The Toccoa news and Piedmont industrial journal. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1889-1893, May 04, 1889, Image 4

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i-U ** f:’ i* \A# -.<U V V * i O. - - i v I ) . W \n v ; vnne-e. TT v f’os’.a! Note or 'laft. ross, Tjik Tocooa. News, Toccoa, Ga. Clly Directory. CIinCHKS. t’resbvtcrian. Hervices the 2nd nnd Sfii Sundays in each month, at 11 a. m. and 7 pm. Sumhiy school at 10 a. m. Re'. L. A Himpimit. Pm-tor. ;; a. in. and' 7 >- <n. Sibhath school at 3 p. m. Rev. U. A. Jemeison, Pastor. Baptist. Services 2nd an<l_4th Sundars of Pa*Vor I’ In ‘ “ nd * P 111 C ToceoaTIi n h School, Prof. N. A. Fcssen- Crn, Principal. The Torcoa l odge, No. IW. Ancient Order <1 K. ,v A.Masc.ns meets the first Wednesdays of ea<d» month. B. E. Edge, V». M. Poyal Arcanum meets 2nd and 4th Mon- fays in each month. Jas. Wilson, Regent. Tugnlo Lodge, 195 K.of II. ineers 1st and 3d Monday &1 each month. J. B, Simmons, Iictato*. CITY OFFICERS. II M Da j ne, Mayor; 5 11 L Goode, Recorder. COUNTY OFFICERS. B E Edge, Ordinary; .T IT Addison, Clerk t f Superior Court; M T Verkins, Bherifi; Geo. Fry,'fax Collector: II P BTOoks-» r, Tax Re- JU '“ ■ ’ LOCAL NEWS. Rev. J. F. Goode visited Turnervllie Tues- < 5 y. ‘ Mrs. Bud Roberts, of Lavonia, visited rela- 1 i ves i n Toe coa this week. Mr. T. H. Toddrill, of Turnerville, was in T i ccoa Tuesday. Mr. L. r. Cook left 1 bumlay to be absent several days on business in White county. Mr. Will R. Rankin, of Atlanta, spent >< metime in Toccoa this week visiting rela¬ tives. Mr. W. F. Woodliff, agent for the Atlanta Constitution was in Toccoa this week in the interest of bis paper. Mr. R. A. Rnnis-y wont over to Srneea , Wednesday to act as beat man at the nup ia s of Mr. O. R. Doyle. The new hotel at Clarksville is progressing and will be an important addition to the tourist accommodation in that attractive town. Church service* to-morrow in the Methodist church; preaching by the Pastor, Rev. ( . A. Jnmeison, morning and evening at thc usual ) ours. Marriefl April 18th at the residence of the *hride. by II. W. HempliilL Esq., Mr. M m. Wright to Miss Mattie Kimhrell, all of Frank lin county. Mr. J. II. Dickerson, of Eastman, On. spent several days of this week in Toccoa visiting relatives and slinking bands with his many friends here. The honey bee it hums around, I* 1 1 unis the garden over loves (ho Till it fin*- th ' flower it best, Then it nestles there in clover. At thc close of the writing school held .some Weeks ago, Miss Pinkie Harris received the first prize 'or the lies' penmanship, end -Miss Maude Netherhind was awarded the second prize. Mr, J. T. Carter is putting an addition to the front end of his shop, to be used for a paint shop for buggies mid wagons. It is 32 by 10 feet, and high enough for a paint room up stairs. Mr. T. W. Lawson has fresh beef at his market, some of which is obtained in tin's neighborhood, and some is brought from Chi¬ cago from which he deals out tender steaks and juicy sirloins. Rev. L. A Simpson and sisters arc repairing their new home; making some change* in partitions, painting the woodwork, calsotnin- ing the walls, and when completed it will be one of the finest residences in the city. Squire J. T. Mulkey put out yam slips on Thursday, the first probably in the He lias, he thinks, the finest, bed of potatoe slips in this region, lie doesn’t propose to be beaten on sweet potatoes. Who will try to beat him.' Mr. A. H. McAllister introduced to the edi- tor of the News Mr. Wanen Busha who is an industrious and intelligent farmer, as is indi- rated not only by his interesting conversation but also by his subscribing for the New ; and ; Industrial Journal. Our esteemed Ordinary, Mr. B. E. Edge, made a business call at the News office Oil Thursday. M'e are sorry to hear that his tie child. Tearl. met with a sad accident,scald