The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, October 05, 1900, Image 2

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uws. iuirt i’ri !> owl ihltt. 1 uf ftfl ftPOOtlri v blHH nil wiim Uirnur. vi* auk . dfJiHCAfprion nil i> One Wur....,........... P i Mo.nltR............. At Ml GA ran v,V. Oct lfoo, Utlofc.U ItkMGtKATIC TlUilX For cut, VlLLl AM J. BUY AN, hf Nebraska. For Vice-f*rt'*Klfuit, G.AT K. BISVENSOft, *»f Illinois, For Don gross, JA.MKS M. fJBIOaS, p of Terrell, Grhtgs to Hpdab Monday tjoiigressinati Jame# M. Griggs w. ‘1 make a public address in Nnshvilic Monday during the noon hour of court. Jiidge Griggs is at Ininie iii llerrieti county, knowing nearly erory Citizen pprse.ually, and hiti miji ftorf <?i'» ar» highly pbaised ovei 'tin prospect nf hearing the abb Champion and putty kadm CJX- pound the g.ibd old democrat i< doctrine He has made a num bor of sj dies in othtSf state in behalf of tllo national ticket and is ontbusiiutic over tin* *'u(- look for a (Weeping ilenmcrntn victory. Don’t fail to hoar him Mondav The IMacan s Version. “All yon folks.’’ said Bt’et Williams, “what slun’back fum givin’ ler de po’, had bett tr •member dc “tory er Dewees hi Dewecs wms do rich inan, **n Latherun wua de po’ man. Do rich munwuzn ealin’ er Ids dinner, wid t< baked J)0S- hum on one side on u jug er co'n licker on de yuthcr, wVn Lath turns ax him for i dram rich man tell him, ,Go long wid you t' tot tick de limin’ dogs on died, Cn wuz took ter Kttnnel Abru- ham’s buzautn Do rich man give up de ghost, likewise, c r when lt« wake up ho Sm.y, ,Wlu r is 1?’ Kn dolt Satin make fins- Wet l’My sou, you'* in de fire department j you jinOtl las' night P Dan de rich mutt say, Dat bein’ da (.‘use I wish you toll Kttnnel Littherns tor tu’n de hose on me, haze dis lteah's hot ItulF!”—K.t. AtlU As a Mafkt'i. AihV )‘ame an ncoltan m»rk(*t is ahroftd iu the litml Adel |iiieo» are thrown in the face uf nearly every buyer for forty )tti!‘*s number around, of buyer* Tlusve hero are quite | a nm! j Utdy all want cotton and cotton j they are going to have. Wo! have splendid hank facilities I ami the money it always ready; Vlwtt the receipt is presented. Home buyers were paying about t>no cent per pound over neitiii- boriitg markets bed week and they are in the market until the season closets, riten when vmi get ymir money you at in the htidst of nuiltitudious bargains. Buyers for nearly a doaou firms Ik’ re ^pont wcek3 and Hud plenty flf hard cash iu the Pastern ami northern markets collecting sdcli an ggregation t t»f aroiredn g oarguiusas lets nevet liefers heels placed on the truth Counters of this section. Tou Fun l<uy anything from : MriUft of mullet to n big farm tv.tgon, from a cake of soap to a family phaeton, from a box of paper to a wedding trousseau. t.tcIvH to a t'f t>n«* *n, from a vacant lot to a KX lc k t.loek iu tuc busiest town *F mi anywi erg in this neck o’ Use w h t Y .Wtel. d Mm ,W M. mVasi. Powering illness tw;> nmntlt.o Mrs. Sal¬ ts ’wife of Mr. Jas. M. e«4 at their It*mc Heal¬ 'rtdav. Ht»c was a E„ wife and mother i noigULor of rare virtues, w«s t» devout member cu»t church a ml It* tristtttn walk w as it biessitm ittnity. She leave ml three ehiMi'e a Y<nim;o;d "t : y n ori'xv r her dett and a S’ft'fU Smst of yn?t i'l't ic friend join Ur iii extendii nicer a ctrti- «!