The Toccoa news and Piedmont industrial journal. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1889-1893, June 01, 1889, Image 4

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& IwCGC^i 1 EWS. 1CC ( OA (MY. Ci\ : : JUKE, 1 HATES OF SI INSCRIPTION. Ono year in advance SI 00 Six months........ .50 Three months.. .. . 25 Subscript kmc paid in A Ivance. Send >'oney Order, Postal Note or A»ft. Address, Tnr. Toccoa News, Toccoa, Ga. City 'Dheclory. CHttCRES. Presbyterian. Services the 2nd', and 4tii Sundays in eaeli month, at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m Sunday school at 10 a. m. Rct. L. A. Simpson, Pastor Methodist Episcopal-Services 1st, 2nd and 3d Sundav of each month, «t 11 a. m. and p* m. Sabbath school At 3 p. in. Rev. C. A. .Tameieon, Paster. Baptist. Services 2nd and 4th Sundays eaen month at 11 a m. ; nd 7 p. m. Rev. J. J’. (liwle, Pastor- The Torcoa IV. C. T. U, meets every Mon- /Jav evening at 4 o’eh'ck in the Methodist church, and the Lovnl Legion meets at same place every Friday evening at 5 o’clock. Toccoa High School, Prof. N. A. den, Principal. The Toccoa Lodge, No. 590. Ancient of F. .t A. Masons rn< ets i he first of each month I?. E. Edge. W. M. Koval Arcanum meets 2nd and 4th days in each month das. Wilson, Regent. Tugalo Lodge, 195 K.of H. meets 1st and Monday oi each month. J. B, Dictator. city orFrrrRs. H M Payne, Mayor; L Goode, Recorder. COUNTY OFFICERS. ■RF.F.dge, Ordinary; J IT Addison, Clerk of Superior Court; M T Perkins, Sheriff; Geo. Fry, Tax Collector; If P Brooksher, Tax Re¬ ceiver; J C Allred, Treasurer; Jus. L John¬ son, Surveyor; D W Ivester, Coroner._ LOCAL NEWS. Spring chickens bring 10 tola cents each, eggs ten cents a dozen. Several communications crowded out this week, will appear next week. Dr. Doyle was in town on Wednesday visit¬ ing his patients and shaking hands with his many friends. The Toeeoa trade edition of the News for sale. Every business man and citizen should aid in the distributing tlipse papers so valua¬ ble to our city. Dr. Underwood was in the city this week.He is both a minister and physician, thus imita¬ ting the example of the Savior, preaching the gosjiei and healing tlic sick. The editor of the News is receiving letters from Florida parties desiring private board for the summer. Persons willing to boarders please report to him, Yancey Carter,deputy marshall of Hartwell passed through the city to Atlanta this week, I on business connected with the moonshiners. He thinks the deputies should have specified districts assigned them; as it is, each deputy makes arrests wherever lie chooses. The number of illicit distillers is fast diminishing. Mr. W. A. Matheson suggests that it will be a good idea for the people of Habersham and Franklin to unite in an Agricultural society and have annual fairs; the exposition grounds to be located in Toccoa as the most rentr. r | and convenient point. The N ews seconds the motion, and will have a series of articles on the subject. Brethren talk the matter up. Mrs. E. W. Roberts lias vacated the hotel here and removed her goods to Bowersville. We greatly regret to part with this lady; she has a justly deserved reputation of keeping an excellent hotel, and is widely popular with •the traveling public. If Mrs. Roberts must go, we are delighted to welcome Mr. and Mrs. S. A”. Davenport back to tho public hotel in Toccoa. It is true it is not the house they formerly occupied, for that is impossible, but the traveling pub¬ lic will receive the same kind care mid atten¬ tion from Mrs. Davenport; the tables will be spread with the excellent bill of fare, and we doubt not the new Davenport house will be as widely popular as tlie old. Messrs. J. S. Land and T. J. Jackson made *rip last week over the mountains to Murphy . C. They report the crops looking fine,with € exception of oats. Corn especially exhibits excel'ent growth, and wheat never made a better showing at this time in the season. The people near Murphy are excited over the vast amount of valuable minerals of many kinds from marble to gold, outcropping in all direc tions; they are expecting another railroad from the North to extend through to Augusta, and the town is on a boom. At the road congress, Habersham was rep¬ resented by those two good men, Messrs J. VV. Robertson and E. Schaefer. Mr. Schaefer’s pressing business engagements prevented