The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, October 26, 1900, Image 2

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4 VI it \TF.S: ......- *1 00 .60 u>.\V, < HiT. W. !M> I WBSl DEMOCRATIC IK-EET. i; M ttltllAtf 3. BUY Alt, of Nebraska, For Vice-President, t ft. BTKVKNgim, of Illinois, For <Jo tigress, ,fAMHH M, ORlOGS, of Terfell, National Election. The nwlloiifti and congreslnm- ftl election will be hold on Tues¬ day N iv. thin All voters should hoar this in mind and exercise their fight of franchise on this Important occutiori. There is no doubt about the result in Georgia but if is important that ft good vole bo polled There is no contest for congress in this district Imt. Congressman J, M. Griggs deserve# a hearty in¬ dorsement at the polls and every democrat tlmuld turn out on that day and cast his leal lot, AdVFrf.lring is Jifrt rtn CxpOri tticut, but a certainty, if it is JudieioiMly done,—“Ex, Bryitn is n ftlronger lender than he tfns four year* ago mid be will have better chance* of winning! ftenlocrat* and republL’ans ftre both nLikiilg I’xtravagant c'ltinis aboilt tbe election. One day’s \Vork will be necessary to POttk! thiti matter ttud tinti 1 this battle of hallotk id foil gilt, no forecast can Im made With any tiegroo of certainty. The Athulta Daily News is ftpnn our desk and is jus! what Would Imj oxpeclcd of the “men bf'ltind tlui gunsi” They Know every characteristic feature of a live newspaper and RifcorsH is tend between the lines of every issue. It will bdn great hnlnnce WheeJ in maintaining tlici iqml- ibrium of the Capital City. If the McKinley regime can Fegitlate the price of cotton, why were they four years in fixing a fair price* for the Staple? The fascnls might to be tilriidd out for neglecting us so in (lie past. Then, lito, tlii«y actually let the price decline a little lust wools. Perhaps that wns bcciutSo they Ware Si busy sending ofit cam¬ paign boodle. John tjli.-riilrtli, one of the old Pst and best known public men In tllC United States, died Mon¬ day morning, Mr. ShCi'man held high jiilblie office continu¬ ously for forty ••three , years and 'vas defeated in his highest a- piratloil-»thal iff being preai- j dent of this great repulilic, li G generalIv conceded that he VaS treated the McKinley regime. Great 1 > res¬ »ura Was brought to bear ell Sherman to make him resign hi* sent lit tile ttefiate to accept the Secretary of State portfolio in ifeUhilejf’tOldnHvt and heyield- Pd to tll« pressure. This made H place for Mark Hanna, tiraSt detestable ,*f nil cans, in the Senate and Sherman wa* aidedrimkod and forced to resign his cabinet po- sitiOo, Although a republican he w'aS eousidi-red !t’. s iHliou* than somo „f ijie present 1 Wf IuS jffii’t v. Gisoiiioex NsW ,l ? D. B 1 (Vrg!c, of W aid,tin, 1 , .*ti i i',mr bot- ties of ffiodfe Bin ruwl Xlrs Brew,-of « a t her gi WUeHiigformas TerRhle aotr,.. ............ w.MSlff . break ffoefdrs oat jin hei heart hurt bHSt‘ atW the tit«t Cottlff give no feal$; F8i her enre i* ftomptiic Ami h< r boa It n is.