ing her hand very badly; it is hoped she has not received serious injury. Mr. W. A. Matbeson subscribed and fur thc News to be sent to a friend ‘ at a dis- , _ ,, . yiug the notice of it in .the News, remarked that it was “one way to build up a town.” Mrs. 3. V. Davenport has decide 1 to o|>eT) the house she occupies to the traveling pub- lie. This wiil lx' good news to the° many commercial travelers. The house being a pri vate residence makes an esi>eeial attraction; it will seem,not so much like a hotel, but like “ilometiweet Home. ’ -- L. Gadson has dug a well 44 feet deep for the Rev. L. A. Simpson. It required 5,000 bricks to wall it up. He says lie can can dig ’ wdl m . town * to which i i m tin. can , tad*., , .wl , thinks he is the only man in the city who knows hovv to do it. Mra. C. T. Blark.uer furnishes ice cream »»d other delicueies for bdies and geutleau-n 'i - or* »l.c r>'TZHT of i). iy 1' ••» ’ ! F-'.ge f o U:i u f r" r?r deli'■ .’ 7 <* fiie : r exqnis*?e!> delicious flavor n' prepared hr this ladr. We now • -nde’stan ’ wLv ti e grv.tletneu >avn *<•!“' ted the gretuids ;r> -ear c<f ‘hese rooms for m ir‘ !e playin r ».,. v ares"'reiivenjent to these cooling an i ref: csh'ng viands. Wc a r e paincc! to record the dea.h of Mi*- Kitty IAavcnpcrt, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. S. V. Daren pert of cur city. Shehed boon an in¬ valid 'or many years, but the sad event which O'-cvrred > ay 2nd. was quite ur.eyp< ctc<l * he wra hurled on Friday; fureral services were held in th<> >fethndiet c! urch, Rev. C. A officiating. This entire community symjiflthizcs with tl.e bereaved parent ■ relatives. * Mr. M. A. Adnms, ofG<«dwill, April fOth. brought to the News office from his farm, of wheat and oats already heeded out with good strong stalks Indicating splendi l growth, nnd illu-drating Mr. Adam’s exccl- farming abilities. M r e wonder if any one in His latitude can show well developed and heavy wheat and oat heads in April. 'Mr Adams says grain crops are more in quantity * better in qu.mty than they have been for years, nnd they are r.s forward now ns they u- snr.llv are in the middle of May. .. rA\d tana Bowers visile 1 L^coa Mtxh ’icsday. llis name will go down to history asone. of the only two Georgian * viho votc<l for Abraham Lincoln in 1800. At his voie- now, postmasters quake and tremble, for with a nod he can cut< ft *heir heads, if they happen to be democrats. He says, in tIu * liRIc offices,it is the policy not to r.:akc c' anges unless the people desire a change. Mr. Bowers is conscientious in liis piolitica’ p li f pubne t ' an:f spirited ’ st Clirisfian eitizr-uv minister, . large Miss Lula Cosby, one of Elberton’s most charming ladies, who has been spending some time with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Cosby, in this citv, left for home on Thursday. She was much pleased with Toccoa and the social enjoyments with the young people; upon lea ring she cast on e long lingering look be¬ hind and ext ’aimed; ‘ rewell, sweet old Toccoa.” It. wi bo surprising if a certain young gentleman should soon make a trip to Elberton md be equally .fascinated with that interesting town. > Two white men from the mountains who have been traveling round in this region with 1 a wagon load of “mountain dew,” encamped this week in Flintsville district, Franklin Co., j abont 9 miles from Toccoa, near the home of | a colored man named Neal Mize. On Thnrs- day night a crowd of men, black and white, buyer- agc d!s „ w> . BTOl w „ cre thc tec „ oy<B ofrcv . eJllie 0 _T Cl . rs can never find it. As the spirits c f corn went down, the spirits of thc men a- rose, and tot acco smoke, whiskey vapor, and the voices of midnight reveling floated out on the air. Messrs. Cape and Bugg-t, revenue of- ficers, snuffed the liquor scent from afar, and heard-the wild shouts home on night breezes, •Soon they pounced upon thc unwary revele rs like eagles i n the'r prey. Then there was a scattering; white men and black men rushtd pell moll in all direction*; the owners of the wagon and contents were so'zcd, but they jerked and yanked and pulled 'ill they got a- way, oin- leaving his Isat behind,—all escaped excejit the negro Mize, who, with the h im and wagon, and about 45 ga’Ions of whiskey were brought to Toecoa. These will a’.! b.