The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, November 23, 1900, Image 2

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EL One Year ............. ..............&UOD Six Months ........ mtt c *^ — : — ~" a ~ - • Thh dog tax law is dead and go are a good many sheep. The dog liveth. It is proposed to slightly re¬ duce the war tax, W e are a- greed at this end of the line. Football and prize fighting afegerb a great deal of interest since the battle of ballots is oven The Americans revel in fights of some sort, Had you noticed it ? Teller Brown, of tiie German National Bank, Newport, Ky., goes AlVord one better and Steals a whole bank. A fast woman, &o the report says, is connected >vith the downfall. Ait alarming number'of our soldiers in the Philippines have lost their reason and are brought home in padded cells. Sixteen o f these unfortunates passed through Georgia this week on their way to hospitals for treat¬ ment. President McKinley does not favor the proposed plan to re¬ duce the representation ot the Southern states in congress. He thinks it would destroy the im- eleus of the Republican party, at present existing in the here¬ tofore solid South. When you feel that life is hardly Worth the candle take ti dose of Cham- berlaiu’r. Stomach aiid Liver Tablets. They will Cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bow¬ els making you feel like a new ihan. For sale by J. E. Peeples. The proposed plan for the State to build a $5oo,ooo. depot in Atlanta is not popular in this town dr county. We expect to see the movineilt defeated. The better plan is to use the reserve fund In paying off the public school teachers, the loan to be replaced after the annual taxes are collected. A Powder Mill Explosion Removes everything in sight; so do drastic iniueral pills, both are mighty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the deli¬ cate machinery of your body with cal¬ omel, Croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are gen¬ tle as A slimmer breeze, d o t h e work perfectly. Cures Headache, Constipa¬ tion. Only *5G at J, L. Peeples’ drug StorG. ' Ugly charges reviewed, THE COUNTY DISGRACED. WHO DID IT? We have heard a great deal recently of arrests for trivial charges and for charges with no evidence to sustain them. Cases hre brought into the county Court that the Judge is oblidged to discharge for want of evidence and Others the solicitor some times has to give up without trial because he sees that there is nothing in them. Yet in every one there is cost and mileage for the bailiff. The officers of the court are tired of it and yet when cases are brought before them they have to take cogni¬ sance of them. Other reports gay that officers in some parts of the CoUnty make arrests with¬ out Warrants and accept settle¬ ments and turn their prisoners loose, Others say officers have offered to accept cost and give Up prisoners. Now, if these things are true it is a disgrace to county, arid if they are somebody is doing a lot reckless talking, ^At all 8 wxt grand jury Veffcigation Will make for the a-wh ^\) U gh of the ih- County and in the name of jus- tice.