The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 28, 1922, Image 8

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MSE EIGHT. gg?:-?.?-^?".'’ ■-rr— t~.-»t-j llockQi^rt- News. y An enjoyable family reunion was held Sunday st the home of My. and Mrs. W. A. J.'Whitehead,among those coming from out of town being Mr. W E. W.htffchead of Atlanta, Mr. Chas. WMfeehnid of Mississippi, ami Mr. Hqppty Whitehead of tit|rliii$fc>n, N. C. On Monday another, big family gathering was held at the home of ■Mr. O. B. Whitehead In CollartJ Val ley. The many friends, of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brumbelow regret .that they have moved to Powder Springs. Rev. W- E. Fuller went to Nownnn Tuesday for a couple of days stay. Bfr. C. M. Mercer has sold his res taurant to Mr. T. W; Hubbard, of Rome, and has bought the hotel at Kingston. The remnins of Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Toler of Panama, were brought here Thursday from Atlanta bjNlUr parents for interment, funeral services being conducted by Rev. W. E. Fuller. Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Pirn an*.visit ing relatives in Cartcrsvillo. Mr. W. R. Oreen moved last week from' this vicinity to Route 0, Cedar- town. Miss Emma Crnbb Is home from Thomasvillc, where she whs called- by the sudden death of her sister, Mrs. Frank Crabb. Mr. Burns Cox, of Atlanta, spent the first of the week here. Mrs E. Is Head is visiting Mrs. I,. C. Youjig.ln Rome. MiC H. H. Holland returned Mon day ffom ,a stay in Ccdartown Mrs. S. Birnbdch spent the "first of the tyeck In Atlanta. Mrs. W. E. Carnes, of Jonesboro, came last week on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Harris. Mcsdatfics Dora Cochran and J. A. Fambro were -in Cedartewn - Satur day. . * Messrs. Clifford and Buell Morgan are home for the holidays from the State Technological School in Atlanta Miss Ruby Carmichael was in To-" dartown. oyer Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Murray, of Brumoh,o{imc Saturday oh a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. W. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Jones and daugh ter!, Misses Mary and Elma, spent Sunday in Cedartown with his hVoth- er, Mr. Seaborn Jones. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Clark are visit ing relatives in Augusta. Mr. H. H. Carpenter spent Satur day in Cedartown. Miss Loneita Carlton came home Inst week for the holidays ffom La* Grange Female Collage. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hendricks, of Cedartown, came Saturday oh a visit to relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Stoffregcn had a dangerous experience Monday even ing. They wore coming home from Rome in their car, and the driver of a THE 3TAHDARD. CEDARTOWH. GA. DECEMBER 28, 1922. ARAGON NEWS! Mjsses Lynne and Mary Wingard, of Rockmart, wore the guests Sunday of lfiss Ruth Lawson. L. Howell was in Atlanta last week. Margie Sinclair is home from lor the holidays. Ir. Claude Brown, of Lindalg, spent the week-end here. Miss Estelle Thompson, of Daiton, spent Christmas with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lowry, of Grantvilie, and Miss Dora Lowry vis ited relatives here Monday. Mr. Emory Baldwin and children were the guests Christmas of her mo ther at New Prospect. There was a full house to see the Christmas tree at the Baptist church Monday night. A short but very in teresting program was given by the Sunbeam Band, after which each member of the Sunday school receiv ed a present. Rev. 0. E. Rutland delivered n splendid sermon Sunday mo'rning on ‘‘The Motherhood of Mary,”-which all present appreciated and enjoyed. Mr. J. M. Lawson, Jr., and Miss Kifth Lawson wort- the guests Monday of relatives at Hiram. Miss Jewel James Is recovering from recent Illness, ber many friends will' be glad to hear. STATE LINE NEWS. Miss Argris Thompson came home Thursday for, the holidays from Springdale, where she is teaching. Mr. H. H. Castleberry, of Atlanta, came last week on a visit to home folks. - Mr. P. J. Gray spent the first of the week with relatives at Wood- stock, Ala. Miss Eva Smith