The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, May 10, 1901, Image 1

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x.oo PER ANNUM. DIRECTORY. COUNTY. Ordinary—A. W. Patterson. Sheriff—W. L, Swindle. Dep. hheriff-—J. M. Shaw. Clerk—1. D. Lovett. Treasurer—.J. I. Norwood. Surveyor—M. R. Lindsey. Coroner—T. I. Griffin. COUNTY COURT. Judge—. H. B. Peeples. Solicitor—0. C. Hall. Regular term—3rd Monday 2 ach month. BOARD OF EDUCATION. J. J. Moore, Chairman; W. S. Walker, Ii. L. Patten, J. H. Hutchinson, M. L. McMillan. Sec’y of Board anu School Commissioner—J. H. Gary. CHURCHES. Baptist: Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School: 10 a m. l’raver Meeting Tuesday at 7 p m. Conference: Tuesday night after 3rd Sunday. J. K. Culpkp- PBH. Pastor. Methodist: Preaching every 4th Sunday at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School: 3 p m. S. S. Kemp. Pastor. Presbyterian: Preaching every 2nd Sunday at all m and 7 p m. Bunday School: 9 a m. J. IL. Coe mux. Pastor. • Primitive Baptist: Regular meeting days, 2nd Sunday and Saturday before. Eider Wethington, Pastor. CITY, Mayor—A. A* Parish. Councilman—Win. Clements, mayor protein and chin, of street coin. S A. Julian—chm. Jinance com. J. A. J Parrish—chm. sun- itary com. R. C Woodard—chm. city property and institute com. Clerk & Treasurer-A* A. Webb City Marshal-J. M. Shaw. t Regular session of council held the first Wednesday afternoon in each month. JUSTICE COURT 1145th (ADEL) DIST. G. M ; Regular term; 1st. Saturday acli month. J. A. Matthis, L J. Parrish, N,P& Ex-Otf. J.P. Advertised Letters May 1901. I Albert Anderson, i E. D. Brown, j John Henry Campbell. ! Howard Faison. 1 Mrs. 0. I. Graves. | W. Hay. Miss Alice Pevy . IV ill Smith. The above will be sent to the Dead Letter office if not claimed iiu 80 days. J. M. Sutton P. M. Adel, Ga., 5-1-1901. BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE Patents ! ’ > " Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description maf taken through Muiiti the & Co. receive special notice* without charge, in k Scientific American. sssssasssu® ,UNN & Co. New York 361Broadway Office, £26 F £t*« Washington. £>.£* /< r-i\ $ X <# ADEL. BERRIEN CO., GEORGIA, FRIDAY, Io, AUu Tam A« White Boy Turning Black. The fcllowing is an extract ta¬ ken from a letter from Adel which Appeared in Saturday’s Constitution. “Adel Gn., May 3,—(Special) Physicians of this city and coun¬ ty have organized a medical so¬ ciety arid at its first meeting held today a case which may attract the attention of the Medical pro¬ fession of this country came be¬ fore it. In the lower corner of Berrien county there resides a young while man; his age is about twen- ty-tvvo years, who for the past five years l as been gradually growing black. In his boyhood days he was of fair skin, had blue eyes and light hair. Fi v T e years ago his skin took on a sallow ap- but no attention was paid to it. Gradually the lad grew darker and darker until now his skin shows a dark livid color, while his hair grows blacker, it seems, each day. Only the eye9 remain to remind one of his for¬ mer days, so complete has the change been. The medical men of this sec- Hon are puzzled over the case.” The young man s name isEver- ett and he was in Adel Wednes¬ day when several visiting physi¬ cians were here and saw him. Mr. Everett is by no means an inva¬ lid, although his general health is not very good. He is able lo do four or live days work in each week. He carries but little flesh presents a most stiiking ap¬ pearance, a likeness of which does dot often present itself. “Our little girl was uneonsci- s from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of I quickly secured a bot¬ tle of One Minute Cough Cure, her three doses. The was mastered and our lit¬ tle darling speedily recovered” writes A. L. Spa fiord Chester, Peeples A Tygart. The Good of Laughter. At the recent banquet of the National Wholesale Druggists’ Association in Chicago, Rev. Frank Crane compared the re- pective remedial qualities ol laughter, says an exchange. Some of his epigrams were these: Man is the only animal that was made to laugh, and, as sci¬ ence teaches that laughter means health, it is a sin for us to sub¬ stitute excessive drug taking for laughter. Laughter increases the blood circulation. It enlarges the heart. It expands the lungs. It jiggers the diaphragm. It promotes the dioculation of the spleen. I once knew a man who laughed so much that when he died they had to cut his liver out and kill it with a club. Beware of the theologians have no sense of mirth—they not altogether human. Keep your chin up. Don’t take your troubles bed with you—hang them on chair with your trousers or them in a glass of water your teeth. If people only knew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would be used in nearly every household, as there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness after eating, waterbrash, caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation, such as Ko¬ dol Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from the stomach, will digest your food, certainly can't help but do yen good. Peeples & Tygart. Medical Society Organized. According to previous call, a meeting of the physicians of Berrien county was held in the parlors of Hotel Estey on nesday of last week to perfect permanent organization of the Medical Society of Berrien Ooun- ty. Dr. S. G. Ethridge was elected president. Dr. W. B. Goodman, vice-president and Dr. R. C. Woodard, secretary and treas¬ urer. The following were en’rolled as charter members, all being pres- ent except the five last mention- ed : S. G. Ethridge, J. M. ory, P. H. Askew, E. F. Boar- quin, \V. B. Goodman, L, B. Lov¬ ett, W. H. Hendricks, RC Wood¬ ard, N. Peterson, H. W. Clements, —Sineath,—Lovorn, M. M. Paf- ford. The following committees were appointed: By Laws—Gregory, Bom-quin, Woodard, Lovorn and Hendricks, Membership—Askew, Lovett, Clements. The society will