The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, July 08, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. NT 4. ADEL, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JUL Y 8th 1904. SI.00 PER ANNUM. , ORPHANS HOME EXCURSION. it Will be Run on Thursday, July 28th. The excursion to the Orphans Floine at Macon will be run on Thursday, July 28Mi. Every i 11- dication points to a large crowd Permit cards can be secured, from Mr. E- D. Wa'ker, at the Hotel K-foy, he having kindly consent¬ ed to h mdltt them, Tins following Is the invitation from the superintendent of the li one: M icon, Ga., June 25,—'To the friends, especially along the line f the Georgia Jouthern & Flor- Ida Rv., ami its tributaries uf the Bouth Georgia Conference 'Dr-, pliaus’ Home. film. W. W. Webb, who all of you know and that so favorabp ; the great friend of tin* home, will sacrifice his time again this sea¬ son, to work up an enjoyable trip for you to the Home on Thurs¬ day, July 28. Judging from the past, we are to expect a most em jovahle occasion. You under¬ stand, that you tire expected to bring that large-size basket, com¬ fortably filled, and (hat we are to assist you in destroying its contents. We shall have ready for your 'refreshment barrels of lemonade, and for your entertain, meat songs from the children, and possibly an oration or two some gifted brother. To make it more pleasant for you and to add to the enjoyment of the day, we are endeavoring to have a pavilion ready, large enough to protect from the rays of the sun and keep dry in case of ram. (V ine along, we will be so glad to so* v on ml bring the old lady and sweetheart with you. \on remember !>ro. Webb lias milv nice people to' visit ns ana you tan rest assured that imMilnji will occur to shock the most re- fined, or to mar the pleasure of auv one Arrange vour business , . to spend : the , 28:h oc of f July T . as our guest, thus honoring us and re- .lmms a conscientiousness of duty performed. For the Orphans ’ J. 1, Dozier, . dip q , . . The extreme length of Texas, the largest state, is 620 and its breadth 765 miles, comprising an area of 265,780 square miles. It lias 243 counties, 19,500,000 acres of improved farming land and farm property of the value of $962,000,000. The number of its farms is 352,10*2. ______ 9 season is at hand and this will remind you that Y ou should be fully protected by Fire Insurance. I write policies direct for Lie keen and Liverpool and London |l ^one Globe better. Insurance Companies business solicited . , and . ■ our ■reoiated. A. A. WEBB, local agent. | Dr. £. F. Bmirquin, >nic Diseases A Specialty. >fiiee Honr3: 10a. in. to 3 p. m j Get. W l Office, 2 rings on 32. tYo, | Residence, 31 *%? \i r>? * A V ? ! i T Si 4 1 7 / • **Ls*' J POPULATION OF THE WORLD. One Billion, Five Hundred Mil¬ lion People in Existence. According to an exhaustive stinistical work by a German, of which Harper’s Weakly gives an interesting resume, the popula¬ tion of the world today is 1,508,- 300,009 The average density of population is about ten \ arsons To one square kilomete r, and the distribution among the eonti- u?nts is as follows; R, Europe, 9,728,600 square kilometers ami 092,204,000 peopb*, or te rty m- habitants for each square hjlom ete-r; in Asia, 44,179.400 square kilometers hnd 819,550.(4)0 in- luibiteuts, eighteen (o a square kilometer; in Africa, 29,820,200 square kilometers and 140,700,000 inhabitant#, five to a square kil- ometer. Nort h America, to which division are rather arl.itra- vily assigned the West Indies. M xico, Central America and Panama as well as the United States and Canada, is credited with 20,817,7000 square kilome¬ ters and 105,714,000 inhabitants, live to one square kilometer. Died of His Wounds. The negro who was shot by Miss Mattie Oockran, at. Barnett, June 9, lias just died in a swamp near that place. It was thought the negro was unhurt and had made bus esc ap e . When shot, the negro made his wav to a swamp, where he was concealed and nurs- sod till death claimed him Wed¬ nesday. Miss Cock ran was alone at her home when the negro ap¬ proached her. She asked him what he wanted. lie made no r«'p!v, but kept advancing. The Voung woman seized , her , father ", . s and . gun tired point-blank . at the , intruder. tetaLy Torture,t. A case came to light that for persistu t and unmerciful torture I ‘ never U been " eoualed .