The Toccoa news and Piedmont industrial journal. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1889-1893, June 29, 1889, Image 4

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THE TOCGOA NEWS. TOCX'OA CITY, QA. : : : : :'JFNE, 29 1339, KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ona year in advance........ $1.00 Six months,..... r Q Three months.. .. ..**»»•* Subscripti it 3 paid in A i vancc. San I L* onoy Order, Postal Note or *i Atr. Andres Tjik Toccoa News, Toccoft, City Directory. Tine Tresbytcrian. Hervu 2n 1 1 iJtn Sundays in each month, at 11 a. m. and | p, Simp m. Suilday Pastor school at 10 a. m. Rev. J.. A. a on, Methodist Episcopal. .Services 1st, 2nd and 3d Sunday of each month, at 11 a. rn. and p* rn Sabbatli schcol it -i p. m. Rev. C. A Jamciion, Pastor. Baptist. Services 2nd 1 4th Sundays of earn month at H a m. and 7 p. m. J.i F Goo i ■ pastor Mon-1 Tlic Toecoa W (' T F meets event da ifening at 1 o’clock in the Methodist j .......Ji. and the Loyal Legion meets at the same place every 1‘ridaj < \< i un n nt- <. < o< '• j <len°rrin<5 1 -f 8ch00 ’’ ?r ° f ' A ‘ FcsSen ~ | ‘ ThclWoa laodge, No. 300. Ancient Order of F & A Masons meets the first Wednesdays j , of each month. B, E. Edge, Y/.M. Royal Arcanum meets 2nd and 4th Mon-; days in each month. -La Wilson, Regent, j Tugalo Ia's'lgc, 10.5 K.of H. meets 1st and 3d Monday ct each month. jJJ. B, Simmons, Dictator. CITY OFFICERS. II M Payne, Mayor; »K L Goode, Recorder. COUNT 5' OFFICERS. _ TT . . r,f BinJSw romt?M y f P Perkin-', Brooksher, Bl; fax Re- Vrv, Tax (’oliector; If John- rei ver; J C Allrisl. Treasurer: Jas. L son, Surveyor; I) W Ivestcr, Foroncr._ LOCAL NEWS. lion. A. G. McCurrv, of Ilartwcll, was in this city Friday. ; Miss Lizzie Looney visited friends in Tuga- lo Valley Tuesday. Mr. W. A. Matheson visited relatives in ’Westminster Wc<lne-day. Mrs. G- Tionz and soil, Ottis,of Atlanta spent this week iu Toecoa visiting relatives. Misses Pinkie and Mattie Harris are visiting friends in Westminster, S. C. Miss Sallie Grace Jarrett of Tugalo Valley was in the city visiting friends Monday. Charlie Dance is ruminating in Banks Co. taking notes, eating blackberries, and—and— but— Mrs. M. M. Martin and daughter,'Miss Viol a ( of Athens, Tenn., visited relatives tin Toecoa this week. Mr. T. B. Brown, of Hurt county, spent several days, in Toecoa representing the Hart¬ well Nursery. Mr. T. C. Vickery has gone to New York; letters will reach him directed, care of Henry Clews & Co. Wo are glad to hear that the remaining sick child of Mr. Edge is improving with prospects of entire recovery lrom illness. George Mitchell, after spending some time visiting his father at Martin, has returned to Toecoa, to the delight of his many friends. Tom Toole, colored, died Thursday of fever nged about 22 years. Tom was industrious, and highly respected among his acquaintan¬ ces. Few [>eople realize the magnitude of the poultry and egg business. One firm in Clarks¬ ville, E. r. West tk Co-, handle 830,000 worth each year. Clitr Matheson went to Westminster Wed¬ nesday to get up railroad hands for Will Land. He returned Thursday with a man and his wife. Pretty succeessful trip, wasn't it though. * Mr. ML M. Buslia has been in the country most of this week, and reports the farmers well up with their work, and says “the crop prospects are very fluttering,•'■especially corn The Toccoe News agent has taken a large number of subs: fibers in our town, and both he and the News have received a cordial re¬ ception from our citizens.—Maysville Corres¬ pondence. L. F. Cook has an order for a monument in -Gainesville, and from other places considera¬ ble distances away, This is because he fur¬ nishes good marble, nice designs and first class work at moderate prices. Rev. and Mrs. Ray, ofSouth Carolina,spent Sunday in Toccoa visiting the family of Mr. *1. L. Lodon. Mr. Ray is one of the leading ministers of the Baptist denomination of his Stale,and has promised to fill an appointment at Zebulon church near this place very soon. Two Georgia papers,—the Americas Daily Republican and the Rockmart Weekly Rec¬ ord,—have suspended. Cause, want of adver¬ tising patronage. Local jxqv.