The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, December 07, 1900, Image 3

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LOCALS. FridaV, December the 7th. The year will soon be gone. Julian's Capes and Jackets sell like hot cakes. All things considered, Adel has had a line year. Adel leads the van as ft cetton market and a trade center. Regular monthly services at 8 ulem Saturday and Sunday. Col. J. Z Jackson’s law office is in the Julian office building. Renters and tenants are look¬ ing out for liouies for next year. To get a Christmas present worth the money go to Ihe Passmore Co. Rev. S. S. Kemp is attending the South Georgia conference at Cuthbert this week. What a beautiful present Pass¬ more’s Hat Racks would Vie f C^me and get one for your wile. The campaign for shade trees is still on. Don’t wait until late spring. Now is a better tlitte. Carpenters have been busy in Adel all the year and new build¬ ings are continously going up. We *have ft few suits yet for boys and children. Bargai ns while they last. S. A. Julian. The brick for the new Meth¬ odist church has arrived and is being placd on the ground. Will open next week the best display of Xmas goods ever shown in Adel. .See tliem at Julian’s. See our line of cliilds and misses chairs. They are Beau¬ ties and a bargain too. The PaSsmore Co. Regular semi-monthly serv¬ ices were held ftt the Baptist church Sunday, conducted by Pastor Culpepper. The bank of Adel has had a busy season and splendid collec¬ tions. This institution has Iteen a lending factor in Adel’s mercial growth and is firmly es¬ tablished in the confidence the people. These pretty moonlight even¬ ings have been thoroughly en¬ joyed by the frequent sugar boil¬ ing parties going out of town t > see-their country friends. Mr A. W. Parrish’s “refinery’’ lias beeii one of the most popu'ar n«ar-by resorts. r The Sparks anl Nashville railroad is now running schedule trains, making connections with the morning eUoo-tl y and the four o’clock passenger trains. This is a convenient run and gives several hours in Nashville. Tile-new passenger and baggage coaches are expected any time this, week. Oapt. Jerry* Wells and daugh- ter, Miss Pet, returned to their Florida home this week, ending several vvedks’ visit to relatives in this section. We regret to know that Oapt. Wells was quite sick during a part of the time that lie was up here. - Miss Pet Who was the guest Etta of Jher Carrie cous¬ ins, Misses aim Wells, made riVahy friend* who will be delighted to see her visit repeated. Watch our Show Window for some nice Xmas present.s S. A. Julian. We c*all special attention to the card of Dr. J. O. Collar in this issue of The NkvySk, |l)r. Collar has had several year? professional experience and has reci»*tly»tuken a post graduate course in New York city, perfec¬ ting himself iu crowii and bridge work which he makes a specialty. Adel has long needed a perma- pent resident dentist and now that a thorougl competent one hwsc<i«t his p Ik us, we take m ihellBieral |He in commending public. A Lii id Death Fight, I. W..A.' les of Manchester, la., i g of his aosr miraculous escape I liesi death, indued Hys : ‘•Exposure after serious lung trouble, Pliich ended CoB*tti«ptiou. I had frequent he; rhages and coughed night and day. die" ■ Ail my doctors said I must soon Then I began to use D. King's New Discovery for Consump¬ tion, which completely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost jin 00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it lou my uecomtheiulation aud ail nay it B^fftfoahteS*’ never fails to CUi« Throat, Chest and 4 Regular size 50c ahd Trial bottles free at J. E. School Mooting Wsdnasday. The school question right now j is a live number. We mean the i Adel school. By referring to the council proceedings else- where in this paper, it will be that a public mass meeting has been called for next Wed¬ nesday at the school building O 11 e^o’clock is the hour named for the meeting and every par¬ ent 01 guardian within school reach of Adel is invited and urg¬ ed to be The school situation here is and has been for several in an unfortunate and unsatis¬ factory shape. The town coun¬ cil lifts possession 1 of the school propertv far _ ownership , , 1 1 so as is ~ concerned, , but , has . right , to , no lew , a special school tax. Tile council U helpless in the matturof financial Support, and an effort ~ , will n i be made , to , place , the school on a different basis. It is proposed to elect a Board of School