* confiscated, except the poor darkey, who said to the reporter: ’Tse in’cent Boss, sluiah; 1 had nothin’to do wid dat whiskee.” Then ids face lit up with a feint, far away smile that was innocent and bland. RED HILL DOINGS. What has become of Constantine? Miss Mattie Cox is visiting in Toc¬ coa this week. Mr. John Wall who has been quite sick, we are glad to note, is con vales- cent. Mr. Russ Terrell lias been among his friends on Leatherwood creek this week. Jessie Deavours s-ivs he under¬ stands she is coming up the Quarterly meeting. Dr. Mattox,of Carnesvi]le,has been here this week drumming up dental work. Mr. W. M. Terrell is the most progressive farmer in tins section, he has his farm in the best fix of any we know, he is one his neighbors can take for a model 1 here is a good opening for an M. D. at this place; as it is we have to go b or 9 miles for a physician; any one desiring a location would do well to come here. JPe have heard of no emigrant from this section goirg to Oklahoma, unless the young man who absented himself last Sunday night had a hank- eringin that direction. Local. Exposure to rough weather,getting wet, living in damp localities, are favorable to the contraction of dis¬ cases of the Kidney and bladder. As a preventive, and for the cure of all kidnev an i liver troubles, use tli a valuable remedy, Dr. J. II McLean's Livor an q KulncV Balm, $’,00 ]»cr bottle. YOUR LOCAL PAPER. Each year tUe local paper gives from $500 to $5,000 iti free lines for the benefit of thc community in which it •. located. 1 . . No x - other .. is agency can or >vn .X.U.U. The cilitor. i»w r t,on l ° ,1!S ,ueftns Uo3s more {ur l,ls town than any other ten men, and in all fairness, man with man, he on 'hi ^ suppoiteil, not viccause > oil >na\ happen to admire hi <* writing, but be- cause a local paper ■j; the best invest- merit a community can make. It m:iv not be brilhaut or crowned with thoughts but. financially it is more oi benefit to the community than preacher or teacher. Understand ns now. we do not- moan morally or in.-, tcllectaaUy. but finaucialtv ; and yet un ^| )e moral question you will find day J the editors of local newspapers (li> , ,„„ st „„ rk r„ r ,|,e »>f any men on earth. Subscribe f, r vour local oal.or, not as ci.aritv. Lot as an inv e3 me»t.—l.i Uc David Du\ is, a:N TXNIAI, MEETING. PniT u < r i n ■: Nkws; A Hi tl e American r nil was he n the Methodist r-n Tnesda- at ten o'clock, No general anm nneement <f the the meeting having been marie, the attendance was net large,being com- posed principally of ladies. The - ervices were comJlifted by the Rev. L. A. fcunpson, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Jsuneison. I re exercise were « parted by singing and prayer, foi- .owed by a very apprej riate address bv the Rev. Sim [son <n tie char- actor of Washington w hid: had t»i in'.ed itself sostrongly and forcibly upon the nation, and urging that the virtues he exhibited should be con¬ stantly held up before the youth of the country ro incite their praise and emulation. Hu was followed by Prof, cessen— leu who drew some interesting and striking comparisons between other countries and our own, to show that ne i;} tGr RO || nor climate, geograpllic- al position, natural advantages or productions insure a happy and con¬ tented people. That wealth intelii- ^ ence morality cniibl only • here- • 8tid , • anted ■ , , ce, '‘ c ' u ni.tiii . under a free . 