• dunce to I he bereaved flin inforin?ntna'iimd fluturdsy lit* I mint church Initial groitnrt at Mr. .Joe MorriV w m witiiesood by a vary One fcattiro that nmkrti ilonth peculiarly gad in that it tlio fourth death occurring in family during the year. In March Frit'leTfim f)eVaiic* hii* aged wife, tilie wits infirm from old am* hut passed quietly away without any ilhnsM. Hinco thill time Ins *on Mitcludl Iiiik buried bis wif making (lie second deal In La¬ ter, a daughter, Mrs. Hot tie Knight, passed away, and now another son is called upon to bury tha mortal remains of a baluved companion and help¬ meet, Bundy a great affliction bus befallen IbiA family ami community and in .consequence a shadow of gloom rests »l«>" the hearts of many Inoiidi. moat high God alone can up the wounds of the broken hearted and to Him wo point the bereaved for consolation. Communications From Laoontr file farmers are ,bout done gat boring their corn in this tion, but cotton picking is at ill going on. The young people of this com nmnity enjoyed a nice pound party at the home of Mr. Jt. G. T .uchtiin on last Tuesday night-. It was given in honor of tlu-ir cousin Miss Lucrctla T’otnlinson of Mayday. Mr. James Rountree and Miss Julia Kents attended the sing at Evergreen on last Sunday attnr- i win. Misses Minnie Lovett ami Su¬ sie Touchton were welcome vis ¬ itors at Ik W. Lovetts on Sun¬ day last. Hon, H. L. Lovett and family ittemlcd the quarterly Session >f the Withlacoodno at Nashville on Sat- niul last. 1 would insist that Mr. .bunts Kuuntryu know where*, to find his buggy the next time he went to carry his girl home from party Wo are glad to learn that Mr. Luther Met .’rank* and Miss Lau¬ ra Tomlinson are improving from n hud spell of sickness. Pandora. From II a iii f; a Tim many frien la of ’<liss Mattie Harrell were glml to wolctnne her lionm biKt Kutur- day, after qtiito an extended visit to \\ hi to Bpriugs, Fla, Got ton is still coming in at a livt'lv rate and tln> tarun rs ro- ttlizihg n fair prion for t he sta¬ ple at this place. Miss Annie Komp returned homo Utst Monday from u visit to* her many friends at Lake l‘ark. Mre Sum,lid Wilson, of fornia, is vi.iting rc.huives at H ahtra this wct*k. after an senco of about thirty voara, Miss Henrietta W«bb apent j last Sunday with her sister, Mrs. G. K Johiif-un a! Adel, i Several of the ymmg people bf our town attended preaching Sand Hill harbor in Brook* county last Sttudnv. MvOourson and family (■„, Valdosta Tuesday ' will reside in the future, lho family . .. of .. .. Mr. Jo*l j , Hall left Wednesday morning Brooksville, Fla., vvhera will make their future home Ire*f. , 1. M. Uhcsoutt opened school at llahira Institute last Monday with a large attendance w ’ '* l " ‘‘I ' on *' nuc 1,1 S r *'" bu . *"'bi*o. Wo would not be surprised hear wedding hells at uny t more* tltati one place, tip boy* and see who will b first X. Ttuffy Not; ti** Change Below tye print several m*ti ccs anent the <*Ua;tge of mamtg laont in Tie- Nftw?i J ' V ' r * moraent- Miss tenant stand- with us. while ho join in unireu ad make our Thanks Mr. A, At Webb lp\9 j[»tJtehtis the Adel News and will on ffntm Vi £ iv*t lire jifsofd-" of tfwit hustling littIs (u'Vi* ft mod read- iM* ^, W .