Trustees frr.Ui the patrons of the school district and lot them have general supervision of the school in the matter of e- iecting teachers, fixing salaries, adjusting rates and collecting tuition etc. This action is con¬ templated at the meeting Wed¬ nesday. The council is ready to tepder the use and control of its school property. A free ntul full discussion will be had and it is highly im¬ portant that all present and probable patrons and friends of the school should be present. Dress goods in endless variety at Julian s . lb. cans pineapples at 15<’ per can—everything else as cheap in proportion at R. R. Folsom’s. The city “duds” were coun¬ selling together Wednesday* night. See proceedings else¬ where. We are still offering some big bargains in Capes and Jackets. See them before they ate all sold. S. A. Julian. A new cottage is being erect¬ ed ott the old gin site west of the depot, to be occupied by Mr. Truett, the drayman. A few more BuggiesAWagons to close out at almost cost ; see us and get a bargain. The Passmore Co. Adel, Ga A full line of all kinds of fruits at Folsom’s. Fain-I-Oufe is sold No Cure so PAY. Anything you want In candie “t R. R. IN Isom’s, -- j.r« „. .tu::: ,, r o per bushel, Why not insure in the best? Peeple* & DeVane represent the Liverpool and London and Globe, and The Continental. It in useless to say anything of the Liverpool and London and Globe or The Continental. \ OL know What they aie. Peeples & DeVane, Ag’ts. All All new new rush cash subscrintion* .u >s< I iprit U. for lor six and twelve months Will le— ceive The Nkw» free during the month of December. Have your name entered at once- Pay Cash By borrowing money at the Bank of Adel and buying your supplies for cash This soundadvii.e to Fa til at el kune early and avoid U ush. A number of property holders who have made no returns should do so at once and Save trouble and perhaps cost. A. A, Webb, Clerk & Treas, Saw Mill to Sell Cheap. A 20 horse-power Watertown engine and boiler With saw-mill butting, Saw outfit complete, 2 good timber carts, 8 mules, I will sell any part of it. or all together and will sell on easy terms for good paper. Reason for sellifig all timber cut , present . location, , . Write or COllie to see, S. YV. YVelib, Haliifn, f*a. Masonic Ec-ncSt. Tliankggivittg evening the fra* ternity of lodge 3l0 F. & A. M. threw open the Institute doors to the public. The occasion Was an oyster supper with a literary and musical prelude. Jas. Sut- ton as master of ceremonies, proved himself equal to the oe- cation ~ Win. W akeford, as t chef ,y excelled himself. M. S Patten furnished light refresh' ments, such as fruits’ cake ices. The music, presided by Miss McLeod, was a feature. She was ably assisted by Misses Young and Soil and Messrs Cunningham, knight and Adams, all of whieli was heartily . appreciated. Mis- ses T Ida , W ... akeford, . „ , , Minnie r . . Tuck- . ' er and ... Mary T Parish . •, each . ren- * . , 'ecituhous . . ,, . , de- " were '* s * uv ‘ ’ ‘ * 11 *' e ri ,el toasted tlie ladies of the frater- n,t ., to , 1,10 , «.»> „ r . Maggie Ten- - v " 1 ' ,: ' n( ( res|louded " 1,h a tr,but0 t T'venty-hVo !, 111,1 dollars taken wore . »■><! the M much 'sons are very en ™ ur “S«' «<* ‘O' It »*«!».” Attendant, Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromq-QuinineTablets cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay. Price 35 CEnts. THANKSGIVING OBSERVED. Thanksgiving day was more generally observed here hist week than ‘has been the custom in the past. The people acted on the suggestion of The News. The merchants closed their pi,te¬ es of business for the entire day and a union service of thanks¬ giving and praise was held at the Baptist church, though no regular sermon was delivered The clerks and salesmen gener¬ ally hied themselves to the country and bird dogs, gnus and birds were in great demand. Several nice bunches of birds and no end of empty shells were placed to the credit of some of the boys, while some of the sports Were glad to escape from irate land! vrds just any way that could be devised. Longer notice should he given next time as several people from the country came to town to sell cotton and buy supplies. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it tails to Cure, E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c. The wind blows but it doesn’t rain much. Buy a battle of Pain-I-Oure if it does not cure you get your money back, koe. S P Williams. You carry Insurance? Yes.