The Toccoa news and Piedmont industrial journal. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1889-1893, June 08, 1889, Image 4

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THE IM o > t < > U> «SWS. TO('< UA ' J 1 ; \ :• 'I NK,." I HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year in advance s'! Of) ?i* months....... 50 Three months..... .****.. .25 Subscript ion c paid in A Ivancc. Fen'l i-'Oney Order, Postal Note or ft *ft. A(Mf03s, Tin. Turcot News, Toccoa 1 Cia. w - Cily /)h eclot'y. (iirtfi’Ks, T‘reshvtcrian. Services' the 2nd and 4Fa * Sundays in eaeh month, at H a. m. and p. Simpson, in. Sunday Pastor school at 10 a. tn. Rev. I.. A. Methodist Episcopal. Services 1st. 2nd and r.d Sundnv of each month, at 11a. m. and j>- m. Sahhath selicol at 3 p. in. ltev. C. A. dameison. Pastor. Baptist. Services Slid and 4th Mondays of rarn month at 11 a m. and 7 p. m. Rev. J. ¥. finode, Pastor. The Toccoa \V. R. T. U, meets every Mon- da' - evening at 4 o’clock in the Methodist church, and the larval Legion mee ts at same place every Friday evening at 5, ’dock, Toccoa High School, Prof. N. A. den. Principal. The Toccoa Lodge, So. 390. Ancient Order of F. A A. Masons meets thefirst Wednesdays tif each month. ]>. 7‘L Edge, W. M. Royal cadi Arcanum meets Snd and 4th flavs In month, -his. Wilson. Regent, Monday Tugalo Ixdge, 195 K.of If. moers 1st and 3d i'ietator. ot each’month. J. 1>, Himmous, CITY OFFICERS. w ll ______ M Payne, Mayor; »K L Goode, Uecordcr. COUNTY OFFICERS. * i'rv, Tax Collector; H P ltrookshcr, r lax Re kom Hurvoru.r;' 1 > W IvSSTcioroner. ' " LOCAL NEWS. Rev. L. A. Simpson is expected home to-day Miss Carrie Davenjiort visited Atlanta this Week. Mr. W. C. Edwards went to I.uvonia on business Monday. J. N. Morgan, of Laconia, was in Toccoa "Wednesday'on business. Messrs. J. W. Owen and M. S. Hayes visit¬ ed Clarksville on busines Monday. Miss Maggie Wilson lias gone to Virginia On an extended visit to friends. Mr. 0. V. Rainey, of Atlanta, is in the city visiting his old friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. P Simj>son spent several days of this week in Atlanta. Rev. S. F. Goode will hold 'services in the Baptist church at the usual houts. NVc are iiul doted to Mr. J. J. Bright for lo¬ cals for the News, ]>articularly per-onals. Services in the Presbyterian church to-mor¬ row will be conducted b.v Rev. II.E.McClure. Miss Ola Scott, of Martin,spent several days of this week m the city visiting re’utives. M’e noticed the familiar form of Mr. J. A. Mabry, of Barnes vibe, on our streets Wednes¬ day. Miss Nellie Newton after spending several days very pleasantly with realatiws in Atlan¬ ta, returned home Thursday. Lee Buslia nnd several others took advan¬ tage of the the cheap rates to attend “Divine wo ship at Mt. Airy Sunday. Maj. Crawford came out Thursday morning with a diflerent pair of pants on; wonder if he knows who painted that goat? Charlie Dance says w hen lie throws crack- lose for the tickets to the show again,he don’t want every body in town into it. Dr. 15 W. Moore and daughter, Miss Tim- mie, of Claksville, was in town recently visit¬ ing friends- Miss MattieCox, of Red Hill, the charming sister cf our townsman, Mr. Howell .Cox, spent this* week in Toccoa visiting her brotli- tr. Miss Eliza Ayers, of Ayersville, was in the city this week visiting relatives and attending the closing exercises of the Toccoa High school. There was one young man in town Thurs¬ day morning with red paint on his pants, but he says he don’t know nothing about that goat. Ah, Bobbie. Mr. J. 5Y. Price has re-opened his butcher shop ana will keep plenty of meat on hand including beef. We now have three meat markets in town. The Rev. B. F, Fraser and lady, of Rome, Ga.. are visiting Mr. and Mrs A. H. McAllis ter, the parents of Mrs. Fraser. Mr. Eraser will preach in the Methodist church to-mor- iow . Mr, Charlie Dance returned home Monday from a weeks trip to Fairburh and Atlanta. Charlie says some folks may have had bigger times than he did, but he thinks they arc very scarce. A certain citizen of Toccoa has became so enterprising that he speut a couple of hours hoeing in his garden last Sabbath. We pre- sumo said citizen thinks Providence is too lazy to hoe his own patch. Ordinary B. E. Edge,of Clarksville-paid the News office a pleasant visit Wednesday of this week. Come often. you will I- find the a ways latch string on the outside. Showman Guiness was heard to make the remark on the streets Thursday morning that hedidu’t have a nickie in the world—but he could whip the fellow that painted his g ,at— there was uo light. rulpits last Sabbath. Rev. C. A. Jameson preached at New Allen’s, while Rev Ensr- Jaud filled bis appointment here. Rev. Eng¬ land’s sermons were very able productions and all who' heard him, express themselves as being well pleased. Mr. T b o. r* Davis • took . . 