^,ut.. AdTMtrm A, S» Wtbb has purednnwd the Ailet Nows f.fitn tht* aft fatij.l ,V 1 Mis*>< Maggie 'Tennant, »vl/o has Humbly o*iite*l that paper tin piwttwelve months,— VV »\ fifOH Joiltnal. Mr. A. A. Wfc'bb is now jnilj— liahinjj the Ad«t News. Me wish him much success, coupled with regret ;it Mins lennanlV withdrawal from newspaper work. -Ocilla Dispatch. Mr. A. A. V/febb, an old news paper nm», lias bought t lie Adel News of Biss M M. j'oiliiant, tlit k present editress ami propri- etor. Mr. Webb proposes large and equip (lie ollice and paper.—Cor, Ti icpjrnpli. Miss Maggie Tennant 1) OS dd the Adel News to Mr. A Webb, of Dial city, and retire from the editorial chair with tin last issue. Miss Tennant's lr j|, n |j,,,, to Georaiu |(t , v> W( , r j. wn , bright Mlll | valuable one, and we bid -r farewell with rpti Mr Webb is a talented writer and first-class ImsiTie-i, man, find the Gazette wishes him « bright an 1 prosperous career.—-Gazoite. The Adel News cornea to us this week under the innnage- nidnt of Mr. A. A Webb, has bought the paper from 'Foiimint . Ill health should he blamed for the withdrawal of Mit-s Tcnncnt’s pure and up¬ lifting influence from our midst. Mr, Webb lias an inviting field before him, and lias our heart- iest good wises for his success w illi the News.—South gian, Miss Maggie Tennant, who has been editing the Adel News for Ihe past two years, announc¬ ed in the last issue of that pa¬ per that she had sold the plant to Mr. A. A. Webb, who would conduct it in future. Mr. Webb is an eduevlad gentleman and is well equipped for such work. While regretting that Miss Ten mutt’s health would not permit of her remaining at tins head of the paper) the Times welcomes NVclib into the field and shall he glad to hear of his sue eras. Adel and the towns cf 15 h riot ounty are growing rapidly jm has a good field of us ftiltvps before him.—Valdosta Times. Won to no Namt and Lav TUo bn stand might>*'.*4 litilrriuur that ever W«s made Hr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill t**a mig it- «*<i global «*f health, that itg weakness into strength, list It *ss in- to energy, brain fag into mental [hv,\ T'Uey'rti wonderful iu laiilding C tr health. Only'Ft- per box. 8< J. E. s. KKTIXKIi LRrTI.!: Fbt*f.i tr owing tHmlaimnl lotferiv anti m*<> in • the A d, Ga., pt,sri>I))i:« .f no, within the next ihmy days vvilt li. sent to tb* ilretd letter nfnee. 1 W O liahs. * Stewart Brown, SRrown, iSHHrovvn. .'* Mrs IVtrthie Bum ~r3F t! Miss Lnlttr ciming, T Hteplam t r, S Misrn Fauna* (whi i, At*'\ 1mm. tOJoitit*Hesters I! Mi Hunt, la H*-m v Jaeit 1 Uh*,v. I I .1 ' Kauii-s, ,t« Diijivw an. 17 Tlumias S«bt ig>*. is Allen J!l Miss Fami it* Sm ifli. 80 D 11 Mr* I n* ■set- w p wilHs. 83J » Wi alhta **]*>mi ' i Miss Aibv Wiltiam*. 8S W nut v Wil hums (8), sti Miss Mary \St Uia i»# -‘i Uulur WillKiu. (lEVru'Tr' 1, lilu - n > J.M.Snttom P. M. Oct - 1, 1CC0. DOCS it Pay to , buy cheop A cheap romeov for couglm „ nt | effldais all right, mu you want something that will releivo cure tin* more severe* and dangerous results of all throat )ml lunfJ troubles, wlmt should you do? Go to ,\ warmer and more regular climate? Yes possible, it not possible for you then iu either case take the on- , y rem edy that has been in all civilized countries with-sue.’es** in severe and lum? troubles. Germatt helps syrup.” It not only and stimulates the tg destroy the germ t disease hut uliays inlliymation, causes expoctd*|tion, test