his taking a very active part in the proceedings. Several gentlemen appointed to deliver ad¬ dresses on important topics were unable to bo present. Col. Robertson, it was conceded by all in Atlanta, made the most eloquent and best speech delivered before the congress, and the News congratulates the people of Haber¬ sham on having so able a representative. The road congress met last week in Atlanta as mentioned in the News They recommend a change from the present road law; the chief features of the new law being that a superin¬ tendent of roads be appointed in each county every two years; that the roads be laid off in sections; 1 he norkiug and keeping in repair to be let out to the lowest bidders; that the con¬ tractors shall give bonds aud be held respon¬ sible for the proper workings of the roads,-that every citizen (with some exceptions), between the ages of 16 and 60 shall work the roads a certain number of days, or instead may com mute in cash; that property is to be taxed to supplement the per capita tax; and that con¬ victs be used for working the roads of the State. Tocco.v X ews:—S ome two weeks past I pro posed not to be turned down on yam i>otos and potatoe slips, potato beds and so on. In the next issue of your paper I saw that a Mr. Busha had found a Mr. Davis that had a to- tatoebed turning the old jade down. Please let me say that I always was in favor of Caesar taking the ten cent bit if you got it out of the fish’s mouth, and as I have put the tape lme on my bed and find it 25 by 54 feet and the slips as thick as bristles on a hogs back, and still they come. Tell Mr. Busha to tell Ca;sar ana how thick, and if we find the ten cent piece willing in for the Caesar mouth of the real fish, then I am J to have tlie dime if I on.v get the fish, then come to see me and stav a 1 ni S h t- J. T. Mr-LK-er. A Story Stranger Still. Tbrea weeks ago the News published a 4 ‘Strange, Bui True, Story,” about two little girls in Toccoa beiug heirs in part, to a vast f° rtunf ' by an ancestor, a Holland man 200 years ago, but the fortune went to the crown of Holland, because a sea captain one of the legal heirs, could not be found al- though most diligent search was made for him. And now we have to announce a story even stranger still; what the lirirs,stimulated by the piospect of colossal fortunes, and as¬ tute Iawyeis eager for immense fee-,could not accomplish by the most diligent search in ten long years, Tue Toccoa News has sueceded in doing in three weeks, viz. finding the lost sea captain and his family. On Monday the editor of the News received the letter printed below which si>eaks for itself. Baltimore, May 23d. 1889. Editor of The Toccoa News, Dear Sir- Having read a paragraph from the Toccoa News that two Georgia Misses would never receive their share of a colossal fortune from a noble ancestor of H< .Hand, on account of a missing heir wL was a sea captain who could never tie found, and not knowing the address of the ladies, 1 take this means of try ing to open a correspondence with them, or their legal representatives, hoping that true facts may be produced to supply the missing link in the chuia of evidence in their favor. The writer’s father was an only son of a sea captain, by the name of’John Conrad Weber who was said to be a descendant of a wealth nobleman. My father is dead and he told me some years ago if ever there should appear in any paper an advertisement fora sea captai by the name of Weber,that I should lookint the matter as his father had wealthy expecta ions from his country, and that his cliildre would be the captain’s heirs. There are fovn of us and our mother. If the captain’s name is the one that is wanted, I will then inform n:y family of the step I have taken,and ever' honest means will be resorted to to prove him the missing heir; and when the crown of Hol¬ land finds the rightful heir,if they do not res¬ tore all of the inheritance, they may be in¬ duced to part with a portion of it. A letter addressed to me will meet with prompt at- tention. Mrs. Mart / Wabd. No. 124 S. Calhoun St., 3d door N. of Pratt St. Baltimore City, Maryland. The captain’s name is the one the little Toccoa ladies wan h Their father is not liv¬ ing ;the News omits their names at the request of their mother, a refined, modest lady who dislikes newspaper notoriety. She has open¬ ed a correspondence with