Newspaper Page Text
We Are Moving
We wish to thank oui‘ friends and customers
for making our business such that we are obliged
to move to larger quarters so that we can carry
the stock and give the service that our business
We are glad to announce that we have a long
term lease on the Gibson Building formerly oc
cupied by the Bartlett Hardware Co. We shall
move our stock there this week for our perman
ent home.
We trust that it will be our pleasure to serve
you there with the most complete Furniture
Store in Polk county.
We wish again to thank you for past favors,
and wish you one and all a happy and prosperous
New Year.
Don’t forget the place—the large Yellow
Front Store between A. C. Cobb’s and the Com
mercial Bank.
Stubbs & Hogg,
“The House Furnisher.”
415 Main Street.
A King Lennon.
Some Atlanta men have been doing
some bragging lately about some big
lemons that they had raised, but they
should come to Codartown and see a
sure enough lemon.
Mr. R. W. Drock brought to our
office Thursday a sample of that fruit
that out-mcasurcs anything of the
kind we have seen or heard of. It
weighed two and a fourth pounds,
and was sixteen and a fourth inches
in circumference, standing six and a
half inches high.
The tree is twelve years old, and
has been bearing for some time. All
the fruit has been large and of fine
quality, but the tree out-did itself in
this particular instance.
We wish to thank the many friends
for their kindness and floral offerings
at the death of our husband and fath
er. May God bless them all, is our,
—Mrs. J. M. Iinmrick und Children 1
We desire to thank our neighbors
and friends for their many acts of
kindness extended us nt the death of
our little daughter and grand-daugh
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Whitley, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Leslie.
Wallace Reid
;• —IN—
; “Thirty Days.”
] Comedy
Bull Montana
“A Ladies’ Man”
10 and 25c, war tax included.
Bert Lytell
The Right That Failed’
1 Comedy
Snug Pollard
“Dig Up”
10 and 20c; Tax Included.
Productions will be announced later.
Viola Dana
i' “Glass Houses”
Episode No. 10
“The Timber Queen”
10 and 20c; tax included.
Big five-reel Western Feature
Episode No. 13
10 and 20c; tax included.
Cedartown Supply Co.
pays the highest prices
for cotton seed.
Miss Edna Mae Swinney, of At
lanta, came Friday to spend Christ
mas with home folks.
Messrs. S. E. nnd Dewey Wood, of
Cullman, Ala., came Saturday on a
visit to their son nnd brother, Mr. W
J. Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Akins, Miss
Nancy Teat and Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Teat, of Lindale, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Teat.
Mr. T. J. Hatch and fumily are
speding the first f the week with their
father, Mr. J. P. Morris, neur Lake.
Mr. E. E. Woods and family spent
Sunday with Mr nnd Mrs. W. J.
Mr. Raymond Smith, of Atlanta,
is spending the holidays with his par
ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Smith.
Miss Hattie Daniel, of Villa Rica,
came yesterdny on a visit to Mrs.
Jervis Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Snow, of Cedar
town, came Tuesday for a few days
Miss Gertrude Wood was in Cedar
town yesterday.
Mr. J. T. Jones and family have
moved to Alabama City, much to the
regret of their many friends.
Mr. M. F. Williams spent Saturday
in Atlanta.
Miss Maggie Williams came home
Saturday from Cedartown to spend
Mr. E. F. Abney Bpent a part of
last week at Oak Level, Ala.
Misses Serctha and Jessie Hudson,
of Cedartown, spent the week-end
with their aunt, Mrs. M. Maddox.
Mr. Carl Wester, of Atlanta, was
was the guest of his father, Mr. C.
W. Wester, Saturday.
Mr. Bill McBurnett wus near Full-
woods Sunday.
Mr. W. II. Barnett and wife of
Lime Branch, and Mr. Geo. Maddox,
of Akea, were the guests Sunday of
Mr. Jerry Barnett.
Miss Stella Moore, of Fullwood,
was here Sunday.
Mrs. A. Y. Henderson is ill with flu.
Miss Maude Riddlcspergcr, of
Rome, came Snturday on a visit to
relatives here.
Miss Elizabeth Brown is home from
Anderson, S. C., for the holidays, and
is accompanied by her friend, Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whitfield an
nounce the birth of a son, who will be
called William Arthur.
