The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, May 27, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. XV. NO 50. IGF SAWMILL MEN MEET. ~~- Annual Meeting Held In Quitman lues- d ay Good Attendance. I'll t ! ntuial meeting of tin Ueorjtitt Sawmill socu.tuMi occurred nt Quitman Tuesday. The meeting brmmbt niunv prominent lumber¬ men of Georgia and Florida here. about thirtv-tive of the members of the association being present. The business sessions were ocou pied with the discussion of mat¬ ters pertaining to the lumber bus¬ iness. A feature of the meeting was the annual election of officers, as follows: II. H. Tift, of Tifton, president; Arthur G. 0uminer, vice-president for Georgia; Win. IJ. StileelJ, vice-president for Florida ; J. J. L. Phillips, treas¬ urer; E. C. Harrell, secretary. The visitors were very pleas¬ antly entertained and everything was done to make their stay here interesting to them. The chief social feature of the occasion was a banqin-t tendered them Gy Mr J. W. Oglesby, a prominent mem¬ ber of the association. The ban¬ quet was given at Mr. Oglesby’s handsome homo and was charac¬ terized hv the most delightful hospitality.—Free Press, Guard Kills Negro Convict. Valdosta, Ga , May 21.—Van- dor Griffin, a desperate negro con¬ vict on the county chaingaug. was shot and killed by Guard Each Taylor, near Dike park, yes¬ terday afternoon. Griffin rebelled against the discipline of the eump, and taking up a pickax at- tempted to brain the guard. Taylor called to the negro to ha it and fired once in the air ro stop him, ;but without effect. The second *h >t from the guard’s gun struck the negro in a vital spot, «heoe«ro dying in fifteen uros. i. &mM ■ ^Jl§i§§ \ 15? !? I / A-, \;,, Mi Agar V;N- > sc *# pip . ;/ f|M\* \ A '--C m is Hi < s Iv I k: d IS m Wjt: m vT^ A Ill / f, m 111 w% hi /_ -j p 'fr > mSm ^ u gurE rawn. 1* >'<r Tbe-iC people make the purest and most refreshing drinks on the market. They make more dif- ferent flavors than any bottling concern in the country. Not the cheapest on earth, but the BEST. Their goods are made from the best ingredients obtainable. Send them your orders. VALDOSTA BOTTLING WORKS, VALDOSTA, GEORGA, V* -A. tiT 1 \1 A A ♦ ADEL, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MAY 27th., 1904. SLOG PER ANNUM. FORMER SENATOR IN PRISON. \V. P. Dodd of Cordon County Serving Two Years for Embezzlement. Mil.edg-villc, Oa., Mas 21. K..rn,.,Smt.Sen,tor W. P. Do,,! G* rdon county is now at Mm State Prison Farm. He arrived this week, and is to serve a term of two years on account of em- bezzhment of funds intrusted to his care as County School missjoner. | Dr. Adams, physician at prison farm, has resigned and moved to Dublin, Ale wis the phvsxian at the prison at the time Mamie De Gris was it being his duty to decide wheMi- er or not .‘die was physically able to lie whipped. Dr. Adams is in high esteem in Milledgeville, and there was much regret at his resignation. The position will be filled by Dr. J. P. of the late Gov. W. Y. Atkin- Books Found in Lime Sink. Arabi, Ga., May 25. —Some men near Arabi, while fishing in a lime sink near here, discovered a suck in the pend, Upon fish- ing it «>ut it contained a lot of valuable books, among them a fine, large Bible, 1 hey fished out three of these sacks tilled with books. The sacks were sewed up. No clue to the mystery o? who have lost books has been ered. Rain has ;o:ne at last and the drought broken. Help I Help! A cry which goes up out of the (i j pr re: 4 calamities like floods, r a mine, pestilence, fires and tornadoes, In the case of Fires and Tornadoes the Help is Prompt and Certain, if yon pre- pare yourself before the disaster hv taking out a policy against loss or damage by fire and wind- *"* re,,r °‘ us. Carson, Banks tfc Co. R^f||^0|* jrf^ * P Ifinf Wlil ivtiiwu Killed HinmHf 9 1 llllovlfi* Maccm, Ga., MaV 21, 4 p. m.