The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, September 21, 1900, Image 3

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* \ J C ' L:5 - L. Folsom era ieiul* Thursday. are in the r the warn- Yes.— ,ne. Ml m 1 H. C * t ut their paper hi* Wo sail jjtjppetite, Digest wilb uqtffort, \ deep with tranquility, i«k" a cUa iw. M. A. Bitumou* occasionally. hil Thompson, one of the u{ planters of Lowndes, w«« a business visitor here Thursday. Another oar load of Buggies coming -« ! m—They must be solu wi i do it—try us— ■ The Passmoore Co. H ■'Ie w students are constantly n« Lite Adel instituto. A- n-Hg tb* i ew boarding pupils are Misses St; ie and Mary Par- wsb, of the Lois community. Why n<sinsure in tlie best? J’seples «k Do Vane represent th*>Li 'ori ol and London and I Glol»e, and The Continental. Mr. John fcl. Forehand, of the Ia>is coy hity, who has had such « h jege of sickness was in Adel sdsy. Ha is still very £«* .He but is gaiuing in strength us 1; st as Could well be expeffif. It ig:*seb to s«y anything of the Livcrj oxl and Ijondou and Uloli** The Continental. You k^yw wb t they are. l'eeples A DeYunc, Ag’ts. One^of our local merchants is ♦cry anxious to s*!l out, so he Bays, n not let the people know ah lit through the mf- dium >»Kwg? By the way hi* re few anting to sell is to be iii IM 'Write urea on W. H, Briggs’ So#. Vahh a, Ga., for wALRUS LFATIIER, f and | strips, al»o RUBBER and' LEATHER BEEPING. All the BEST. Mr. J. W, Oberry, manager of the Valdosta Buggy Co., was iu Adel Tuesday transacting business for bis hustling firm. While here lie arranged with Parrish Bros* to handle their baggie#, which are strictly first class. Write er call on W. H. _ for Brtgg*’ Son, Valdosta Ga., WALKUN LEATHER, § and $ stripe, also ijiUBBER and LEATHER BELTING. All the BEST. The South fJeorgiati of hist w eek asHoci Mr. Bry ai,t Mr. Madison Gox in building the new hotel here. 1 Our es-j , . .*.-".n- , teemed is | formed, a» Mr. Oox w.d nave the ; hotel built himself.I Also the hotel will cuiitajil twe',ty-seveii. tvljoty-eighl rooms instead of The law* of health . . require that , , the ., bowmsmove once each da> and one of the penalties for viola uug this law is pile*. Keep your Ur . i* regular by taking a doeo of Oha Liver Tablets when iiwccw isr and you will n -ver liavu that scv«l< ponish ment in¬ flicted upon yon Priot il cis. For Sale by People* Bros. - . * .. tpo/;ted It is currently that Jtev. Culpepper, t ie handsome Jroung bachelor bishop of the Baptist diurdii, has purchased a home here and tint he will «oou l,e—tlint is, some Lir help, will be keeping house for him ere »h& new year ia inhered in. And the parson doesn’ deny it. When you brirg your cotton to Adel, just com repiued to have your picture m»d e . It cost nothiug if «e can’t e. DoiuttflOr 11 tntil por- Pa ^.e^«iiUal Adel>r I tk*U Bug*« Go.’* line t i M £. G. Brown,<>i r , ville, whs in town Mon , a spin behind a ,ir Pope's new lwreea. / Do you want a ff*h fry? Biiy them fresh from 11 D. A. McConnell. Lr. and Mrs. B. F, Scruggs, were with relatives vS*k. Fish In ch#»p at dfy market D. A. McConnell Mr. 1. 0. Avera, of Nashville, was over admiring Pope’s horses lust week. The uuliuppy mortal whose liver is in¬ active is miserable without apparent cause. Dr. M. A. tjimmous Liver Medicine makes life worth living, The white-pine whittlers have exchanged their hoards for cane and are enjoying *‘joini#d sweet¬ ness long drawn out.” We act as agent for the Cres¬ cent Steam Laundry in Macon. The work is beautifully done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mr. A. J. Johnson lias bought a home here and is doing a nice barber business in the new Ju- hail building, up stairs. Buy a bottle of Paiu-I-Cure if it does not cure you get your mouey back, 25c. 8 P Williams. Ool. John Murrow, one of the leading l»gal lights of Tifton, was looking after professional business here last wetk. Prof. B. FI. Culbreth has fin¬ ished his school work in ]x>w tides and is with the home folks recuperating. WANTED-To oversee on farm. Terms, w ages or part of crop, Apply to W. P. Nunez, Adel, Ga. The nice rains of last week «:pened the way for a whole lot garden work. This was the rain of any note bore in a while. ‘Walter A. Wood MOW¬ 1NG and REAPING MA¬ aud RAKES’ Toe best made. Sold by W H Briggs’ Son, Valdosta, Ga. The drayiug huiincRs of Add is exceedingly well done just now. There are seven licenced drays and others in sight. But Adel’s push keeps them all hust¬ ling. Fact. You will need HAY WIRE, or TIES, in baling your hay. W# have plenty of it ut bottom pYices. W. H. Briggs’ Son. Valdosta, Ga. M. L. Duckworth, tho negro carpenter, who was shot and se¬ riously wounded by John Bish- another negro, about two Weoks ago> ie able to be on the streets again. Mr, Bud Parrish’s new resi- <*•“«• « m-aring completion. lir. Parrish is doing the work bim»elf and w hen finished; ... , the . house will be one of the neatest and most comfortable that Ins been erected here ill | year or j wo The merchants of Adel have the prettiest sioie fixture* and display devices ever shown here j in former seasons. Julian’sdum- j mies don-fc fail to attract the at- [ tention of the average young- ster as well as people of more j mature years, j Mr. Walter Lastinger, after a pleasaut sojourn with his par¬ ent* here, left Monday after- i noon for his place of business at j Bay City, Fla. He w ,■ accom- panied by his brother Frank who will spend a month or two down there. Genial Frank’s merry j laugh will be missed during his ul>setic«, Messrs. Jas. H. Uutchihson and Arlie A. I’arrish left 0 ".n- day night for Macon and other ! points to buy a select shipment fine cattle. They both know good thing when they s*eit, know h**w to drive bargains well as ct>«p. 8ee them and will interest you when return. Pay Cash- borrowing money at tbs j of Adel and buying your La for cash This is ^Ivite to Farmers. ^Er. J. H hntih made a : trip to J neper Fla., a lew days since. He mii v> tho cotton crop is 40 to 60 cent short iu that section. The Ariel Ginnery Go,'»jolant is uiug on good time. Thy darvioe ia ull that could be desired iu tbu Way of ooa- vouieuce. This plant is a gWtot oolurnu of strength iu Adel’s make-up aud ia the boast of the couuiy. Marshal Slutw caged a white bird one day this week hut he was too limp to warble even a funeral dirye. He had been to Valdosta aud imbibed too freely of some beverage afforded by the Sen island metropolis. Could it have been sume of that sulphur water from her new artesian well ? •sw-n« The «m*Awry it present# a. a much t J 1 improved i appwrance some . ,. recent working. When the rest of the work is done and the rub- bi.h moved out the thanks of the public will be due to wboev- er does it If <tl»uks will nut do let s try a little cash and see tf that will move it, Wagons from the cotton farms throughout the county are in town blight and early on Mon¬ day mornings after cotton pick¬ ers. They carry out loads of the colored populace, bring them'back the latter part of the week with a pocket full of change and cuflie is happy until Monday morning. Mr. W. D. (Budd) Mathis, a former attach* of the News of¬ fice, but latar with the Valdos¬ ta Times and Moultrie Observ¬ er, is now duly installed as fore¬ man of this office. Ho is an ex¬ perienced job printer and will have charge of that department of our business. Hall & Kennon, with an effi¬ cient corps of salesmen, are working night and day opening up their tremendous stock of fall and winter goods. Their display of dress goods is simply superb and in keeping with their general line. Don’t fail to see what they have on exhi¬ bition. Young mtn, do you want a good paying position on the rail road? If so, I can help you. Age must he between 18 and 115 Enclose 12 cents for l«rms, pos¬ tage, elc. Address Prof. Jas. L. Wilson, Ex—It. P. C., Dept. 02, Hiidebran, N. O. Office over post office, [Please men¬ tion Adel News when writing.] Regular services will be held st the Methodist church £»tnr- day and Sunday. Pastor Kemp has grown iu great favor with his congregation here and is leadi ig his church in an eff ort to build a m w house of worship. Tiie people of the town and com¬ munity would he glad to claim him as a resident pastor for an¬ other year. Your attention is called to the school communications iu tho T..k News. Profs. Dodd nud Smith have gone to work with a vim aud determination tliat is encouraging ami the entire school community is catching the spir¬ it. Their enrollment lias reached eighty, an unusually large number for a fall attendance, and others are yet to be entered. But patrons, wo can double this number if we but measure up to our full duty to oar children and to our school. Consider the matter seriously and the Institute building will be taxed to its full seating capacity and two more teachers will be added to the aiready efficient corps. AdeL’s train riders and jumpers re¬ ceived an impressive lesson a short time since. A negro from a near by farm boarded the train to make some trivial purchase, which he“could have obtained at any drug store, and before the “butch” could make the change the train was pulling out for the station. The negro jumjxid just low tho