The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, September 23, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. NO 18. ADEL, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd., 1904. $1.00 PER ANNUM. PARKER’S NOBLE SPIRIT iesires no Reflection Upon Roosevelt. New York, Sept. 17—Tlie fo 1 - 1 iwing letter Concerning the Dem¬ ocratic campaign book was made publwrhv George F. Parker, chief <,f the Democratic literary de- part meat tonight: ‘‘Rosemount, Esopus. N. Y., Sept. 17, 1004: “My Dear Mr. Parker: The Times Union of this morning says that tlie party text book is about prepared, and that it will go to tli3 printer m a few days. There¬ fore I hasten to beg you to see to ill ill it there is no word in it that riMects upon the personal honor a:ml integrity of President Reuse v|t. “Ati Evening Post editorial in- lothes, Clothes, CLOTHES. New shipment of Men’s and boys suits just received. Fancy Cheviots, Doe Skins and unfinished Worsteds of strength and fineness in suits of new and pleasing styles. f i You will acknowledge that it is unusual that such suits should be offered for $10.00 and $12.50 whil^ most of jthem are it 0. o call at our store towing you our stock »> I V. —JIl t Vi ♦ dicaffes that but littlo care was taken in that direction towards myself by the compiler of the Republican text book, but let there by no rejoinder in kind or otherwise. “l feel confident that you need no reminder, still my anxiety impels me to send this caution. ferv truly vows, ALTON B. BARKER. What is Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, tnit we do kn->w that it is under strict Jaw. Abuse that law even slighlflv, pain results, Ir- regular living means derange¬ ment of the organs, resulting in Constipation, trouble. Headache New or Liver Life I)r. King’s Bills quickly re-adjusts this. It’s gentle, vet thorough. Only 25c at S. P. Williams drug store. In 1903 the gold produced in the Trannsvaal was worth $61,- 003,000. iclusively we ou money on PLACE e name. n. THING. I stuff. I will furnish tion. jeef hides, both green butchered. Will pay Located opposite the n hand for sale all the t Market. A pi* I I Crosby, I will continue full line of Woods f L. Our Grocery v,1H appreciate a shaie )ASTLEBERRY. MERCER ASSOCIATION, Big Baptist Gathering Will Bring 250 Visitors Next Month. The Mercer Baptist one of the largest i:i Georgia, will meet in Thomasville on tlie Tues¬ day after the second Sunday in October. This is Tuesday, Oc¬ tober 11. The association will meet at 11 a. in. and alter organ¬ ization the introductory sermon will be preached by Rev. Caleb A. Ridley of Quitman. IIis al¬ ternate is Rev. A. J. Taylor of Pavo. On Wednesday night the missionary sermon will be preach¬ ed by Rev. L. II. Christie of Val¬ dosta. His alternate is Rev. J . M . Bushin of Boston. Rev. Rush- in is moderator of the Associa¬ tion. He is a man in whom every member of the body feels utmost confidence. No pastor in the Association wields a wider influence than he. The Woman’s Missionary Union, an auxiliary body to the Associ¬ ation, will meet on Wednesday morning. Its program will be announced later. The two bodies will bring about two hundred and fifty visitors to Thomasville. The Thomasville Baptist church will entertain these and Col. R. E. Lester is chairman of a commit- tee now at work to provide for them* The Association lias 56 church¬ es in all including those m Moul- trie, Quitjmnn, Thomasville, Val¬ dosta an I intermediate points. Six of these churches have been established since the last meeting of the Association. will welcome this body of Godly men with her usual hospitality.—Times Enter¬ prise. In Praise of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol¬ era and Diarrhoea Remedy. “Allow me to give you a few words in praise of Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,” says Mr. John Ham- lett, of Eagle Pass, Texas. “I suffered one week with bowel trouble and took all k.nds of medicine without getting any re¬ lief, when my friend, Mr. C. Johnson, a merchant here, ad¬ vised me to take this remedy. After taking one dose I fet great¬ ly relieved and when I had taken the third dose was entirely cured. I thank you from the bottom of oiy heart for putting this great remedy in the hands of man¬ kind.” For sale by all druggists. Met the Funeral Cortege. Baxter, Fla., Sept, 17.