came home Friday from Cove Spring to spend the holi days. Mr. Dewey Gray was at Bluffton Saturday. _ Mast's Joe Stephenson and Owen pill were In Cedartown Snturdny. -Mr. C. J. Brown,- of Biufften, was here Sunday. Mows. Walter Gray, Lenmop Smith -and John Thompson spent Saturday in Cedartown. Mr J. 0. Smith and son, Hoyt, spent Saturday in Cedartown. Miss Alline Beckham came home Saturday from Atlanta, where she is attending sohool, to spend the holl- days. »V h- Messrs. Herbert Beckham nnd Dew ey Gray spent Saturday in Cedartown Mr. and Mrs. Dple Pike and Mr. and Mrs. Wigley Pike, of Piedmont, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and -Mrs. Boso Williams. Misses Agris Thompson and Annclle Pierce spent Saturday in Cedartown The Standard announces that it hah made arrangements whereby ru ral: route residents of Poik county may have delivered to' their homes Tha Standard and The Atlanta Geor gian and Sunday American, for one Agency. GET PRICES on automobile tires from J. H. Stewart, if you want to save money. SLABS at mill, 25 cents for two- horse load. YOUNG MERCANTILE CO., Youngs. horse und buggy started to turn out yoar, at the bargain price of $7.50. As for them the wrong sido and then j this prico represents a drastic reduc- Huddenly changed. In order to keep tlon in the regular yearly rates, it Is from running into them, Mr. Stof- j necessary that all those who wish to fregen ran his car into tho ditch and avail themselves of this remarkable his wife received painful injuries. j offer pay CASH IN ADVANCE of Mr. H. L. Baker, a popular yoapg C0UI '-' ,C ' mail of Cave Spring, was unite* in j INSURE THE^PROFITS of your marriage Friday with Miss Stella, the ,,„ sinoss a8ainst „ in , with the Knight attractive daughter of Mr. ni)d Mrs. N. V.-Paris. The ceremony was ucr- formeti in Cedartown by Her. t\. Cooper at the Methodist parsnMhgc. Her sister, Miss Grace, wont over to attend the wedding. ' BELLVIEW DOTS. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lonnie spent the week-end as tho guestg of his parents, Mr. and Mr*. VtrgN Campbell, of Antioch. — - Mr. Arthur Helms, of AtWEa, came Saturday to spend the ^aiidnyg .with Keltic folk!. My. and Mrs. J. J. Quick, gr. and Mrs. Fenton Wallace were in Itpnm one day last week. Miss Annie Ruth MeCown Hpqritgie week-end ns the guest of her comdii, Mips Thelma Chandler, of feOfligo. Mr. S. G. Garrett was in Rome Thursday. .Mrs..Will Jackson, of PoarNffe, spent the week-end as the guest of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hr- COwn, "of Clarkwood. Mr and Mrs. Isaac Caiup ao<j Me*- dames Fenton Wallace and J. J. Quick; were in Rockmart Sunday. Mr. C. K. MeCown and fmpjly. at tended the two days meeting at Rock- mart Sunday and Monday. Messrs. Fred and Jim Son-ells were at Fish Sunday. Mr. R. A. Camp, of Fish, was Rare one day last week. ' k '■ Mr. Jim Sorrells lias bought 4Uew Ford car. Mrs. Ollie Rogers died was laid to rest Friday at hem cemetery. Funeral sewkRi^pre,; conducted by Rev. J. J. <*t4 Miss Zela Wallace and Jb Airey Wheeler were happily maWttR^pn- day at Fish. ORANGE NIP, delicious and re freshing. You will find it at Moore’s Pharmacy fount. WE CARRY a complete stock of Watch Glasses. All sizes at 25 cents. HUNT JEWELRY CO. WHAT YOU NEED-^yj^rewer^lax ative Stomach Bitters, for sale at Burbank’s Drug Store. YOU FEEL absolutely safe when your ear. They stand behind their you have Casey A S^oan work on work. Phone 456. Farmers' Week, j.he annual short course for farmers, will be held at the Georgia State College of Agri culture Jan. 22d-27th. “COLD IN THE HEAD” generally In a “run down" condition. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE 1s a Treatment consisting of an Ointment, to be used locally, and a Tonic, which acts Quickly through tho Blood on the Mu cous Surfaces, building up the System, and making you less liable to “colds." Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears. f. