Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 18??-1889, November 06, 1880, Image 4

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Brnat! but Businesslike A newly elected justice of the, peace who had been nsed to drawing deeds and wills and little else, was called upon ** his first official act to marry a eo a pi# who oasns into his offlsn ret¬ ry Carried! y and told him their pur¬ pose. Ho lost no time in removing his hat. anil remarked, ‘Hats off in the presence of the Court,’ All being uncovered, he said : ‘Hold up your right hands. Yon John Marvin do solemnly swear that to the best of your knowledge an' belief you take this yer woman ter have an’ ter hold for yerself, yer heirs, tfxekyerters, ad¬ ministrators and assigns, for your an’ their use au’ behoof forever ?’ ‘I do,’ answered the groom, ‘You, yllioe Ewer,, take this yer man for yer husband, ter have an’ ter hold forever; and you do further swear that you are lawfully seized in fco-simple, are free from all incum beranoe, and hev good right to sell, bargain and convey to the said guar¬ antee yerself, yer heirs, administra¬ tors add assigns ?’ ‘I do,' said the bride, rather doubt¬ fully. ‘Well, John, that’ll be about a dol lar ’n’ fifty cents. ‘xre we married?’ asked the bride. ‘Yes, when the fee comes in.' After some fumbling it whs praduced and handed to the ‘court,’pocketed it and continued : ‘know all men by these presents that T, being in good health, and of sound and disposfn mind, in consideration of a dollar'n fifty cents t# me in hand paid, the receipt there¬ of is hereby acknowledged, do and by these presents have declared you man and wife during good behavior and until otherwise ordered by the court,’ A Defense of Cleopatka —Allow me to i quire Here, parenthetically, how it happens that the quee i of Egypt has come to be regarded as an example of extreme inconstancy She has been grossly misrepresented b is tory tells us that she was married to her brother, Ptolemy XII by the will of her father after his death, The union was merely an arrangeme t of state ; had jtio bindi g force ; d was not probably, ever consummated, as tins eouple were minors. PompeJ was appointa<l their guardian, and it has bee i i tixaated that he was her lover. There was no authority whatever for this, i deed everyth! g points to the contrary. lie was not merely chaste, he was almost pass ion les , as Cicero has testified. W hen Caesar had inva ded the country, and Ponipy had been murdered, he was fascinated by her, and she became his mistress, more froa lave than interotit. Then, in or¬ der to give weight to her soveraignty she was given in marriage to : her sec¬ ond brother, a child of seven years - her other brother, Ptolemy XII, hav ingbeei drow ed—and the foremost man of all the world Gved with her until he re urned to Rome, carrying with him die woman who was the most splendid part of his conquest.— When he went to his last campaign in Hispania, she saw 7 him for the last time. At Auto -ya meeting with her, Ctesar had bee m dead cine yeara ; so that her relatio i to him was no disloyalty to her former protector. They were the only men of whom she ever pretended to be fond, and she was devoted to them in mind, heart and soul. T'be opinion that she accepted ugustus (Octavius) Ctnsar has no basis. Shake speare gives this impression, but mere¬ ly as a poetic license. Cleopatra, there¬ fore, instead of being an incarnation of disloyalty, was a model of loyalty, especially for that time. — f'hicuyu Times’ Long Branch Letter. The truest domestic happiness is to be found in humble life. If the do¬ mestic history of nearly all the tuon- archs of the past and present could be written it would present a sad and often disgusting story of infelic¬ ities, and dispose no thinking wo¬ man to wislt for a crown, which has few roses and many thorns. Victor Emanuel was known to be the most unfaithful of husbands, and Francis Joseph, with a dashing and still beautiful wife, is not free from the weakness of the Italian King Even the old Emperor William, of Germa¬ ny, is accuse'! of not loving his Au¬ gusta, and the celebration of his gold- en wedding at Berlin was. to the knowing ones, an imperial fai-ce.