“-South Georgian, Aug, HO. Reply By Officers. in regard to your charges last Yv-toks issue of the GeoUGIAN, 1 desire to say a few Words in replv. The charges are made, that officers in Harts . . of . c the ,, county ,, issue . tants hod make arrests upon the m§st trivial causes in order get costs aud mileage; also that > of justice courts throughout the \u«g comity generally without m a- ^uy exceptions or distinct- ions. Now these are serious . charges, and an investigation is {called for thd benefit of the county. It is possible, and en¬ tirely probable, that these char¬ ges are well founded in some particular instances. It is also possible and entirely probable, that there are officers in the county who are entirely innocent, of these general 3 lura and in justice to them, as well as to the county, we call for an investi- gation. we call also Upon the South Georgian, or Whosoever prefers the charges, to make them more specific and the pub- lie demands the names of those guilty of these base indiscrimi- nations. It is not right that those entirely innodettt should rest under these viilideations for a single moment ju3t because it is easier for an edilor to general¬ ize than it is to If there is a single honest, careful^ painstaking Justice Court officer in the county a grate injustice i§ done him and he stands condemned under these loose generalities. There are some who resent the entire insult and will not rest under the chrageS as prefered. So, Mr. Editor you are called upon to particularize, prove or retract the statement as made injustice to some of the Justice Court Officers. Comment By South Georgiail. The above is just what we want. It is written by Mr. A. A- Webb) one of the best officers and straightest men in Berrien county, and we want the co-op¬ eration of just such men, in pm- lifying the whole system. We do not propose to particularize right now, but we are prepared to tell the grand jury just what we have heard, and let them do the investigating. So far as ever taking back anything we say, until we know we are wrong, we don’t happen to be built that way.—South Georgian. Bomb time ago the Nashville South Georgia#, the recently self-appointed critic of Berrien County, preferred serious charg¬ es against officers in this county. The charges as published are printed at the bead of this ar¬ ticle, Verbatim et literatim and the South Georgian is disposed to drop the ^subject without meet¬ ing any argument or furnishing any proofs, with the charges to stand indefinitely against the is¬ suing and arresting officers of the county. As will be seen above v an ar¬ ticle was prepared and sent to the South Georgias in reply to these charges, with just and proper demands made. This ar¬ ticle was agreed upon after a conference of several Justice Court officers of this section of the county and was fully in ac- covj} with the sentiment of all officers throughout the county. Justice A. A. Webb, of the Adel district, mailed the article and asked for its publication. At the conclusion of the reply tile South Georgian discloses Jus¬ tice Webb’s name(a discourtesy that he did not expect) even at the hands of thi South Georg¬ ian). He was given a personal exoneration and a little taffy and u sass” mixed. Neither of these were asked for, nor were they appreciated in the spirit given. If an injustice Was committed it was against the officers as a whn’e and not. Webb in particu¬ lar. It was in behalf of these lifedong and time-honored citi¬ zens of the county that the arti¬ cle was written. Such men as Oapts. D. P, Luke, J. J. Parrish, Judges R. K. Turner, H . L. Lov¬ ett, O. L. Chestnut, Kn.afd Rutherford, Rowan, Parrish Seme Points on Syrup and Segal. Under thin title the Georgia South- erii and Florida Railway has issued an interesting aiid instructive pahiphlet giving full instructions for nmking syr- up that will not ferment aiid goihe ill- flgaIesos r0 fh( , of sugar. This pamphlet is furnished loOh personal application to agents' or by addressing W' L, Glcss- uer. Commissioner, Ma<|pu, Ga, rest. Well, the grand