The Toccoa news and Piedmont industrial journal. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1889-1893, December 07, 1889, Image 4

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rflTffl JL £d:&ii m*\r*.rA (LW vWWrA A Jtl KTffTW'P tS»4 fOOCOA -CITY, GA.: : : : ; U89. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year in advance........ c 1.00 Six months............... C,a c Three months...... ....... ZJt Subscriptionc paid in A Ivanoe. Send r^oney Order, Postal Note or flolt. Address, Tin? Toccoa News, Toccoa,G a Clayton C ( )LUMN, W. II. HUGHES, ,. ..... EDITOR. Thermometer at lddeg. latt Friday morniDg. W. S. Whitmire is making things lively for the merchants since bis new stock of goods has arrived.Better look out boys, Steve is a trash mover in the trading business. Our good friend, W. S. Price was in town on Monday looking fat, jovi¬ al and healthy. lie reports the cuttle down his way with distemper. Dr. J. W. Green reports that county is so terribly healthy that is about out of a job. The last wo saw of him he was out looking for a job of wood cutting. Saturday last Prof. W. B. Walls ’ l our school Commissioner, was in towi * auditing the accounts of the teachers L in cur public schools. He reports ^ I fair average attendance at all the schools he lias examined so far. Prof. A. J. Iiitehie the accomplish-j , ed and efficient school teacher of I en- nessee Valley was in town on Satur- ! 1 day. He reports his school in r— o beautiful and fertile valley of (-*■ e rj, 1 ennesseo . to , , Lie m • a nourishing n con - dition. On Sunday wo had the pleasure of meeting Our genial and efficient tax collector, Cicero Blalock on the streets. Cicero says that tax receipts are not selling out worth a cent, and lie thinks maybe if he had them down the country where there was plenty of cotton he could get rid of thorn faster. We don’t think so,mon- ■ey is just about as hard to get and to keep in a cotton country as it is in the mountains. J. U. Merritt returned on Sunday morning from Franklin N. (J. Joe carried his violin with him and has been taking lessons underProf.Burke, lie evidently thinks that if music hath charms to soothe the savage it will do wonders in influencing civilized people. It is not definitely known as yet, whether Joe intends to use it on his juries in behalf of his clients, or exert it in charming a certain young lady who is both beautiful and intelli- gont. John Godfrey says that his father, Frank Godfrey was so delighted and charmed with the work of the feathor renovators, that he said: U B’ Ned, if them fellers can make feathers good as new, why can’t they renovate my old hoss. I am going to send him up b’ Jack York and let ’em try ’iui any¬ way.” John said the old man did so and vvhan Jack brought him back renovated into a colt, the old man went out into the lot to look him over and the only remark he made was: “Well,, they’ve done a pretty good job on him, but it seems like his ears are a little too big, but b’ Ned, he seems to be a big boned thing, and mebbehe will grow to ’em.” The political bee is already buz¬ zing around in old Rabun. Several of the boys are talking like they would like to represent old Rabun in the next Legislature. We would be gla 1 to have you all go, gentlemen, but you see how it is, and now just to keep down a row, ’spose you all stay at home and let us go. We will try to do the best we can, and you can just gamble your sweet life that when it comes to stepping up to the treasury and drawing our 84 per day, that we will bet a quarter horse in -doing our duty. Now, just think a- bout it, and give us an answer next