7 i?> . Pompeii, 3 ..... in Allan- • 1a last Monday night. He says ii was just SI,ireiH 8“ hc ,hi “ ts forth their -•* i-'*' f<.r *ns *rr-<‘!a: ! ••<■*'* and his ad- •*d.n** tli’iik the other exhibits will cninparc with V i c nttc. The Toccoa BrkJ can¬ •t-fi of a mnsV-al wonder in the tv* »on of •f its rr embers WhuC “ n J ,la N l is 1)f '™ and beat the 1-ass drum at the Siiiue time. Ifanv one doubts thi*state* rnent they can Ca/.J amt see- Ibr ti.emselve*. Sn-pie;on po uts to W. J. Hayes, W A. Matlu*s«;n ai:d F. L, ( ootle, aslwingtlie fjod panders. 'I hey Seen to have Wen out late \\ ednesday night, but their wbrruboufa ran- U >t l,e f'-fSTtamol. 1 aU-rdevelopments goto h< w that It Iph A'anley enn pet t ere with 1 aii.t ru Is. -belt yalEiiiiipiug Cliarle- Citiiness Coid Show v. ~ in l«>tvn Wwlnesday night, hut failed to secure an audience that would justify them to slu.w. A few of the fun loving boys bought ticke ts and got heat out of their Sorts, hut they say that is all right as they stole the painted him ml and turned him out to grass and had a heap more than 35 ets. worth of ft 11 . Mu.Ennon: Inthc’hlols” f cm I eathcr- published in theXuws, there vviis some reference made to J. II. Vickery fencin'* his f arni with brush ar.d dogs, which we under -tand he takes - ome c.\<cptiuns to, and says ‘‘that it is his renters and not him that is' to ,, .... J hat ..... lu tbo , take , pleas- ' ui n «i«*. wc urc in withdrawing any thing in the article ^ a $ in 1*113 w.-y refects on him. Tiikiux. tiip: park. idle of Toccoa s most intelligent ladies ro¬ quests the News to suggest to the Mayor and Council the importance of having sc ats in the thers will have comfortable seats scattered ro,,,u1 undcr sha,i J' tr ^ I’dore a week. Here, citizens,visitors and sweethearts ('an . have cosy chit chats in the afternoons; here mothers and nurse maids can bring the wee babies and enjoy the pure air and pleasant summer breezes; little children cun sport on the green grass, and all can enjoy the sweet strains of music from the hand during the calm twilight hours. The lady’s suggestion is most timely, and without doubt the “Fathers” will have the seats therein a very few daj's. GRASSV lAll'XS. 1 he News suggests that the grass in the park should be mowed and the rubbish raked oil, the loo-e stones removed and everything made smooth, clean mid neat. Jfthe ground is mow ed every two or three weeks, the roots of the grass will thicken and spread, and bye nid lr.e thc:e will he a thi.-k sod and a beat - t fill 'awn; espceia’lv with abundance of Du- right i< nil of re. t lizers spre d on in >he fab. I’ossildx t .eM.tyo and Uou ie’l maj - feel that Die seating will cover all the expense they core to incur just now. In this case it will be we 1 to make a “bee" tome day, and all turn on*, with rakes, ho s, s ythes, wheelbarrows and cart away all grass, rubbish, stones and p -b os, make noa; bo do s t > the walks, and transform the who’e into an at true ive ad beautiful park. some one take the lead in this matter; don’t be bashful. BANG EH FACING US. The large number of people afflicted with intestinal troubles e’oscly approximating a dangerous dysentery, threatening life, tails upon all citizens to inquire into the causes, and put in operation, measures to remove cause befo e a deadly epidemic enters our home s and takes away many loved ones. This threatened epidemic is not limited to Toccoa and Habersham county, but it extends widely over our State. l'hy Mci; n- ell us that on.' e .use. was the recent drouth- impurities, width rains U-ll- ally wash away, accumulated on the surface, breeding germs of disease which rise, float in the air and produce sickness and