51,1,1 independent goverrnment. railing f>pt. attention Hreeue made to trie a few wonderful remarks the nation had made in me- chanieal arts and to the great inven- t ions that had done so mucli to light¬ en the burden of human toil, claim- mg lhat tl;e inventive genius of the American people had made it possi¬ ble for one man to do to day as much as ten men could a century ago. whether it was tilling , 1 ,: the .i soil, -i eeL- , i ingin the mine, traveling on land or sea, or in killing human beings. In peace or in war he surpasses all that inis gone before, lie builds no pyra¬ mids to his victories, but monuments to his skill, his enterprise and his genius, are found m everj house and rise on every hand. The Rev, Mr. Whitman closed the eXtJr< - : ’ ses "ith some very appropri- a e remarks, more particularly ad- dressed to the young people on the the desirability discarding of imitating the vir- tues, the errors of our pa- triotic forefathers, and making moral- ity anfJ truthfulness the groundwork J happy and AM.«i„ lives K them that huill such prosperous conditions, were only on If you suffer pric’lin<r pains on mov- 0 in:* tlie eyes, or cannot bear bright an< -* n^d jour sight weak and Liiling, . j OU should pronplly use Dr. ^ B. McLean 8 Strengthening Eye Salve. 25 cents a box. T-ist of Grand Jurors for the Sep¬ tember term Superior Court 1889. O J Reynolds, R F Stephens, T U Jenkins, J W House, J D Mulkey, C Herrin, C W Grant, W M Ward, .1 II Watson, Sr. Henry Deal, Francis M Alien, James Moore, W W Grant, \V C Daniel, S S Yearwood, Joseph Loeroins, F A Mabry, C W Oaks,' John Haddock, •J H Miles, AJ Rot he II. J M Murphy, George Yv Meeks, zMbert Church, W A McClain, DC Porte-, II Ii Smitli, A J Jones, Aaron Terrell, W 0 Hicks, traverse jurors, first week. j y as j ( W A Crensnaw, y Wilbanks J C Bently, \Y A Thomas, A B Taylor, C R Miller, T U Foil rail, R li jCliurch, Columbus Mi/e, \Y V Avers, M M Duke, G T Hopkins, S T Brooks, James Rider, J L Waldrepe, W T Morrion, John II Sutton, Geo II Loudennilk, WG Guest, T S Wilbanks, J. W Cash, Alex Collins, J T Rothfill, 1 L A Wilbanks, yy yj Il ird iv Chris. Benfield, q p Andcrs' Crow“ n ’ W D I ves ter, Sandy J L Bohanan, R j Halford, C O Ivester, T w Lo ins George C Steel, ' traverse jurors,—second week, H W Franklin, Jas U Hill, John S Franklin, E K Davis, Mitchell Franklin, Wm. Hunter, Mitchell Whitworth, John S Elder, Jas B Taylor, A J Jackson, L B Nowell, J L Sellars, J R Dodd, Joseph Ber.tley, N>M Caudle, E J Hatfield, Richard Miller, H N Smith, Davis Sosebee, Char’es Hurley, William Carter, John B Furr, C J Powers, T J Franklin, Levi Carter, Boling G Cook, .1 D Prather, J II Morris, B C Church, Robert Heath, J Bright, A L Atisley, F M Hightower, V A White, Thos V Grant, S D Smith. NOTES FROM RED HILL. Run Hill, Ga., April 29tli., 18b9. Red Hiil is on a boom. J. A. Terrell was the first man in our town to plow the new cotton. G L. King uie first with the hoe, he has hoed 3 rows. The lazy men will now , iM(l then get ahead of his industrious neighbor. The R. D. and T. I. Society at its |. Jyt nu j eting was honored wi h the of the Misses Mnuie and ■ i ‘L'S , ,, r ' ‘ P' () f T7 retra. ° eara V' .' e *’ .,‘ e Alliance is to be bettered financial!y, . suit is. A Leatherwood man who • “ l ” K«‘ , '■» "’'T i l, "f , lt for e i I,,m • i bes ,des j ’ th« tears, .hat i.c shadssome . . , Lot- r, ' rM,; ‘ xv l'-ther no.i.iciiillj or oo., and as sam ones says, q„.t your mean- I he Quarterly meet ng will c m— verm at at, Allen’s :>px‘ Saturday a :d Sum!: v. Bring nut your dinners au<i 1 oidt f- r pef the core, and f. elder, Prof J. R. Leavers wiil meat’ school May 3d, then the tender nanus may prepare sor Gen. Green. The fruit trees and wheat field our town denote better times for Blair & Co. have gone to at the rate of 10,000 per day, we expect Jack will get rich yet. C ©NSTANTINE. ------ ^ hysicians prescribe Dr. J. II. Tar