w-eek. Take your time for it,gentle- men, there is no occasion whatever to act precipitately about the matter. A few more facts about that sulky breaking, mentioned in the Adverti¬ ser has come to light, and it is this while our friend Earls was looking like it wouldn't be as nice for two to riJecasinlid. The chap that did the breaking is now looking like he thought that it would take more than two to raise the amount that is placed on the debtor side of his account for t he breaking, as for friend Earls looks , . if ... the receipt • of <>1 that as amount would just about « X it for either one or two to ride in it with ease and com fort, as to how either one of the par- lies will look in the future, time alone will show. "filASB SENSING ©IJT SALE ©F OVER 110X00 WORTH OF GOODS AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY, AT MCALLISTER AMD SIMMONS 9 On* Many Customers testify to the above and scry to us that we have the DA 7ZGBS7 S20CA in 2ooeoa. Our trade is good, but tee will for the next two weeks offer' SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS Our LARGE STOCK. to Reduce 7Vi8 Stock embraces tco many articles to mention all oftheim but will name only a few: Staple I)rv Goods Men’s and Boy’s Clotlumr Furniture of all Kinds Ta’ Us Old Hickory rnd White Hickory Cocks l ine l>rC83 Goods Boots Sloes and Hats • Ked Steads Ch Cue and Two Horse wagons Crockery Fancv Notions # Bureaus Safes ns Cooking and Heating Stoves Glassware Millinery Goods 3/attresses Woven Wire Bed Springs Hardware. / \e a She dairy of HEAVY GROCER! feS ituh aS Shill, Jneat, Su4m, £ofu mid Sail We want to savt-o our Customers and Friends t!iat # we have SPARED NO PAINS in the purchase of thls ,rge stock, and wc feel sure that you will find it to your interest to buy of us. We have many’ reasons for saying this, but the all important one is that we believe we have bought our entire stock at such low prices that we c* sell you goods cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. We would have the trade remember that we manufacture FURNITURE of ALL KI >sDS, and that we ship Bedsteads bv r l he Thousands all over the country. And this is of course one of the lines that we can L'NDER- SELLALL COMPETITION. We can sell you Bed Steads from $1.25 up. Wo also manufacture coffins and can SAVE YOU 50 PER CENT. ON THEM as we do not belong to u TH ik=d \ r—- N aJ GO H FIN TRUST. ®BSeS So we are headquarters for anything in the Furniture line. Come and see us before you buy your goods and we will save you money. Respectfully, MCALLISTER & SIMMONS, TOCCOA. Gentlemen stop that land renting business and take the advice given by the News last week. There arethous- anJi "P on tllonSi ' l,l]s °f acres of land that can be bought very reasonably upon tune. ^ WUnnt Why not w DU) „ a.iu n( i rest rP e f after r, j our nr toil toil unrW under lh« the «.l,adfl shade nf or} vour r own vine and fruit trees? And then the blessed consciousness of having a home of your own that no man can m leave , whother , m w Uh to or not. Fill up the country with small flrmersllndthotime , willbe p8ace . f u l and prosperous, and go a long d distance - t towards lowarns destroying uesiroyin^ and a ham- p er Jng the iron power of monopoly that , . . . . absorbing , , • all .. ill various guises >S our lands, i i i:u like some nnmo cincadnltlo Ansatiabk mnn r lO ster whose cry for more land cannot be satisfied. Secure homes for yourselves and families, that they may not be subject in the near future to the trials and troubles that are now harrowing the citizens of Erin’s green and fertile Isle. BURTON. The big mountains have been