Mrs. Ward. The Toccoa High School. The closing exercises of the Toccoa High School will take place Thursday and Friday June 6tli. and 7th. The examination of ••lasses on the 6th commencing at 9.30 •’clock; on Friday at 10 o’clock, the prize declamations and recitations, interspersed with music. At 3 o’cloc k the delivery of prizes and the address to the students by Hon. H. W. J. Ham, of Gainesville Ga. On the night of the 7tli, there will be an entertainment, consisting of dialogues, tableaux, etc. Patrons and friends of the school are cordially invited to be present. All exercises will take place at the school house. --— (From our regular correspondent.) Items From Vlt. Airy. Mt. Airy. Ga. May 28th, 1889. Since last writing to tlie News, nothing of any special interest has occurred in this place until last Saturday. On the morning of that day we had a real sensation in a run away match. Miss Carrie Hull, of Clarksville, and Mr. Porter, a Northern tourist from Cleveland, O.. were married at Mr. T. L. Perkins’ of this place. Col. Wilcox, J. P. officiating in his usual felicitous style. The happy couple left on the 11 o’clock train for their future home. On the same day the usual session of the District eourt v s held a our pretty little town Hull Several cases of considerable interest were argued and judgment rendered not al¬ together to the satisfaction to some of the de¬ fendants, for we are informed that one or two cases will be carried to the higher court. * The Farmers’ Alliance met here Saturday on This association ho'ds its meetings every two weeks at the former store of Perk ins A Peyton. Mr. A. L, Kimsey, of the firm of Capps & Kimsey, is carrying on the Alliance Store. We are sorry to have to give him up as our por-t master, but the change in administration has, of course, necessitated a change in the post office. Mr. Albert Church is bis succes¬ sor. The office will be removed to the store ot Peyton & Biidger Mr. J. T. Peyton will act as assistant. We regret to say that Miss Sena Echols is quite sick at this time with symptoms of feyer. Miss Sena is a very lovely young lady and all her friends regret her indispos'tion. A Masonic Lodge of 20 numbers was organ¬ ized in this place about ten days ago. Col. J. E. Redwine, of Gainesville, came up to assist in the organization. Divine services were held here last Sabbath at Mt. Calvary church. Rev. T. C. Pond offi¬ ciating. The hotel is completed, but we have not been Informed at what time it will be ready for the reception of guests. Tlc entire community was greatly shocked to learn ou Saturday morning that the dead body of a man had been found on the railroad track immediately in front of Mr. Harvey’s door. The poor unfortunate man, Ben Clark by name, was killed, so the verdict of the jury said, by being run over by 2 o’clock freight train, No. 21. He was evi- dently in a state of intoxicatiou at the time of the accident. The remains were interred at East View cemetery on Sabbath evening, the 26th. And by a coincidence unprecedented in the history of this place, the remains of another person who was killed by the same freight train, No 21, was brought to Mt. Airy and interred in the same cemetery and at nearly the same hour on Monday. This young man, Ropt. Harris by name, lived long enough to give some information to them a- round him as to who he was, etc This acci¬ dent oc: ur e 1 near APo;bo h if these nci. e their death in this dreadful manner while un- der the influence of strong drink. What a sermon suinon do’ t o these these two txxo tembh. terriMo results r. preach nT wh against the use of strong drink. And what a waming to those who are enemies to great and good temperance cause. Here immortal souls hurried into the presence of the Creator, the victims of the sins of in- f temperance. Such deaths as these is an argu ment against the traJBc in ardent spirits that; ' admits of no refutation. E.W.C. ? ~ . A TjTjK'T YT A N Y ilU UtS U *" J a ; CLARKSVJL L E, GA. { I Tliis % hnnsphia ‘ i inxt Ksn n/»u4v ron * . . „ , f ”, , • * - P n , bh1 cla fui ^ ” irst ^ ? s x tum ^ ts ;, ^ guests at %111A time, Alw t ail trains. Terras reasonable. JOHN JONES. Proprietor. ASK FOR IT! THE SELF-THREADING ELDREDGE a In it are com¬ bined the fin¬ est mechanic¬ al skill, the/ most useful and practical elements, and all known ad¬ vantages that make a sew- ing machine desirable to •ell or use. ELDREDGE MFC. CO. hetory and Wholesale Office, Belvidere, m. 2* t Wabash, Chicago . 