The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, October 05, 1900, Image 4

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itlon a bul- between here the an that nld JUnetrale It easily, and own whore the subsoil was n the former cnee the beets ootb and a regular taper from tow the crown downward, i the hard subsoil were short- vere oblige,1 to branch out a of tide root#, making them handle and less valuable for • king. They also grow more be ground. A similar result cad when fertilizer was used ring beets. The same thing true of many other root crops, suggest that If potstoea hud well drained soli »ey would not lie to upward and grow . T may be correct In this point; but we have thought that the growing out of ground n matter In which the variety made most of the difference, some kinds re quirinf much hilling up to prevent out growing, while others put their roots when on the saute soil. Brigandage In Sicily la mostly con¬ fined to the neighborhood of the large cities, Palermo, Messina, Catania, I the more remote regions travellers aru _ «afo from molestation., iiilis at Parts. .Thera Is a large exhibit from this at lb« Paris exposition to which will 1 very into wring ail who may sto-rol, but no mors so than tho news that llm famous American remedy, Hostetler's Htniniirti lilt- ters. WlU poslllvriy cure <lys|i«plda. Indlges. ' floasitpntioli, To All sufferers l,lllousM»(. of the i and above natvous- * trial Is recommended, with tin, 100 that w h«n honestly u-t«l ,1 Hmi It also tone up the entire jBBS M**M Ala- 'to ' ,JW WmE8Bl£ Sc«*a KeuUKkr Cekmel (iUmvls-)- “**" "" <Wr * WOMAN’S KIDNEY TROUBLES Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com¬ pound is Especially Successful in Curing this Fatal Woman’s Disease. . .! e Of all the disease* known with which tha female organism is afflicted, kidney disease is the most fatal. In fact, unless oarky and correct treatment is up- plleil, Being the fully weary patient of seldom this, Mr*. survives. Pinkhstn, early In her aware career, gave ex¬ haustive study t<> the subject, and in producing Compound her great, remedy for woman’s that m* — Lydia uye K. PinUham’.i Vegetable —was careful to sec It con tained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that fatal<H sense, woman'* kidney uey troubles. troubles, The Vegetable Compound acts in har- »on.y y with with the the laws laws that that govern govern the the entire female system, and while there I are sunny many »o so ebum called remeaies remedies for ror ktdn kumev 1 troubles, Lydia E. 1’inkham'* Vege- iftbYo Cnmponad U the only one especially prepared for women, The folio wing letters will show how mi irvellously successful It is ; “ XT* hfna. Piskiuu Ang. 1 0, 1S0O. 1 A a ; — am full- Ing lost vary thirty-five fast,—since forty January have have yellow, or muddy' complexion, pound*. I a feel tired, and hnvo bearing down pains. Menses have not appeared for three month* ; sometime* I *in trou¬ bled with a white discharge, and 1 also have kidney and bladder trouble. . . I have been this way f»r a long time, and feel so miserable I thought I would write to you, and see if you oould do too any good."