white with sleet atul snow for the oast week. Saturday night the 10th. was the stormiest night of t lie year, On Sunday the 17th 4 persons were baptised in the Tallulah River by Rev. R. Y. Rider, notwithstanding the fact that the river was muddy and considerably swolen, the day very cold and some spit snow flying. If corn shucking does not give out J.F. Philyaw and C. J. LaPrade, we fear, will make coffee high and fowls and buscuit scarce in this part of the world, as they seetn to be the cham¬ pion eaters at the corn shuekings. Mr. Piiilyaw has a new set of teeth and eats just to try them, while 3/r. LaPrade is ambitious and hates to be outdone. Mr. John H. Derrick Jr. anu J. C. Wikle will start for Augusta in a fovv days , with . , about . one i hundred ijii* head or shee;.; they contemplate driving through on foot. Slteep bring toler- ably good prices this year, while beef cattle are very low. Beef raisers are a little disheartened tins season, as present prices will not justify the ex¬ panse of raising cattle. It has al- wavs seemed a little queer to me why beef drovers always come back broke but want more cattle; l think I would quit the business if I lost all the time, and try something more In- crative. They must believe in the old adage tliat where you lose any¬ thing is the place to find it. Mr. John H. Derrick Jr. had the misfortune of losing a ten dollar bill , he the ground, 1 it . wasnt lavv was tax . paying, day and he was changing money with some parries and lost it , he does . not ♦ i,i« kn \ r |,A» i x. Judges John S. Siinth and L. M. Chastain h il over 31) notes an 1 ac- counts counts n'ace p.ace. 1 in in taeir tneir hands nanus for tor col- col foe firm at la<t court Several were settled off before / judgment n however. I bis speaks , , bad , for our district; .. . it is . easier to day the debt “ before suino - * - than debt, cost and attorneys fees af- ter wards. John Arrendale who accidentally ^ from his father's loft, struck his bead against the tire of wagon and tame so near killing ~ hitmelf, is im- proving. II. November -dth.lSbJ. 4^1 Tllirt9G]l . — 03T .VV66iSSi The New York Illustrated News will be the tyaifol^urdv United r ates wrapped or Canada oanyaddress for 3 months on in the receipt of one do’lar, Liberal discounts Sample copies =£« mailed Lee. Address New "York Ilta'stratej> News. 252 Bro vdway, New York city. Jolin I. Suliiva., Ilie Terror of Fake! IIipjH.vlromes, is the Sporting Editor. THE VERDICT UNANIMOUS W. D. Suit, Druggist Bippus. Ind,. testifies: “I can lecommend Electric Bittcraas the very best remedy. E/ery Bottle sold lias given relief in every ease. One man took six bot- Ces, and . ,as cu , of » -p, R .• e AllMiai s.! () f vears ’ standing. Abraham Jiare, druggist, “f Belleville, Ohio, aG firms: lie best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' .^"anTs’of ot othere" have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous tliat Electric Hitters do , le at W. ,?r rr H, & r J t ^ Davis Drug ,1 store. ? . ■. - ct - ' w w wmh.b. . « ■ ■ ■! ■ "\c AlAYEbVlLLE. . ,r,vtir,T r T-. _ TSO^eil.bxr .. . . .i mowing • r i t r i ] la ll_t cniliy breath now-a-days, before the farmer has gathered his crop. Suing and collecting makes the order of the day, with lawyers, mer¬ chants and coutts. C. T. Bacon, has about finished his . . - i lasyv y I esiucncc. Misses Ncalv Yeargin and Ada Forbes, ladies of our to wn, were mat- riraonialized to Messrs Garrard and Car tinge, a few days past. Hie M. E House, is fimshel in style and lvlleet^ credo to the to vn. Taylor } Burch Esq. 1 has located a* moug may ho be well pleased here. Charley Whiting