— Once a year tie meets his royal spouse at a German spa. on which occasion the couple put on the pearanee of harmony, but people see through it and pity the poor Empress, The beautiful Lousia and her royal Frederick, f •om whom William is descended, were lovers all their married lives, and should have been an example worth following.— The latest scandal is the morganatic marriage of the Czar Alexander with the Princess Dolgorousko, by whom lie has several children, for whom special titles have been created. They were as ‘good as married' long prior to the death of the Empress, who was compelled to bear, with her ill health, the hated presence of a rival, The Princess followed the Czar to the Balkans during the Turkish cam¬ paign, and he is known to have been completely infatuated with her for over ten years. Alexander is now past, sixty-one and vet love in his 1„»t is perennial. There i, hope for aged lovers of both sexes since the Czar and the Baroness Burdett-Coutts bandy sweet epithets with F tl’OS.— Frank Leslie's'Weekly. One kind word spoken to a tramp may cheer his whole future life- Re¬ member this when you sec him walk¬ ing off with your ax and fifty’feet of your hose. E. Schaefer Agent, Toccoa Georgia PATENTS. P, A. Dehman, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents Washington. Patents, whether D. C All r:si ness connect'd with be. ore fhe Patent Office or the Courts, promptly attended t Xu charge made unless a patent is secured, Send tor circular. Octlfi tt J. G A II r F 11 E L L, --J# AT TO UN EY AT LAW, Ao. 3V WliitclmU .Street, ATLANTA, GA Will practic : iit the U. S. Circuit and D\s- tried, courts at Atlanta, and the Supreme and Superior Courtsof t a ft* 131-1 \ »Tgy> new I “KxSi-irL Hp. Pf.rrv Houston County, Ga. We bar kin wn “Swifts Sypbili ic Speci • fie” tested ill 1 undreds of obstinate eases o Syphi Mercuiial Rheumatism. Scrofula,-;tc. It made the me.--t perfect amt permanent cares in every rase th an !,. I’exnard, Warren Says D. Ku.i.f,n, J W. Wimberly, •Judge J. Co Court, J. C. Gilbert, Urug’i L. Warren, of J. M . Mann. J W Lar lim p & Co County Treasurer Savannah, Ca Wji. D. Pierce, Sheiift F.d Jackson C 0. Di nsan. IJeo't CTk Sup'r Ct. Day &. Gordon, 4V.yi IJituiooN. We are aeipiainted with the gentlemen whose signatures appear to the a love certifi¬ cate highest They are citizens of said county, of the respectability and character. A. S. GILES. Ordinary Houston Co. Ga, I). H. CULLER, Clerk Superior Court Houston County Ga. prietors, I anispersonally and acquainted of the with the pro¬ tna’-y geut'tmen whose signatures appear to the foregoing certificates. 'I'liey are men of high ' character and-standing. A- Governor H. CGLQUITT. of Georgia. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY Pro prietors. Atlanta, Ga. Call for a copy of “Young Men’s Friend ’ Aug28 8m, PESKY DAVIS 1 VCCETABLE % m S £2! PAIN KILLER A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY H For Internal and External U6e, Is a SURE CURE for all the Diseases for which It Is recommended, and Is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In the hands of oven the most inexperienced persons. It is a sure anil quick reined} COUGHS, SOItK THROAT* *tv»iianani CIlXKXSf and eimilar tro affords instant rclicj beat b< t/i the most forms of I)IPHTHL’RIA» and is the ■j known reme dy for RHEUMATISM and NEURALGIA. .9 THE OLDEST, BEST, AHD MOST WIDELY KNOWN I: FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. it