The Toccoa news and Piedmont industrial journal. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1889-1893, June 15, 1889, Image 4

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mmt 0 *4 * • . , • -‘ > iiubscriptiohc jctiil in A ivance. S«i»:l r'juey Order, Postal Note or iiatt. A<Vtirns«, Tin: Toccoa Xkws, I’orroa. Go. Ctly 7)ii rc/o?'j\ CIIKCf* FM* rmnhytn 4 1 h n each nioiilb. at 11 a. i 7p at 10 a. ru. Hcv. A. Pastor Methodist Tvu.sco >al. Scrv>ce« 1st, 2n :vl Sunday of cae!, month, at 11 a. m. and p m. Sabbath school it :l j>. m. Rev. Ck A. Jmm ison, Pastor. Baptist. Service- 2nd and^ ttli Miivjav- of i^T'ooT’ 1 * ,n V i'r ^ 5n * ant * ‘ * ' ’ Thi^Toccoa l w'g T.TT, meets the even- M. Mav evening at 4 o’clock in thorii-t cliurcb. and the Lor.d Legion nieefcs at the same place every Friday cTeniHg r.i.,*o^..ock. Toccoa High .'ehool, I rof. N . A. loscn- ricu, Pnncij al. The Toccoa Lodge, No. 300. Ancient Order nf of each F. Ac month, A.Masons lb meets K. Edge, t lie first \V Wednesdays M. • Royal Arcanum meets 2nd and 4th. Mon¬ days in each month. .Ta t; . Wilson. Regent. Tngnlo Lodge, 105 K.of 11. meets 1st and 3d Monday ol each’ month. J. B, S liimor.s, Dictato", riTY oFrrrrpe JI M 1 aj ne, Mayor, (i<kv,c, ,,-----r— .< ' r■.«- . • / ■ • COUXTY OI P K hits. P. E Edge, Ordinary; •! II Addison, fb rk ofBuiierior Court; M T Perkins, Sheriff; Geo. Fry, Tax Collector; H I* Brookslier, Tax Re- reiver; J C Allred, Treasurer; Jas. L son, Surveyor; I> W I verier. Coroner. T l^VJvyiVIv / \p 1VT~K'Y\7C IN JAW Mr. Will Harris, of Atlanta, was in the city this week, visiting his mother. Mr. T, W. Williford, of Harmony Grove,vis¬ ited relatives ia Toccoa this week. Hon. W. S. Erwin, of Clarksville, made a business visit to our town this week. Messrs. J. II. Vickery and M. Crawford, of Lavonia, were iii Toccoa this week. Mr. J. N. Edwards, of Shoal Greek, spent some time in Toccoa this week on business. W. C. Mattox, dental doctor, of Carnesville paid ft professional visit to Toccoa this week. Masters Luther Hayes and Lawrence Vick¬ ery are spending this week in Lavonia with relatives. Mr. L. H. Coo, of Eastoiiflllco, called on Friday and gave the News man some delicious peaches. Thanks. Mrs. R. E. Smith and niece, Miss Attic Bridger, spent several days of tin's week visit¬ ing friends in Atlanta. Mr. Albertus Christian, of Atlanta, is in the city anti will spend some time here, visiting his sister, Mrs. II. M. Payne. Miss O. R. Doj-lc, the accomplished daugh¬ ter of Dr. O. M. Doyle, sf Seneca, spent Sun¬ day in Toccoa visiting relatives. Miss Lizzie Ramsay, tlie talented assistant teacher of Seneca High School was iu the city this week visiting relatives. On Monday Mr R, J. W-Hitt resigned liis position as night-watchman and Mr. Sanford Purcell was elected in his place. Mr. J. M. Cason, of Harmony Grove, is in the city in the interest of tlie Jackson County Nursery, J.G. Justice, ' Last week Mrs. Harbin visited her brother, Mr. M. B. Crawford, near Eastonalle. From there she went to Seneca, S. C ,visiting among her husband’s friends. Rev. S. Y Jameson, of West End, Atlanta, and former pastor of the Baptist church at this place, was in the city Tuesday, shaking hands with his many friends here. W. A. Mathcson is the’champion fisherman •of our town; he spent a couple ot days fishing on Tngalo this week, and caught two fish, making an average of one lisli per day. Rev. €. A. Jameson is holding a scries of meetings iu the Methodist church, which is increasing in interest; it is hoped there will be many conversions. Mr. George Wilhelm, the marble cutter for Squire Cook is an excellent workman ;his let¬ tering and ornamentation is very fine, and he exhibits a high degree of artistic taste and a- bilitv. An Alliance iu Franklin county has made arrangements with Mr. W.R. Bruce, of this city, to supply the members with cotton bag¬ ging. The mills arc at work and he will be able to furnish the bagging by the 20tli August. Cliff Matlieson learned two things while in Atlanta last week. One was that they don’t workhorses to dummies, and the other was, that there is not a balloon in the air every time a mischievous boy says “look yonder at that