The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 21, 1922, Image 3

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DECEMBER Si, 1923. • rcNO T» , SnEAK. PRflMtW* *1X3 M A/40 I <» CftUtMT IM t* *A- VLAT /N THE AHE/'A 1 WHADDA THEY MEAN, DISARMAMENT? IM GONNA TELL HR. HARDING ON HIM! THE STANDARD, CEDARTOWN, GA. PAGE THUS Ask Anyone Ask anyone you know which is the highest quality baking powder and almost invariably they will tell you ROYAL. "My cakes are 100% better since 1 bought that can of Royal/* writes one delighted user, and everywhere— among your friends, neigh* bors, relatives—you will hear similar commendations. Royal Contain* No Alum Leave* No Bitter Tatte W. H. Trawick. C. C. BUNN & TRAWICK Attorneys at Law. Peek Block, CEDARTOWN, GA. AU business placed in our hands will be given prompt and viligant at tention. MUNDY & WATKINS Attorneys at Law. Careful and prompt attention is what your business gets when placed with us. Office in Mundy Bldg, over Vance A Hunt’s store, Cedartown, Ga. E. S. AULT, Attorney at Law. Prompt and careful attention given all business,both Civil and Criminal. Office in Richardson Building. Phone 10. CEDARTOWN, GA. W. K. FIELDER, Attorney at Law. Practice In all the Courts. Office in Chamberlain Building. CEDARTOWN, GA. HALL & CHAUDRON Physicians & Surgeons. Office In Peek Block. Office Phone 87. C. V. WOOD, Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE PHONE 110 RESIDENCE PHONE 121. Office: VanDevander House, West Av. SEALS L. WHITELY, Physician and Surgeon. inono 219. CEDARTOWN, GA. J. W. GOOD, Physician and Surgeon. Qffice: VanDevander House,West Av. Rfcs. Phone 200. Office Phone 298. F. L. ROUNTREE DENTIST, Offers his services to the public. Phone 62. Office Smith Bldg. W. T. EDWARDS, DENTIST, Office over Liberty National Bank. Office Phone 54. Res. Phone 49. CEDARTOWN. GA. Dr..J.W.& Carl Pickett Dentists. Office and Laboratory upstairs in the Peek Building. J95N REMEDY FOR THE RELIEF OF Coughs, Colds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH, HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS -SOLD EVERYWHERE” He Just Can’t Wait to See Santa Claus of Gal lipoli! ().. new secretary of the American Legion Auxiliary. As sec retary of the Ohio department site tripled it's membership. GOOD INSTITUTE Polk’s Teach ers Last Week. They Start a Library for County Schools. One of the best Teachers’ Institutes ever held in Polk was that arranged week by County School Superin- Wm.Janes in conjunction with the stnto school authorities. Instead of the usual Institute lec ture program, the teachers visited the larger schools of the county, and were given an opportunity of studying and methods. each was spent at Benedicts, Aragon and Cedartown, and then on Friday tho teachers all met at the High School auditorium for review and discussion. Prof. Martin and Miss Parker, of the state’s educational bureau, were here and led the discussions. The teachers raised a neat sum a mong themselves as a start toward a library for tho county schools— a movement which should certainly re ceive libernl encouragement. Perfumed Pottery. Sounds odd, doesn’t it? And mys terious? Well, it is both —ono of those rare novelties requiring genius and craftsmanship to produce. Perfumed pottery is just what the name implies. It is mude from clay saturated by secret process with dc lightful perfume that withstands fir ing in the kiln, and when finished has the properties of a sachet. Tho dcllcato odor of a singlo pieco of Perfumed Pottery is suite discern- able in a fair-sized room. We have just received a shipment. Pricos from 50 cents to $1 each. W. W. TURNER, Jeweler. To Get Mail. If you wish to get your moil de livered by city carriers, you must put up some kind of a receptacle to re ceivc it, otherwise the service will be withdrawn. This is the notice our postofflee here hns received from Washington, and tho authorities will not nllow much more time in which to comply with the law, so it will bo necessary for nil In tho city limits who have not put up receptacles to do ho in the very near future if they want to enjoy this convenience. The recently annexed districts have been token in by the city car rier service, so this statement will hove application there. Mr. Corbett Crumbley, who gave up his position aB carrier some time ago, has boen re-instated. A Tragic Death. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Whitohond and Messrs. C. V. ami N. E. Tatum were called to Carrollton last week by the tragic death of their brother, Mr. Marvin Tatum,who shot himself while afflicted with temporary aberration, to which he had been subject ut times for several years. The deceased was a son of Rev. and Mrs. R. P. Tatum and waH a clever young man twenty- eight years of age. He spent several years in this section. The many friends of the family sympathize deeply with them in their tragic be reavement. Is guaranteed to give satisfaction in all cases of Acute or Chronic Indi gestion and Constipation. Try a bot tle and be convinced. For sale by Burbank Drug Co., Ce dartown, and White Drug Co., Rock- mart. MT. HOME NEWS. Mr. M. Rudeseal and sister, Mrs. Brown, of near Rehobeth, were visit ing relatives here Sunday. Misses Gertie and Loma Lester were in Cave Spring Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Ellis, of Rehobeth, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Willingham. Mr. J. N. Baldwin was in Cave Spring Saturday. Mr. M. A. Whisenant, of Ohatchie, Ala., came last week on a visit to rel atives here. Mr. J. N. Hampton was in Cedar town Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Findley, of Cavo Spring, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Sutherlin. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lester were in Cedartown Monday. Mr. A. J. Ellis, of Rehobeth, was here Wednesday. Mr. Geo. Willingham was near Re- jhobeth one day last week. LIME BRANCH NEWS. Mrs. W. A. Isbell and daughter, Viola, were in Cedartown Saturday. Mr. Jake Wray was home from At lanta to spend Sunday. Miss Mamie Willingham returned Saturday from a few days visit in Carrollton. Mrs. John Holmes, of Carrollton, came Saturday on a visit to her fath er, Mr. E. E. Willingham. WE HA VE MOVED Having bought the big Hard ware stores of both the Bartlett Hardware Co. and Mr. J. W. Barr, we have now consolidated the two, and are more advantageously loca ted in the building on the Corner of Main and Woodland Formerly occupied by Mr. G. D. Collins and Mr. J. W. Barr. We have had the two stores thrown together, giving us more room, better light, and superior loading facilities. We are adding to these big stocks daily, and now have one of the largest # best Hardware stores in North Georgia. You will like our new home. Above all, you will like the high quality of our goods and very rea sonable prices at which we sell them. Come and see for yourself. A. E. YOUNG & 50N A True Statement. Indigestion is the cause of ninety- per cent of all sickness. If you will get a bottle of Carter’s Remedy you will be relieved in a few hours of your Indigestion and before you have taken the first bottle, you will feel like you did when young. Why not try a bottle on a guarantee? You will find it in Cedartown at Fulmer Drug Co. Thousands arc using it to their per fect satisfaction. HEMATITE NEWS. Mr. H. P. Baker and sons, Hiram and Fred, were in your city one day last week. Mr. C. G. Crocker was in Cave Spring Saturday. Mr. Joe Hopper, Jr., and brother and sister, Alex and Mary, were in Rome one day last week. The singing given Saturday night by Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Crocker was much enjoyed. Mr. Bill Davis and son, John, were in your city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Baker were near Mt. Spring Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Clay spent the week-end with their parents at Fish. Messrs. Bud McGinnis and Arthur Clay were in your city one day last week. Mr. Joe Hopper, Jr., and sisters, Bettie and Nell, were in your city Friday. Clean op and paint opt A Christmas Tragedy—Fr Pop Uweae's mJaM? no-no-no! [ OAODN HASN’T ANNTH/NG BUT \ 6R.OCERIES! NOW RUN AND h!M