at.d I UlOS t gives he patieut * by Sample all druggists bottles in People* th, at Bros, tst ITItU* is hereby given that nest session of the G at 1 Assembly ,;TBJ a bit! will tA* introdnCret in eintj-rerof the town ot Actet so as to pruvid*. for the k-vying of « jx iai or , ivujxoieu tax, fn proride ertr for mnwi.l tto.s, to ohsiiige da t.ewn tKnnalarv lu tiRd to provide for a sy *m (>f public Sbhonts ere. *h-4v • S'.fwgtNi©*: 1^?S»<t88«*4» PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. £, F. Bourquin, Chronic Dismals'* A Npbeialty. ( tfflci! Hi 10 ft. to 3 p. m. Add, Go L F.. Lustinger, Attorney- at--LaW. OoMMIUtllAL Hol'SK, Adel, Ga Q. P. GOODMAN, ZDiEHSTT-EST Sparks Georgia. Add House. ,f. A. J. Fakiush, Proprietor Rates: .00 per slay. Firsi Allot, Ga, Shaw & Clements, LlVEJlY STJkRMSg. Nice Turnouts, Polite Driver*. Add, Ga. R. C. Woodard, Id. 0. < wick: Dp Stairs, Front Rootii, Julian ISoilitiug. Hc-aDKN'eK: MaUio Jim Boat, South Kuil of Town. a i,i. i'ju.ih crum crr.y asswered. Adel, ~ Chas. A. DeVane, ATTORJfKY AND COCXSIXOR AT LAW Will practice in all flm courts, Stale and Federal. OFFICE ,u Julian Building. Adel, Ga. ilames M. Sutton, Notary Pubijc, Will be found at post office v.luro he will furnish all of Legal Blanks on short no- five Deeds, Bonds, Signed ollicially Add, Ga. BARBER SilOi ) I Jmv iltvly furnished QASUSR SHOP Up Stairs, Jtdmu Building. loots, I’RgMPT Bl-.R\ ICT, WORK SOLit ITEI). a. j. joiiNsoy, IVY’S Cut Brices. & t : tent f LoOtier btuTc!, Csnnud goods at lowest mark i t price*, Sugat sDo heap as dirt, Wo lu a talking ma chine and Soda fount. We carry a complete line of Jew- ehy which we are setiiug at ca*. 1 j, all warranted, We lutndlo produce in ahtm- ; aa i„ 1 .'.. Wo , have the l , ent , green coder cheaper than you can buy it any v\here else. Wo handle fresh butter front Fallfthasae creamery which we keep on ic** at rll times. c !e<> have a htrg-i stock of ! g; lou oil for the farm* er, price (id cents. apples We have a lot of fine and a rrate of Florida oranges. •We will sell vou kerosene for 20 cent" handle per gallon. celebrated Gold We ihe Brand ham. which is the finest on the market. W« have a large stock of tin- ware which we arc are out at cost. We ■ have the best cream I cheese o*. the market and excel lent crackers to go with them We have a complete line of canned goods, atul as toouv can- the public know* vve handle the fittest made. Yours truly, F. E. IVY Ml athvrtWHjr nn-.t subscriptitwt r,.* to awl iudn.Ui'g the i. cue of uth, of The Aran, Nsws, art due :ui’i payutde to Miss Maggie Ten- rant. A. A. Weld) will carry oat nil itdvere tisiug and subseripticu contracts of The NrOWand will continue tin* txtper to all who have been receiving it- «n- ssnotified to the contravy. Maggie Tennant, Past / 1 Pub News. A. A. Webb, Present Add, Ga. Sept. 20, »9lX>. RfiOMEY tO LEND Farmers can borrow mom ,' 1 St the Bank of Adel li u pGHod ir$ E1110 UpToiD ate D111Eg‘15 ; Ade}, -. . ~- m. ~ Georgia; HOUSES, HOUSES, big horses, LITTLE HORSES. I have just returned from the market with a CAR of the finest horses that has ever been shipped to Ber- l ien county, C'tmo and set* for yourself, I will ell. swap or buy J. T. POl’E, ADEL, GA Shae Sj Qp. m t All kinds of Harness and Shm* Making and Repair Work___^ Neatly and Promptly done at my shop. Prices