The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 28, 1922, Image 7
THE STANDARD, CEPARTOWN. GA. PAGE SEVEN1 DECEMBER 28, 1922. DOUGHNUTS Have you tried those Doughnuts That we have fresh every day They are “mighty” good. Phone 96 and we’ll deliver them. Phone 96. Main St. SANITARY STEAM BAKING CO. SECOND - HAND CARS FOR SALE Buick Six, 7-Passenger. Dodge Touring. Ford Truck. SERVICE GARAGE When You’re Nervous ^Whatever the cause—overwork, worry, grief, lose of sleep, ex citement, business troubles, Mimulants, narcotics — there’s ana medicine that will help you. Dr. Miles’ Nervine hat relieved thousands of cases of headache, dizziness, irrita bility, sleeplessness, hysteria, epilepsy. .Buy a bottle of your druggist and start on the road to better health today. Dr. Miles’ Guaranteed Medicines. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Dr. Miles’ Heart Treatment Dr Miles’ Tonic Dr. Miles* Blood Purifier Dr. Miles* Anti-Pain Pills Dr. Miles* Laxative Tablets Dr. Miles’ Tonic .You’ll Find Dr. Miles' Medicines at your Drug Storo. NEW AND IMPROVED VIA SCHEDULES SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Effective Dec. 81st, 1922, the following schedule will bo made: No. 6 will pass Cedartown 9.12 am. Rockmart 9.33 am, arrive Atlanta 11.15 am, leave Atlanta 11.25 am, C.T., Lawrencevillc 1.32 rm, Winder 2.00 pm, Athens 2.40 pm, Elberton 3.38 pm, Arriving Richmond 7.00 am, Portsmouth (Norfolk) 7.45 am, Washington 10.35 am, Baltimore 11.69 am, Philadelphia 2.16 pm, New York, 4.30 pm. No. 6 will leave New York 2.06 pm, Philadelphia 4.17 pm,Baltimore 0.30 pm, Washington 7.45 pm, Richmond 1 1.15 pm, Portsmouth (Norfolk) 9.05 pm, Elberton 2.10 pm, Athens 3.20 p m, Winder 3.68 pm, Lawrenceville [4.28 pm, arrive Atlanta 4.40 pm, C.T., leave Atlanta 4.56 pm, Rockmart 6.42 pm, Cedartown 7.08 pm, arrive Birmingham 10.35 pm, for Memphis and West. o. 30 will leave Atlanta 0.10 am, C. T., passing Lawrenceville 8.33 am, ,T., Winder 9.05 am, Athcs 9.55 am, Elberton 11.10 am for points East, os. 7 and 8 (the owl) will reach A tlunta and Birmingham 0.30 am. o. 12 will pass Cedartown 5.31 pm, Rockmart 5.59 pm, arrive Atlanta .45 pm, leave Atlanta same as at pr osent. 'o. 230 leaves Loganville 7.30 am, arrivo Lawrenceville 8.10 am. o. 217 leaves Lawrenceville 9.26 am, arrives Loganville 10.05 am. irvice on this branch daily except S unday. o. 312 leaves Rockmart 0.45 pm, a rrives Cartorsvillc 8.00 pm, Daily ser- icc. Nos. 5 and 0 nre restored between A tlnnta and Birmingham, taking the lace of Nos. 16 and 1G. No 6 from the North connects with No. 5 for the test at Atlanta. No. 0 from the W ost connects with No. 0 for the North t Atlanta. FRED GEISSLER, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent. Advertisers in The Standard think Rough of your business to give you nvitations, which it will pay you to ccept. guaranteed to give satisfaction in cases of Acute or Chronic Indi- tion and Constipation. Try a bot- i and be convinced. For sale by Burbank Drug Co., Ce- town, and White Drug Co., Rock- art. "Feeling j Fine!” i "I wu pale and thin, hardly ( Me to go,” eaya Mr*. Bessie , JaardenTof Central, S.C. ‘T ' would suffer, when I stood on ( — feet, with bearing-down j ■y feel, puns in my sides and the lower part of my body. I did not rest well and didn't want anything to eat. My color was bad and I felt miserable, A friend of mine told me of CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic •nd I then remembered my mother used to take it.. . After the first bottle I was better. 1 began to fleshen up and I re gained my strength and good, healthy color. I am feeling line. 1 took twelve bottles (of Cardul) and haven’t had a bit of trouble since.” Thousands of other women have had similar experiences in the use of Cardui, which has brought relief where other medicines had failed. If you suffer from female ail ments, take Cardui. It is a woman’s medicine. It may be just what you need. At your druggist’s or dealer’s. 1 E 92 I MT. SPRING NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Willinmon, of Clioccolocco, Ala., spent part of laBt week with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Baker-. Mr. Joe Barton was in Cedartown one day last week. Mr. and Mrs Roy Williamon were in Rome one day last woek. Mr. C. L. Baker and family were shopping in Cedartown Monday. Mr. J. Wi Angel and family were in Rome Saturday. Mr. Clyde Williamon and brother, Cecil, of Jacksonville, Ala., arc vis iting near here. