The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, November 30, 1900, Image 3

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LOCALS. November the last. Sunday was a blue one, wasn’t it? Look out for the bill collector tomorrow. Adel has not bad a business failure in several year*, Mr. A. F. Passmore, of Val- a visitor iu Adel Sun¬ day. ~ Mr. C. D. Shaw’s residence is almost completed and will soon be ready for habitation. The Kennon building is going up right along, and w ill be ready f'*r occupancy early in the new year. Mr. S. B. Godwin and fam¬ ily, of Valdosta, were the guest of Mr. S. A. Julian Sunday. Mr. Allen McConnel is cutting beef fur a new hoy that has.been stopping at his house fur a week. Mrs O,Quin, consort of the late lamented H, D. O Quiu, has moved to^Adel ai.d occupies the residence near the Insitutei Mr. Bill Castleberry moved his stock of goods back to the country Monday, after a short stay in town. He didn't adver¬ tise. Buy your Christmas and holi¬ day gifts here, Our merchants have arranged fora handsome line af these goods, minus the jugs. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Folsom are caring for a new pair of boys which have been stopping with them for ayveek or two. Verily, this is the year of increase. Dr. J. O. Collar, a dentist of skill and experience, is tempo¬ rarily located in the office rooms of Dr. Woodard where he is pre¬ pared to do all kinds of dental work. Mr. and Mrs. E, E. Devane are smiling over their first born, a bouncing nine pound boy which appeared Monday morn¬ ing—a Thanksgiving number, so to speak. Col. J. 35, Jackson, of Ashburn, a young attorney of bright promise and splendid qualifica¬ tions, has located in Adel. We carry his card in our column of professionals, and commend him to the people of this section. Mr. B. M, Pevnne went dow n to Jasper, Fla , last Saturday and upon his return was pre¬ sented the news of the arrival of two new grand-sens. Tins makes six grand-children for him this year, four boys and two girls. Who can beat this record? Mr. J. H. Ohessnut is assisting Mr. W. G. Avera with the Sims school m Lowndes County. This is a splendid school, the enroll¬ ment being cm wider ably pa*t the hundred mark, and with Pn.fs. Avera and Ohessnut in charge the school is well tutored* Rev. S. S. Kemp prsaclied his last sermon of the conference year at the Methodist Church Sunday. He was circulating a- uiong his membership this week winding up the year’s work and getting his reports ready for the annual conference which con¬ venes in Cuthhert next week. "When you feel that life is hardly worth the caudle take a dose of Cham¬ berlain’s Stomach aud Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bow¬ els making you feel like a new man. For sale by J. E. Peeples. Omitting a few junctions Adel is the busiest place on the road . This is a fact worthy of note. Yet our depot agent receives Ito more compensation than agents at some other stations where less than half our business is done and not as much as some places where the work is much Why this unjust di»- tiou? H, Black, the Well known ^Psavs: ■black smith at Graliamsvillc, ,“Our little son, five years B!as alway been subject to croup. had have the attacks been that ■ have feared many times that he Ijd Bold die, We have had medicines, the doctor have Used many but Chamberlain’s CoUgh Remedy is now sole reiiauCe. It seems to dissolve our l by giving fre¬ tin* tonga mucus an quent doses when the croup? symp¬ toms appear \ve find that the threaded croup is cured before it gets settled.” There tm no danger in giving this rem¬ edy for i t contains no opium or other Injurious drug and may be given as T«s collector Powell was on Mg last round Wednesday, S^e(t Rye for sale by Shaw <£* Shaw. The band instruments have arrived ami the boys are “blow¬ ing their own horns.” A full line of all kinds of fruit at Folsom’s, Mr. Ernest Webb, of ville, is with his brothers until after the holidays. Oaf flakes 10 cents per pack¬ age at Miss V. A. Hendsrsou’s. A good many porkers took of the cool snap this week to make their beds in s*dt. Folsom’s is the place to buy your fancy candies—all kinds, We have a book full of blank receipts that we would like to exchange for annual subscrip¬ tions. Buy your Texas Bust Proof seed oats from Shaw A Shaw. Adel continues to receive a double share of cotton and our merchants are rolling out the goods. The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure—no pay. Price 50 cents. Mr. and Mrs Nat Devane have a new their at heir home of the voting variety, but he will n )t exercise that privilige soon. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quiniue tablets cure a cold in one day. No Wire no pay. Price 25 cEnfs. Mr, Wilson, a workman en¬ gaged on Mr J. E. Wilkes’resi¬ dence fell several feet Wednes¬ day and sustained severe inju¬ ries. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromc Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it tails to cure, E, W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c. The street committee of tlie town council is having some needed work done on the big ditch which serves as a drainage outlet in wet weather. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamber¬ lain's Pain Balm. Try it. For stile by J. E. Peeples, druggist. Syrup making goes merrily on and the young folks are having a jolly good time. The cane crop is considerably short in this sec¬ tion and syrup will continue to sell at advanced prices. Pain-I-Oure is sold No Cukk NO PAY. The teachers and pupils of the Adel Institute are preparing for au evening of public entertain¬ ment. which will mark the clos¬ ing of the fall term. The fa 11 session has been a most success¬ ful one and the outlook for the Spring term is very gratifying. Anything you want in candies at R. R Folsom’s, Buy yuur Texas Rust Proof Oats from Remer R. Folsom at 50/ per bushel. Why not insure in the best? Peeples & DeVane represent the Liverpool and London and Globe, and The Continental. It is useless to say anything of the Liverpool and London and Globe or The Continental. You know what they are. Peeples & DeVane, Ag’ts. If you expect to buy any kind of vehicle or harness of any de¬ scription—or if you want a fine milk cow, be sure to see Parish Bros, All new cash subscriptions for six and twelve months will re¬ ceive The News free during the month of December. Have your name eneretd at onee- 0. R, Devane will fill your orders for wood on short notico —leave orders with C, E. Webb. Lima Beans, English Peas, al¬ so Yankee Beans, Grapenuts, Green Gage Plums, Strawber- rie^atld Pineapples both crush¬ ed and sliced at Miss V. A. Hen¬ derson’s, Pay Cash By borrowing money at the Bank of Adel and buying your supplies for cash This is sound advice to Farmers. Paiiul-Cure cures any pain Evaporated apples for lOcls. per pound at Miss V. A. Hen¬ derson’s. Iailing at Leconte, Preston STu,tV1 a, Lat 0,1 te .Von da 3 . ffjgnt, botn being ne- gro employees of Lewis & Wells, naval store operators. Our in- formant says t \at . etera negroes were m front of Carr’s house quarrelling among them- selves when Carr suddenly step- P ed to the door pnd fired into tl,e ercwd ' ritb the abuVe stated re ' suit. A warrant has been issued against Carr charging him with murder. Mr. J. T. Pope received a car load of fine stock Tuesday. Remember Parrish Bros, are sole agents at Adel for the Val¬ dosta Buggy Co.’s fine vehicles. You will find at Miss V. A Henderson’s Three pound can tomatoes for ten cents. 2 lb. cans 3 for 25 cts. Buy a bottle of Pain-I-Cure if it does not cure you get your money back, 25c. S P Williams. Lagrange butter and Tifton Bread excels all others—Miss V- A. Henderson’s* Parish Bros, make a specialty of wagons, buggies, harness and fine milk cows. You carry Insurance? Yes.— Then see Peeples <fe DeVane. They will sell only the best.— 21 Wagons, buggies and harness —also fine milk cows, for sale by Parish Bros. Wood Wood. C. R. Devane is prepared to furnish you with any kin I of wood .von want at 50/ per load. Leave orders at C. E. Webb’s grocery store. Hotel For ^ale. I am offering my hotel propel- ty for sale. For prices and terms apply to J. A. J. Parrish. 