39 Broad Street, Xctc York. m 25.6m MAKE — MONEY! By buying at whole &•»le arid a^fing as agent for tltechpap- phl reliable housa «m ear'h. On re- Wr=- ccJft of 9S cts. in one cent stamps sample complete we will send as m. logue of one set of family scales, together with our cata¬ Watches, R->ok.s, Guns and numerous household article* on which we offer great inducements to Agents and others. The S ’ this are accurately fitted and adjusted and are warranted in every respect, and are only offered at this price fortbe present to encourage agents and others to handle our goods. On a ten dollar cash order from our mammoth circular we will send ona wet of scales or allow you the puce paid for this set. A. T. EVANS L CO., 1S2 aud 1 >4 Slute St, CHICAGO, ILL. m25,6m SH MS R PIAHOS The Pianos bearing the above name stand pre¬ be eminently the highest in the front rank, and are conceded to achievement in the art of piano manufacturing, the containing in a wonderful degree, all essential qualities of a perfect piano. FAULTLESS TONE, PERFECT ACTION, EXTREME DURABILITY. ELEGANCE IN DESIGN ond FINISH And are universally endorsed by leading musicians aud musical people The quality of materials used and the skill of the wor rkmen employed i in their construction, also our first long experieuce allow us to say, these pianos are class in every r spect. OVER 95,000 IN USE. SHONINQER ORGANS Aro the Leading Organs of the World. Because they are the best. Their purity of voicing, prompt speech, quick¬ ness of touch, rich, full and organ-like tone lias won for them the highest praise and admiration of all who have seen and heard them. which They contain many valuable improvements, are exclusive features. Folding Pedals. Three-Ply magnificent Sounding Boards, Book Closets and a Chime of Swiss Bells creating be used the most harmonious effects, and which can with or without the reeds. These in¬ struments have taken Medals and First Premium wherever exhibited. Agents wanted in territory not already provided for. Send for Catalogue to B. SH0N1NGER C0„ 86 Fifth Ave., New York. Factories New Haven, Conn. may lcitonov.lO,lS89 roit i/Ysi’Ersa Uso Brows’s lrc:: Bitters. Physicians recommend it. All dealers keep it. SI.00 per bottle. Genuine has irude-uiark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Physicians prescribe Dr. J. 11 McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Palm; in it they find no trace of opium or mor¬ phia, while its efficacy in curing ali throat or lung diseases is wonderful. MARSHAL’S SALES. Toccoa* Ga., Habeksham County, April 30 th, 1889. TArih V\ in be Clarksville sold before in tlie said Court county, House the door 1st on Tuesday in July next,the following described property, to wit: .1 T ots No 19,20 and 21 in Block No 25, froni- J ing on North Rail Road street 25 feet each and running hack 100 to an alley. Levied on as theprojjerty of II W Jones to satisfy a town tax Ii fa issued by the mayor and council vs. H \V Jones for his town tax for the year 1887. Printer’s fee 83.12. ALSO 1 \ Y t and the 32 same in Block time and No place fronting lots No 3>. Nortli 31 30 on Railroad street. 25 feet front each and run¬ ning the back 100 of feet H to W an Jones alley. satisfy Levied on as fa property to a fi in favor of mayor and council vs H W Jones for la- town tax for the year 1888. Printer’s fee 82,13. ALSO A t Block the same No 34. time Leviedon and place as lot the No property 1 in of E A Newton to satisfy a tax ti fa m tavor of mayor and council vs EA Newton for hi* town tax for tbeyca^. Prin.era fee»..12 . /-\ 4 T the the same time and place lot No. 8 in Bln/*k Nn r * Levied on as the i ronerfv ofS M Smith to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of mayor and council vsS M Smith for liis town tax for the year 1888. Printer’s fee 81.53. ALSO Av A t No the 36. same Lex time ical and place the property lot No.2in of Block Dick on as Young to sa'isfy a fi fa in fax or of the mayor and council vs Dick Young for his town tax for the x ear 1888. Printer’s fee 81.47. ALSO 4 the , time and . place , , lo. . No. G n . t same in of V, Terry BIo. bmitli k No 10. to satisfy Levied a on ft fa a= m the favor properly of the mayor and co incil vs Terry Smith for his. town tax for the year 1888. Printer s fee 81.47 ALSO xA. A ? the same time and place lot No. 27 in B’ock No 17. Levied on as the property of Head H(*od to satisfy a fi fa in favor of f)ie mftror ;ilvl , vunt;i l vs Head A Hood for their town tax for the year 1888. Th is April 30, 1889. D. L. PURCELL, Printer’s fee *1,89. Mar shal "" When ,..,t.