The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, September 30, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. XVl. NO I’). ADEL, BERRiEN COUNTY, QEOROIA. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 38i)fr I904. Sl.00 PER ANNUM. ARMERS INS 111 U l E. pi Agriculturist Meenk Valdosta. moors’ Institute for the (tiatoria] District, which i lebl in Va.klostiwrti Sat¬ urday, Oct. 15, bids fair to be by |nug odjs the most interesting !!i d profitable occasion m tlm history of this section Lectures oil live agricultural topics will l> made by well known speakers (!)( educators, and there isn’t a f ;t r- iper in tlietiire* counties com posing Hie district, who eunr.o learn enough at the institute to pay him many times over for t he time and expanse it will cost to attend. Morning and aftern »o n sessions will bn held. Already the indications point to a very large attendance, and t fate Director Harvio Jordan j s very anxious to have aid of the farmers in tips section come. The following subjects will be discussed: ,,' “Common Law m Agriculture lothes, Clothes, CLOTHES. New shipment of Men’s : 1 and boys suits just received. Fancy Cheviots, Doe Skins and unfinished Worsteds «?f strength and fineness in suits of new and pleasing * husual that such suits [tile L most of them are I to call at our store showing you our stcck )t. exclusively we you money on es. PLACE he name. Men. I) THING. good stuff, and I will furnish ght. tion, id beef lades, boHi green day butchered. Will pay nd Locate^ opposite the >h on hand for:sale alL the 11 eat Market. Goods. isby, I will continue ^line of ;tc. Our Grocery Depart- I will appreciate a share of STUZBERRY. **» t i t v y-i / t, i —3L -■ i :1 ’ w '■ ; j t i / J ■# ( /> >y Hoii. W. B, Hilt, State {University, Athens, . “Chemistry in ArgicuPure,” Dr. HjC. White, President State College'of ‘M’nire Agriculture, Ail iu ns and Handling o£ Beef Cattle/' by Prof. O. L. Wiilougii by, Experiment, Ga. “ i'r’pcii and Oaijle- •P-A” by Major «•. L. Glee,- ier, Rand and Industrial Agent, 5. S. <fc F. R R., Macon, Gi “Marketing Farm Products and Jomniet’cial Fertilizers.” by Di¬ rector 11 arvie Jordan, MoiPicello, la. “Injudions « and c Diseases/’ by £ £> State Eptomolomst, At lanta “Agricultural Education,” bv Prof. J. ,v>. Stewart, oi Athens/ “Improvement of the Country Home, b|’ Miss Lizzie O, Thomas, of Atlanta. Every rood y invited, especially the farn(iers, their wives and fain- ibes, basket dinner will be served on the grounds. Exercises opmipromptly at 10 o’clock.— Valdosta [Times. Wreck at Hodges, Tenn. 58 are Dead; 162 are Wounded. Knoxville, Term., S*pf. ! Running on a roadbed in a posedly high condition of v ter.ahceaml having • about . , ,, every safeguard known to rai.roacLng, two trains '*n f 1 Southern Railwa .! 1 heavy lists of passengers, cn together in a frightful collision near Hodges, Tenn., to¬ day sending 54 people to death and injuring one hundred anil twenty, several of whom will probably die. This appalling loss of life and maiming of the living resulted apparently from the disregarding of orders given to the two trains to meet at a station which has f< r a long time been their regular meeting point, I’he claim of failure to see eilli er the station or signals can not tie set up by the enginerof the west- bound train were be alive to enter a plea of defense, as the accident happened in broad daylight, and, according to the best informntmn obtainable, he had the orders in a little frame in front of his mons¬ ter of iron and steel, rushed by Newmarket and soon after came M'DONALD CUT SPENCE. Candidates Have Fearful Fight at Waresboro. Way cross, Ga., Sept. 23. —Dr. J. M. Spence, representative from Ware county, was seriously stabbed by J. R. McDonald, near Waresbor<». this afternoon. Only meager details of the stab, bing can be learned tonight. Dr. Spence is at lus home in Warres- boro, and two Waycross physi¬ cians are attending him, It Wil: stated tonight that his injuries may prove fatal, as one of the wounds is almost through Ids lungs. The doctor was stabbed four times, once in big left breast, once in the hip, and again from the stomach down Ids leg, >]’l )0l most serious stab is in the back near the right shoulder bone. Dr. Spence is Democatic itomi- nee from e ,. Ware T county, , and , is • posed by Mr. McDonald as an ’ depemlenl. , , . , Tbo r , , latter .. rM.ros.n- ted Ware county six years ago, and hits been a candidate- for election at every primary since. For years there has been bad fool ing between the men. 1 he report of the row 13 Dr. Spence went to McDonald’s home for the purpose of forcing him to sign affidavits withdrawing certain charges made against, him by McDonald It. is said that Spence drew a revolver and in— formed McDonald that he kill him unless affidavits signed. A friend was in the buggy with rtpence, and when the pistol drawn he caught hold of the doc- ‘ tor . , s arm. McDonald then sprung upon bpenco and while lus friend \\ as holding him to prevent