Brantley Go’s, new depot sustained a most severe shock was thought for a lime might prove tal. The negro's head happened to made of a denser material than neighboring cross-tie aud the live*, the survive of the fittest. don't pay to jump moving to be The Adel Institute is being artistically painted by that skill¬ veteran, Mr, F. M. Cunniug- ham. Tite Institute building was much in no»d of thii “touch up’’and the thaaksof the town and community are due to that enterprising and public spirited citizen Mr. A. Edison. Mr. Ed¬ ison secured the necessary funds by popular subscription and the public responded liberally. The city council, with the help of the teachers, should see that the building is not so wofully abus- sd and neglected iii the future. money to lend Farmers can borrow money at the Bank of Adel upon proved paper. Ofibier llepper and Cleik Tarrieh, of the Bank of A del, are unusually handsome in their broad and benevolent smiles this week. They are ‘‘at home” to their friends iu the new bunk building which is the pride of the bank people and commands the admiration of the entire community. The bank has been a great factor in developing Adel and has l*een a source of convenience to, thi* enti»e sec¬ tion. May iy*t business ever in¬ crease. D*. ■' J M. Gregory, who is sue- fifcssful , in . . business ventures as we „ M the praclice of llwdiciue , , )a9 , )OUght tho vaPant i ot jllst nQrt|| uf uleinent , & Oo>f nIld ha> tJ>e excaVation nude for a hand<oni , new brick drug gtore . XbU wiU make R . oIid brick b , ock with doo „ opening to over | WW jy places of business on the dust side of Rail Road Avenue. Had you thought about it? And all this in two years time. This doos not in¬ clude the handsome block of bricH ornamented by the new bat^. building on the west side. Notice is given in this issue of Thr Nkws that application will be made to the next Gener¬ al Assembly for a new or amen¬ ded charier for the town of Adel. Adel has outgrown the charter under which it was incorporated and the move for a now one is in the right direction. There are greater and more varied in¬ terests to bo considered in the near future than at any time during the life ef fas town and we need a liberal, working char¬ ter and a vigorous business mu¬ nicipal administration. By this wo mean no reflection on the present or any past administra¬ tion, but are looking solely to the future. Wo shall have more to say along the line o| Adel’s needs in the future. We will endeavor to point them out and will offer some suggestions, and invite others to do the same. Yearly meeting at Pleasant church was unusually well at¬ tended this year. The crowd was estimated at two thousaud at hiust, A mors orderly crowd we nevor saw. There was a noticeable absence of boisterous conduct. As usual nt these meetings every one, w hen cir¬ cumstances render it possible, had prepared for company and bountiful preparation too. We were glad to see so many of our friends, only wish we could have seen them all, We went to Mr. Jns Parrish’s to dinner. We were glad indeed to find Miss Alice very much better after a serious illness. B. Y. V. V Sunday, Sept. 23. 1. Soug. 2. Scripture Koadiug. 3. Prayer. 4. Recitation—Miss Minnie Tucker. 6. Recitaticu-AlU* Ida Wake- ford. (L Duty—Prof. R. L. Dodd. 7. The Race Course -A. A. Wobo- 8 . Song. !). Dismission. FOR SALE. One good two-horse farm 1| miles from Adel; 50 acres open laud and about 50 acreB wood land.—Apply to J. T. Pope, Adel, Ga. Advance in Cotton this fall means to the South 118 mill ia .s profit over last year. This is the latest intelligence* More money means the of a life time to educate your children. Tho latest inleligence from ADEL INSTITUTE is an enrollment to date of 8U pupils. She is moving onward and upward. The school is get¬ ting on a higher plane than for¬ merly, and opens this fall with the brightest record in its histo¬ ry. New teachers will be em¬ ployed as fast a* necessary’. A prosperous school and an ad¬ vance in cotton ths same year is happy coincidence. We call special attention to the follow¬ ing advantages: Every branch taught is taught thoroughly. Personal attuntion is paid to the needs of each pupil. Tho school has been carefully graded. Our work is not. only thorough, hut systematic. We havs a large commodious school building with modern conveniences. Wo employ the latest and most approved methods in school work. TUITION 1>»i been re¬ duced to |2 00 per month for 7th and 8th grades. 