balloon.” We received a pleasant call from Mr. D. S. Hayes, whose home is near Liberty Hill. Mr. Hayes says the cotton in his neighborhood does not show a good stand, and prospects are not favorable to a good crop, lie thinks Fraukliu county strong for Prohibition. Mr. A. N. King, local editor of the Carnes— ville Tribune and a prominent lawyer of that town, was in Toccoa this week on business with a client. He favored the editor of the News with a visit, who finds him a most gen- ial and agreeable gentleman, and is pleased with his acquaintance* Mrs. Simpson has greatly inproved the Falls Ilouse* the large rooms have been calsom in ed, fviinted and made very pleasant. She has i>pcned this house to the traveling public, Who will find it a most delightful place to stop at, combining the advantages of a hotel, «4 : lth the attractions of a lovely home. Moore and Frank Greene enjoved a straw ride by moonlight on Monday nightof this week They drove out to Curmhee and Busha r<;mine about 12 c i life r* * ’ > • htful Grit, nothing happening to " *■ --it '•<■ ■ -asantness of the trip, bat a. slight -■n Jim Moore and a coach whip said that after a few cracks of Jim's • Mp >» .uiHwer to the pop of 3klr. Coach Whip th he gained a decided victory and MiU'nake wilt* d and Allowed the j lcasure nicking party to proceed without further molestation. Mr, John SoscSec. aged about IX end Miss Flortnee West, about 12 years, daughter of Mrs. Eon West, went to £?oath Carolina and were married lust Sunday. The r<’j^>rt'-r in >! ie Constitution made a mistake in saying it license was obtained of the Ordinary. >'r. Fclge refused to grant license, lienee t! < y ran away to S«>uf!j t'arolina where no license was ret [U irest. a pleas'nt c.dPTrotn Mr. W. F Sewell. who informe 1 us that on Tuesday a- bout one o’clock, three of his hogs were killed by lightning. These porkers weighed over 100 pounds each; lie was feeding them well intending hy Fall to have them we gli f rom oIri) to 300 lbs each. This is qu’te a !os«. Mr S. usually rahes sufficient meat for his family. and notwithstanding this loo, lie think* he will do so this year as h • has younger piggie- corning on. We are glad to learn that liisli C- who has licen sick Sotn time, i- j^pyovinir^ \ Vt . hope he will soon be en- 1 . .. re - '' %e Our neighbor, the Advertiser, wants a l- ministratjrs and executors of estates to adver ver'iso in its columns, “although our Ordina¬ ry lias seen lit to carry his advertisements to Toccoa.” <> ,!r Ordinary in advertising in the Toccoa News, studies the best interests of the people - that has twice the cireu- n a paper i a tion, and is read t»y four times as many ]>eo- as an y other paper published in the , Ully - Mr. Wm. Hayes, wdiose farm is near Libor. *•' church gives notice elsewhere, forbid- ding all persons hunting or fishing on his lands. This is a good idea. If all the furmers would unite and prevent hunting and shoot- ing birds, especially the insect and caterpiller destroying kinds, they would confer a boon on the whole country. The birds are fust be¬ ing killed off, and ns a result, it will be impos¬ sible bye and bye to have any fruit, grain or cotton, on account of the swarms of insects, caterpiller*ami worms that will cover the land. Mr. J. D. Mulkey sent the editor of the News a stem of an apple tree about a foot in length, containing a cluster of nine luscious ripe apples. It is very rare to find so many apples clustered so close together on a limb. He also sent samples of cotton 13 inches n- bove ground,and including the root measured 18 im he3 in length. He also sent with the samples the following items: “The crops on the North Broad are pretty sorry; the cold nights injured crops; the frost on the first was bad here; wheat is good, but grass crop is thin, the dry weather is the the cause. Rattlesnakes are plentiful. Miss Matilda Murpliy found a nest of eggs seven feet long, the eggs were crowded in the nest from one end to-the other. June 7tli, 1889. J. D. Mulkey. FROM CADIZ, Dear News:— Will you accept a few dots from here. People are well up with their farming work. The stand of cotton is not good. Up land corn looks well and prom¬ ising yield