death. However that may be, we all know that liltii and decaying matter, scattered around e n- tain deadly poisons. It is of the highest im¬ portance therefore that everything about the houses, yards, streets, out houses and barns should be C'EK.VXED UP and entirJy removed. Let every person, therefore., with hoe, shovel, broom and wheel¬ barrow thoioughly renovate Isis entire premi¬ ses. Glean out under the houses and all build nigs all ,oose dirt and every particle of decay¬ ing vegetal) e or animal matter This poison refuse should be either burned, or thrown in¬ to the manure heaps and thoroughly mixed with eleaa earth. An abundance of pure earth is the best deodorizer and destroyer of malarial poisons wc have. Shovel fulls of this earth should be thrown in privy vaults every day. Clean up! Administrator’s Sale. 1)Y VIRTUE 07 an order from the Court 11 of Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the Court House door in Clarksville, Habersham County Georgia, on the first Tuesday in July next, Lotsof Land Nos. 71 and 72, and the South-east half of Lot No. 40.. All in the 10th Dist. ofsiid County. Known as the home place of Dr. II Rosighul Terms one-sixth cash, one-sixth on or before 1st September 1890, 1889,one-third on or before June l-*t one-tliird on or before June 1st 1801 All . payments to draw interest at the rate of 8 per c tit. per a mum. II ROSSIGNOI., Printer’s fee$3 08 Axdkkw K Rossiunol A diuinistratore of 4tJune8,15,32,29. IIaukikt A Rossxgxol, _ Deceased. fri VT EOKGIA,—HABERSHAM To ALL WHOM IT COUNTY.- Notice is may coNuKux: hereby given that a year’s support has been set apart by Commissioiiei’s ap|K>inted for that put pose, to Mr.-. !Mar\ Loggins, out ot tkets- tate of James Loggins, deceased, and it no oh- je*. t ons be show n to tao c on.rary. said year s SK' 4tJune8Ui'*»2S' til J H Ja TnhriS ^ t0 IC Or< Printer's f~e * 5{ F Fr^F ' s> 19 Ordinarv V? EOr.GlA HABERSHAM COl NT Y.— To ai.l whom ur may coxcERN: All |>er- sons ha* applied are lierchynot tied th it N >n-y M. Wood for permanent letters of adiuitiis- tration on the estate of W M Carr, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first MjOiiday in July next at 10 o’clock a. in. at my office'. 11 . E. EDGE ItJuneS, 15,22,29. Ordinary. Printer’s fee ?1 SO p VX eokgia,—Habersham Notice is hereby given to all county.— cernett that the A., day of............ persons cou- on 188.... Mis. Anna Ray, fife late* of Ilabctsliam county, has departed applied this intestate, and no person for adm'n’srration oa the e tale of said Anna Raj. and that in t>* . 11 s of the law, administration will be vested in the C eik of the Superior Court, or some other lit and proper person, o * the 1st Monday in July l 9, unless some rallied o jeetions are made to and his-appointment. official Given und r my hand 4tJun 15,2229 s’gnsiture, this June 3d 1889. Printer’s s, B. E. EDGE. fee $3 30 Ordinary. VX d EORGIA,—HAB Notice hereby RSHAM COUNTY.— a ‘ r n ^ riiat is the given to all of............ persons con- on .... , SiSKSfSSSTSS; !::*«» a nplied forndnvr.’sir >?'m on ri.e csl itoof ssitl J .i Prather, and that m tern.*. \ v. administration w ill i>e vested in the Clerk JheSu(*?rM»r Cottrt, or. s Ji id j P n t.-r j ej>«»n • >n »t.«- firs* Monday K in July 89, i nit^ some valid objection ; ; t- 1 L> nt>|Kiii tiuvni. tli * r i Land „i.d < it.viai signature this June 3d I'M). 4t JuiicK.l.V'2^8. B E EDO F.. ? rimer s f“e $3 39 Ord nary, ASK FOR IT! THE SELF-THREADING ELDREDGE B” In it are com¬ est al bined skill, mechanic¬ the the fin¬ |jE3l| most useful and practical elements, and all known ad¬ vantages that make a sew¬ ing machine desirable to sell or use. O0** r ELDREDGE MFC. CO. h***™*'*'**.****.* 271 Wabash Ave., Chicago. 