Newspaper Page Text
Have You
a Friend?
Then tell him about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Tell him
h w it cured your hard cough.
Tell him why you always keep
it i i the house. Tell him to
ask his doctor about it. Doc
tors use a great deal of it for
throat and lung troubles.
Published every Thumday In the Year
Ent-Ted In 'he Po.Uifl'Ice at Cedar
town a* secoad-clASH malt matter.
▲Tao utAnufaMturoru «t
y iprciMu.s.
w# o mus vigor.
'ormulia of all c
One Ytur $1.00
Six Months 50
Three Months
Advert Ling rates will be furnlHhed on
appllcai Ion.
Grow with a Growing Bank.
We regard the Bteodlly continued
growth of 'Ids ti flUtUti'.. an a orei..
to the enterprise of our husincn cov*
munlty as well as an evidence of the
esteem In which our officers and our
business policies and methods are
hold. We invite you. to make this
bank the clearing house for your fl
nanclal affairs. We want the Binall
accounts of individuals as well as the
larger business of firms and corpor
ations. The wage earner has need of
the bank as well as the business man.
Open an account with even a small
amount,pay all your hills with checks,
and see how much better you get a-
long. If your money will not he in
use for some time,make a time deposit
with us and we will pay 5 per cent
Bank of Cedartown.
K. C. BENTON, Cashier.
A E. YOUNG, Vice Pres.
Do Y m Know
the must nml durable
HEADY HOOFING on the mar
ket. Not. directed bv the weather
and is water, oil and acid proof
Endorsed by National Ib.ard of
Fire Underwriters and South
eastern Tarilf Assueialioit.
J. H. DODDS. Agent.
The Georgia Loan and Trust
Co. will negotiate loans, well se
cured, by Unproved real estate, at
on reasonable commission in
sums of $%50 or more. Good
applications wanted.
Correspondent for Pollc Co
If so, we can offer you a 6 per cent, line ol
money, principal nml interest payntile monthly
In other words, what you pay or your house in
7 *r 8 years. In paylug rent at the eud of 7 years
you would have a large pile of rent receipts. On
our plan you would have your home paid tor
having paid all your notes. WHICH DO YOU
PRRFKR? City or farm loans, at 6. 7 and 8 per
cent according to conditious.
For further informatiou, call on or address
('(Mini-town, (la.
We have clients who can loan yon
all the mouey you wish to borrow on
acceptable real estate security. Loaua
of $1,000 or over at 6 per cent, less
than $1,000 at 7 per cent interest Be
Bure you see us.
Correspondent* for Polk County.
Wo are prepared to lend mouey to
farmers at 8 per ceut interest, strictly
re-payable In annual installments, and
no commission charged for making
All persons desiring to borrow mon
ey secured by first mortgage lien on
proved farm lands in Polk county will
improved farm lands iu Polk County
•will be promptly served and save
money by consulting us.
fOedartown, Ga.
Pay up your subscription.
The Daughters of Confederacy in
Georgia are" doing much to advance
the educational, historical and pat
riotic interests of state, and the
recent convention in Augusta Hliowed
their work along all these lines.
The Cedartown representatives,
Mosdamcs W. 9. Coleman and G. 8.
Borders, were delightfully entertained
while there, and report an enjoyable
meeting socially flfld In every other
The Standard has been roiiueated Cedartown, and this
to publish some facts reported by the
delegation from the locul chapter,
giving information to those who
could not go to Augusta.
Tlie Daughters conferred last year
in Georgia 724 Crosses of Honor, and
"AH Saints' Day," Nov. 1st, and "Jef
ferson Davis Day,” June 3d, are
hereafter to be observed and in ad
dition to other special days, Crosses
may be bestowed on old veterans
on these two dajs.
The badge or pin of the Daugh
ters should he worn only as a de
coration or token of membership in
tho order, and not as a clothes or
hairpin. Many owners abuse this
badge of honor by bodily use, for
getting that the state laws go so far
as to make it a misdemeanor to so
pervert this insignia.