It lm n been used witli surh wonderful snecess tn all 1 parts of the the icon world tor CRAMPS, CHOLKKA, DIARRHfKA, 9- DYSENTERY is IY, and al! BOWEL COMPI^AINTS. COMP , that that ii it u r i 11 3 HAS USE STOOD IN uvfailing ALL THE COUNTRIES extre TEST fo for OF these 40 diseanes. AND YEARS’ CLIMATES. CONSTANT I v 1 m It Is RECOMMENDED by Physicians, Missionaries, I g d ; i Ministers, Factories, everywhere Managers Nurses who has In of Ilospitals-in given Plantations, it trial. short, Work-Shops, by Everybody and ever a K Si IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. m It she should ; always bo used for l*aiu in the Back t and Side* and ---- brin inga sjh Htedy s and jiermanerU relief in all cases of liruiseM, Cuts, Sprain** Severe Burns, Scalds, etc. -------- NO FAMILY CAN SAFELY BE WITHOUT IT. It will annually save many times its cost in doctors* bills, and its price brinrrs it within tho reach of all. It is sold at 25c. 5Gc. and 81.00 a 1 •ottle, and can l>o obtained from all druggists PERRY DAVIS Sb SOI'tS, Providence, R. B. >— Proprietors. TEETHSR3A (TKkTniMJ J-OBBJtK),., Pr*, II •ri Ti Ti.nnnnrnl.% . of t hil ,0T M hr so'rdt I te*r M«in« tk *se t'o >rder». r.t* NO MOREiGOUT .NEURALGIA Oil RHEUMATISM ! fftsTA POSITIVE CURU.^j Either of the above diseases driven fron die system and wholly banished ! met] ■ invented and used by the great medical ., i-x pert of Germany, Bn. M. VON THANE, of This is not & {intent medicine, but ti e reel P e ofThis eminent surgeon and phvsician. win SK XiASAVSs’SSSS and in no ease has he been nn ueee.sslid We will furnish on application tea nials from hundreds of r patients, bolh abroad i am in this country, who have born n stoi perfect health by the us >t tins system of incurable, treatment ittcr having boon pronounced SENT WITH FULL DIRECTIONS RECEIPT OF $1.00. WILLIAM II. OTTERSOX At CO.. 207 Gieemvich St., New Y I, City. Sole Agents for United States and Canadas. NEW YORKWEEKLY HERALD ONE DOLLAR A YEAR The circulation of tliis popular newspaper lias inev •easeu during the past year. It con tains all the leading news of the and is arranged in handy departm■As. r l'iie E'OXXEXCS-XT XTEVXT3 embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe. Undor the head of -amesics-axst itews are given the Teleg apliie Dispatches of the week from all parts of the Union. This fea ture alone makes. XTXXE -TO-EESET gEH A X/ P Ihe most valuable chronicle in the world, as it is the cheapest. Every week is given a iaitli- f nl report of X’OX^X'X'XC^X. XTB-WS embracing complete and compreher 1M Ve G i s - parches from WasiUSotoN, ineludii ig full re¬ ports ot the speeches of eminent politicians on the questions of the hour. ol the Y\ EEKI,Y Herald gives the. latest as well as the most practical sngge,tides and discoveries relating to the duties o( the farm er, hints for raisi !!)g Cattle, t Poultry, Grains, Trees, Vim i AfABEES, &<•„. &<;.. with suggestions for keeping (wilding* aji 1 farming uteusils^il ivputt-*' 'Tttb.Sf -s-tqiple. merited by a well edited departmeut, widely copied, under the head ol Tim kome. ring recipes for practical dishes, hints fo rktiig clothing and for keeping up with tb est fashions at the. lowest pric ill m of cooking or economy sug T s d this department is practically test* by ex- perts bt-tore publication L itti-is troiu ou Paris and London correspondents outlie very laths! fashions. The llotm partm ill o ti.e Wkeki.v Herald will s '* th.» bouse- " in - than hundred limes tli line ol li e paper The interests of SXXIXsX.X:X3 JjABOa are looked alter, and everything relating to mechanics and labor saving is carefully re corded I here is a page devoted to all the latest phases of the business market. Crop., Merchandise. Ac.. A A valuable f, atur-- is found in the pecially reported prices and conditions of