Mrs. II. M. Huskey and daughter,
of Cedartown, are spending a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Weaver.
Mrs. R. E. Wilson nnd children, of
Romo, came Monday to visit their
sister, Mrs. G. II. Wilson.
Miss Ruth Brown, of Bremen, is
speding the holidays with home folks.
Miss Maurine Weaver returned
Sunday from Cedartown.
Mr. Chnmbless Lee left Monday for
Mr. John Whitfield, of Griffin,spent
Sunday with his brothers, Messrs.
Chas. and Ed Whitfield.
SLABS nt mill, 25 cents for two-
CO., Youngs.
Mr. Mel Casey spent Monday in
Mr. J. P. Martin spent Tuesday in
Mrs. E. M. Waters spent Saturday
morning in Rome.
Mr. N. V. Foster spent the first of
the week in Atlanta.
Mr. John II. Barnes, Jr., left Friday
for a visit in Marietta.
Miss Inez Teat left Saturday-for
a few dnys visit in Dalton.
Mr. A. S. Speer came home Fridny
from Gadsden to spend Christmas.
Mrs. J. W. Beavers went to Buch-
nnnn Saturday for a few days visit.
Miss Cynthia, Russoll and Marshall
Little left Sunday for a visit in Annis
Mr. Francis Foster came home Sat
urday from Mucon to spend Christ
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Agnew, of At
lanta, enme Saturday for n few days
Miss Edna Pike, of Carrollton,came
Saturday on a visit to Miss Thelma
business against rain, with the Knight
Mr. A. II. Nation came home Snt
urday from Atlanta for a stay of sev
eral dnys.
Miss Maude Sanders came home
Saturday from Atlanta to spend
Miss Jessie Cleveland enme home
Saturday from Atlnntu for a stay of
several dnys.
Mr. K. G. Ragan and his bride re
turned last week from their wedding
trip to Florida.
Miss Mary Waddey wus home from
Toccoa, where she is teaching, to
spend Christmas.
Mr. J. R. Davis and son, Griffin, and
Miss Elma Griffin left Friday for a
visit in Cartcrsville.
Mrs. Evan Thomasson, of Carroll
ton, enme Saturday on a visit to her
mother, Mrs. S. L. Clay.
Mrs. Glenn Brown, of Birmingham,
enme Suturday on a visit to her mo
ther, Mrs. J. W. Curtis.
Mnj. nnd Mrs. Homer Watkins
went to Atlantn Saturday to spend
Christmas with relatives.
Mr. Oscar Holtzclaw returned Inst
week from Nownnn, where he has
been studying telegraphy.
Mrs. C. T, Johnson, of Atlanta,
came Saturday on n visit to her fnth-
or, Mr. T. W Schliustett.
Mr.’TL L. Wilson nnd little daugh
ter, Margaret, went to Atlanta Sat
urday to spend Christmas.
Mrs. A. W. Young,of Atlantn,came
Friday to spend Christmas with her
sister, Mrs. S. F. Marshall.
Messrs. J. A. Wilson and L. II.
Smith attended tho funcrnl Thursday
in Rockmart of Morris Toler.
Dr. nnd Mrs J. G. Morris, of Bow-
don,came Saturday to spend Christ
mas with their father, Mr. J. S. King.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Brooks McMorrough,
of Atlanta, came Saturday on a visit
to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
FOR A HAT becoming to you, yoa
should he coming to us. THE NEW
YORK HAT SHOP, 814 Broad St.,
Mr and Mrs. W. A. Palmer, of At
lanta, enme Saturday on a visit to
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R.
MiBS Lucy Chambless came Satur
day from Chattanooga to spend
Christmas as the guest of Mrs. W. C.
WHY PAY 50 cents for a Watch
Glass when you can get it for 25
cents? HUNT JEWELRY CO., 808
Main St.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Northcutt, of
College Park, came Suturday on a vis
it to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Mrs. Clarence Cleveland, of Sar
gents, spent the first of the week with
her parents, Mr. und Mrs. W. O.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamrick, of
Bessemer, Ala., came Saturday on a
visit to their parents, Rev. nnd Mrs.