-rs cannot live without advertisements. It will pay the busi¬ ness men of a town to sustain the home pa¬ per by liberal advertising. Mr V, a Alien, of . Buford, „ . , spent , some Hme.l erc with* view tostartmgupatenyard at tins Brace, W a nave no doubt that money invested m a tannery here would pay a some per cont.aua we hope that he will receive such eneounigeiueui from our citizens as will induce him to locate here. Mi. WiiHnm W bmitli, Qmttii of of the Rhr Lig Smith <?mUh dp dis- irict, brought iu a load of oats Friday, the fin- est we have seen this year. Mr. Smith U big man, fives in a big district* where the Mi*, hke himself, are b.g heartcil, noble pie; the News hopes they «i,. ,ia\e big crops of all kinds, get big prices, which they so bigly ami richly *».«. The bridge over the railroad lias been re¬ paired and greatly improved. The next thing in order K the park. Now if our marble play- ers wi 1 arm Ibemsel e with scythes and try a race to see who can mow over the most ground in live minutes, it will be a change in the sport, make lots of fun, and result in the park getting cleared up Maj. S. W. Crawford made a trip of about to miles in the country on Wednesday, going ' a fid retur;iiiJ 2 another. He fotujd the ilton looking ranch better than he ex* ptcted. Aii other eroj«* lo<»k well; for the most part they manifest a good degree of cul¬ tivation. lie heard of only one ease of se¬ rious illness throughout the trip Marriesl, on Wednesday June 2Cth. at th„ t ( ipt. II. W. Jones Mr. M. F. h r i ed in his tier. The N ms to our w Rail Iff at d I >rid<s and w them a long life of 1 ine-s and We have : e Am riean New-pa- por Directory for 18811. The Pub! irSt. r?, Geo. P. Rov fc Co. claim they give within a close approximate , the cirenl dion of every novv pai*erin the Uniti d States, so one can timl in this book very nearly the circ ilatlon of any paper publish** 1 ut rhe b •ginning of this year. There are 17,107 papers publish <1 in the Uni- te<l States: of'.hesv i*^30 have each a cireula- tion of about 250. r lnel»c\ r) r.,... L. r A. « Simpson ;aehed , , two , pr very ■rbie Kcrmons last Sabbath. Indeed he- snr- passed himself,or at least we had no. previous ]y heard a sermon from him equal beauty, clear in station .*nt and imp.e si vein delivery os IPs last morning diaeo trse.Qu te likely this fe artsn u of ^t and recreafon among the niountams. . Moral: Churches should give the Pastors vacations occasional’y. Services in the Presbyterian church to-morrow, it being t ] ic .Sabbath of the month M'eare indebted to the kindness of Air. G.J, Green for some remarkably line Irish pota¬ toes from his garden. When boiled without peeling, the skin cracks open showing a dry mealy jxjtatoe, of delicate flavor,and in what- ^ thc Y arecoc,k«l, they arc delicious. 1 hey show a wise selection ol seed and intel- ligent cultivation. If a man understood rais- ing potatoes like Mr. Green, and should de¬ vote his entire attention to the bus'ness, he would find it very remunerative. Mr. \V. T, Willifor of the (inn of Power itlYiRiford, Ilaimony Grove, favored the Nkw. office wi:h : jilei-ant call and renewed his subs'-riptiou to the paper. Mr. Williford, in add t'o.i to being an exc Pen business mai i and a most estimable gentleman, possesses a vast deal of knowledge of the resources and p.ossil>iliti>-s of North East Georgia,has enlarg¬ ed views of the practical development of these, resources, which, if they could be'fully actu¬ alized, would make this one of the wealthiest and most attractive places iu the South, From all sides we receive them st’cncon a ging reports of the growth of cotton; it is making up for the set back it received from the cold ami dry weather. Other crops are e- qually promising; even oat?, although the stalks are short, are heading out much better and fuller than was believed possible 3 weeks ago. If the weather proves favorable the rest of the season,and no serious calamity happens wc may reasonably expect good average crops,and we sincerely hope the farmers may receive ample returns fur th. ir hard toils. Cheer up, takec ravage.. Mr. W. B. Weaver, of Barton’s Creek, S. C brought to the News office cotton in full bloom. His farm is in the Tugalo Valley, a short distance from the Prather bridge cross¬ ing. Mr. Weaver without doubt is entitled to the credit of the first cotton blossoms in his latitude; an honor which he has worthily earned, for he lias labored diligently to make