XTXXE X’SSOXVXrcxa MAE3HBT SB OUT I NO News, at home and i.liroal. to- S tlier with a Story every week, a SKli.Mi/.v y souk minent divine, l.n erahy, Musi¬ cal, Dramatic, Perlonal and ska Notes?' There is no p iper in the world winch contains so much news matter every week as the Weekly Herald, which is sent, posiagi free, for One Dollar. You can subscribe at any time. THE NEW YORK HERALD in a w- •kly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. ADDRESS, NEW YORK HERALD Broadway and Ann Street, Aug21-4m New York. AT A JA & CCA R lute ¥ fix LINK RW’V. ____ CHANcE OF SCHEDULE. On *»l aft.-r Ja\f 31»t. 1SS» DOUDUJS DAILY TkAINS will rm» ■>» th* »» follows Day Passenger Train. GOING EAST. Arrive To ecu a 8.41 a. Leave Ttvx.*,« ts.45 a. ra GOING West Arrive Toccoa 8. lit p, tn Leave Toccoa * 20 t>. in bight Mail and i'assrn^ri Train GOING EAST. A 1 iH-roa 7.52 p n. I. Tuccoa. .7.5:1 *• GOING WEST. rr> tea ive I T Toccoa Freight and Accommodation 7 7. ~x Train a. a. m in GOING EAST, Arrive Toccoa 6 > 32 p. n Leave Toccoa *.5 Jo p. i). GOING WEST Arrive Toccoa. 8.31* a ill Leave Toccoa. 9.11>. »• Tlirongrli Freight Train, OOJNU FACT. Arrive Toccoa 6.05 p. m 1 ve Toccoa 6.2U d. m GOING VP. T. \ viv T 3.45 a. m I - — Toccoa ....3.45 a. ni Close connection at Atlanta for all points West and at Charlotte for'ali points East. Seneca Through Tickets on sal e at Gainesville City. Greenville ; tnd Spartanburg •n all points East and West. V . ,T ITO!;S PON, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Ag.i J. 1OREACRE. General Manavor. GRAY’S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. 'MARX The Great TRASS 53ARK F?!SL : r ^ BEFORE TAKING. nence of Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory- Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Hack, Dim ness of Vison, Premature Old Age, and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Con¬ sumption, and a Premature Grave. ISF’FuII particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send tree by mail to every one. riCTbe Specific Medicine is sold by ail druggist at $ p. r packu ge or s:x par ■ ■ges ■ r ®5, or w il lit tree ■e hv tiy mail on rer ' it the inoni'V by addressing CClxe X-rs.-r Meiiciao Cto.. Mechanic's I51ock. Dt.'i itorr. Mini Sold in Toccoa City and elsewhere bv al druggist Nov25.-7.91y Hicfcst Medal at Vienna and Pina. sSi R-r^AkTiliGY a 00 i ^ 591 ih-oadway, New York .Hanufticturers,Importers A bcah-rs In Yel vet Frames, Albums Grat-t, cop SiEilBJSCOPEi A Nit VIE -8 Engravings, fcromos, I’h.rfograplisi And kindred goods - Celebrities. Actresses, etc Paotwadhio Mitd'ia • v Nj are Headquarters tor ■vi-r iiing iti t!i WRj Of S'flluUtU’TUjyNi sUVii La Si 1 LIAS. Knell style being the best if its class in tl.« market ieaulilu! Photographi 'I’ranp •IK- Statuary ai Engra* ings for ihe wind # * Convex c ass. Maunfuciurers td V.-iv Fvim.s f,.- M lii.ituu s and Cen vex G ia tt aAWes. Catalogues of l am an 1 Elides, with reclions for using, sent ou receipt of ten cents SPE250ER M- SMITH. ilttoriu y a* Law Toccoa, Ga. UT1LL V» practice in the coutiti s of Haber sham, Hall Banks and Franklin Spc ial attention given to collections. Jan23 tf ksnsi BURNHAMS m. WARRANTED BEST AND CHEAPEST Price* rctl«ce4 Pamphlet free. '-T 3 o MILL® SUPPLIES. Work*: Chiistiana. Lancaster Co.. Pa. Offie ■23 S. Heaver St.. York, Pa JOHN W OY/EN, ATTORNEY AT LA ; Toccoa. Ga f il! practice in tli« counties of Habersham ] fz. Hanks and Franklin.