The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 14, 1907, Image 4

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lUMirx i If t A l< l>H. W. C. BUNN. C. C. BUNN, JR BUNN & BUNN. Attorneys at Law. Richardson Bldg, CHDARTOWN. All business’ placed in our hunds will be given prompt and viglant at tention. C. G. JANES. 0. R HUTCH BN 3 JAN S & HUTCHENS, LAWYERS, Offlco In Richardson Bldg. Phone 209 CHDARTOWN. OA. J-.TZ.JDA.VIS, ATTORNEY . «T . LAW, Office in Chamberla' a Bu CHDARTOWN, OA. W. K. Fielder. W. J FIELDER & FIELDER. Attorneys Law, Office in Pitts & Holmes Bldg. CHDARTOWN, OA. Paul R. Turner Ralph W. Turner TURNER & TURNER, ATTORNEYS • AT LAW CHDARTOWN, OA. W. W. MUNDY. IVY F. MUNDY MUNDY & MUNDY, Attorneys at Law. Special attention to collections. Me- rltorous damage claims, drawing wIUb and the administration of estate. Office up stairs In Mundy Bldg., Ce- dartown. J. MALLORY HUNT, Attorney at Law, Office In Richardson Block, CHDARTOWN, OA. W. H. TRAWICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the oourts, both State and Federal, In Georgia and Alabama. Office In the Pitta-Holmes building. Local and long dlstanc phone 241. J. A. LIDDELL. H. H. HALL. LIDDELL & HALL. Physicians and Surgeors, Office: Chamberlain Building, CHDARTOWN. OA W. A. CHAPMAN Physician SSA Surgeon, CHDARTOWN, OA. R. $. SHIRKS, s=Physician and Surgeou,— CHDARTOWN, OA. Calls answered promptly day or night. W. G. ENGLAND, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON CHDARTOWN, OA. Calls attended day ana night. CHAS. VANN WOOD. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Phllpot's store. CHDARTOWN, GA. HON. J. H. K8TILL, A Difltineuiflliprt Georgian Who PassH Awuv SHhirrix WHAT WE TRADE ON. DISTINGUISHED GEORGIAN DEAD. "It seems to be a kind of treason this fall for planters to withhold their cotton from market In the hope of forcing higher prices. Not only Is money tight; but at this writing foreign exchange is r.sing. involving a threat of gold exports. We must de pend principally upon cotton, which Europe will buy in great quantities, and which runs Into money very Hon. J. H. Estlll, one of Georgia's most prominent and valued citizens, passed away Saturday. He was the veteran editor of the Savannah Morn ing News, which he conducted in such a way as to make It one of tne best newspapers in the South— always conservative,r l.ublo and read able. Col. Estlll figured in the last two fast, to overcome this menace and state campaigns as a candidate for turn the tide our way. That. In view' Governor, and In both races devol- of such a public need, planters should oped considerable strength in Polk, hold cotton for merely personal gain w'here his marked ability and high Is truly reprehensible. We read that character found appreciation, the banks generally will keep them ! From poverty he rose to eminence, In the path of duty by refusing to with no stain upon his name, and extend loans on stored cotton. j his death Is a distinct loss to the "A similar situation arises every fall. Cotton makes nearly one-quart er of our total exports. Much more than anything else, it is what keeps our trade with the world going. We must, each year, hurry out the great staple In order to meet our balances In Europe. The function of the cot ton Industry In financing our foreign trade is so Important, in deed. that one might almost expect to see a bill In Congress—introduced by a gentleman from Pennsylvania and backed by the stand-pat league —forbidding; planters to withhold a single bale that was ready for export. "We have marvelous resources In ore and fuel for the steel industry. But we cunnot trade with the w'orld very much on them. Artlfloal prices, made by the tariff, prevents that. Exports of Iron and steel in all forms amount to only one-sixth the exports of stuff produced on the farm. It is the unprotected producer upon whom we must depend to settle for the articles we buy abroad. Unpro tected cotton and foods:ufis, compris ing about sixty per cent of our to tal exports enable us to do business with the world ’’—Saturday Evening Post. SEALS L. WHITELY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 216. CHDARTOWN, OA J. J. COOPER, Physician and Surgeon. Office over Russell’s Drug Store. The above Is a clipping from the editorial columns of the Saturday Evening Post, of Philadelphia. Fine piece of Irony, you say? WeR. It may be, but nevertheless it is a bold expose of the cotton gamblers* methods In robbing the cotton pro ducer every year. If the Pennsylvania Congressmen are built like some of their brethren T. E. McBRYDE, Physician and 8urgeon, whose acquaintance we have made, we may yet see them introduce a bill against the holding of cotton. ROCKMART, GA. O. H. MORRIS. Physician 0 Surgeon Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty. ROCKMART, OA. B. F. SIMS, DENTIoT. Offers his services to the public. Of fice In Bank of Cedartowu building. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Tele phone No. 64. vT. IP. GREER. DENTIST, Tenders his services to the public. Of fice over Collins 1 store. Phone 116 F L. ROUNTREE, DENTIST, Offers his services to the public Of fice In the Peek building. In Cave 8prlng every Thursday and Friday. WILLIAM A. HOLBECK, DENTIST. Special attention given Porcelain In lay Work, and the Treatment of Riggs Disease. Office: 2d Floor Peek Building, Phones 138 and 185, Cedartown, Ga. state, as his life was an Inspiration to aspiring young Georgians. The press of the state In particular regrets the loss of this esteemed Nestor from £helr ranks. GIN NOTICE. Beginning November 18th, the Oil Mill Gin will run Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays only. LETTER TO REV. H. E. BENEDICT, Cedartowu, Ga. Rev. Sir: Here's another problem for those arithmetic and algebra schol ars: If Devoe is worth $1.75 a gallon, and spreads a half furthc r than average paint, and wears twice as long, what Is average paint worth a gallon put- on. painters’ wages being $3.50 a day and a day’s work a gallon of paint. The answer Is minus $1.75 a gal lon. That is: you could afford to paint with average point If some body gives it to you and pays half the painters’ wages. Yours truly, 44 F. W. DEVOE & CO. P. S. Bradford sells our paint. THE THERMOMETER Will soon commence Its downward journey, bringing calls for Warm Goods, And we have them. LATEST STYLES DIES’ COATS AND DRESS GOODS. IN LA- NEW AND A FINE LINE OF SHOES. C. M. SAWYER & CO. CORE YOOR KIDNEYS Do Not Endanger Life When Geor gia Cltirens Show You the Cure. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint,back ache, urinary disorders, lameness, headaches, languor, why allow them selves to become chronic invalids, when a certain cure is offered them? Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to use, because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. . , . If you have any, even one, of the retain charge of the Episcopal symptoms of kidney Bishop C. K. Nelson has decided to diseases, cure yourself now, before diabetes, dropsy or Bright’s disease sets in. John Harris, collector for Insur ance Company, residing at 1538 Broad . St., Augusta, Ga., says: "I have episcopal convention having deeded U3e d Doan’s Kidney Pills in my fami- to divide the state Into two dtocesiB j ly, and we found them to be all that churches of the northern half of the state, with his official residence in At lanta, and the South Georgia churches will elect a new Bishop, the recent No doubt but the New York banas and many others have promised the cotton speculators “to keep them (the cotton producers) in the path of duty by refusing to extend loans on stored cotton.” If all the banks in the country were to adopt this policy, It would force thousands of farmers to part with their cotton at ruinous prices. Polk county has been more fortu nate than, possibly, any other county lu the State in securing loans on cot ton. Our banks deserve great credit for the masterly way In which they have taken care of the situation up to date TO CURE INDIGESTION. The first thing to do In case of In digestion or stomach weakness is to strengthen the muscular walls of the stomach and Intestines, so that they will digest without distress the food that is eaten. This can best be done by taking Ml-o-na tablets before each meal, which will restore strength to the stomach muscles and stimulate the secretion of gastric juices so that the food will digest readily and its nour ishment be retained In the stomach to build up energy and vitality. Use Mi-o-na and you will have no more sick headache, heartburn, bad taste In the mouth, coated