The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, April 26, 1901, Image 1

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I LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Fridav. April 26th. Memorial Day. Ool. A. T. Woodard of Valdos¬ ta was in Adel Monday. , See notice of Sparks Feed House in this iseue of Thk Naws. Ool. J. H. Gary was a pleasant caller at the Nkwb office a few days ago. Dr. H. W. Clements and Mr. M. 8. Shaw of Lenox were in our city Tuesday. Dr. J. O. Collar’s dental par¬ lors are now up-stairs in the Ken- tiQQ building. Mr. Harry Jackson left last week for Macon where he goes to accept a position. Notice slight change in the schedule of theSouth Georgia in t his issue of Ths News. Mr. B. M. DeVane and Mr. 0. R. DeVane and family are visit¬ ing in Morven this week. Mr. G. D. Paxson and Mr. G. R. Hall of Barney were recent visitors to our thriving burg. Mr. E. J. Cheek, of theHorkan Music Company, Moultrie, was in this territory a part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Futch of near Nashville were in Adel Thursday doing their spring tra¬ ding. Mr. O. L. Folsom is out again after being laid on the shelf for two weeks with a severe case of the mumps. Mr. S. W, Ave^l left last week for Atlanta where it is reported he has a position with a leading dry goods firm. Rev.J. F. Cullpepper filled the pulpit at the Baptist church Sun¬ day morning and Rev. J. W. Kir- ton preached at night. Mr. O. M. Sweat and liitle children returned home Monday after a stay of three weeks with relatives at Atkinson, Ga. The News continues to grow in favor with its increasing list of subscribers and advertisers. We are doing our best and your help is needed. A new farmer is stopping out at the borne of Mr. J. H. Hutch¬ inson but he is entirely too young to be of much help for severs! years to come. The rain storm of last Thursday night forced the promoters to call off the social entertainment which was announced to take place in the Reunion Opera Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson left the first of the week Gainsville, Fla., where Mr. ett has a position with <fe CV*., a leading lumber firm that place. Spring coughs are dangerouf and unless cured once, serious resnlts often One Minute Cough Cure acts magic. It is not a common ture but is a high grade Peeples & Tygart. Saturday and Sunday are the regular meeting days for the Methodist congregation. There laboring to bsgin work at an ly date open their new house worship. It is highly probable they will abandon the idea building a briek house but will construct a modern frame edifice, Owing to an increase in legal business Col. J. Z, Jackson, who has for some time been con- nected with Thk bl Nwura forced ate editor, has continue hi. newspaper work and will hereafter devote himself to his chosen profession. His office is now upstairs in the new Ken- non building where his friends and clients are invited to cn l Licensed to Preach. At the regular monthly ference at the Baptist church Tuesday night Mr O. H. P. Ju¬ lian was presented to the church as an applicant for license to preach the gospel. Mr. Juhan has been a member of the church for . several , year, and ... h» been prominent in every good work undertaken by the brethren. He feels that the Master has a work f or him to do anu the church, ’ with ., special . . and . words , a prayer• of encouragement liberated him to exercise and cultivate hi. gifts. Those famous little pills, De- Witt’« Little Early Risers will re¬ move all impurities from your sys¬ tem. cleanse your bowels, make them regular Peeples 4r Tygart. Sam Jones May ist We take pleasure in announc¬ ing that Sam Jones will deliver his celebrated lecture, “Get there and stay there,” in the Tifton Opera House on the night of May 1st. The railroads have made a rate of one fare for the round trip and large crowds will attend from the surrounding towns. We are sorry that we do not have a more convenient schedule for this special event, but Adel will like¬ ly send up a delegation any how for there is only one original Sam The price of admission will be only seventy-five cents. If troubled by a weak digestion loss of appetite, or constipation, trv a few doses of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Peeples & Tygart. The Cold Weather. The country has been appar¬ ently hanging on the verge of de¬ spair for a week with rain, wind and