The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, May 24, 1901, Image 1

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$ 1.00 PER AN NUM. DIRECTORY. COUNTY. Ordinary—A. W. Patterson. Sheriff—W. L, Swindle. Dep. >> her iff—J. M. Shaw. Clerk— T. D. Lovett. Treasurer—J. I. Norwood, Surveyor—M. R. Lindsey. Coroner—T. I. Griffin. COUNTY COURT. Judge—. H. B. Peeples. Solicitor—G. 0. Hail. Regular term —3rd Monday in Sncli month. BOARD OF EDUCATION. J. J. Moore, Chairman; W. S. Walker, R. L. Patten, J. H. Hutchinson, M. L, McMillan. Sec’y of Board and County School Commissioner—J. H Gary. CHURCHES. Baptist: Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a m and 7 p m Sunday School: 10 a m. lTaver Meeting Tuesday at 7 p m. Conference: Tuesday night after 8rd Sunday. J. K. Oulpkp- PEK. Pastor. Methodist: Preaching every 4th Sunday at 11 a 111 and 7 pm. Sunday School: 8 p m. 8. S. Kemp. Pastor. Presbyterian: Preaching every 2nd Sunday at all m and 7 p in. Sunday School: 9 a m. J. B. Cochran, Pastor. Primitive Baptist: Regular meeting days, 2nd Sunday and Saturday before. Elder VYethington, Pastor. CITY. Mayor—A. A. Parish. Councilman— Wm. Clements, mayor protein and dim. of street com. 8 A. Julian—chin, finance com, J. A. J Parrish—chm. san- it ary com. R. 0. Woodard—chm. city property and institute com. Clerk & Treasurer-A. A. Webb City Marshal-J. M. Shaw. Regular session of council held the first Wednesday afternoon in each month. JUSTICE COURT 1145th (ADEL) DIST. G. M. Regular term; 1st. Saturday in each month. J. A. Matthis, J 1. J. J. Parrish, N,P& Ex-Off. J.P. Advertised Letters May 1901. Albert Anderson. E. D. Brown. John Iieury Campbell. Howard Faison. Mrs. C. I. Graves. W. Hay. Miss Alice Bevy . Will Smith. The above will be sent to Dead Letter office if not in 30 days. J. M. Sutton P. M. Adel, Ga., 5-1-1901. 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE i Trade Mark# Designs Copyrights &c. ou^pIniouNflS^hetheFS • tCSh°Mu e iS r & g do^riv« ^’WewYQrk nlu«§eiiOT& MM aC0. 361Broa<5 IX c. £r*u<* Offtoe, 5" St. t vr *Y\ t \\ A % / ♦ ADEL, BERRIEN CO.. GEORGIA. FRIDAY, May 24. inm A Gruesome Discovery. Last Tuesday about noon I l»*v Kc untree, colored, was | in Little river, a short distance above the South Georgia railroad bridge, north of Barney, when hia attention was attracted by a quan¬ tity of dies at a certain point in the river. He at last decided to investigate and was badly fright- ened when he discovered the dead body of a negro man lying beside a log in the bed of the stream. He gave the alarm and assistance being obtained the body was re¬ moved to the river bank. A cord was tied around the neck and the hands bound across the breast. The body was badly decomposed showing that death had occurred some time ago. In the meantime Coroner Bon¬ der was notified of the facts and requested to go up and hold an nquest. He went yesterday morning, but before reaching ,}bere Esquire S. L. Simmons had summoned a jury of six men Mes i s. F. B. Walker, W. O. Eden fiel d Geo. I*. Hall, J. W. Kendrick, James Chambers and II. T. Pat¬ terson, the latter being elected foreman. The evidence was to the effect that the body was that of Dave Dodson, or Eli Dodson, the negro, it seems having been known by both names. The jury returned the following verdict. We the jury sworn to hold an inquest over the deceased, believe it to l>e the body of Dave Dodson, and that he came to his death at the hands of unknown parties. F. B. Walker, W. C. Eden field, Geo. P. Hall, J. W. Kendrick, Jas. Chambers, H. T. Patterson, Foreman. It will be remembered that Eli Dodson was arrested by Bailiff Pace at Burney the last week in December on a charge of having committed a rape on a little ne¬ gro girl. He started to Morven with his prisoner, but fearing a mob went on to Studstill's wood rack, south of Morven, There he flagged tlie tram, when a mob of ten or fifteen men, composed of negroes, jumped off the train and began shooting at Dodson with Winchesters. Bailiff Pace was helpless and left. The mob took Dodson in charge and a most diligent search after¬ ward failed to disclose his where¬ abouts, and it was generally be¬ lieved lie had been lynched and the body t'mown into the river. That this surmise was correct was made evident by the gruesome find last Tuesday. Dodson had been released from the chain gang only a slmrt time before committing the crime for which he was lynched.