The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, November 04, 1904, Image 1

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L d Wrto 5 t iU%i? ♦ I. '• NO 24. ADEL. BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1904. $1.00 PER . re Co 'AIL ; and Children's mpiete with the jtsible prices. artment es of the latest t * A itid it will be to your in¬ lee us for S. [noney on the market. v tore Co. fcident that occurred while ‘was in session. One juror one off because he saiA lie opposed to capital punisli- lid that man carried more to tiie burning than any bout here,” said a bvstan- I Healthy Mothers. It I hers should always keep in leir bodily health. They owe it children. Yet it is no mi¬ ll sight to see a mother, with in exhibiting arms, coughing violent- hd all the I of a consumptive tendency. [ Bition why exist, should dangerous tins dangerous alike lother and child, when Dr. Iliee’s German Syrup would fa stop to it at once? Nomoth- Ihould be without this old and u remedy in the house—for timely use will promptly cure lung, throat or bronchial jible I worst in cough herself or her cold children. be or can [nlilv Ian hoarseness cured by German and congestion Syrup; lie bronchia! tubes. It makes lit ectoration easy and gives in- relief and refreshing rest lhe cough-racked consumptive, size, v trial bottles, 25; large „ At all druggists. TO THE PUBLIC. lhe property owner, however dl, is constantly exposed to a i of loss or destruction of lus perty by fire, storm or light- g. If insurable he cannot af- 1 to render himself liable to ire loss. Insurance of prop- v against loss is a necessity, 1 we propose to give as cheap es as is consistent with safety 1 fc business principles. We in both town and country pantile ■ and barns. risk, dwellings furut- write |i Let us I. policy. Crosby, C. E. Parrish, losby & Parrish, Agts, ■lhe Hartford & Etna Fire ■ rnoe Co p, DEMOCRATS MAKE CLAIMS. Managers Say They Will Carry Many States. New York, Nov. 2.—The Dem¬ ocratic campaign managers have started in this morning to claim many states. Every man at na¬ tional headquarters, from the doorkeepers up to Urey Woodson, secretary of the national commit¬ tee,made claims of an overwhelm¬ ing victory for the Democratic ticket At Democratic headquarters lhe claims were just as much in evidence and n**t one whiteless modest. ‘Chairman Cord Meyer claimed Lhe country for Parker and said that as for New York, Parker’s plurality in the state would be over 50,000, The claims made by the Democratic managers were quite unexpected, after the long continued policy of making no big chums at all. Even Illi¬ nois is put in the Democratic column. Mr. Woodson says that Ohio is a doubtful state, with a chance that it will go for Parker. In all seriousness, he argued that it was no longer a Republican state, but was iu the doubtful list. He said that the death of Mark Hanna, Charles Foster and Former Gov¬ Nash weakened the Repub¬ lican party in Ohio and gave' the Democrats their chance. Mr. Woodson paused a few sec¬ onds and went oViir “They think they have got Cal¬ ifornia assured, but they are might!y mistaken. Th^y don’t have the least idea that wo have been organizing atfd working out in California, and .y that wjs have caught them % T napping so tdspeak. We are very hopeful of carrying California. “Maryland is as certainly Dem¬ ocratic as Kentucky is, and I know my own state is overwhelm¬ ingly Democratic. Utah is ours and so is Nevada. “We will carry New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Indiana. Maryland, West Virginia, _ Idaho, Colorado, Utah and Nevada. West Virginia is just as surely ours as is Maryland.” Former Governor Benton Mc¬ Millan, of Tennessee, is here af¬ ter a long speaking tour through New England. He agrees with Mr. Woo Ison that Parker is al¬ ready q? winner. Were Bound Over. Valdosta, Ga. Oct. 29. Ben Penny, Reuben Knight and Will Knight were given a commitment hearing today before Justices Kingsberry and Scruggs on the chargo of murdering Mannis Car- f er Savior on tire 20th of Sep- 1 * tember. The state undertook to show that while jtl ..... lulling was done , by Penny the two Knights were - onsniraev and eau-.l “ tl,e -°nsp-racy and weieequal- were ly guilty with Penny. All of men vd te bound over to the ve!Ji term of tne court. It is announced that at be iys for the two ’V. y to get Judge Mitchell grant them bail, as if for ( slang ter, on Monday, ALTMANS WERE Found Not Guilty of Jackson Duncan. Folkston, Ga., Oct. 29.