hold its next meeting in Tifton on the lirst Wednesday in June at one o'clock p. m. The visitors were dined at Hotel Estey and several entlmsi- astic talks were made by differ- ent members of the society. • We are sorry that we did not uet the above report in time for last week’s paper. Sick Headache is the bane of many Dr- M. A. Simmons Liver cures and prevents this an¬ complaint. Sold by J. E. Peeples. Mrs. Mose Overstreet Dead. Mrs. Mose M Overstreet died last Tuesday morning at her home in the northern part, of the country, brief illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Overstreet was well known throughout that portion of the as the widow of Mr. Ber¬ ry McDonald, having married Mr. Overstreet some months ago- Mr. Overstreet lost his lirst wife two years ago from typhoid fever and at the same time several of his children died of the same disease. In his new bereave¬ ment he lias the sympathy of many friends,—Valdosta Times. The least in quantity and most in quality describes DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipation, and liver complaints. Peeples <fc Tygart. The Height of Cheapness “The cheapest man I ever knew?” said the postman. “His name was John Smith, and he was cheaper than pinson bargain day. He used to get letters from bis brother-in-law and would open the envelope by holding it over a teakettle. Then he would take out the letter and would read it, write an answer, put the answer in the same old envelope and seal it up again. This done, he would take it to the postoffice, explain that the letter* couldn’t possibly belong to him, and he didn’t want to open some other man’s mail. Of course, as his broth', r in-law’s five days return card was on the envelope, the post office officials would send it back.”—Ex. Old Soldier's Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war vet¬ eran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: “Mv wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctors treatment, but was wholly cured by * «JJr. King’s New Life Pills, wliiah worked wonders for her health*’ They always do. Try them. Only 25c at Peeples A Tygart, drug store. A Letter From Macon. To The Editor of the Adel News, Thinking that a letter from Macon would not be much out of place in your columns, I gathered sufficient energy to give you a few epigrams. On Friday The Cecironian so¬ ciety of Mercer, of which I am a member, was invited to a recep¬ tion of the Kapidelta Sorosis Monroe college. It was my de¬ light to be one among the boys to accept. Our English l’rof. McNeil, was with us, as he is always on such occasions, and showed himself to be the htiino- rist of the day. We arrived at Forsyth in time to take in most of the beautiful little city before night. When supper time came, we learned that Hotel Marie had prepared a special supper for the Mercer boys, after which we were conducted to the gorgeously dec- orated hall of the Kapileltus. There we were greeted by more than a hundred college girls, I forgot the rest. Our -‘free street fair*’ is pro- grossing this week after much op¬ position. It is “taking in” most of the county and a great many visitors from other sections. I was just reading in the Adel News about the picnic Tuesday, that reminds me; Our Sabbath school goes to Beech Haven on the third Saturday this month. The Mercer boys are invited to he at the Wesleyan this after¬ noon, at class day exercise, and I’ll tell you in advance that we are going to have a “swell” time. Since spring has come 1 have fallen much in love with Macon. It is a most undesirable place in winter, and not very beautiful either, but now it is one of the most beautiful cities in the state. I can stand on my roof and see the entire city. It is clothed in green elm leaves now. Every body in Macon seems to be fully, aware of the fact that spring, also, comes but once a year, and they are making good use of the time by going to pic¬ nics and games while it is yet spring. Mr. Webb, it is one of my greatest pleasures to read your paper, it is so well represented by good correspondents over the county most of whom I know. It is a flue paper and worthy of the success it meets. My gracious! there is the din¬ ner bell and I will be compelled to go or I will not get any thing. But, dear reader, I will come again, if you w ill forgive me for this encroachment. Yours truly, Joiiny, About Rural Routes. The following letter from Con¬ gressman Griggs to Postmaster Sutton, in reference to the propos¬ ed free rural routes leading out from here, is self explanatory. These routes are proving to be great conveniences in other sec¬ tions and we are anxious to see them given a trial here. Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of 3rd, inst., it is impossible for me to answer your question with, any degree of certainty. A Special Agent is under or¬ ders to take up this District next Monday. He will take the peti¬ tions in order of filing, and it will he impossible for me to say how many he will be able to in¬ spect, or wlxere they will be. The Adel papers are in his hands, and will certainly be attended to in their order. I am urging him with all my power to work so as to complete this District, and I hope he will he able to get to you. Sincerely yours. M, Griggs. *6 VOL. NO IL Hall & Iveniioii’s Spring Stock h$*#Is Arriving And Their SPRING KB Is Beino' Prepared If you wan* your dollars and produce to do double duty dont fail to see them. They point with pride to their past record and will certainly protect your * faM Interests in the future 1 Remember: WE SET the PACE and others follow.4# Hall & Kennon. BANK of ADEL, Adel, Georgia, Transacts a General LOAN, EXCHANGE and DISCOUNT Business. Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults. Insured against all possible losses. Accounts of FIRMS. INDIVIDUALS and CORPORATIONS solicited. W. S. Witham, J. T. Wilkes. Pres. Vice Pres. THOMAS A. HOPPER, Cashier. An Ai In The NEWS ;■> ..v - • > ' , r ' AC" Brings ^jsiness To •