The Toccoa news and Piedmont industrial journal. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1889-1893, September 03, 1892, Image 2

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News- EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year in advance $1.00 months........ . 50 Three months...... .25 Subscriptione paid in Postal A ivance. Note | Sen 1 r>-oney Order, or Raft. Address, The Tocooa News, Toe cos, Ga. J\ al. 'Democratic 2lckeL For Pre-Hen* Grove? Cleveland, Of New York. For Viec-l’rostdent Adlai 27. Stevenson, Of Illinois. For Congress—Ninth District, I<\ Carter 2ate, Of Fit kens County. S fAT£ -DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Governor: 7K J. JVorlt/e/i. I’or Beerel.arv of State: Dliil. Cook . For Treasurer; 71. U. Hardeman. For Comptroller General: W\A. Vr///ld. For Attorney Gen and: J. Jl. 2err ell. For Commissioner of Agriculture: 71. 2. Aesbil. For Senate 31st District: JjOuis Darts, Of Habersham County. For 'Reptesentativo Habersham Co. jl. 2. 'Perkins . TOCCOA, GA.: SATURDAY, SEPT. 3, 1892 •—r Gov. Peck and the entire state Democratic ticket were nominated by acclamation at the recent Wisconsin convention. Much confidence is felt in the triumph of Democracy in that state at the coming election. * •K- * Tn the death of George William Curtis this country has lost one of its most voluminous and versatile writers. In the old Putnam’s Month¬ ly, the Easy Chair in Harper’s Mag¬ azine, and other periodicals, literary people have been charmed by the purity of his diction and his graceful¬ ly (lowing cadences for nearly half a century. Among his best known works may 1)8 mentioned “Nile Notes of a Ilowadji,” “Lotus Eating,” “Pot'fhar Papers,” “Trumps,” “Prue and I.” lie was about GS years of age. * * * The rPurns at this writing show Tillman is re-elected Governor of South Carolina by about 20,000 ma¬ jority. This is a victory both for the Alliance and for Democracy, and assures the state for Cleveland. The election returns were a surprise to many people. It was commonly be¬ lieved, that while the country was generally for Tillman, the cities were solidlj’ against him, whereas it polled a large vote in many cities and large towns. Notwithstanding the serious objections urged against Tillman, he is not so bad a man as his enemies represent him, and he makes a better Governor than they admit or believe turn to be. Right or wrong, he has revolutionized South Carolina, trims- ferred tho government from the wealthy, aristocratic few tc the great laboring and middle classes. These no proposes to educate by the Indus¬ trial College, and by improving the common schools throughout tho state; his ambition is laudable and he may yet bo looked upon as one of the Mate’s benefactors. There are the-figures, $270,196. Two hundred and seventy thou¬ sand, one hundred and ninety six dol¬ lars is the increase in value of the taxable property of Habersham county during the past year. True, this may not seem a large .amount to some people, yet it shows Tirogress even during a year of great depression tn nearly all kinds o' bus- mess, especially a year of great dis- .couragement to farmers. So far from being discouraged, these figures should greatly encourage; tfcey indi¬ cate progress, prosperity, and remind us that whining, complaining, fault finding, are out of place, and that should cheer up and encourage each ‘ other to renewed energy*. By indus- _ try, economy, and determined will, with the right kind of management, the people of this county will oradu- ally emerge from financial difficul- ties, and advance from yer to year along tne highway of prosperity and wealth, and instead of gloomy fore- boilings every will greet bis with happy smiles. continued! HERE IS WHAT “A DEMOCRAT" PROM- , ..... “ I ET EVKItYKOI'Y PF.KTSE THIS COLUMN FIND THE SEf^UK:. TO WHAT HESUD HE WOULD SHOW MU. fcTGTT IN HIS LAST ARTICLE. Editor News: J ask a little more space in the columns of your paper for a short time, paying my raspeefs to J. W. Stott. When he entered into this controversy, he of course ac¬ cepted the terms on which it was to be con¬ ducted. It was voluntary on liis pait. lie