with favorable seasons. Wheat is fair and is beckoning the reapers. Tho Alliance is looking up in this section and recognize the use of cot- tin bagging as the only salvation from the jute bagging trust. They have perfected arrangements for a supply of cotton bagging through one of Toccoa’s leading merchants. Steps aro being taken leading to the removal of J. W. Crump’s mill dam,thereby giving a thorough drain¬ age to the lands lying on the river above tho mill. J. II. Stigh is tho boss man of this section in solving the race problem; running his farm by hired labor, giv- cuffy constant employment with fail- wages and plenty of grub; with this chance, Kit and Andy, two of his hands,would not excl angewithUncle Ben for the President’s place. Some sickness in tlie country, giv¬ ing the M. D’s a chance of exercis¬ ing their skill. Miss Ola Manley, of Clarksville, is on a visit to see relatives here,in com¬ pany with N. P. St.onecypher,of Cross Plains academy, to his father, Elder T. J, Stoneoypher. A flourishing Sabbath school at Broad River church, presided over by Elder T. J. Stonecypher, also a good singing class under the super¬ vision of Baily Sisk and D.B. Eskew. The anti-prohibitionists are meet¬ ing with stern opposition by the true prohibitionists, with a strong faith in God, the right will win the fight and Franklin county will be free from the sins of much crime, growing out of tlie use of whiskey. ArEX. Cadiz, Ga., June 9th, 1889. GOOD Sent post-paid on receipt of price : In the Heart of Africa.— A. most thrilling and instructive cloth work. 2S6 pages; paper 25 cents: «i.oo. The Imitation of Christ .— dddVdrd - 1 ' UO- '' i,l6td - 15 C “' Selections from Artemns Ward, Mark Twain, etc. 179 pages; paper 15 cents; cloth 75 cents, Metropolitan Tress Agency , 43 Warren St., Xe.c Torh. \miv imllL Tfl IU ITQ Ub. Any nished book In the world fur’ at publisher's price* /~A EORGIA.—HABERSHAM V X To all whom rr may concern: L. P. Cook has in due form applied to the under- signetl for permanent letters of administration 1889. Givon under my hand and official sig- ^Junius ^TiiUerTffe B EDGE oUdSary. ?2 31 ASK FOR IT! THE SELF-THREADING ELDREDGE “B” In it nre cotn- bined the fin¬ est mechanic- ft l skill, tliCi most useful and elements, all known practical' andj ad iJt y«; . vantages that ri#! make a sew¬ oj v* ing machine desirable to Bell or use. ELDREDC E WSFC. CO. hetorjr and Wholesale CSce, Balvidere, Ill, till IVabash A rc,, ChicoffO» 39 Broad Street, Sew York • m IT -,(>.n Q8(j; Wl.... P cf . 1 s.ttnf*..* tie co:ti[»Ic<o %vt »»f f.ini ’‘ ,,rci,,a l.ijt-K* .>f VTuteliiMi, Bn'k«. fiutts a u l ’. ! art»c!e^ on which u’c offer prc-it induce * 'I h* accurately fitted . >. ire and err* vt .rr.-ntec in every res|w»rt, and are oittv offered to encour.vtre ajrenta »:ul others to lu ten cash order from our ma.umtitl c w ;J1 send ene set of .scales free, oralL-w y«»utlc p n« o n u l f,.r this set. A. T. EVANS Si tO., Island li4&UteHi. am A(iO, ILL* v Administrator’s Sale. 1 )Y VIRTUE OF an order from t’.c Court I F of Ordinary of said county, will he sold before the Court House door in Clarksville, Habersham County Georgia, on the first and Tuesday in July next, Lots of Land Nos. 71 72, and the .South-east half of Lot No. 4(». All in the loth Dist. of said County. Known as the home place of Dr. H Rosignol -Terms one-sixth cash, onc-s'xth on or b fore 1st .September 1889,one-third on or before June 1st 1800, one-third on or before June 1st 1801. All payments to draw interest at the rate of 8 per c mt. per annum. II Rossignol, Printer’s fee?! 08 Andrew K ll< ISSIGNOL Administratois of 4fJ Harriet A Rossisxoi., uncS, 15,22,29. Deceased. TN vT EORGIA,—HABERSHAM To COUNTY.— hereby ai.l WHOM that it MAY CONCERN: Notice is given a year’s support has been set apart by Commissioners appointed for that purpose, to Mrs. Mary Loggins, out of t'.e es¬ tate of Janies Loggins, deceased, and if no ob¬ jections be shown to the contrary, said year’s support will he allowed and admitted to record on the first Monday m July 1889. 4tJune8,15,22,29 Print r’s fee B. E. EDGE. 82 19 Ordinary. VX EOdGlA,—HABERSHAM To COUNTY.