Wine Lung Balm ; in 11 th ° v fin(1 no trnoe «f opium or inor- whi,e lts efficacy in curing all ^bio.u oi lung diseases is wonderful, FOil DYSPEPSIA Use Brown’s Iron Bitters. I’hygicians rcrommend it. All dor.lers kcvT) it. Sl.Oii per bottle. Genuine lias iru<ie-Tn;trk aiid crossed red lines on wrapper. oitli counly is to have a fair this fall. Franklin and Habersham coun¬ ties ought lo unite and have a fair in T occoa. Administrator’s Sale. TI>Y |3 VIRTUE OF order foigvrY. from the Cou an ml before of the Ordinary Court of House said door county, will be si a. in Clarksville" ami lo, known as the Wm M Jones place wliere Maj. W T Crane lately resided, in the town of Clarksville and on the main street from Clarksville to the depot, ALSO o NE acres HUNDRED of lot No 144 AND in the TWENTY-FIVE 11th district of said county, and more fully described in a deed from Elizabeth T Groves to Wm J Rusk, Beeorded in Book ‘E E’ page 128 Clerks office Superior Court of said county. Terms cash, and sold as the property of Wm. ceased. For further information apply to W sErwin, Attorney. James E Rusk, 5t. Printer's fee $<3.1t. Wm. W. Behuy, Administrator’s of Wm J Rusk, deceased. mm*- MARSHAL’S SALES. 30th, Toccoa, Ga., Habeusham County, April 1889. \XT 1 .... in cfa°rksvil fn«fid „ county^nRiem . tT . e follOWing described V 1 R ‘ . .. , „ and running back 100 to an alley. Leviedon as the property of H W Jones to satisfy atown tax ti ta issued by the mayor and council vs. H W Jones for his town tax for the year 1887. Printer’s fee $3.12. ALSO A Y t thc same time and place lots No 30, 31 1 and 32 in Block No 30 fronting on North Railroad street. 25 feet front each and run¬ ning the back 100 feet to an alley. Levied on as property of H W Jones to satisfy a fi fa 111 favor of mayor and council V3 H W Jones for Ins town tax for the year 1888. Printer’s fee $2.13. ALSO A T the same time a id place lot No 1 ! in xY Blo k No 34. Levied on as the properly ot E A New on to satisfy a tax ti fa in favor of mayor and council vs E A Newton for his town tax for the year 1888. Printers fee$1.12. ALSO AK 1 \ t the same 5 time and place lot No. 16 in in tuvor of and council rs jyvy.forUudrtmvn uiaj or vs. A G and B F tax for the years 1887 and 188 b Printer’s fees §1 89. ALSO 4 t the the same time and place lot No. 3 in A B oekeffo.5. Levied on as the property of J Sage to satisfy a tax ti fa in lavorot may- or and council vs John Sage for his town tax for the year 1888. Printer’s fee §1 50. ALSO 4 t the same time and place lot No. 15 in i V Blink No. 17. Levied on as the property ofS M Smith to satisfy a tax li fa in favor of mayor and council vs S M Smitli for his town lax for the year 1888. Printer’s fee-8L.53. ALSO fV .4 t thesame time and place lot No. 2, in Block No 1. Levied on as the property of u B Kelly to sat ssy a tax ti fa in favor of 'the mayor and council vs C B Kelly for his town tax for the year 1887. Printer’s fee $1,55. ALSO 4 t the same time .-md place lotNo.4 iriBloek far A Oornog the to satisfy 1888.' atax fi fafor his town tux year Printer’s fee Sl,55. ALSO 4 t the same time and place lot No.2 in Block A No 36. Levied on as the property of Dick Young and council to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the mayor vs Dick Young for his town tax for thc year 1888. Printer’s fee £1.47. ALSO 4 t the same time and place lot No. 6 in XjL Block No. 10. Levied on a^ the properly ot Terry Smith to satisfy a fi fa in fav r of the mayor and coancil vs Terry Smith for his town tax for the year 1888. Printer's fee 81.47. ALSO A T the same time and place lot No. 27 in B’oek No 17. Levied on as the proper y of Head *& Hood to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the mayor and council vs Head & Hood for their sown tax for the year 1888. This April 30, 1889. D. L. PURCELL, Printer’s fee 81,89. Marshal. When nature falters and requires help, recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J. H. McLean’s Stcnglhen- ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. $1.00 per bottle • DISTINGUISED MEN. Gov. John Ireland of Texas. Si¬ mon P. Hughes, Governor of Arkan¬ sas ; S D McKncry Govrenor of L >i is iana. E B Turner Judge U S Court; Ex-Gov Hubbard Minister to Japan; Marion Martin ex-Lieutenant Gov-, ernor of Texas; \V R Miiler ex Gov- ernor of Arkansas and many others E A Perry Governor of Fiord in; W D Bloxham ex-Governor of Flordia and hundreds of otlicr distinguished men of t i e United States in all professions and m every department of science have had their sight improved by the use ol Hawkes’ New Spectacles. All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed by W. H. & J, Davis. T be in Toccoa the following davs: March 18tli, and 27th; Apri G li. loth, and 23d: May ivVm.sHrishin"'niaies ‘ served »-i’ll "ploiicbe 1 on hand ‘ on the above davs. Terms reason v.- blc ’- * ’ G. J. Ramsey. A . ." , . 1 , . U, VO " rCS , ' ,S "V"? . .”’ assed by a 1 bad cough? Use Dr. J. IL McLean's Tsr Wine Lung Balm, will secure yon sound sleep, and ef- fect a proiD j Jt an(i ra<iical Clire . TkTTJm Children will freclv take Dr. J. II .i McLean's Tar Wine Luna B-lm ; nn. nkc , yrup> Uc..nta.ns no »- will soothe and heal anv dis. ea8c «r throat or lungs quicker than any o ICT reme< j . m FI re BRUu One of rm. 4Liv it'ml ^ f 1JIs l) 1* ‘sTWU k ri w ICO C\3!i ELTI X. |" FT A 1 OCCOA. Here von can find bargains in Staple ‘Di^f Goods , Ty /~s Ovr-pp< A TvTH i J_J OTTOT7C OrlUriO; 1 _[ \ ’ PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS, J 7$aeon , Flour, Feed . ALSO--- THE BEST VARIETIES OF FERTILIZERS. DOUBLE BRICK BLOCK, TOCCOA, CA-, REAL LST'IAE FOR FALL, CITY PROPERTY'. 1 V u , l V‘v- ?Trrr K <n m/fS’ nJtv f , 1 tlrifrnn 6 « ntrp „ frppt * " 1 l.ut -•) x K teet. j I STORE and SHOP fronting _ on Doyle st. Lot 50x 110 feet. j | FOUR Room Dwelling, fronting on Doyle st. Lot 100 x 100. SIX Room Dwelling fi anting on Doyle street. Lot 100 x 200. 1 THREE Room Dwelling fronting on Cur- raliee street. Lot 50 x 100. L f FIVF. Room Lot Dwelling 100 200. fronting on Curva- hee street. x L i FIVE Room OwelTng *"200. fronting on Curra- hee .street. Lot 100 H OUlsE of 5 rooms, with store in front v< rv convenientli’located near the bus- iness center of the town. It is a corner lot 50 by 100 feet. This property is offered at a very H°!veil Foherts <!nly House hotelSii a cood building furnished; the city patronized bv commercial travelers, Aston- * ,| ill A acres, 31 miles . from the , city . on a did load; about 20 acres cleared, rasp- berries, peaches apples, grapes adapted oa toe to place; an excellent fruit farm, well grape cultrre. A great bargain at $3o*). ( OTA Z»)v* acres li miles from the 'lily; 20 acres bottom land; 00 acres cleared; a largj b' dv of good timber, hard ahd soft ; good bar or chard, apples, peaches and gi apes; house, a and stables, to be sold cheap. Call upon or address, J. \V. McLacky Toccoa, Ga. Bucklen’s Arnica 5alve. — lue best strive in tl.e world for cuts, bruisc-s, sores, ulcers, suit rheum cw'fw*. f cv m- sores tetter, chapped hands, «<*■?« •••>' »h »*}» *'"o- ions and positively cures piles, or no t M ,- v reouired. It IS guaranteed to - give perfect satisfaction 01 mm e\ re- funded, l’nee 25 cents per box. For " , !li , e , yv N . VI ti. <X,l.DaMS. 1 i>.,vis THE NEW DISCOVERY. You have heard your friends and neighbovs talking about, it. \ on mav yourself be one of the many who knows from personal experience just h ,,iv 'jood a tiling it, is. L ton l,.t\o never tried it, you are one of its ‘ sl ‘ o 1!ne i, fpends because the wonder ful tiling , . about . it is, that, onto i-*' 1 n a trial, Dr. King s New Discovery ever* holds a place in the house. It ’ afflicted with -!