Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 18??-1889, February 25, 1882, Image 2

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THE TOCCOA NEWS. KI>W* SCHAEFER, Editor & riop’tor A TALK WITH THE ASSASSIN. now HE SPENT SUNDAY IN HIS CELL— ni: wishes it understood tiiat HE IS NOT AT ALL ANXIOUS - TRUST¬ ING IN THE COURT IN BANC. Washington, February 6,— Guil¬ eau’s only visitors yesterday were his brother and a correspondent, the heavy snow that had fallen during the past wenty-four hours having deterred even curiosity hunters from venturing to take the long trip across the commons leading to the jail. The prisoner was found perfectly com posed, lie said that he had enjoyed a refreshing sleep, besides eating two meals and was hungry for the third. Ill’s food is prepared for him by a cook detailed for the purpose, who carries it into his cell, thus preventing any third party’s interference. Warden Crocker announces his intention keeping the strictest watch and guard over the prisoner to prevent any attempts at suicide, although this is scoffed at by the guards at the jail. G uitcau was one of the first pris- oners up this morning and busied himself in tidying up bi3 cell, which is the same one he has occupied since he was shot at by Sergeant Mason. When he arose from his cot to receive his visitors, no one who was not aware of his condition would lor one instant have thought him a man under sentence of death, for his manner was gay and careless and he smiled broadly as a reference was made by his brother to his not having dressed himself, as has been his custom for several Sundays, in his best attire and white shirt. ‘I don’t suppose it makes much difference how I look now,’ was his reply; T have weightier matters to think of than dress.’ After he was told of Mr. Scoyille’s queSConed perplexed for a moment and his brother very closely as to what was sought to be accomplished by such a move. When John Guiteau said that pressing business and personal affairs required the trip, the prisoner angrily exclaimed : T don’t think he ought to allow any business whatever to interfere with my case and he had better devote his time exclusively to me till after the hearing before the Court in bailed In eating his meals Guiteau is not allowed to have a knife or fork. The assassin is now confined in the small cell to which he was removed shortly after he was fired at bj’ Sergeant Mason, but owing to the manner in which this cell was bricked up to render it bullet-proof, the ventilation has been cut off to such an extent as to render it unadvisable that the prisoner should longer occupy it. General Crocker will take this subject iuto consideration to-day, and make some suitable arrangements in the premises. He says that Guiteau will either occupy this cell or the one immediately adjoining it, as this location is the most convenient for keeping the prisoner under a complete and constant espionage. He will not be allowed to receive anything whatever from the outside, except such portions of his mail as it may be deemed proper to give him. In this connection Gen. Crocker says that live letters were received in Guiteairs mail on Saturday, containing what was supposed to be small pox virus, and he has notified the postmaster that he will not hereafter receive any for the assassin unless some method for their fumigation or disinfection is adopted, as he does not feel justified in exposing his subordinates to the danger of infection. - >m 9 m ---- When you are coming up the cellar stairs with a bucket of coal in one hand, two pies and a plate of butter in the other, and a loaf of bread under each arm, it is exceed¬ ingly trying to your Christian forti¬ tude to have a woman yell down and caution you not to forget the pre¬ serves on the swinging shelf in the corner of the cellar, nest to the cur- rant jelly. Been there, haven't you? \\r dliamspnrt Bresffast 7ab!f HE SWORE HE WOULD NEVER LEAVE HER, AND HE DIDN'T- __ ‘Surely, you will not be false to me, George?’ and the bright blue eyes of Elaine Jen/dns looked fondly up into the face of the man, who bends over her so fondly, and whose words of love come to her troubled breast with the same sweet, soothing rest- fulness that a tired man feels when the throbs of his aching head are stilled and the demons of pain driven away by the touch of a wife s hand and the sound of her low, sweet voice. ‘No, my little one,’ replied George W. Simpson, drawing the little girl closer to him,’ ‘I will never deceive you, never do aught that would give you sorrow or pain. You have made a better man of me- dragged me, as it were, from the horrid maelstrom of draw poker and twenty five cent.. drinA’s, into whose deadly centre I was wiftly being drawn, and landed nu* in the beautiful Lotos Islands of your love—the pure, trusting, passionate love of a heart that beats alone for me. Never fear, my darling, that 1 will leave you—and pressing a /ass upon the ripe, red lips, that could make a cake jar look desolate, he went out into the starlit night, and started down the street car track, where there was no danger of being interrupted by vehicles, * * * * * * Ten years later Over the old front gate, thrown out of plumb so many, many times by- George and Elaine hanging on it to swap lies, the vines are growing. A little to the left is a grave ,• moss- covered and uncared for. Towser is dead. In the sun.kissed woodshed back of the house is a man chopping wood, A woman comes to the back door; ‘George !’ she sa 3 ‘s. ‘Yes.’ ‘Supper's ready. Shoo the brats out of the alley' and bring in some wood when you come.’ w Alt right.' //eaven help them —they are mar¬ ried !—Chicago Tribune. THE RAZOR-BACK EGG. To the traveler through Texas one of the strangest and most peculiui features of the landscape is the razor- back hog. He is of the Swiss cottage style of architecture. Ills physical outline is angular to a degree un¬ known outside of a text book on the science of geometry. His ears - or the few rags and tatters of them tka‘ the dogs have left, are curled back with a knowing vagabond’s air. His tail has no curl in it - but it hangs aft. limp as a wet dish-rag hung out of of a back window to dry. The highest peak of his corrugated back is six inches above the level of the root of his tail. He does not waU* with the slow and stately step of the patrician Berkshire, but usually goes in a lively trot- He leaves the im¬ pression that he was late starting m the morning and is making up for lost time, or that lie is in doubt about the payment of that check, and is hurrying to get it cashed before the bank closes. The country razor back prowls around in the woods and lives on acorns, pecan nuts and roots ; when he can spare time he climbs under his owner s fence and assists in harvesting the corn crop. In this respect he is neighborly to a fault, and when his duty to his owner’s crop will allow, he will readily turn iu and assist the neighbors, even working at night rather than see the crop spoil for want of attention. He does not know the luxury of a sty. He never gets fat, and from the day of his birth, sometimes two years roll into eternity before he is big enough to kill - Crossing the razor- back with blue-blooded stock makes but little improvement. The only effective way to improve him is to cross him with a railroad train. He then becomes an imported Berkshire or Poland China hog, and if he does not knock the train off the track the railroad company pays for him at about the rate of one dollar per pound, for which they are allowed the mournful privilege of shoveling the remains off the track. The ham , of a country razor-back , , ' jg more joicv than the h iad leg of an j ro n fire-dog but not quite so fat as fi D kr* sus S A bright youth undergoins exam- ination a few days since for admission to one iff the departments found himself confronted with the question: ‘What is the distance from the earth to the sun?’ JVot having the exact number of miles with hinu he wrote in reply: ‘I am unable % <&it? accurately, but doj^t interfere belive the sun is near enough to with a proper performance of ipy duties if I get this clerA'ship,’ He got it.— Butfalo Express. A correspondent writes us to know- which in our judgment is the safest seat in case of a railroad collision, as he wishes to settle a controversy with some friends. From a long and painful study in this matter, and calling to our aid a ripe experience, we could say without fear of success¬ ful denial that the safest seat in case of a railroad collision is the top rail of a reliable fence about four miles in a northeasterly direction from the collision —Laramie Boomerang. Small-Pox in Virginia—Peters¬ burg, Va , Feb 11.— Four new cases of smallpox have broken out in lied Oak district, in Brunswick county. Two’ deaths occurred. There are now fifteen patients in the hospital fc The authorities of the A T erfolk and TPestern railroad, in consequence of the prevalence of small-pox. have issued an order prohiftting the carry- ing of passengers on freight trains. We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents. Caveats, irado Marks, Copyrights, ©to., for tli© United Status, Canada, Cuba. England, France, Germany. etc^^Vo Lave had thirty-live years* cxperienc«P Patents obtained through us are noticed in theScr- entikic American. This large and splendid illus¬ trated weekly paper, $3.20a year,shows the Progress of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solici¬ tors, Pub’s, of Scientific American, 37 Park Row, hewlork. Handbook about Tatents free. f; I lit --- * & ■mi Hlliif|| -jj £ mm % *> I s BROWN’S IRON BITTERS are a certain cure for all diseases requiring a complete tonic; espe¬ cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter¬ mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Doss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength¬ ens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting th© food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Drug¬ gists at $1.00 a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAIj CO. Baltimore, Md. Pee that all Iron Bitter* are made by Brow* Chimku C o, and bare crossed red lines and trade maii on wrapper, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. PARKER’S LI ,^intly l'crfui-ied. ^ HAIR BALSAM. Beuvjvei DinJruJ. Vrrvont# P-.Unc^. All Fanners, MotV.ers Dusinoss men. x ics. 8-0 , who are tired yl out by wo; k. cr worry, ^ and all who niis- ra- ,.^Y. ^ ble with L’yspep'-ia, Rhettmntism, Neuralgia f Bowel. Kidney y Liver Comp’aii ts, you can be invigorated by using and cured PARKEB^S If you are wasting a\vr,v w :tli Lcmsui.ypuon, Age, or any Weakness, you will find this Tonic the Best Medicine Yoa Can Use for Restoring Health & Strength, F&r superior to titters and r,t;-,-r Tories, r.itbtiiids tip the system but never intoxicates. 3 jc and $i siies. None genuine without signature of Hiscox 8 c Co , N. Y. I-arge saving in buying do hireize. j f Floresto^T^^S*^* Co!o v ! », i- 5 “*' F-’.l r ' w<1 ty , - r" —s:a IXrp; !rv:y tl fee i cts. S. M. Sm ith ATTORNEY AT LAW. Toccoa, Ga. 11T1LL >V praotic^in the counties of Haber siiain, Hall Banks and Franklin. i Sj»e •ial attention given to coliectio • - 5 a* 8 '.it LEWIS DAVIS, ATTORNEY City, AT Ga. LAW. co a \\^■actiee ?P and Rabun, in the of counti'** the Northeastern of Haber t am Circuit, and Franklin and Banks, of tin Western Circuit. Prompt attention will b< : >iven to all business entrusted to him r l 1 • collection of debts will have special sttenlion. Oct 15 8! — 1 yr JOHN W OWEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Toccoa, Ga. Will practice in the counties of Hab**rshai incl Franklin. Collections attend ? 