Reasonable a no Satisfaction Guaranteed. IiCwiu Moyer. g*FH EA R FOllvc* H’tA BLE-S EIRE INSURANCE SAFE PROMPT ftiel ’ RLUAHLE. ' XOXT1 HIT Till, Jill Si Companies Keprotsetited. Don’t Boy Insurance Before Seeing I s. PEEPLES □ DFi ti DeVANEJx A a< nts. Add, Ga, _ Clll'llt il DllCCtOi’V* METHODIST—4th Sunday 11 0 mand 7. p. m. and Saturday 11 a. m. Sunday School 8 Key. S, S-Kemn ’ 1 ’ i.istor 1 ’ Drum . . tire—*ind Sunday and Saturday before at 10 a, m, El*-] dor Stallings, i’astor PRESBYTERIAN—2nd Sun- day, 11 a. m. and 7 p. in* Rev Griswold pastor. MISSIONARY—1st and Brel days 11 a, hi. and 7 pm Sunday School 10 a- m. w. jr- A. on Tue day after 1st Sunday Rev. Culpepper* pastor,l City Directory, Mayor—J If, Kennon, Aldermen—A. D. wisent;>n ( w B. Shaw, R, A, Knight, 13 >1. DfcVano, J. J. Stephens) Cletk—G, E, wehb. JVIarshal— Mar/shaw ( ncil ni •is every 1st Groceries. Important! To Itorsc Owners and Stock Dealers If ,ron • >\vu mules or borse.s yon should by all menus k< r p nt t<fc*iy co m maud ^yalker’s Demi Shot Colie Dure for Mules and Horses It is guaranteed to relieve any case « of Colic m mutes or horses in tea minutes, il is the WORLD'S GREAT SPECIFIC for OOLK It can b« iidmiin by any one who has mo-Uigvnw enough to drench a horw. it is manufactured HARMLESS. purely fr- in the It extract is also ot valuable roots and LINIMENT. the distillation of herbs tail is therfure a It in sold up.n our IRON CLAD GUARANTEE to CURE COLIC QUICKER THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY, or the one from whom you n audit it is authorized by us to refund your money. If your meiiiffltie dealer does not keep it, ask him to order it for you; or upon re- i- ipt of price ^, per bottle, we will staid it to you l»y express, prepaid to your express office. KACTfltKli BY- The ^yalker (Jo., 8a van ah (la For saU- >*>' B. P. Wuliama rs o rs PMM'Ul' A woiidoi'fnl hoi seliohl nudicino Cures Neuralgia. Rheunuttic. Nejv<ms or Spfisnv*lio l*mns, ToothschS IKsuIh. he, BnChacbe, Tiruiaea, Biintitts, Isoneness. Cramp Colic, DiarrheoB Dy* un-rj , gtiuga <if Iuaecta, rfw * Uing--an t all Kinds, Stiff Neck. Borenea* Sore Throat. Strk Stomach or Sea-Sickness In eats s of Had Coughs. Cold# or l’u.-ttiBPhia, it affords - '''' ''! -! QUICK RELIEF 1 NO CURE NO PAY Mzimifactured by THE WALKER CO., For sale Savannah, Ga. hr jj. P. Williams, Adel, Ga. A GREAT SENSATION Is Being Created 1g Adel S. f. Wdill's G i:n kual merchandise OPENING. Our ^t(>ck is fast arriving and article that we have in is a BARGAIN and was Bought to Sell. OCR store and stock is not yet complete but You are most cordi» ally invited to cull and obtain prices on wlmt we have. MR. G. K. JOHNSON Will De in charge of the store and Mrs, Johnsotat nee Mirs Yaleta Webb, will be there much of the Time and would b» glad for her former friend* and customers tc call and Sea h-fl MR, JOHNSON is an expert Jeweler and will promptly repai* your watches and clock?. We also two large storeB in Hall ini Teeming with the Greatest Bargains Ever Offered In That Section Dou’yfnrgrt that *c are theEeOple and JIILEY’S NElV RlllL ING ADEL, GEORGIA, The Place, S, J. Webb, r -f Groceries. XT \\ 7 a icii this space each week and see me before buying your Groceries, 1 can save you mon- C. E. WEBB, A del, Ga. All Goods Delivered free in Any Fart of Town, Groceries. Groceries.