39 Broad strect > ycw Yorh ‘ | . in25,6m ___ iU MONEY! ByLnympntwhole s*De ami r.ftiiiir a3 foi t!»f*cheap¬ est reliable house car h. On re- c»*ipt <.f [)S cts. in c cent stamps * v ill send as a sample<me complete set of family scales, together v ith our cata¬ logue of Watches, Books, Guns and numerous household artic les on on wliich we offer great inducements to Air* iil-s anil 4»i.hors. T-._ 'he S.m „h?s are accurately fitted and adjusted ami are warranted in every respect, and are only offered at this pi ice for the present t<>encourage agents and others to handle our goods. On n ten dollar cash order from our mammoth circular we will send one set of scales free, or allow you the price paid for this set. A. T. EVANS & CO., lSS'uud 1 ,4 Slate Si., CHICAGO, ILL. QHnNiirra ESTAoLlorlLU leiirn | V ly| JL The Pianos hearingthe above name stand pre- eminently be the highest in the achievement front rank, and the are art conceded of to in piano manufacturinfr, containing in a wonderful degree. perfect actiox, extreme lU RAiiiUTY. “rnrqStr^materi.te the workmen employed in their ,»d construction, m,l the .killof also our long experience allow us to say, these pianos are first class in every r spect. OVER 95,000 IN USE. SHONINGER ORGANS Are the Leading Organs of the World. Because they are the best. Their purity of voicing, prompt speech, quick¬ ness of touch, rich, full and organ-like tone lias won for them the highest praise and admiration of all who have seen and heard them. They contain exclusive many valuable Folding improvements, which are features. Pedals. magnificent Three-Ply Sounding Boards, Book Closets and a Chime of Swiss Bells creating be used the with most harmonious effects, and which can or without the reeds. These in¬ struments have taken Medals and First Premium wherever exhibited. Agents wanted in territory not Send already provided for. for Catalogue to B. SHONINGER C0„ 86 Fifth Ave., New York. Factories New Haven, Conn.____________ MARSHAL’S SALES. 30th, Toccoa, Ga., IIabeusuam County, April 1889. YYTill V V be sold before tlie Court llous 1 door in Clarksville in said county, 0.1 the lst Tuesday in July wit: next,the following described property, to T I ots No 19, 20 and 21 in Block No 25, front- j ingon North Rail Iioad street 25 feet each and running back l(H> to an alley. Levied on as theprojtert.v of II W Jones and to satisfy council a town tax ti fa issued by the mayor vs. - : II \V Jones for hi- town tax for tin; year 1S87. Printer’s fee 83.12. ALSO A t the same time and p ace lots No 30, 31 and 32 in Block No 30 frosting on North Railroad street. 25 feet front each and run¬ ning back 100 feet to an alley. Levied on as the property of H \V Jones o satisfy a n fa n favor of mayor and conn il vs II V Jones for In-* town tax for the year 1888. Printer's fee 82,13. ALSO 4 V t the same No time Levied and place lot the No 1 in jh BIook 34. on as prcjkjrty ot E A Newton to satisfy a tax ti fa in favor of mayor and council vs E A Newton for his town tax for thevear 188s. Printers fee 81.12. ’ also il A t the the same time and place lot No. 3 in Block No. 5. Levied on as the property of J Sage to satisfy a tax ti fa. in favor of may¬ or and council vs John S.ige for his town tax for the year 1888. Printer’s fee -81.50. * T the same No. timeand Levied place lot the No. lain Block 17. on as property ofS M Smith to satisfy vs'S a tax li fa in mvor of mayor and council M Smith for his town 1 ax for the year 1888. Printer s fee 81.53, a I.SO A t the same time and place lot No. 0 in Block No. 10. Levied on a- the proper y ot Terry Smith to satisfy a ti fa Smith in favor of the mayor and coancil vs Terry for his town tax for the year 1888. Printer sfee 81.4*. ALSO xY 4 t the same time and place lot No. 27 in B <>ek No 17. Levied on as the property of Head & Hood to satisfy a ti fa in favor 6:' the mavor and council vs Head it Hood for the'r town tax for the year 1888. This April 30, 1889. D. L. PURCELL, Printer's fee 81,89. Marshal. 'V’OTICE.—My Jack, Blue, will D 1>c and in 27th; Toccoa April the fl.h, following loth, days: ISt’u. and 23d: May 1-t, 9tli, 17th and 25 h; June 3d. and lltli, Persons wishing above mares served will please lie on hand ou the days. Terms reasona- ble G. J. Ramsey ALLEGHANY HOUSE CLARKSVILLE, GA. This house it is just I>een newlv ren- ovated and furnished,and is noW open to Summer Visitors and the in^ Public. First class turnouts fur- nished guests at any time, J/eet all trains. Terms reasonable. JOHN JONES, Proprietor. ! m ift"r*r"H] if:-mg ear machine* : FRFF J. Il l it I «<S totals where tb* people run ,c* _ -flyWAIW ikem* >•?«• wifiseo4 free to rme ■aairf Siftl sewme-mtehine in each locVity.tht very * ' made h* tk- ilti* world, with a; ihe aturbmcnt*. \Vp wit! send f r*‘e a templets l:m* of our cosily and valuable art A. ^i sample*. In return we ask that you 'w, i£ | Mtow mny month-* what ah at sfcsi! we your send. berime home, to and those after who S5 This srand yenr own [madeftf iproperf.