doubtless thought he was a champion worthy of any Iran’s steel. And so after I had driv¬ en from the field the most redoubtable and inveterate scribbler among all the saints, that worthy old Parson of sonorous voice and after having slapped over “People's Party” who cama to tlm rescue of the doughty Per¬ son, I am now forced, much against my will, bo give the said J. "W. Stott a kick or two. Though you displayed your temper, John- nie, in your last letter, as well as your igno- rance, I and the public will and can forgive the poutings of a simple child when teased into madness. But now and then it becomes necessary to chastise ignorant impudence in- to submission, and make it know its place. You are indeed, Jolmnie, a model specimen of the modern saint. You ha^e for some time past assumed new airs and attitudes. You prance along the stree’s like some worthy knight of o’den times when filled with love and ambition, (or something stronger or bet¬ ter, to use an alliance phrase), to battle for his lady love. Now why you picked up your feet so quickly as along the street you pranced so gaylv with that mighty proboscis of yours stuck high into the heavens,no one could con¬ jecture for weeks, until one of your confiden¬ tial friends let the secret out. That you had not only turned merchant, but you had like¬ wise turned statesman and that you had quitted yourself so well in the tir>t effort that you had made together with others of your ilk in the third party congressional conven¬ tion for this district— that you broke the rec¬ ord for wise, prudent and careful manage¬ ment of political conventions. That your bright model of excellence did then and there nominate two candidates for Congress instead ©ne, and for this glorious work you received a piece of red ribbon as a token of your pro¬ found anility as an organizer of ceuventio: s. We all remember how you wore the ribbon on your breast, how you would get in a conspic¬ uous places and turn that ribbon always to the gaze of the admiring public. Such happi¬ ness is allotted only to a few mortals- Fools they are who would laugh at such things. Now Johnnie. Iam not your worst foe, you have more to tear from your own conceit and folly than from any malevolence of mine. The times are hard indeed Johnnie, but when such a driveller as you are, is set to righting them do you not know that your as¬ sumed knowledge of public affairs takes away all dignity from distress and makes even calamity ridiculous? Before I get through with you Johnnie, I hope you will have learned one useful lesson, that is, prudence enough not to attract public attention to a character that can only pass without censure when it passes without ob servation. But if this be a lost hope then take your proper place in the niche of Fame, for such a course will surely bring eternal infamy as present contentment. Such audac¬ ity, ignorance and impudence never belore was concealed behind such a nose. I wish it was poisible for me to portray you justas you are, for while it could have no ef¬ fect upon you—being mentally, morally and physically crooked, and like a monkey when hesee 3 himself in a mitror, is always pleased with the sight. Yet, for thegood of posterity and for the benefit of succeeding ages, J could wish that a portrait cf you could be left behind when you take your departure: I would not give you to posterity as a pattern to imitate but as an example to take warning by. You know exactly what I mean. It is un¬ necessary to decent! to an altercation of words with you and your kind. Anarchist in prin¬ cipal and dishonest in practice, how is it pos. sible to move you? You, the cheap John of a crew equally as mendacious and averncious as yourself, ha e bartered away all tl e res- pect that the decei t psople of this place had for you, for the vain plaudits of a maudlin, rotund, puss'y, foul mouth, letter writimr blackguard, and yet you pretend to talk of pure polities, hone t men and good govern¬ ment. Have you no conscience at all? or do you and your kind intend to try further to deceive the people ? What right have you or your candidate for president and for governor got to ask what the Democratic