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dempsey were at Forney, Ala., Saturday. Mr. C. L. Baker and daughter, Lil lian, were in your city Saturday. Mr. Briscoe Ellis was in Cave Spring Saturday. Mr. W. P. Mobley and sons, Leon ard and Everett, were in Cave Spring one day last week. Mr. Otis Montgomery was shopping in your city Saturday. Mr. Collie Shaw and family spent one night last week in Cave Spring. Miss Lillian Baker spent one night last week in Cave Spring with her grandmother, Mrs. J. D. Baker. Rev. Carnes, of Rome, delivered interesting sermons here Saturday. Miss Pauline Youngblood was shop ping in Cedartown one day last week The pound supper given by Miss Mildred Angel Thursday night was highly enjoyed. Mr Rad Ellis was in Cave Spring Saturday. Mr. Earl Wilson, of Cave Spring, was the guest Saturday of Mr. Roy Ashmore. Mr. Daniel Baker, of Cave Spring, was near here Wednesday. Mr. George Williamon, Jr., was at Haney, Ala., Saturday. A True Statement. Indigestion is the cause of ninety- pev cent of all sickness. If you will got a bottle of Carter’s Remedy you will be relieved in a few hours of your Indigestion and before you have taken the first bottle, you will feel like you did when young. Why not try a bottle on a guarantee? You will find it in Cedartown at Fulmer Drug Co. Thousands are using it to their per fect satisfaction. LIVE STOCK NEWS «-»♦«-«■♦ .►«« PUREBRED FEMALES GAINING Striking Development in Federal-State Campaign for Live Stock Improvement. (Prepared by tho United States Department of Agriculture.) Noteworthy progress timing the Inst three months In the fetlernl-slnte cam paign for live-stock improvement Is re ported by the bureau of animal indus try, United States Department of Ag riculture. The most striking develop ment is the Increasing tendency for purehred-slre users to acquire pure bred female stock or well. In the period of January 1 to March .SI of this year, 070 persons filed with the department signed enrollment blanks, Indorsed by county agents, showing tlie use of purebred sires exclusively for all classes of live stock kept. This number Ir an Increase of 254 over the previous three months and Is nearly three times as many as for the same period In 1021. Although the department has stressed chiefly the use of purebred sires, records of the “Better Sires, Bet ter Stock” campaign show a gradual rise In the proportion of purebred fe male animals, Including cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats and poultry. The proportion of purebreds to the total of female animals kept now exceeds 85 per cent. A decline In the proportion of scrub females In herds headed by purbred sires accompanied the rise In purebreds. The greatest activity during the quarter was In Ohio where G82 per sons were enrolled—more than half of the total. Nebraska came second with 185 enrollments, Washington third with 120 and Kentucky fourth with 124. A new state, Michigan, entered the campaign actively. Virginia has been the premier state since the be ginning of the campaign from the standpoint of persons participating. Nebraska occupies first place In num ber of animals being bred to purebred sires. Ohio, which at the beginning of the year occupied third place, Is now second nnd is fast approaching the lender. The returns from Green coun- A Purebred Dairy Cow. AKES LETTER. Mr. King Diamond and Miss Min nie Lambert, and Mr. Geo. Dingier and Miss Martha Abney, were united in marriage Saturday in Cedartown, Ordinary W. W. Crawford, perform ing the ceremony. The young ladies nre from Buchanan, but have been teaching here for some time, and are highly esteemed. The grooms are two of our popular young men of this section. The happy couples went to Buchanan for a few days visit. Their many friends extend hearty congratulations. Miss AUine Isbell is home from the