R. W. Hamrick.
Messrs. Tip Asbury of Madison,and
Roger Asbury of Perry, came Satur
day to spend Christmas with their
sister, Mrs. Paul Montgomery.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Aleck Brooks, of |
Rome, were here over Sunday. Their 1
Mr. S. R. Mendel was in Atlanta
Mr. J. J. Edwards spent Monday
at Taylorsville.
Mr. Bums Cox, of Atlanta, was
here over Sunday.
Mr. W. W. Peacock, of Rome,
spent Monday here.
Miss Lula Crumbley spent yester
day in the Gate City.
Mrs. E. W. Elder left Monday for
a visit in Birmingham.
Mr. T. P. Thurmond spend the
week-end in Chattanooga.
Mr. Walter Ballow, of Atlantn,
spent Tuesday night here.
Mr. T. A. Pottitt has been home
from Birmingham this week.
Miss Blanche Smith, of Bonz, Ala.,
is spending the holidnys hero.
Miss Florence McAlluni is spending
the holidays in Meridian, Miss.
Mrs. J. W. Daniel went to Carroll
ton Monday for a few dnys visit.
Mr. Earl Edmondson was home
from Macon to spend Christmas.
Miss Annie Colquitt enme home Sat
urday from Atlnntn to spend Christ
Mesdnmes S. P. Holloway and Wil
lie Marshall spent yesterdny in At
Mr. T. A. Chnsteen roturned to An
niston yesterdny after a few dnys
visit here.
Mr. W. L. Knight came homo last
week for the holidnys from his duties
on the road.
Miss Frances Brooks is home for the
holidays from West Point, where she
has been teaching.
Mr. J. L. Brown, of Nownnn, spent
the first of the week with his daugh
ter, Mrs. W. T. Brooks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. G.W. Ruff nnd daugh
ter, Evelyn, wont to Marietta Satur
day to spend Christmas.
Miss Nannie Pitts, of Atmorc,
Ain., is spending the week with her
mother, Mrs. J. E. Pitts.
I AM AGENT for American Pro
ducts Co. All sorts of Toilet goods.
J. A. ADAMS, 410 Park St.
Messrs. John nnd Evan Short
came Saturday from Anniston to
spend Christmas with home folks.
Miss Annn Harriot Shewmake, of
Atlanta, spent Tuesday night here ns
tho guest of Mrs. Homer Watkins.
Mr. W. J. Burr, of New Orleans,
spent the first of tho week with hiB
pnjonts, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Barr.
Mrs. C. C. Bunn wont to Romo
Suturday for a few dnys visit. Mr.
Bunn spoilt the first of tho week there
Mr. W. P. Mnxwell and duughtcr,
Miss Gertrude, of Birmingham, have
boon vjpiting relatives here this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. B Thwcatt return
ed Sundny to Nashville after a visit
to their parents, Mr and Mrs, C. W.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Foster, of
Ringgold, came Saturday on a visit
to their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bur) Boullneau, of
Atlanta, spent tho drat of the week
with their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
W Boulincau.
Mrs. T. H. Fielder, of Macon,came
Friday on a visit to her parents, Hon.
and Mrs. W. K. Fielder. Mr. Fiel
der spent the first of the week here.
Mrs. C. R. Brown and daughter,
Martha, came Saturday on a visit to
her father, Capt. J. A. Peek. Mr.
Brown spent tho first of the week
Mrs. E. L. Prewett, of Rome, is
spending the holidays with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Pritchett. Mr
Prewett spent tho first of the week
Mrs. F. P. Abercombie, of Atlanta,
came Saturday on a visit to her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Cleveland.
Mr. Abercombie spent the first of the
week here.
Mrs. H. H. Hutchins and little
daughter, Barbara, of East Point,and
Miss Una McArver of Atlanta, came
Saturday on a visit to their sister,Mrs
R. A. Brimm.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Blackwell came
Saturday from Birmingham to spend
Christmas as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. O. PittB.
Mr. and Mrs. John Langford, of
Birmingham, came Saturday to spend
Christmas with their brother and sis
ters, Mr. J. C. and Misses May and
Ola Langford.
Rev. G. B. Bomnn, of Heflin, Ala.,
spent the first of the week with his
mother, Mrs. T. W. M. Brown, ac- daughter, Mrs. Pauline Hackney, and
companied them home for a stay of filled the pulpit Sunday evening at the
several days. , Eastview Baptist church.