has recently gone to Buford Ga., to work at t Lie harness trade . Wm. Bates & Sons are workini ’ up 1 ■ a good wagon trade from tile mouns tains. J. T. Comer, i. doing a big trad. here. Our cotton buyers, Charley , Sims, 0 . Robbert Carr, I. A. Madcn and oth¬ ers are still on the Imv. Neal Bates, has established him a jewelry shop and is doing good work and much of it, Try him boyc with your watches ‘ q . town trustees ’ have * elected ' r. for 18 ( J0. The Baptist Church re-elected I)r. hearty for the next year. Rov. It. Oiborn preached to a largo curtgrega’.ion last Sunday at ChnndleA creek. Howell C. Stnndi idee will preach " at Grove Giiurcll _ , 1st. . feurutay . in Dec , and .at B >ld Springs 2nd Sunday evening at 3 o'clock p. m. Our Postmaster, M.*ans, has got into his new post office, Nov> 2 8t,h H 89, Tourist . ------"----- KToTer ' Neeaing a tonic, or children Uiat want building BKOWS75 'iiidk HITTERS. It is jilonsant to take, cures Malaria, Indigea- Uon.and Iiiliousne-s v n Criders keep it. A SANE INYESJ/ENT. Is one which is guaranteed to bring y ()U satisfactoiy results, or in case of failure a return c.rpureluise price. On G )l9 sale plan jO'i can ou> irtirn om advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr King’s „? New Discovery for Consump tlo U u guavanteod to bring re lie'’ in every case, when used for an affection of Throat. Lungs or Cheat s1 1 ^n as oodsumpu in5llmntin in, „, mammauion rflnmmnHnn o I. ” Lungs. Bronchitis, Asthma, Whoop : n , YOUgn, t ElOlV, -6., pfp etc. in li pleasant and agreeable to taste, par fectly safe, and can alwuvs be depen ifod XvisDrol nnnn Triil hnttfos fr^P \V If * & J. Da\ IS DlUg store. Store ~W i he ~— quality —^VJ— 01 the tiloorl depends j— much upon good or bad digestion and assimilation to make the blood rich in life and strength giving con- stituents, use Dr. J. II. McLeans of thj blood from which the elements ofvitality are drawn. $1.00 per bot- THE GREAT INFALLIBLE TOOTHACHE CURE. Manufactured and sold by “THE INFALLIBLE TOOTHACHE CURE MAXUFAOTUBISO CO." OFCLA.KKSVILLK.---GEORGIA. Cures Tootliache in all its forms. Curts Neuralgia when caused from ba l teeth. Cure 1 sore arums and cleanses the mouth. by Drurgists and Dealers- Sold in Toec >a by W.H. AJ. Davis, Drug gists: Nowell Bros.. General Dealers. Administrator’s Sale. - ^^.RORGIA, Habersham County. AgIeoably to an order of tlle court<)f orii . nary of Haoersham county, will be sold at auction at thecourt house'door of sa-d county on ] tne i galhoursofsal‘jtheloilo'v\'ingproper- first Tuesday m January 1890 within t ie e ty, to wit: RACTIONAL LOTS OF LAND NO.FOR- ty one (41)in the 12th District of said county, eight containing two hundred and acres more or less and alsoLotNo. forty two (42) in saidDistrictcontaining one hundred and twenty tive(125) acres more wiK&ouVSll^ra“l>o»^S”Afi leiS - A , a ^,? ! . so - ^ ot ’ TTVl tracti ° na ^ P um * and recorded in Book “A. A.” Ciem’s Offi-e Superior the Court, pages 106 and 107. Sold ms property of Almond llulsey, late of said county deceased. Terms: One third cash,one third in three months and the balance in six months. Notes will be taken bearing inter- est from day of sale at the rate of 8 per cent. ner annum for the unpaid two thirds, and Bond for Titles executed to the purchaser at the same time by the administrator. FRANCIS A. HULSEY. Administrator, Administrator *’s Sate. T\ A GREEABLY to an ORDER FROM the court of Ordinary of Franklin uount- V, Georgia usdoor will he sold at auction at the e uirt b o ot Ilabers a am county on the iirst luesday in January 1890, within the legal hours ofsa'e. the following