*. roachinf is er the Singvr patents, which h tve run out: hr fore }>atems ▼ on-it for with the b&{?\ Sr ^ V * '.achr tents, and now sells for Eegwm* rfal E« i *^*®^'* ma'-hia*- Best, otron^sst. the world. most u»e- »s2eV« ■ llfc»r-wbf'e. m .*.11 i. ■. No eatntal m^uind. rUin, rief iastructions driven. Those who write to us at oneeesnte- ire ireo the b*<t •.winjr-fiiacltinc in the world, snd the one oi works ofhitih art ever shown ttepib'rm America. *'? « 4- ro„ Uox 740, Augusts!, Maine* l'JK SALE. Wi) LOT ? ON TUOALO St. FROXTiNO the Pa k. each 5*1 by -00, on one of \v s c is a two st n v frame i> ild n .. Tiies • 1 > will lie -mid for rash, or exchange 1 for f r • prop-rty in ' ranklin or Hurt rnu.dies. A;i- ply to the Editor o •• The Xi ws. farmToiTsale, OF.VEXTY-FiVK M'ilKS, T’ARl LXVEL, s’ the rest roll ng, eery acre suscejit ble to culliva io 1 . g n-d oil. 20 ceres in cull v.itiou eight in cl >ver, orehnvd of about 2(><l young ap.dbt garde ces;2Mg ap - v ms: ag od veg table 1 , a good sjir ug of water; a ’dwelling wi;h veranda, ha 1, has ni -nt a id ccl ar, t o chiinnevs and four tire places,barn,stable ami corn c ib. The timber land is covered with t timber fur m mufa tnr ng purposes. This farm is *2 miles from Tu n r ilic, on the J.u • It dge n.d it a t c li li., ij miles from Tallulaii : atl*and i) from Toccoa. This a line fa 1 m, beautifully loc ted and will be soi l die ip. W. R. BRUCE, ()ne of OLDEST iioi;sE:s rw Tonro \ 1 V/V. VyV/i\» Uere can find bargains in $*((ptc 'Dry Goods. boots AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS, Dacon, Flour, Feed. A I .SO —--- THE BEST VARIETIES OF FERTILIZERS. DOUBLE BRICK BLOCK, TOCCOA* CA * GOODS AT COST. For the next 30 da vs we will offer special ii.riueeinents to the trade. W o will sell at Cost, and we will (five Sneeial Bargains on all our stock of S[) injr and Sumnier Goods,c >n i-tii o Ladies Lress Gajods siicii ns Casll- m^res, Henriettas. Albatross.Sa teens, Cfl ll 1 G , et ,,. Well . the . is, , i ig ia ms e. ve Goo'lstiuit l;»r, 7 s, „nd Cheapest love W„, tins ( - we ever seen m market and treduce this stock i.uve bar- g*i«8will l <1 be given. Wo jne. l’ »;“-' imnur eniinter, many articles that we will sell at cost. \\ e tueiition • c .. tlieinf , l.ault , • #• a few 01 S . hue si .oi ts, ladies midervest-, jerseys, tilings, rloves, collars and cuffs, dress trim- liiim!>iir^ edging, laces, etc. Wehave a Remnant Counter that von can select many bargains from. Call tin 1 make your purchase early i.iri teeur - the first and best harems, M AiJ.isTK!! & Simmons, Toccoa, G:i. fCR SALE. tpHAT VALUABLE PKOUERTY KNOWN I rs the Mathew•* lame Kilii, seven miles from I’oee »a on the to Clarksville. For par.iculurs The rin. ;T o T News, ,0 gjoa Toccoa, Ga. F„R A E. 1 A STUN il/' MI MAY I LL 1»E SOLI) very ■ heap. It is a good mill in go >d repair. App y to Vt • C. EDWARD >, Toccoa, Ga. REAL Lbi^uFEOR SALE, CITY Pad PETTY. ■ I BRICK HT ORE, fronting on Sage street. Lot 25 x 100 feet. STORE a id SHOP fronting on Doy,e st. Lot 50 x 110 feet. FOUR Room Dwelling, fronting on Doyle st. Lot 100 x 100. SIX Room Dwelling fronting on Foyle street. Lot 1(H) x 200. tmmaL THREE Room Dwelling fronting on Cur- rahee street. Lot 50 x 100. I FIVE Room Lot Dwelling fronting on Curra- hee street. 100 x 200. ! | FIVE Room Dwelling fronting' on Curra- lice street. Lot 100x 200. XX rjOlNE of 0 rooms, with store in front very conveniently locatol near the bus- iness center of the town. It is'a corner lot 50 by 100 fee.. 'I his property is offered at a \ ery XI Dat’ftno not,etts ,«*a in.n.r „ 8 well furnished; only hotel in the city patronized bv commercial travelers. Astoi 7 iiotel isldnglv clieap; the chance of a life time for ^ man or woman. TTOUSE XX OF THREE ROOMS AND SIX acres of land in the civ. Only a few minutes walk from the depot and post office. There is a good well of water at the end of the v Tandali, a through good spring on the place, and a creek runs the lot. Excellent place Dr garden he vegetables, idea and fruit;. partieui gr pcs; e cm b.