tongue, specks before the eyes, sleeplessness or other symptoms that come from in digestion. With every 50-cent box of Mi-o-na T. F. Burbank gives a guar antee to refund the money uqless the remedy cures. Is claimed for them. They cured both myself and wife of backache after we had tried a number of so-called rem edies without finding any relief. My back bothered me for 18 months,with a dull, heavy pain across the small of it. 1 was attracted to Doan’s Kidney Pills by reading what they had done for others, so I obtained a box of them. My wife and I both used the remedy and noticed that in both cases the backache left.” But the fight for 15 cent cotton Is not near over. To win, the farm ers will need the continued support of the banks in every possible way This help, we believp, the farmers will get, unless the banks should list en to some speculator who has sold our cottou for future delivery. Of course, it is to the interest of such speculators to stop loans to our farmers so they can gobble up our cotton at low prices, and make a big profit at the expense of the producer. JOHN. I. FULL WOOD. The Draketown Baptist Institute Work Day has been set for Nov. 26th. Those who are interested are request ed to give that rday to the school and eu»v....ige others to do so. OBITUARY. Application for Dismission. Georgia, Polk County: Whereas, John W. Dempsey, admin istrator of A. J. Dempsey, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered A. J. Dempsey’s es tate; this is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, If any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In Dec., 1907. A. D. HOGG, Ordinary. Last Thursday morning the cold hand of death entered the happy home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank West and plucked the sweetest flower a- mong his family and carried the lit tle angel to heaven to sing praises around His holy throne. Weep not, dear parents and grandmother, foi little Louise will be there to wel come you. She was Indeed a very sweet baby, her mother’s Idol. Our only consolation is to meet her in that sweet land of bliss. May this be the thought her dear parents: Lord Je6us, I have promised To serve thee to the end. Oh, may I never leave thee. My Savior and my friend. A Friend Collard Valley, Nov. 10, 1907. Be sure of your ground before you start to build upon it. The slow-going dray horse lands more coin than the average horse. FURNITURE, ® CARPETS Mattings, Rugs, Crockery, Tinware, Cutlery, Stoves, Etc We have a complete stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS at prices that ar right. 8S % Bed-Room Suits. Odd Dressers, Bureaus, Bedstead Chairs, Rockers, Lounges, Tables, Mattresses, Spring Kitchen Sales, etc. Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Lamps and numero' Kitchen utensils Our line of Cutlery is of the best mak in Steel and Silver-Plate Knives, Forks an< Spoons; also Pocket Knives, Butcher Knivei Scissors, Razors, etc. PTnWrQ | Our line ol Stoves is complete, from tht 0 I U V LU I cheapest to the very best make Come to see us. We will make the pricei right. J. S. & G. D. COLLIN R. 0. PITTS, President. E. S. AULT, Cashier. C. W. SMITH, Vice President. E. L. HENDERSON, Ass’t. Cashier THE COMMERCIAL BARK Dancing Prove. Fatal. Many men and women catch colds at dances which terminate in pneu monia and consumption. After ex posure, If Foley’s Honey and Tar la taken It will break up a cold and no serious results need be feared. Re fuse any but the genuine In a yellow package. Bradford's Drug Store. After you get a dollar in your clutches the taint soon evaporates. ' OF CEDARTOWN. Capital, $ 38,500.00 Surplus £ Undivided Profits, 83,500.00 DEPOSITORY FOR STATE, CITY AND COUNTY. The long experience of our officer in banking affairs warrants the state ment that this Institution is well prepared to care for any business en* trusted to It. The large Burplus and profits, as shown above, are an evidence of our success and a guarantee of strength and safety to the Depositor, and demonstrate our ability to meet every demand within the bounds of legitimate banking. Upon this showing, and the extra precaution In providing our bank I with the only BURGLAR PROOF VAULT In the county, we respectfully solicit your business. Standard Job Print is always “up to the standard.”