property to wit: mm n ian^ U ili-itriet K iif Hahetsiu G * a the 12th nil < creek ouaty ad.oiniug Georgia,on NovthBroad river andDii-ks lands of R W Avers and Young Davison the south east; John Mulk-y vi iJlently and others oa the north w - esi;John KyUe and othersion the south wesyu-d touch- ing the Atlanta A Charlotte air hneia lroad on the South west corner of said tract at\yers vil e, Gu., and couhi uing eight hundred and nine ty nin ■ on j ton; th acres more < r less and Toler ly wed improved and very we.l timber- ed. raid tract of land hat been divided into 3 lots us shown by a plat of the s uae made bv Eurgess Hun h, a surveyor mi Nov. the 12ttf. last which plat may he seen in the odiee if the Oulinaryin he said county of ilabersJuun and wi 1 sold l.: lots as follow to wit: Nos. laud 2 as shown on said plat oniain- ing 295 acres more or le ; s, wi 1 be sold togedi- or. They arc well improved; they li -on llie sold sepa-at .-ly. Lot N •. 3 as shown in said plat contains one hund ed and nine acr.-s more or less and is well improved, having on it a good dwelling house and outbuiUiinus and a gr-st mill some- what.out of repair; about.30 acres is cleared, ah mt iif.r m orig'nal forest andriinai;.dvr in pj L ne field. No. shown t 4, as on said plat contains 851 acres nr we or l-.-ss all inorigi al fore-t. L >t No. 5 as shown in said plat contains 125 acres Lot more No or less, all in original forest. Gas -ho -vn on s id plat t-oniain -125 acres more or less and has on it one dwelling hou-e and about 5a res of cleared land and the bilaacein original forest. JS'.mJo” 2£I8 Sn«wt'IS‘toS!f i "““ i3 shoal North Broad lliver. ate on of FLLidii'LKty! 1 ilLSS'E Te'rmLonc cent'and one fourth January 1st 18 )2 with in- terest fr m date of sale at bpercen .Notes lte taken lor theitime payments and Bond Titles given on the day of sale. This ber the 2nd 1889 J II. AYERS, j Administrator with "( will aimexec. as B Ivb 9 ^ e- SsfetiOrS and Creditors, A L L PE RSONS H AY ING DEM A N D S A- gainst the Estate of Thomas Mealerlate make illl- mediate payment. This Dec. 3d 1889. GtDec7,14,21,2sJan4,ll.Prinfee$2.33 Adn.r.'orTtoitTSS’er,deceased, - : ----— NQlICE OJ? 1>AL&. C? A T’P - A \ GREEABLY TO an order ofthe Court Ordinary of Habersham-county, will be so jq a t auction at the Court House door of sa ! d countv on the lint Tuesday in January im within the legal hours of sale, the follow- in " „ property l T f to Wit: K>3 acres of land, being t s of L 9 onand Xos . 5,8 and 59 in the 12 th District of said county and known as the Wm Rav home place. Sold as the property of An- late °f, said dc ^ e f- T ^ mS: One, two and a three jurisdiction years time. Not-s given i terest«nd n magistrates Bond fir Titles with given s per lhi- cent, 2nd m °f PNvA 88 ?- Wm. Rav, Adrnr. 5t Dee 1 , 14,21,2 sJ4Pr . 1 n I T , eeb4.42 LIBEL weak FOE fiWft DIVORCE, Rivuttbfi.. Elizabeth M. ,, D. „ _-- j Lib^I T ., ,, forDivorc; , earsen, vs. sinlvi'mn om*e* Moses Pearson, ) riur Court, >ep- tember term 1889. It Sheriff appearing in the to above tlie court stated by the retorn that tie o f the case defendant in this ease does not res : de in said Shi^^^^tori 1 ^ ed «i,„ bv def the -ndant court hv that service r.nh'ieation lie perfeoted tin’s order on the tnontiN of once a month for four before the next term of this court in the Toccoa News, a i hcdjn^^rrl.