—A sad and striking incident of the Alt- man-Duncan feud occurred this morning. Just ae the party of _ twenty men were coming in to give themselves up, the funeral cortege, bearing the body of Dep¬ uty Sheriff Thrift, started to leave the building where it had remain¬ ed since the killing. As the horsemen reached the railroad track, corning from the south, the funeral party reached the opposite side of the track. The murdered man’s body and the men charged with his murder met directly on the crossing. Each party continued its way without paying any attention the other. The body of the deputy was taken to the cemetery near Mouiac and buried. _____ The Australian detectives find football useful. Criminals will hide six days in the week; but they have to come out on Satur- day to see the football game, and the police are ou baud. STICK OF DYNAMITE Discovered Before Thrown Un« der Boilers at Compress. Had it not been for the very lucky discovery it is quite prob¬ able that what, is now the Albany compress would be nothing but a big hole in the ground, while boilers, bales of cotton and other things connected with the com¬ press would be raining down Oil Southwest Georgia for two weeks or more. The lucky discovery that saved a great loss of life and property was made by the firemen at ‘he compress Thursday afternoon. He was breaking up some lug lumps of coal preparatory to shoveling the fuel into the hot flames under the boilers of the big compress. He struck one big lump and it broke almost- in half. As the parts separated a black looking cylinder two and one-half inches in diameter and ten indi¬ es long fell down into the smaller pieces of coal. The fireman had never seen anything like it come out of a lump of coal. He took it op and carried it to the engi- neer, who saw at once that, it was a stick of powerful dynamite, enough to have blown the whole plant to atoms had it been explo¬ ded by concussion or thrown into the fire under the boilers. The dynamite came to the com¬ press from the coal mines. It had been fitted into an opening drill¬ into the coal and had failed explode. Other explosions bad forced out the coal in which it had been imbeded, and it had shipped in this way from the mine from which the coal was taken.—Albany Herald. Sour Stomach. When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality ti o rich, sour stomach is likely to follow, and especially so if the digestion has been weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food tilt roughly. Let five hours elapse between meals, and when you feel a full¬ ness and weight in the region of tlie stomach after eating, take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and the sour stomach may bo avoided. For sale by all drug¬ gists. Utah, of course, is under Mor- m<<» political control, but it is not generally known that the Mor¬ mons control, or hold the balance of power, in Idaho, Nevada, and possibly Wyoming and Colorado, with a strong following in Arizo¬ na, Washington and other states. He Sold a Pile of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. I have sold Chamberlains’* Cough Remedy for more than twenty years and it has given en- iire satisfaction. I have sold a pile <»f it and can recommend it highly.—Joseph McElhiney, Lin¬ ton, Iowa. You will find this remedy a good., friend when troubled with a cough or cold, ft always affords quick relief and is pleasant to take. For sale by all druggists. It is said that the Servian gov¬ ernment will issue bonds for $3,- 000.000 to imprr ve the hospital service attached to the war de¬ partment. Buckleos Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for fiiar- veilous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Guts,Oorns Burn*, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles, Cure guaranteed. Duly 25c at S. P. ilisTc-s. FRANK HALL’S, The People’s Store. Our line of fall and winter goods, consisting of Dry Goods, SI V / V Hats, Etc. 4*1 Has been purchased with an eyl single to the welfare of our customers: We want to Buy Your Cotton, Chickens, Eggs, Etc. High¬ est prices paid. COME TO SEE US. FRANK H. HALL, WOODALL BUILDING. ■ JJLSI GOOD STOCK. ! have just returned from the great Stock Markets and have a car load of Fine Horses. If you need a good animal at a reasonable price come to see me. Respectfully, J. T. POPE. THE BANK OF ADEL wants your business and offers you all the accommo¬ dation and courtesy to which your business and balance entitles you. W. J. ROGERS, Pres. J. T. WLKES, V.-P. M. A. CROSBY, Cash. This machine is a beautiful. oak-case, light-running, drawers drop-head, NEW ENG¬ LAND QUEEN. It is ball bear¬ ing and we believe about as light as any machine we ever saw\ We can sell you this machine with five drawers and a five-jear guarantee for only $35.00. If you need a good ma- chine for little money, come and see this one. • Remember we carry a full line of nice HJKNitukk, too.. Just give us time to show you what we have. Very Respectfully, ADEL FURNITURE CO.