The monument to Maj. Wirz, the
military commander of Andersonville
prison during, tho war, will he lo
cated at that plase, the Augusta con
vention (I finitely deciding that long-
dlscusstd ’problem. It Is to bo a
$2,r>oo marble shaft. d
The Rabun Gap school is a benefi
ciary of tlio Daughters’ bounty, and
their dormitory for girls is progress
ing finely. Cedartown chapter hah
contributed regularly to this noble
"A Home for the Old Women of
the Confederacy,” iu probably tlie next
special work if the Daughters in
Georgia. Mrs. Helen Plane, the
honorary state j r s'.dett, has launched
the movement, and some day a home
for aged and helpless Confederate
widows will be built in this state
by theso patriotic women.
Miss Alice Baxter, of Atlanta, was
elected president, and the state con
vention w.ll meet next yen- m Sav
ecent meeting of that body
the Board of Education of Polk
county passed a resolution provid
ing that the public school term may
begin either Nov. 18th or Nov. 25th,
and continue five months unless other
wise ordered by'the Board, with one
week’s vacation for Christmas. Oth
er holidays are to be observedc by ap
propriate exercises in the schools.
Programs for tho observance of
Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28th, Arbor
Day, Dec. 6th, and Georgia Day,
Feb. 12th. have already been mailed
to the teachers.
The Board requires also that all
public school teachers, both principals
and assistants, who do not hold a
teacher’s license issued by this
county, or a first grade license is
sued from another county of this
state, take a special examination In
this county before beginning work as
public school teachers. I will give
special examinations for the conven
ience of such teachers at my of
fice on Saturday, Nov. 16, and also
Nov. 23d. Teachers who expect to
teach in this county on license issued
from another county are required to
present their license on one of the
above named dates for approval and
Very respectfully,
County School Commissioner.
Col. W. E. Christian, for several
Years the popular Assistant General
Passenger Agent in Atlanta of the
Seaboard Air Line, has resigned
his position to accept a connection
with a New York financial institution.
He is succeeded by Mr. J. J. Pul
ler, who has been with the Seaboard
in Philadelphia for some time. Mr.
Puller spent some time in Cedartown
as the successor of Mr. W. L. Wood-
row in the traffic management of
this division of the Seaboard, and
has many friends here who congrat
ulate him on his position. .»
The find duty of a bank is to its
depositors, for their deposits are in
the nature of trust funds. Its sec
ond duty Is to its stockholders, who
have invested their money in the en
terprise, and its third obligation Is to
its patrons and the publ.c at large.
The banks of the country have
very, generally taken tnio view of the
matter, and have handled the diffi
cult situation resulting from the re
cent panic in accordance therewith.
Never was the streng h aid stability
of the banking institutions of the
country better demons r. t d than dur
Ing the past two week/, and It wat
In full accordance with the three du
ties above nient oner—o depositors,
stockholders and the public—that
nioLt of the banks of tin country
have Issued clearing house certificates
to tide over the currency famine. Our
excellent banks here in Cedartown
have not felt the necessity for such
action, but have continued to hand
out currency freely. The Atlanta
clearing house certif.calis are accept-
as full legal tender by our banks
and business houses, and are prov
ing a valuable aid in relieving the sit
Probably nowhere in tho South
have the banks undertaken to do as
much for the farmer by advancing]
money on cotton as right here In
fact is gen- |
erally appreciated. Long after banks !
elsewhere ceased to loan money on
cotton—or much of anything else, I
for that matter,—on account of the
scarcity of currency and the neces
sity of protecting their depositors,
our banks have been able to extend
accommodations, and our local pay
rolls have all been In currency. This
!h certainly a splendid showing for
these strong Institutions.
The Cedartown Farmers’ Union
at its meeting Saturday decided to
recommend the l83u.uice of local clear
ing house certificates, but In view of
the brightening financial situation
throughout the country it was deem
ed unnecessary to resort to that ex
pedient as yet. The New York banks
rapidly building up their re
serve to the legal requirements, and
as soon as this is done the shipment
of currency to tho South and West
will commence on an adequate scale,
and iho money market will resume
normal conditions.