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O Men and women average $1 per y|j ho«r selling hosiery; four pairs guar anteed wear four months or new hosiery free. We pay 30 per cent, oommission. Free samples to work ing agents. Complete line of wool and heather mixtures. This is the big hosiery season. Experience unneces sary. Eagle Hosiery Works, Darby, Pa. FULLWOOD NEWS. .MeJ»fs. Columbus Tanner of Chat- tanoogh, Manco Grogan of Alabama, arid Wilburn Grogan of' Collard Val ley. came home Saturday to spend the hoidays. Mr. George Dingier, of Tallapoosa, came home Friday and was united in marriage Saturday with Miss .Martha Abney, of Akes, Ordinary W. W. Crawford officiating. Their many friends wish them a long and happy life. Messrs. Bob and Buck Gary, Wil burn, Ambrose and Thomas Grogan and Lester Peck, Misses Dollic and Addie Dingier, Lillian Adair, Zelah Grogan and Mary Lou Gary attendee! the Christmas tree at Youngs Sunday. Miss Zelma Grogan of this place, and Mr. Roland Murdock of Feiton, were united in marriage Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gro gan, Esq. R. R. McKibben officiating. Their many friends extend hearty congratulations. Messrs. Willie and Cornelius At kins, Walter Grogan and little daugh ters, Imogene and Magnline, of An tioch, spent Sunday here. Misses Stella and Velma Moore and brother, Price, spent- Sunday at Youngs with their sister,.Mrs. Bessie Rowell. We are sorry to say Mrs F A Ding ier is ill. Mr. Frank Dingier was at Treat Sunday. Miss Willie Cox was in your city Monday. Mr. Loomis bingler was at Lime Branch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Helms, of Center, are visiting relatives here. Misses Ella and Louelln Forrister wore the guests Friday night of Missus Dora and Lizzie Mac Palmer, of Shiloh. Moffiirs. Earl Tnnner and Frank Dingier were at Shiloh Friday night. Mr. J. C. Forrestar is visiting his cousin,- Mr. Marvin Lorrcns. Mr. Martin Bailey wits the guest of Mr. Milt barrens Saturday night. Misses Lizzie Mao anil Gertrude Palmer were tho Monday night guests of tho Misses Lorrcns. Mrs. M. R. Cox was in Cudatown Saturday. Misses Lou, Ethel am! Ruth Lor- rens spent Sunday night with their aunt, Mrs. L. M. Forrester. Mr. M. R. Cox and daughter, Miss Margaret, were at Felton Friday. Miss Athie Bailey was at Shiloh Friday night. Mrs. W. J. Lorrcns and daughter, Lou, Eaom Friday. Messrs. Milt Lorrens and Mathic Bailey were at Trent Sunday. Mr. Will Pittman and family were' tho week-end guesta of Mr. Tom Pal mer. Messra. Tom and Boyd Pruett woro. in yow city one day last week. Mr. Martin Builey was in your city! one day last week. . Miss Audrey Wester was at Ksom Saturday. Remember the first Sunday is our regular preaching day here. FISH ITEMS. Mr. Amos Crawford nnd Mrs. Asa Baxter, of Anniston, came Saturday on a visit to their parents, .Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Crawford. Mr. W. T. Kirkpatrick was in Ce dartown Saturday. Miss Mary Stokes came home Fri-: day for the holidays from State Line,' where she is teaching. , Miss Clara Edge came Friday fog' the holidays from Aragon, where she is teaching. We are having an excellent series of meetings at Bethlehem conducted’ by Revs J. A. Edge nnd L. Paris. Mr. J. M. Baldwin nnd family spent' Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. C.' E. Matthews. Mr. J. A. Stokes and family spent- Christmas with relatives in Atlanta.; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Morgan went toj Atlanta Sunday. Mr. Paul Hammond is home from,. Atlanta for the holidays. Miss Ruth Gresham, of Rocknmrt,; is visiting the Misses Biggers. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Baldwin, of Atlanta, wore visiting Mr. J. M. Bald-’ win and family Sunday. Mr. J. M. McKinney, of Powder. Springs, formerly an old citizen of this place, died Friday. Mr. Irwin Wood, of Rome, was here] Sunday night. Mr. J. M. Baldwin was in your city* Monday. Master Felton Williams, of youri city, is visiting his grandparents,Mr.; and Mrs. J. M. Baldwin. Mr. Robert Blissitt, of Alabama,' City, is spending the holidays with' home folks. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hammond were in Rockmart Tuesday. A young man was asking the girl’s father if he could have her a short' time ago. “Can you support a fam ily?” asked the father. “I only want) your daughter,” he replied. Clean up and paint up I HAVE DISCONTINUED THE UNION STORE IT THE PEEK BUILDING And have moved the stock to our main store at 425 Main Street. We Sell for Cash So Sell for Less Is Bargain Day With Us. StipWliiU nmijiig We wish you a New Year over flowing with happiness for yourself and all your loved ones. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. LOOKOUT HILL NEWS. Mcsdumes N. A. Nettles and Eula Hunt had a& their gueflts Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Woodson Cummings of Powder Springs, Mr. Wm. Cummings of Cedartown, Mrs. Mollte Cummings of Rockmart, Messrs. Denny Cym- mings of Rockmart, Lawrence Cum mings of the Seventh A. & M. School at Powder Springs, Mrs. C. W. Chandler and children, Frances and Marvin, Misses Annie Cummings and Leonora Ferguson, and Mr. Winfred Chandler. Mr. Frank Davidson, of Athens, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Davidson. Miss Laura Sorrells, of the Geor gia Normal & Industrial College at Milledgeville, is spending the holidays with her father, Mr. C. R. Sorrells. Aipong those from this place who were in Cedartown during the past week were Mesdames J. S. Davidson, Sam Davitte and B. F. Ivey, Misses Dollie Strange and lone Nettles, Messrs. Talley Ivey and Parker Dav idson. Sunday School was well attended Sunday morning, also a fine con gregation was present at the evening hour. After theB. Y. P. U. program was presented, Rev. K. Q. Baker spoke n a very . appropriate subject,” Christmas.” He spent the first "of the week here en route to his home at Cave Spring from Beulah, where he has accepted a call as pastor. The Christmas tree and program given by the Sunday School on Mon day evening was well attended and enjoyed by all. The services for next Sunday are Sunday School at 10 a. m. and B. Y. P. U. at 6 p. m. Come. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. In the District Court of Um United 8tates for the Northern District of Georgia In Bankruptcy. In the matter of Dave Hairh<’<, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. No. 1.921. To the creditors of Dave Hughes, RftJ 2, Cave Spring, in the county of Folk, and Din* trict aforesaid, a Bankrupt. . Notice is hereby given that on the 14th dey of .December, A. D., 1922, the said Dave HUghea wua duly adjudicated a Bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the Referee's office In the city of Rome on the*20th day of December, A. .D., 1922, nt i0‘ o'clock a. m., at which time the- creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such-other husincsr as may properly come before said meeting. W. S. ROWELL. Referee in Bankruptcy. Rome. Go., Doc. 14th, 1922. WRAY MINE NEWS. Mrs. Jas. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Morris attended the funeral Thursday in Rockmart of their grand son and nephew, Morris Toler of Panama. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Camp, of Chat tanooga, are visiting their parents. Mrs. J. L. Toler is spending Christmas with her brother, Mr. R.W. Morris. Mr. D. Wray, of Treat, is spending Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wray. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sloman are vis iting their parents near Akes. We are glad to hear that Mr. W. V. Wray is improving from his illness. APPLICATION DISMISSION. GeorgiH, polk -County. To whom it. may concern: W H. Hubbard having applied to me for letters of dismis sion as administrator of Browder Glenn, de ceased, this is to cite nil and sing ular the creditors and next of kin'to he nnd appear at my office within the .time prescrib ed by law and show cause, if any, why said application should not be *raV;ejb’’ This 4th day of December, J922. W. w. CRAWFORD. Ordinary. APPLICATION DISMISSION. Georgia. Polk County: To whom it may concern: Hugh McRae having applied for letters of dismission ns guard inn of Jonnthnn Long, of Haid county, this • is to cite nil and singular, the rreditprs nnd next of kin to he and appear at my office "within the time prescribed by law and show cause, If any, why said ap plication should not he granted. This 4th day of December, 1922. W. W. CRAWFORD. Ordinary. APPLICATION DISMISSION. Georgia Polk County. To whom it may concern: A. J. Williams having made application for dismission on estate of Henry Scott, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the next of kin to be and appear at my office within the time ailoyred, by layr and ehoi cause. If any, why tald application should not be granted. This 4th day of December. 