«m “ J. U. Mebritt, Petitioners Atty. O) A utelof th^Sutlrior co'frr ^ofYabuu '(Joun'y at the Sep.cni'jer Te>m 1889. W. H. Hcghds, Clerk S. C. R. &D.R.CMFY. ■o [.A TLA ETA $ CHARLOTE DJV ,] Time Table in effect Sept. 20th 1889. NOUTtI BOUND, DULY. No. 51 Leave Atlanta I , 7 p in 8 10 a n “ Gainesville, 9 10 0-1 “ “ Athens 7 40 ‘ Lula, 9 10 26 “ “ Cornelia 9 10 50 “ “ Toccoa 10 11 21 ** ", Seneca S,«ul»n!!L li i i 12 1 11 4S p ™ arm o g 1 C l ^ ‘‘ arrive a S^renfitte, Asheville l- & OC ot ;; “ Spartanburg not Springs 1 39 X iieava I- am Cl “ Gastonia c*> 3 > “ -t< ,l Charlotte Jk 25 “ tC 30 “ D r Salisbury C: 02 l - 7 05 “ Greensboro -1 45 “ 8 40 ‘‘ arrive Durham 1 10 01 pm -5 25 arrive Raleigh “* 05 p. 5 17 30 arrive Goldsboro o: 10 “ 12 50 “ Leave Greensboro -l 50 a S 850 ! Y. ■ arrive Danville] 32 “ 10 20 s Richmond w 30 p. S 5 15 a m Charlottesville I/Vnchourg 1 tc 25 " 12 55 “ : (i 40 “ 3 00 “ Baltimore Wushiiigton ) ~r 10 “ 6 53 j OO 50 ‘ +8 20 *• New i’hiladelphia A'ork * I U 00 20 a. n> 10 47 (r. “ 12 o pm south bounod. DAILY. No. 50 Nc. 52. i Leave , . New \ork_ ... 15 md 3o t pm i- 2o a in 05 , - 45 a ni X 1 3o “ AwouiiigtOii ~ 24 a n: J1 k - o , LvSihurY c- 4o p in Cl ooi in Th y 4u p in Oi 1 T J " e ( T . e locnnio.ia arriu oj p 111 1C auinie to P 111 €* A . 11! - v e .. '’JL®'. 18 , aro 30 27 p in ih CC *- .N 1 iT, ,L‘i ! f 1 -!’? 1 ro . S-'llJI p m = 5 T , l ', . e 1 " Ilan ,' 1 o 5 L , ff ve t, ^feonsboro . :$ 5 „ jr*us mry If:5 lit a 3 5 „ M 1 " ’' Arrive . boartanburft , Au.iviile 5 *^ ’-P ni*s ” 1 ‘ »s 12 30 p m ***'* hpaitmunu-g 51 ui 3 38 p in. ! Sf Gre-nvide Zr 81 56 4 46 “ ; lle,: * “-I r 6 26 “ f Gornelia toccoa 0C 81 in “ 7 8 23 “ oo P in , l'| a 87 5 23 ,, Athens +10 25 u T Gainesville p 111 >a 7 e a ni 8 50 “ Arrive Atlanta 10 40 “ No. 41, Daily except Sunday,leaves in. Atlanta 5.30p No40, m; airive-- Lula LuU daily 8 1R j» Sunday,6,15 leaves except a in; arrives A riant* 8,50. Nos 50 and 51 connect at Cornelia for Tstllu lali Falls daily. ♦Daily iDaily except Sunday rULLMAH SLSZPIS5 CAS SSEYICE. No 50 lias Pullman Sleeper Sew York to Puthaan S l.ener Washington to New Orleans and'Washington to Birming- ham. No. 51, Pullman Sleeper Atlanta to New York, ' No vr - 53, Fullman Sleeper New Orleans to Washington D. C.and Birmingham toWasli ington JasL. Tayi.ok, L L. McCi.eskv, Gen. Bassenger Agt. Div. Passenger Agt. Washington, D. C Atlanta, Ga. Black smithing WAGON MAKING -AND- Genet al Tiepairing by J. T. CARTER, Toccoa, Ga. NOTICE. T!ie pet : tion of fifteen or more freeholders in CenterHiil Militia District So. 752 G. .VLin 1449,1450; 1451,1452.l453and 1454 of the cc.ce of 1882 of Georsia Notice is hereby given that after the the Toccoa publication N and of this noticeTor20 he days m i.w- said at I e eetion precint election and public be ordered places in *Fenee”or-‘8tock- district, an viU for J law” in said district. This Nov. 22nd. 1889. B E EDGE, ordinary -——--- (rDooRyta, /o FORPI i Habersham a^ed’for Countv—B F exemption of per a , >na i t r and setting apart and valuation of j^nie-t ad And I will pa-s upon the same „ f m r . ; < thf -Mrh dav of December : 1889 ai niv office. B. E. EDGE. : 2tpri 11 feeToc. Ordinary, G 29th dav of March, 1889, J. M. Hall departed ^>,j for s administra [ f c intestate Ton and no the person of ha 3 d applied J M on estate sa ; Hall, and that in terms oft lie law admhiistra- tion will be vested in the tlerk and of the Superi¬ or court or some other fit proper person on the first Monday in January 1890 unless some valid «iveYmvler objections are made to his appoint meit ^ n,v l.a^t and official sig- mature t..^ t Dcceme ^ 18Y r J L ’ Ordinary J J 4tD ..n-,. 14 .-l,28I n, non nnl . t ee-. 