-w ih-m.’’ nn. tbonaaini* luivc itro> . at at utaificr jraiinoi k ruowh t> «v« rSfeedv for ccmurta, >». nloere, lxo« a no ’Y"' ,! ll "’ r> x,vis !l p * ”*• i»ti A day lifcfe •YhurtvJiiy of luKl week very forcibly suggests flit 1 pr« priety and nccen*itfl of wagon and slock shed for the use of people who bring cotton hero and who conn* here? to buy goodS. There is plenty of room and some hitching posts and racks' bttf not enough of these. What we need is u yard of en- closure with sidficioot Hods and shelter room to afford stock protection for vehicles and in time of rains, «r excessive beat or (‘old. It is true that our neighboring town* donut offer fl«Ms cobven- iences, but what a oomfdft and what a drawing card it would l»e if we lead in the movement, Just now parties from a distance who usually trade at Other pla- ces but have found otit that Adel is such •» Splendid cotton market are bringing fItfelr cot¬ ton and produce here and are buying liberally of Pur little mer¬ chants. Now, If by a ex¬ penditure we could offer some conveniences and^nulucements that would make these transient customers hecortio permanent, would it not be itloney well spent? We think * 0 ) besides, it is really due th« already large line of regular Customers who buy their supplied hdrfl the year round. An enclosure of one hundred foot square with !>ox stalls on tince mdc8 of the square suffi¬ large to Shelter a horse or Wagon and a gnpd well of Wa¬ ter in t he center of the lot where people Could feed and protect stock from extremes of wsnflier and the ever present nriuchiev* mis town cow would he a great boon to our farmer friends and Wild Id jndiiVCtiy pity a hundred percent on (lie investment in¬ side of twelve months. We think tlie owners of the cotton war‘house should lead in the movement and should be lib¬ erally aided by merchants and ciiiswn* generally. Who will be the first, to fake the matter in hand still ad Upon this, <r some better suggestion. The rime iS ripe for notion, WJiaf say yon, follow e/liiferis? Tlu> above was' intended for publication in our last Issue. A Like and Pkatii Fioirr. Mr. \V. A. Hines of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous cs- oajxj from death, says: “Exposure af¬ ter measles iuduooil serious lung t roub¬ le, which ewted in Consumption. I hail froqueut hemorrhages and cough¬ ed night and day. All my doctors said I must a sm die. Than I liegau to use Dr, King’s New PlWoVBfy for Con¬ sumption, which completely onrod me. I would not he without it even if it oust #.’1.00 a bottle, Huudml* have used it on my recommendation and nil say it never fuils to cure Throat, Chest tuui Lmlg trouhles.” Regular tdaefiOc and #1.00.- Trial laittles free at J. E. Peeples’ Drug Store. The Ulan who doesn’t believe in advertising wants hut little hero h.low—*and that’s all lie get#.—'Printer’s Ink. For Xpniins, awelliugs altlt laitlcnoH* there t> nothing no good US dluunber- IniuV j’nirl Balnl. Try It. For Sale hv J. 15. PoopleS, druggist. Furly to lied, early to rise, fo.1! up yqiif sleeves and ad ver- tise. Then you will ho healthy, wealthy and wise.—Hustler, the Ssst fiMseHption Ur Malaria ( *» • I, , v , ...1 U. I* K„ curx—ao j*y. Moe 00 cunt*. The tain will soon be told, and many find w pair May of fired lungs and wilt his rest. Hanna cohorts find peaceful t'esi lit sig¬ nal defeat. I Mk FoOLM! THE SttUOEONS doctors told Konick Hantilfon, of West JoffcrSou, O., after suffwiug 1 moM, * Ul fro,tt *ectal Fisihla, ha would unless a com ly ojHsrutiou wo* | fonitoff ; bat he eared hinlself with five lonlVmr sarrai Ptlc,*Hre U .