— Miss Kuna F nsnsiucK, Troy, Ohio. Dsan Mna. Vinkiiam: Sept. 10, 1900. “ —I have used I yd la E. Pinkhara'a Vegetable Oompouud aeoordlng I have to directions, and cau aay not felt so well for years a* I do at present. Before taking your medicine a more miser¬ able person you never saw. I could not not eat eat with or or steep, and 1 did did not care to talk one. not enjoy life at all. NOW , I feel ao well I earn not bo gran t«ful coo • To h for what you woman's have done frt«ud. tor t me Thanking u are sure tya - you n thousand times, I remain, Ever yours Mmm» Kuna Fnntm>'K. K Troy, Ohio ••Pbaii Mrs. Pixkram : — I Imre token five bottles of Lydia K. Piuk- lam'sVegetable enough. Compomgl had and cannot p* it I b.-udaebex. I.VIHA R l'INKll MKIUC1SK CO. _ •. j M G H ESTER W TtUN CATALOGUE F&EE m * TeHs ill M Winchester Rifles, Shotguns, and Ammualtioa address on a postal now. Don't delay if you aie interested. VSHCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVES, CONN. AUkAH. «• Sa . a In wets 01 r»»oh. The p. -cb tree* In southeastern Pennsylvania are seriously attacked this season by a scale Insect that is causing some alarm In the fear that tt might bo the dreaded Ban Jose »e*lo. The many specimens sent to the Experlinout station have all been the Teach Ix-cnntum. The Insects are motionless hemispherical bodies of a dark purple color, almost black, measuring ono elghth inch In dlame- ter. They clueter upon the twigs and smaller branches often crowded to- gether on the under side of the twigs. In due course of time the eggs, which are very numerous under the body of each scale Insect, begin hatching and the young Insects, which are mere, brown specks, move stout by the thousands over the twlgi J^BHI Tlicss minute bark lice walk up the twigs waving their delicate antennae, in search of moro tender food on the new growth. When they Imre found it they Insert their tiny beak, a sucking proboscis and Ix-come fixed for life feeding upon the Juices of the peach tree. A few of them can do no nppre clable Injury to a tree, but w hen tlg-.r appear by the thousands ns they do this season serious damage Is caused by them, and remedial measure should be adopted. , The moat satisfactory remedy t ot I these scale Insects Is kerosene emul¬ sion, applied with it npray pump. While the young insects are creeping nboul and before their mature scale covering I* developed, their destruction with this Insecticide Is quite easy and sure Not all the trees In an orchard will be attacked and It Is necessary to treat those only which are affected. Thu orehardtst should have n hand magnl fylng glass to make frequent obser vatlons to determine If the Insect* have been killed by the application and If any have escaped with life ! nf * eT ,Wo day* n second application should be made. Oeorge Blitz, In j tho Agricultural Epitomlst leueorrhoea. falling of the womb, ond kidney trouble. I also had a pain when standing or walking, and some¬ times there seemed to be halls of lire in front of me, so that 1 could not see for about twenty minutes. Felt aa tired in the morning when 1 got up as if l had had no sleep for t wo weeks. nml Had would fainting cry.’ spells, 1 —Mus. was down Biuu hearted, u a Okkr, Ta. Ntvt. ind and Clayton Sts., Chester " Ur.An Mrs. Pinkiiau: — I cannot suffering find language l to bad express endure. tho terrible 1 had have to female t r o « b 1 e, also liver,stomach, der kidney, and blad¬ trouble. . . . I tried several doo- number tors, also of quite ont a [/if*. medicines, and! pat had despaired well. of eve •er getting 1 At At k>,|ft&Me<vnw- last concluded ViJAftyiHi pTL^ jt try hams Lydia Vegetable K. Pink- -- - ---- Compound, I and now, thanks to your medicine, am a well woman. lean not for ]>raisc know your it medicine too highly I will n do all, and even more, than it recommended to tlo 1 tell every suffering woman about your Vegetable Compound, and urge them to try it and see for themselves what it will do.” — Mns. Mary A. Hrt’U.iJNo. Manchester, Ind riTssp B 8 H «a ♦* n* p*o—ft wk* r*j «■»!