Newspaper Page Text
___ ____
*• A - Webb, Editor and Proprietor,
the Adel postoffice as seoond-class m atter. '
UkHaj* __
Official Of adeM—*~
One Y ear 61.00
£i*M< oaths .50
Adel, GA., FRiDAy, Dec. 28, litoo.
No local news this week.
8to0 s the Pdd gh And Works off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine tablets cure
a cold in one day. No cure lid pay
25 bents a box.
t)ur next issue will be a 20th
Hfc’iitury edition.
How to Cu p e 6roup.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Ame
hia,/-Dutchess county, N. Y., says :
'‘Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the
best irtediciiie t have ever used. It is a
hue chihlren’ft reniedy for cronp a ltd
lievef fails to chre.” When given as
soon aS the child becomes hoarse, or e-
Veri dftHr the cronpy cougli lias devel¬
oped, it wiil prevent the attack. Tliis
(Should be borne in mind and a bottle of
the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready
for instant hse as soon as these symp¬
toms appear. For sale by J. E. Peeples
Dr. J. 0. Collar,
bivicK: Mtley Building.
Crowii ft.iid Bridge Work n Specialty
Itipetiitii attention tfil-en to ‘chil-
tfreu’s teeth entrusted td my edre.
0. P, B00DMAN,
Sparky Georgia.
J. Jackson,
Lawyer, Adel, Georgia.
Office iu Julian Building.
General Practitioner iii State
find United States Cofit-ts.
L E. Lastinger,
Attorney-ht— Law,
kdeU Gd.
GbaS. A. DeVane,
ArrtnHWA Akn DoitssrOir at law .
\\ r ill prabticb in all the courts,
Statfi tihd Fudefal.
OFFICES in Juhati Building:
A deh, Ga.
R. £, Woodard, M. D.
Office i tty Stairs, Front Rootu,
Julian Building;
Residence : Maliie Jblies HoiiSe, South
End of ToVn.
All cAt/ife fROMhtLy arbwerRd;
Adeh Ga,
Dr. £■ E Bourquin ,
Uiironic Diseases A Specialty;
Office Honr5: 10 a. lit. to S p. m.
Adeh Ga>
Shaw & demerits,
LtYER y Stables;
Nice Turndhts, Polite Drivers;
Adeh Ga.
domes M. Sutton >
Notary Public,
font L e fourid ftt P 0 -! 1 office
Uherehewlli litrhish all kind
f UfWgalBlanb Deeds, Bonds, aft A°rt Etcr, n°=
[ tice. officially*
Bignhd Ga-.
B\rBER shop
i have a nicely furnished
barber old Bank Building.
saiUii toots, pbompt service
Ml I 1 it i ? ';
/ / l/j! P *
A Monster Dsvi! Fish
"Destroying its victim, is
type of Constipation The power
° f »»'»">•
on organs ai.d nerves and
oles brain. There’s no health
till its overcome. Blit Dr. Kings
New Life Pills are a safe- and
certain cure. Best in tlte world
for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels,- Only 25 cents at J. E.
Peeples’ drug store;
We send out a special holiday
supplement this week.
A Frightful Blunder.
Will often cause a horrible
Burn, Scald Cut or Bruise Buck-
lens Arnica salve the best Salve
llie best in the world, will
kill the pain and promptly heal
it. Cures Old Sores, Fever sores
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns all
Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure
on earth. Only 25c a box. Cure
Guaranteed, Sold at J. E. Pee¬
ples drug store.
Adei had a lively but quiet X-
A Night Of Terror.
“Awful anxiety was felt for
th© widow of the brave General
Burnham of Machias, Me., when
the doctors said she could not
live till morning” writes Mrs S.
11. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. “All thought
she must soon die from Pneumo¬
nia j but she begged for Dr.
King’s New Discovery, saying 1
it had more than once saved he.’
life, and had cured her of Con¬
solation. After three small dos¬
es she slept easily all night, and
its further uss completely cured
her.” This marvelous medicine
is guaranteed to cure all Throat
Chest aild Lung Diseases. Only
50c and 8100. Trial bottles at
J. E. Peeles’ drug store.
The elements are weeping o-
ver-thethe departing century.