—At midnight tonight a verdict of not guilty was brought in by the jury that was trying Hiiliary and Charles Altman for the murder of Jackson Duncan. The jury had been out for hours. The verdict was not. en¬ tirely unexpected, though opin¬ ion was divided as to whether the verdict would be not guilty or whether a mistrial would be de¬ clared* The cas« is well known. The Altman brothers were cl lrged with having killed Jackso; Dun¬ can on a train going fr an Jack¬ sonville to their home at Baxter, Fla., some weeks ago. VVayeross, Ga., Oct. 30.—After the acquittal of the Altmans at Folkston last night at midnight they were re-arrested, charged with the murder of Jim Riley, the negro killed at the same time Duncan was killed. Judge Parker released them on $5,000 bond, 11. G. Dyal going on the bond. Dyal is one of lhe wealthiest men in Florida, and has taken interest in the trial. Big Mortgage Filed. Bainbridge, Ga., Nov. 2.—A mortgage for $1,000,000 has been filed in the clerk’s office. The filer of the mortgage is the Georgia Florida ’and Alabama railway, and the document is in favor of the Manhattan Trust Company of New York City, which will underwrite the bonds. The mortgage states that it is for the purpose of making such improvements and extensions of their road northward from Cuth- bert toward Atlanta, either by way of Richland or Lumpkin .or for making any other extensions on either 9ide of the Georgia Florida and Alabama railway, or for diverging lines through Flori- da. Elder J. F. McCann Dead. The, sad news comes from Bar- wick of the death there Sunday of Elder J. F. McCann, and bis burial Monday. He was a minis¬ ter of the Primitive Baptist church and one of the leaders of that faith in this section. Mr. McCann was sixty-two years of age. He was a Confederate vet- eran and went through the war in Lee’s army. For eight years he was tax receiver of Tliomas coun- tv and was recognized as an able official. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his death, Five children preceded him into eternity.—Quitman Free Press. Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessness is responsible for uiany a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat an d Lung trcuhles. But since the advet,t of Dr * Ki «ig’s New Dis- covery for , consumption, coughs, and colds, even the worst cases «»>'*« cured and hopeless resig- nation is no longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Gragg of Dorchester, Ma8S *> is ?"? of many whose life Discovery, /bis greatTeunedy ^ guaranteed for all Throat and Trial Druggisi!"Price 50c ’ond^LOO, bottles free, FRANK The PeopI Our line of fall a / consist Dry Goods ' Hats? Has been purchase' single to the welfare of We wa BUY Your prices Cotton, paid. Chickens, e® £ . gl COME TO SEC I RANK II. HA! . WOODALL BUILfl m mm Reduced = on Hardware of all Kinds. Our line of Hardware of all kinds is complete aj i h making will interest you if you will only forilu^sB coined to of make goods we are for offering. big shipment The reason that wilTbdHsH room a the cut prices we are making on STOVEb; <2 $25.00 Stoves cut (o $22.00. $20 DO Stoves ci 18.00 cloves cut to 17.00. 10.00 Stoves cut" t $15.00 Stoves cut to $18.00. Buggy Harness, 25 per cent. off. mamr Bargains in all our lines. Hun Shells, Guns and Pi Our GROCERY line is complete. Bridges Hardware Cltohes, Clot CLOTHES. i New received. shipment Fancy of Men’s Cheviots, anjfboyi Doe just and unfinished Worsteds of strengij fineness in suits of new and JM ,j*f styles. You will acknowledge that it is unu should be offered for $10.00 and $12.50 of any $ 15.00 time, and where $18.00 value, will take v We ple^gf invH^B we whether you intend buying jus* As we are ij are hua your Ft R Q