« k1 '' 11 off ^ earth, and .he ,hp Salvo in the world. S5 «Ata « txa. Sold by J. ll, Poojile*. Drtiggist. You can get anything in the line you want at Moy- er’s harness simp, 1 ---- Thu a I’PKTitk or a tio.vf, K , ratted by ftU pour t^speptkVi Idttw are obt uf order. All such should ktiow ttiat Dr King’s NevV Wfc Pitla, the Wort.lcrfi.l Sfoiffach aihl Liv.r Raffady gives « ofleudld aff-t appetite, hodfiy yobud ffalffr digestion ftaff * j a regular tlaot insures d>E.Pocphai, health had gr,«t cffcra.V, Duly | Te ikt iwink *f M <i iHuthuiei While we tfotfhl iM tire: you by speakftig through tlunid col-! y«t tb* inlerest* at stake —which are e-utmtiully your best interests—demand that wc keep in close fffifch with the peo- pie shorn we serve as Peft/iit urf to remind yon that two months of our stay with you belong to the irrevocable past. With thcui have passed two months of the opportunity wnfell both you and no have had to matte the work of this school-year a glorious success, As He review the brief record made* wo have no regrets, for we have -ndeavomt to Work for you faithfully and earnestly. Wd made a change lust week which is iri the line of progress, and which will pl»C« out school on a higher plane. We have employed a lady Who is highly competent, efficient and exper¬ ienced, and have placed her in charge of the Primary depart¬ ment She iS a graduate of The Kouthcrii Female College at Col¬ lege Park, Ca., and hus taught with marked success for a num¬ ber of years. We have done this for several rensons, First, we have understood that you Wauled your school placed strictly on a high school basis. Second, In order to do this, and to meet the requirements ot some of our pupils, we have found it necessary to form new classes, and to place ft teacher solely in charge of the High School Department. Any one can see ut. ft glance that this gives each teacher more time, gives the pupils a better oppor¬ tunity to Study 1 rtud get the ben¬ efit of e,hiss-work, and renders the work of each department more thorough and effective. When we remind you that this change wo have made is not marked by any increase in the student body—"our enrollment still being only about 80, the number Usually allotted to two teacher*,•■•ftnd that the new butcher looks to Its for her sala- ry ; flint we arc each I Inis mak- ing less ,,pr month than we have made during the fast ^ ven ., years in the school-roOm | and ivh have not yet collected quite one-linlf of our first month’s sal- ary,—certainly no one can say that we are not working unself¬ ishly for the intPrPkt of your school. Just a word to parents about •lie change made. Now, wk know the disposition of children ah well as you. AVe have made child-nature a study for several yours. When a alight change is made in the departments of schedi-Wofk, children are always disposed to make little thought- loss criticisms, intending no harm, and little thinking that they will lutvo any bearing Any parent who would permit such littlu petty elements of dis¬ satisfaction to stand between him and the {eaclidr, Is certain¬ ly not following the dictates of sober judgment. If the child Complain*, come to nS before yoit speak one Word of nppfovu) or disapproval, and in nltie ess¬ es mil of ten the matter can be settled. As to finances, we are not vVo ltaVo the high¬ est confidence in the credit and honesty of all mlr patrons. We ... k,,wvv a1 " “. V8 sult vou to pay just the week ft »« «*, «• 1 . M,l.'r war., ptlu'nt, be- having as we do that tlo one m this enlightened communitv would send Ms children to school and then refuse to pay the tion. However, permit us to HZSJLfiZZ- j tuition than two. To procrasti- mite payment of a debt makes! it larger «nd mofo difficult to v ‘ but plain speaking makes firm friends. Frankly We tell you ,tl>at «0 both have wl,,ch , .... "V