* notUf 4t'.>yyy. HaAS2Jrax%£JSk fkv# MiMty ttmp+r*T? •»» >*' a s£ m fM Are* «r**L PWtsrts^Sla FULL COMPANY IS MISSING D , , | #* Fifiy-Two Men ifODaDiy wap- tured - 1 Or 1 KlliCu /Ml A 0., It) C.ISniians rilipinos. COMPANYF,OF »TB REGIMENT Was Recruited at Fort JlcPher- son, (la., and Commanded By Captain Shields. Company F, of tha Twenty-ninth infantry, the Georgia regiment now doing dnty in tho I’hilippinea, baa been wiped out by the Filipinos, Cap¬ tain IJevereaui Shields and fifty one men being cither wounded or cap tured. The news report made by voye'd in an official General MaeArtbnr, received at the war department Friday morning. L e- taila of the affair ohlside of those con- tained in General MacArthwr » official report are lacking, but it is evident from what tho commanding general has to say that tho entire command has been cither wiped out or captured. Tho disaster occurred in tho island of iilariudiique, which the war depart- ment charts show to be a small island about three hundred miles south of Manila. L... Hanta Cruz is tbe principal port and is on the north , aide ,, of , tho island. The cablegram follows! 1 ‘Manila, September 28.-—Adjutant 11 General, Washington! September th Captain DevereanX Shiolds and fifty- one men, company F, Twenty-ninth volunteer in¬ regiment, United States fantry, and one hospital corps man, left Santa Cruz, Mariudnqiie, by gun- boat Villa Lobes, for Torrijos, intend- ing to return overland to Santa Cruz, Have Shields Scarcely doubt tbe entire parly captured, with many killed and wounded. Shields among the latter. Information sent by letter from com- mandiug officer at Bone, dated Septcm- ber 20th, received 24th, consisted of rumors through natives. Yorktown and two gunboats, George 8. Antler son . colonel Thirty-eighth Thirty-eighth infantry, with two companies of infantry, sent to Marinduque itnmedi- ntely. Anderson confirms first report a. to rapture, but unable, September 27tli, to give details, present where- abonts of Shield* and party, names killed and wounded, This tion probably has orders available soon. son to commence opera- tion b imrnedifttoly and move relent* lessly until Shields and pnrly aro res- cued. All troops expected soon. To- gan will bo scut to Marinduque if neo- essary to clear up ailntion. "AIacAbthur.” BltOmilTBD AT ATLANTA. Tbe Twenty-ninth infantry was re¬ cruited at Fort Mcl’barson, Atlanta, On. Captain Shields was lieutenant colonel on the Second Mississippi dur- log the Spanish war. He was made captain iu the Twenty-ninth resident infantry, of July 5, 1809. He was a Natchez, Miss., where bis wifo now re¬ sides, The sceno of this latter reverse is a small island lying duo south ol the southern coast of Luzon and about 800 miles from Wanila. Marinduque is ahoilt twenty-four miles iu diameter and was garrisoned by two small do- toohmenls of United States troops, One of tbeso was at lionc, on tlio west coast of the island, and the other was at Santa Cruz, the principal port, on the north side. Captain Shields appears to have started from Santa Cruz on a gunboat for Torrijos, a small coast port, and it is inferred that tho boot as well os the body of (loops under that officer, has boon captured, for the dispatch makoa no reference to her return. FOUND THIHTY-ONE BODIES. Over Two Titanium! Man Ar« »t Work (Uenitiittf <»AlVf>Rton*9 St roots. A special from Galveston says: Fri- day 2,220 men were employed clearing the streets of debris and disposing of dead bodies from th# wreckage. Thirly- ono bodies were found, making a total of 2,311 so far known to have boen r«j covoroil WlllvELEK IS MAUNANIMOUS. Will Not OitpoKe Senator Pettm OwInB I® St i onic Ft*i«tu!