— R. H. Plant has just committed «e w», the »«»« th^ Plant Son’s bank, recently placed in the hands of a receiver * He killed himself at 3:45 o’clock this afternoon by shooting in the right temple with a. 38 caliber Smith & Wesson pistol, expiring immediately. Mr. Plant was in bis bedroom attended only by his nurse, whom be dismissed from his presence on the pretext that he was thirsty and wanted a glass of milk, she left him to secure the milk from the refrigerator, lie arose and went to his dresser where he kept his revolver secreted, Se- curingposession of it, he recrossed the room, stepped to an outside porch, placed the revolver to his right temple, pulled the trigger and blew his brains out. No one was in the room at the time the act was committed, but the report of the pistol brought his family quickly to bis side. When he was reached life was extinct. It bad been feared that he would commit a rash act. and his Su!b ftob Plant, watched him through last night and this morn- j n «r and had only a short while before left him. The news of Mr. Plant’s suicide spread rapidly through Macon, au<l this afternoon a scene equal¬ ing the announcement of the fail¬ ure of »he Plant banks on Mon¬ day is being enacted. R. H. Phint- was the President- <-f the First National Bank of Macon, a United States Deposi- ni,< ^ a,so a director in the I. C. Plant’s Son’s Bank, a private institution, both of which failed within forty minutes after open- in K ( "r «< >»•* Monday morning. j ! ViS,t t0 tHe Lai?d ° ; f Flowers * 1 Wanting a respite for a few { |day. ttfn-r «v*r.. 1„» B rears of h;ml mannal 1;ibor? V(>ur gcribe took advantage ot excursion given by the old reliable G. S & F. Tuesday last and might say, tie w to where some one has said, you are constantly fanned by breezes from the gulf at all times of the year. Reader, did you ever stop and think ol - the countless Minus- and of good people who live and die at home never having seen but little of tho beauties that God has placed in our midst. I have, and often thought this would be infinitely a bitter world should they take advantage of excursions occasionally, s-e other people and sections of the country. One of the principle branches of study taught in our schools is Geography. Let me tell you tny reader, and I speak from exper- ienee, your children may study this branch until gray haired and then know comparatively, noth¬ ing about this sphere, when by spending a few dollars now and then on trips from home their general information and geogra¬ phy of the country would be greatly enlarged. You exert yourself and try by every means to enlarge the melon and other products, bringing them as near p< rfection as possible. Why not oftener think of the mind, suffice to sav, rear and raise your chil¬ dren exclusively, at home, never allowing them out of sight on any pretext, often saving my children don’t want to go, they being ever so proficient in their studies. Once let them mingle with the Vox Populi, and their ignorance will be as visible and shine forth as the morning dew before old S'd has cast bis morning rays. ►Since the first spike was driven and the G. S. & F. plowed its way through our growing and prosper¬ ous town never was there excur¬ sion surpassing it in quietude. No drunken men parading through cats, all seemed to be as one large family bent upon a pleasant errand. From our midst a number of prominent citizens took advantage of said trip, weighing 340 pounds laying great strips upon seats not being large enough, another took umbrage at being taxed so high for all arti¬ cles bought. Last, named tourist in strolling dowttoue of the prom¬ inent. streets of Jacksonville stopped before a curiosity shop, seeing, a tine speciman of the canine species, (stuffed) Bull Dog Pedigree of which I once heard a lady in N. say he was partial. Inquired of clerk who had a bull dog Phiz, bow much for that dog. Reply, step in sir and ask the taxidermist. Later on found him out on the banks of St. John viewing those beautiful birds who when pursued by the Arabian courser sticks his bead in the sand and imagines itself safe. Having heard that the Os¬ trich often swallowed pieces of glass plate, l mquired of keeper what species of hardware lie used, r p n v retVeraHv give thenV w,,ich t,,eir di » e8ti(>H Strange - to say this man has taxable prop- erty in our town amounting to thousands and never objects tax imposed X But l FShLe enough f.o ng 1V O ’ x " * " -vi I, is that we may all live to enjoy another such trip, F. M. C. --—■— Depot at Tifton Destroyed. Tifton, Ga.. May 21.