Cold Steel or Death.
“There is but one small
chance to save your life and
that is through an operation,”
was the awful piospoct set be¬
fore Mrs. I. B, Hunt, of lime
Kidge, Wis., by her doctor after
vainly trying ro cure her of a
frightful case of stomach trouble
and yellow jaiindicb He didn’t
count on the marvelous power
of Electric bitters to cure Sto¬
mach and Liver troubles) but she
heard nf it, took seven bottles,
was v holly cured, avoided sur¬
geons knife, now weighs more
and feels better theui ever. It’s
positively guaranteed to cure
Stomach Liver and Kidney troub
les and never disappoints. Price
50c at J. E. Peeples’ drug store;
The U D~TO~D12Jte D'I'lilg‘gi‘st.-
. Adel,‘ ~ 9 ~ ~ Georgia,
This signature is on every box ol the gen a iii e
Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets ilsf
the remedy that cures a tolii in one
X ike.
1 The Pest Plaster.
A piece of flannel dampened
Chamberlain’^ Pain Balm aud bournl
se&* 3SK3 sr
intbs side or chest, give it a trial and
yon are certain to be more than pleased
wi.h the prompt relief w)iieh it affords
Pain also cures rheumatism. One
application gives relief. For sale by
J. E. Peeples, druggist.
It is useless to say anything
of the Liverpool and London
and Globe or The Continental.
You know what they are.
Peeples & DeVane. Ag’ts.
New resolutions aer in order.
Uncle Pube will receive some
notice in our next.
fd Cttfo 0 Geld iii QA$ Day
Take Laxative Brcmo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
tails to cure. E, W. Grove’s signature
is bo eat'b box. 25c. *
Pain-I-Cure is sold -No Cure
Why not insure in the best?
Peeples & DeVane represent
the Liverpool and London and
Globe, and The Continental.
Buy a bottle of Pain-I-Cure
if it does not cure you get your
money back, 25c.
S P Williams.
You carry Insurance? Yes.—
Then see Peeples A DeVane.
They will sell only the best.— 21
Clubbing rates with a number
of good publications. Call to see
If you would have an appetite like a
bear and a relish for your meals take
Chamberlain’s Stonmch and Liver Tab
lets. They correct disorders of the
stomach and regulate the liver and
bowels. Price, 25 cents. Samples fro
at J. E. Feefikri’dfug store.
Gasoline for sale at Peeples
Drug Store.
l&J ^Driving Holiday Bargains Reduction At Benefit Webb’s Sale. Great
¥q are driving some of the
best bargains of the season.
Our selection of useful and valua¬
ble holiday goods is unsurpassed.
Plain, Fancy and Decorated China
Ware in endless profusion.
A great variety of chil¬
dren’s good.-?, just any-
tiling to serve or please.
A tremendous
stock of Clothing
and Shoes-
These goods were bought to
sell and we have prices that are
moving them.
See us before buying.
S. j. Webb, Adel, Gch
No one can reasonably hope for good
health unless his hoVels move one
each day. When this is not attended
to, disorders of the stomach arise, bil¬
iousness, headache, tf dyspepsia and piles
soon follow, you wish to avoid
these ailments keep your bowels regn-
lar by taking Chamberlain’s Stomach
and Liver Tablets when required. They
are so easy to take and mild and gentle
in effect. For Han.. by J. E.Peeph-s,
The yearly move is in
Sick Heddache is the banc of many
lives. Dx M. A. Simmons Liver
Medicine euros and prevents this an¬
noying complaint. Sold by J. E.
The Xmas visitors are going
You Know What , You Are Taking
VV hen yon take, Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle shewing that ir
is Iron and Quinine, in a tasteless form.
No cure, no pay. 50c.
A full lino dtP Table Silver-
ware at J. E. People s.
The Pest Prescription far Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure—no pay. Price §0 cents,
--- •
Pay Cash
By borrowing money at the
Bank of Adel and buying your
supplies for easli This is
sound advice to Farmers.