*hli> Between Them* A prominent north Alabama politi- ticinu is authority for the statement that General Wheeler aspires to the senatorship, but that he is friendly to Senator l’ettus, whose term expires two years from this time, and will not oppose him. Sonator Pottna is unuer* stood to have rendered Gen. Wheeler substantial aid in bis military aspira¬ tions. Senator Tettna i. the oldest man in tho senate, however, and if he should die or for other reason not bs in tho race next tune, the Alabama here of Santiago will go right into tbe race. L0KG WAS AUTHORITY To Contract For Armor date at Any Prlcft lie May Bwin Rra«»Jt«ble, A Washington special says: Tbero *»• FOMiWUty that the problem iu connection with the purchase Of ar- mor plate for tire big battleships and cruisers DOW building may be solved without roadvertising for hula, Under the current law the secretary of the navy cau contract for armor at any * • , , . . he deems , reasonable. price OPERATORS SEEK TROUBLE, They Will Attempt to Strike By Kenort to IntlmUintlxm, A special from Scranton, Fa., soys: The gains that the strikers have been making in the Sehnylkill region have had the effect of ronsiug tho operators of the Lackawanna distrffct to activity, and steps are now being taken to drive the entering wedge in an effort to break np the strike. The plan ia to have esoh of tbe big corporations start up a few mines and keep them going at all ooets, Tk« All tl Swh**lag, Whan one want* to awlm with the back op, it la necessary to make some effort to keep the head dp, for most of It* bulk must then be above the sur¬ face In order to breathe. If la the artaq which do this part of the work, not the lege, as la so often believed. It Is n common error for Inexperienced swimmers to suppose that all of their Progress la due to the efforts of the arms, and that the feet are used sim¬ ply to support the weight. On the contrary, it la almost exactly the op- ■£“"*£*“• i:,': frequently for their Inability to awlm rapidly. Many of them simply flop their legs straight up and down after they have learned to support them- selves In the water, nad then wonder that their arms become so tired and that they moke so little progress as compared with their masculine friend*.—J. P. Paret ,ln Harper's Bazar. , Itching, Burning Eczema. Was troubled wilh a painful skin eruption, and after all other remedies failed, the falher writes: "Send mo f ollr mo re boxes of Tettorine for my little daughter. It docs her more good (] mn anything wo c f or tried. Yours, € tc., Jas. H. Porter, I.ynchbnrg, H. C.” druggists 00c. box, or postpaid by j ’p. Shnptrine, Savannah, Ga _______ Forcing House for Winter Vegetables. The construction of a house for forcing winter vegetal,les Is not a mnt- ter of first Importance. The three quarter span house perhaps furnishes „„ nearly as possible the beat condl- tl(>n for forl .j ‘ However, . r crop , an even-ftpan or »b*<l~roof house grows many crops to a high degree of per¬ fection. As for the Inside arrange¬ ment of the house, the crops to he grown will have much to do In the matter. Cool-house crops, ns lettuce, radish