—Quitman Free Press. Resolutions of Cecil Sunday school on Death of Dr. M. M. Pafford. Whereas, it has pleased God in his iu- I finite wisdom to remove from our midst [ Dr. JJ. M. Pa fiord, our nearly beloved * Sunday school superintendent, who, be- i ing a devout Christian gentleman, devot- Jedtohis profession and church work, i was loved by all who knew him,—Rp- i solved 1. That while we deeply de- | plore his death and know that we have j lost whose one place of in our brightest hearts lights, one I our can never he [ filled vve will ever cherish his memory, i and bow in humble submission to the will of an all wise Father, who doeth all things well. , j 2. That we extend to the relatives and | friends our sincere and heartfelt sympa- | thy in That this their sad bereavement. j 3 . a copy of these resolutions t Rountree, Miss Melissa Mathis, Miss Judge, Committee. Mr. J. A. Thomas Married. The following is from the Fort j Valley correspondent to The Macon Telegraph and appeared in a recent issue of that paper, Mr- Thomas has made many friends here and they have al¬ ready extended congratulations. Mrs. Thomas would be warmly received at any time. Fort Valley, Ga., May 11.— The entire town was very much surprised yesterday to learn that Mr. John A. Thomas of Adel, Ga., and Miss Marie Hoodlet of Nelsonvilie, O , both of whom are visiting here now, were mar¬ ried ; the surprise was greater when it was learned that the ceremony had uetm performed by Rev. O. A. Thrower at the resi¬ dence of Col. Louis L. Brown on March 4 of this year. Miss Hoodlet is a sister of Mrs. Clarence W. Wi theft, whose husband is resident manager for several huge orchards near here. They reside on the Albaugh fruit farm, about live miles east of here, and Miss Hoodlet has been visiting here from time to time for several years. Mr. Thomas is closely related to some of the most prominent families in this section. This town is his hirthelace, though he was reared in Newnan. For more than a year lie has held a responsible position with the banks under \V. 8. William of Atlanta and at present is book¬ keeper in the Adel bank. There was no reason for keep ing the mnrrriage secret save Mr. Thomas did not care for his bride, who has only recently returned from her Ohio home, to go any further south until after the warm weather was over, and he also thought he would be trans¬ ferred from Adel to one of the banks further north in a week or so, but in the latter supposition he was disappointed, as over two months elapsed ere he could come and claim his fair bride. Both parties are well known and extremely popular here and have the best wishes of the entire community. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Eronio-Qninine tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay 25 cents a box.. - Commencement Exercises, Mercer University, Macon. Ga. The commencement exercises will begin on the evening of May 81st with the annual debate be- t ween the Literary Societies, and close on June 5th. Rev. Sparks W. Melton of Augusta will preach the commencement ser- mon Sunday morning, June 2d, and Dr. P. S. Henson of Chicago will deliver the address hefofe the Alumni Association and the Literary Societies on Tuesday morning, June 4th at 10 o’clock. The chief features of tli3 com¬ mencement will be the Triennial Alunini Reunion and Banquet. All former students as well as all graduates are invited to be pres¬ ent at this reunion and banquet in the new Alumni Gymnasium Tuesday evening, June 4th from 6 :30 to 10 o’clock. There will be reduced rates on the certificate plan, that is pay pay full fare to Macon and get a certificate from the Ticket Agent showing that full fare has been paid. This ticket when properly signed in Macon will secure a re- turn ticket for -J fare. The least in quantity and inos* arawawss llls | P 10 " Constipation, and liver i complaints. Peeples & Tygarf. Star Route to Ray’s Mill. The Post office Department will establish a star route from Adel to Ray’s Mill beginning July 1st. 