‘. Y Joe Grolbic, n,; ,. of o Omasa, ■ Omif, writes, -Z ror ao years I endured insuffer- pc. in Loin Rheumatism and JrfJ iiiuov "f J* ; .uiiiii„ if|” k Aow,,'T n.ittii. i came came n cr ° J ‘ s Electric Litters and it’s >m-g,eateat 1 medicine earth for on t iattrouu . A tew bottles ox it compieu-iy ;c leved and cured Kidney t'niublcs°ami ceooral* X- guaranteed by 5,|c b. P. Satisfaction Williams, aiuggist. ^ Japanese oiled miners, made from the bark, of trees or shrubs, are astonishingly cheap and duv ruble. As a cover for his load of tea when a rain storm overtakes him the Japenese farmer spreads over it a tough, pliable cover of oiled paper, which is almost as impervious as tarpuliu and as light as gossamer. —-■ — -- bafeguard the Children. Notwithstanding all that is done by boards of health and charitably inclined persons, the death rate among small children is very high during the hot weath¬ er of the summer months in the large cities. There is not prob¬ ably one case of bowel complaint in a hundred, however, that could not be cured by tlie timely use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol¬ era and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all druggists. Farm Loans Promptly Made. Our facilities for making- loans passed. Time in whole 5 years, but may pay interest, or part any year stop ELLIS & ELLIS. - Padrick Building Tifton, Ga. Prompt attention given all written, quiries, THE TROUBLE AT ALBANY. Dissensions Cstised by ton*Westbrook Affair. Albany, Ga.,—“This is an af- fair,’ said Mayor Lippitt as lie called the police commission to Ilitnsdav morning, "him is greatly to he deplored. Jt has arrayed fathers against son, hits- band against wife and friend against friend, and should be set¬ tled with as little delay as pos¬ sible,’’ lie referred, of course, to tho sensational Broughton- Westbrook affair, which lias so stinted this little city since last Sunday. The first few days of I he re¬ vival passed off without unnsinl incident. It. was not until Sun- d iy afternoon that anything sen- National .developed, and tl.en ; t came lik- a thunderclap from a clear sky. Persons supposed to be close to I)r, Broughton and thought t«» stand high in tin* coun¬ cils of those who were managing the meciiugs, had given out the statement that there would be nothing of a sensational nature— that no proposal attacks would be made by any who were mg the services. Whether these statements were not advised by Dr. Broughton or whether they were made before he came into possession of the information and affidavits, which he claimed to have, concerning the conduct of Chief It. N. Westbrook, lias net come to light. Tlmre have been few things in the city’s history which have ore- ated so much feeling as had this affair, jt has b. en the one topic of discussmn in the city through¬ out tlie week, and so heated have some of tlieee arguments become that families are known where of tlie matter has been entirely dropped by agreement. The leailors of the s?l >' that a great good has been done-—. a am. , reds , , have , been made , to iura their faces to the Lord.” On tho other hand, there is anotl.or fact,on the city wl„cl, !' <, l!U “Pi'iioii | n<l ‘"7 * ,e l ,n than good. Lhev will tell vou that ‘ ‘ the m enthusiasm • which . iviigmus h H s been created will die out muc h sooner than the bitter feel- il>SS which have boon ed. u it aoesn t look mmm like ‘peace on earth, goodwill -toward men,’ they will say. One thing is sure. The effects ">« Broisut.,,.-Wctbrook af- fair wiU be felt in local politics for years to com*. Which fac- tion is the stronger remains to be seen, but each side is lining up. »»« ^ ia ^' *»,'»' ^ U!S <««> happened predicte.l will that be all as nothing compared with the con- lEcts which are to come. Al- the Y estbrook faction, it is understood, has selected a can- diuate for the mayoialty rase in KWlj and there can be no doubt »*>'« "bs week will figure m every political campaign for a decade or two. There is no Albanian, whether his sympathies be with Dr. Broughton or with Chief West¬ brook, who does not join in the geneiatl regret which is feit the whole thing should have penerl and who does not deplore the notoriety quiet* which it 1ms given to the lit tie metropolis of southwest Georgia, No Pity Shown. “For years fate was after continuously” writes F, A. Gul- ledge, Verbena, Abi. “I had a terrible case of Piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Buck- Ion’s Arnica Salve cured me. Equally good for Burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c at S. f. Williams drug store, r RICH MAN AT MANUAL LABOR Worlh Six Million But is Han* dlitig Freight. Sun Franojsco, July 2,—Chas. j Olmuney Stillman, who is worth |0,000,000 and who is the p olive heir to one.third of the $40,000,000 of his father, James Stillman, of New York, is han- freight at the Sixteenth street- station of the Soutlc rn Pacific at Oakland, Cal., for £75 a month. 'This is a raise for the young millionaire, lie lias been work¬ ing at track laving, lie is de¬ termined to learn the entire bus- inters of railroading from the bo*tom up. Stillman is a graduate of Yale and in Ilia lime was n famous foot ball player, A novel reunion took place nt Baris, Ill., June 18. The Paris correspondent for the New York World says: “Daniel G. Bn' C aged eighty-four, a survivor of company II. Fourth regiment, recruited here June 4 ; 1846, for the war with Mexico, held a “re¬ union” all by himself today in the Fair grounds here, As he had done annually for forty years, he called the roll of Ins company from the original roll he had written with a quill pen, and of which he had custody as orderly seargeant of the company. Several times in recent years he has held a reunion by himself. lie is now the only survivor his company. He reads the names, some forty in number, and when he calls Ins own he answers ‘Here.’ It is the only name to which there is a response. Cured of Chrotlic Diarrhoea Alter Ten Years of Suffering. clT . , , „ , . p ,, aise <)f 0!lambe rh,i.r S Col.c, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,” says Mrs. Mattie Burge, of Mar- tinsvillo, . Ya., .. T suffered from chronic diarrhoea for t«n years and during that time tried va¬ rious medicines without obtain I »>S »■>.* Permanent relief. Last summer one ot mv children was r;i! - 0)1 VV ft1i cholera morbus, and ! procured a bottle of this lemedv. Only two doses were required to give her entire relief. 1 then de- ;*f«d »otry (be n.edicim, iTl n.ysolf neve r since been troubled with that complaint. One cannot say too much in favor of that won- s ‘ " lAl^l'drudfiT®'" T _—1 ^ “ __^ Many articles that are eaten have no value as true foods, be- cause they dc not build up the body or supply force. These are known as food accessories. Among the chief food accessories are tea, cocoa beef tea and i fnth spirits and spices. Stanley’s Business College Macon, Ga. It will take but a minute. Yet that minute deei , may .e future, It may be the op¬ portumty which _ it grasped now may lead on to fortune. It will take but a minute decide in favor of a thorough training, or if you not certain of the advantage you gam, write ns for full We can’t supply the demand for our students, hence any worthy person may take a course and pay after securing a position. Catalogue sent free for the asking, G, W. H. Stanley, Pres. OVER NINE MILLION Census Bureau Issues Bulletin On Population. Washington, July 0.—The Oen 1 sus Bureau to-day issued the fi- nal bulletin on the negro popula- tion of .the I uitnl States. : number of negroes in the United States, including the eniiie area covered by the twelfth census (Continental United States, Alas- ka, Hawaii and Pujfo Rico) is 9,204,581, perhaps a larger n u m- her than is found in any otliei country outside of Africa. The report indicates that be- tween 11 and 16 per cent, of tlm negro population have or are be¬ lieved by the enumerators, to have some degree of white blood. The center of t lie negro papu¬ lation is in De Kalb county, Ala¬ bama, about four miles from the western boundary of Georgia, having moved thence from Din- widdle county, Virginia, 476 miles nortlienst, sineo 1790. O 7er 77 per cent, of the negroes live in the country, against over 57 per cent, of the whites. Almost 90 per cent, of the negroes in tin? Continental United States arc in th^JCnitfiern states, and three tenths of them are in Negroes constitute about one- fifteenth of the city population and about one-seventh of the country population of Continen¬ tal United States, There whs an increase among the negroes of 1,845,818, or 18 per cent , in Con¬ tinental United States, but the rate of increase dechnod steadily through the nineteenth century. The negroes, unlike the Indians and the native whites, have a slight excess of females. Illit¬ eracy among them is about seven times greater than the whites. There are 3,992,837 negroes in the United States engaged in gainful occupations. Their death rate approximates 30 per cent., while that of the whites under under tho same calculation is 17 per cent. --AND- 9 These famous Shoes==made so by real value-* are for sale in Adel. For comfort, (j L , ra pjijty and style they are the acme of Ana the pnee-as low as any one can expect to buy a really good shoe at. Overalls « We have a new lot of clean, up-to-date Overalls—the kind you have looked in vain Everything almost you need you wilt find at the big store of Booth Bros. & Co. GRAY HEADS DELEGATION. Howell Still National Commit¬ tee mas From Georgia. Okawville, Ills., luly 4—At a special meeting of the Georgia delegation held aboard the spe¬ train this morning Hon. fames R Gray, of Atlanta, dele¬ gate-at-large, was unai.inu u dy elected chairman of the Georgia delegation. Hon. John VY. Mad¬ dox, of Rome, resigned, JUJA-iiqa been elected a member of th<^ platform committee. Hon. James .Smith was unani¬ mously elected member of the committee on permanent oagani- zation. Hon. Clias. R. Peudletot* was unaminonsly elected Geor¬ gia's member to notify the nomi¬ nee for president. Judge Wil¬ liam A. Little was made Geor¬ gia’s member of the very impor¬ tant committee on credentials. Judge R. T. Daniel was named as Geoigia’s vice-president of th« convention, J. P. Oocke v as nam¬ ed a member of the eemmittee to notify the nominee for vice- president, Hon. Clarke Howell was re-elected Georgia's member of the national committee and Hon. Moses Wright was selected to make a speech seconding the nomination of Judge Parker. R. C. WOODARD, ^ Physician and Surgeon. All calls answered promptly. ADEL, GEORGIA. Phone| ca Joe Zealy Jackson, LAWYER. General Practitioner in Stat* and United States Courts. NASHVILLE GEORGIA Office in Carter's Building. KILL the COUCH and CURE THE LUNQ8 WITH 9 s PS : , ■fer Price "I B <*> 60c & $1.00 ./OLDS Free Trial. n i n awawn einr ■wuiwn ■—3B— Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB- or MONEY BACK.