a first class crop. He had Ids ground well prepared, planted early, lias given good cul¬ tivation, and is rewarded by the sight of the best stand he lias ever had. The News is pleased to form the acquantancc of so intelli¬ gent a planter, and such a pleasant gentle¬ man. The Hartwell Sun is publishing interesting letters from Mr. Fred Wicbeas who is mak¬ ing a bicycle tour of Europe, He has an orig¬ inal way o t des ribing sea sickness. Hear him; “Most of the ladies had a woc-begone expres¬ sion on their faces. My room-mate asked me if I didn’t feel sick; said he had a kind of in¬ interior disturbance and would have to go get a drink, but came back and said steamer drinks didn’t agree with him. I went down below as I began to feel homesick or some¬ thing. aud my dinner began to rebel. But I ate a lemon and got over it May 23d.—Wind! rain! storm! Oh, my! May 24th—Thunder and crooked lightning, wind, lain, wave, and—Oh, my!—Noo You- kick— oo— acch! May 25th—The storm has let up, but ah, me!—those waves just keep a-coniing and boat keeps set-sawing and rolling.” During the absence of the editor, Mr. G, Wanner, an esteemed friend of Walhalla.S.C, favored the News office with a call. This gen¬ tleman has very large experience in grape growing and the manufacture of wine. A na¬ tive of Europe, he is familiar with tlic meth¬ ods of vine culture and winemaking therejhe has visited the most noted grape growing conn ries throughout the world, and probably few m a on this continent possess so complete and varied a knowledge of soil, climate, and the various elements essential to the success¬ ful cultivation of the vine as he. Persons de¬ siring information on this interesting subject and wishing to purchase wine, grape roots, or intending to set out a vineyard will do well to consult him. He lias conferred especial fa¬ vors on the News, for which we trust he will accept sincere tha iks. A few weeks ago, the writer had the pleas¬ ure of visiting at the home of the Hon. IP E. Edge, our esteemed Ordinary. He was taken to a room and saw lying side by side three beautiful children peacefully sleepiug in all the sweet innocence of eariv childhood. It is with rcat in that we haYe to record that lhose 5Weet babcs arc now laid awav keeping the:r la#Uong slocp . One.was taken Saturday one Monday, and one Tuesday, respectively June 22nd, 24th and 25th; the cause of their death was dysentery. Everything was done for them that could be done; the most carefa!i intelligent nursing of a loving moth- er Lest skill of the ablest physicians -—all invain . It wasthewUlof the Heavenly Fath- or to them to himself, and he sent down Ilis holy angels and conveyed their pure spirits to the bosom of tlie Savior. The *. ricken father and mother in tlms (heir lnvo.1 one, in .1,,- l.eavanl, Ia,„U iU«n.i unspeakable consolations. The deep syinpa- thies of the entire county go out to Mr. Mrs Edge in lids, their great bereavement, •• AVAXTED—To know tho address of either or both members of the old firm of Harris Hros. C. L. & T. J, Deldridge, Atlanta. Ga. TOTTS PAPES Advert BurcGU (10 Sprite St.). XX where- K£W advert X OJU-Jb.% isuiaf k'-'Li.ikiv*-«?- K*u/ Ik. 1 iituw *c Perkins THE pp^e Wind Mill, m&m Buy the BEST and Save Money. Wgr It has been in constant use for 10 years, with a ree- or<l oijualed by none. \S egive each pureUascT a WARRANTY as fo’- I lows: We warrant the Perkins Wind Mill, sold this, to outlast and do iK'tter work than any oilier makeand n<-t blow down, nn’e-s 11»«- tow er goes with it, and against any wind that does disable buildin i t t e vi liutry. We manufacture loth Pctnping and (I cared Mill-.gmd full iSij'j'ies. AtitJ.Ts carry a line of'Wind Mill M ANTED. Send ,or Catalogues. Circu- larrnd p, jk*. A > Id re s, Tn-Z-rns Wind .V/tl <C-Ax Co , 1X1)1 ANA. ASK FOR IT! THE SELF-THREADING ELDREDGE "B” In it are com¬ est bined mechanic¬ the fin¬ mi al skill, the most useful and practical elements, and all known ad¬ vantages that make a sew¬ ing machine desirable to •ell or use. ELDREDGE MFC. CO. factory and TTholesale Office, Belvidere, 2U, 271 IF nbnsn Ave., Chicago. S9 Broad Street, New Tork. tn25,0m Administrator’s Sale, |>Y I VIRTUE OF an order from the Court ) of Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the < ourt House door in Clarksville, Habersham County Georgia, on the first Tuesday in July next. Lots of Land Nos. 71 and 72, aud the Fouth-cast half of Lot No. 40 . All in the lUth Di.