'the mail will be daily except Sunday. The Lois route will be discontinued, that office being supplied on the new route. Bids are open for the route for a three year’s contract and bidders must live upon or near the route. This excludes the professional bidders who usually bid contracts off at ruinously low prices. The carrier will be required to supply mail boxes along the route and will have to be able to read and write English intelligently. The mail is scheduled to leave here at 6:80 a. ni and return at 0:30 p. 111 . This will make a most desirable service and will be duly appreciated by the citi¬ zens supplied. The Penn Mutual Life is strict Iv an old b'ne company and writes every conceivable form of insu¬ rance, They also pay very large dividends. Berry Walls Released. For a few months past, Berry Walls, a negro who has made A- del his headquarters for several years, has been languishing in Camilla jail. He was arrested as Bob Burks on a charge of mur¬ der. His lawyers arranged for a habeas corpus hearing last week and Messrs D. C. Kirkpatrick and A. Green went over from here ns witnesses. A large array of wit¬ nesses were on hand and a good many of the negroes did not hes¬ itate to swear that Walls was the man wanted and that his name was Burks. Wall 9 identity was established to the satisfaction of Judge Spence and he was given his liberty and was brought bavk to this county^by Mr. W. J. Rog¬ ers of Sparks. Mr. Rogers believ¬ ed Walls innocent all the time and employed counsel to secure his release. You Know What You Are Taking When yon t ake Grove’s Tasteless Chill because the formula is plainly on every bottle showing that it is Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50c Carried to Miliedgeville. Deputy Sheriff J. M. Shaw re¬ turned Tuesday from Miliedge¬ ville, where he went to carry Mrs. Moyes, a white lady about 60 years of age, from Rays’ Mill district, who was adjudged a lu¬ natic one day last week. Her mind had become unbalanced on account of age and ill health. At Nashville Monday Mrs. Al- mina Welle, a white woman livi "« ,iear that , > ,liice . - . tried for lunacy and pronounced a fit subject for the asylum. She will be sent as soon as a place can be provided for lier.—Tifton Gazette. Town Taxes. The books are open at The News office for receiving tax re¬ turns for the year 1001. The dates observed by the state and county in tax matters will be observed here. It will be well to come forward and make returns while the data is fresh in your minds. A. A. Webb, Clerk & Treas., Skin affections will readily disappear by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve,. Look out sszzsjixsz It is the quick and positive cure for-piles. Peeples & Tygart. Is The Place. "Hi To Know Good Thma *■' When fOU y See //. ALL V & BANK of ADEL, Adel, Georgia, Transacts a General LOAN, EXCHANGE and DISCOUNT Business. Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults. Insured against all possible losses. Accounts of FIRMS. INDIVIDUALS and CORPORATIONS solicited. W. S. Witham, J. T. Wilkes ' Pres. Vice Pres. THOMAS A. HOPPER, Cashier. An Ad. In The NEWS \ Brings Business To VOL. NO There's nothing like knowing just when, where, and how to buy goods. This is true of a merchant as well as r customer. We always make it a point to buy just such goods as we know out customers Will be pleased and satisfied to purchase. Our immense stock embraces tlie greatest variety of goods offered by any house in this section. M e always make a specialty of sty¬ lish and fashionable dress goods and suitable trimmings. j °ur Hue of shoes is kept full and (complete and are cheaper than Saint ‘goods at other places. We carry a full line of ladies and gents hosiery and underwear—stan¬ dard goods at low’ prices. I A full and up-to-date line of furni¬ ture, matting and house furnishing goods. j Straw hats, shirts, pants and a fresh ^ lieo ^- slll,rimer § 00< ls that are marvels [of beauty and comfort. Plantation tools and farm supplier of every description at hard time prices. Yankee notions of every description that are absolutely necessary to make life complete. Table linens, towehngs and oilcloths. Window shades, curtains etc. Crockery and glass ware. Knives, forks and pocket cutlery. Big line of tin and granite ware. We buy cotton, wool and other farm products. A Great Many Be Bought Cheap Here.