— see Peeples Ar DeVane. I ^ ......... *■« —i -----—-—-— 1 The ladies of Berrien County are in¬ formed that McCall’s Magazine is the handsomest' home and fashion mag¬ azine inexistence. This celebrated magazine otters beautiful premiums to till who raise clubs, and illustrates the I McCall BazabPatterns. The prom- iums offered are the handsomest in the Tf' tides 1 ' and " handsome -'oriex. colored Utemr; fashion a r . plates. The publishers wish one repre- tentative iu every locality, hud wifi &eml illstrnctions and free prize offers to Uuy lady who will mention this pa- p^r anti send her name and address to The Company, 144 West Mtb Afreet, New York City. Church Directory - METHODIST—Lth Sunday 11 a. m a nd L, Saturday 3 [tv, f and 111 , El- PRESBMTEIIIAN — 2nd Sun¬ day, 11 a, m. and 7 p. m. Rev Griswold pastor. MISSIONARY— 1 st and 3rd Sun days 11 a. tn. and 7 p m Sunday School 10 a- ra. w. jg A. 011 Tuesday after 1st Sunday Rev, Culpepper, pastor,t oiTY v Directory, Mayor—A, A. Parish, Aldermen—J. T. Wilkes, S Julian, Win. Clements, J. a, e, rr ,i,«..c. „ Clelk—A. A. YVqbbj Marshal-Mark* Shaw Coi*u<:M*nfeej58 *t v cry 1 st wed nesday, Y COUNCIL FROCEEIiiSGS. j Monthly Session, l)«e, 5 th 1900 . j By invitation the council met in the law office of Co!. C. A. DeVane. Present, M;>yor A. A. Parish, councilmen J. T. YYi’kes S. A. Julian, Dr, Woodard and J. A. J. Parish. Absent, councilman Clements. Council called to or- der by mayor Parish. Minutes of last regular meeting read and confirmed, Presentations of petitions and communications called for. M. Cox asked for license to run a one-horse dray for one year and the same was granted. G. Leggett was also granted license to run a one horse dray for one year. Reports of standing eommitecs called for. Chairman Julian of finance committee reported that he had checked up the books of the marshal and the clerk and treasurer and found them all correct and vouchers for all funds paid out. Woodard, of city property and Institute committee, reported that a needed closet had been built for school use and that a proper hi i 1 would he submitted. J. T. Wilkes of the streG commifteo reported that the big drainage ditch had been cleaned out at an expense of n- bout forty dollars. It was also reported that a good deal of street tax was due and the mar¬ shal was instructed to issue sum inones to all hands subject to street duty to work out or pay the amounts due at once. No report from ordinance or sanitary committees. The marshal reported that the market rents had been called for twice but had not been paid. The chairman of city property committee was instructed to make satisfactory contracts for rent of market stalls and to see that rents are paid according to contract. The Clerk & Treasurer sul>- mitted the following report of receipts and expenditure for the month. TKEAStillKR’S STATKMENT. To bill. Nov, 7th’ gon’l fund, $25.35 “ License Tax collected 11.70 “ Market rents 0.00 “ Adv. Tax < j., it. c,r “ Street “ 41.25 Total * 104.05 By pd. aeots gon'l fund, 41.40 st. “ 48.25 To balance 20.30 Presentation of accounts. The following accounts approved for payment. O. A. GeVaue, drawing charter $ 10.00 W. D. Braswell, election clerk 1 AM M. S. MeCranie, lumber & work 4.00 Adel News, printing minutes, 1.5 0 J. E. Shaw, police service. 1.20 J. M. Shaw, salary. 22.00 J°l m M Alas, drayage. .25 Adel . institne, ?-•> appeared ■«•«» before ^ the council and reported on the school situation. A free and easy discussion was .participated in by several pi s-out and as a result a general school meet ing was called for Wednesday. Dec.12th at one o’clock p. m. to be held at the Institute. The meeting is called for the purpose of u- r oils mg a deeper interest and to see if the school cannot In .plac¬ ed on a more -business-like plan of operation. There being no further busi- ness the session adjourned in order. A. A . Parish mayor. A. A. Webb,Oik. & fr, Sick Headache if the bane of many lives. Dr- >M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine cures aod prevent* this an¬ noying complaint. . Sold by- J. E. Peeples. The Irl R.Hjcks 1901 Almanac. Wbatever may be said of thj scienti- fic causes upon which the Rev. Irl R Flicks bases his yearly forecast* of storm and weather, it is a remarkable fact that specific warnings of every great storm, flood, cold wave and drouth, have been plainly printed in his now famous Almanac for many years, The latest startling proof of this fact was the destruction of Galveston Texas on the Very (lay named by Prof. Hieks in his 1900 Almanac, as