-t. of said County. Known as the home place of l)r. H Resign ol Terms one-sixth cash, one-sixth on or before 1st September 1889,one-third on or before June 1st 1890, o ie-third on or before June 1st 1891. All payments to draw Interest at the rate of 8 per e *nt. per annum. II Ro-sWNoa, Printer’s fee*o 08 Axdkkw K Rossignoi. Administrators of li.uatxei A Ros-ioKor., 4t J une8,l5,22,20. Deceased. fT Vdt EO KG I A,—HABERS HA M COUNTY. To ai.l whom it Maycoxceks: Notice is hereby given that a year’s support lias been set apart by Commissioners Mary Loggins. appointed out of for fVc that purpose, to Mrs. es¬ tate of James Logging, deceased, and if no ob¬ jections be shown to the contrary, said year’s su])port will heallowed and admitted to record on tlie first Mori lay in July B. 1889. E. EDGE. 4tJune8,15,2>,20 Printer’s fee S3 Ordinary. 19 G EORGIA,—HABERSHAM COUNTY.— To adl whom it MAV concehn: All per¬ sons are hereby notified that N ancy M. Wood has app ’ed for permanent letters of adminis¬ tration on the estate of W 51 Carr, deceased, and I will pass upon said appffi-ation ou the first Monday in duly next at 10 o’clock a. m. at my office. B. E. EDGE, 4t JuneS, 15,22,29. Ordinary. Printer’s fee 51 80 G EORGIAIIAB E RS11A M C () U NTY.— Notice is hereby given ■'day to all persons eon- eerned that on the -.. of............ 188.... Mrs. AnnaRav, late of Habersham .k; e -tate of said Anna Ray, and that in terms ol the law, admini-tration will he vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or.some other fit and proper person, o.i the 1st Monday in .T ..v 1889, unless souie rallied objections are made ' 4tJuiv*8,15,22,29. B. K. ED IE. Printer’s fee?3 3o G EORGIA HABERSHAM _ . Notice is 1 lereby g'. von to all ) >i v ysons con- eerned tliat on the ..... day of............ lias applied fo ■ administration ca\ the estate e-f said J J Prather, and that in terms of the law. administration will bo vested in the Clerk o r the Superior Court, or some other fit and protAer joerson on the first Monday is made in July 1889, unless some valid objection to his official appointment. Given under lahr hand and signature this June 3d 18S». 41 June-8,15'22 ‘29. be Edge. Printer s fee 83 39 Ordinary. Hfckelai Self-Inking Pea ft Pencil Stamp, Charged with Indelible Ink, for Barking Clothes. MARKS ANYTHING 25c. With your name in rubber. TOWN AND STATE SC. EXTRA. tUtropolitas Press igencj t * 45 Warren St. s N. Y. MARSHAL’S SALES. Toccoa, Ga., Habeksham Cor.vTY, April 30th, 1889. TTTill V V be sohl before tlie Court House door in Clarksville in said comity, on the 1st Tuesday in Ju!y nextjhe following described property, to wit: T J. ots No t9,20 and 21 in Block No 25, fronf- J lug on North Kail Road street 25 feet each and running back 10ft to an alley. Levied on as the property of H W Jones to satisfy a town tax fi fa issued by the mayor and council vs. II W Jones for !iis town tax for the year 1887. Printer’s fee 8-3-12. ALSO \ t the same time and place lo‘s No 30, 31 x jl and 32 in Block No 30 fronting on North Railroad street- 25 feet front each and run¬ ning the back 109 feet to an alley. satisfy Levied on as property of H W Jones to a ii fa in favor of mayor and council vs H W Jones for Ins town tax for the year 1888. Printer’s fee §2.13. ALSO FV A t the same time Levied and place lot No 1 in Block No 34. on as the property ol E A Newton to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor mayor and council vs E A Newton for his town tax for the year 1888. Printers fee §1.12. ALSO \ Y t the the same time and place lot No. 3 in 1. Block No. 5. Levied on as the property of J Sage to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of may¬ or and council vs John Sage for liis town tax for ^ 1C ^ ear ^Lso S ^ iV A t the same time and place lot No. 6 in Block No. 10. Levied on a- the property Tei-rv Smith to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the Swn 1 \f 47 A 0 4 t the same time and place tot No. 27 in B’oek No 17. I.evieil on as the propertv °f Head A Hood to satisfy a ft fa in raver of lITxS^o"! kl, rnlllv This April 1889. D. L.