—The de- pot of the Atlantic and Binning- ham railroad at Tifton was de- stroved by tire last night about 9 o’clock. Jt is supposed the tire was caused by a spark from a passing engine. No one was in the depot at tin? time and the flames had made such progress before they were discovered that nothing could be saved. The local office of the company was in the depot and all the pa- pers and records were destroyed, with all freight that was in the building. The loss of the papers and records is the most serious one. The most valuable freight was several hundred pounds of copper wire belonging to the Bell Telephone Company, which ltas probably worth $2,000. The total loss on building and contents was about $4,500, on no local insurance was car¬ ried, but it is thought the com¬ pany has a blanket policy that will cover a portion if not all the loss. “i>0 IT TO-DAY. The time-worn injunction, 4 i Never put off ’til to-morrow what you can do to-day,” is now generally presented in'this form: "Do it to-day!’' That is tlie terse advice we want to give you about that hacking cough or demoral¬ izing cold with which you have been struggling for several days, perhaps weeks . 'Take some relia¬ ble remedy for it to-Day and let that remedy be Dr Buschee's German lias been Syrup, which which has in use for over thirtv- tive- years. A few doses of it will undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold, and its continued use for a few days will cure you com¬ pletely. No matter how deep- seated i our cough, even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure —as it has done be¬ fore in thousands of apparently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial bottles, 25c: regular size, 75c. At all druggists. C. E. PARRISH, Attorney and Counselor at Law', ADEL, - GE0RGA. GROCERIES. Bargains, Full Weight and Fair Dealing what you will find at the New Grocery Store, next dcor to Mrs. Hester’s Millinery Shop. It will be to your interest to call on me. Respectfully, H. L. DAMPIER. THE BANK OF ADEL wants your business and offers you alt the accommo¬ dation and courtesy to which your business and balance entitles you. r ~ W. J. R0UERS, Pres. J. T. WLKES, V..P. M. A- CROSBY, Cash- SPARKS INSTITUTE CLOSES. Attractive Program for Exercises, Em¬ bracing May 2 Q to June i. The second annual commence- ment of the Sparks Collegiate In- stitute will bo held May 29th to June 1st, inclusive. Following attractive and entertaining pro- gram has been arranged*: Sunday, June 29th, 11 a. m. rt,u ^ 3 P- m.—Preaching by Rev. Da scorn Anthony, of Macon, Ga. Monday. 9:30 a. m.—Declama- * ions and Recitations. Addx by Snpt. E. A. Pound, Wayoros?, ^hi. 8 p. m.—Entertainment, Pri¬ mary and Intermediate Depart- meats. Tuesday. 9:30 a. m. Declama¬ tions and Recitations, Address bv Dr. \V. C. Lovett, Atlanta, Ga. 3:30 p. m.—Debate between Literary Societies. Resolved, ‘‘lliat the Southern States slum Id have Compulsory Education.” 8 p. m .—General Entertain¬ ment. Wednesday, 8:30—Graduating Exercises. Address by Rev. J. AVT - Da,ni,, S° 3 i Tifton, Ga. De¬ livery of Certificates. 4 p. m. to G p. m.—Reception at Girls’ Dormitory. 8 p. m.—General Entertain¬ ment. Ginnery Destroyed by Fire. Moultrie, Ga., May 21.—'The Hurtsfiehl ginnery, at Hartsfield was destroyed by lire yesterday. The fire was of an incendiary origin. Officers hav i a clue as to the guilty party and it is thought that he may be apprehended and brought to justice. The loss is estimated at $0,000 v ith insurance amounting to$3,- GOO. The entire amount was in the Greenwich Fire Insurance Company. Whooping Cough. “In the spring of 1901 my chil¬ dren had whooping cough,” says Mrs. D. W. Capps, of Capps, Ala, “I used Chamberlain’s Cougli Remedy with the most satisfac¬ tory results. I think this is the bed remedy I have ever seen for keeps whooping cough.” This remedy the cough loose, lessens the severity and frequency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by all druggists.