- Collictions o n ~ attend oil to promptly. may 15 ly id & Moira3H. LAWYEBS Elbert on Ga ’Practie.e in'Klhurt, Hart, Madison, Frank I n and 3 Jaber?sliam. ( $ K. A T T O R HE Y \lTD OOUS-MOX A.T L\W Fit an House, Broad St. Athens. — Georgia Per NTS. t 1 !:■ \Ym. itnr of MISTER Patents, H7 J. -vi-nlli St., or 11,-x 22!' Washington, 1). C s. K quirvil ttuh-ss Patent is oblain- i‘;t S eircklar giving terms, Ac, Kaablislud 18?0 Got Iff If English Hem failing edy, An un- for euro Seminal Weak ness. orrhea, Spermat Impo- tency, and all diseases that follow as a se- mk * fSK-a 3* \ AFTER TAklfiS. A, I'. STEWART. JOHN If. FAIN STEWART & PAL. fV? } Wholesale Dealers in m KS T IX W A K K’ M A N- C RED y tk UURSELYES IN SHOP AT WHOLESALE NL\ EAHCEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF BABY CARRIAGES IN THS STATE WATER COOLERS,1 BIRO CAGES, REFRIGERA-Off ANI) ALL KINDS OF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. car GIVE US A TRIAL STEWART & FAIN, 69 WHITEHALL, ANI) 80 BROAD STREET Jnnclff-r.m. ATLANTA, • Superlative Baking Powdei Comp J THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ABSOLtTJ mu 'w JE\TH r The SUPEliLATIVEPJlAKING DEII s the standard article of the li. A. i strength and purity I be best artiole for •ueral bakii.,'' ! ’pnvj oses ever introduced^ ’vo IT IS THE COOKS’ FAVORITE \v i s'S .TED PERFECTLY PURI 1 si’ptviorto anything of the !• is <3 (ui: t -> mariet-i LhcaitJifuin* lid Still.U 1“ ducin*: at a ! tin 1 1 .• 11 i i ,;*-!i( li- For si»l** — ; irocers m mu' iliircl l y m: il . n iv>, i| cf sixUq.< cen i.i.Fii.n, jeusa caa sold iu.i ns i Full weight gum in : SUPERLATIVE BAKING POWDER COM PAT Y. N < ) 841 CII \ NI BE US S’ F NEW YORK 2 2_'. 3 -a*. Or itPtS. I : st N m % “it SDjEL-. •33 I *»WV*** u. m TOCCOA f FI T, OKOHGIA ! - 3D I ■R E O T From the Factory to the Wearer. Shirts of Superior 21 csli n. Extra Fiiie Linen Shield Bowa, French Yoke, aatl completely finished fer i il KT! completed .irranjrenienti for nn nnliiniteii sapplv «f Sbirtin» Mnslia *t *xtrd*nelT !«w nric-es. ar.d havinjr largely increased our jac.ltlies for ;he manufactore «.f a»«fei'a and lwji’ HbirtSy in all styles, we have decided t® make au important depart*?® frot* (>• masilv ■ with adopted the brother'manufacturing thus avoidiu^the establishments, and profits to piarc ourtt suldrH'Vs i consumer, make the following enormous unprecedented required offer by by «a and th« r*. till! trade, and enablin': us to EACH 1 -.’ Moslin, Fine Linen French Yoke Shirts, as abov*. . . . fT.lA ’ ‘ : “ TS 3 5 :: - - ! We warrant these Shirts to bo the beat in every respect, i* Ve i HI neatly finished, and equal in appearance, durability collar and circ*m:*re»re atyl® t* auv pf chest ts» leagtk «ar j k.-t costing front $1.50 +> $2.00. tend site ot w*ra. »*4 ( i i-i rl'ar n mun middle of back to end of caff, and slatcifvou with open i* the ba«k or IVm rcnruuetni open back shirts, as we can insure thna a more perfect tit. The following gneds : ¥ nt every respect, very much lower th* same qaaiity can be boa^ht for oltawhoro Sued will i*e sent poat-pafd on receipt of prtoe. I Full and complete Luu of Fall acd Inter Indcrwcar, at $1 per mil (Shirt sad T>r%w- i j hT Iin i in. ■ - — I er») Yverth i^S.OO. do*. | B a or<te j rin ff raeoMon *■ I Linen fulls 95 ots. per p?.ir.$?.I>0 per Linen Collars, staadiag or taea dowa, 15 «*«. oacV, 1 * t t i!li-P . t<r |tl .40 per dot. Celluloid Cuffs 6n cts. per pair. Ceilulpid Collars, staadiug, S« eU eaeh ; tars ■ - - - ------ ea«-h Fauev btripeu reeuiar ma«le Hal fl fese 25 cts. o*r pair. $3.50 per 4e«. 3 lish L’nbleache*l regular made rstra heavy Halt Hose 50 cts. per pair, £J.CO p*rM«s. Linea IldkfL, fall tree u4 fine Ua- C , 2 i-s ctt. each, $2,75 per d«.z. Wright’s Patent Rolled Web Suspenders 50 <-ts. per } Patea* PapTox reat-.ia|*d Ar»’«t 54 «•*.,. per pair. These goods are manufactured expressly lev us. and caancrt bo bought for the rcoaoy alMahert. Keosambrr 1C \ iu ordering from ns veu s«vc all Cutatde profits. Postage Stamp* and currency ttk^e. »„,.• rulew a Mcclu.1, S ’iSuK i vnilASlH?£S?%7 N*y* York. C. A. A nswpil mm I m CT-VC9 POTION GINS S^fs| firjJ5*KS FOR <mv FUR G1FMLAS a PFlSE LIST. IL‘ SCHABFKKAg’r, ToceoaG^