party has done? You owe your very existence as a freeman to it, uncon¬ taminated with negro equality—not that I think for a moment that you would have re¬ gretted it, fori assure, you I and others think othei wise, judging from your conduct, but the white race generally are proud of this fact, though there be a few exceptions. The just administration of the laws by white men in the South in control of our lo¬ cal government,is enough within itself. You are not now and never have been a Democrat: if you were you would know something more about its cardinal principles than you do. It is a party that loves is a party that hates men who call’themselves slaves, and try to make everybody believe they are slaves, for the purpose of getting into their good graces to rob them. Think ofa white man voting for that old robber of women and children in time of our war when he was killi»*r their husbands and sons; think of him going through Georgia with a sword in one hand and a torch in the other, slaying, burning and destroying every¬ thing in lus path, and then voting for him in preference to a man who always met us as frieuds and brethien, and recognized no differ¬ ence between North and South. One the friend of our people, the other the slanderer. Soathern manhood has indeed played when they will vote for Weaver who said they must come on hands and knees and her forgive-acss- You indeed could do th : s for it is J a keeping with your nature. He that! ’fould rich would, incite if the it suited poor to his enmity against and thej lie purpose could do so, be base enough to use the power of the rich against the poor, _ tjh Johnnie, Johnnie, shall I continue to recount your many virtues? I know : read ' you these linas conceited and hardened Tugl^^-ou^ chee’-' “d HHeHiem a even ■ black may change its color. | I will not »o through the many deels you defraud and mislead the people. For one uiinute let us look at your candidctcTor i,ov- ernor. Do you remem her when he was in the legislature what kind of Slave Bill he wanted to pass and introduced for the benefit of the p :.or cropper and tenant? Do you re¬ member when through the Alliance Ex- change be issued a circular to all the f'.rrners notlo sell their cotton and that that circular) injured them to the amount estimated at! millions of dollars. lie promised to get for them from European capitalists one hun- drcl mime,, doitansundit riuUu loaned fc, them on that cotton and land at a rate of 4 ; <r cent, interest? Did he do ii? He knew that such a thingwasan absurdity, but the peoplj listened untoliim. Now why did he do thi-? Do you think for a moment that he would have made si'ch a public sacrifice without . some private compensation? Who put the world o„ nolle th.t the farmer, .vould held their cotton? VV. L. Peek. More than this after these men had been, by this n:an, rob¬ bed of forty million do'lars in an indirect way, he allowed over twenty thousand dollars of the bard earnings of the poor people, which had been paid into the Alliance Exchange, to be stolen out by his chief clerk, Wynn, who never denied getting the money, and dared Peek to prosecute him, and proposed to fell all about it if Tcek & Co. desired it, but it was amicably settled without trouble. Now to show how worthily Peek conducted the Ex¬ change and to vindicate his methodsand those of the third party generally, you and your gang, dear Johnnie, propose to further add insult to injury by trying to elect him gover- nori ant j ;f (;j ie people could be fooled into supporting him and electing him. the same business methods which characterized Ins administration of the Exchange would be im- ported into the capitol in Atlanta; yet you ], aV( > tliegall to write over your cwn signature j n t) ie Alliance Farmer this, your own, coun¬ ty will give him a majority. You also state that 200 Peoples’ Tarty men and all that could be got from South Carolina, voted in the primary in this county. If you were called upon to tell who those 200 Peoples’ Party or South Carolina men were,do you suppose you elmld do so? and if it is a fact that 200 of your two P’s did vote in this election and are now going to