cold waves pacing about the universe with great force and pertinent tenacity- There has been a general damage all over the country which can hardly be estimated with any certainty just now. From a local standpoint the damage will not be very great, for despite the cold winds there are but few crops which will be to plant over. There is yet time to replant corn and cotton with fair prospects of a full yield. The sun is warming up the situation by degrees and a few weeks of good weather will see the old land blossom as the rose. Never give up to children if the are in the wrong; do not rob them of a memory that, their mo¬ ther and father were always true to their principles.—May Ladies Home Journal. Died at Madison. Mrs. R. J. Selph, nee Miss Jen- nie g haw , died in Madison, Fla., g unda y morning about five o‘- dock. Relatives here received a telegram Sunday announcing the Bad newg and Early and Les- ter Shaw, brothers of the deceas- «d, left at ouce for Madison aud returned Monday at noon with the corpse. Mrs. Selph was the daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. C. H. Shaw and had been married a- bout a year and had lived in ida since her marriage. her husband, she left a babe 1 / 4 J . e » . hoar f. oIi .. f“. d . * , U ’ "> The burial occurred here day afternoon in the eit, r J m th ? pre “ nce ° f 1 larg »»™b,r °i sorrowtng frumds relat.ves. Mrs. Selph was a ‘woman and a consistent c f the Primitive Baptist church. “Last winter I was confined to bed with a very bad cold on lh "‘“T' Nothin *fT a» «■ ie ** Finally „ my wife bought, a bott!eof ° n » Minute Cough Cure e ff e ct«d a speedy cure. 1 cannot speak too highly of that excellent remedy.” -Mr. T. Houseman, Mauatawney, Pa, A Day or Two Oft The Editor slipped out of his work harness early Sutuaday mor¬ ning and boarded the north-bound shoo-fly train. We enjoyed the early morning ride and at Vienna we left the cars for a cross-coun- try ride of more than a dozen , nile! witb our ' ternaI p rose „j. lor . The cuttl bI „ to ot last c » 4 - y .--it.- lg ,* ln ° Ur . , .?* 5 three f , hours was not . unite so pleasant as it might have been, B hi h n00n we were di „ ine around the old fesUl board where „ spent many fo „ moment8 du _ ring the first two decades of our existence. We had not been there before in more than two years and our entertainment was as bounteous as the famous prodigal son upon his return heme. The fatted calf was not killed but the fatted turkey was, accompani¬ ments werF sufficient for us to fare suniptously every day. * We took a ramble over the fields of our boy hood days and into the dense mixed forests of that section. The dog woods were in full bloom and made a magnificent picture in their trim¬ mings of green. Joys, as well as troubles, have their end and so Monday morning we had to say good bye and make our way back to the work shop. While stopping in Vienna we met several old friends, including Editor Smith of the Progress. Smith had compassion on us (but not on his good wife) and took us home to dinner, and had not train time hurried us we might have done ourselves serious in¬ jury. Monday afternoon we landed back among our friends and de¬ linquents and are trying to make up for lost time before our re¬ cruited energy is entirely ex¬ pended but we feel the lean, hungry look taking hold of u« again. You Know What You Art Taking When yon take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonie because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50c A Correction. Our article last week about the Sparks tire read “fire friend’' when the copy was written “fire fiend.” The mistake was made by a typo and was overlooked by the proof reader. Our plucky neighbor is building with renewed energy and determination and will soon have handsome brick stores to meet the present de¬ mand for business bouses. Sparks Feed House, /have on hand a complete lino food consisting of Corn, Oats, Hay, Bran, Short Cotton Seed Steal Hulls which I am telling as cheap as an axcited market will admit. M. E. PATTERS OH, SPARKS, It is to be presumed that will let Memorial Day pass out any public observance. bow our beads in shame our neighboring towns are just tribute to the honored Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon| structingtbe exhausted digestive^ “ Dyspepsia, n Bt f?53£™^ Indigestion, n p^SiS g“£f£2* h f° UI Stoia allotnerresult expand by e.j Wedding