— ADD WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: All per- sons has applied are hereby for notified that Nancy M. Wood tration permanent letters of adminis¬ on the estate of NY M Carr, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in July next at 10 o’clock a. m. at my office. li. E. EDGE, 4tJune8,l5,22,20. Printer’s Or tiiuu'y. lee 81 SO rx eorgia,—Habersham county.— VX Notice is hereby given to all persons con¬ cerned that on thc.--i. - day of ............ 188-___Mrs. departed Anna this Bay, fife late of Habersham county, lias applied for administration intestate, and no person on the estate of said Anna Raj, and that in terms of the law, administration will be vested in the Clerk of tho Superior Court, or some other Ut and proper person; a i the 1st Monday m July 1889, unless some vallicd objections ave made to and liisappointment. official signature, Given this Jane under 3cl nty 1889. hand. 4tjune8,15,22 29. B. E. EDGE. Printer’s fee $3 36 Ordinary. .......- , .....- VX EOR Notice ;IA,—HAIL-RSIIAM hereby COUNTY — cerned that is given to all persons con- on of............ 188...., J J Prather, late of Habersham conn- has lj% departed ajiplied foi*administration this hfc intestate, and iu> t e'\«on J on tlie estate < said J Prather, and that in terms of the la w. adminis’ration will be vested in the Clerk o 4 ' th©Superior Court, or some Monday other in fit July and proper ]>erson on the first_ 1889, unless some valid objection is made t<> his appointment. Givc-n under my hand and official signature this Juuc3d 188!). 4tJune8,15,22 29. B E EDO F, Printer's fee 83 39 Old nary. Sicielei Self-Inkiag ?cz & Pencil Stamp, Charged with Indelible Ink, for Marking Clothes. MARKS ANYTHING 25c. With your name in rubber. TOWN ANO STATE SC. EXTRA. metropolitan Press Agency, - 4o Warren St., N. Y. MARSHAL'S SALES. Toccoa, Ga., H abersham County, April at>th, 1889. \TTRS \ V be sold before the Court House door in Clarksville in said county, on the 1st Tuesday in July next,the following described property, to wit: T I ots No 19, 20 and 21 in Block No 2 j, front- j ing on N jrth Rail Road street 25 feet each and running hack 100 to an alley. Levied on as tlie property eJ H V Jones to sat’sfy a town tax ti fa issued hy the mayor and council vs. II W Jones for his town tax for the year 18S7. Printer’s fee 83.12. ALSO i A V t tlie same time and p’ace lots No 30, 31 Railroad and 32 in Block 25 feet No front 30 fronting each and on North street. run- niug back 100 feet to an alley. Levied on as the property of II W Jones to satisfy’ a ii fa in favor of mayor and council vs H \V Jones for his town tax for the year 18S8. Printer’s fee $2.13. ALSO - A i t the same time Levied and place lot No 1 iu Block No 34. on as the property ot E A Newton to satisfy a taxffi Newton fain favor of mayor and council vs E A for tu^ town tux for the year m Printers fee? 1.12. A \ t the the same time and place lot No. 3 in Block No.5. Levied on us the yvoperty OTandeonnS t f 5ohn X l town'filx ws Printer’s Sape for his for the year 1888. fee 81.59. .\ » t Block ftiMtttimeworn*** No. 17. Levied lot the So. property 13 2 on as of S M Smith to satisfy a tax ti fa in tavor mayor and council vsS M Smith tor ins town tax'for the year 1SS8. Printer’s fee -81.53. ALSO 4 V T the same time and place h»t No. G , Block No. 10. Levieil on a- the ]>roi*eriy ol Terry Smith to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the mayor and cOJncil vs Terrv Smith for his towu tax for the year 1888. Printer’s fee 81.47. * vf SO * V t the^ametimp and place lot So. 27 of a Head B’oek *fc Hood No 17. to satisfy Lvyiel on as the favor profierty ot a n la m the mayor and council vs Head & Hood toi their town tax for the year 1888- This April 30, 1889. D. L. 1 L RCLLT. _ Printer s fee *1,89. Marshal. 'VyoTICE.