1 t promptly mavli ly J. GAItTRKLL, j* A TTORNEY A T LA W, >o. 31 Whitehall Street, AI LANTA,GA Will practice iu the U. S. Circuit and D's- triet courts at Atlanta, and the Supreme and puerior Courtsot r c fch* « la My- AUGOLDEN TR1BUT1 TO MERIT. TIih Atlanta Exposition, as well, as the Ex¬ position at Paris, and the Centennial. Recognize the Beauties and Advantages ol the American Sewing Machiue. It i;- Awarded the Gold Medal ui Pielcrence to all Other Machines Competing Atlanta is gradually hut surely becoming rcc ogttized throughout the country as a imr cantile centre, that than b«s improved more durinp the last tow years any city in the Uni¬ ted States. The merchants are beginning to see Hie advantages she possesses in position as a distributing point; the beauties ot hci climate ami the absence of that terrific com¬ petition noticed in Chicago and some North ern cities, which makes the race fora living almost unbeatable to all who have not solely given themselves up to the acquisition ol wealth. Msnufactoties are springing up on every hand, and he merchants of the Gate City never lose, an opportunity vvlnn, by a dtsplax of their inventions or manufactures, at In m or abroad, they can meet with competitors it trade. WORTHY OF T11EIR STEEL. At tbr A'latifa Exposition .here were many liitf* exhibits, and among them, toweling above everything in the building, was th< maimificent (’entenuial pavilion of ; ho Ameri can Sewing Machine Comphny, whose, gun er&l Sn< fbelli depot is at No. 5 l’rvor str'-et, in Kimball House, under the direction ot Mr \\ A (’amp. a gentleman well known here tor his great energy and ! bu-deoss tab nts. No - willmfauding 'the. fact, time weic a grcai yu n r macbin* s competing tor the pi ize a GOLD MEDAL was unanimously -awaul d to tb« Ameucan Sewing Machine Company. Hie Gon.pany also received three other iwards tor excellence making four in ah, md it is one mure aw aid than was granted to anv st'\vin;x mac.i.nif No nmiial ol any kind wax yivvii to any machine, exccp iDf the Grand Gold M> dai awarded to die Ameri cm The (odowinff u^-ciai docimi-ut a.' received from the jndga-s speaks tor itseif, OFFICIAL- American L> II. (>. and tjvwirp M;.chine Company. L’!i .adelphia, G. Group 7 — c ass 31. Thi< exhibit is worthy of spec al praise for; Ai ti-tie arrangement Beauty of specimens of needlework shown. The attaptabkky of Ameiicau Sewing Machines to all kinds of work, Chaste design and tuc small amount ot powei to operate them. American B H O and Sewing Machine Company. Phi adelphia, Pa Group 25—class line It!) For ttie display of ladies,’ misses and gents’ garments, showing- great skill and patience in their construction American B H O and Sew ing Machiue Company, Philadelphia, Pa, Group 7—class 31, The button boles made bv this machine are holes perfect and copies of the hand made button more oeautiful, as they are made with mathematical accuracy and are made with great rapidity. The overseamintr is equally perfect and beautiful and we consider it worthy of a high award and recommend for it a gold medal. As the American Sewing Mach in 9 Company has become one ot our leading business concerns a few'in**s about its career and inventions would not be out ot place Establish' d in I•"'65, it las continued to grow and prosper till to day, when its various manufactures are recognized for their sterling worth in every part of the known world. Th -y possess more good points than any other machines, and are in fact just what the Company claims BEST they are THE IN TIIE WoKLD. There are in uy mac lines made by this Company for different kinds of work, emoryj the number tin* most noticeable arc the No 1 machine for family use, m many handsome styles. No 2. which is a great favorite with tailors carriage trimmers and all who desire the best machine fur light manufacturing work, the but on hole machine No 3 aud the cx'ra manufacturing machines machine;Xo II. All these are sold at very modest prices, and are within the reach of el( classes of society, Columns could be wi itten about the superiority o* these machines over a veiy great many on the market, but the writer thinks the foregoing will be sufficient to induce all interested iu the matter, who read THE SUNDAY GAZETTE to visit the elegant estab lishmeut of the Company, No 5 Pryor Street, in K inball House, aud inspect the beautiful iuveitions