The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, March 29, 1901, Image 1

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li.oo PER ANNUM. DIRECTORY. COUNTY. Ordinary- —A. W. Patterson. Sheriff—W. L, Swindle. Dep. ^ her iff—J, M. Shaw. Clerk—*J, D. Lovett. Treasurer*—J. I. Norwood. Surveyor—M. li. Lindsey. Coroner—T. I. Griffin. COUNTY COURT. Judge—. H. B. Peeples. Solicitor—L. E. Lastin'ger Regular term — 3rd Monday in Such month. BOARD OF EDUCATION. J. J. Moore, Chairman; W. S. Walker, R. L. Patten, J. H. Hutchinson, M. L, McMillan. Seely of Board and County School Commissioner—J. H. Gary. * CHURCHES. Baptist *. Preaching 1st andSrd Sundays at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School: 10 a m. Prayer Meeting Tuesday at 7 p in. Conference : Tuesday night after 3rd Sifnday. J. K. Om pep- PER. Pastor. Methodist: Preaching every 4th Sunday at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School 3 p in. S. S. Kemp. Pastor. Presbyterian *. Preaching every 2nd Sunday at all in. and 7 p ni. Sunday School: 9 a m. J. B. Cochran, PaStor. Primitive Baptist: Regular meeting days, 2nd Sunday and Saturday before. Elder Wethington, Pastor. CITY, A. A. Parish. — Wm. Com*, units, mu>HHd<-m and dun. of street Julian—chm. finance J Parrish—chm. sau- H R. C. Woodard--chm. city vty and institute com. Ci^^Bsrshal-J. Treasurer-A. A. Webb M. Shaw. e^^HjsessKni FiKflkednesday of council held tli afternoon in JUSTICE COURT. 1145th (ADEL) DIST. G. M Regular term ; 1st. Saturday in «,cl, month. J. A. Mntthi,, J.F. J. J. Parrish, N,1 & Lx-Ofl. J.l . ----- 4 Pain-I-0ure is sold No Cur r no PAY. Advertised Letters March 1901 Calvin Blue. Miss Nannie Brown. Miss Forde. Carlee Jackson. Mrs. Lucy Jones. Henry Lucas. Mrs. Ollie Smith Mrs, Ida Sanders. Mrs. Ada Wlieless. W. B. Wheelas. John Webb. These will be seut to the Dead Letter offifce if not claimed in 30 days. J M Sutton P M Adel Ga, 3 1 190/. K3C@ m: m. i . s g* ljHr 8 fM: 'tSyOfl ", G&t* * 705 IfeurthBcfiftlly ligestiiAe food and aids structh Ibs^tielatestdlsMVered^ge_s^ jsted digestive or- gans. canapprAacfi rct>evesJnd tin°efficiency P ft in- stantly permanently cures Fhitiffem!, Sick Hfei Soi>^ tJliStralgia, Stomach, Cramps Nausea^, and iVicesoc.J'fe che, allot net 1 *C3allsize. bl a all Jiboutdyspepsiamailediree fVcpored X. c Ve WITT 6 CO-. CJ?lca«'> * t 1M Mrtojg ♦ ADEL,BERRIEN CO., GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH”20, GENERAL PRESENTAIENTSl Grandjury, Berrien Superior Court March Term, 1901. We the Grand Jury, chosen and sworn to serve at the March term 190J, of Berrien Superior Court, beg leave to make the following presentments: We have examined the various public buildings of the county and find them well kept as far as is practicable, but find that the court house needs some plumbing as there are several leaks in the cornicing. We recommend that as soon as it is to the best interest of the conn* tv that the County Commission¬ ers proceed to build to the old jail and arrange for the keeping sep¬ arate of the two races and sexes, We find one vacancy on the Board of Education, caused by the resignation of F. W. Gaskins; we elect to fill said vacancy, M. L McMillan of Brookfield district. The committee which was ap¬ pointed to examine the dockets of the various J. P.’s and N. P.’s reported the dockets which were handed in, Were correctly kept. ] ^ Notary Public of the L32Qth. ,15st * failed to hand in his dockets for examination. We reccomend the following named gentlemen as Notaries Public, to fill vacancies as follows: W. B. Bradford for 1157th. Dist. G. M ; J. II. Rowan for 1148th. Dist. G. M.; B. F. Lindsey for 1150th. Dist. G. M. The Book Committee, appointed by the Grand Jury at the October term, 1000, has filed their report and we attach Same to, and make it a part of these presentments. We find the the roads of the county in very good condition ex¬ cept a piece of (he public road from the Tifton and Nashville road and the District line on the Lenox and Nashville public road, in almost impassable condition, not having had any work done on it in several years and we recom¬ mend that the