Me- Dona ft from being shot, the bmg was done. It is also claimed that a friend of McDonald present and held a pistol spence while McDonald was bing him. Sour Stomach. When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality t< o rich, sour stomach islikely to follow, and especially so if the digestion has bemi weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food, Masticate the food tlu roughly, Let live hours elapse between meals, and when ymi feel a full- ness and weight- in the region of the stomach after eating, Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and the sour stomach may be avoided. For sale by all gists. upon an eastbound passenger train making New Market in rotn- . pliance with insf ructions, to ,. CT(boaml tr , iu ^ , wIli , h ^ , wr; f( , m [ (n - ]/•,,./» , Hi other Southern cities. The possibility exists that the ill-fatyd engineer may have been asleep or that death had sudden¬ ly taken the sight from hi? eyes: before Newmarket was reached. Bit nothing is known save that orders were not obeyed, The trains were on limn and not mak¬ ing over So min s an hour, vet the impact as they rounded curve and can e suddenly upon each other was frightful. Both engines and the major portions of both trains were de¬ molished, and nhv the orders were disregarded or nitsinforprc- ted^ probably will never be known as the engineers of I lie two trains were crushed, their bodies re¬ maining for hours under the wreckage of the monster locomo- lives, winch out a short time be¬ fore had leaped forward at the tonrii of their strong hands upon, the throttle la Praise of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol¬ era ami Diarrhoea Remedy. “Allow me To give you u few words in praise of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,” says Mr. John 11 left, of Eagle J’ass, Texas, “1 suffered one week with bowel trouble and took all k,nds of medicine without getting auv re¬ lief, when, my fiiend, Mr. C. lohi son, a merchant here, a’.- vised me to take this remedy. After taking one dose I fet great- bv -relieved and when I had taken < l>e third dose was entirely cured. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting this great remedy in the hands of A man¬ kind.” For sale by all druggists. The statistical maniac calcu- lutes there is one piano for every -even house 1 ' in the United King- d >m, and as each instrument on an average of $100 the enormous aggregate is $100,000,- 000. „ lie 0 Sold . a Pile of Chamberlain lough s ? I have sold . . , c , m „ h llemcllv f()1 . more t |,.„ years and it li is given en satisfaction. I have sold pile <>f it and can recommend it highly.—Joseph McElhiney, Lin¬ ton, Iowa. You will find this remedy a goo.t friend when troubled with a cough or cold. 11 always affords quick relief and * s ideisant to take. For sale by druggists. To supply tlie German sugar factories about 3,200,000 tons of beets are required annually, What is Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, but, we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slighlly, pain results. me;ms ot the organs, resulting m Constipation, Headache or Liver f-. rou h]e, I)r. King’s New Life pqjig quickly re-adjusts this. ic s <r e ntle, vet thorough, Only 25c at S. P. Williams drag store. Dublin/ a city with a large Catholic population, lias Catholic cathedral. Fearful 0/Js Against Itim Bedridden, alone .and ilGsfitutc. Such, in brief was the condition of an rdd soldier bv name of J. J. Havens, Versailles, O., F<>r years he was troubled with Kidney dis case and neither doctors nor med icines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his feet, in short- order and now he testifies. “I’m on the road to complete recovery.” Best earth for Inver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Gi ri: i Urj 1> £. P il^^vr, drugght, 0 The People’s Store. lme oi f ii fax !! and winter consisting of Dry Goods, Sho Hats, Etc. Has been purchased with an d single to the welfare of our custohiei i 1 - •A % 3 Si Your Colton, Chickens, Eggs, Etc. High¬ est prices paid. > COME TO SEE US. FRANK 11. HA LI WOODALL BUILDING. 9 1 have just returned from /V the Stock Markets and ST great have a car load of Fine Horses, , , if you need a good animal at a reasonable price come to see me. Respectfully, 11 J. T. POPE. THE BANK OF ADEL wants your business and offers you all the accommo= datiou and courtesy to which your business and balance entitles you. W. J. ROGERS, Pres. J. TeWLKES, V.= P. M. 4. CROSBY^Cash. This machine is a beautiful, oak-case, light running, lisp!* drawers drop=hecd, NEM^ EfNG- LAND QUEEN. It is ball bear¬ ing and we believe about ?V light machine as any we ever -r m 1 saw. We can sell yea <his M machine with five drawers a five*year guarantee for ” |i ■ $.15.00. If you need a good ma* -• - U' L;f . mm chine for little money, cenie aftd ' . . ^ see this one. ♦ Remember we carry a full line of nice FURNITURE, too. Just give us time to show you What we have. Very Respectfully, A DLL FURNITURE (T>