510 pounds
G, 48, weight 486 pounds; G, 49,weight
495 pounds; G, 50, weight 494 pounds
G, 51. weight 561 pounds; all levied
on and be sold as tthe property of
A. W. Stubbs & Co. by virtue of and
to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the City
Court of Polk County, Ga., in favor
of C. G. J^anes. Property pointed out
by the defendants and found In their
possession, said cotton graded as 5'
or American good middlings.
This 4th day of Nov. 1907.
J. E. DEMPSEY, Sheriff.
J. F. CARMICHAEL, Dept. Shff.
An Interesting Exhibit of the
Smartest Fall Fashions for Men
and Young Men di S
are now on display. You and your
friends are offered an opportunity
of viewing the largest and most
magnificent display we have ever
made of ^
Fashionable Clothes
Grand Mauler Jeffries an Honored Vis
itor Hue Hurbecue Served-
Worshipful Master J. L. Tlson, the
fflclent head of Caledonia. I-odge, No.
21, F. & A. M., has been at work lor
some time on a plan which was
brought to a successful culmination
here Tuesday—the organization of
the various Masonic bodies of Polk
Into a doser union.
There are five lodges of Masons In
the county, all of them in a flourish
ing condition, and they were Invited
to meet here Tuesday as the guests
of Caledonia Lodge.
OrandMaster T. II. Jefferies of At
lanta, the new head of the order In
Georgia, was tnvltbd to l*e present,
and Cedartown has the honor of re
ceiving his first official visit, since
his Induction into his high office.
The Lodge met at 10 o’eloci, and
Hon. W. K. Fielder delivered an ex
cellent address of welcome to the
Grand Master and the visiting breth
ren, to which feponse was made by
the Grand Master In one of the beat
addresses ever heard here.
The Polk County Masonic Conven
tion was then formally organised by
the election of lowing of
J. L. Tlson—W. M.
J. W. Fambrough-S. W.
J. 8. Davi.tte—.1. W.
Chas. Beasley—Hec’y and Treas.
J. S. Brewster S. D.
E. D. Hulsey—J. D.
The lodge then repaired in a body
to the Fair grouhds, where a sump
tuous barLcbue was * spread Never
were fine meats better prepared than
on this occasion, and it was the gen
eral consensus of opinion that “Prof."
Garrard had even outdone himself.
The dinner wus thoroughly enjoyed,
after which short talks were made at
the Fair grounds and In the lodge
room by Dr. W. G. England, Mr. W.
S. Coleman. Mr. J. 1. Fullwood, Rev.
H. M. Qullllan, Mr. E. B. Russell, Dr.
R. N. Spinks, Mr. 1). L. Roberts and
Dr. J. W. Fambrough.
The following committees were ap
On Jurisprudence W. G. England,
chmn., T. J. Morris, W. K. Fielder,
Michael Jumes and E. B. Russell.
On Memorials—J. T. Gibson ami,
the Secretaries of the various lodges.
On General Welfare—I). H. Hub
bard, J. I. Fullwood, F. 1). Dunn, J.
C. Ezell, J. T. Garner.
Finance Committee—Treasurers of. ^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmm■
the five lodges of the county.
The next session of the convention J Mr. J. C.Knight wsb in Rome over
will be held in RockmarL on the Sunday.
fourth Tuesday In May. 1 Ur. J. ^.Cooper was in Dallas
was a great clay for the Masons j Monday,
of Polk county,and much benefit to j Mr. W. K. Ho)fries spent Monday
the order is certain to grow out of the in Atlanta.
county organization. The hos- j Mr. F. D, Dunn, of Aragon, was
pltallty of Caledonia Lodge was as here Tuesday.
warmly praised by the visitors os it I Squire J. A. Wilson spent yester-
was highly enjoyed. clay in Buncombe district.
^ | Mrs. E. H. Richardson was In At-
We will have a traveling salesman lanta tho flrst of the week,
here Friday, Nov. 81U, with MO sty-1 Mr w „ Cruwford and daughter>
les of children's, misses and ladles | Mlgg Bvy ^ „, ent Monday ln Uonie .
Do not fall to see tills display.
Which have just come in Irom the makers who enjoy a national reputation as manufactut'ters
ol strictly hi^h-class clothing. ’I he materials, in patterns that are novel and color effects
that will delight ynu, are exclusive weaves of the best mills of Europe and Ann rica.