falsify their words and principles by voting against the nominees of that primary, are they a fair sample of your party wiicli you boast so much about being pure and saintly? This letter has grown now too long, but amp’e justice has not yet been done you, I promise, for the good of humanity, to contin¬ ue to‘exhibit the manifold lirtnes of the Saints. Later on I shall tell something more, of tho : c eloquent orations you and your delivered yourselves of sometime since at O d Toccoa Church. Rest assured, dear Johnnie, that I shall not fail to report all your speech¬ es delivered during this campaign anywhere in this ox adjoining states. Now Johnnie it is your time and I want to knew if you know a solitary thing about de¬ monetizing silver or anything you are ranting about? Isn’t it a fact that you can’t give an intelligent explanation of anything included in your platform or talked of by your party? If this is not a fact then toll us something. By all means state if you are in favor of the “In- tiative and Referendum,” and if you know what it is. When you get through it is my ti me again. Until then remember I am A Democrat. A JMILL10N FRIENDS. A fi iend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million peope hove found ju-t such a friend in Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, used this coughs and colds—If Medicine you have never Graa: Cough one trial will convince you that it has wonder¬ ful curative powers in all diseases of Throat chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be re¬ funded. Trial bottles tree at \V II it J Davis's Drugstore. Large bottles eOe and ft. ---- -- TCGALO DOiS. A series of meetings were held t Providence church conducted by Rev. W. A. Cooj er of Avalon. Jim Roland and family of \Vilk< s county, visited relatives and friends near Tugalo last week. Lewis Walters and John JTj.'ls re¬ turned Aug. 15th from a tiip to Kansas. Alf Dockings and family of Turn- erville, visitedJakeIFlieelers recently. Joe McUonnell, wife and daughter have returned home from a trip to North Carolina. D. Jarrett and wife and Miss Emma Ward visited Tallulah last week. T. P. Jarret and George Jarrett have gone on a trip toBur.con:b,N.C. Pink, Felix and Miss Lula \\ heeler have gone to Turnerville to an asso¬ ciation. There was a hard rain and wind on the Tugalo Aug. 21st, tangling corn very badly. A protracted meeting is go’ng on at Rock Creek, conducted by Rev. W. W. Stow. A good protracted meeting closed at Liberty church Aug. 21st,conduct¬ ed by Rev.G. F. Fuller, assisted by Rev. E. P. Stone. There was a large crowd at Shdoh at the speaking Aug. 19th. Ask Mr. S. W. what young man it was that got slighted Saturday night at Rock Creek? Hope he will not be treated so next time. What three young men went to church last Sunday night with their best girls and had to walk home alone with sad hearts. Master George Moore .visited Lis uncle near Westminster las- week , and reports a nice time. George will i bring a Miss to Georgia if he isn’t! i watclie 6. loucan see h’.in every Saturday evening going to South Carolina. Hurrah tor George! Tugalo Hustler. “Pi ve years ago I had a constan'. COH ^ h , n5 ^ ht SVV e?.ts, was oreatlv re- ^ uee ^ * n fi es,! , and had been given up Ayer’s by my physicians. Chcrrv Pectoral, [ began to take j and after us- : j n -r two bottles of this medicine was coinpktccly cured. Aoga A. Lewis, Ricard, N Y SOME FACTS j “a democrat” to answer or EXPLAIN. EDITOR „ News T I , * been # ua\e „ awa\ o „. Qi , . from home a week and feel refreshed aiH | i 1 „ pe f l ,} f or t h P p eo p| e » 8 l> ar ty. 1 ''»Te been « t tt»«t , of , Franklin r county hunting fur n country demo- orat, but failed to find him. The . . Pp«»nh*’<» Parte * solid, win.e the Democrats are treed , in a town log. I was surprised V on reaching home |o |)Ur , jril lrmt „ rit cr;P, ’ growling about something T written for the News. He says I, by insinuations, etc.’, hint at something in regard to himself, while I am much of a coward to toll plainly what it is. I will say this much in regard to being a coward, I have never been coward enough to attack the very best men in our country and sav all man¬ ner of mean things about them and then tide myself behind the screen ot a fictitious name’ Now I don’t know what part of my article U A Democrat has reference to, but suppose it to be what, I said about bis secretaryship in theGrange lodge. If that, is it I want to coireet his taken ideas, what I said about that was intended as a compliment. 