„ro ‘ falters nmi romiires , , , , ir. i' ^ C a „ n - r c ." 1 1 1 j »» , r ,i“ '!!,! ’ * 1 Conlial and Blood p. Purifier. $1X0 |>0»■ bottle • fm "VJ'OTICE.—-My mid^th Jack. Blue Billy,” will u{fflS?ml, Persons and’Sd^ June a"^'u£ hand wishing mares served Terms will please be on o.i the above days. reasona- G ' JEAM8 ' Y Neuralgic Persons And those troubled with nervousness resulting from care or overwork will be relieved by taking Jirown’s Iron Bitters. Genuine has t rade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. $•3 ftewfar-Machine JiaTo ,sfePr «t one* establish byn y trade in ail part*, " l *\Mw JfST and p acicf food* oar where machines,!. the people , can see them, wa will send free tc one 29 person in each locality .the rery v beat a*tv top-machine made in the world, with all the attachments We willalao sendfreet complete .line of our costly and valuable art jaaroplt*. '•how what In return aend, we to ask tboaa that who you we k roay call at yow home, and after g months all shall beco me yonr < own property. This rran d tn’sebin e is made after the singer patents, L whicb have run out: before patents run out it sold for with the tb, f jt|n FRFk> ,'t<chBMBU. ttarsws&rwt .ad now m!U for B«t.w ■ me to brief ■ I Hi Bafree. No capital cupit.1 required. Plain, tnwraetiont r-v^n. Tboaa who writa writ. to aa at enct can ae. cura irec the best fcwi'nf-machioe in the world* and the Gneet line of work# of hi^h art ever ihowu tocethrnn America. TKt £d: CO., ilex 740, Aaguttn, Maine. Aiev'i'i restless at nijiltl, stud h-/r~ ssi*' i f i\' a li:id cnligli P l^'se l)r d. 11. icL'-au''. Tar Wine Lung Hal-i*, i 1 M , ri p f von sh*oi?, and ef- r **vt u prompt nn<i radical cure. FOU SALE. , WO LOTS D\ T TUUALI) t. FRONTIN'*i t the Pa r k, each 50 y 00, n >m < f whudi -a .wo st'ir. fame i> il*li;n». hose lots 'vil. i>e sold for ca-li, exeh meed f.r f i or ; . r 11 inqvrty’ in ! rmkiin or liar eountie . Ap- 1. to the Edi li m- Til : N > w . FARU n i>A ii . j. I ’ F. V ENT Y- FIV E ACRES, PA I T LEVET. ' ' tin* rest rolling, every ac re slisieptible to :uliiva ion g n>d soil. 2i) acres in cult vati n gi m ido\er. ore ard ofebor.t 200 young J • p ie t oi s; .0 g aiw vines; a good vegetable tarde t. a g««m spr ii : i f water; a dwelling tvi.l) ve ii:id;», a t, ! aseiu-'iit and cellar, two I •hiinneys and f r re places,barn,stable and •or,i e i!>. The t n.l er !a'id is covered with ■x vile :t Rumor tm man.ifacturing purposes, fills farm :s2 ini'es from Turncrville, on the I’aHuIah 5!u- Ridge and is Atlantic R. R., G miles from ra and 9 from Tocvoa. This a fine arm, beautii'u ly located and will be sold he ip. Children will freely take Dr. J. II McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Halm ; un«. like cough syrup, it contains no o- puim, will soothe and heal anv dis¬ ease of t hroat or lungs quicker than any other remedy. If-U?' 4.//>U v- /li v/t i/i/ IbliO Cures In.iigcstiuti, Biliousness, hyspepsia. Mala¬ ria, Nervousness. •■m*.l General Debility. Physi¬ cians recomineuil it. All dealers sell it. Genuine has trade mark and er assert red lines on wrapper. W. R. BRUCE, One of Tho OLDEST Merchaatile EOf MMB IN TOCCOA. Here you can find bargains in Staple tDry Goods . BOOTS AND SHOES, PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS, Dacon, J^loter, Feed. -ALSO--- THE REST VARIETIES OF fertilizers DOUBLE BRICK BLOCK, TOCCOA* CA-/ G* ODfcS AT COST. Fo. t o Rex’ 30 days we will offer special will sell; Coil, ents to the trade. We at and v*e will gi' 0 Special B.utrains on all our stock of Spring and Summer Goods,consisting of Ladies Dress Goods such as Cash¬ meres, Henriettas, Albatross,Sateens, Ouallfc, Ginghams etc. We have the La roes t and Cheapest Line of White Goods that we have ever seen in this market, and F> reduce this stock, bar¬ gains will be given. We have just placed tm our bargain counter, many articles that we will sell at cost. We mention a few of them:—Ladies fine shoes, ladies under vests, jerseys, •rlove.s, collars and cuffs, dress trim¬ mings, hambnrgr edegino-, laces, etc. We have