•PURCELL, Printer s fee $1,89. Marshal. ■ rw^7» i 7 -i 7 W . r» i. 7? i 77 .. . ' FOR SALE. *. T HAT as the VALUABLE Mathews Lime PROPERTY Kiln, seven KNOWN miles from Toecoa on the road to Clarksville. For particulars The Editor apply to The Toccoa News, of Toecoa, Ga Take The TOCCOA 993 Sewlcpr-Morhine To a* once pat a bHah /piaernf: ft trad® in our all parts, tnacfeinwX by-p and frooda where , the people ran see them, wa will aend Tree to one person in each loca’ity.tbe very beat Mwing’-machine made m the world, with all the attachments. \v* will also *end free a complete dine of our costly and valuable an Saamplet. fshow In return we ask that roa what we aend. to those who ; .may cal; at your home.and after & E hniontbs all shall become ycur own v Rprorerty. This Singer prand machine is ■made afrer the patents, which hAve run out: before patents ^ft sg |AWiiSUi \ run ou: it sold forwith the C&Sfrt up. 1 g^iachments. Best, strongest, and now most sells for f nltl Rsd&r«s*fts» use- ^«rw«sr-iasassrt’»ga»s til: finest imt at work, of ln>h art ever shown together m America. V it l' E A C'O., llox 7-10. Auuusta, Maine, « ,... ■»■ ,» « . -* r * *.*^—' FOR SALE. TWO JL LOT3 OX TUGALO St FRONTING tlie Pa k, each 50 by 200, on one of wh ch is a wo story frame building. These 1 Ts will be <old for cash, or exchanged f u farm projtcrtv in Franklin or Hart counties. Ai> ply to the Editor of The News. FAR MOTORS ALE. ~ O OEVENTY-FIYE ACRES, PART the rest rolling, every acre suseu cultivation, eight in clover, good orchard soil. 20 ofabotiUfl acres injj garden, apple trees; a good 20grape spring vines; of water; a g.>o^B with veranda, hall, basement amlB chimneys crih. and The four timber fire land places,barnjl corn is covcn^^^^^_ ex 'client timber iiraiiutactiir.iig idSH i his farm is 2 miles from Tun\ervdi«-, Blue i'allulali Ridge Falls and Atlantic R. IE, Girdles iiYfff and «) from Toecoa, This a line farm, beautifu ly located and will be sold cheip. FROM THE GOVERNOR OF LOUISIANA. Baton Rouge, La., January 23, 18- 8ti. Mr. A. K. Hawkcs: Dear sir— I desire to testify to the great supe¬ riority of your Crpsializcd Lenses. They combine great brilliancy with softness and pleasantness to the eve. more Ilian any I have have ever found. S D. McEnkry, Governor of Louisiana. /A EOllGIA,—HABERSHAM COUNTY.— LA L’o add whom it may coxcekn: L. P. (iook lias in due form applied to the under¬ signed for permanent Setters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Mary L. 'Cobb, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass upon said applications on the first Monday in July 1889. Given under my hand and ofii.ial sg- nature this 3d day of June 1841. 4tJnn e'S 15,22,29. 11 E. EDGE, P: inter’s fee -82 31 Oixlinai’i SENT FOl A , A \ Ache SUING p. LEY it is a ILL good WILL mill in BE good SOLD repair. very Apply to W. C. EDWARDS, Toecoa, Ga. A WOMANS DISCOVERY, , *An<d , ,, ov woihIovIhI , . , discover^' lias . been nia-le that too 1 \y a !:ui\ in it » c' itches v.pofi i.e? and L>f seven ’ e u s die withstoo l its severest test, > . . ..... isSileymt’.ied • , and , 11 ' Ul, ‘ °*gaus u uerc . dealU Sei-o.ed Liimtuent.. For t ree “"»«■* »r ss p A n,ul not sleep. She ixonght <d us n of I)r. Kind's New Discovery U.C'"’"!"!!-'" 1 * * )>l £ a ^ 1 n U V"',’ I»t s t v*.< 7"- >^o *" l i \:\ t sue T l'*D 1. J and wiij one luittle ,’f* c#r« *. l Her nunc is Aits. L‘uii?y Lutz. I fins criWs W. (\ H;mn k-k & Co..of Snc-U ( . ' x- t tiia. . . , hotllc (1 , at , • L ;* ,r ^ 1 C . H. & .1. Davis Drwe? atore. THE VERDICT UNANIMOUS W. I). Fu!S, Draggisl. Bippus. ImL. rostifies: c ‘i esn icwmiueml Kleotric sy&r-rax of 10 years' standing." Rare.^drftggisf, Belleville, Ohio* af- firms: “The best selling tuedicinu I have ever liannled in my 20 _..y years’ . . Llectrte ; Bitters. ,, experience, ts Thousands of of oDiers have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys tr Blood. Only a half dollar a bot- le at W. H. & J, Davis store. . Vs 4^ HUT- FIGHT The Original Wins. C. F. Simrnor.s, St. I-ouis, Frop’r M. A.Simmons I.ivt-r Mudicino,list’d 1 II. - 840 , in the U. S. Court defeats Liv- J. J tieiiin, I'rop’r A.Q. Simmons 2 ^ er Kegulator, Est’d by Zeilin 1 S 68 . ' y ‘-' M. A. S. E. M. has for 47 years H Cured INDIGDSTION, BILIOUSNESS, Sjk ^4 PvsrErsiA.SiCK Ak’etite, Souk Headache,Lost Stomach, Etc. A llev. T B. Reams, Pastor M. Ii. O .1 Church, Adams, Tenn., writes: “l Uhink I