1 did not think of his looking at it in any other way, and I don’t suppose your readers did. But if L have mash¬ ed his tail of course lie wdl howl. As “A Democrat” failed to my two last questions I will them up wire re I stopped off, and will say that the Democratic party is res¬ ponsible for every oppressive law lias been enacted in the last 20 they have either kept stil and let pass or else have joined with the Re publicans and help pass them, as helped defeat the silver bill in the last house. We once had free coinage of but the gold bugs and plutocrats said silver must be demonetized and after be known as a commodity only. ’ Who is responsible for that act? both Demociats and Kcpubheans \olec it- We once had a graduated tax; that law was repealed ; 7 Demo- crats voted for repeal, 2 voted it. Had the 7 voting for repeal voted against it. it would not have Both old parties arc guilty of crime. Now Mr. “Democrat*’ if \ou will show mi the difference on the question between Democrats and lie. publicans, I wih vote your ticket, 11 you will show me the di Terence in an Eastern Democrat an 1 an Eastern Republican on any financial issue, I will vote your ticket. If you have any urge incuts which are facts let us have them. .L W. Stott. ----- .BO ft CHEAP TICKETS EAST. G. A. If., WA-IlINGTOy, D. C , AND N.\- VAL KEV1EW, BALTIMORE. Ou these occasions the Riehmond& Danville li. R. will sell from all its coupon ticket offices Excursion l ick- ets at one Lowest First-class Fare for the round trip. On sale September 13th to 20th, inclusive, valid return¬ ing until October 10th 1892. great Svs em has made extraordinary pieparaHons to handle this business better this year than •«ny previous Encampment. Full in¬ formation obtainable from any of the Richmond & Danville R. R. TOilS CREEK. Master Keifer Whiten, whose ills ness we reported some time since, is not expected to live, much to our re¬ gret as ho is a very bright little boy. We sympathize with J/r. and J/is. Tom Ivester in the death of their in¬ fant child. Mourn not, he awaits you in heaver.. T. M. L>oney has the brag turnip patch, the leaves are now larger than a man’s hand,. Two new houses going up in midst. M. M. McMurray is building a large dwelling near Avalon, and R. D. Yow a tenant house on the PL A. L. R. R. J. L. Ertzberger lias made valuable improvements on his premises this summer in the way of substantial outbuildings. Lake Looney visited I tigalo Satur¬ day and Sunday. A certain young lady is said to be the attraction. Wen .Baldwin had a stroke of paral- ysis Tuesday and is not expected to live, as he is very old and this is third stroke he has had. Henlv and J/iss Susie Slonecypher extensive - ... . the . PaN T , are ou an visit in , mi to Mate. Quite a number of our people tended , , , the So.diers reunion atuarnes- yille Saturday. Misses TfeHulaii and To.'Coa two charming young ladies of visited Jfrs. Tom Looney Come again girls, glad you. One Miss Sumpter, ah gbly lady oi Homer, utter two week’s stay in our midst, has turned home, much to the regret of a certain young man. Guess who? The Democrats are still in the front* the reports of the third partyiics :o contra ry notwithstanding. Amicus. OFI'WHAT A COUGH . D ill \ ou heed the warning, the s ^nn! perhaps of the sure approach *nost terrible disease, Cons sumplion. /\sk yoursc V63 »f you can afford for the sake of saving 50c. to run the risk and do nothing for it. Wc know’ from experienci that Shi- lnl>'« Core *111 core your cough. It never tails. 