a Remnant Counter that von can select many bargains from. Call and make your purchase early and secure the first and best bargains. McAllister & Simmons, Toccoa, Ga. FOR SALE. upIIAT X as tlie VALUABLE Mathews Lime PROPERTY Kiln, KN OWN miles seven from Toccoa on the road to Clarksville. For particulars The Editouof apply to The Toccoa News, Toccoa, Ga. FOR AE. - A SHINGLE MILL WILL BE SOLD very f“|>lvto P ’ 14 18 EDVv” A PP*^ to M.t.bPibK]-, 1< ceoa, G.. OBOMU> h'amSShM. COTOTY-T. and ALI i whom Andrew it X may Rossignol, concern: Executor Henry Rossignol of Har- s 4tmll,18,25,jl. B. E. EDGE, Ordinary. -—- Administrator A s bale. County. _ T>Y D \ IRll L OF an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the Court House door m Clarksville, Habersham Countv Georg’a, on the first Tuesday in June 1889, one house and lot, p nown tlie Wm M Jones place where Mai. WT Crane lately resided, in the town of . Clarksville and on the main stieet from : Clarksville to the depot. I " ALSO ! CUE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE J said v /acres county, of lot and No 144 fully in the described 11th district l more in a tlcetl from Elizabeth T Groves to Wm J Rusk. ■ Recorded in Book ‘E E’ page 128Cierks office ; Superior Court of said county. Terms cash, , and so.d us the property of Wm. J Rusk de¬ For further information al >ply to W SErwin, Attorney, James E Rusk, ; 5t. Fr.nter s fee 86.11. Vm. W. Beri.y, Wm JRi-ucdt-eased Kl.^ deceased. l 5om | Miy>a*wiiiu*tif! h'Uh’lj IUjIJ m Mm Mn^i. "wk-I Bear}, -Ag^Hununf ranted. Solid GoU I Cim. Both Udie*' v.M Wfud (V ond {mu' n«, of wiifc work, \9 tiM Penoa o^Ml in nlai. Ob* oack lo- — ___ . .___ r»u,y nn KtMnt tM, tore «Sl. to er with oar Uef. sod esl- Un. of Houekeld Saai|»les. Tfcem soapier ss well u tho wsteh. wo scad free, sad after yon hses kept theta 5a roar home foe 9 womhi sad shows thera to thoM whs Bay hses called, they beco— ff mt dwa property Tbo~ StlaMd A In enter that we may secure 100,000 subscribers to Issue’s Home Journal as soon as possible, we have de- useful articles, aggregating a grand total of £40,600. These premiums will bo awarded in a i fair fair and and impartia impartial manner, without favori ism, so that all persons having tbeir nam» sen our subscription boosts on cr before before July July 30, 30, will will stand an equally miuis ^ood chanco to socursour CAPITAI. CASH PBKHIFH OF 83,JOO. lie,Ad our list of Pre. 9 to too given free to subscriSer3. L33T OP PREMIUMS. Td SECt itBOSTE(iP THE8B.?SSSirS9 r n must sene J presenter S3.000 us COC/.STS, tho subscription pries for one ycar.wc will then enter * • 2,000 gl¥EN FREE TO OOBSORsSERS your namu on cur NF.1Ii5.EIC.EI* SFUSFiSUI’TIcr*' JL2STS, and „ sstassrr 352:1:3; * - l.COO READ ASD maU to do to so your for onn address year. a copy CO cent-* of I.esHc is tho , sEIemo regular subscription Jcm-rtnland pilon, continue honor } „ • • - - - 500 LCARE3I wo charge nothing extra for tho premiums. Oar Profits will com? u „ 8100 each, 500 v'rcm advertising f ” „ •» 60 •* 600 »»j«jHuaAii^n^Sy<s3. Ms • our patron- ,, *5 “ 250 STOP ILL PAYTK4T ^ es?;£> ei.ooiortwo - lO " 200 MORTZiGS I * •*• J ;ub3cr!p«om- the estra paper ~ - / S3 5T5 csi PS? S can bo mnue«. *o a friend or gx , „ - - 5 “ I0O HAVE JUST GOT COO MY SHAGG A .. - 1 ** f.OO SMTHE O “ 1,800 PREMIUM D‘STRiBUTIGU H&53&sfesMa; n “ J‘0i> .i i; 3 ^ suites 3 Victor.*-* El-aetou-, S7j» “ coo P’O /, ~s •« “ sea 65 “ 260 65 ** ISO t-o» J8& 200 2S9 soo CI 6<V> ir i ■Q 0 $1,300,00 too WATG8ES. MW 13 : : 38. 360 37(3 203 i,eo© CIO vortisemeaUa order that wa may positively knew what kind cf advertising --- r-s i>et **^ r •; WJ C S5*’ assa***®* 5 * 8 **' racial) of forty and $24.00, wo will send ten jn« atlT iSD SK0W T8 KiilEN8S . ensew .ork, at our nsk. ^ES T .TB ’a SOHES JOU2UT4 CHICAGO, ILL. Is, 160 and 162 Washington St., ' ■ . O JSpH®Sil ...... r ..».yw B vg- WYST^igjiEi'lSHl/ Combined with Great Re- facting Power. ARK AS TRANSPARENT AND COL¬ OR LESS ,'S LIGHT ITSELF. And for sofines of endurance to the eye can not be excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours without fatigue. In fact they are Perfect Sight Preservers. Testimonials from the leading physician in the United States, governors, senators, leg ishitors, sions and stockmen, in men 1 of note in of all rude,bank profes dill'creent r n dies i ers, mechanics, etc, can 1 e given who have had their sight improved by their use. itt* #11# tiff #8 AII si fllLfe IT it €S ; H a IPf&Ha t <? o si n\ II &J. Davis, Druff- f/tsls and DooJcsellers . These glasses are not supplied to pedlars at Wholesale any price. Depots: Atlanta, Ga. Aus¬ tin Texas. Buckleys Arnica alvb. — bo best salve in tLe world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, i’ev?r sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins and all skin erupt¬ ions and positively cures piles, or no py req-’/red. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or marcy re¬ funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv W. II. & J. Davis. LIT PEPS'Y, This is w hat yon ought to have, n fact, you housands must have it f to fully coj y litc. f are searching for ii, daily.’and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thouss ands of <lollars are speut aumu lly by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to direc¬ tions and the use persisted in, will bring you (Too l Digestion and oust the demon Dj'spepsia and install in¬ stead Eupepsy. Wc recommend Elecs lnc tiller- for Dyspepsia and all dis- eases of Liver,btomaehe and Kidneys, Sold at SOc. and $1.00 per bottle by W. H. & -J. Davis Druggist. A SCRAP OF PAPER SAVES HER LIFE. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life’ She was in the last stages of con- sumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time ; she weighed fi„% less than se\ent\ . pounds. n .. nn a 0 On a nu»o« pi ce of <»P wrap- a rq n g** ^wuhuncri, K?* r S ’‘ e ann ° goi f , a ’ . r ample ' “•*’* Dot- tie ; it helped her, she bought a large It Mpefl l»r more bought an- lor particulars send stamp to U . M • Cole, Druggist: i'irt Smith. trial Bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free »t w. n. & j Davis nrua-iori. [5] I THAT- FIEMT |a Hil Th© Original Wins. C. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop'r M. A. Simmons Livur Medicine, Est’d H. iS/jo, Zeilin, in the Frop’r U. S. Court defeats J. A. Q. Simmons Liv- £ J er Regulator, Est’d by Zeilin 1368. g| M. A. S. L. M. has for 47 years cured Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia,Sick Appetite, Souk Headache,Lost Stomach, ® _ Etc. m A Rev. T B. Reams, Pastor M. E. q Athink Church, Adams, Tenn., writes: “I I should have been dead but I i ioT M - A v ?‘ m ' mons Liver Medicine. . I have HxjWu/cA sometimes had to substitute I CF iai I “Zcdin’s stuff” for your Medt- Voufits c P ‘ Dr.°T nc ’ kut „ u don,t answer the f/oFLEi R. Graves, Editor The T I received Memphis, Tenn, says: jl Medicine, and a package have used of your Liver half of it. » It works like a charm. I want no 4 better Liver Regulator Zeilin’s and ccr- tainly no more of mixture, L I SENSIBLE LOW-COST HOUSES.—HOW TO BUILD THEM* c^T __________________SJ?51iSptto5 e Hm^ I ^-Hovl ?d, i'o S iiuu 1 .n I T : H I E!n'’T E J , iX ^ Sow ready. This contains plans, illustrations, and complete descriptions i / Sho Cheap Country Houses, costing from 8800 t 6 | - J ---- --------- ------- - - * mer, id aply heated warns ther fcWSSk} piu i $5 Book g For $ 1 . 00 . Hoi Tt L N • J A mi 3 House. jlfyoo ere tblnkingr of btrfldfag ithonae you mrgh t to boy 4he new known eompleU architects. builder, prepared by Palliaer, Palluer A Co./tha well There i • not a Builder or any one intending to Build or otherwise Interested that can afford to be without it. It is a practical work and everybody leaned Building. buvs it. The best, cheapest and most popular work •▼•? Stss and on atyle, but Neatly hart determined four hundred drawings. A $S book fa demand, the we to make it meet tb# popular to auit times, so that it can be easily reached by all. This book contains 104 pagea 11 x 14 inches in rise, and consists of large 9 x 19 plate pages giving plans, elevations, perspective view a, descriptions, work, owners’ names, actual cost of construction, no guess and instructions How to Build 90 Cottages, Villas, Double Houses, Brick Biock Houses, suitable for city suburbs, town and country, houses for the farm and workingmen’s homes for all sections oi the country, and coating from $300 to $4,500; alao Baras, Stables, School House, Town Hall, Churches, and other publle buildings, together with specifications, form of con tract, and a large •mount of information on the erection of buildings, selection of site, ■end employment in of Architects. It