4 t There are some of the best oyster crackers you ever ate at Miss V. A. Henderson’s. In case of a runaway there’s nothing that affords more safety than a good strong vehicle or a perfectly reliable set of harness —the kinds sold by Parish Bros. The Indies of Berrien County are in¬ formed that McCall’s Magazine is the handsomest* home and fashion mag¬ azine inexistence. This cclcl rated magazine offers beautiful premiums to all W ho raise clubs, nud illustrates the McCall Bazar Patterns. The prem¬ iums offered are the handsomest in the world. It contains stories, literary ar¬ ticles and handsome colored fashion plates. The publishers wish one repre¬ sentative in every locality, and will send instructions and free prize offers to any lady who will mention this pa- p -r and send her name and address to T iie McCall Company, /44 West /4th Street, New York City. Advertised Letters. Nov. 1900 . B. Miss Timann Baker. 1. B. Baker. D. B. Barnes. Ed. Brown, (col.) Mrs. Georgia Booten. F. Mrs. J. H. Fonthes, J. Miss Eddie B. Jackson. Willie Jackson. Lemmie Johnson. M. Mrs. Jessie McCrae Miss Mary Jane Miller. R Mrs. G. Rail iff. S. Frony Smith. Dan Spires. D J Spires. W, Will Wanliee Bascon Wilson. J. M. Sutton, P. M, Adel, Ga. Church Directory* METHODIST—4th Sunday 11 a. m and 7. p. m, and Saturday 1 a. m. Sunday School 3 Rev. S-. S-Kemp, pastor, Primitive—2nd Sunday, and Saturday before at 10 a. m, El¬ der Stallings, Pastor PRESBYTERIAN— 2nd Sun¬ day, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev Griswold pastor. MISSIONARY—1st aud 3rd Sun days 11 a, m. and 7 p in Sunday School 10 a- m. w. m- A. on Tuesday after 1st Sunday Rev. pastor,I you Know What Ycu ire TaLirg on every tiottle showing tharit is Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50c. ^ l b . cans pineapples at 15? cau ,—everything else as cheap in proportion at I?. R. Folsom’s. Saw Mill to Sell Cheap. A 20 horse-power Watertown engine and boiler with saw-mill complete, butting, saw outfit complete, 2 good timber carts, 8 mules. I will sell any part of it. or all together and will sell on easy terms for good paper Reason for selling all timber cut at present location. Write or come to see, S. W. Webb, Hahira, Ga. The Sunday seller should turn from the error of liis ways and do so no more. Sick Headache is the Lane of many lives. Dr- M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine cures and prevents this an- uoymg complaint. Soul L y J. E. Peeples. It’s hard to do, but it’s Bible doctrine to recompense evil with good. Brave Men fall. Victims to stomach, livor and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache nervousness, head¬ ache and tired listless, mu-down feel¬ ing. But there's no uced to^ feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville Ind. tie says; “Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he’is all run down, and. don't care whether he lives 01 dies, It did more to give'’.me new strength and good appetite than any thug I could take. I can now eat anything and have anew lease on life.” Omy 50 cents at J. E, Peeples’ Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. The Irl R.Hicks 1901 Almanac. Whatever ..may be said o/the scienti¬ fic causes upon which (he Rev. Irl R. Hicks bases his yearly forecasts of storm and weather, it is a remarkable fact that specific warnings of every great storm, flood, cold wave and drouth, have been plainly printed in his now famous Almanac' for many years. The latest startling proof of this fact was the destruction of Galveston Texas on the very day named by Prof. Hicks iu his 1900 Almanac, as one of disaster by storm all along the gnlf coasts. The 1901 Almanac, by far the finest, most complete and beautiful yet published is now ready. This remarkable book of two hundred pages, splendidly illus¬ trated with charts and half-tone en¬ gravings, goes as a premium to every subscriber who pays one dollar a