Mr. Guy Alvarez, of Atco, spent ; Mr. Chas. C. Barton, a former pop-
the first of the week here. His wife, ular Cedartown young man, was uni-
who has been visiting her parents, Mr ted in marriage Thursday at Potean,
and Mrs. Henry West, returned Okla., with Mrs. Nancy White John-
home with him. | son, formerly of Van's Valley.
Mrs. E. F. Jones returned Sunday I Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Toole, Mr. and
to Piedmont after a visit to her sis- Mrs. R.P. Kenyon and Mrs.J.N.Frazer
ter, Mrs. J. B. Mason. Her father, of Atlnntn, and Mrs. J. R. Deese of
Mr. E. W. Carter, accompanied her Bainbridge, came Saturday on a visit
home for a few days visit. j to their mother, Mrs. R. O. Turner.
Mr. Lee Parker spent Christmas in
Carroll county.
Mr. J. C. Hilburn spent Tuosdny
in Chattanooga.
Mrs. L. F. Wingnrd spent Saturday
afternoon In Rome
Mr. Frank Lowthcr is spending the
holidays in Louisville, Ky.
Mr. J. L. Witcher went to Rome
Saturday for a few days visit.
Duke’s Warehouse, Ware street.
Miss Irene Gunter left last week
for a few days stay nt McDonough.
Mrs. J. R. McGregor ami Miss
Pauline Bniley spent yesterday in
SLABS nt mill, 25 cents for two-
CO., Youngs.
Mr. John D. Waddell, Jr., of At
lanta, spent the first of the week with
Mr. Julius Cobb.
Miss Augusta Young left yesterday
for a trip to Washington before re
suming her school nt Poplar Branch,
N. C.
Miss Blanche Cooper, who is attend
ing Wesleyun Femnlo College in M#-
con, enme Thursday to spend tho hol
idays with her parents, Rev and Mrs
W. II. Cooper.
WHEN YOU have your automo-
bilo worked on, be sure you take it
where you get service and A REAL
GUARANTEE. Caqcy & Sloan do
this very thing.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brewster and
daughters, Misses Frances and Cor
nelia, of Birmingham, came Saturday
on a visit to their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Hand.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Pnrker, Jr., de
lightfully entertained a number of
friends Tuesday evening, serving re
freshments before tho Christmas
dance nt the Club.
Mrs. Jos. Waters and children, of
Savannah, came last week on a visit
to her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W.
Boulincau. Mr. Wntcrs spent the
first of the week here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Freemun of Se-
noia, nnd Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Bartlett
of Atlanta, came Snturday to spend
Christmas with their parents, Hon.
and Mrs. W. K. Fielder - .
Mr. Chas. C. Barton, a former pop
ular Cedartown young man, was uni
ted in marriage Thursday at Potean,
Okla., with Mrs. Nnney White John
son, formerly of Vnn's Valley.
About fifty of the little friends of
Rev C. P. Willcox gave him a cassock
Sunday as a token of their apprecia
tion of the great work he is doing n-
mong tho children of Codartown.
Messrs. Bradford nnd Miller Ham
rick came homo last week for the
holidays from Oglethorpe University
in Atlanta, and Mr. Charles and Miss
Agnes Hamrick from the Berry
Mrs. J. R. Durham and Mrs. Le-
norris Mundy, of Atlanta, came last
week to spend the holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mundy.
Messrs. Durham and Mundy spent tho
first of tho week here.
Miss Annie Reeves returned last
week from Ashford, Alu., where she
has been in chargo of n millinery
store during the Beason. She spent
Thursday night with hor sister, Mrs.
J. W. Bobo, at Silver Creek.
The marriage of Miss Elsie Mor
gan, of Cedartown, and Alnicr Went-
zel, of Reading, Pa., was quietly sol
emnized on yesterday afternoon by
Rev. II. F. Joyner, at tho Maple street
pastorium.—Rome Tribune, 27th.
Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Nunn of Tem
ple, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Elliott of Au
gusta, Mr. Joe C. Nunn and Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Nunn of Atlanta, Bpent
Monday with their parents and (grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nunn.
Misses Lois Sheffield and Vera
Pridgen came home Thursday for the
holidays from the Georgia Normal &
Industrial College at Milledgeville.
Miss Ethel Tison, who Is also attend
ing school there, is spending the holi
days with relatives in Florida.