—My Jack, Bli e Billy,” will be in Toccoa the 6ib, following 15th, and days: 23d: March igth, and 27th: April May i*t, 9tli, 17th and 25th; June 3d, and lltli. on^d'Si.Ta&T^T^g^S — ■■■ - ..... — - 1 - PAPTTR ^ paoiraeaa may bv> maOc Xwr it IN >*£VV k OR ii-* fe SOS ESSSSnilP r *od p aeinfr go*xl* ccr where rnttcblce^X HljJj the people ran fee them, w will tend fre<» to one J------- in e*cb lo<*lify,tbe very the world, sewing--machine with made m te all the attachments. We wit* alao send f rt*e a complete <ine «f ear cottly ami valuable art m BRmp ‘It* In renxra wc a«k that »bu\v what we send, to iboee who may cal; at your borne, and after i ; mouths alt tfeail become yonr own property. Tbia frs ixi machine is made aher tbe Hingcr patents, wbiefe bvve run oof: before patents b run cut it acid for $93. with ihe ef filr" irsiwructions . No O. btnc capita! Bcst.etronfresi,mcst m tbe requirt*d. d world. now aella Ail Plain, us«9- for i« given TrK ?c who write to us at once can s?- the be-t f. ivmp-machine in the world, and tho t --at n-orks of t art erer shown t0freth«r in America. Vkfl »: A til., Uok 710. Auctntit, Aluiuc. FOR SALE. TWO LOTS ON TFGALO St. FRONTING 1 the Park, each 50 hy 20il, <_»n one of whVh - ■ two story frame building. These lots 'vi’l be -old for cash, or exchanged f>; far e . r< p< rty the in franklin or Hart counties. Ajv- 1. to KiuTtut FAlnfFOiTs ok Tub Nkws. ale. ^EVENTY-FIVE the rest rolling, ACRES, PART I.FVF.T.. Hivation, _ good soil. every 20 acre susceptible ia to • ght in clover, acres cultivation orchard of about 200 young q»ple rdei, trees; 20grape vines; a good vegetable *; ih a good spring of water; a v veranda, and had, lias-lmuit and eel ar, two '■/.iinneys four lire places,burn,stab!; 1 a id corn crib. Tiie timber land is covered witi exiellcnt timber for niinufaetiiring pur,« fhis farm is 2 miles from Tin nervilh*, on lu Ttie Ridge and Atiant'c R. lb, ii miles (r.m "alhdah Falls and !) from Toccoa. This a hm farm, beautifully located and will be sol cheap. W.R. BRUCE, One of Tho OLDEST Merchantile HOIHKS c TOCCOA. Here you can find bargains in Staple tDrp Goods. BOOTS AND SHOES , PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS, 21 aeon, Flour, Feed. ■ -ALSO-- THE BEST VARIETIES OF FERTILIZERS. DOUBLE BllICK BLOCK, TOCCOA; CSA-; GOODS AT COil’. For the next 80 days we will ‘offer special inducements to the trade. We will sell at Cost, and we will give Special Bargains on all our stock of Spring and Summer Goods,consisting of Ladies Dress Goods such as Oash- riieras, Henriettas, Albatross,Sateens, Ca.rili.-', Ginghams etc. We have the Goods Largest and Cheapest lane of White that we have ever seen in this ,-.,. lr h P er, f mnl ta 10 ivilnen lounce this this Onr-k- s.oc h, L-ir- .mr Will . )1 , he gains given. \\ o In vo just placed r on our bargain counter, many articles that we wiii sell at cost. v\ e mention a few of them:-—Ladies fine slices, ladies undervests, jerseys, gloves, collars aud cuffs, dress trim- mings* hamhurg edging, laces, etc. We haven ldomnant Counter that you can select many bargains from. Call ami make voor purchase early . the . , ana secure first ami best bargains, Me Al.UsTKR & Simmons, m' 1 oocoa, r> Ga. FOR SALE. -- rpji i \V the VAT.FABLE Mathews Lime PROPERTY Kiln, KNOWN miles as seven fnocoa on the road to Clurksvillo. For pnrjeulars The Editor ap ».y to of The Toccoa News, Toccoa, Ga. FJ1 AE. A SHINGLE MILTAVILL BE SOLD very App’y cheap. It is a good mill in good repair. to \\ r . C. EDWARDS, Toccoa, Ga. -— -------————-------;; IS COMSUPTION — INCURABLE? _ Bead the following: Mr. (J. II. Morris, Newark, Ark,,says; ‘Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends j.hysicians pronounced mean In¬ curable Consumptive Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for cons sumption , am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is tlie finest medicine ever made.” Jesse Middle,wart, Decatur, 0. says : “Had it not been for Dr. King's Ne.v discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles, Was given up by doctors. Atn now in best*of health.” Try it. Sample bottles free at W. & J. ILDaus Drug store. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to ne:d no special tr.entior,. All who have used Electric Bitters sing tlie same song of praise.—A purer medieine'docs not exist and it is guaranteed to dp all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will ‘ ..nrp nr f ni] diseases niseascs of OI the ine Li\ Liver Cr and anu Kidneys; Will remove Pimples, Bolls, .Salt Klieuin and other affection cans'* gd }yy impuro ultlor *.