The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 21, 1922, Image 1
I CEDARTOWN STANDARD Devoted to the Beet Int eresta of Cedartown an d Polk County. Volume 36. Cedartown, Georgia, Thursday, December 21st, 1922. Number 48. Count Progreasing. The counting of the votes in The Standard’s Contest is nearly comple ted, and checks will bo mailed —or gold given, if preferred— to the win ners in time to help make it a Mer ry Christmas for them. Holiday Dances. Get It Free. We have just mado arrangements for a limited number of free sub scriptions to the Southern Agricultur ist. Tho first two hundred farmers who pay their subscriptions a year in advance will receive this Bplcndid paper absolutely free. First come, first served. You will havo to hurry. The annual Christmas dance of the Cedartown Club will bo held next Tuesday evening, and a scrip dance will be held New Year's night. A good orchestra from Atlanta will fur nish the music, and two pleasant ev enings are anticipated. » Hon. W. L. Peck, who ran against Hon. W. J. Northcn ns the Populist candidate for Governor, diud Satur day at his home in Conyers, aged 85 years. It is n matter of general regret thnt Mr. R. O. McCord has resigned the position of Secretary of our (Jhambor of Commerce, which he has filled so acceptably tho past few weeks, to accept a more luc: atlve po sition in Louisiana, going to his now work Jun. 1st. His rervicoa have been of lasting va'.uo to Cedartown and Polk county. The Directors nt their meeting Monday regretfully nccoptcd the res ignation, and will fill tho vacancy at as early a date ns possible. GRAHAM FLOUR mado from best select wheat at Vance's Mill. INSURE THE PROFITS of your business against raiu, with tho Knight Agency. Several feet of the Benedict dnm on Big Cedar creek wero washed a- way by the high wnters Sunday. A general practice of all taking pnrt in the White Christmas oxcrciscs at the First Baptist church will be held tomorrow evening. The Begin ners, Primaries and Juniors aro urged to be at the church promptly at 7 o’ clock; all others taking part, at 7.80. At that time the children will bo told what they are to bring as gifts for tho poor. It is hoped nil mothers will make a wuy for their children to come to this general practice. MRS. CARL PICKETT, Chmn. Drugs—Prescriptions CHAPMAN’S “YOUR DRUG STORE’ ON THE CORNER AT YOUR SERVICE Phone 30 Cedartown, Ga.