county authorities proceed at once to put this road in good condition. We recommend the following tax levy for the present year to- wit: General county purposes, 25c on $1.00; Jail purposes, 10 c. < n $100; Pauper purposes, 5c on $100., W e are gratefully thankful t<>; Lis Honor, Augustin II. Hansell, | for his long, valuable and distin-, guished services rendered to county and the state, and more| hope, that he may have many years of prosperity and good health. We also extend to our fble Solicitor General, Hon. W. E. lhomas, 0111 heaiti appiecia- j lion for courtesies shown our pres-! body. J W 7 e recommend that the ent mode of building bridges by the county commissioners be con- tiimed. P. Knight, Jno R McCranie, Secretary. Foreman. Hr port op: Book Committee. W r e, the committee appointed by the last Grand Jury to exam¬ ine the different records of the county, beg leave to submit the following report: We find the books of the ordi- nary and the judge of the county court, correctly and creditably kept, but with the following onus- sions to which we think we should call y°ur attention: 1 st., We find that no entries have been made on the record of bills of indictment since March 1898, 2nd. No record of evidence in criminal cases has been made s i,,ce June (adjourned) term 1899. ^ e Kbd the books of the Cotm-* tv Commissioners and the Cou 4 ,y Treasurer neatly and correc = y 1 ' ’ ^liOV.’in^ “ 53 U UCt billuilBO ' of - 1*5,292.09 oil hand and oil deposit to the credit of the County Treas¬ urer. We find the books of the Sheriff correctly kept. We find upon examining the books and vouchers of the County School Commissioner, that the funds are properly accounted for but books are not neatly kept. The books of the Tax Collector were shape for examination as he had not made settlement with the County Commissioners for tile past year. W. Henry Griffin T. E. Williams, Committee. Nashville, Ga., March, 18th, 1901. In Berrien Superior Court Mar. Term, 1901. Ordered that the General Presentments be publish¬ ed as recommended at this term. The appointments are hereby made as requested. Aug. II. Hansel], Judge S. C. S. C. 1 hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the General Presentments on file in this office. Witness my hand and official signature. J. D. Lovett, Clerk S. C. B. 0., Ga. Hq Kept His Leg. Twelve years ago J. W, Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty wire. Inflamation and blood poi¬ soning set in. For two years he suffered intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, “but he writes, “I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 1 i ,, boxes of Buckleu\s Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever.” For Erup¬ tions, Eczema, Tetter Salt Rheum, Sor¬ es and all blood disorders Eleotric Bitters has no rival on earth. Try them. Peo¬ ples & Tygart will guarantee satisfac¬ tion or refund money. Only 50 cents. The Cause of It. In his charge to the grand jury last week Judge Hansell paid a high compliment to the integrity and intelligence of tlie citizen¬ ship of this county. He reverted to rhe times of years ago when tlie county was full of bad liquor and court weeks furnished oppor¬ tunities for drunken brawls, horse races around the court house square and various other disorder¬ ly disturbances. He contrasted these scenes with the safety and refinement of the present day and attributed the improved condition to vhe high license law which lias prevented the legal sale of whis- j n pj 1 j s county for many years, j U( jg e Hansel! lias been coming n and going out among this people for lo these many years ail( j j in ows wherof he speaks, 4 Raging, Roaring Flood. Wastel<lowua w ^ liue which d, as , c. Ellis, of Lisbon,la., bad to re- pair, “Standing waist deep in icy wa- ter,” he writes, “gave me a terrible cold and congh. It grew worse daily. Fi¬ nally the best doctors in Oakland, Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had Con¬ sumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles” positiv ely guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by Pee¬ ples & Tygart, Price 50c and f 1 00. Correspondents