‘ m fine vinc*yard;only 1 ^ y e huudr d dol nrs. | f.vkms. Xll ( / t acres, 31 miles from the city 0:1 a sp en- did toad; about 30 acres clean d. ras,- b't rio-, readies apples, grape- 01 the place; | an cx '‘'.lent fruit farm, we!! adapted to grape j ultrre. A great bargain at 8359 ; i)*a »)* ) acres H miles from the -ity; 20 acn s !b — dy of tiottom'land; 00 acres cleared! large I chard, goad timber, hard alnl seft; good or ’ apples, peaches and giape-q house,barn i !UU shinies, to be sold cheap, i Gdl upo 1 or addre-s.^ j J. t* . -'.iC'-.vuav, Toccoa, Ga, TH 3 GREAT INFALLIBLE r prY^YnrTT | ( ),) | H A A nTiT ,H K /^TTUiT IiMKH 1 -F -u *■ UY wiliJ U x Vl^, J 1 } M mufa 'turod and sold !>v ‘ £ %//(. J* f /(f lltblO */OOlll~ J ache Cure „ Jlf //. Co* 2 OF CLARKSVILLE, GA. Cures 'Io itlmohe »n all Ms forms. Cu r es Netiralcria when eauseti from L[ 'V' teetl1 ’ afid cleanses the ' rei ] sore L n,mS rnout ’• 1 Sold bv Druggists and Dealers. Sold in Toccoa l>y W. H. & J. Davis, Druggists; Nowell Bros., General $46,600 SiVEM FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS £^‘£22bSSTn£ =s Vifftnnmi :S"ittS*SllgSg useful aruc.13, *P be gg isg! deriTed , (*giting [ t rom s a sr^iid publication sr~“"a. total of having 146,600. ar 'Ihcs# Imitation prpniimBs 2 or will ioo.oOo bo 1 swsrfiot* catili roplm, i; resent in 1*2® «n consisting f 3 l of lf a;ar snd .lulT iinpsrtlBl of 30.will cash and «and 03,000 msneer, 2,000 various an . . HEAD AMD j .1 M i . . 1,000 500 (.EARN! to charge nothing extra lor too r-rredam Our l^Uti lui <££T 5 1 “ " t* s * . 8100 . - each, 500 iss&v'uv;? 2?4 ron i our advertising IO •• » * • 50 •* 500 STOP 1 K ’ J ig~>- GESD 81.00 patron- 10 » “ 3 - *5 - 350 J lU- pxtthat mhtcas? - -'Ubstsfiptioar for two 30 M ** s tRS HAVE JUST S 3 ODD — laj _ the extra paper on « 11 >• :s * £5 « X.OO. GO T MY SNA f!E 1 « ill ig! <»a bo mailcu *o a friend or 500“ ik • - X u -OO IMTHE PREMIUM DISTRIBUTION S J rad the extra promt . “*t€ . . ^_z. urn be forwarded to yourself. \\$ <*S*® ^sJsfSr^ 77?89 8 UBSS f^aS. iSS^JSS»5f^ Irnr.’d Form V.'a^ons, 70 :: SIO Ijg O " "' V.'..:', ^ *** 1Z3 “ -53J 5s ! 1 f i- ! >\ ISS^ianbE* ■»» » S3CJ "X-ii s*£mmz\c&c ^ i S “ ,» Ocuhifc <;a»iSf«e*inenrss..60 f ’-.rai .-a -3s,40 ‘I ” 130 a “ S»3 SBPWb,, , 5C.ViGev »; irMsfUioesaJ EXTRA .%■■ -■ . Tf* - * - ie=g -j ■ ■ . SIFTS ■ . — „ "-e .. lSi 4 fe^ 1 f. » 1 4tl<s>ant! SiL-vr 3 5«'ukl5**!l-rs»oia 5 *i’»''.’"J rkjrn ^* huites, 3tJ vier *$ Patfirs. Ued- •s, 70 60 " . > - i u V r i» <iiC*5s.v ! 7 ' ;c { hlf.aler- ',i’at<:b( IMVlji-.J, 30 Ii cavy old 7 : h e£»%-^ ch? an< l 100 »«•“*win«U»s Watelo*, tobjro=&::uia rl-cch Si'S Xu rL‘'H^, JOp i‘ r f JD3 I l “ oaii>wcr Vr ° ““tL^Uwljr *"' 3a ’t vrr l* sei;!, know ‘ !;£ * andscy jg.t v.'gers they ii| v-v;f'n 1-3 ■ __- gx>« Lj ailnvSUi t i ins, 43 “ .TLI <'•k»n 8 naanAMMMB*2.!. a LLSJ.l?l rlpti ia cIl:,er what kind ctadvcrilst tjiV ■ bo r A '-o n«m*r«r.n ciii -nmrs* «.-«aek m erfa L-t-;;*. Ucg«. V^IIR StgISCBIPTICN ’ or in c'.i’o, c*n corgncti *•— t' >sa r-n .-.. r f — l ad!.-.’ Urva i ri«<. ».a*< ! ! p«taOtor cSS^SS^SShSa^’’o f^ iV? -'einpanied lub^ripbon^^riCluhcf fcy SI3.00 ‘ !^T CUT THIS OUT AND SHOW TG FRIENDS. ’ atourrl8is * aUESIdTE’S HOME JOUHW4 TU, CHICAGO, ILL. 160 and 162 Washington St., r \\ £■ S* A ■ K 2k If/' \pifelAl S** v i ii-J-K* ?‘ : lT Combined Great Re- facting Power. TIIICY Al.K AS ’i'll A Xsi’All AT AXI» COI. OIM.KSS ,*S 1.1(1 MT ITSK1.F. And for sof uvso!' endurance to the rj’L* van not hv excelled, enabling the wearer io rend for hour- without fatigue. In fact they are ^ . ^ Midi ^ reflect islgat a - 1 AA ^ w Tcsti nonials from ti e leading physician in 11 1 “ United States, governors, senators, leg 1 -1; t rs, stockmen, men of note in ;dt profes dons and in dilUr rut 1 r..nclies of tr de.hauk 'rs, mecliamc-, e.c, c..n l e given who lu.v ■ lead their sight improved I*y li.eir esc. #|l| |f || Ilf f|| llld tli O IFi’t- OuilUltRa ®4St^t4 r w ,V Jf , jj SJ ^(ivis, 7>rUt,- //fSiS , (MU f JjOO/CSeit€/\S ,,, 7 jt > . n- s n«o s a,v ^ ,« \v|,„|o S! ,le Depots: Atlanta, Gn.;Ans- 11 *p • Buuklen’s Arnica alvb. ~ L« best salve iu ti.e world (or cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rheum, u'v?r sores, teller, chapped hands, chilblains, coi ns and all skin enipf- urns and positively cures piles, or no pav required. It is guaranteed to five perfect satisfaction o mai oy r•*- i’u'ideil, Brice ’id cents per box. For -ale by A". 