[’here is Just as much money In
i country as there ever was, and
! slien-like l imic i t ,Nu\v York
following the fd.ure of tho big cop
per speculator, Ileinz was without
good reason. The ban! s^o^course,
have been obliged to keep their funds
subject to the call of the depositors,
and this has creatid a scarcity of
circulating medium.
Advices from the money centers in
dicate a mo: t brighten
ing of condilions, and we hope to see
plenty of money turned loose very
soon for handling the cotton crop In
a satisfactory manner. It Is indeed
fortunate that the Farmers’ Union and
planters generally were holding their
cotton, for if it had been rushed on
the market as usual the panic would
doubtless ha*e forced the prices to
a much lower level.
If you want to help the situation—
and every patriotic ci then should try
to do this,—put your moii.y prompt
ly in the banks, and pay your bills
by checks, just a3 business men gen
erally do.
We are living In a Progressive Age. The Tillers of the Soil are more advanced
in their ideas of farming, better posted in regard to their markets, better equip
ped for the battle of life than ever before. And we are proud to say that they are
far better off financially than they have ever been. Their progressiveness and
ours, Dear Reader, have led us to a light of our ability. The wise man pur
chases Good Values. Therefore, our mission. We appeal to the people as their
humble servant, and ask them to call on us and see a far better assortment of
merchandise than wo have ever shown before.
Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes,
Made to Wear and to Soil only. We have added a new stock of
Men’s Clothing'
To supplement our stock of CHILDREN’S SUITS.
Ladies’Cloaks Dress Goods
It’s all for sale; none reserved. Remember our Motto:
After this week our electric
Gin will run only on Mondays,
Thursdays and Fridays of each
week until further notice. Nov.
Ilth, 1907.
Cedartown Cotton & Export Co.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for Mayor, subject to the white
primary, and ask the votes of my
fellow citizens Respectfully,
I am a candidate for Alderman from
the 2d Ward, subject to the White
Primary, and will appreciate the sup
port of my constituents.
I wish to announce my candidacy
for Alderman from the 5th Ward,
subject to the White Primary, and ask
the support of my constituents.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Russell Drug Co. is
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
Dr. C. W. Peek and Mr. W. K. Rus
sell retiring. Persons indebted must
settle their Indebtedness prior to Dec.
loth next. The undersigned will con
tinue the business under the same
firm name, and will do their best
to so conduct their business as to
gain the good will and patronage of
the public.
D. M. & M. D. RUSSELL.
We have on hand, just one car of
WHEAT FERTILIZER, which is all
that we will order out this season. If
you are Interested call and leave your
orders at once. A. W. STUBBS & CO.
Died, at her home three miles from
Cedartown, on Nov. 8th, Miss Tab-
itha Adams. She was one of the fin
est Christian characters I ever knew,
gentle as a lamb and never wearied
doing good for her family and friends.
She had helped to raise her brother’s
orphaned children, and her death was
like the death of their own mother.
All was done that could be done for
her, but God wanted her to come
and receive her crown of glory for
the good she has already done. Don't
weep for her, dear brother and sis
ters and neices and nephew, for she
will he one of the bright.'sts angels
in heaven.
Time, like an ever soothing stream,
Bears all Its daughters away..
They fly remembered ns a dream
Dies at the opening day.
A Friend.
Pneumonia Follow* a Cold
but never follows the use of Foley’s
Honey and Tar. It stops the cough,
heals and strengthens the lungs and
prevents pneumonia. Bradford’s
Drug Store.
‘Buck” Adams Killed.
Springs, Nov. 11,-
Adams, of this place, who is bet
ter known as "Buck" Adams, was
killed by a southbound freight train
on tho Southern railway Saturday
night. The accident occurred at the
first trestle south of Cave Spring.
His head was completely severed
from his body, nnd the body drag
ged some distance before it was found.
We have secured the agency for
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new
laxative that makes the liver lively,
purifies the breath, cureB headache
and regulates the digestive organs.
Cures chronic constipation. Ask us
about It. Bradford’s Drug Store.
a customer wishing to buy a small
farm or mineral property. Wants to
exchange a nice paying business here
(centrally located) worth $1,600. A
fine chauce for some bright young
man. If interested, see me at once,
while you have a chance. O. M.