anil the like, are well grown in solid bods, -while heat loving plants, as to- tnutocs, cucumbers, melons, etc., should be planted on benches, built ovcr the pipes. This mentis that the col( t () f building a greenhouse depends very much on what crop one expects to grow. The saving In benches and heat In houses devoted to cold crops Is considerable, while tho ease with which such crops may he grown ree- ommemls them to the beginner H | (h Healad Shoa In Favor, q-be blgh-heeled shoe, which many women Jeclared had been banished f r b * th# athU>t | C glrt u back In 0 Uo J. . , hc<>1 . ls , stable to the average woman, but it Increase# her height, and the tali g^rl I* tl'* fashionable girl Just now. Then the high heel, when tucked cunningly under the shoe, detracts very much, apparently, from the size of the foot. Small wonder that the average suffer¬ er smile* at sight of a mirror In tho midst of her tortures. Bnt the girl who suffers most from the high heel Ib the one who wears a common sense shoe, with flat heel uml built on a mannish last, all day; then, when l«*r feet are tired with the ( ( a y'g tramping or golf, crowd* them Into high-heeled shoes two sizes smal¬ ler than the others. And yet she Is the girl who never complains and smile* as she dances. Hull ii Wanted y wr , aonrst, reliable melt; ami experience not alsvs U>t<>!, bwmwt; mImt 4Uty,Va 1 >«W. Po».i«.T 0 t«eoVt«toCo.,B«Mo 1 Tho T«mlcncy. PrttfR* Thu UuuiUMHf?l>' wunlshf pooplft so, to b« gutting more numorous alt thu O iggs 1 kuow tt. It won t be long now bo- fore ordinary mUllonalros will b« anubbetl.— Life. Cnrtrr'* Ink I* ih« p,,, m* k tlmt caii b© made. It cost* with. round inoroth an leu r stuff *m>v ttt to write On lt»« Safe SStle. ft ho Onr minister Is learning to j*I t\y Kbtf. ii< ~ taken any preenntb ft*, you know. Mrefi deaf ftnfi dumb c»d- Hht* *; he hn* a die V Putnam Fapkucm Dot pfiBly lpot,ltrHk dyed or glvo your goods an drugget*. uneven np- pvaran ice. Bold by all A Chftrllnhle Bwp'tf ?r son—Is your daughter a finished muel- C | A) Am"Vesn bbor» are To Cure a r«l'1 1« Own 1>nr TftkA Lazatitv niiOMO quiNlw* Ta»i.«ts All dntKgUtft rt»fuu'l tlirt mi*u«y it It fnlh v> curt* K. \V. CiHovR's ftictuiittre i* m» each t*os avi Thoy Don’ VVfrif Thom. .J m da rou think a lady tooka i» Woftm- “Couldn t rhllftdftlphia pay. 1 u#t«r BuU«t!n. saw h, lady with tt r Air on." Pon't drink too much water when cy- Adams’ Pepsin Tutti Frutti Is an lit all hstitute. Iu On* L«s»nn. lh " , ' K '“ 11 ' h ' U *' 1, " r 'What •‘Midomncj,” said he. “i* the t»vc5fui u»© of hwbu* mx ct. Jtfra. Winslow's Soothing ftyrup for children ^T Trinity Springs, Ind., FVb. Boykk, J5, |5)W, k„ w aT on,. ■I T »' i Unve nightmare 8 nnv more ■Woll, you’re glad, 1 fancy.’’ ■Jt..; I have automoblo oolUslons llow’s This? We otter One Hundroc I Dollars Reward for UaU't^atarrh'cnre! cannot be cured by Wo , lbf'.ira^hTreX^^^Ch. ney for tho lrwt 15 years, and boUcv© him per uoa mndniij Trcax, their Ann Dmgf^sts, Toledo, wholesale w.u'mwj, Kinnan Martin, Wholesale Drug- llaU»f T 0 alarrh * 0 0h, Cure °; Is , taXwi , v intornuiiy. »«•'-- tngdirectly ui>on the i.ioud and mu out tree »ur- fa cs of the system. Testimonials sent ■ rice, 73e. per bottle Sold by all Drusgle^* llaU's Family rills nro the best lonketl F»niitl«r, Sea Cap tala-Look, g»a« men Thrtre is i% w hat to v . A»tJ I1X-) tn» flaH . jrly P.ui»s.r< n it t «.)t aw vy from !.-w‘ . Plantation Chill Cure is Hoi Guaranteed To Cute.nt Mo^eY Refundvd hr Your Mtfi-chAn1.