jury met nearly two mouths ago. Whet the in.esUg.Hont Oh yes. the charges were looked into and no cause found for action by that body of intelligent, ’ honest and upright ... Citizens •. • who i Were sworn to make true Nearly two month* have elapsed since these investigations were and yet this sharp discerner makes no note of the fact. The charges still stand as at first proclaimed by the official organ, While the grand jurors are sworn not to disclose the dele¬ eration of that body, yet in mat- ters of great concern like this it would have been an easy matter to ascertain that the grand jury did look into these charges and found no cause for action and furthermore the bocks submitted for inspection were pronounced in proper shape by a competent committee, But it is useless to ask the paper that published these char¬ ges on it’s editorial page to make any retractions; they “dont take any thing back” they “are not built that way.” The confess sion that “so far as ever taking back any thing we say. until we know we are wrong, we don’t happen to be built that \vay”, does not argue well for anybody But no. These easily framed charges would not be withdrawn. They must stand. These officers are “a disgrace to Berrien Coun¬ ty” and an investigation is call¬ ed for in behalf of the No, won’t take it back...... “we don’t happen to be built that way.” lloly Moset ! Such words might have been expected of a Corbett or Sullivan but hardly of a country editor who had not been in the county long enough to pay his poll tllx. Begietting that this Statement has been made neecessarv we close by submitting to the South Georgian the memorable words of Davy Crockett: ^ Be sure yoi>. are rirjht and then jo ahead ” “Ihave used Cnanibtrlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy and fifld it to be a great medicine,” says E. S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. “It cured mo of bloody flux. I cannot sp'ak too highly of it.” This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praise, of i hose who use it. The quick cures which it effects even iu the most severe cases make it a favorite every¬ where, For sale by J. E. Peeples. Webb’s NEW T Store T Building ADEL, GA. Them Up. (l ''"' 1 sr ^ * e *iance, ^ seems to dissol'e *“5, hj ^ Wt “ S fre * £? ^^ThTSTaSS croup is cured before it gets settled.” There is no danger ill giving this rein¬ eay f p rit contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently V toa babe as to au adult. * or ^ le b J-E. Peeeplcs. PROFESSIONAL CAROS. Dr. E. F. Bourquin, Chronic Diseases A Specialty. Office Hours: 10a. m. to 3 p. m. A del. Goi. L. E. Lastinget, At tor uey-at-LaW ,• Commercial Housfe. Adel. Ga. 0. P. GOODMAN ; Odjeunttist. Sparks, Georgia. Shaw & Clements, Livery Stables. Nice Turnouts, Polite Drivers. Adel, Ga. R. C. Woodard, M. D. Office: Up Stairs, Front Rooiii, Jnhflh Building. Residence : Mallie Jones House, South End of Town. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ANSWERED. Adel > Ga. Chas. A. DeVane, attorney and counselor at law Will practice in all the courts. State and Federal. OFFICE in Julian Building. Adel, Ga. James M. Sutton, Notary Public, Will bd found at post, office where he will furnish all kind of Legal Blanks on short no¬ tice. Deeds, Bonds, Etc,, Signed officially. Adel, Ga. BARBER SHOP I have a nicely furnished BARBER SHOP Old Bank Building. SHARP TOOLS, PROMPT WORK SOLICITED. A. J , JOHN SOX, YOU ARI Most invited to call at our store examine D u goods and pric¬ es, whether you buy or not. We are hoi*e to show you through our stock, then if goods and pVicCs