prt,SSed , . meet, and while the price of cotton is good ami times are tor, if you will hand to us as promptly a* possible the amount VOU will SCnd us and oiir nmUtoRM Um My r.Jol..lw. ’’’h itji ff warm hatld-shakc and a hearty fortliecoming good-will, we greet volt mt fith, and Only ask that f.i'flu* VOU stand "itll VoUr Slioul.lcl’ wheel, and give u8 vour support ill ward and deed. We are yours in earnest, William ll. Smith, I I., Dodd, \ Principals, «S* PROFESSIONAL CAROS, * Dr, E. F. Bourqain, Chronic Diseases A Specialty. Office Hoar*: 10ft, m. to B p. in. A dil, Ca. L. E, LaBting9r, Attonicy-at-I/aw, CoufeKuoivi/ Holsb/ A dil, 0. P, GOODMAN, dentist. Sparks, Georgia, Adel House, J . At J# pAftBUH; Proprietor. Rains: fa.OO per d#y. First Class. Adel, Ga. Shaw & Clements, Ljvkky 8?*, Nieo Turnouts, Polite Drivers. Adel, 0a. R. C. Woodard, M. D. Omcl: tTp glairs, Front Hoorn, Juhau JtttiUliug, Botue, Remmcnok : Millie- Jones South End of Town. AM. CALLS PROMPTLY AftSWKRKD, Atloi, Ga» Chas. A. DeVaile, ATTOftNf'Y AMI OOPSSBLOR AT LAW Will practice in all the courts, State and Federal. OFFICE in Julian Building, Adel, 0a. James M. Sutton, Notary Ti.blic, Will be found at post office where ho will ftirttish all kind of Legal Blanks on short no* rice. Deeds, Bonds, Etc,, Signed officially. Adel, Da. BARBER -SHOP I liavo n nicety furnished BARBER SHOP Did Hank RuUding. A PmmPT’SERVICE A. J . JOHNSON. IVY’S Cut Prices. Best patent I'bnOoer barrel. Canned goods at lowest mark¬ et price*. cheap dirt. Sugar also as have as talking We a ma¬ chine and Soda fount. We (tarry a complete linOof Jew¬ elry which we are idling at coftt, all warranted. We handle produce in dance. We have the best green coffee cheaper than von can bliy it any where else. We bundle fresh butter front rnllnhnsso creamery which keep oil icC ut nil times. We also have a largo stock five gallon oil cans for the farm- 1 er, We price have llo cents, lot of apples a fine and a crate of Florida oranges. \Vo will sell you kerosene for 20 cents p„r gallon. We handle the celebrated Gold Brand ham, which is the finest on the market ! " « >tayo a large stock of tin- which we are are chccwc'il.e %•“>£. ma'rk.l o. I„,t and lent crackers to go with them. We have a coniplete line of •’aum'd goods, and us to our mu»“ public, knows we handle 1 10 uu ‘ st “ ,a ‘ Yours truly, 1 J' lv» L 7 1 \f V V 1 • . MONEY tO LEND Farmers can borrow money ) tilt? Bank of Adel ui)ou ap- proved paper, No™•„ NOTIUE. hereby given that at the IU ’ X! of the Genera 1 Assembly soasto pSUvOic for the levviae of a s ,HV-ial or oc-hjiariou tax, to provide for a gfxcifle maimer of selling prop- ertv for Unpaid takes, to eha)»gp ihe town boUminry Rues and to provide for a system of jml lin schools etc, Pain-l*Cure cures' ntty pain ' J. E. PEEPLES The U p~T0~Date Druggl Adel, - - ~ ~ ~ Georgia. Livery Feed Sales Stables. New Stables—New Horses, NEW VEHICLES. I take this method lo no.ify friends and the public gencr- ally that 1 am in the business lit all its branches. Jl// If.. J Jl,U„hf 1(11*1 lit \ in VI l unsrny My CtoUomerx. MY SPECIALTY 1$ IN THE SALES DEPARTMENT, J. T. POPE, ADEL, GA. Sfiee Sfisp. tsa All kinds of Iltirness and 8lme Making and Repair Work N«atly and Promptly done at my shop. Prices Reasonable AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Lewis Meyer. tar NKA it POl’E’S ST A Bl.ES EIRE INSURANCE. SAFE, PROMPT. nm! RELIABLE. none nrr tiu ; iu:st (’ompanies Represented. Don’t Buy Insurance