$r>V/hY T>Y ft? Pfice 5or. , CURES BLOOD POISON. Trlfti Tr*»tm«nt I'rM. Permanent cure guaranteed by using i to 11 bottles of B. II. B. Have you Aches and Paine in the Bones and Joints, Ulcers, Offensive Eruptions, Bolls, Scrof¬ ula, Bore Mouth, dptne or Throat, Palling Hair, Swellings, Cancer, Itching Akin. Copper Colored Sores, Catarrh, TtheumatlsmT Then B. B. B. heals every sore makes the blood pure and rich and sto ps tvery ache and pstn. Cures when | a ,11 else falls. B. B. B. tested JO years. Druggists, It. Trial treat¬ ment free, by writing Blood Balm Co„ I Mitchell street. Atlanta, Qa- Deacriba trouble arid medical advice free. Enthusiast aa Sedelegr- An English woman, Alisa Irene Aan- by, Is making a tour of this country In order to become acquainted with the state of the labor problem. The large manufactories and the dingy sweat- shops are equally the objects of her In¬ vestlgatlon, and she discusses the re- lotions of labor and capital with labor leaders and capitalists. Miss Ashby Is an enthusiast on sociology and is well known as a Socialist. Prepare Ahead for Alfalfa The great value of alfalfa aa a for¬ age plant when once established, and tbe much greater productiveness of a field on which a good stand bns been obtained when first planted, make It Important that the greatest care be exercised In preparing a suitable seed¬ bed. This preparation ought to begin at least one season before the seed la sown. The Heat rl|i »t,on for Chill. ond Fever is a Untie {# iron nor I'm l mu. Toxic It Is simply ii sod quiiiln® Is e lemeleee form. No cars- OJt»J i'rlefl 500 Th. High, Word. Hlp» -The Browne* called on week, you khrrW. lie Yrt*. •*I>on‘t you think It Is about tiro* we should miiU«Uf7" -IndUtiftpoU* Pres*. ;> Show us a fault in our busi¬ ness and vve stop it at once, no matter believe how profitable. fault Wc don’t a can ever bs really profitable. They said our Ague Cure was too bitter and powerful of for the weak digestion malarial illness. We have corrected (he fault. It’s cost us thousands cf dol¬ lars to do it, but we have cor¬ rected it. And there is no better medi¬ cine under the sun for every form of malaria than this new Malaria and Ague Cure. J. C. Ayer Company, Pn»ctk*l Lowell, Mam, Ayer’i Sarsaparilla Ayr.t'i Hair \ igor Avar's Pill* Avrr‘* s Cherry Pectoral Ague Cure Ayer's Comafone 4 1 <k packed away in yotir insides and must be kept clean, in order It’s and long doing business. with and pitfalls catch a way, many turns to the refuse and clop the channel if not most carefully cleaned out every day. blockaded, look for When this lo.oo canal is out trouble—furred tongue, bad breath, belching of gases, yellow spots, pimples and boils, headaches, spitting up of 9 food after eating—an all-around disgusting nuisance. Violent pill poisons or griping satis arc danger- * 11 ocx5 to use for cleaning oat the bowels. They force oat the obstruction by causing violent spasms of the bowels, bat they leave the in¬ |. testines weak and even less able to keep up regular movements than before, and make a *71 |(12 larger dose necessity next time. Then you have the pill habit, which kills more people than the morphine and whiskey habits combined. The only safe, gentle but certain bowel cleanse-s are 13 sweet, fragrant CASCARETS, because they don’t force cut the foecal matter with violence, but act as a tonic on I4l the whole 30 feet of bowel wall, strengthen the niusdes and restore healthy, natural action. Buy and try them! (Look out for imitations and