«'<”• a cough, ii cold «••««»«; ot ant •» Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and it a fair trial. Il is guaranteed everv time, or money refunded. Trial.Bottles Free at \\ . 11. & J. Davis Drugstore. Weakness, Mnhiria, Indigestion r.xd “‘““iK.wS'S IMS nrrTKBft. It cures quickly. I <>r sale by ull ucu.ori in medicine. Get the genuine. Georgia string beans frequently bring in New York market $5 a bushel. A .SOU N D LEG AL G PIN ION. E. Bainbridge. Monday Esq., C'o., Atty.. Clay Cm., Tex. says; ‘‘Have used Electric Bitters with most hap¬ py results. My brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaun¬ dice, lint was cured timely use of this medicine, 4 m sat isfied Electric I»it— ters saved his life Mr. D. I. Hil coxson, of Horse Cave , Ky.. adds a like testimony sayino ; He positively believes lie vvon[U Iiave Uie f 1, net. been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, as well : s cure all Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands unequaled . Price 50c, andjpl. at ^ ^ ■ & J- D;n is l)i m ITHAT The FIEMT C. Original Wins. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop’r er _ ::e igulator, Est’il by iteilin 1S6S. '✓1 M. A. S. L. "M. has for 47 years cured Indigestion, Biliousness, Appetite Dyspepsia,Sick Headache,Lost Stomach, o *1 1 , Seen Ere. Rev. T B. Reams, Pastor M. li. O .A .1 Church, Adams, Tcnn., -writes: “1 thin It I should have been dead but * for your Genuine M. A. Sim- mons Liver Medicine. I have -iVtO/eo / sometimes had to suostitute or TB “Ze li.Cs stufi” for ycur Medi ilCoims ' cinc purpose.” . b ui don’t answer the fiSU Mempw” ^ , , r r r Tcm say« L A | I received a pack :;grc of your Liver 1; Mi dicinc, and have used half of it. y It works like a charm. I want no S belt r Liver Regulator and cer- i tainlv no more of Zciiin’s mixture. g s kl hnndsoine, convenient, healthy, li«h». r .°®b and latiry_ in E u ^ ’ g -J , warm and cheaply heated in winter. Teim .ntendine bu.M^r . brnr^ L n W V f i'7 " /y ^ x H'Crryt*E"• 'p- ’* I'AHy ---5--- Nx. D-'ijf- H, Combined with Great Rc- facting Power. THEY AI:E AS TRANSPARENT AND COL- ORLESS AS LIGHT ITSELF. And for softnesof endurance to the eve can not be excelled, enabling the \vo»irer to re d T >i J u ' ur * without fatigue. In fact they are Perfect Sight Preservers. Testimonials United Suites, from the leading physician leg in the governors, senators, islators, stocbnion, men of note in all profes sions iindin iliiVerecnt b anchesof ers. meehanie*, etc, ca'i be given who Lave had their sight improved by their use. fUWM ii H 5l 113L < v 11 ii nil. :t. ii - te-e il fo y ?K II S .1 Defy Is, Drue/- e/tsls and Dooksellers. These glasses are not supplied price. to pedlars :.t Wholesale Depots: any Atlanta, Ga.;Aus- tin Texas. TIIE TCCCOA NEWS, -UNDER A- KEW MANAGEMENT. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. —DEVOTED TO— EAR'll N t, AIAN U b AC URI NG, AND GENERAL BUSINESS INTERESTS OF TOCCOA \ N J M Y * 1 i T " \ g GEORGIA. A Valuable Book FREE on HE House AND Ills Diseases, to uaeh Subscriber, worth ten times the price of the (taper t*> every 'ovn,er of , Horse. Subscribe Now. Address, THE r„n„nr\ 1OCCQA < A V E nrr, »f \ Toco a t, Ga I 'W V* I w v B - MBH i . m A <4.-, y a p 1 sMPllSpf : a 1 1 iJlKf RUs (tjji p m WfSr WJf-reluJh 'f fvt -., W vvwgm % d, mwyf 4-x Y<’ar sJxM7t’wce- »r iBesb ! -ri ( mR, K ■ j m; CHl C A GO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that inven¬ tive genius, skill and money can produce. - CUR WAR- AIM r RANTED s jeggj FOR 8 m five inXj. li m-: YEARS. The£:exeellentOrg'ansnreccIohratedforvoi- quality of tone,quick ame, response, variety ottractive,omamerrt;alftnd tomes, desirable organs for schools,charges, lodges, societies,etc. ESTABLISHES BEPITATSOX, ^ACIMTIE^ BEET MATERIAL, roKEi:rs3, jtake this THI POPULAR ORGAN ITA1T0S, STOOLS, BOOKS. Catoiogrucs cn application, Free. CHICA80. COTTAGE ORGAN Cf CHICAGO, ILL. PATENTS. Caveats and Trade-Marks obtained, all “Pr t- ent Dusiness conducted for moderats fees. 0 .. n Oi FICU IS OPUOSITE l T - S . Patf.XT <)yri< I ail J w • cal. : •-cure patent in l«-s tunc tha tho e rermiff from Washington. Sen,i *'ra_'vinff or photo., with des cri . pt; on. \v e ; dvise if patcotiibiC or not, ijc of ehavg..