ALEXANDER, Anniston. Ala.
Administrator's Sale.
Georgia, Polk County:
Pursuant to an order from the court
of Ordinary of said county, granting
leave to sell all lands belonging to
the estate of E. P. Camp, deceased,
and for the purpose of distribution
among the heirs at law of said estate,
will be s old before the Court
House door at Cedartown, within the
legal hours of sale on the first Tues
day in December, 1307. at public
outcry to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described real estate, to-
wit: Lot No. 538 lying and being in
the 21st district and 3d section of
Polk county, Ga., containing 40 acres
more or less.
This Nov.4th, 1907,
Adm'r E. P. Camp, dec'd.
HELP WANTED—Men or women
to represent The American Magazine,
edited by F. P, Dunne ( Mr. Dooley")'
Ida M. Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, etc.
Straight proposition. Good pay. Con
tinuing interest from year te year
In business created. Experience and
capita] not necessary. Good oppor
tunity. Write J. N. Trainer, 23 West
20th Street, New York.
My brother, Chester A. Knight, is
now connected with my Insurance and
real estate agency. All business put
in his hands will have prompt and
careful attention. When your Insur
ance expires again, remember us.
Every man has a worthless hobby
that he wastes a lot of time on.
Schedules Effective Nov. 4th
Arrive from Griffin 2 25 p. m„
Arrive from Chattanooga 11.22 a.
Depart for Griffin 11.22 a. m.
Depart for Chattanooga 6.50 a. m. and 2.2!
m. and 7.50 p. m.
Schedule in Effect Jan. 6th, 1007.
No. 41
No. 33
Uv Ar
No. 32
No. 38
i 55 a m
4 45 p in
11 20 a in
9 45 p m
8 41
5 83
Powder Springs
10 35
8 58
8 50
5 52
10 17
8 39
0 26
6 22
Rock mart
9 48
8 07
0 38
6 36
9 38
7 55
0 55
6 50
0 26
7 42
10 13
7 11
0 09
7 26
10 23
7 25
Borden Springs
9 02
7 18
10 41
7 42
. Piedmont
8 45
7 01
11 19
8 16
v' ellirgtnn
8 CO
6 25
11 3)
8 27
Ohateiiie .
7 58
6 13
12 06
9 01
. Coal City .
7 10
5 35
1 3) pin
10 15
. Birmingham .
0 00
4 15
No. 133
No. 135
No 141
Lv Ar
No. 140
No. 134
No. 132
3 40 p in
4 40 p O'
K Oo a m
< artersville.
7 45 p m
11 10 a m
12 50 p in
3 55
4 52
8 12
7 33
10 55
12 35
•i 30
5 07
8 80
7 15
JO 30
12 10
5 00
5 30
8 45
1 aylorsville.
7 00
10 24
11 35
5 20
5 45
9 0)
fl 45
10 11
11 05
6 00
6 00
9 15
. Uockmart
Ar Lv
6 30
10 00
10 40 a m
daily; Nos. 133 and 132 daily ex Sunday; I
Trains Nos. 141 and 140,
Nos. 135 and 134, Sunday only.
Tickets for passage on all trains are sold by this Company and accep-
ted by the passenger .with the understanding that this Company will not be
liable for failure to run its trains on schedule time or for any such delays as
may be Incident to their operation. Care is exercised to give correct time
of connecting lines, but this company is not responsible for errors or oiuis-
8lon !* W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A.,
CHARLES B. RYAN, Gen. Pass. Agt. Atlanta Ga.
J. M. ELLIOTT, Agt.,Cedartown,Ga.
These arrivals and departures, as w.ll a3 time and connections with
other companies, are given only as information and are not guaranteed.
State Mutual Life
C. R. PORTER, President.
"Solid as the South"'
A Strictly Old Line Mutual
Legal Reserve Company,
Offering a most attractive contract, embracing protection and
profitable investment. Absolutely safe aud sound in every respect,
Over $32,000,000.00 in Force.
If you patronize this company your money 6tays at home,
where you reay the best profits. Let the agents make you
Standard Job Print Is always “up to the standard.’’