please you We are glad to sell you what you Want, Quick Sales at)d Small its is our Motto. Men’s full suits of clothes for $L?5, a good article. Other goods cheap in proportion. A fair inspection Will convince you that we are the cheap- est. We bought to sell that Way. Our stock is well nigh complete, with new goods daily. S. j. Webb. S p n ,ii)s, bruises, lameness and rheum- atism. Pain Balm is unequalled. For J ' E ' ' J. E. PEEPLES, u The UD~T0~D2Lte Druagista Adel} ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- Georgia. Livery, Feed touioo SSA 1 I Dtt S tables. New Stables—New Norses, NEW VEHICLES. I take this method lo no.ify my friends and the public gener¬ ally that I a in in the livery business in all its branches. J It/ Delight «.* in Pleasing Mg Customers . MY SPECIALTY IS ik THE SALES DEPARTMENT, J. T. POPE, ADEL, GA. ru 1 . w dj CL> All kinds of Harness and Shoe Making and Repair Work _. Neatly and Promptly done at my shop. Prices Reasonable AMD i Satisfaction Guaranteed. Lewis Meyer. W8T NEAR POPE’S STABLES MONEY tO LEND Far mure can borrow money at the Bank of Adel upon proved paper. * Cliruch Directory* METHODIST—ith Sunday 11 a. maud T. p. m. and Saturday 1 a, m. Sunday School 8 Bev. S. S=Kemp, pastor. Primitive—2nd Sunday, and Saturday before at 10 a, in, ED der Stallings, Pastor PRESBYTERIAN— 2nd Sun- day, 11 a, m. and T p. m. Rev Griswold pastor, MISSIONARY—1st and 8rd Hun days 11 a, m. and 7 p m Sunday School 10 a- m. w, ad A, on Tuesday after let Sunday Rev. Culpepper, pastor,! CITY DIRECTORY, Mayor— A. A. Parish. Aloermbn^-J. T. Wilkes, 8. A. Julian, Win.^ Clements, J. A, J, Parrish and R. C. Woodard. Clelk-^A. A-. Webb, Marshal— Mark ShaW Council meets evel*y 1st wed nesday, P'lfYou Expect ~t<f Buy" \ Seed Oats, Corn Cotton Seed Meal, ” HUilS T-I tl |lo 151 Hr'UI dI1 PfO LU Pnll ta “ 2“ Aft ’ ’ ” *■ * i C. E. WEBB, The Hustling Groeervman, whO) in addition to the above,! carries a full line of Familv and! Fancy Groceries ♦ prices ! at that will convince you that I am ini the Grocery business to Do Business With You I will move in a few days to the new brick store next door | to where 1 nm now located. jj£fflT'Free delivery to tow n cus- turners. C. E. WEBB, Adel, Ga. Important! To Horse Owners and StockDealers If you own mules or horses you should by all menus keep at lea.iy oomnmnd Vyalker’s Dead Shot Colic Cure for Mules and Horses It is guaranteed to relieve any case of Colic in mules or horses in ten minutes. It is the WORLD'S GREAT SPECIFIC for COLIC. It can be administered by any one who has intelligence enough to drench a horse. It is manufactured purely from the extract of roots and the distillation of herbs, and is therfore HARMLESS. It is also a valuable LINIMENT It ■*» i s s old u pon XJ omyTRON mun CLAD VLJXYL' GUARANTEE V* UA1WUX A XltJCj to IU L/UIUi CURE COLIC l i QUICKER THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY, or the one from whom you bought medicine it is authorized by us to refund yohr money. If If your dealer does not keep it, ask him to order it for you; or upon ic* Ceipt of price .$1.00 per bottle, wG will send it to you by express, prepaid to your express office. -Manufactured bp The yyalker Go., Savavah Ou For sale by S. P. Williams ?iii - 1 •* m a ass \ W oiul erf til household medicine Cures Brtdhache, Neuralgia, Bruises, Rheumatic, Neivons or Spasmodic Pains, Toothache Headache, Stings of Insects, Sprains, Lameness, Cramp Colic, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Sore Throat, Sick Stomach Sea-Sickness. Swellings and all In Kinds, Stiff Bad Neck, Coughs, Soreness or cases of Colds or Pneumonia, it affords QUICK CURE R.EiHEF! NO NO PAY. Manufactured by THE WALKER GO «J For Savannah, Ga. Adel, sale hv S. P. Williams, Ga. Georgia Southern & Florida Ry Co. SUWANEE RIVER ROUTE. LOCAL TIME TABLE. OCTOBER 1, 1000. Subject to Change Without Notice. 