*. Oui let not due till patent is is secured. A Pamphlet, of actual “How clients to in Obtain Patents, vritl names your ttate, county or to’.vn.sent free. Address, C. A SNOW Jt CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. ( . Piedmont Air-Line Route, R. & D. R. CMP’Y. Conde?tserl Sc/tedule IN' EFFECT API IL 14,1689. o— Trains run by 75th Mcridan Time—or. c In ui faster than 90th Meridian time. --o- _ooixci kohth. KOUTIl BOUND, DULY. No. 51 No. 53. Leave .Atlanta 7 15 !> Ill 8 55fer22^K22LSSS a tr. .* Gainesville, •< Atlie; ’ a •• Lula, 10 •* t ornelia te ho a - IT •• III 3S “ j 12 Pm - n u<( i i u; *: i i : Arrl\c Si-am nburg 2 11 ' I : l ,m t b. uiiuiiourg ■: 3 Drive • AsNevii nendersomille, IT not : ] rings S 1 ..ea\ j FjsurtMiburg Gastoni* 2 11 “ 2 ?: 4 0G “ ! 4 3 Uhui lotto 4 CO “ 5 c Faii.-soury i G2; ’• 17 S ' i L\U; hor:. I 8 U0 - j 8 * Airive Di.riiatu •12 < 1 - 5 S Arrive A:me Raleigii ol< Is j 1 02 p. m OS Sc boro 10 *’ 12 1 eave (Jree s'o o 05 a m 8 g m Arrive Danv.Le, 10 £ *, ivlei.nit lid 30 p. in 5 £15 a m *' I.ynu., * mg 12 Uhancttvsviiii* ct 5. W si: ngtou i- 13 “ 0 S “ Baitnuore x> 50 ‘ 15 KS3 “ ** I'liiiateiphia New York ^ LH.4 a. m 10 ^ 20 1 ao a a south south b >c ki n. IVII.Y. ’ N .’ 50 ) N 52- Leave New Yoi k 'M lo a ii: 4 30 • in “ I’inanelpi.ia B.ltimo.e ^ H.* * j t; 57 ' - : \S sii o 45 | !-• ;,o •• uhari ; ng oa 14 t e c-j 4b tc. ^ SlSXd az a C' li 50 “ Ran. illy ao Arrive , Dree : st o o c Ml “ I 9 si Leave (»t::dsLoio K > 0 a in t- t *;,( • in 'riveGril-'lcro Cn ** .2 ft) : R Xdii’t a , m i; alls'mrv C 57 a it; “ ( : a '< t e 1C 0i> I <: 1 “ G.-o-lonia 4S !•: Ar Lo 8. urb.nb. re, 4 ,0 “ ^uve m-t ing. C .. ;,‘\ >nv ; n ,. t t< r;vt l-artan r j 1 (.• p*4_ r j«'s 4 5 40 5t *' “ *• Seneca 7 52 * ' Ti;cc«-a 8:5- : C> rneli i 9 12 : 8 CO j 11 : * \ Lula » : G : •v •• \ t j «. « 1 20 p +10 25 *’ L :e. e Gainesville 10.4 a 2 Arr vc Atn nt.-i 12 J-o.ii, ;> 40 “ ■1 Da lv cxc j t 8 inula. JCity Time. Fuliman Car Sartre. VW* On trains 50 and 51 Pulniaii l iditt Sleeper Orleans between Atlanta and New Yo?L, New and UasHi gloii via DanviLe. On trains 52 and 53 i ullniiiii Luffcl icejier Montgomery to Washington and Aiken v a Dan vide. 55 ?" On trains 52 and 53 bet ween Richmond and Greensboro a* <1 Goldsboro. tions Trough tickets on sale at principal sta¬ to all ]K.»in;s. For rates and infoimatitn apply to any agent of thc Company, or to t/AS. L. TAYLOR* Gen. Pass. A*t. S0.L HAAS. Washington. D. C. T. M x.fa 60 FOI, m) Just 2/tiak of It. The MONOPOLY Busted. Do von want a Sewing Machine? S )i 'am 7..j0 ant eel TO >30X0. Fire 2 ears . With all Attachment?. Write for i!- o^irated Circulars ot‘our SlNGKRo, • NEW HOME’ Etc. $10 TO $ 30 . baved by ordering direct from Hcad- rjo 1 irior 4 *. Needles for anv -Machine, Ii? > cents a dozen in .Stamps. z\d-» i <iresa 1 HF LOUI.WTLLK SEWING MA¬ CHINE CO. No. 520 Fourth Avenue, Mai9toSep7. loulsyille, Ay, THE GREAT INFALLIBLE Toothache Cure, Manufactured and sold by (( rr r J.IiJtllflt/l0 77?/’#7/./ 7^, *r 11 11.001 fi- ache C/(re yf , - ** J OF CLARKSVJ LLE, GA. Cures To itl ache in all its forms Cures Neuralgia when caused from bad teeth. Cures sorj gums ; n.l cleanses the mouth. Sold by Druggists and Dealers, Sold in Toccoa bv W. II. & J. Davis, Druggt-t-; Nowell Bros., Gei ' j rai Dealers. PHILADELPHIA SINGER. High Arm, Low Arm $ 28 . $ 20 . ** Ves 4 I, t- f li* H 2 Av: I? i: lllltl % S B-. >- line vuq tn ID -a •1 = hIidiiI 1 fa^ 5 " l srS s FIFTEEN DAYS’ TRIAL YOUR OWN HOUSt QCfORE YOU PAY ON£ CE n’t pay an agent $06 or %Jo. but send for cireti c.a. wooo co.-q.^^Es:'.