should have been dead but i I tor your Genuine M. A. Sim- 4 ——Cv mons Liver Medicine. I hav«. ||i)ERD/(tA If I «r I sometimes “Zeilin's stuff” had for to substitute Medi- iCOUflj-j Tire / but it don’t your I c ‘ n e, answer the ILfOPLtl £>**“> P ur Dr. P©se.” R. Graves, rSTaflist, J. Editor The I received Memphis,Tenn. of says: Medicine, and a package have used your half Liver of it. It works like a cha I want no better Liver Regulator, and cer¬ 1 tainly no more of Zeilin’s mixture. ct ATT XT A X ITftTTdTT &1W U M£i« 1 CLARKSVILLE, GA. This house has just been newly ovated anti furnished,and is now open to Summer Visitors aud the Travell¬ ing Public. First class turnouts fur* nished guests at any time, J/eet all trains. Terms reasonable, JOHN JONES, Proprietor Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; for use in such cases Dr. 1. 11. J/cLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family ^remedy. $46,600 SSVEHFSEETQSuBSOSlBESS without equally a ^TStoBCVHKOSKOFTlf rid cs yourfianieoncurXIJJtlSEREOJSCBStlSIPTIoaESSTS. «^OS ri <50 CiKSTS, gooO favorifsm, 8 ^JgS^^^SSgSS^g» chance tho so subscription that to spcire all persons pries our E^Gi'BKanrnS t:AI*ITAIi bavins for one tbeirnafiK'S year, CASsJtM ,, l we 5 SSSSaBaSWJr on will JfMmnstsend our JPRK3MCM thca subscription enter and 535 J irasaj>r»ta«w . OF book* „ !SSBfiStSS ^3,000. on or „ before Bead „ , S:fSSS!S«ff July * oar - 30, fist - will of star, 1 aus.oas* ^SK Fre- cl 00a &a mall to ym:r address a cra 7 ct lcgHe'aHomaienraal and conisnee } „ e e ’aoo R££S ASC ££AR?gS to do cofor ©so year. GO cents is ttarcjrular Cur subscription I price, ::i fcence •* p „ „ . einfl„-»h ““ mi N’i we ctiargsnothin'? extra for the premiums. roiits v cotnc „ ,, „ ’ i f ------------ STOP tlL PXfTHAT MORTGAGE | FtrS&K ' —"“l Neo. -aSscriptioa: c~:x> too ct.oofortwo extra paper’ ^ . fA «■ |}{<j I ,, „ . 5 « - [ \JXTHZ HAStJ&T PHEWJM SOT S3 DfSTRSBUTIOM 080 PAY SNUBS J "**f*£ : l S l! $ ^ W ^ {tua tyterwr, ? o4 to y.^tyli LorWt Or'Uns/ ^ 150 » " tffi, UOO ----- f --?&££* i C 5 * ! US 3SkteISarYopU»ss'*.SO© 3 »3xfaTop l’hactons, S*JO " ** 750 <M9 „/*«*, i, /-r-, a ■ ° ^ J »' a5 3 VictoriaI ii-ielo©*, 27© ** fe.> yjrSL , ^ r" , f . v wZT™te^»4-A y- tiiiffl '. ,.*r^s8, j 73 -> o ’• S33 i‘ 4«« *T ) 70 “ O - Jr ', ah ±nU --;p%vf i&WBBSlBai iVwiar W ;* ■: f ?aa PPE"''- Q SMmOil VUmXg V«k/M^ i? *»•*. -fi t-u-u-s. AI hH y 1 r S ISO WATCHES. fiSH.V: > ra/ slfci'EtiSi’iriipirL Kt uf$?>- uaabra-n ‘ o.n.F&'m Sir/ •SS® 5 ir®?^^ _ _________________ ^SSS " 8-rclHamonuCarriijsslSi* •;. -« , 5 ' 4 Ku I ? sr.OK.vtY G<'ei’MaSaA't^ l»jcyc»oslo5 fifo 1 ccriyiKs; cud UrcccU rsEKIU M 4* s IV.T h?e Barrel <'.a “ r.c j .,;' 7".y _! 1' ‘ A 'l^F **)*-. .r£.Sy,aP,:^ Sn_iSS.y just V.itero tl’.O? SC.W 11,1* rd- tcasCngSJii t Onns. , ' c wd in."? Pdciavety what kind of aCxertising pays uabest. £ r .o wnnirrouscibir {'rcs r ’*i‘: «sG‘- : A ICc;-, b i th J F t-.i,,-.' !!.-( u t fins. tfat. ii Hiaiss,Ear ili-T--.. La«ii w.wEVe VitUR L; iii BljORtPT I is F li ^ V‘! T a S, -'i , . 0 or s a iI w y Vf or ' J i ? c! rir - l!j; > Subscribers, caa c--»ra:«et-‘ far aecotapanied these estrsr-rcser.te. by S3.00 Ho,'.' i-,1 ,«,p- oilier arlirli-S taati OT a sr^ u ii},.. / ** -r of lOfc t'd'd present* Wfoexmx SiibscrJpuouAT For a6rab of twenty^a W.'w^VT^a'nd 1 '^ evtmlubwripUonsI Vur bCiuto of for*’ and *24.00, we will send tea *12 ts iwekds. letter._ cut Tins but aw show with tho As to our rrfiabiiity, the Mercantile Agencies or Hunks will satisfy you tliat wo do as wo urouuse. „ V? pwsiax notes or stamps (1 and 2 cents) when portal uottiscannot be ebtaiaed; Urge tiraounts, by express or <1. aft. ou « Ui auiaSXi'CEJ’S iaCOAZiJ 1 j 7 leo and 102 Washington St., CHICAGO, 'SR .NOS Jog the above name stand pre- ■kt rank, and are conceded to wvement in the art of piano ---------in a wonderful degree. all the esserraWWIffalities of a perfect piano. FACI.TI.ESS tone, PEISFF.CT ACTION, EXTREME UCRAim.ITY, EI.EGAXCE IX DESIflX and FIXISII And are uriversolly endorsed by leading musicians aud musical people. The quality of materials used aud the skill of the workmen employed in their construction, also our long experience allow us to sav, these pianos are first class iu every r spect OVER 95,000 IN USE. SHONINQER ORGANS Are the Leading Organs of the World. Because