The Adel news. (Adel, Ga.) 1886-1983, November 18, 1904, Image 1

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: v ~i •'‘"M L w a-* J s m ■SS* J. r* r 4 s*» ADEL, BERRIEN 0 * re to AIL ; and Children’s mpiete with he possible prices. v,. •' j .. . )epartment retiy styles of the latest T f Ind it will be to your in- ee us for 1 M oney on the market. ore Co. m fORGE THE FIREBUG, ) Arrested at Tifton Ad- litted Incendiary Work. Ion, Ga., Nov. 11.—-Berry L a negro was captured this ig, chsrged with applying rch to rhe Tifton Knitting which were fired last Sun- light. He stubbornly denied U committed the (Iced or L any knowledge of it for ime, hut when pinned down ’ wd that lie got matfthes and • her negroes set fire to the ing. He implicated two jCS and gives their names, he officers arc looking for tonight. He also told that a me parties attempted the ary at Dr. George Smith’s |store and the Parker Drug >any Sunday night. was a former employe of Lumber Company was the first §r day this he had reported mM? ,^ others * : tliers should always keep in bodily health. They, owe it .ir ch^drep. Yet it is noun- 1 slight to^ee a mother, with in arms, coughing, violent- sd exhibiting all Hie syrupy ; of a consumptive tendency, why .should this dangerous aljke ntion exist, dangerous 33r. [other and child, when fi hee’s German at once? Syrup ufojiId stop to 1 1 oul d be without tlu« re’uedy i,^ will tqe proinptly^urc 9 T ling, rely use throat brpnehial (ein qr children. herself or her L.rst [il cough or cold cap he v cured by Gorman Syrup; hoarseness 1 congestion makes bronchial (ration t. SAtlr easy ftM' giyes iu- | hef and refbshing rest ongh- fiuptive. i al bo 1 ge size, ISSUES PROCLAMATION. -—.. Thursday, November 24th, Be signaled as Thanksgiving. Atlanta, Nov. 12.—Governor Terrell gave out for publication his proclamation today desigi ' ing Thursday, Nov. 24th, a uay 1 of Thanksgiving and praise to the Uuler of the verse for the many blessings that have been conferred upon the peopled houn|ifiti Georgia in the way of crops and the general prosperity of the people of the state. Below will be found the governor’s proclamation. thanksuiving froci. a nation. There are many blessings vouch- by an Ail-Wise Providence, for which the people of Georgia thankful, in this bountiful harvest time of Nineteen flan- drea and Four. The yield of fruit and cotton, our great money-producing crops, has been more abundant thanev- er in the history of the state. TU of the husbandman are a- with the golden grain of the deld, and our people enter upon the winter with well-stored gran- The baneful credit system is sufelv passing, and we should thank God that the day of the ante-bellum smoke house aud the K.y * ,■ * i ~ . at * larder , bountiful lias returned to and bless.* ' stay to No rude clashes between e ipb- tal and labor have threatened our, itfdusirial welfare—while every section of the state has signally free of pestilence and, famine. Good times is the botm universal that blesses the com¬ placent home of the provident Georgian. wfth Therefore, inaccrrclance frateful custom, and the act ion of Hie president of the l|tii ited States, I, Joseph M. Terrell, .0 gov- ■ - . .. . ernor of the state of Georgia, do issue this my proclamation, de¬ signating Thursday, the 24th day of November, 1904, as a DAY OF THANKSGIVING AND PRAI8K, On that day the people are re¬ quested to abstain from secular occupations, and assemble in their houses of worship, or about their family altars, and give thanks to Almighty God for his multiplied blessings. I especially request that they remember by words and acts, the widow and ths orphan, Uie poor and afflicted, and all who are ™h*ppy from any cause, Gven under my ffiand, and the of executive department, the Capitol, in the City of Atlau- on tins the 12th day of | veaiber, in the year of our Jffi. i, One Thousand, Nine au dFour, and of the a# g ervce of the United St : ^ ^ 0ne Hundr, ty-ninth. . . f rerha qf it but <1 e«t to IpiiU d fasti fashio% nr^tteif much : their e dose ts Ural tl it i a J hs-; HE PRAY 01 Out demned Then Alabama jp Murderers. Two Co v.' n- Dothan, Ala., Nov.—35 Jesse Barfield and Thad Pennington, white men, sentenced yesterday To life imprisonment for alleged murder in the first degree^Mtoke Complete and bar ^ ‘ terv envelopes thgf Sheri ft Walker sav locked in a steel can was a new one. 7 was found standT morning, and the i working order, reaclj jj A report BaMg^mtu the day. that com- mi tied -suiaUdWriif-Iiome i^SfenUlamK of a cousin by pulling the trigger nlier|ff of | shot-gun with his toe. The lifts gone to the scene of the reported suicide. Penniitgton left a note saying that the killing for which he was convictej ivas in self-defense. He says in the note that the sheriff was nofcXo blame for the escape, but that he was on hie knees praying when the door flew open, as in the Biblical case of Paul and Silas. Judge Pearce has taken the mat- ter under consideration, but has taken no action. Dr. T. S. Hopkins, Thomasville, Thomasville, Ga., Nov, 12.— Dr. T. S. Hopkin died here at 7 o’clock to-night. Dr. Hopkins was one of the best known physieimwr the So tit hi He was 87 yea fa old and had practiced his r profession in this state sine# his early youth. McIntosh county was his birth place, though he moved to Thom¬ asville in 1864. Dr. Hopkins or¬ ganized and commanded two cav¬ alry companies for the Confeder¬ ate service and afterward was a surgeon at Audersonville. t He , did a great deal of original re¬ search work in his prefessiou and was the author of numerous med- ical treatises. He was twice Mayor of Thomasville. Maryland Splits Vote. Baltimore, Nov. lo.-The boa of e lection supervisors of more city and of twenty ties of Maryland have Jh| the official count of cast last Tuesday. sevj^S r yjglggjp dicates that and one Republjjp elected. St. “black beltHg ~Ly miss i ■118 AN The Pe (JUT r\ t F F 11 11116 01 1311 \ si con bfy Good 4 Hats, purchal I Has been to the welfare o We BU Your Cotton, Chickens, est prices paid. R COME TO m F rank Me II WOODALL — Reduced :!w^l oiijjjird esai gf.-?M m MM3 : lViAking Our lineal wV ; :i?s are avI mm ity of goods is to make rooira piA Note the cot $25.oo 18.00 B j