5 r a 1 ~STATIONS. <*4 4 Shoo ! Dixie ‘Quick Dixie Shoo Fly. j Fiver 55pmi j_ _S te P ______________ Step Flyer Fly. 30 u in il 11 20 a m(Lv Amcoii Dcpoi Ar 4 15 p m 4 10 n mill 30 a m ................ 10 12 12 55 17 pm........Kathleen....... j.........Umdilla..... 3 2 23 48 „ j..................{lOOfi 2 52 5)19 „ 1 a m „ „ „ ! „ C5 I 37 ” 1 20 „ l...........Vie ma..........J 2 25 „ 2 31 „ 8 48 „ -vf 12 1 58 ” 1 40 )Ar......Cordele......Lv ! 2 08 2 15 ! 8 25 M „ „ „ -X 30 „ 153” 2 08 „ ;Lv......Cordele......Ar 2 ,, 2 15 „ 8 05,, 7 40 „ 2 05 ” 2 28 18 „ i...........Wenona.. : . . I j 1 58 „ ,.......7 2 05 ., j 7 41 54 „ 7 53 „ .................. 2 „ ..............Arabi............. 150 „ „ 8 00 ...... .....! 2 39 „ j............Dakota............ 140 „ ..................! 7 28 „ 8 12 , 2 30 j | 2 44 „ !............Worth............. 1 36 „ j................| 7 22 „ 8 20 2 86 • 2 50 », !..........Ashhuru........... 1 1 30 ,, i 1 35 ,, 7 15 ,, 8 26 ” ...........2 55 Sycamore..........j 125 >..........».....I 7 08 ,, ,, 25 „ 9 10 3 10 j 3 30 „ .......Tiftou:.....Lv!l2 55 „ •! 1 00 : 6 „ 9 15 ’ 3 15 3 30 Tiftom.......Ar 12 35 42 55 6 25 ; .....| ,, „ k.............. r B 42 3 51 „ i: .......Lenox............. 12 14 5 59,, 10 00 i 3 46 ” ! 4 05 ,, i............Siiarks'............ 12 02 pin J2 22 ,, ! 5 45 ,, 10 07 ” | 3 51 4 10 Adel 11 57 12 17 5 39 ,, ............... a m ,, . „ 10 14 ” 3 5t 4 16 .Heartpine.......... 11 51 12 11 j 5 32 ,, M ,, ,, 21 ” ; 4 02 I 4 22 !.............Cecil., 11 45 12 06 am; 5 26 10 ” „ -.......... ,, „ 10 30 4 29 ,, ; ...........Hahira...........'ll 88 • ......: 5 18 „ 10 ’’ 4 41 I...........Mineola.......... !11 27 5 05 43 tVni! ;.................. 05 Valdosta 10 ,/ M 11 pm| ; 4 40am „ if 05 ^0000000<J-dOiOiCiC3XC7iCJf^4^4k. 40 „ 5 ,, A ...... ...Lv 11 j 40,, 5 0o „ L ......Valdosta....Arill 10 „ 111 m 1 54 „ 5 20,, I.........Lake :...........Dasher,.-..........|10 61 „ 04,, o 31 ,, .........Jennings..........jlO Park.........110 40 ,, jll m 15., 5 44 „ 27 ,, |10 34., t | 6 06 38 ,, .White Jasper........... Springs.....j 10 9 05 „ 10 01 ,, 6 „ 32 „ i 10 20., f | 7 00 ,, Lv. Ar... Lake Lake City.Lvj ..Ar! 9 8 08 ,, j | c: 45., 7 20,, LakeButler........| City 50 ,, Oi ,, j 8 8 01 ,, City......! 8 12 ,, ; oo M 50 „ 25 „ ......Sampson 7 50 „ ! qo >» 04 „ 8 37 „ Hampton.........| 7 37 „ I 40 „ 9 ii „ Grandin.,.........I 7 01 „ 45 15 ., 9 9 45 16,, niiAr ;..... Pa Flora lat ka home........j Dep. Lv ! 6 6 56 22 „ m! ! ^ a 3 p a Jacksonville Florida. 4 45 a in 5 05 p m|Lv.........Valrlcsta. atTI 00 a m II 30 p hi 8 00 a hi 8 45 p m; a r......Jacksonville xv 7 15 a m 8 0 0 p m_____ Lv Macon 11 55 pm 1120 am ( ) lv Gainesville 7 00 pin 6 45 a ’’sampHohcity 8 00 8 35p Gainesville , Fla. !■ city 7 55 ” 740 Gainesville am m < ( ax sa to’soli a; Ar 855” 9 30 p m ) Ar Mafeon 4 10a m 4 IS p j WtiEKE No Time Ls Shown Trains Do Not Stop. TrainsNo. 3 and 4, the “ftixie Fiver” h&Ye through Steelier between St. 1a is, Mo., and Jacksonville, Fla., via Valdosta, and through Parlor Sleeping d and Coach between Macon and Palatka, opfen for the reception of passenger! olii Union Depot, Macon, at 9.30 P. M., and retoains In Mai;oli Union Depot turn until 7.30 A. M. and can be occupied until that titoe. m WILLIAM CHECRLEY iSHAW, C. B. RHODES VicC“*Pres. Macon, Gn, Oen’l Pa*«