substitutes or you can’t get results. Cascarets arc never sold in bulk. Look for the trade-mark, the long-tailed "C" on the box.) You will fin* that in an entirely natural way your bowels will be or er*lon *t th* c»tnini. Tn« *rro»* tndlo*t* t j pCffnAnCtltiy th«diration which th« eontents of tho bowel* muittake la r pfOITipUy pftMiatf through tho (wiitHenLory STRONG by Made CLEAN and t m V 1 C*scxr,ts .re n-'W roM lcve-ui*«d “ C." Lock ft for the trtde-m*rk—tho C with a Ion* tail—on the l»d» 10c. «»♦ as. ALl m 25c. 50c. DRUGGIS; a 8 Th *t?nuiuo ii* la th« To any needy mortal, who can’t afford to buy, we will mail a box fre- s V laMft. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. nrtvor soUS in biilk. "LONG-WINDED” AXL.BC KhHl ''or* not b.v* to bo tokos off to o(L Wilt tun J to Omonro# wn bout re-oills*. loa* »«tW Axis* wilt lott «• tfp3£ m°‘ro T ' 0or“ Potka*T I tnethouleol C.u't woodof. got ROCK Hill Strop!*- order, He« out of A«ent I>on*i» with our Untu bur • *>u«7 IOCK HILL BUGGY~cC“°"t ff ,M * Cigar Dealers Like to have their regular customers smoke Old Virginia Cheroots because they know that once a man starts smoking them he is “fixed,” and that he will have no more trouble with him trying to satisfy him with different kinds of Five Cent cigars. Three hundred million Old Virgmii Cheroots smoked this ^ ye«r. Ask your own detter. Price, 3 for 5 cents. _ Now is the best time to Paint. TRIPOD PAINTS are the best to use, as THEY OUTLAST ALL OTHERS. If jour deftlnr does cot tinndle thorn, write for color-card* and luformntlon to THE TKIPOI) PAINT#CO., ATLANTA, GEOHUIA. Malsby & Company, 80 ft. Ilrnixl St., Aflontit, Oa. Engines and Boilers Mmiii Water liMtrni, Hirfli* »*»•* renbtrUijr Injerton, .£9 h is aod T>*at©ri* In S J3l "W MILLS, ,11 llli, Mill*,Cotton Gin MjacIjIh- Mill ,»s till 3 roSSs?« ft Kngln* Itwpttlr*. <*ow«rw«»r*. firnle ■w,,; 'Tvr. i,ee a, menu, sine Uiia ,*pnr SFFil ULLU WilEAT and OATS FOR SALE ! Uevl May wheat fr->m a vrop that y l*M ed 38 to 35 biightd* per acre, r»>"IeanfKi by a *( eoiftl *oo4 wheat oJeaoor, new two huftlta! baK",prb*e #1.35 per bantiol. ^ e««l Oats grow a in North Carolina from Teian Bed jtturt Proof peed, the North Carol!&& crop yield! u «0 bu,«hel* pnr arre, Chariotto,. pr!e« per ha»hel. Prices on enrs «t N. C., fr»‘i*rht to bo CHAULOTTB pail \>y buyer. 0*1. Terms cmh KKRTiLIZR* with order. CO., A t I’El) OLIVKB. < IIAB OTTIE. N. C._ m>mg f¥ ’ M -UNION MADE n?=^ __ The 1 rtal 0 ** ;*H«1 w«r(h SJI.ft'J of f Wk Vnr . . «UK flthfP BttheaiMil -*>0 to • ».oo. We »r» *to l»ree*t ®*V*r* »w*i tvUUer* rif fll'B M t i i*"v* in ihfl v mld- "e »!*’*»' *mi evil mot* $A-0C *n4 •br*** th»n mj p-bry. U. two Bi*aufat.!ar«rs ia U*e S. *r r. !*1*W|»Iwh4 la I»70. JC t^w iina riww . yyi,j do yos pay f4 to. £' Trial a vA$ YeXfnnbuylV-L-DonglM 5 for Fhoe* when you n CGNVlNCE^^k, viILL \» v jk ehcra fer |3 and M-50 which 3 iVA. good. fci a’vl* a** 1 TIIF 1 r »«**»• , l lather*. Nap-jrtrd M4 THE : XmriU .a BEST BEST trim nx*<J« rhftM. Thrf ^1*1 fftO $3.50,M- cn t*-o r r*i« of ®U»*T T«*krs ^ nt $ 3,00 SHOP IsSfejgff Ttf SHOE. Tnnr dccler keep tij«n j wc five one d««Ur Ssisswss melewtrt* pr>» *"d ' itr * for f " rr ****- faeiotv, , Hf, L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockloi, Huts. C K. FREE! CATALOG OF SPOUTING GOODS. .11 RAWLINGS SPORTING GOODS COMPANY, fliio Lorn.l St., ST. LOl IS, no. That Litlla Bock For Ladles. 8=3 AUCE AIASON, F,oc»*bt*b, N, I. Mention this Paper In writ in g to fi'ttwrUstrg. A HU M939.40