A. & M. School at Powder Springs to spend the holidays. Messrs W. T. King and Paul Diam ond andW. M. Isbell were in Cedar town Friday. Mr. E. R. Berry, of Atlanta, came Friday to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Berry. Misses Ilerstine nnd Lyndal Pettit were in Cedntown Saturday. Mr. W. C. Vincent spent Sunday at Silver Crook. Mr. Bud Brooks was in Cedartown Saturday. Mrs. Ab Porter, of Silver Creek, came Sunday to spond a few days with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Vin cent. Mr. W. M. Isbell and family spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. J. B. Isbell, at Byrds. Mr. A. M. Hackney nnd family, of Cedartown, spent Sunday with thei mother, Mrs. J. T. Garner. Mrs. Lillie Brock nnd son, Roy, of Sutton’s Mill, spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Diamond. Mr. A. A. Ivie was in Cedartown Monday. Mrs. Wiley Diamond spent Satur day in Cedartown. Miss Nettie Cox returned Friday from a few days visit in Cedartown. Miss Ilerstine Pettitt came home Friday for the holidays from Ara gon, where she is teaching. Mrs. W. C. Berry spent Saturday in Cedartown. Mr. Paul Hackney was in Cedar town Saturday. LIME BRANCH NEWS. Mr. Howard Peek, of Akes, spent Saturday night here. Miss Loretta Winkles, of Gads den, came Sunday on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. J. W. McKibben. Mr. Jako Wray was homo from Atlanta last week. Mr. C. B. Wray and fumily, of Ma con, came Friday to spend the holi days. Messrs. Leonard and Ollie MeKib- Extra 3-Day Specials -AT—■ J. W. Lee Co’s. FOR Saturday, Monday, Tuesday THANKING YOU, ONE AND ALL, FOR THE MOST LIBERAL PATRON AGE DURING THE PAST YEAR, WE WISH FOR YOU A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, AND PROMISE YOU FOR 1923 GOODS AT THE CLOSEST POSSIBLE PROFITS CONSISTENT WITH GOOD MERCHANDISE. Best 20c Outing, 10c 20 and 25c Bleaching 10c Men’s $1 Dress Shirts 55c Men’s 50c Leather Belts 19c Men’s 35c Leather Belts 15c Boys’ 35c Leather Belts 10c 15c Leather Half Soles 7c 00c Hemlock Sole Leather, per lb 30c 75c Boys’ Rompers 35c Boys’ Blouses 25 and 35c Boys’ $5, $8, $10 and $12 Suits for - $2.90, $3.90 and $4.90 J. IV. Lee Co. Department Store. 324 Main St., CEDARTOWN, CA. Member Cedartown Chamber of Commerce. ty, Ohio, show a unique result. There were 180 persons enrolled. The live slock owned totaled 17,220 nnd among these there was but one scrubs ft sow. There was an abundance, however, of1 grades and crossbreeds, Indicating' widespread use of purebred sires In the county. Among the ten counties In the United States highest In num ber of purehred-slre enrollments four are In Ohio. One of them, Hardin county, Is second only to Pulaski coun ty, Virginia. The most active counties during the three months’ period were Hancock nnd Green counties, Ohio, Kittitas county, Washington, Oldhum county, Kentucky, Dodge county, Nebraska, and Hurdln county, Ohio. Comments received by tho department from live stock users show an Increasing appre ciation of the value of purebreds. Nu merous disposals of grade sires to be replaced by purebreds nre reported. GOOD TREATMENT PAYS BEST Most Profltablo Beef Animal la Ons That Haa Capacity to Eat and Product Meat. W. H. Peters, professor of animal husbandry at University farm, empha. sizes the fact that the most profitable beef animal Is tlie one that has the ca pacity to eat and manufacture Into beef the greatest amount of feed, and not the one that can subsist on tbe least and poorest ration. “There are thousands of two and three-year-old beef cattle that can eat plenty of feed," he says, "but many ol them are not able to manufacture much beef out of It, largely because their growth was slunted, theli vitality weakened, and their beefy conformation lost through lack ol proper and sufficient feed when they were calves. “Present high prices for cattle and feed," snys Mr. Peters, "muke It more clenr than ever before that there ure two ways of securing u profit from beef entile: through the production of n good, well-grown beefy type ol animal, nnd by keeping down the cost of production to the minimum consist ent with full development. 