la worth $5.00 to any one, bat I wtll fig it paper cover by mail postpaid on receipt of $ 1.00; bound •loth, $9.00. Addrswaliorders W J. &• OGILVIE, Pi-Bi isnaa, P. 0. Box 9761 67 Bose Sw. Nsw U4 nilotojl5,4t <— ESI; m i m’ -T K fcsii ;*' ;; r -c' i ^ £ i• : vi .; y Y'' -nsiw - - JLccrmBKfSmwtCh i'&'oejjiki, ISc-nJ CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN ^ atB!lled , stan<tord ot oioalIcnce „ hloh admits of no superior. “ SSSSSd'ZSF^rSSU^ a OTTB - WAR- I E AI2Z Ifpsl BANTED _ FOB TO Pyg-TU: ^i FIVE pt “ ctt. u. 1TEABS. -bi - raes-o cualicy exceUcntOrgans of are eclobratc-dfor vanetf vot ame, tone, qurcir response, SIi.I2aiLZ7I> YUOHIOIEN, BEST 33ATEKIAI. combiner, hake this THI POPULAB 0B2AE PIAKOS, STOOLS, LOOKS. Catalogues oh application, Fkeh. % -M3t - 1 X* * COTTAGE ORGAN Gi CHICAGO, ILL. X X V TENTS. Cax’eat^, and Trade-Marks obtained, all ’Pat- ent business conducted for moderate fees. OrR Office is Opposite L S Patent Ofk:< e and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Se ? d model', drawing or photo., with des cnjitoii. , W advice if patentable e or not. fre of c harge. Our fet not due till patent is is Secured. ’ , I ,, amphlet, , , . JlTT HowtoOb . nin 1 ateuts, . , ,, xxit.i ... names of actual clients in your state, county, or town, sent free Address, C. A. SNOW A CO. O a >posite|Put3nt Office, W ashington, D, C. Pisdmont Air-Line Routs li.&D.Ii.CJlP’Y. »€>« C ondensed Schedule IN EFFECT APRIL 14,1889. o Tra ns run by 75tli Meridian Time—one hour faster than 90th Meridian time. -O* GOING NORTH. north bound, Leave Atlanta ” “ Gainesville, At liens Lula, “ Cornelia “ Toccoa “ Seneca Greenville Arrive Spartanburg 1 ea\ t Spai tunnurg Arrive “ Asheville Hendersonville, “ Hot Springs ./pa\j “ Spartanburg Gastonia Charlotte “ “ Salisbury GreenslKiro Arrive D ;rham Arrive Arrive (ioidsb Raleigh : •:■■> Leave Gree s ; o o Arrive Danv lle; ‘ Ricimioiid I.yi'.c.M'U g : Cliariottcsvillv Baltimore Washington New Philadelphia York GO NG SOUTH SulTil BULK. 1). ___t nr. N 1.50 T ~N.. 52. Leave New York i5 an: 1 30 " m “ Phiaielphia Baltimore 20 ‘ 6 57 " 45 “ 9 3 0 ‘ “ Washington vide 24 “ 11 00 « Lynchburg 40 p m 3 OO.i ie “ 40 “ 5 7 u Leave Richmond 2 30 “ ‘ Danville 40 ‘ 8 05 Arrive Greensboro 9 42 “ Leave Goldsboro 00 a in +4 (0 p m “ KaLigh 50 p in *12 MdrPfc Arrive Greensboro 52 “ 9 fO a m “ ” Clm: Salisbury 37 p m 11 23 a m ld;e or. • 1 00 p in “ Gastonia 48 1 42 Ar ive Spartanburg 4U “ 3 37 ‘ Leave not Springs ii 50 •« ** Asliville 8 30 rr, ” nemkr.-onvip.o 9 20 ‘ Arrive Spartanburg :i 50 “ Lea e Spaitanburg Greenville f 10 “ 3 37 « “ ^ 50 “ 4 4 > ♦* *• Seneca 32 0 27 “ Toeeoa X 25 “ 7 24 “ “ Cornelia o 12 “ 8 00 p m Ar Lula t* 345 “ 8 20 u Athe s 1 .* 20 p m 10 25 *• Leave Gainesville 10 <4 a nr 8 51 “ Arrive Atlanta 12 Noon 9 40 “ 4Daily except Sunda- JCity Time. Du liman Ca r Sejvtce. ESF" On trains 50 and 51 Pulman I'ufTe t Sleeper Orleans between Atlanta andNrwYoik, New and Washington via Danville. {39** On trains 52 and 53 Pullman BuflVt Sleeper Aiken Montgomery to ’Washington and via Danville. On trains 52and 53 between Richmond and Greensboro and Goldsboro. tions £s§TTrough to all tickets on sale at principal sta¬ apply to points. For rates and information any agent of tlie Company, or to cM<5. L. TAYlOR* Gen. Pass. Agt. SO.L Washington. D. £. HAAS. T. M 860 FOR 830’. Dust Ihin/c oi It. The MONOPOLY Busted. Do you want a Sewing Machine? $17.50 TO $30.00. War? anted Five Years. With all Attachment®. Write for il¬ lustrated Circulars of our SINGERS, • NEW HOME’ Etc. $10 TO $30. biveri hv entering direct, from f’eari- piarters. Needles for any Machine* 25 cents dress a dozen in Stamps. Ad» I’HF LOUISVILLE SEWING MA¬ CHINE CO. No. 52 J Fourth Avenue, MarQ louisyilie, JCj\ 0-i*l»7 1 t 1 •* Christian Advocate. Air. A. K. Hawke* has gained a national reputation as a practical op¬ tician, and his celebrated spectacles T in ?., cv e «! as “* are known throughout the United . States. , are writing this article with a m'ir of his new Crystalized L.nses, and they seem to us as transj arent “« «*'“ itself; and with them II e fin- e«t print is as char as in youth -Ed- itor Christian A osate. P4ILT. No. 51 No. 53. 7 15 .•o M 8 a m * s 7 t 10 «( 10 ii il 12 p in a# l 3 6 2 2 4 4 4 6 7 8 8 12 5 1 p. Ill +8 3 •• 12 8 a m 8 in 9 “ 10 3 p. ni 5 a >u 2 *• 12 2 : 3 7 r 6 8 18 a. u* 10 (> 1