— will drive Ma^ laria from tlie system and prevent as we p as euie a }\ Malarial fevers.- For 0 ire of Headache, Constipation and Ir.digesti.on try Electric Bitters—En- ire relMactfi.n guarentooil or money refunded.—Price oOetS. and >1.00 per bottle at \V . il. & J. Davis Drug store. * THE CHEAT INFALLIBLE r fooTHACHE Cure, Manufactured and sold by (£ Ihe Infallible lool/i- ac/ie Cure JIf’g. Co., OF Cr.ARKSVILLE, GA. Cures To ithache in all its forms. ^ bau teeth. ^ ei,r,ll ff u " nen Cause(1 fru! " Cures sore ” miras and cleanses tlie . “sold by Druggiste a,,J Dealers. bold in 1 occoa b> VV . U. A J. Davis, DruggistsXoweil Bros., General Dealers, 8IVBI $46,600 FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS tio »3,000 maUtoyouraddre^acopyoII>«‘sli»-''sItomoaoiin»alan(l continue) 1 ** (t 3.000 READ AND LEARN! to do so for ono year. GO cents i3 tliorrsrun-ir subscription price. hence ' If 1.000 caanro nothing extra for the premiums. Our I <9 _ we> Tom Profits will const j 1 *» it “ iOO each, 500 our advonisins natron- * si i Si' 5fCP' fff pat nvj r 5S£ ieo. subscription*' ssrsio tLo st.ooxcr two!*. >*? *, a ■ • most cage extra paper! - HAVE JUST GOT S3000 MY SEX EE - * •* “ 500 loo iN THE PREMIUM DISTFUEUTICN bums! IRHsMLI. 150 ■ : ooo ft ^ ins. 250 aZ - ................... §:s HI—i \ :»g . ■■ «> - *s; . » «plpsr % i ' ;My SO “ i - o../l § M- i>D C¥TRi i 2 PtffTQ 11.080.83 PAS .‘4-- ICT el A H bind (DO |T r-4*£9P2Q&JT 'ri ^ :T 1 t •;, ;™;,-. >2 y WATCHES • 2 x 12 ■Jr. Cfi>4cach ; ma.i tVau-boi, to bo -riven fr.vs t: t. 3 « '■* ii LVfUbio ??rtrrv’; 1 .1 f.rst siGO persons v.fiaanswer tins advertisement, zrA er.y ju t wticre t;.. 7 saw t!..s i.; 11 i) l IS 4a “ v •rtiscacni. i order that a a we mW positively know Lir.a of advortisir.™ pars us best. |!so enraereas IS oth\ oi r sar!. .vsC. !»l All who r >nd us eO cents 1 >r a year’s sabscrirtiJa, either sin -ly or in ctuv,, coo coursetn for theso extra presents. t adlrt;* l:r»-a«t EinJi,HanhChsIrt,lj.*rRl»e«. Hoot tllvT Cxtb^lL a Kt?R- I tv .-l cf 100 CfVJpr. J*S V A .* c'V. l '' v -' c ' ;IM acbgcrtptioitf. Eor aClub of twenty aadfld 00, will ml Subscriptions, LVr a( .noafTorty gxtra, Subscription You can have the estrar^P^rs mail--d friers. w' s; tiro extra . ar.d L-i.OO. wo will send ten L oIii/i l "-^l ,uro ^^ >or ^ u:i1 ^"' S3,OOO bo to ar.'iiefaia tho premium > f<»r yourself. fticT tO t JliO fifST llin CL‘AIW chJ\. T/l KL&liuitno t tert-d unless money is sent with tho letter. "ivou ff> s mo one. Sa snsw-.-r cjuict — no subscriptions on- . ?».-d I And lu inKitlfw. t-ena inoney, s:na'l amounts by As to our ivUafoJUt 7, ti.o J»erc;jrii.ilss Agencies or Banks will f;vti fv you that wo do as w*' ,»roniisc. w>ewlork.atourndf. ™ postal XiEBSKE<X£l'«} notes or stamps <1 end 2 C’>nu.-> whennustsi notescnau t bo obtained; larpo amounts, b* express or d lft. on Chicago iiOZd^Ei dOtXXUETfl Ls, iOO and IC2 VfU3hi«Ston St., CHICAGO, ILL. suoflffB PIANOS l he Pianos hearing the above name stand pre¬ eminently he the highest in the front rank, and are conceded to manufacturing, achievement in the art of piano all the containing in a wonderful degree, essential qualities of a perfect piano. FAULTLESS ton e. PERFECT ACTION, EXTREME 1»UR ABILITY, ELEGANCE IN RESIGN nnj FINISH And are universally endorsed hy leading musicians aud musica l people. The quality of materials used and the skill of the workmen employed in their construction, also our first long experience allow us to say, these pianos are class in every r spect. OVER 95,000 IN USE. SHONINQER ORGANS Are the Leading: Organs of the World. Their Because they are the best. of purity of voicing, prompt speech, quick¬ ness touch, rich, full ami organ-like tone has won for them the highest praise and admiration of all who have seen and heard them. which They contain many valuable improvements, Three-Ply are exclusive features. Folding Pedals, magnificent Sounding Boards, Book Closets and a Chimo of Swiss Bella creating the most harmonious effects, and which can be used with or xvithout the reeds. These in¬ struments have taken Medals and First Premium wherever exhibited. Agents wanted in territory aot Send already for Catalogue provided for. to