8ows Need Exercise. In order that the sow may como to farrowing thpe In proper thrift, It Is necessary that she have plenty of ex ercise. Save tho Little Pigs. Save all the piglets, A little April pig will grow Into a .$20 porker by Oc tober, Feeds for Growing Pigs. A good plan Is to provide n creep In which the pigs may have necess to shijled corn, ground oats and tankage bin spent Monday nenr Benedicts. Mr. W. V. Wrny has been very sick. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barnett atten ded the Christmas tree at Youngs Sunday. Mr. Frank Burnley nnd family, of Aragon, are visiting here. Miss Mildred Sealey Is here from Grady. CASEY A SLOAN Headquarters for ^ dgc Cars, Parts nnd Real Ser vice. You make no mistake when these people work on your car. Phone 150 and he satisfied. SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia, Polk County. Will bo sold before the Court House door In Cedartown, Ga., within the le gal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January, 1923, at public outcry to the highest and best bidder, the following described property, to-wit: Also, at the same time and place, and in the manner above described, will be sold the following described property to-wit: The south half of lot No. 361 containing 20 acres more or less, and 32 acres of lot No. 362, being all of the said lot except 8 acres more or less lying in the northwest corner, the whole tract containing 62 acres more or less, and lying in the 1st District and 4th Section of Polk county, Ga. Levied on and to be sold as the property of JameB W. Price under and by virtue of a fi fa issued from the City Court of Polk County in favor of tho Prudential Insurance Co. of America vs. the said James W. Price and said property. Defendant notified as required by law. Also, at the same time and place, and in the manner above described, will be sold the following described property to-wit: Land lot No. 761, lying and being in the 2d District and 4th Section of Polk county, Ga. Lev ied on and to be sold ns the property of John Gibson under and by virtue of a fi fa issued from the City Court of Polk County in favor of Ira Wil lingham, administrator of J. B. Chandler estate, vs. the said John Gibson nnd said property. Written notice given the said John Gibson,who is in possession of said property. Also, at the same time and place, and in the manner above described, will be sold the following described property, to-wit: 4 bales of lint cot ton; 200 bushels corn more or less, 1100 pounds hay, 1597 bundles fod der; 75 bushels of cotton seed, more or less. Said properly will be sold by sample exhibited at tho sale and to be paid for according to weight nnd measurement. Levied on and to he sold as the property of Dan Whatley under a mortgage execution and a landlord’s transferred lien for sup plies, both in favor of Chas. H. Fite against said Whatley and issued from City Court of Polk County. This the 6th day of Dec., 1922. T. P. LYON, Sheriff. Use Polk county products. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia, Polk County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Polk County at tho Dec. Term, 1922, will be sold at public outcry oil the first Tuesday in January, 1922, at the Court Houso door of Polk County, between the legal hours of sale, for cash, the following doscribod property, to-wit: Tract No. 1—35 acres, more or less, lying and being in the 18th Dis trict nnd 3d Section of Polk county, Ga., nnd described as follows: Parts of lots of land Nos. 939 and 1000, all of said lots lying east of property of Mrs. W. M. Barrett and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simpson and State Highway No. 0 from Rockmart to Yorkvillc. Tract No. 2—One and one-fourth acres, more or less, In the town of VanWcrt, lying and being in the 18th District and 3d Section of Polk coun ty, Ga., in lot of land No. 938, with a 4-room dwelling thereon; said prop erty bounded on the north by prop erty of R. E. McMillen, on the west by property of Georgia Walker, on the south by property of Mrs. Minnie Simervlllc, and on the oast by State Highway No. 0 from Rockmart to Yorkvillc. Tract No. 3—1 acre, more or less, with improvements