Wanted. ^\ ^ e have space now for county correspondence and Would be glad to print weekly news letters from the different sections of the county. We find that it is very often necessary to revise and con- dense these letters and we like to this right. The paper be mailed free to regular cor- respondents and free stationery for this purpose can be obtained by applying at this office. One correspondent at each place will be sufficient, j i stops the Congh and Works off the Cold. j ■ | Laxative Bromo-Quinine tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay i ** ceiits a box. 1 Berrien County Minute Men. A Correct Roster of This Company. There has already appeared in the public prints what purported to be a correct roster of the first company of volunteers leaving Berrien County in the late civil war. Knowing rhe same to T»e incorrect, some of the surviving members of the old company are anxious that the same should ap¬ pear n» it’s proper light and we take pleasure in printing the cer¬ tified list which is vouched for bv one of the members and offi¬ cers of the company. They were mustered into service on August 1st 1861 in the city of Savannah, Officers. Captain—Levi J Knight, Sr. 1st Lieut.—T S Wylly. 2 ud W. Guldens Sr. 3rd Win. Y. Hill. Orderly Sergeant-Archibald McCranie. A. Anderson, Wm. Ault, Richard H. B. Bradford, J. C. Burkhalter, Joe. Bemnfield, Enoch. Baldree, Isaac. Beatty, Thomas. Beatty John. Bond, John M. C. Carroll, Edwin B. Connell, Thomas K. Cooper, Robt R. Cooper George., Carter, Newton A. Crawford, Thos. Crawford, James. D. Deloach Calvin. Deloach Malachi. Deloach, Thomas. Dupree, George. F. Foster, Wm. G. Godard, Wm F. Giddens, Moses Sr. Guldens, Isben. Giddens, Matthew O. Giddens, Moses H. Griffin, James E. Griffin, Simeon A. Griffin, Geo. W. Griffin, Jake B. Griffin, John P. Griffin, Roland H. Gaskins, Gideon. Goodman. Robt. H. H. Hall, Joel. Hall, John L. Hall, Wm, Harrell, Hey wood. Hendly, Berry. Howell, Burrell H. I. Isom, John. V J. V Jackson! Win J. Jones, Wm, Jonos, Mitchell. Jones, Bill. Jones, Harrison. James, Bedford M. K, Knight, L. J. Jr. Knight, J. D. Knight, John Knight, H. H. Knight, Moses D. L. Lastinger H. A. Lastiuger. Seaborn J. Lamb, John C. Lamb, Wm. J . Lamb, Thomas. Lindsey. John. Lindsey, Thomas J. Lewis, Stephen S. Langdale, Jno. R. Liles, LemueLL. M. McCranie Jno. M. J. Matthis, Jack. McOranie, Daniel W. Morris, Jos. S. McCranie, WaldyC. Mainer, Jno. P. McCranie, Maicom. Matthis, James. McCranie, Richard, G. Matthis Jas. W. Maloy, Edward. MAuer Jos. T. Mahon, David D. McClelland Jno. W. McCutcheon, Newton. Mullis, Green. N. Newman, James. P. Powell, John. Powell, Wm. C. Peeples Jno. J. Parrish. Joel J. Parrish, John F. Patterson Alex. D. Patterson, Angus P. Palin, Thomas. Palin, Samuel. R. Roberts, James S. Roberts, Jasper. Roberts, S tephen. Rooks, F. H. Rutherford, Wm. Roe, Bony. s. Smith, Levi T. Skipper, John J. Sirmans, JohnT. Sikes, Sydney M. Supp, Jason. Simpson James. T. Tonchtone, Hardy H. Tally, NicholosC. Tyson, juo. L. W. .White, Bryant, J. Georgia-Berrien County. Having given this matter care¬ ful study for a year and availing myself of every means at com¬ mand 1 think this list is as near correct ns can be produced and I hereby take pleasure in giving this certificate to that effect. (Comrade) J. J. Parrish. March 25. 1901. See that you get the original DeWittt. Witch Haze! Salve when you ask for it. The genuine is a certain cure for piles, sores and skin dsenses. Peeples & Tygart. VOL. 13. NO. 5. Hall & Kennon’s Spring Stock Arriving And Their SPRING AB Is Beinfg Prepared t If you want your dollars and produce to do double duty don’t fail to see them. They point with pride to their past record and will certainly protect your Interests in the future Remember: WE SET the PACE .* Hall & Kennon. of ADEL, Adel, Georgia, Transacts a General LOAN, EXCHANGE and DISCOUNT Business. Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults* Insured against all possible losses. Accounts of FIRMS. INDIVIDUALS and CORPORATIONS solicited. W. S. Witham, J. T. Wilkes, Pres. Vise Press. THOMAS A. H0PPEH, Cashier. An Ad. In The NEWS * m