B. SH0NINGER CO 86 Fifth Ave., New York. Factories New Haven, Conn; W m M rig m Combined with Great Re¬ dacting Power. Tilin’ ALE AS TRANSPARENT AND C0L- OUl.KSS.AS I.DMIT ITSEI.F. And for of endurance to the eye can not he excelled, enabling the wearer to read for hours without fatigue. In fact they i re Perfect Sight Preservers. Testimonials from the leading physician in the United States, governors, senators,leg sions i-lut irs, and stockmen, diifereent men biMiu-lies ot'note of'irade.hanK. i'n ah ]*roftx in ers, meeiianu-', etc, can be given who have had their sight improved by their use. itt vm mm AlXfl tlxts Fit C*-H»JC*50>.a> t «Ae d hy IK IF &F Davis, Drug¬ gists and Dooksellers. These glasses arc not supplied to pedlars Wholesale Depots: any price. Atlanta, Ga.;Aus- tin ; Texas. BucivLen’s Arnica Calve .—Vie best salve in tne world for cuts, bruiqe-s, soies, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains* cores ami all ski-., crept- ions and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is saarantced to give perfect satisfaction or maney re- funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. H. & J. Davis. «! THAT FISHT The Original Wins. C. F. Simmon?, St. Leals, Prop*r M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine,’d 1S40, in the U. S. Court defeats J. 11. Zcilin, I’rop’r A. Q. Simmons Liv¬ er M. Regulator, A. S. L. Est’d M. has by Zeilin for iS63. cured Indigestion, Biliousness, 47 years . K . Appetite, Dyspepsia,Sick Soun Headache,Lost Stomach, Etc. ® A Rev. T B. Reams, Pastor M. K. C (ACburSh, dthink should Adams, Tcnn., writes: “I 1 have been dead b’.t t e * lor your Genuine M. A. Sim- ^ ----.... mors Liver Medicine. I have j sometimes had to substitute i'Cqi.-A | err;,r j cine, “Zeilin’s but stuff” it don’t for your Mcdi- the I da I answer F^CrLfcl r, purpose-” D J- B- Graves, Editor r - The , Me mphis,Tenn. says: I received:' package of your Liver Medicine, and have used half of it. Itworkshkea charm. I want no better Liver Regulator, and cer¬ tainly no more of Zenin’s mixture. (•A; 3 fill ills. '?a P For $t.oo. Hot TO ■£! r 1 A ■A TmTfp mm i Home. If yoq are thinking of bonding a honse you ongh t to boy the new hook* Pallifier’s American Architecture, or ev«rv man % complete Vnown architect*. builder* prepared by Pailfur, Palliser A Co./tbe well There!* not a Bnilderor any one intending; to Build or otherwise interested that can afford to be without it. It is a practical work and eveiybody issued Building-. buys it. The Neatly best, cheapest and most popular work eve* on four hundred drawings. A $5 book in •tte and style, but we have determined to make it meet the popular demand, This book to suit the times, so that it can be easily reached by all* contains 104 pages 11 x 14inches in ui»e, and consist* of descriptions, large 9 x 12 plate owners* pages giving plans, elevations, perspective view** names, actual cost of construction, no cruess work, Pouble Houses, *and instructions How to Build 10 Cottages, Villas, Brick Block Houses, suitable for city suburbs, town and country, houses for the farm and workingmen’s homes for all sections oi the country, and coating from $300 to $6,500; also Bams* buildings, Stables* School together House, with Town Hall, Churches* and other publie of information specifications, the form of contract, and a large •mount t on erection oi buildings, selection ol site, •mploy •end it in ment of Architects. It is worth $5.00 to any one. but I will W tVotb, paper co ver by mail postpaid on receipt of $1.00; bound f. $9.00. Ad dress all or den W J* S» OGlLvlE, Pibmhhsb, u. Hu* am. ftlKose St-New U4 inlSto jl5,4t : t wit ' : ' -r- 2^ / -i. - .Y 'ii mi rrW d iy m m ■ WD '3 £?: r! ^ 0 CX H 3 / f timers West im A&SsS&r •sfflTO®?