he has attempted to describe, or to send there for an illustrated pamphlet, which more fully describes them. Januaiy28 1882 Wni 11 POOLITTLE,^ ll- If. WARNER ItOBT. MeMEEK (Late Assistant Com’r of Patents) R. 11. W ARNER is- C0-, Attorneys at Law Warner Building, Washington, D. C Attention given to Patent and Mining cases, Lands, Pensions, Bounties, and Government claims, Attention prompt, charges moderate. Address with stamp. Refer to Mem- s: or, O Confess and Heads of Gov- c 3 Departments. Use Lav/rcnce & iVSartin ? # WJ*" w v» f I i m 0$j% , 'Vi n© i S m &iA iJ 3 ■w /; fi % li '\3k >• >■ & For COUGHS, COLDS, SOrtE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, PL Ely' MOU1A, CONC'JMPnCfl, Diseases cf THROAT, CHL3T AMD LULCG. CONSUMiT-IOX r ., WM iu „. ksianniant v, nr.d ltf4 svdw.nccd .b msmrmBBf of t*»eJ.P’.V'Vi ik and LUNGS, but it stuges.and nil diseases *r*k RYE. never boon so advantageously aomponiuled as in t,!n * < u.i c. mK iv ana Its soothing JLtlsainie properties afford a dinusive stimulant and tunic to system after tue cough has bei n relieved. Quart size bottles, ITiee $1.00. MEDICATED CAUTSON! article-tho iwffs bottle, permits it to be Mold genuine bus a Private Die Proprietary Stomp on each which by (>ra^ists, Grocers and Dealers EvcrywheWi ^ WITHOUT SPECIAL TAX OK LICENSE. The TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 River St., Chicagd, UL © ji ____IggjjOUfUi Ull I ^ f <r» Cotton gins withc^h -v pjz -^5-MlU MILLS.SHAFTING-Pj^jj ovo ’.bjj CEARINQ A cmn Aim mm a# & mice list. E, SIIAEFEI, AGENT J TOCCOA . E, SCHAEFBBjAGENT, H y/k m % S 'tfmm A TOCCOA CITY •) GEO. E. SCHAEFEi.' AfiEHT Hi V m , il t il Iff %/ffi SEJiP M % V i’fl m IfeilliHL m 11 ! MB CITY GEORGIA INVENOUS address EDSON * BRO-* Attorncys- and Patent Solicitors fif7 8 went h Washington D C. for circul trs or actions. Reasonable terms. References advice sent fee We attend exclusively Patent business. Reissues, Interferences cases Marks rejected and in other hands a specialty Caveats solicited. of model or sketch and description give opiniou as to patentability free of We refer to the Commissioner of also to Ex Commissioners. Estab- * tf PATENTS. Inventors will Advance their Interests of American and Foieign Patents Washiner ton. D. C.' has had years of successful Prac- tioe, and was formerly an Examiner of Pa- l *££*£* ents J fl r V ie ^ ateat Office, All business be ’ Pr ° mp, y fivMid fri'- Circular.. success, THE BEST OF ALL WTi ■ > r FOE MAN AND BEAST, For moro than a third of a century the Mexican Slnstnng Liniment has been known to millions »i!i over the world ti« the only safe reliance for the relief of accidents and pain. It is a medicine above price and praise—the best ofhs kind. For every form of external pain the Mustang It Liniment is without nn equal. the penetrates flesh aud. muscle to anco very of pain Done—making bnd inflammation the continu- j siblc. Its effects upon Human Flesh a* <! the Brute Creation arc equally won tier- ful. The Mexican Liniment is needed by somebody i t every house. Every day brings news cf the agony of nu awful CcaM or bur t subdued, of rixeumntio martyrs re¬ stored, by or a valuable borne or cx saved the healing power of this V. which speedily cures such ailments of the HUMAN FLEsII as Joints, Rheumatism, Swellings, and Coutracted Muscles, Rura Sprains, Scalds, Cuts, Rruisea Stings, StifflncM, Poisononn Bites Sores,Ulcers. Frostbites, LnmtncM, C hill,lafiiK. C*I«I Sore IVipples, Caked Breast, indeed every form of external **,**• It heals without scars, r or the Bhute Crkation it cuto 9 Founder, Sprains, Swinny, Stiff Joints. Harness Sores, Roof T»is- eases, Foot Rot, Screw Worm, Scab, Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind- galls. Old Spavin, 'Thrush, the Si^ht Sores, Poll Evil, Film and every other to which the occupants of and Stock Yard are liable, The Mexican Mustang always and it cures and never disappoints; is, positively, THE BEST OF ALL FOS UAH CS BEAC: THE TOCCOA HEWS, Subscription for One Year...