thereon, of land lot No. 938, described as follows: Bounded on the north by S. A. L. R. R., on the west by property of John Patterson, on the south by property of N. A. White, and on the cast by the Rockmart and Villa Rica road; also, 20 acres, more or less with im provements thereon, part of lots Nos. 1006, 1007, 1010 and 1011, bounded on north-east by S.A.L.R.R., on the west by Rockmart and Villa Rica road, and on the south by property of N. A. White, all of said tract ly ing and being in the 18th District and 3d Section of Polk county, Ga. Tract No. 4—1 acne, more or less, with improvements thereon, in the town of VanWcrt, and described as follows: A part of lot of land No.938, lying and being in the 18th District and 3d Section of Polk county, Ga., and bounded on the north by property of Turner Dove, on tfic west by prop erty of Oliver Whatley, on the south by S. A. L. R. R.. and on the cast by Rockmart and Villa Rica road. Tract No. 6—40 acres, more or less, lot of land No. 782, lying and be- in the 18th District and 3(1 Section of Polk county, Ga. Also, notes and accounts due the late O. R. Simerville. Sold for the purpose of payment of debts and distribution among the heirs at law. Terms of sale. cash. This the 4lh day of Dec., 1922. G. H. HUTCHESON, Admr. Estate of O. R. Simerville, Dec’d. Land Posted. All hunting and tresspassing on my property is strictly forbidden. Violators will bo prosecuted. J. C. II. DUNN, Rfd. 3. Buy it in Cedartown 1 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia, Polk County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry, on the 1st Tues day in January, 1923, at tho Court. House in Baid county, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate situate in Polk county* Ga., to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land situated and being in the City of Co- dartown, Polk county, Ga., bounded und described as follows: Commenc ing at a point on Main street sixty- four nnd one-half feet north of the corner of Main street and Ellawoe4 avenue nnd running in a northerly direction along the line of Main street sixty-four and one-half feet to the southeast corner of the Dan Ammons lot, thence in a westerly direction a- long the south line of Dan Ammon lot one hundred feet, thence in a southerly direction to J. D. Hightower lot No. 2, sixty-four and one-half feet* thence in an easterly direction oae hundred feet to starting point, said tract known and distinguished as lot No. 1 VanDevander survey, together with all improvements thereon. Terms, cash. This Dec. 4th, 1922. G. D. COLLINS, Admr. Estate of Mra. Fannie Lou ColilM. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia, Polk County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Polk County, Ga., will be s .Id at public outcry oa the first Tuesday in January, 1923* at the Court House door of said coun ty, between the legal hours of sale* the following described property, to- wit: One city lot, on which is located a one-story cement block building on the coiner of Main and Thompson streets in Cedartown, Polk county, Ga., fronting 26 feet on Main street, and running back cast of uniform width along the south side of Thomp son street 100 feet, more or less, to a 10-foot alley. Also, a house and lot on Central street, said lot fronting south oa Central street 66 feet, more or leas* and running back of uniform width 190 feet, more or less, to the proper ty of Mrs. W. O. Cornelius which bounds said lot on the north. Said lot is also bounded on the east by a vacant lot of Mrs. M. E. Hunt; on the south by Central street; and on the west by the property of J. P. Sanders; Also, one vacant lot facing south 50 feet, more or less, on the north side of Central street, and lying just, east of and adjacont to the lot next above described, and just west of a lot owned by W. P. Hunt, and run ning back north from Central streot 190 feet, more or less, to the lino of the Cornelius property. Said property to be sold for the purposes of paying debts, and dis tribution among the heirs at law. Terms of sale. cash. This 4th day of December, 1922. W. O, HUNT, Administrator Estate of Mrs. M. R. Hunt, dec’d.