11ns explain ; why more than a million bottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mother-',do not I> e without it For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Porous Piaster, Sold by T. A. Capps. LAND FOR SALE. T offer for sale 700 acres of land 4 miles from Avalon, Ga Parties wishing desirable homes will do well to investigate this property. This is fresh and heavily limbered, Will be sold in a body or in 100 acr« lots. Titles perfect, and terms easy For further particulars address Sloan Bruce, Avalon, Ga. Talma Criticfneil tho ni*l»o|»*x Lojjs. In the “Souvenirs de Mine, lloca mier” there is a pleasant description of a scene which took place during her exile at Lyons in IS 13. Almost every cultivated or fashionable indi¬ vidual who passed through that city was sure to be attracted to her house. Talma, the tragedian, happened to he giving some representations in tho Grand theater and was dining with Mme. Recamier, when the bish¬ op of Troyes (better known as the abbe of Boulogne) was announced. This celebrated preacher, though de¬ voted to literature and familiar with the works of the great playwrights, had never seen a play performed. After dinner Talma was persuaded to recite, to the intense gratification of the abbe, parts from his principal roles. In return Talma begged the ecclesiastic to repeat some passages of his sermons. When he had done so, “It is splendid, monseigneur, as far as this!” exclaimed Talma, touch- j n g the chest of the preacher, “but the lower part of your body is de- plorable. Clearly, you have never bestowed a thought upon y our legs, o DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COM- PLAINT. Is it, not worth 1 lie small price of 75c to free ynuiself of every i-yu j • toms of these distressing coropluims, ,f J' 0 " 80 cal! » l ,)Ur s,nrG !,n,i oei a buttle of Midoh's Vttab/.<•*', every bottle has a printed guarani-, e r,xi it,, use accordingly and it it dr OS you no rood it will cost you nothing. Sold by T A Capps. Ju’ia E. Johnson? Stafford’s P. O., o. C. writes: ‘ 1 had suffered 13 years with eez ma and was at limes confine ed to my bed. The itching was »ei- rible. A!y son-in-law got me one-half dozen bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, which entirely cured me,and T ask you to publish this for tlie benefit of oth¬ ers suffering in like manner. For sale by W II & J Davis. TT'IVE I two-cent siatups will get you a sum- ]>k- of ArtI)ux’c Home Magazine, Phila la. Agents wanted. J. T PAY HIGHEST PRICE i-OR Confederate Money and Confed- crate postage Stamps. Price list sent, free. Address, Ghas. D. Baker, 00 South Forsyth St. Atlanta, Ga. accidents make cripples. So does Rheumatism, and after a lime kills to >! Dr. Drummond s Lightning Remedy relieves the pain at once, and is warranted to cure. One bottle, price $5 is enough for any or litiarv ca-e. If yuu cannot get it Irotn your druggist write to ihe Drummond Medicine Co. 48-50 Mai i- en Lane, New York. Agent* wanted. Pwatss Of Advertising. Advertisements inseite l for le>s than one month will be charged $1.00 per inch, for first insertion, insertion. and 50 cents for each Mibs<q ient For a longer period the following are our rates* Inches | lm j 3m 6 ni | 12m f 1 inch 88888g $ 8 58 | 812 2 *• 8 10 15 3 “ 8 12 t COT. 8 18 2 5 4 con « 23 40 1 COL S I 40 70 Local and business notices inserted for ten cents p^r line. All bV Is for advertising arc due on the first appearance of the advertise ment, except when otherwise arrange*! bv contract. * Obituaries from ft to $5. Geo. r. Rowell and Co. in the last American having Newspaper times Directory, renorts the NEWS as 3 larger circulation than any o-her paper published in the county, Habersham’s Shem/fs Sales /or Sept. l>e s ;^ before the court house <’oo • in the town of Clarksville, Haber-ih on count--, Ba. on the 1st Tuesday inSeptembernext, i>e- tween the leiral hours of side, the f 4 owing property " to w.t: A V V; the&ldist a 0 VfJ- 0 ! of of , ,am said 1 1 a ” N d and ir \ j county, s 114 143. containing ’ 5 acres more or le ! i - -S S Levied on and to be sold tosatisfv li fj is- sued from the Justice Court of the 6 Gth dist. G M of said county^in favor f Martha Yenr- wood against Mastin Fuller. Levy made returned to me by G C Hix, L C. A ^metimeand Face a erfain llth land diat. of said county. All of said \ot S fL f, « a r, of: **'d coanty in favor of Henry Lyon given defendants in terms of the law.This Thomas J. Gastlev, Sheriff, EE SJRE AND TAKE TOCCOA NEWS 1/ Ton Want 2o Anon’ All Hal Js Happening Over 2 he Co ind y And S/a/e. DEMOCRATIC {Pj POLITICS, W ill Support the Nominees Of that PART’S. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Call on or Address, THE ■ TOCCOA ■ NEWS, fOCC0A, dEOMU. fl ? r ? p ii $ ,2*433 i j; A p 4 rj ^3 r w* is Ei “ < -J d \ : j ", j j. w'jiiOBVs •'"5 r-Tw 1 :te. ro.j thz ivcods of ms smtj sj ;r t s //■? • The patent by will: tlii5 Sav/ is protected consists cf a depres. 1 •l ( l l>»“ : ru f tl’\; teet'l thr'-'urrh ter from point to thus r- •i, , ! ■' 1,' I. Ill It > u in use, giving siroagth and sunn s to the teeth I l.-.e. •. ! "L Hi t v f I ho “set.” ivm mssGi: tme a if k-’ ; JOUft! .1 cijuaiing i!xc ATEnINS* FAST tlTFSNG ii-iAL u * •- W'T- \ — A J t g U f v ; i: ^; A. '$T< 1 , 11 1 ; FRICR; (Silvw (Special Stori. Inclnrtinr: Tlnnislo' 1 , . Steel, Without .7-3 a*.-* Eot. BSWARE OF IRSJTATiOfiS. Tho targe aomnnl far the Atkin* Concave Tooth Dexter Saw has lc-.J competitors to from mako Inferior Saws ■. Inch they claim "as gool as the Dexivr. ’ These imitation Saws are uuule u lower grade of steel, inferior workmanship, and without the patent concave tooth. Ask vour hardware dealer for the “Atkins Dexter” and take no other. Ii the dealer wi l not order it for you, remit amount with order direct to us. E. C. ATKINS & CO For Boils, Pimples carbuncles, scrofulous sores, eczema, and all other blood diseases, take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla It will relieve and cure dyspepsia, nervous debility, and that tired feeling. Has Cured Others will cure you. OUR CLUB LIST. The first column of figures in the following list gives the publishers’ yearly subscription rates for the varG ous papers and magazines; in the sero d column will be found the price at which each ran be obtained together with the L *. < a News for one year: Rub’s With ! rices News ConsMtutii'ii ...........we- lei \ — no 6i 8888 I.ippinmtt’s Magazine month! v z: :: Scribner's Century.....'........... Magnzioo...... m j: oj 111 *u St. Nicholas.............. m :.o :: 8 Sc'cm tie \rherican...... \v ?.o 00 Z'i 8 Scion. A mer.supplement.... w c* msg8838S B. A. and supplement..... w ‘i a Architects and Builders edtn m ii w S. A. A Are’ts & bid’s ed’t’n m c Toilettes....... ..... Ill h Homo Mmaz ne...... in •X> American Fanner m ro Harpers Magazine.... hi 4 oo Harpers Weekly...... w 4 no l)emo'est’s |L ir £ l!rs Bazar-..-.--. >U w w 2 4oo oo S’ Arthur’s Magazine-. M«gazine! m 2 oo m 1 5o ** s Ingall’s Magazine .. -;n 1 oo 8 CllUItCII DIRECTORY. Methodist Fpisco: aj-Church,South .preach¬ ing 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m every Sunday. Sun¬ day school I’rayer 10am service eveiySunday; J B r bunions sup*. 7:M0 p in Wednesday eve. B P Allen, Pastor. Presbyterian Church, Rev L A Simpson pastor, 2nd and preaching sabbaths at 11:30 in am each and 7:30 p ni on 4th month.Sun¬ day school at 10 a m every sabbath, W M Busha supt. Playermeeting at 7:30 p in every Wednesday. Baptist Church, I’cv A E Ivcese pastor; preaching at 11:30a in and S p tn on 3d and Itli Sui days* Sunday school ax 10 a ni evuy Sun¬ day, WJ Hayes supt. ITayermeeting «p m Wednesday ni^ht. - CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple remedy for the speedy and | erma- nent cure <>f Consumption, Bronchitis, Cm an c, Ast hma and all throat and Lnntz Aifections, also a positive and radical cure for Nerv ous Dehilitv and :i '^ Nervous Complaurts, after ha’ ng tested its wonderful curative powers ; in n thousands 111 asanas »f east cast 8 s, nas has felt tett it tt his his duty tonaake rt knowa to his suffcr^ mg fellows. Actuated by this mo t> v e and desire , -___ to . relieve , human a suffering, I will send free of charge,to wht» desire tills recipe^ in Cr^r— mean, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using, Sent bv mail by addressing with * naming this JL stamp, paper. A. Noyes, 820 Powers’ Block. Rochester, N. Y. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. „ contains the . , best features , of any Weekly printed. M. 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