Sunday. One of the meet popular wed¬ dings occurring in this section in some time was the marriage last Sunday of Mr. U. W. Boring of this place to Miss Minnie Lorett of this county. The wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. TiOvett, Sunday evening at 6:80 o’clock, Rev. J. M. Foster of Tifton officiating. Mr. Boring is a young man of pleasant ad¬ dress and fine business qualifica¬ tions and has made hundreds of friends since he has been in bus¬ iness here. Mrs. Boring is a most beautiful young lady of rare social attainments and is known and admired throughout this section. We beg leave to extend to this happy couple our hearti¬ est congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Boring are quar¬ tered for the present at Mrs. Head’s boarding house. -- -- “Say mamma how much am I worth?” “You are worth a million of dollars to me, my son.” “Say mamma, couldn’t you ad¬ vance me twenty-five cents?”— Time. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. “Something Mow Under The Sun." All Doctors have tried to* cure CA¬ TARRH by the use of powders, acid gases, inhalers and drugs in paste form. Their powders dry up the mncuons membranes causing them to crack opes and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the diaeaae. An old and experience praotioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of CATARRH, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures CA¬ TARRH, by removing the cause, stop¬ ping the discharges, and curing all in¬ flammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful rem¬ edy is known as “SNUFFLES, the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE.” and is sold at the extremely low price, of One Dollar, each package containing in¬ ternal and external medicine sufficient for a full months treatment and every¬ thing neccessarv to its perfect use. “SNUFFLES’* is the only perfect CATARRH CURE ever made and is now recognized as the only safe and pos¬ itive cure for that annoying and disgus¬ ting disease. It cures all inflamation quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FE¬ VER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION—“SNUF¬ FLES” will save you if yon use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each pack¬ age. Don’t delay but send for it at onse, and write full particulars as to your con¬ dition, and yon will reoeive special ad¬ vice from the discoverer of this wonder¬ ful remedy regarding your case without cost to yon beyond the regular price of “SNUFFLES” the “GUARANTEED CaTaRRH CURE.” Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept C 683,EDWIN B. GILES & COMPaNY, 2380 and 2833 Market Street, Philadelphia. JEWELRY Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Jewelry of our manu acture Warranted to give satisfac¬ tion or money refunded. We manufacture a complete line m Rolled Gold Plate, Gold Filled. Gold Front and solid Gold. A complete line of jewelry of our manufacture is for sale by M. Marshall, Hahira Ga .,,. Caj he store and examine ‘ices low and goods first MAIN CO. W Manufacturing Jewelers |rge8t r orld. Jewelry Factory in the IOWA CITY, IOWA EE!! # w •vet You make a big mistake when you buy your goods without first pricing and inspecting the new stock at the * VALDOSTA BARGAIN HOUSE. REMEMBER . That the stock includes Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hosiery and Underwear, Cotton and Flannel Dress Goods, Sheetings, Ladies Shirt Waists and Sailor Hats, Shirts and Neckwear, Trunks, Jewelry etc. m tVe will be pleased to have you call and fet us give you prices. Gr. W. BORING, Mgr. If you want to buy a good reliable farm mu/e see Wilkes & Pope. Make No Mistake But see me before placing your order for GUANO. KAINIT AND PHOSPHATE 1 am prepared to do a general supply business and solicit good ac¬ counts. J. T. Wilkes. Horkan Nlnsic Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HIGH GRADE PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. We sell the FAMOUS . m m Merrifield Piano, i i laa'k^etzow Needham Piano, i m m W Piano, ! m SZ, Fernwood 3?iano, m .v; JO'J Th.e -Arlington Princess [Piano, Piano. M „ The World Renowned Needham Organs, The Beautiful Netzow Organs; The Lovely Princess Organ. If you are thinking of buying an ORGAN or a PIANO, it will pay you to write as before you close your trade. The only exclusive music house in South Georgia. E.J. CHEEK MANAGER. Moultrie, Georsiu