All accounts due Peeples Bros,
or J. ID. Peeples must be paid
by January 1st, 1901, or they
.will be placed in the bands of
an attourney for J. collection^ E. Peeples.
■ Among the tens of thousands who
j have. uw*d Chamberlain's Cough Rew-
j edy for colds and lagrippe during the
last few years, to our knowledge , hot a
j single cast' lias resulted in pneumonia.
I Thos. WhitfieM&Co., 240 Wabash Ave-
nue, Chicago, trtie of the hiost promi¬
nent retail druggists in that city, in
sne akin g of this says "We recoin -
mend Chamberlain’S Cohgh Remedy
for higrippe in many cases, as it gives
not only prompt and Complete redover-
y, but also counteracts tendency of
lagrippe to result in pneumonia.’’ For
sale by J. E. Peeples, druggist.
Saw Mill to Sell Cheap.
A 20'horse-power Watertown
engine and boiler with saw-mill
complete, butting, saw outfit
complete, 2 good timber carts,
8 mules. 1 will sell any part of
it. or all together and will suH
on easy terms for good paper.
Reason for selling all timber cut
at present location.
,,. V rite .. or come to see,
- wdi
<, 1
' ‘
I lull irft, Gil.
Church Directory-
METHODIST—4th Sunday 11
a. m and 7. p. m. and Saturday
Is a. m. Sunday School 3
Rev. S. S-Kemp, pastor $
Primitive— 2 nd Sunday $ and
Saturday before at 10 a; m, El¬
der Stallings, Pastor
PRES B Y TF RI A N -— 2nd Sum-
day, 11 a. m. and 7 p. rm ReV
Griswold pagtor.
MISSIONARY—1st afficl 3rd Sun
days 11 a.- m. and 7 p m Sunday
School 10 a- m. w; m- A; on
Tuesday after 1st Sunday
Rev. Culpepper, pastor,l
Pain-l-Cure cures any ptlin.
New Stock Dec. ist.
A. Edison*
The Leading Cioihing end
Has about closed out his first
mammoth stock of goods for
this season and by
New Stock of
Fall and Winter
Goods Open for
He Tuts hour/ht largely and
exceedingly clove and will
give his customers the
On account of needed room fol ;
his new gO'ods lie will
close out all Bicycles
Very Cheap-. ‘ See him
and get One at your own
A. Edison,
and SHOES,
Adel Georgia.
Hall & Mention's
Is Packed with bargains F rom
floor to Ceiling, Two Floors.
Has Been Bounpfuly Replenished
and Is Complete in Every
Just Go To THEM and Let All Your
^ *70 J. T. WILKES’ WE GO TO
We have some grand bar-1
'*) during holi-1 (•)
1 gains to offer the
I I days Shirts, in Ladies Clothing, and Shoes, Gents Hats, Un-j |
| 1 derwear, DRESS GOODS &c. j
I Come and see the goods and | 1
be convinced that we mean bus-
: itiess,
J. T. W ilkes c|
Advertised Letters, Dec. 1900 .
1 . B—J. F. Barelleld.
2 . C—Joseph Covington:'.
3 . D—Miss, Me Jane Davies.
4. G—Ilabil George*
5. J—-Miss Lier JobnstdiV.
G. L—Afby Lewis.
7.. L—Dave Loevy.
8 . M—Mr. Me Sin era
G. M, Miss Smithie Mock
10 . S—Mrs. Malioda Small.
11. S—Thomas Sahage.
12. \Y—Mrs Fannie Waatber-
W—Mjjgrltila 1 tington.
D3. Wise.
Tl eabiyfL Dead AiWfVHftcu lettr-TS will bo H sent
to thJ not
ClfHnlC.l v itiUu ’do (py's^, rA j*
Adel bb
66 YEARS* >
ggA W* Trade Designs Marks |
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone asceriPil sens r i gketeb and free description whether anj
qnieltiy probablr onr patcntabla. opinion Con,manlc» sa
invention atrictij ia conBdential. HandbooklSi Patenta
tions WtVeht*.
sent free. Oldest acency tor sevarind
Patents taken Without through chbrice, Munn l & yyr. riCnltt
ecial notice, Ik
Scientific ttm\ 1