We vouch for the absolute style correctness of every Suit as well as the excellence ol
the labrics, workmanship and fit. These we ofler you for selection, and cordially invite your
critical inspection, at your earliest convenience.
Suits and Overcoats
$12.50 to $30
The new A tumn Hatt> and Smart Haberdashery also await your criticism
Clothier a Furnisher.
Mr. C. M. Colbert spent the first
of the week with Ills son,Mr. Sproull
Colbert, in Atlanta.
Miss Mamie Llgon. who has been
the guest of Mrs. J. R. Davis, re
turned Monday to Llgon.
A few more copies of "The Country
man," by C. K. Henderson, only $1.
Mr. A. C. Sewell, who has been vis
iting relatives in the city, returned
While casting about in search
of a wedding present, don’t fail
to see W. W. TURNER’S large and
varied stock of Cut Glass, Silver
ware, Hand-painted China, Moor
ish and Nubian Busts, Figures,
Vases, etc. Their beauty and va
riety will Certainly aid you in Sunday to his home In GadHden. Ala.
making your selection. ' Mr. Albert Campbell, of Rockmart,
W. W. TURNER, jeweler. attended tho marriage here Tuesday
of his brother, Mr. Charles Campbell,
to Miss Mattie Brewer.
Miss Bossle Simpson, who has been
the attractive gueBt of her Bister,Mrp.
Ewing Lowry, and her aunt, Miss
Evva Crawford, returned yesterday
to her home in Rockmart.
Mr. Geo. S. Harris, who hits been
the successful manager of the East
Point cotton mills, has accepted the
position of manager of the big West
Point mills at a handsome Increase
ln salary. His many Cedartown rel
atives and friends rejoice at his suc
Mrs. S. 8. Evans entertained four
tabLs at bridge Friday afternoon in
tionor of her mother, Mrs. E. T. Mil
ler of Media, Pa. Elaborate refresh
ments In three courses were served,
and the occasion was greatly enjoyed
The first prize was a handsome deck
of cards, and was won by Mrs. Chas.
E. Kuster. Miss Elizabeth Booz won
tho second prize, a wash cloth
Now is the time to buy a pair of
those home made, sewed, best calf
upper, best white oak soles, insoles
and counters; plain toe or toe cap,
$3.50 and $3.75. Nothing to beat them
for comfort and solidity. I have al
so added to my stock a few dozeti pairs
of extra good sample shoes for men
at from $2 to $3. If you want a good
shoe and care to save a half dollar
or so, please -;all at A. Crossley’s Shoe
Capt. J. A. Peek was ln Rome Mon
Mrs. C. W. Alien spent uesday In
Mr. R. M. Baldridge was In Atlanta
Mr. J. M. Carlton, of Rockmart,was
here Tuesday.
Mrs. II. W. Cantrell sperit the first
of the week at Commerce.
Hon. W. C. Bunn spent the week
end ln Atlanta and Macon.
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Fambrough, of
Rockmart, spent Tu« sda> ln the city.
Mr. J. > H# Willltams and family
returned Monday from a trip to
Whitman’s famous F’h 1 idelph a can
dles, received weekly aL Bradford’s
Drug Store.
Grand Opening Sale of children's
misses’ and ladies’ cloaks Friday,Nov.
8th. Phillips Dry Goods Co.
Mr. W. 8. Coleman left last night
for Northeast Georgia in the interest
of the Goorgia Fire Insurance Com
Mrs. Wm. Ailcott, who has been the
guest of her aunt Mrs. J. W. Booz,
returned Monday to her home In St
Thqrp, will be an Interesting game
of foot-ball here Friday afternoon at
Athletic Park between the Cedartown
and Rome High School teams. Don’t
miss It.
Our flattings
Are just the thing you should put on
your floors, now that Summer has
come. We have the latest patterns,
the most beautiful designs and the
best goods on the market. Let us
show you the weaves 0quote you our
Low Prices.
But don’t forget that we can fit out
vour home with everything you need
from a foot-mat to the kitchen range.
Never mind about the prices of bur
household goods, we will treat you
right and please you besides.
Griffin & Davis,
Phone 103.
!. ITM-’O
Cedartown, G-a.
Doctor Right Quick,
Just phone No. 5Q, and we will, deliver your mes
sage promptly at any hour qf the day or night.
And Don’t Forget
That we keep a lull line of and
Patent Medicine», and that we pay
especial attention to filing prescriptions.
T. ZB 1 . BITK/B-A-IEsriK:,