4th, &tlmnd Oth grades, 81.75 2nd and 8d grades, 81.50 There is considerable sickness in Lois community. This, of course, prevented several from even being present. Perhaps we’ll meet again next year. A Visitor. Cold Steel Ou Death. •‘There is but one small chance to gave your life and that is through an operation,” was the awful prospect set before Mr*. I B Hunt of Lime Ridge Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to care her of a frightful case of stom¬ ach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't counton the marvellous power of Electric Bitters to cure stomach am) liver troubles, but she heard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoid ed surgeon’s kuife now weighs more and feels better tluvu ever. It’s posi¬ tively guaranteed to cure stomach, liv¬ er and kidney troubles and never dis¬ appoints. Price 50c at Peeples Bros. Pain-I-Oure is sold No Curk so FAY. HORSES, HORSES, BIC HORSES* LITTLE HORSES. I have just returned from the market with a CAR LOaD of the finest horses that 1 as ever been shipped to rien county. Cotne and see for yourself. I will sell, swap or buy. J. T. POPE, ADEL, GA. Pain-L-Cure cures any pi in 1st grade 81.25 If you have a boy or girl of school age, now is toub oppoh- TUXiTY. With cotton at 20 cents and a first class institution at your doors, if you cannot educate this fall wiiun can You? If earn¬ est work and honest purpose count for anything we expect to make this the finest school year ever known here. Dodd «fc Smith, Principals. Advertized Letters September 1900. 1. oastron Andrews, 2 . nave Bishop, 51. Jasper iiridgett. 4. imttie Bacon, 5. clara Brown, ft. Fred P. cason. 7. nuth a. chambers, Monrce Gipson, 9. Miss Debbie oocier, 10. Frank Grant land, 11. w, nay, 13 g k Johnson, 14. Libson Kiulaw, 15 Tone* now son, 16, niivoni* prvor, 17. subvert seddick, 18, Mrs. sallie sing, 19. peter shergard. will be The above letters sent to the Dead Letter Office if not called for in 30 days. J. M. Button, P. M. a del, Ga, Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the lar¬ gest sale of auy medicine in tho civil- iised world. Your mothers’ aud grand¬ mothers' never thought of using any¬ thing else for indigestion or Billious- ness. Doctors wero scarce, and they *el drm heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and *top fermentation of undi¬ gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organ ie action of the system and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green’s An- make the ma.ter w th you. Eorsale by Peep- les Bros, Kidney or Bladder Trouble*. If you suff.r from klda.y, blmUM-*.- aria- ary trouble., or from loo frequent or acanty urine. Dr. rnew’i KJAuey sa* Haekaehe Cure ta what you want. Bed-wesUng by ehlldreo I* epoodllf curxS by one boMla of tbi* p !T*f ful nm9dr ; felling mj tuffii. hut fKiiiluti Hi ft Uffiiiiii qS gitut ___ j ____ ■ HALL & KENN Are Receiving Their Mammoth STOCK OF h- * FALL and WINTER GOO Will Give Particular* In The News Next Week, WATER F0R TH&1R Announcement HALL & KENNON * Milk and Butter Will be plentiful if you buy a Cow from Parrish Bros. & Hatetunsefi. are off selecting a shipment from the best stock farms ia the State and will have them on Exhibition soon ofter their arrival which will be some time next week See them early and get your CHOICE 4 THIS SPACE IS EESEUVED l FOR J. T. Wilkes. THE OLD RELIABLE DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Who will speak to the Trading a* Publie in the next Issue of The Adel News Dr. Fenner’s Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. For Blood and Nerves. Purifies and enriches the on Cj, in hand and * ** Restoring the other. They go hand for health. Also Liver Complaint, Biliousness, C pation, Headaches, Deranged .Stora afch and B< Scrofula, and all Skin and Blood Hun This is a Restorative Sarsa pa ri 11 a-M combined. u ndr&ke-Prince^fl .Tonic aud bile. ftc^awH It causes the liver to throw off It* s«| jewels, rldfllng tliem of all effete, offetutve sad ^ vermin. Care begins with the first dose. ICertalii t!n?i Physics from the Mood, liver streagtluniagMsIrad and tissue* *11 weyn-out p we«k*sl«« but Secures sleop, appetite, flesh, strength, cwalurt, freskae** 1 MKAI/nt. It makes pure and rich blood, renovates the tf*suc-<. blues,” builds up the nerves and renews life.** to speak,!» the worn, the diseased. Aided by the experience et a *ei»-oee In the hesdl lategt and constant contr to exact “*blcd to present *ucM -JPleasant to take and wjirn e the philosopher. This Rein Heat H»-CoM Is d«a’E. take thl* ron No person,diseased. Af teuize* can dlato and IsUlag hefi because H atrlkea a* tb These fact* are a guemny to the i m »-»»■» .«i. Oct of ^our h circuit! 1 with ffi the most reniM c cures «v