one of disaster by storm all along the gulf coasts. The 1901 Almanac, by far the finest, most complete and beautiful yet published is 110 W ready. Tins remarkable book two hundred pages, spiendidiyillhs- with charts and half-tone en- Hicks’ joxmml, Word aiul the Almanac aloneis s, ntpre- ^^only Aks 25c. Order from Word ' Publishing Company, St. Lotus Mo. Wails IV, : thin Prison Walls, Berry Walls, a well known Adel negro, lias been detained in Moultrie this week under a charge cf being implicated in a murder committed in Mitchell county several years ago. Mr. A. Green went over there Wed¬ nesday at the instance of Mr. W. J. Lodgers, Walls’ emplyer, to see what could be done tow¬ ards proving an alibi for tlie ne¬ gro who it is claimed was work- ing here at tlm time the killing W:ls supposed to have taken place. Matters had not reached a focus when Mr. Green left Wednesday night. Advertised Letters, Dec. 1900 . 1 . B—J*. F. Barefield. 2. C —JoseplfCovington. 3. D—Miss, McJane^Davies. 4. G—Habil George* 5. J—Missj’Lier Johnston. G. L—Arby Lewis. 7. L—Dave I,<-evy. 8 . M— ers G. M, Miss Smithic Mock 10. S—Mrs. Malinda Small. 11. S—Thomas Sabage. 12. \Y — Mrs .Fannie Woalhei- [ington. 13. W—Miss Julia Wise. The above letters will be sent to the Dead Letter Office if not claimed within 80days, J. M, Sutton 1\ M. Adel Ga. Pain-l-Cure cures any pain New Stock Dec. 1 st. X V Edison. The Leading Clothing and SHOE DEALER, Has about closed lit, his first mammoth stock of goods for this season and by DECEMBER 1st WILL HAVE HIS SECOND New Stock of Fall and Winter Goods Open for INSPECTION. Ur h<c< houfjht largely and exceedi>• y1 1 / clone mid trill give, his customers Ihe A 11 > NS OF THE SEASON. On account of needed room for his new goods he will dose out all Bicycles Very ('heap. S?e him and get one at your own price, A. Edison, CLOTHIM r K and SHOES, Adel, Georgia. Free Prizes For Bright People. If 300 CATS CAN KILL 300 RATS IN 300 DAYS, HOW MANY CATS WILL IT TAKE TO KILL 100 RATS IN 100 DAYS. Can you solve the problem? If so, you will win a prize. Do not send any money w,tk your answer, but send name and correct address, and by re- turn mail a beautiful prize will be sent yon fret;. As our object away these premiums is to attract attention to, and increase the circulation of our we ask that when you receive your prize to show it to as many of your friends as possilde. We want large lists of readers iu every neigh- borhood, and are going to offer many handsome prizes to secure them, Among the prizes we are offering is $250.00 in cash, and many articles of silverware. Full particulars of the awarding of these prizes will be sent to yon with your prize for answering the above problem. Address, with stamp for reply, CHICAGO HOUSEHOLD GUEST. . _l“ a,go '“ L ^ - \Ls r / ■feature is oo •»*** tof the genuine ■ - ; ^***5■ ■ A )RY GOODS ‘ k EMPORIUM 7 1 Is Packed with bargains From floor to Ceiling, Two Floors^ / THEIR STOCK Has Been Bounjifuly Replenished and is Coin plot rifi Every + - >r> DEPARTMENT. Just Go To THEM and Let All Tour WANTS and WISHES bo KNOWN. 1IAEE & KENNON. J. J. WILKES IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR WIN¬ TER GOODS AND • NO MISTAKE M • NEW HS50 The NEW jewelry factory built at Iowa City, Iowa, by W. F. Main Co., is the largest iu the United States, if not in the world. They have NEW buildings, NEW ma- chinery, NEW dies, NEW forms, sskisr NEW " You will find a full assortment of these at the store of A. «/. lfehh, Adtl, Ga. Test the quality of these gixxls as comjjared with the prices and you w h see why competition is TV. F. MAIN CO t Eastern Factory, Cor. Friendship and Eddy Sts., Providence, R. I. Western Factory—Largest Jewelry Factory iu the world—East Iowa City, Iowa. Over 22,000 feet of floor space, m '*■ •I 9 i % I f m m , , M , Dur fee returned 1 e fail. Any one sending prfjiptly _ . * , any invention will receive our opinion ability of same. “Mow to obtain a patent se secured through us ftUvttrtised for sale at our Patent* taken out through us receive wifi shfcig PaTENT Rscoko, an illustrated and * FRE E. Send A iojr sampl ViGWBtU e ccyy .kAAi. 4 BO YEARS' ■MiT S6 EXPERIENCE i I * •<5 R* w ___ WSu\ Trade Marks Designs T Copyrights Ac. Bent fro*. Oldest neency tur eeciirinK Co. patenus. vecetvt Ratents taken tbroush Mun» & *pecM notice, without charge. In the Scientific America A handsomely l I.Ui^ kly. dilation of any LgYllliiT * V ‘" iM saC {fluNN office, GQ361B Branch 625 F S iVSOriLYi Farmers \ i at t he proved paper!