0 3.i- 0 ‘- ____■ Q-^OBGIA. ... . on„g *r «. ^ n w ministrator of John I^Prade, decea-ed. has j lrlliel'wllui'tbefutt Mmidav m P Jauuary EDGE, next ! Tins December 2nd 18:9. B. E. 4t7,tE21,28PrinFeef . +... ,. Ordinary. auctio jxt. (O) n immense 8TOCK. OJF G^OUS will be sold at AUDI IOjS on SATURDAY DECEMBER 7 1889.. -AT- W- C- EDWARD’S STORE- 2hi sis no old stock . £very one knows J ha ye been in business only one year since the disposal of Jdd- i/ air/s tO Arc. old goods. 2'hese are IF 11 IT ^ 1S NEW embracing Hats, Ladies Cloaks, Boots and Shoes, and evreyHiivtf K that anybody reeds. Alt persons ik H A T IIA MG A S N ^ come to the AUCTION AND BUY. l All who are indebted to me mil find the claims u hands oj ./. V . O WBjY, erf ter 'December /st. unless paid before. W. C- EDWARDS. I hare moved the DBMAZADBD O F M l S20CA OF GOODS to )t\ C. Bdrvards store re I will sell them REGARDLESS OF COST. oO'j's, sj/o/js,z/ajs cats u ua a/ e all </<>/'ut/ at ASTONISHINLY LOW PRICES. Come and see me. G. V\ FD ADDS. TOCCOA HIGH SCHOOL Fall And continues erm for f this 10 consecutive instituti:a months,with ejsBsAag.12,1889, short at Christmas.. a recess Languages....... S3 00 High Mathematics 1C fit) Common English .. iC 00 I intermediate..... C -2 i Z> * 1 — no Primary....... .. ... 1 00 - Instruction thorough and pr acleat. * Good Board can bo obtained at resonable rates. For f urtlier in- fomution address lK A. Fessenden, 'Principal . TH£ Perkins Wind Mill . Buy the BEST and Save Money. It has be -n in constant use for 19 years, with a ord equaled by none. We give eayh purchaser a WARRANTY as fmwm lows: We warrant the l'erkins Wind Mill, sold tills day, to outlast do better work than any other make and not blow down, unless the er goes with it, and against any wind tliat does disable buildings in the cinity. We in; nufaeture Loth Pnn prng and Geared Mills, and carry a full of Wind M.h Supples. AGENTb WANTED. Send fort Catalogues, dress, Perkins Wind MU <£ Ax Co., INDIANA. OR.M.A.SIMMONS Beware of so-called Liver Regu- tionsof lators, Balms, this Original etc. All Medicine, are Dnita- put on ^ ' the market long alter it was established, and sold on its reputation. Take this with you and demand the original, which has the autograph and picture of Dr. M. A, Simmons on the front, and these word, M BiH F ‘ cll “ e “ J N°v. »■ .8« .“ z pi □ m z m AiNO k — f ---------aw • -re SlcK Sour headache, Stomach, Low Loss Spirits, of Amm,; Foci. Breath, Colic, Etc. Memphis, Dr. J. it. Term., Graves, EdRor of Tke Baptist, t JNinNBS says: I received a pack- 00 better Liver Regulator, and certainly ^C.F.Sinunon.Me^cineCo,^^ no more of Zeilin’s mixture, • Bk. bt - ^ oul3> Mo ‘ • • llyiWiY-l«i <n X rn a 04: ' NOTICE To Debtors and Creditors. ___ GEORGIA, . | Ail .... per-on 3 ...... na itf, de- Baiun . coun.i , )!fTho,S J "^r t rer* dec'd* ] de of-aid county, are hereby uotiff <1 toren (Erin their demands to the undersigned at Mountain Scenes, Towns county Ga- ac orci- ing to law; and ad persons indebted to said Esrate are requested to make immediate pay¬ ment' This 7tii day of Nov. 1889. W. J. CARTER. Adrur. Thos. Carter deed.* 6tNovl6,23,30,Nov7,14,21. 2&e Qggy the __ market SeWtUff „ MciChlUe Oil S ihe NEW A. JlfATlTTl HOWI» sold bv T 1 TOC • , - VVW, /'// \J0 ru.ra 3 ,. ' k'A Ca ©OTTAGE OggQAN J- 7,7 :U S^top^vement that money can produce. P’S WAR¬ Wm ATS ftis® 13 FOR TO FIVE EILCHL. m%mSk •ZEAR3. perfect at tractive, construction, ''■rnatnentaland making desirable theta the most aomes, schools,churches, F7«E^rALF.B ^m^LISHED i AGILITIES, BEPCTATIOS, (‘HilLLEO WOBSKEN, BEST combixeb, make this THI POPULAR PIANOS, STOOLS, BOOKS. - CatAicgues 03 applioatlou, Fuse. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. CHICAGO, ILL. i AVtTV NT IT Jf»J <»iwn« t*q Pam .it! uuApu ‘i arcudgoi; rir**ntq)mp$u*+l>Y WldYd SELL