* 6 ' , I CHICAGO __P a h IB m 'H COTTAGE s&was atrsm a — __ ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that inven-» tiv e genius, skill and money can produce. OUR 1 |igp£ it® WAR* ALEE umJi BASTED IS I I FOR TO piilii Is! FIV3 excel. YEARS, These excellent Organs are celebrated for vok perfect construction, making ti*era till; most SSSSSSiSSS established bkpix’atiox, uvi:<iuaia;i) “ facilities, «KJU/Da-:3> v/cbsisex, BEST 3IATBHIAL. COASBIKES, HAKE TTII3 YHE POPULAR ORGAN HA 1 I 03 , STOOLS, BOOKS. Catalogues on application, Fi:ze s OnO&SO COTTAGE ORGAN QC. CHICAGO, ILL. PATENTS. Caveat?, and Trade-Marks obtained, all “l’at cut business conducted for mohekats kees. Oi'k Office is Opposite U S Patent < fer e and we can secure patent in k-ss time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with des¬ of cription. charge. We advise if patentable or : <4. free secured. Our fet not duj tiil pate t is is A Pamphlot, “Flow to Obtain Patents,”v. it’i names of actual clients in your State,, or town, sent free Address, C. A. SNOW A C’O. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. , i S»5^id^wwitA|i|nT||l *ss ttucii in re. wmJH K H H : *r«nted. Be*J7 X soiiddS5 iHununeCsiea. |»nUpeut#’•**«•, Both Udieo* with work* \ linePg«w>alniJt!». top.thir I LiSoJyS|e 0 Md^i e - ' Samples. The«umpire, a. _ yree*»n<l »ft*r youh.T.kept Piedmont Air-Lino Route K.&D.U.CMFY. C ondensed Sc/icda/e IN EFFECT APRIL 14, l,ri>9. o- Tni in run by ?5th Meridian Time—one hoax Ulster than 00th Meridian time. -o-- GOING NORTH. SOUTH UOr.ND, Leave Atlanta “ Gainesville, “ Athens Lula, Cornelia BmL Toccoa Seneca ** Greenville . A rrive Sjwrtanburg 1 ea\ t Spun lammrg Anive-As'ieville “ Hendersonville, “ nut Springs »jca\Spartanburg Gastonia “ “ Charlotte “ Salisbury “ Greensboro Arrive Durham Arrive Raleigh Arrive Goldsboro Leave Greensboro Arrive Danville} .f Richmond Lynch mu g Charlottesville J’jUiiid Washingtt n *re New lTiiladelph York ia GO iN(r SOUTH SOUTH EOUNDD. I'■ IT V. N >. 50 }' “KT~52. Leave New Ymk 12 15 a m 4 to Phiate'pi.ia ll.ltimore 7 2«> 4 9 45 44 j 9 70 * V Gharlotiesi AVi.shiiigton U'v 11 24 * jtt k.o *' 3 40 Ml 3 10:1 I* Leave- Lynyiitmeg RVekuvvmd 5 -10 ! 5 7 •- iKi 44 j 2- ;:o *x * Dam i lie 8 40 4 8 05 Arrive. Grcmisbvvo 10 27 “ 9 42 L -.-i vt Golils boro 2 <M) a in t <•* p m *' linleiirii 4 50 12 Mdo’t {» 111 Ari i ve Greensboro 5 52 9 0 it Ml Salisbury . to M |> >11 11 23 a m C harlot; e 2 05 1 (0 p m “ Gastonia 2 48 “ 1 42 “ Arrive Spartanburg 4 40 “ 3 37 ‘ Leave not Spi ina i r. 50 - Arrive “-vhw S]«aTtanhi.rg 9 8 30 20 m ‘ i.e,i\e Spa:tanhmg 4 10 “ |ll 50 *>. ' 3 :;7 “ ^= ,,w 5 7 8 32 50 25 •• " “ 0 4 7 27 24 ts •• “ “ t> 12 “ 8 on p m 9 30 “ 8 20 L I’ 20 p m 10 25 •' a'e < 'ftinesville P> t i a ill 8 51 “ Air ve Atlanta 12 Noon 19 4(1 “ -f Daily except Suori.a*' JCifv Time. Filllman Car Set nee. Sleeper ,£57” Gn between trains Atlanta 50 and 51 Ru’inan 1 uflet Orleans ayd and New York, New On trains Washington 52 via Danville. Sleeper and 53 JhiHinan Buffet Aiken via Montgomery Danville. to Washington and 23P"On trains 52and 53bet ween Richmond and Greensboro and Goldsboro. tions 23^-Trough to all tickets on sale at principal sta¬ apply points. For rahs and information to any agent of J lie Company, or to J4S. L. TAYlOR s Gen. Pa$s. Agt. SO A HA Washington. D. C. AS . T. 3p/ l LV V^Xkj AI» OfjlJ, S'Jf\ Dust I/i into oj II. The MONOPOLY Busted. Do you want a Sewing Machine? $17.50 TO $30.00. tKartauled lire Tears. With all Attachments. Write for iL Ins:-rated C’irciilars of our !oINGKK§ t • NEW HOME’ Etc. $10 TO $30. Saved tiv ordering direct from Pead- tjuarters. I\eedlcs for any Machine, di cents a <hiac*u in iHainps. A'L I*J <lrc>.s r ri F LO UI.nVILM: N K \V I x G M A * till INK CO. No. 520 Fourth Avenue, Mmf) F/OlllSyiIC, IiJf’. 1 risiiaii Advocate. Mr. A. Iv. liawkcs has Ruined a national irputation as a practical op* lieian, and liis celebrated spectacles and patent spring eve oJassc-B nro 3 *. ® KIHlVCIl , tliroU^IIOUt . . , tllC L lilted vJtatCS* 11 c are writing tliis artiele with a [>air of his new Cry stab zed Lenses* and they seem to us as transparent aS ilgllt itSCll J 111(1 With tllCID tllC tl II — est print is as ebar as in youth—Ed- miLv. No. 51 l No. 53. 7 15pm t k 1® a r* ! } 10 t 4 •' *• ; to * in 27 “ “ MO 51 “ - Ill 22 “ “ 1*2 17 p m •t 1 51 2 52 “ 3 40 ‘” t; (-7 M 7 ( »» “ 8 10 “ 2 11 “ »> r.» a 4 lilj “ 4 47 “ 1 50 “ 5 :*> “ (» 22 “ 7 05 “ 8 00 i4 8 40 “ 12 bl 5 00 “ 1 02 m 18 ;o - 3 10 12 50 “ 8 05 a in 8 50 p m 9 47 “ 10 21 tw 3 30 p. Ul 5 15 a n» 12 40 12 55 2 55 “ 3 00 ♦* 7 13 “ 0 53 “■ 5 50 ‘ 38 20 “ 3 00 a. n« u (> 20 1 20 “