1922. W W CRAWFORD. Ordinary APPLICATION ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Polk County. To whom it may concern :Mrs.S.E.Bowmnn havRig applied to be appointed adminis- istratrix of estate of E. J. Bowman, late of said county, .this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any, why said application should not he granted. This 4th day of December, 1922. W. W. CRAWFORD, Ordinary. A very Merry Christmas. W. R. GRACE & CO. NITRATE OF SODA Imported direct from South America. Use it on your Cotton— Grain— Corn And grow a crop. Get latest prices from BARTOW FERTZ. & FEED CO. Cartersville, Ga. or NITRATE AGENCIES ,CO., Agents, Savannah, Ga. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia, Polk County. By virtue of an order from tho Court of Ordinary of Polk County, will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in January, 1923, at the Court House door of said county, between the legal hours of sale, the following described property* to .wit. 38 acres more or less of land lot No. 1291 in the 3d District and 4th Section of Polk county, Ga., and ful ly described in deed from Asa P. Potts to Mrs. A. T. Itytts.of date of Oct. 27th, 1917, and recorded Nov. 11th, 1918, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, Deed Book 8, page 447. Sold for purposes of payment jf debts and distribution among tho heirs at Taw. Terms of sale, cash; This 5th day of Dec., 1922. MRS. T.J& LANIER, Am’r. Estate of Mrs. A. T. Pott’s Dec’d. NOTICE TO HEIRS AT LAW. Georgia, Polk County. R. O Jackson having applied to the Ordin ary by petition asking that James Long ns Administrator of the estate of Mrs Leni O. Long deceased, late of said county, be re quired to make to him a deed to two hundred and twenty three (223) acres, more or less of land and being nil of lot Nos. 556. 676, 577 and fractions of 557, 628, 629, 630 and 848. * Ho time, tiie said R. Q. Jones alleging that he has fully met his obligation in said Bond. This is to notify James. Jonathan, Cal vin, Willie Howard and Emily Long, heijp at law of the said Mrs. Lena O. Long, decef. e<l, to he anil appear at the Jhrbunry Term, 1923. of the Court of Ordinary Ipf Polk County and show cause, if any, they can, why the said Administrator should not be required to make Raid Deed us prayed for by the oaid R. O Jackson-,-petitioner . This 4th day of December, 1922. W. W.. CBAWTPBP, Ordinary. APPLICATION DISMISSION Georgia, Polk County. * To whom it may concern: R. H. Davis having made application for dismission as guardian of Rena Harris, of said county, this is to cite all and singular the next of kin to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, If any, why said application should not be granted. This 4th day of December, 1922. W. W. CRAWFORD, Ordinary APPLICATION YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Polk County. ..To whom it may concern:’* Stella ware, having applied for twelve months support out of estate of Dink Ware for herself. Oils la to cite all and. singular ths creditors and next of kin to show cause,, if any, why said application should not be granted. • This 4th day‘of December, 1922. W. W. CRAWFORD. Ordinary. APPLICATION YEAR’S SUPPORT. Georgia, Polk County. To whom it may concern: Emma Sprat ing, guardian oP J. f Browder Glenn, c plied for twelve tpR the estate of BrdRder^&len^^bis i» to cite all and singular Yne creditors and next of kin to be anf appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause If any, why said application should not be granted. This 4th day of December, 1922. W. W. CRAWFORD. Ordinary. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS of all kinds, and best quality Carbon Paper, at The Standard office.