Before Seeing I s. DWtfPT * DUI LriViJ lAQ DgVAKFo Ga\ Agent*. Chruch Directory, UEriIOm*T-<th S.mdny I B mlin(i - ' 1 and bllturil ... “-' ’ ’ ^ , School Rev. 8. S-Kemp, pastor, PrimiHve—*nd Sunday, ami |r^. « < r -1.» bugs, brf ” w 1 astor “ M - “• PRESBYTERIAN— 2nd Sun- day, 1 L a. in. and 7 p. m. Rev Griswold pastor. MISSIONARY—1st nnd »rd Sun days 11 a. m. ttttd 7 p tu Sunday School 10 a- m. W. M-- A. on Tuesday after 1st Sunday Rev. Culpepper, pastor,I - City Directory. MAyor-“A. A. Parish. At.tiEBMKN—J, T. Wilkes, s. A. Julian, Win, Clements, J. A. J. Parrish aitd R, 0. Woodard Clelk—A. A. Webb, Marshal-—Mark Shaw OontU’il meets every 1st wed* llesday. If You Expect to Buy m ft JM Seed Oats, Corn Cotton Seed Mea l, Hulls, Bran, Etc-, Call on C. E. WEBB, The Hustling Groceryman, who, lit addition to the above,! carries n full line of Family and] Fancy Groceries at prices that! w-ill convince you that I am ini *~ the Grocery business to J *—- Do Business With You | 1 will move in a few days to ithe new brick store next door [to where 1 am HOW f, rated, jfSST'Free delivery to town etifr' turners. C. E. WEBB, Adel, Ga. Important! To Horne Owners ami SioekDealer* If von own mules or horses yon should by all weans keep at it iuiy Command Colic •ypulkeFs Dead Shot Cure for Mules and Horses II is guaranteed to relieve anv case of Colic in mules or horse * in ten minute*. It is the WORLD’S GREAT SPECIFIC for COLIC. It can 1 st administered by any one who lias intelligence enough to drench a horse. It hi lMairafartt-ared purely from the extract,of roots anil LINIMENT the distillation of herbs, amt is din-fore HARMLESS. If is also a valuable It Is sold upon our IRON CLAD GUARANTEE to CURE COLIC QUICKER THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY, or the one from whom you ht J, Itt anthorizcl by us to refund your money. If your mclW-iiio dealer d««-s not kra'p it. ask him to order it for you; or upon re* fieipt of prioo f LOO per hottb', we will send It to you by express, prepaid lo your express office. —-—Mantfactcred lit——— ^\y\\ I ker SdVinio/i Ga For sole ht H. P. WiiUom* oo oo ©« «e-n m ■ i • mi A wonderful hoi sell old medicine Uuru» Neuralgia. Rheumatic, Ncivons or Spusmodio Pain*, Toothache Headache, Baehachi*, Hruim «, Sjntui is, Lamene s«. Cramp Colic, Diarrheoo Dywntery, Stiug* of liuM^ots, SweliiUKa and ai alt Kinds, Stiff Nock, Soroucn* Bon* Throat, Hick Stomach or Sea-Sick mien bi <'nw» of Bad Cough*. Ojld* or Pdcnmoikta, it alfordi QUICK RtciEF! NO CURE NO PAY Manufactured by THE WALKER C3„ Savannah, Ga. For unto hr S. P. WiHiuius, Adel. On. ’rnimmm A GREAT SENSATION Is Being Created In Adel S. J. Webb’s G ENERAL MF.UCHANDISE OPENING. ( ~ • I n list , (1 Mil’ IS IIITI VlllST 55 1111 every article # , that _ we have m Stock 0,wv,v , IS . ll 11 1J*\IVVI/U1\ H4U(rAlK Hll#l HIIU AVllS M tIN Bought to Sell. Ol R store and st,.ck is not yet complete but you are most cordi¬ ally Invited to call and obtain prices on what we have. MR. G. K. JOHNSON Will no in charge of the store and Mrs. Johnson, nee Miss Yaletn Webb, will be there much of the time and would be glad for her former friends and customers tc call and see her. MK. JOHNSON is un expert Jeweler and will promptly repabu your watches nnd clocks. ^ We also lm-e two large stores in Haliira Teeming with the Greatest Bargains Ever Offered In That Section Don’t forget that we ore the People and MlLEY’S NKW BUILD ING ADEL, GEORGIA, The P!^, ' Yours truly. s. j. a\N;«b