Messrs. Lewis Pittbj Virgil Moore
Lamar Partee, C. J. Turner, Paul
Griffis, Warren Purks,Walter Branch,
Hugh David, Damon Agee, Robert
Young and Phil Brewster came home
last week for the holidays from the
State Technological School in At
Miss Zelia Phillips left Saturday
to spend the holidays at Lawrencc-
ville and Norcross, after which she
will attend the Short Course at the
State College of Agriculture in Ath
ens before returning to resume her
work as our County Home Demon
stration Agent.
Miss Vivian, tho attractive daugh
ter of Mrs. C. Froneberger, was unit
ed in marriage on the 17th inst. with
Mr. Jonathan Long, a populnr young
man of Rockmart. Tho ceremony
was performed by Rev. B. F. Pirn at
the Methodist parsonage in Rock
mart, and the happy couple left at
once for an automobile trip to Flor
$200,000 to placo on Cedartown
business nnd residence property.
Loans can bo closed promptly.
Bankers Reserve System 0 per cent
loans may be secured on city or farm
property, to buy, build, improve, or
pay indebtedness. Banker* Reserve
Deposit Company, 1048 California
Street, Denver, Colorado.
WANTED—All kinds of sewing*
Children’s clothes a specialty. MRS.
D. W. ALLEN, 202 N. Broad St.
For Rent.
FOR RENT—Two 2-horse crops;
good houses nnd barns, A. J. WILEY,
410 Park street.
FOR RENT— Desirable - business
house now occupied by Stubbs &
Hogg. Vacant Jnn. 1st. MRS. J. A.
FOR RENT—12-room residence,
partly furnished, on Main street. T.
FOR RENT—A two-horse crop,
good land with house and bnrn, near
S. C.
For Sale.
FOR SALE—Thousands of Cab
bage Plants, nice green onos. D. L.
FOR SALE CHEAP—10 full-blood-
cd hens and young roosters. Have no
space to keep them. Mrs. C. W. HOL-
FOR SALE—Some good mules and
horses will be sold first Tuesday in
January at legal hours.
FOR SALE—Six lots on the corner
of Main and Cobb streots. MRS. G.
P. RUSSELL, 1107 Main St.
FOR SALE or RENT— Six-room
house, with bath, two lots, 201 North
Broad St. C. W. NATIONS.
FOR SALE—Six-room house on
Cave Spring street; lot, 70x175 feet.
FOR SALE—1 first-class 4 burn
er oil stove. Call 100.
FOR SALE—Good milk cow, or
will trade for beef cow. W. W.
FOR SALE—Good milk cow. Ap
ply to B. T. Baldwin R. F. D. 4, Rock
FOR SALE—A 4-burner oil Btove,
New Perfection make, in good con
dition. 400 Park St.
FOR SALE—The Central Cafe. J.
erty in growing section of Cedar
town. Very liberal terms. Will ex
change for Atlantn property. Ad
dress; "Atlanta Owner," care , JJo-
dartown Standard, City.
LOST—Four pairs of Gloves in
package. Finder return to Mrs. Ray
Brock and receive reward.
LOST—Bunch of keys between
Cedartown and Rome. Finder please
return to Knox Davltte, Atlantic Ice
& Coal Corporation,Rome, Ga., and
receive reward. Telephone 100,
FOUND—A strayed hog has come
to my house. Finder can recover
on payment of advertising and costs.
SIGN PAINTINC, Decorating and
ART WORK, signs of all kinds, all
sizes. See me first. All work guar,
antecd. Lowest prices. PINK
SNOW, corner Main and Ware St.,
Everybody Cordially
To try our Plate Dinner, also our
Plate Supper.
We serve you a nice Plate Dinner,
with all you can eat for twenty-five
centB. Our Plato Supper will bo
served from 6.30 to 7.80, with hot
biscuits, for 26 cents.
We guarantee to satisfy you, and
are sure to serve you again. Our cof
fee is the best in town. Our fish and
oysters are fresh, and direct from
the sea coast.
Give us a call.
J. R. MORGAN, Prop. 608 Main
St., Cedartown.
To Caledonia Lodge, No. 121, F. &
A. M.—Many thanks from my heart
to all that gave mo tho nice Christ
mas baskets of fruit. Wishing all a
happy New Year.