year for Prof. Hicks’ journal, Word and Works, the Almanac alone is sent pre¬ paid for only 2oc. Order from Word aud Works Publishing Company, 2201 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Pay Your City Taxes, the City tax books are open at Tiie News office and will be closed on Dec. 2<X Come early and avoid the rush. A number of property holders who have made no returns should do so at once and save trouble and perhaps cost. A. A. Webb, Clerk & Treas. just Arrived! An extra fine shipment Hr* TENNESSEE HORSES and Kentucky Mules. Come and look at, this lot of stock before buying, as I can save you money. I will sell, switp or buy. J. T. POPE 1 Adel* Georgia- New Stock Dec. ist. h\ 4 "TT^ ~1 * M f j “1 O 'T'Y , ‘ The Leading Clothing end SHOE DEALER, Has about closed out his first mammoth stock of goods for this season and by DECEMBER 1st WILL HAVE HIS SECOND New Stock ol Fall and Winter Goods Open for INSPECTION. He tuts bought largely and exceedingly close and will give his customers the BEST BARGAINS OF THE SEASON. On account of needed room for his new goods he will close out all Bicycles Very Cheap. See him and get one at your own price. A. Edison, CLOTHING and SHOES, Adel, Georgia. Free Prizes For Bright People. If 300 cats can kill 300 rats in 300 DAYS, HOW MANY CATS WILL IT TAKE TO KILL 100 RATS IN 100 DAYS. Can you solve the problem? If so, you will win a prize. Do not send any money with your answer, but send name and correct address, and by 're¬ turn mail a beautiful prize will be sent you free. As our object in giving away these premiums is to attract attention to, audiucrease the circulation of our Magazine, we risk that when you receive your prize to show It to as many of your friends as possible. We want large lists of readers in every neigh¬ borhood, and are going to offer many handsome prizes to secure them. Among the prizes we are offering is $250.00 in cash, and many articles of silverware. Full particulars of the awarding of these prizes will lie sent to you with your prize for answering the above problem. Address, with stamp for reply, CHICAGO HOUSEHOLD GUEST. Chicago, HI. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablet* day the remedy that cares a cold in one Hall & Kennon DRY GOODS EMPORIUM a it [s Packed with bargains From J floor to Ceiling, Two Floors. THEIR STOCK Has Been Bountifuly Replenished and is Complete in Every DEPARTMENT. Just Go To THEM anil Let All Your WANTS and WISHES be KNOWN. HALL & KENNON. J. T. WILKES’ IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR WIN¬ TER GOODS AND NO MISTAKE- NEW ««*** The NEW jewelry factory built at Iowa City, Iowa, by* W. F. Main Co., is the largest in the United States, if not iu the World. They have NEW buildings, NEW sna- chinery, NEW dies, NEW forms, NEW stylos, NEW methods, NEW guarantees. , Yon will find a full assortment of . , , . Test the quality of these goods as compared with the prices and you W-hsee why competition is defied TV. F. MAIN CO, Eastern Factory, Cor. Friendship and Eddy Sts., Providence, R. I. Western Factory—Largest Jewelry Factory in the world—East iowa City, Iowa. Over 22,000 feet of floor spaee. Hi il !4 ji Out fee returned if we fad. Any one sending scotch invention will promptly our °P ini on frt ? f 01 any ‘Glow obtain patent ” , sent «p<* abUity of same. to a secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special nottm The Patent Recoup, an illustrated and widely ci by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample!copy FREE* Address, VICTOR J. EVJMS < {.Patent AttomeM Hiding, w 50 YEAttS* , EXPERIENCE SJT ‘ < ^p|j|g|||^ ^d^signs* 8 'rfyfrF* Copyrights Ac. invention Is probably patentable. Communlca- tion**ari<Aly confidential. II and book an Patent* "Ipltenta taken 1 th t r')ueh°iluim r A*cSfr e e I celV« special notice, without charge, to the Sdtwmc JItntrtcati. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest $3 cir- r^TouT^S^rgoWSh Terms. a newsdealers. ■fflifleradteft 1 MOSSY to LEND Farmers can borrow inoi at the Bij/nk •• / r. S