they are the best, lheiv . purity of voicing, ness of touch, rich, full and prompt speech, quick¬ won for them the highest praise o-rgan-Jik© ton© has of all who hare and admiration They seen and heard them. contain many valuable improvements, which are exclusive features. Folding Pedals, Thre&ffily^Souading Boards* Book Closets ami a Chime of Swiss Bells creating the most harmonious- effects, and which can be used a-ith or without the reeds. These fn- struments have taken Medals, and First Premium wherever exhibited. Ageuts wanted iu territory sot already prov feted for. Send few Catalogue to B. SHONIMGER CO., 86 Fifth Ave., New York'. Factories New Haven,.Conn. 1W3S.W m Dmm Combined with Great Re- facting Power, they are as tuaxsvaukst and coi.- OKI.1S.SS / S' LIGHT ITSELF. And for softnes of endurance t<u the ©ye can no* he ex veiled, enabling the wearer to read for hours- without fatigue, fa fact they are Perfect Sight Prase,'vers. Tcsifmmafals from the leading physician fn the United States, governors, senators, leg islators, stockmen, men of note in all profess sionsand in ditt'ereent hr.mehes of ers, mechanics, etc, can he given who have had tlieir sight impiroved by their use. til Iff I ftffli AM<1 v**x*n* < c 1 7K II* & J. DciVlS, Dwif/- (JlStS and HoolcSCller'S. These glasses are not supplied , to . pedlars at ' Wholesale Depots: any price. tin Atlanta, Ga.jAus- Texas, BFCKL ENA A UXICA .' ALVE. — l) o best salve in tic world for cuts, bruises, sons, ulcers, salt rlicum, 1ev?r sores, tetter, chapped bauds, vliiiblnlns, corn., ,».l .,11 „Uin cm,.:- ions and positively cures piles, 1 or no pay required. . , It is guaranteed , to give perfect satisfaction or mancy re¬ funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. H. & J. Davis. TIIE G HEAT 1N FA I J.I IILE Toothache Cure, Manufactured and sold by ““rssi'tlr,: 7 &T OF CLARKSVIDLE, ga. Cures To ithache in all its forms. Cures Neuralgia when caused from Ivid teeth Cures ,, sore gums and , cleanses , the , mouth. Sold by Druortrists and Dealers. ■' ^ # ^ by A r If. &■ J. Davis, # ,n OCCOa . Dr uw grists; Nowell Bros.. General Dealer- 9ft MIKE .. MUntl n iirv7 i ‘£“ ou nr:h'^ ©n"^ ceipt «.f 93 ct*. in cent stamp* _ _ „ _ DF sample one complete Ml s of family . Dr eN- logne of Watches, Boo k*, Gwns and mu .* r. ra V.*mseKiPi I articles on which we offer xr'XX&rzinfzSnSz Seales are accnra in every respect, and are* .niv-nffert.l s t ihi* i ire fi,rthe (.resent to enc nt:s and ot fo h r On a tea dolls r i eari unH -eu l on« *et of of ScaU-4 fr'f, if hU* w you the price pint for tin* se'r. A. T. EVANS k « «., ivi -mi* I >4 Mate Sf. f CHUACft, ILL. W. R. BtfUCE,,f The OLDEST lyerchantiie n o r .s K' K IX TOCCOA. lfcro you cun iiinl Imroains in Sv/y/c 'Dry Goods . BOOTS AND I MO VISIONS OF ALL Da con. Flour, Deed. ----ALSO-- THE BEST VARIETIES OF lERTlUZERS. DOUBLE BRICK BLOCK, TOCCOA A '' % } | m d AN' i m MBkW * F; iMfUSarV gi! mk M f/sm rim % f. mu i 'M' f |1 ■A , scst m FmiOi . —- F - i: y-r- 4 F ,<sh. D ■ - «■;* v - d v." Yj i rt DU %,y ORGAN Hap p ft;'toed a e to retard of c.xeellcneo which rah nil;' of no riiijx-rioi-. at contains every improvement that inven- ve gc-itias, skill and. money can produce. * - mM .-. OUR .. Ml WAR- . AXil IS fjf'Sflfa RANTED FOR TO 3 TXVE EXCEL. ’& YEARS. to' .......... - ..... These exeellont Organs are cclot«ra'<ed for vol- a no, qmdity of tone, quick response, vtirietj »*tSS^^SSSWS» tjmamqntalanddesirableorjpmsfor homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. BSTABLISHEB REPUTATION, V X E«iF,UiEI> FACILITIES, KliII.EEI> WORIOIES, BEST MATERIAL, OO.WCINEB, MAKE THIS THE POPULAR OBQAU PIANOS, STOOLS, BOOKS. Catalogues on application, Fiiee. «*» «n* “ • CHICAGO, ILL. PATENTS. Caveat®, and Trade-Marks obtained, all "Pat ent business conducted for moiiekats fees. Ock Office is Opposite US? Patent Office and we can secure patent in less time than tliose remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with des of cription. charge. \Ye Ourfet advise if patentable or not, free not due till patent is is secured. A Pamphlet, of actual clients ‘Flow to Obtain Patents,’’with names in your State, county, or town, sent free Address, a A SN0W * co - Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D, C. GOOD BOOKS Sent post-paid on receipt ©f price : In the IIf art of Africa ,— A most thrilling and instructive work. 2 S 6 ? a ° eS • P a P er ccv ls ■ Cloth $I.OO. The Irnitntiori of Ohflxt .