11. A .1. Da' is. T : E NEW DISCOVERY. You have heard your (non ami neighbors t, i-.iii^ about it. \ < ma . \ on f'sei 1 ’be one oi ln< nan. u ho kl)<)-v. IVimi, I'crsnna! experience jus' i-.w -r.'O ! a tan»2 tt is. {; you have irv‘ r trie 1 t 1 , you are one of its sbrmch friends, hccr.use tl»e wonder fu! tiiiu2 about it, is, ilmi. once given :t trial, D - . K’ng s New Discovery ever bolds a place m the bouse. If you have no\er used it and should be afflicted with a eouqh, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest troub’e, secure a bottle ill once and it a fair trial. It is guaranteed ever time, or mon • refund*- i Trial l’> • 1 les Free a W . IL & J. Davis Dm Store. ) I D LEGAL OPINION E. B idrudge. 1 un lay Esq., 1 «>., Any.. C>av (’<>., Tex -ays; ‘‘{lave used Eh'ctr: • Bitters w th most hap¬ py results. Mv brother a so was very low with Malarial Fever and Jatin- (De, n cm-ti - ' :s mcdiciiK’. , . tn sit,shed u'Cif'.e i>ti- r. tors saved his life . ' Mr. D. I. M il ( .,,xson, of Horse ave, Kv. , adds a J«*.? bouevo'- »*>«'••>•-»• he won|ri «ylw*: have died, ilo „„^iively bad it 1H 1 | t( , or , f,,.. Kh‘ctri<* Ritters ' 1 ’ . reineay , will ... ard , well .. - w on, a-* as <*nr** all Malarial Diseases, and for all Kid ney, Li ver and Stomach Disorders stands unequaleri. Price ;>0c. and#l, at W. . I I & J. tt-v- Davis Druggist SFSW|||PH ^3 T\ fc*-15 ’&£ fc it;S S-S KarlaS a — SL The OrigiriSl Wins. M C. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop’r | M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, Kst’d “ 1 S 40 in the U. S. Court DJii u.vrs J. , H.Zcilin, Frop’r A.Q.Simmons Liv¬ er Kcsnilater, Est’i.1 by Zeilin 1 S 6 S. M. A. S. L. M. has for 47 years eured Indigestion. Biliousness, gSK Ari'ETITE, l)Ysri:rsiA,SiCK Headache,Lost 0 Souu Stoiiacii, Ltc. A Rev. T B. Reams, Pastor M. K. O tn Jthink Church, Adams, Tenn., writes: “X U. I should have been dead but c g for your Genuine M. A. Slrn- .A mons Liver Medicine. I have SDESO^V "L ar j “/-V soructimes fin’s; stuff” had for to substitute Medi IWVTsl T*E hilt don’t your the L,***/ 3 / CiM ! it ansvrer -purpose." hr. j. R. -XAi/Pin, Memphis,Tenn. Graves, Editor The li^i£&W£iVSt$S. says: 14 K A .4 Y It workgpue a Charm. I want no r'M Ea bett r Liver Regulator, ar.d cer- ra \ taiuty »:o more oi Zctlia f » mixture, t£< mm TUI ilfS. l $5 Book g For $1.00, H()f mm To I PQ M A TP=W House. %oofc7]? are thinking of buildtuK riiHby jthonse P*llU«rfftiUMr you onght to Ca![^h* buy the > new > ,lT known complete baiider, prepa 4 « architects. There is not a Builder or any one intending to Build or otherwise Interested that can afford to be without it. It is a practical work and everybody Issued Buildup. buys it. The jS'eai best, cheapest and most popular work ever and on style, but have ly four hundred drawings. A$5bookin •lie we determined to make it meet the popular demand, This to suit the times, so that It ran he easily reached by all. book contains 104 pages 11 x 14 inches in s'iie, and consists of large rfce 9 x 12 plate e pages pages giving plans, plans, t ilevations, perspective views, descriptions, dei owners' ners’ names names, actual actual cost co of construction, no guess \VOrk, Double >Uble Houses, Houses, and instructions How to Build 10 Cottages, Villas, Brick Brick Block B'ock Houses, Houses, suitable suitable ior lor city city suburbs, suburbs, town town and d country, country, houses houses for for the the farm farm and and workingmen’s workingmen’s homes homes for for all all •ectioni ot thecountry, and costing from #300 to #6,500; also Barns, buildings, Stables, School together House, with Town Hall, Churches, and other public Smountofinformation specifications, the form of contract, and a large on erection of buildings, selection of site, sloth, ^.o. # 2 .w>. AddressaUordersWJ, JLOGIlATE, Pl bmshbr, Box2767. #7Kose st^hew 1 'Ks V* V' 1 ;> !il 4,-jy^F: i ■ x >- ' t: WW U B3S % ycntcff •CftMN. 13 o. 9 n <T«f)w>T & t vhro’is.'w t{ xk^m. VC ‘A •s r.xpoi'fi’afe- — Be.5,t x? )lt ar3 Tone.-, K sgrllS^k ISe-nJ fTCaVafe-w. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that inven- ; ve genius, skill and money can produce. M-P. WAlt- AI5£ RANTED tmlM 13 FOR TO A FIVE a >.n ..iBSffill YEARS. t. r ; f cembication, artistic design, boaxity in finish, perfect Construction, making them the most -r: r-tive. omamciitaland desirable or,«ransfcr acme- , schools, churches, lodges,societies,etc. KSTABLISSLEB ISSJPl’TATIOri, FX '’FFASttEl* FACILITEES, ULLIa.LSB) weElCIES. ItHST KATERIAL, CCiiUiXES, ruAKj; this z-ILL l PH^TTL LWi UJAitli HP UXlUbflilf fy A T'J - LTA1TC3, STOOLS, BOOKS. Catalogues oa application, CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Cf. t riiCAGO, ILL. — PATENTS. Caveats, business and Trade-Marks obtained, all “Pai- cut conducted for .MOf)ErtAT3 FEES. ^ rR Office r . is Opposite , L T . , „ Patent Of k e and we can sec ire patent In less time than those remote from Washington. cnptton. ?™" ">«!?'. \V arttylworpLoto, »if, *, e advise if patentable or n »t. fre of rlx.ured. charge. Our fet not due till patent, is is A Pamphlet, “Flow to Obtain Patent •,“wit nam "s of actual clients in your State, c iiintj" or, sent free Address, * C. A. SNOW A: C’0. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, I\ C. L Best pa watch ia lh» world. Perfect tiaUkABDer. ,SASSIES Wsr- 'V I^d* *%(*’ ’’Tt.TuV one 4 *er*ena,««chi«» ^ caiti7 can secure one free, tofreHier with o*y^|e^an^ val- Sample*, Knee?aid°afUryoaha^akept ^ese^mples^j tSein ia yoor Horn# for S month* and shown them to thoM who msy hava called, they become jroor own piopeny. who writo •* once con bo mro of re«*iTinj tho Wmtefc i 4 .ont Koule v. ondeiised Scheth/ie JX EFFEt T APRIL 14 I8t9. 1 ra n- run by 75th Mesid'au Tijnc—one liuaj faster than iXUli Meridian time. OOINO NORTH. NOKTil IIOCXD, HMI.V. No. 51 | No. 53. —----------- I ,, ..... s 7 15 ** ' ' tsSlltlVSYillc 1 pm j8 a ro *t At!»«."» mt-ilS ' . Lilia, , * il CiiriloH’i io : K l,a 10 : ti I OCt*U»l «*•••» 11 » 12 m , t»rce;i V1UC l Arrive Spartanburg •j K Arrive '**££5^ Ashevillo 3 6 cS'Cf r r x Hot Spri ngs 8 : ‘ s I':*rt.inhurg 2 tis’SSfegiiScSESKgsS 2 u Gastoniii 4 4 ii “ Charlutte 4 6 : i “ Greensboro Nalishury « 7 ggstsgsggss Arrive Durham 8 Arrive Raleigh 12 5 Arrive Golds! j p. Ill +8 Leave Kiro 3 12 Gree s' o o 8 a m 8 in Arrive DanviPe; 9 : It) *, Hielimoncf 3 r m 5 a 111 1 .yaeii i-urg 12 : 12 it Charlottesville Washington 2 3 Haiti 6 U m <»rc 8 18 'i i’hiladelph New York ia 3 in 10 $ i 1 (i 1 u GO NO SOUTH S JltTJl KOLN'lin. _n.\II:V. _ xk~ ; No. 50- I ,2- Leave New York (i 15 a 4 30 11 nr “ Piiia letpliia 1 . -ft ‘ | (> 57 “ Baltimore - 45 i it 3 o - “ " Chariot: Wnj*h.i>gto» ~ 24 .IJ no “ dsviflo W 40 p m ia OOa in li Lynchburg 1 40 i *• t heave Ricismoad ^ Danville 00 “ u :«> *x ‘ 40 Arrive -f: qc 05 Greensboro 27 “ *r 42 l.e tvc Goldsboro 00 a in !+4 ((I “ ive Rnl-igu .ho p iiif-12 Mdi.T \ri 1 i m-nslnati ,r ’- “ I 9 50 “ t'afis-mry 37 111 a pi “ Cuarb.t P l‘» o;> j, ,. v “ Ga^nuiL'i e 05' ’. ! 1‘ oo p in A i.e Spartanburg li 48 ; 1 42 ■ 8* “ L 40 3 37 •* a . t. A-hVtlle not Sjt im j (i 5*) Henderson villc j 8 20 m A rive Spartan 9 20 ‘ Sparta;;bur ru i 1 50 “ use 4 - 40 “ " tire nv.ile in St 50 4 neca -7 1 tv :t J Corneiie. T 12 \ Luia 9 : (. Athe. s 1 20 p m Leave Gainesville 10 (4 a m Arr.Vv Atu.nta 12 Nom -G)u y exce sun.: JCity Tiim-. Ttilluun, i - IW” "n trains r.o ■ 1 11} i ieeper between Atua a. hie san V'asl-i < j iV” 1 d* tr ills .32 t-'cqier Mont < v ken v a Dane . IZg "On :rains52an nd Greensboro ami «.s8» * !«/, NG^T-'Uigh ■ :** t Ajit 2> ly to any auein *> Iks ’■j uu, L. . . (/ « -HU. Pi it F Jusl . /tin. Ihe MONOPOLY it Do you want a Sowing Mach‘ho? )l 7 '. 50 TO S‘3(!.(’0. an anted l'‘h c 7 e</rs Vitli a'! Alt Mr; 1 ' -. Write for il- 11 strated ( in-nl i 4 :!. MN(L 1.8, NBA 110 K* Ltc. $10 TO $ 30 . >averi bv ordering ritree from cari U, arters. Seed!* fJ for any Mach,' 1 •. ,T cents a rioz.-n in hlumj.-■■, A •- (!r»-s niF LOUImVII.LE slu ing M.V CHINK CO. No.52 i Imk i;t:i vknvi:, Louisyilie . Fy. Mat!) iiN’1'7, li^tiaa Advoc..tu. Mr. A. K. Hawke.-, has game ; a national iv|»ntat.,ou ns a practical op lie - ’’!’, and bis celebrate** ftpeciacie** and pat-nt spring eye <Un^fs :t: t* known ttiroiigimut lht* I n *»■ 5<i:: » We are w riting this article wi it Wk l|IH IlCW Or\ J.l’IlSO-, . j:j J tllCV SOGin tO US Hs I T.llWj lS li^llt itself J aU‘t witli tllClD tilC fiti- ' c-t limit . . CL*:U‘ . VOtlUl.-DU' , T . , * IS US as 111 Cltost.u .1 -U1 . locate,