— B v Th ° 3 - 6 Kem p ;s - »***»*&&*, . 5 - American , Ifmnnris*3.-^. Selections from Artemus Ward, Mark Twain, etc. 179 pages ; paper :3 cents, cloth 73 cents. MetrojXilitnn 4.7 Warren. /*rr-<w SI., Agenrt/ .Yew York f WRITE TO US. ii’lirS %F,: a Hf ®" 4 Eraie h. tx I), n. V iM 1 -o- Conclcnsed Schedule IN EFFECT APRIL 14,1889. o- Tra ns run l-.y Toth Meridian Time—one boar foster than 90th Meridian time. ----- —o—-- COINO NORTH. KOItTU HOUND, miLT. No. 51 1 No. 53. Leave Atlanta 7 10 p m ! 8 10 a m Gainesville, Athens. +G 9 15 0 “ ] 10 04 1 i 7. 40 ‘ Lula, 9 37 “ 10 27 “• Cornelia .0 03 “ Id 51 “• Toecoa 10 32 l'l) 22 “ Seneca 11 24 “■ 12 17 p;a . Greenville 12 48 1 51 “ arrive Spartanburg 1 49 * 2 49 “■ 1 ease Spaiiatiourg 3 40 4 " arrive Asheville Hendersonville, 6 7 07 ll - 00 11 “ Spartanburg Hot Springs 1 52 8 40 ‘ U ,,ea\a a m 2 55 “ “ Gastonia 3 52 “ 4 47 “ *' C’liarlotte 4 40 u 5 30 “ “ Salisbury 6 00 17 «• 7 05 “* “ GrcenslKWO 8 8 40 “- arrive Durham 12 01 »in -G 00 “• arrive arrive Goldshi Raleigh 1 02 \k in 18 80 *- . r< i 3 10 12 ,V) “ Leave Greens! o o 8 05 a in 8 50 p ns arrive Dauvll e, 9 47 “ 10 21 “ Ricum nd 3 30 J>. Ill 5 15 a n» CiiatUJWsvilUi l,y-ici mug 12 40 12 55 “ 2 55 “ 3 00 “ Washngton 7 13 “ « 53 “ Rrltim re 8 50 1 18 20 “ i’liihidelphia 3 00 a. ml 10 47 “ New York 6 20 - 1 20 p ua GO is (x SOUTH SOl’TSI IMUNDD. DAILY. No. 50 No. 52^ Leave New York 12 15 nid’t 4 30 pr,* Pliia lelphia 7 20 a in »> 57 B .Itimo e 9 45 ‘ 9 30 - W. sli ng'o- 11 2t “ ! 11 (to “ t’ftarl'it.cs i! e 3 40 p in 3 00 i ir Leave *A i.yiictibo.rr Kiel) mood 5 3 40 00 “ j 5 2 or 30 “ l>a&ivijJ.o 8 40 ‘ j 8 05 ,* An Leuvt /w Ctoldsboro Grccrsho o 10 2 (Xi 27 nFi-4 | !♦ 42 “ p i o p in “ I alcigli 4 50 j> in -12 Jldn’fe l.eave- Loa- <■ Dai trim 5 52 p in j : 2 o2 a ui Green4>ori) 5 52 * * • : • 0 - 5ft a in, 8atU ur.v Do 37 pm 11 23 a m Ciailute 2 15 ' 1 ou p in- Ga-tiiiia 2 48 ,l 1 43 Ar ive '8, avtanhurg 4 50 “ 3 37 “ V-ive md Mp-ing , 0 50 a u > “ AsiiVille 8 30 ni * He«*ler onvil’c 9 20 • A . Fj'avtanbura 11 50 “ riw lea', e Spartanburg 4 53 “ 3 42 p m» Green villo 5 5S “ 4 4-H Seneca 7 32 “ <> 27 “ 'Sfceeua 8 33 “ 7 24 “ ( o»33cVil !) 13 “ 8 00 P n* .tr I. id a ‘I 37 *' s ©2 u Athens h 1 20 P iMi'1k9 25 “ L'-ave GninesvifSc lft ft4 a m-i 8 51 ‘ v Arrive Atlanta 12 Noon 1ft lft “ No. 41, Daily except Sunday,leaves Atlanta. 5.30pm; airives Lulu 8.12 p in. No40, leave- Lula daily except Sunday,0,15 a m; arrives Atlanta 8,50. Nos 50 and 51 connect at Cornelia for Tallu¬ lah Falls daily. "Daily +Daily except Sunday Fullmau Car Service. gagp O n trains 50 and 51 Tillman Bullet Sleeper between Atlanta and New York % New Orleans and Washington via Danville. J3F* On trains 52 and 53 Pullman Buffet' Sleeper Aiken Montgomery to Washington and via Danville. *3^On trains 52and 53between Richmond* and Greensboro and Goldsboro. tions fjtpFTrough toall points. tickets For on sale at principal information sta¬ rates and apply to any agent of the Company, or to c J4S. L. TAY- OR- Gen . Pass. AgP. Washington, D. G. SO.L HAAS. T. M $60 Just FOR 2hink $30. It. of The MONOPOLY Busted. Do you want a Sewing Maehine?' Si 7.50 TO S30.00. 7f ar/ anted Five 1 \ear’S, With all Attachment?. Write for il¬ lustrated Circulars of our SINGERS* ‘NEW HOME” Etc. $10 TO $30. Saved by ordering; direct from Head¬ quarters. Needles for any Machine, cents a dozen in Stamps. Ad-% { , 1 * 1 dress Tri F LOUISVILLE SEWING MA¬ CHINE CO. No. 520 Fourth Avenue, Mar9toSep7. louisyille, Aj\ f! mi ssr. Solid Cold Wslrh. Sold for $ 1 OO. until Uie i r. [ Be»? pa wate ft in the world. I« 11 11 I ■ I J'ftHcvt timekeeper. Hear/ War-X llliU tioid } ranted. Solid WM Hunting Case*. Beth ladies* A^and \a and penu’ •izeS'With of equal worka raloe. case &Z23K, OnePi erson 1 in each io* caitiy can a secure one free, together with oar larpc and val¬ uable line of Household Samples. Three aamplea, «> well aa the watch, we »cnd Free, snd after you hare kert tkem in »nnr h om e for % months and shown them to those who roar have ci ailed, they become rour own proper ty. Those nee can be sure of receiving tb« Watch plea. We pay all e*pre*s % freight, ete. Address ds Co.. XSox 813 , FortUad, Maine.